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Management vs leadership

Transactional leadership Transformational

(maintenance) leadership (transforms)

Head down Head up

Focus on practical Focus on possible

Coaches/directs Inspires

Doing the job right Doing the right job

Harnesses/directs energy Creates energy

Turns ideas into reality Has vision/ideas

Performance Potential

Pragmatism Inspiration

Sets objectives Questions assumptions

Fixes problems Creates problems

Successful leaders

• Create focus
• Communicate compellingly
• Establish trust
• Have interpersonal skills
• Focus on success

Leaders need to

• Develop positive self-regard

• Accept people as they are
• Approach relationships in the present not in the past
• Treat those close to them as courteously as they treat casual
• Trust others even if the risk seems great
• Do without constant approval/recognition

Managers vs leaders
Smart organisations value both

Managers Leaders

Order and consistency Coping with change

Manage complexity by planning and Set a direction

budgeting, allocating resources
• Challenging

Organisation and staffing Aligning people

• Communicating with lots of

• Checking understanding
• Looking for motivational
• Looking to satisfy basic
human needs
• Empowering

Controlling and problem solving, Motivating and inspiring

monitoring results vs plan
• networking

Personal qualities Personal qualities

• persistence • shapers, proactive not reactive

• analytical • seeks risks
• tolerance • leaders tend to evoke strong
• impersonal attitude to goals feelings in people
• view work as an enabling • feelings occur separately from
process environment
• work with people, avoid solitary
activity • can confront and tolerate
aggressive interchange
• self-worth enhanced by
perpetuating / strengthening

Leaders usually have an opportunity to try out their leadership skills

in 20’s and 30’s and then learn by their successes and mistakes.
Recognition of potential leaders when young and apply appropriate
development strategies for that individual.
Transformational leadership
Evokes fundamental change in basic political and cultural systems of
the organisation
Organisational dynamics of change

1. Trigger events indicate a change is needed

2. The change unleashes mixed feelings: when a needed change is
perceived by the organisational leaders, the dominant group in
the organisation must experience dissatisfaction with the status

Felt need
Perceived need for change by key leaders
Resistant forces
Create a vision
Mobilisation of commitment
Institutionalisation of change

• Technical system resistances

i. Habit and inertia
ii. Fear of the unknown
iii. Loss of organisational predictability
iv. Unable to rearrange costs
• Political system resistances
i. Powerful coalitions
ii. Resource limitations
iii. Leader may have to change past behaviour/decisions to
bring about the change
• Cultural system resistances
i. Selective perception (cultural filters)
ii. Security based on the past
iii. Lack of climate for change

3. Quick-fix leadership leads to decline

4. Revitalisation requires transformational leadership
o Creation of a vision
o Mobilisation of commitment
o Institutionalisation of change

Individual dynamics of change

Disengagement – disidentification – disenchantment – disorientation
Replace past glories with future opportunities
Neutral zone (transition state)
Death & rebirth – disintegration & reintegration – perspectives on
endings & new beginnings
“Time out”
New beginnings (revitalisation)
Find inner realignment and release new energy
New scripts not replay of old ones, future opportunities
Have moved through neutral zone
Learning from the past

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