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1. Project Description & Definition
Project :
Building Description:

VR = Regional wind speeds for all directions based on 3 second gust wind data
R = average recurrence interval, inverse of the annual probability of exceedaance
Md= Wind direction Multiplier
Mz,cat = Terrain/Height multiplier
Ms = Shielding Multiplier
Mt = Topographic Multiplier
Vsit,b = Site wind speeds defined for the 8 cardinal directions ( b )
p= Design Wind Pressures in Pa
Cfig = aerodynamic shape factor
Cdyn= dynamic response factor

2. Regional Wind Speeds (VR)

Average recurrence interval R= 500 years
From Table 3.1, Regional Wind Speed VR = 45 m/s

2. Wind Direction Multiplier

Location: Central Melbourne
Region: A5

Cardinal directions Md See Table 3.2

N 1.00
NE 1.00
E 1.00
SE 1.00
S 1.00
SW 1.00
W 1.00
NW 1.00
Any direction 1.00

Note: 1. For region B, C, D, Md for all direction is 0.95 for stability and main frame
and 1.0 for other cases including cladding
2. For region C and D, include additional factor Fc and FD, see item 3.4

4. Terrain/Height Multiplier (Mz,cat)

Terrain Category : 2.5 (see note below)
Height z= 8.6 m
Terrain/Height Multiplier Mz,cat= 0.9348 See Table 4.1

Note: Category 1: Exposed open terrain with few or no obstruction/water surfaces

Category 2: Open terrain, grassland with few, well scattered obstruction
having height between 1.5 m to 10 m
Category 3: Terrain with numerous closely spaced obstruction 3-5 m high
such as areas of suburban housing
Category 4: Terrain with numberous large, high (10-30 m high) & closely
spaced obstrution, as large city center, well dev. Industry complex.

5. Shielding Multiplier (Ms)

Average roof height of shielding buildings hs = 5m
Average breadth of shiedling building normal to wind stream bs= 100 m

12/27/2017 00:38:24 1 375313234.xls Design Wind Pressure

Average roof height above ground of the struct being shielded h= 8.6 m
Number of upwind shiedling building withn 45 deg sector and
radius of 20 h = 172 m with hs >= h ns = 5
Average spacing of shielding buildings ls = h [ 10/ ns + 5] = 60.2 m
Shielding Parameter s= ls / V ( = 2.7
Refer to Table 4.3, Shielding Multiplier Ms = 1

5. Topographic Multiplier (Mt)

Mt is the larger of Mh and Mlee, see section 4.4 Mt = 1.0

6. Site Wind Speed Vsit,b = VR.Md (Mz,cat.Ms.Mt)

Cardinal Md VR. Md Ms Mt Ave. Category Mz,cat Vsit,b

directions height (z) m/s
N 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
NE 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
E 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
SE 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
S 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
SW 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
W 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
NW 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07
Any dir. 1.00 45.00 1.00 1.00 8.6 2.5 0.9348 42.07

7. Design Wind Pressure (witout Cfig and Cdyn) p = ( 0.5 r air) [Vdes,q]2

Cardinal Vdes,q Vdes,q pu pu

directions m/s N-S m/s NE kPa N-S kPa NE
N 42.07 1.06
NE 42.07 1.06
E 42.07 1.06
SE 42.07 1.06
S 42.07 1.06
SW 42.07 1.06
W 42.07 1.06
NW 42.07 1.06
Any dir. 42.07 42.07 1.06 1.06

Use Design Wind pressure of pu = 1.06 kPa For NORTH Direction

Use Design Wind pressure of pu = 1.06 kPa For EAST Direction
Use Design Wind pressure of pu = 1.06 kPa For SOUTH Direction

12/27/2017 00:38:24 2 375313234.xls Design Wind Pressure

1. Project Description & Definition
Project : 0
Building Description: 0
W-E direction
Positive value of Cfig indicates pressure acting towards the surface.
Negative value acting away from the surface.
Cfig = Cp,e. Ka. Kc. Kl. Kp for external pressure
Cfig= Cp,i. Kc for internal pressure

Cfig= arerodynamic shape factor

Cp,e= external pressure coefficient
Ka= area reduction factor, only for roof and side wall. Others Ka= 1.0, including W and L
Kc= combination factor, acting on 2 or more surfaces simultenously.
Not applied for cladding & purlins. Only for major structural elements, such as frame.
Kl= local pressure factor, taken Kl= 1.0, except for cladding, fixings, members support cladding
for typical frame analysis, Kl= 1.0
Kp= porous cladding reduction factor. Shall be taken 1.0 except there is permeable cladding.
Cp,i= internal pressure coefficient
Cf= frictional drag force coefficient
Cdyn= dynamic response factor

2. Design Wind Pressure without Cfig and Cdyn

Design Wind pressure pu = 1.06 kPa used

3. Building Geometry
Building width perpendicular to wind direction b= 58.80 m
Building depth along to wind direction d= 45.00 m
Average height h= 8.60 m
Roof slope a= 3.00 degree
Frame Spacing S= 8.40 m
d/b = 0.765
h/d = 0.191

4. Cross Wind- Multiplier Set 1 (CW1)

Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kc. Kl. Kp. S But, Ka x Kc > 0.8

pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kc Qult Ws

kPa m2 kN/m kN/m
Windward Wall W 1.062 0.7 0 - 0.8 1 4.99 3.33
Leeward Wall L 1.062 -0.5 0 - 0.8 1 -3.57 -2.38
Roof R, U or D
0 - 1h 1.062 -0.9 0 - 0.8 1 -6.42 -4.28
1h - 2h 1.062 -0.5 0 - 0.8 1 -3.57 -2.38
2h - 3h 1.062 -0.3 0 - 0.8 1 -2.14 -1.43
> 3h 1.062 -0.2 0 - 0.8 1 -1.43 -0.95

5. Cross Wind- Multiplier Set 2 (CW2)

Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kc. Kl. Kp. S But, Ka x Kc > 0.8

pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kc Qult Ws

kPa m2 kN/m kN/m
Windward Wall W 1.062 0 0 - 1 0.8 0.00 0.00
Leeward Wall L 1.062 0 0 - 1 0.8 0.00 0.00
Roof R, U or D
0 - 1h 1.062 0 0 - 1 0.8 0.00 0.00
1h - 2h 1.062 0 0 - 1 0.8 0.00 0.00
2h - 3h 1.062 0 0 - 1 0.8 0.00 0.00
> 3h 1.062 0 0 - 1 0.8 0.00 0.00

6. Side Wall
Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kc. Kl. Kp. S But, Ka x Kc > 0.8

pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kc Qult Ws

kPa m2 kN/m kN/m
Roof R, U or D
0 - 1h 1.062 -0.65 0 - 1 0.8 -4.64 -3.09
1h - 2h 1.062 -0.5 0 - 1 0.8 -3.57 -2.38
2h - 3h 1.062 -0.3 0 - 1 0.8 -2.14 -1.43
> 3h 1.062 -0.2 0 - 1 0.8 -1.43 -0.95

12/27/2017 00:38:24 3 375313234.xls Frame Load

1. Project Description & Definition
Project : 0
Building Description: 0

Cp,e= external pressure coefficient

Cp,i= internal pressure coefficient
Ka= area reduction factor, only for roof and side wall. See Table 5.4
Kc= combination factor, acting on 2 or more surfaces simultenously.
Not applied for cladding & purlins. Only for major structural elements, such as frame.
Kl= local pressure factor, taken Kl= 1.0, except for cladding, fixings, support cladding
for purlin, Kl= 1 to 3. See Table 5.6
LPZ= Local Pressure Zone Multiplier. If the a is less than L, some part of the span within a
will receive more load due to higher Kl. Use Stramit table, where LPZ Multiplier > 1

2. Building Geometry
Building width perpendicular to wind direction b= 133.00 m
Building depth along to wind direction d= 265.00 m
Average height h= 14.00 m
Roof slope a= 3.00 degree
Purlin Span L= 10.28 m
d/b = 1.99
h/d = 0.053
Tributary width of purlin trib = 1.900 m

3. Dead Load
a. Uniform Load
Elements Include in Load Load width UDL
wind load? kPa m kN/m
Roof Sheeting Yes 0.05 1.9 0.095
Roof Insulation Yes 0.02 1.9 0.038
Purlins Yes 0.05 1.9 0.095
Bridging and bracings Yes 0.02 1.9 0.038
Services (electrical) No 0 1.9 0
Ceiling Sprinklers No 0.08 1.9 0.152
Ceiling No 0 1.9 0
1.9 0
DL under down ward force= 0.22 0.418
DL under up ward force= 0.14 0.266
b. Concentrated Load
Elements Load
Location Simple(S) w equiv.
kN at [m] or Lap (L) kN/m
Pdl 1: Duct Support 0 6 L 0.00
Pdl 2: 0 7 L 0.00
Pdl 3: 0 3 L 0.00
DL under down ward force= 0.00
Note: 1. Only considered for downward forces
2. W equiv= 8abP/L3 (Simple span) and 17.76 ab2P/L4 (Lapped span)

4. Live Load
a. Uniform Load
qLL= (1.8/A + 0.12), but >= 0.25
Notes: 1. A is the plan projection of the surface area of roof in m2
2. If A > 200 m2, then qLL= 0.25 kPa on the 200 m2 which gives
worst effect.
Area = L x trib = 19.532 m2 < 200 m2
qLL = (1.8/ A + 0.12), but > 0.25 kPa = 0.25 kPa
= 0.475 kN/m
b. Concentrated Load
Elements Load Location Simple(S) w equiv.
kN at [m] or Lap (L) kN/m
Pll 1: Refrigeration load 1.1 kN/m 3.3 1 L 0.45
Pll 2: 0 7 L 0.00
Pll 3: 0 3 L 0.00
DL under down ward force= 0.45
Note: 1. Only considered for downward forces
2. W equiv= 8abP/L (Simple span) and 17.76 ab P/L (Lapped span)
3 2 4

5. Wind Load
Design Wind pressure pu = 0.99 kPa used
Value of a = min (0.2 b, 0.2 d, h) 0.2 b = 26.6 }
0.2 d = 53 } --> a= 14 m
h = 14.00 }

a. Cross Wind- Multiplier Set 1 (CW1) for Roof

Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kl. Trib.

pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kl Qult

kPa m2 kN/m
R, U or D
0 - 0,5 h 0.990 -0.9 0 19.532 0.936 2 -3.17
0.5 h - h 0.990 -0.9 0 19.532 0.936 1.5 -2.38

12/27/2017 00:38:24 4 375313234.xls Purlin-Long

1h - 2h 0.990 -0.5 0 19.532 0.936 1 -0.88
2h - 3h 0.990 -0.3 0 19.532 0.936 1 -0.53
> 3h 0.990 -0.2 0 19.532 0.936 1 -0.35
Choose zone: 0-0.5 h Use Wu1 = -3.17 kN/m

b. Cross Wind- Multiplier Set 2 (CW2)

Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kl. Trib.

pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kl Qult

kPa m2 kN/m
Roof R, U or D
0 - 0,5 h 0.990 -0.4 0 19.532 0.936 2 -1.41
0.5 h - h 0.990 -0.4 0 19.532 0.936 1.5 -1.06
1h - 2h 0.990 0 0 19.532 0.936 1 0.00
2h - 3h 0.990 0.1 0 19.532 0.936 1 0.18
> 3h 0.990 0.2 0 19.532 0.936 1 0.35
Choose zone: 0-0.5 h Use Wu2 = -1.41 kN/m

6. Summary of Load

G down G up Q Wu1 Wu2

kN/m kN/m kN/m kN/m kN/m
UDL 0.418 0.266 0.475 -3.171 -1.409
Pequiv 0.000 - 0.452 1.000 1.000 <--LPZ Multiplier
UDL total 0.418 0.266 0.927 -3.171 -1.409
Service Combo kN/m
G 1 0.418
ys Q 0.7 0.649
yl Q 0 0.000 Note yl=0
Ws 0.7 -2.219
0.7 -0.986
G+Ws 1 0.7 -1.953
1 0.7 -0.720
G+ys Q 1 0.7 1.067
G+yl Q + Ws same as G+Ws Note yl=0
Max down = 1.067
Min up = -2.219
Ultimate Combo
1.35 G 1.35 0.564
1.2 G + 1.5 Q 1.2 1.5 1.892
1.2 G+1.5 yl Q 1.2 0 0.502 Note yl=0
1.2 G+Wu+ yc Q 1.2 0 1 -2.851 Note yc=0
1.2 0 1 -1.090
0.9 G+ Wu 0.9 1 -2.931
0.9 1 -1.170
Max down = 1.892
Min up = -2.931

7. Design Purlin Using Stramit Table, prefered Continuous Z lapped

Service Combo G+ys Q Ult.Combo 1.2G+1.5Q

w Vmax M max w Vmax M max
kN/m kN kNm kN/m kN kNm
Down (Inward) 1.07 5.48 14.09 1.89 9.72 24.99
Up (Outward) -2.22 -11.41 -29.32 -2.93 -15.07 -38.72
Stramit f in 2.85 <--L/150 2.99 2BR OK
f out 2.90 3 BR NOT OK
Deflection 25.7 mm
L/401 OK using Z25024

7. For Simple Beam Case fy= 450 Mpa, fod= 300-490 Mpa
for comparison only
Iex Deflection L/span Zex Stress Level
mm4 mm mm3 Mpa
Down (Inward)
Z200-15 3.06E+06 253.5 L/041 2.30E+04 1086.7
Z200-19 4.31E+06 180.0 L/057 3.38E+04 739.4
Z200-24 5.49E+06 141.3 L/073 4.33E+04 577.2
Z250-19 6.88E+06 112.7 L/091 4.52E+04 552.9
Z250-24 8.99E+06 86.3 L/119 6.06E+04 412.4
Z300-24 1.60E+07 48.5 L/212 8.90E+04 280.8
Z300-30 2.09E+07 37.1 L/277 1.19E+05 210.0
Up (Outward)
Z200-15 3.06E+06 -527.4 L/-019 2.30E+04 -1683.5
Z200-19 4.31E+06 -374.4 L/-027 3.38E+04 -1145.6
Z200-24 5.49E+06 -293.9 L/-035 4.33E+04 -894.3
Z250-19 6.88E+06 -234.6 L/-044 4.52E+04 -856.7
Z250-24 8.99E+06 -179.5 L/-057 6.06E+04 -639.0
Z300-24 1.60E+07 -100.9 L/-102 8.90E+04 -435.1
Z300-30 2.09E+07 -77.2 L/-133 1.19E+05 -325.4

12/27/2017 00:38:25 5 375313234.xls Purlin-Long

1. Project Description & Definition
Project : 0
Building Description: 0

2. Building Geometry Purlin Geometry

b [m] d [m] h [m] d/b h/d L [m] Trib [m] Area [m2]
357.64 192.10 11.50 0.54 0.060 11.12 1.500 16.68

Design Wind pressure pu = 0.76 kPa used

Wind Value of a = min (0.2 b, 0.2 d, h) 0.2 b = 71.528 }
Load 0.2 d = 38.42 } --> a= 11.5 m
Parameter h = 11.50 }
Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kl. Trib.
Zoning pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kl Qult
kPa m2 kN/m
R, U or D
Wind 0 - 0,5 h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 2 0.76
Load 0.5 h - h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1.5 0.57
Set 1 1h - 2h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1 0.38
(CW1) 2h - 3h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1 0.38
> 3h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1 0.38
Choose zone: 1h - 2 h Use Wu1 = kN/m

Zoning pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kl Qult

kPa m2 kN/m
R, U or D
Wind 0 - 0,5 h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 2 0.76
Load 0.5 h - h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1.5 0.57
Set 2 1h - 2h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1 0.38
(CW2) 2h - 3h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1 0.38
> 3h 0.760 0 -0.35 16.68 0.955 1 0.38
Choose zone: 1h - 2 h Use Wu2 = kN/m

12/27/2017 00:38:25 6 375313234.xls Pulin-Short

GIRT DESIGN: AS/NZS 1170.2:2002
1. Project Description & Definition
Project : 0
Building Description: 0

Cp,e= external pressure coefficient

Cp,i= internal pressure coefficient
Ka= area reduction factor, only for roof and side wall. See Table 5.4
Kc= combination factor, acting on 2 or more surfaces simultenously.
Not applied for cladding & purlins. Only for major structural elements, such as frame.
Kl= local pressure factor, taken Kl= 1.0, except for cladding, fixings, support cladding
for purlin, Kl= 1 to 3. See Table 5.6
LPZ= Local Pressure Zone Multiplier. If the a is less than L, some part of the span within a
will receive more load due to higher Kl. Use Stramit table, where LPZ Multiplier > 1

2. Building Geometry
Building width perpendicular to wind direction b= 133.00 m
Building depth along to wind direction d= 265.00 m
Average height h= 14.00 m

Girt Span L= 12.00 m

d/b = 1.99
h/d = 0.053
Tributary width of girt trib = 1.500 m
Area = 18.000

3. Gravity Load= Dead Load + Live Load

Refer to Stramit Table for Maximum Wall Height 1 row or 2 rows of girt bridging

4. Wind Load
Design Wind pressure pu = 1.10 kPa used
Value of a = min (0.2 b, 0.2 d, h) 0.2 b = 26.6 }
0.2 d = 53 } --> a= 14 m
h = 14.00 }
Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kl. Trib.

pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kl Qult

kPa m2 kN/m
Windward (W) 1.100 0.7 -0.3 - 1 1.25 2.06
Leeward (L) 1.100 -0.3 0 - 1 1.5 -0.74
Side wall (S)
0 - 0,5 h 1.100 -0.65 0 18.000 0.947 2 -2.03
0.5 h - h 1.100 -0.65 0 18.000 0.947 1.5 -1.52
1h - 2h 1.100 -0.5 0 18.000 0.947 1 -0.78
2h - 3h 1.100 -0.3 0 18.000 0.947 1 -0.47
> 3h 1.100 -0.2 0 18.000 0.947 1 -0.31
Choose zone: 0-0.5 h Use Wu = -2.03 kN/m (suction)

5. Design Girts Using Stramit Table, prefered Continuous Z lapped

Using Z25024 with 3 BR See Table 5a & 5b 15% Lap
with large series bridging
Service Combo Ws = 0.7 Wu Wu
w L/150 Deflection Status w f.w Status
kN/m UDL mm kN/m kN/m
Windward Inward 1.44 1.20 82.5 NOT OK 2.06 2.06 NOT OK 2BR
Side Wall Outward -1.42 L/125 -2.03 1.99 NOT OK 3BR

7. For Comparison Only fy= 450 Mpa, fod= 300-490 Mpa

Simple Span Continuous Span
Iex Deflection L/span Zex Stress LevelDeflection L/span Stress Level
mm4 mm mm3 Mpa mm Mpa
Z200-15 3.06E+06 636.9 L/019 2.30E+04 1614.1 127.4 L/094 1291.3
Z200-19 4.31E+06 452.2 L/027 3.38E+04 1098.4 90.4 L/133 878.7
Z200-24 5.49E+06 355.0 L/034 4.33E+04 857.4 71.0 L/169 685.9
Z250-19 6.88E+06 283.3 L/042 4.52E+04 821.3 56.7 L/212 657.1
Z250-24 8.99E+06 216.8 L/055 6.06E+04 612.6 43.4 L/277 490.1
Z300-24 1.60E+07 121.8 L/099 8.90E+04 417.1 24.4 L/493 333.7
Z300-30 2.09E+07 93.3 L/129 1.19E+05 312.0 18.7 L/643 249.6
Z200-15 3.06E+06 -627.1 L/019 2.30E+04 -1589.2 -125.4 L/096 -1271.3
Z200-19 4.31E+06 -445.2 L/027 3.38E+04 -1081.4 -89.0 L/135 -865.1
Z200-24 5.49E+06 -349.5 L/034 4.33E+04 -844.1 -69.9 L/172 -675.3
Z250-19 6.88E+06 -278.9 L/043 4.52E+04 -808.6 -55.8 L/215 -646.9
Z250-24 8.99E+06 -213.5 L/056 6.06E+04 -603.1 -42.7 L/281 -482.5
Z300-24 1.60E+07 -119.9 L/100 8.90E+04 -410.7 -24.0 L/500 -328.5
Z300-30 2.09E+07 -91.8 L/131 1.19E+05 -307.1 -18.4 L/653 -245.7

12/27/2017 00:38:25 11 375313234.xls Girt-Long

GIRTS DESIGN: AS/NZS 1170.2:2002
1. Project Description & Definition
Project : 0
Building Description: 0

2. Building Geometry Girt Geometry

b [m] d [m] h [m] d/b h/d L [m] Trib [m] Area [m2]
192.10 357.60 11.50 1.86 0.032 11.12 1.500 16.68

3. Wind Load
Design Wind pressure pu = 1.25 kPa used
Wind Value of a = min (0.2 b, 0.2 d, h) 0.2 b = 38.42 }
Load 0.2 d = 71.52 } --> a= 11.5 m
Parameter h = 11.50 }
Qult = pu. (Cp,e - Cp,I). Ka. Kl. Trib.
Zoning pu Cp,e Cp,I Area Ka Kl Qult
kPa m2 kN/m
Windward (W) 1.250 0.7 0 - 1 1.25 1.64
Leeward (L) 1.250 -0.328 0 - 1 1 -0.62
Side wall (S)
0 - 0,5 h 1.250 -0.65 0 16.68 0.955 2 -2.33
0.5 h - h 1.250 -0.65 0 16.68 0.955 1.5 -1.75
1h - 2h 1.250 -0.5 0 16.68 0.955 1 -0.90
2h - 3h 1.250 -0.3 0 16.68 0.955 1 -0.54
> 3h 1.250 -0.2 0 16.68 0.955 1 -0.36
Choose zone: 0-0.5 h Use Wu = kN/m

12/27/2017 00:38:25 12 375313234.xls Girt-Short

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