Team Name: SMK Yan Team Members: Hannani, Anis, Syafinaz, Hani, Syasya Title of Invention: Remarkableraser Problem Statements

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Teaching process & whiteboard are two entities that cannot be separated. Eventhough so, the usage is
often seen as a burden to both teachers and students when it comes to cleaning/wiping the whiteboards
which often takes longer time.

Apart from that, teachers find it texting to obtain cooperation from the students to clean the whiteboard
full of scribbles. The size of the duster do hamper student’s time & energy.

In our latest project, we have examined our remarkableraser in two different approaches. First
approach is by cleaning the whiteboard horizontally and the second approach is by cleaning it vertically. Our
main objective is to determine the fastest & easiest, the most effective way to clean the whiteboard.


Our product is relevant to this year ALC theme because it can assist our school be more classroom
efficient. Our invention has very high potential to make a difference in classroom because by using this
product we can save time and energy to clean the whiteboard. This project has a positive impact especially to
students because by ultilizing this product they could quit arguing on duty rooster. This will definitely
enhances the teaching and learning process.


Cleaning the whiteboard is a burden during the teaching process and this issue is actually a common
issue as it may interrupt the teacher’s focus during teaching. As a matter of fact, cleaning the whiteboard is
considered boring, taking time and also a monotonous process.

Through our invention which is the “Remarkableraser”, we have high hopes in helping teachers and
students to save their precious time and energy cleaning the whiteboard.

This “Remarkableraser” functions as a multipurpose giant whiteboard duster/eraser built from simple
tools and simple scientific which design built design principles. All of the items used to built this
“Remarkableraser” are reused and recycled item.

A long wood pole is measured according to the whiteboard length/size and it is cut to fit the whiteboard
size. It is covered by reused clothes properly and placed on top of the whiteboard. The pole is tied at each

end by using heavy duty rope. The rope is put inside a solid paper clips that have hole in the middle. The rope
functions as levers to move the pole (“Remarkableraser”) up and down. Hence, scribbles on the whiteboard
can be cleaned in an instant. A best way to get things done perfectly and correctly. Saves all the energy and
cost too.


“Remarkableraser” is an idea develop from regular children whiteboard. It is our original idea and
creation based on the whiteboard.

It differs from other whiteboard in the classroom. One of the difference is that this creation is unique
and easy to utilize.



Long wood pole

Rope 0.6 m


1.0 m

COST ANALYSIS (comparison between using recycle materials and new materials)

No. Item Quantity (A) Price (B) (A) x (B)

1 Long wood pole 3 Recycle material -
2 Cloth 2 metre Recycle material -
3 Whiteboard 1 Recycle material -
4 Heavy duty rope 1 RM 10.00 RM 10.00
5 Paper clips 4 RM 2.00 RM 8.00
6 Nails 1 box RM 5.00 RM 5.00
7 Glue 1 RM 5.00 RM 5.00
Total RM 28.00
* Cost after using recycle materials.

No. Item Quantity (A) Price (B) (A) x (B)

1 Long wood pole 3 RM 4.00 RM 12.00
2 Cloth 2 metre RM 5.00 RM 10.00
3 Whiteboard 1 Classroom -
4 Heavy duty rope 1 RM 10.00 RM 10.00
5 Paper clips 4 RM 2.00 RM 8.00
6 Nails 1 box RM 5.00 RM 5.00
7 Glue 1 RM 5.00 RM 5.00
Total RM 40.00
* Cost after using new materials.


Benefits from using this “Remarkableraser” are we can save time, energy and this invention is practical
to use in classroom. We can easily built this “Remarkableraser” as it is low cost. In addition, we can save
environment because we use recycle materials to built it.


In conclusion, this project is a great help to teachers and students. Due to its convenience, we really
hope that this invention is a dream comes true.

In future, our team plans to expand the usage of this “Remarkableraser” to all school through out the

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