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Week 3

All about comments

a. How to write comments and where to put comments; how to write a multi-line comment

b. how to comment out code;

c. how to uncomment your code;

d. comment related keyboard shortcuts;

e. how to write a summary of your project.

Setting properties for multiple controls simultaneously

How to select controls and change their shared properties.

Assignment: GUI design of project Calculator

Screenshot of the project’s GUI

Key Skill: Creating a GUI according to control names and a screenshot.

Project Calculator has following controls:

Two textboxes:txtNum1, txtNum2 (the two white boxes above “First Number” and “Second
Number” are textboxes.)

Six labels:lblOperator, lblEqual, lblSolution, lblTitle, lblNum1, lblNum2

Eight buttons: btnAdd, btnSub, btnMult, btnDivide, btnModulus,btnExponent, btnClear, btnExit

(Name the form as frmCalculator)
One PictureBox: picLogo

Your GUI can be different from the above screenshot. But it should have all the controls with correct

Project Calculator: Partial code

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