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Contact With the Resistance: Presently,

ONE SHEET OUTLINE: one of the Bellani guards stands outside their cell Scene Aspects

and begins asking questions about their origin,
their purpose in this sector, etc. He reveals him- ∴ Oppressed Allies
self to be part of a loosely-organized resistance ∴ Unexpected Friends
A Scenario for Star Trek Fate against the Oracle, which is very interested in a
potential alien ally (Starfleet). Knowing they will probably be taken to Bellani
by Chad Rasor and Aaron M. Sturgill High Command for interrogation (but not killed outright), he promises to
make contact again once they're on the surface.
Version 2013.02.18

Introduction What's Going On

Cobor: While on the Coborati homeworld, the other group of PCs
becomes acquainted with a species devoted to exploration through science,
Explorer: Nearly a century ago, the Founders sent an art, and social/technological progress. The Coborati would be a valued
infant Changeling to the Bella system in the Delta addition to the Federation, if they can survive the Bellani onslaught.
Quadrant. For nearly a decade, the gelatinous shape-shifter Clues from an Eyewitness: The Bellani resistance maintains a
witnessed the Bellani people wage war after terrible war, presence on Cobor. The PCs are introduced to their cell leader, a former
decimating the planet. high-ranking Bellani officer named Asela. She interacted with the Oracle on
After being discovered by a team of research scientists (aligned with the several occasions, and tells them about one in particular: during a discussion
nation of Tevek), he gradually began to take on their form. Shortly of the growing resistance movement, the Oracle became agitated, and his
thereafter, his innate talents for combat and strategy surfaced, and he joined form seemed to shift briefly. She describes it as though his arm became
the Tevek military. translucent, “almost as liquid.” She's curious whether this strange
General: Decades later, the seemingly ageless Changeling has risen to observation might mean anything to Starfleet.
the rank of Supreme Commander of Bella's global military. His leadership is A Plan: In return for repairing their ship, the Coborati present the PCs
unquestioned, and seen as such a unifying miracle that he is now known with a plan to infiltrate Bellani space using a stolen Bellani vessel. The ship
simply as the Oracle. He does nothing to refute the Bellani's godlike will be manned by Bellani rebels and Coborati
reverence. specialists; they will attempt to free the prisoners and,
When the PCs discover the Bella system, the Bellani are in the process if possible, strike a blow against the Bellani. This offer
of conquering the Coborati people in a neighboring system. There seems to is given freely, but with the expectation that the
be little hope for this peaceful race… however, there are those within the Archer's crew (or, better yet, Starfleet) can lend a hand
Bellani hierarchy that could be convinced to change the course of history. to the Coborati.

Act One/Setup Skirmish, First Contact and Capture Act Three/Fallout In Prison and The Insurgents
The U.S.S. Archer detects massive energy discharges consistent with a Detention: Upon arrival on Bella, the prisoners are first escorted to a
starship battle. They discover two small fleets (about ten ships in total), one detention area, which holds hundreds of detainees of various species (some
of which (the Coborati) is all but defeated. familiar, some not). The cells are huge, holding five to ten prisoners in
Eventually, the last remaining Coborati ship (left intact by the Bellani as relative comfort.
a warning to their enemies) hails the Archer and asks for emergency Rumors from a Romulan: A
assistance. Their warp drive is disabled, and it will take them many months Romulan prisoner in their cell approaches Scene Aspects
to return to their home system under impulse power. (This is a them. She tells them that they must find ∴ Crowded Detention,
straightforward 'good Samaritan' situation.) The ship's name is translated as the Oracle, and discover his “true nature.” Sparsely Guarded
Pursuit of Truth. She implies that the Starfleet officers
should know something about him, but ∴ Who is Loyal to the Oracle?
While repairing the damaged warp drive, the
Scene Aspects has no time to elaborate further.
Bellani aggressors return. Five ships engage the
Archer, while the sixth captures several Coborati ∴ Contested Space Initial Questioning: The PCs are escorted individually to an officer
and two Starfleet officers (PCs) via transporter. named Vester, who questions them about where they're from, what the
∴ Delicate Situation
The entire force immediately enters warp, headed Federation is, why they've intruded into the Bellani Empire, etc. The
for the Bella system. questions are the same for each PC. (GMs: consider asking them once as a
The Coborati captain, Dragomir, informs the commander of the Archer group, and having them answer separately, to save time.) This is merely a
that the Bellani fleet numbers in the hundreds of ships (so, an immediate formality – the Oracle is already interested, and will summon them shortly.
rescue attempt is likely futile). However, in return for repairing his ship,
Dragomir invites the Archer to Cobor, where they can plan a rescue One Little Ship: Aboard the captured Bellani
operation. ship, the insurgents must get past a handful of Scene Aspects
patrols en route to Bella. The resistance has faked
∴ A Risky Plan
Act Two/Complication Prisoners and New Allies the ship's transponder signal, so it should register as
Aboard the Bellani ship: While in the Bellani holding cell, the an active, loyal scout ship. The Bellani can do most
Starfleet prisoners (PCs) make friends with their Coborati cellmates. From of the talking, to avoid suspicion. However, it's entirely possible that they'll
them they learn two notable facts about the situation: be found out, in which case it might be necessary to destroy the opposing
Bellani vessel(s) before they can contact anyone else.
∴ The Bellani instigated the war with the Coborati only a few
months ago. They seem intent on subjugating all species in their
path in a relentless surge of imperial progress. (Several less Act Four/Resolution Questioning and Prison Break
advanced cultures have already been annexed by the Bellani, and Before the Oracle: The Oracle summons the
currently serve them as little more than slaves.) PCs to his command center, which resembles a Scene Aspects
∴ Not much is known about the planet Bella itself, though it is massive medieval throne room. The Oracle stands
on a dais at the front of the room, flanked by ∴ At the Mercy of
rumored to be a war-ravaged wasteland except for a few large the Oracle
cities and shipyards. display screens and Bellani subordinates.
Prison Break/Showdown: How this gets Outlook: The past century has been hard on
resolved is entirely up to the players. Asela knows Scene Aspects their culture. Their recently-unified military is seen
where the Oracle's command center is, so they as the pinnacle of cultural achievement, and they
could use transporter armbands to beam directly ∴ Den of Vipers…? wish to bring order to the neighboring systems
there while the prisoners are with him. Or, they and species. Their Oracle gives them purpose.
could break into the detention center and free the prisoners, only to learn Technology: Starships are limited to warp
that the Oracle in a Changeling, and must be deposed (which could easily four, and are primarily combat-focused (particle
turn into a second scenario in its own right). beams and torpedoes). No deflector shields, but
Either way, the Bellani resistance will almost certainly figure into the effective hull plating and transporters.
endgame. If the resistance, the Coborati, and the craftiness of the PCs can
be brought to bear, there may be a chance to step the tide of Bellani Notable NPCs
Asela Inez Eloi Vester
(Cobor Resistance) (Prison Guard) (Prison Guard/Bella (Interrogator)
Act Five/Wrap-Up Loose Ends Resistance)

The Oracle could be delivered (forcibly?) to the Great Link. Or, he Female resistance Female officer Male soldier. Young, Male officer in
could be held by the Federation as a war criminal (which seems a bit beyond leader on Cobor; guarding the idealistic, pro- charge of
their jurisdiction, in this case). Either way, Starfleet has an obligation to formerly a high- prisoners in the Bella gressive; sympa- interrogating
ranking officer. detention center. thetic to the plight new prisoners. A
depose him, or at least expose him to his people. Interacted with the She's a hardened of the Coborati. stern man who
The Coborati will be very interested in applying for Federation Oracle on several veteran of several Aspects: takes his job
membership. occasions, and once wars, and she doesn't Experienced Soldier; seriously.
witnessed his body like aliens one bit. Passionate Peace- Aspects: Stern
The Bellani may enter a period of civil war. At the very least, they will shift and shudder Aspects: Aliens Are Seeker; Mid-Level Interrogation
have difficulty adjusting to an existence without their beloved Oracle. Aspects: Justice to Be Enslaved, or Security Access Specialist; Loyal
for All; Lifelong Crushed Beneath to the Oracle
Story Questions How Will the PCs… Soldier Our Heels; Lifelong
∴ Rescue the prisoners?
∴ Unite the Coborati and the Bellani resistance? Male Names Female Names
∴ Expose the Oracle, and perhaps bring him to justice? Alban, Aleron, Alta, Amyas, Abila, Adora, Alida, Aloma, Annora, Asela,
∴ Uphold the Prime Directive? Andino, Calum, Corin, Dario, Bellona, Blasia, Brisa, Callula, Candra, Chryseis,
Edrian, Eloi, Elvio, Ezio, Galo, Cordis, Crecia, Dacia, Dessa, Egidia, Elata,
Ivo, Larch, Lorimer, Novena, Genista, Ilaria, Inez, Jocosa, Landra, Lecia,
The Coborati Pacifist Progressives Penn, Pio, Savo, Vester, Viator. Meralda, Mireya, Orsa, Reseda, Sidra, Silja.
Appearance: Humanoid – no noticeable difference from human.
Outlook: Much like humans in the 22nd century, they seek to learn The Oracle Changeling Warlord
about their place in the galaxy and coexist peacefully with their neighbors. Appearance: The Oracle is fortunate that the Bellani have soft features
They revere arts and sciences equally, and see both as means of progress. to begin with – they are not difficult for the young Changeling to imitate.
Technology: Starships are limited to warp The only difference is a big one: he chooses to maintain a height of about
three, and are primarily focused on scientific four meters, perhaps to reinforce his already godlike status.
functionality. Weaponry (lasers and missiles) has Motives: Like Odo, the Oracle knows nothing of his true origins. He
been installed due to the conflict with the Bellani, has never met another Changeling, and has no reason to question the
but it is tragically limited. Bellani's belief that he is their God, sent by the Great Elders to lead them in
glorious domination. His warlike nature runs deep – as part of the Great
Notable NPCs Link, he would certainly be a vocal proponent of subjugating the Solid races,
for no better reason than genetic superiority. As near as any human could
Dragomir (Captain) Mirela (Science Officer) Ilie (Engineer) discern, he is unrepentantly evil.
Commander of the Female first officer of the Female engineer of
damaged Bellani ship Pursuit Pursuit of Truth. Abrasive, but the Pursuit of Truth. Aspects Notable Skills Stunts
of Truth. Competent and well-meaning. Distrustful of Friendly and Young Changeling Athletics (+5) Shape-shifting (Athletics):
kind; demanding, but fair. outsiders. Specializes in dedicated to Warlord Revered as a God Tactical (+4) Using his inherent
He will gladly accompany Astrophysics and biology. protecting her The Power Before the Fall Command/Leadership (+3) abilities, the Oracle can
the PCs on their rescue Aspects: Demanding people's ideals. Intimidation (+3) use Athletics in place of
mission, though he may Leader; Experienced Aspects: Skilled any combat-related
withhold his terrorist plans. Scientist; Standoffish Engineer; Explorer at action.
Aspects: Dedicated Heart
Explorer; Hides His Hatred
for the Bellani The Insurgent Stolen Bellani Ship

Male Names Female Names Profile Aspects Stunts

Alin, Artur, Aurel, Bogdan, Cosmin, Alina, Anca, Bogdana, Catina, Corina, Medium ∙ Fast and Agile Transponder: The Insurgent can fool
Costache, Danu, Dorin, Dragomir Cosmina, Dorina, Gabi, Horia, Ilie, ∙ Well-Armed (multiple laser Bellani Imperial sensors into thinking
(“precious and peaceful”), Gabi, Gavril, Lenuta, Mirela, Miruna, Oana, Raluca, banks and missile launchers) it's one of theirs.
Horea, Marin, Mitica, Nelu, Radu, Rodica, Sanda, Viorica.
Stelian, Toma, Vali. Consequences (Hull only – no shields)
Mild (2)
The Bellani Aggressive Imperialists Moderate (4)
Appearance: Vaguely humanoid, with soft features and elongated Severe (6)
extremities (neck, limbs, head), causing them to tower up to three meters in

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