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Issue 95

The Bach Centre

Mount Vernon
OX10 0PZ

Tel: 01491 834678

Fax: 01491 825022

Spain: FormaBach
By Anna Coderch, Gerardo Rodríguez, Alba Sagarra and Talía Lino
Spring 2017 saw the birth in Madrid of FormaBach, a new association of
Bach Centre-licensed trainers in Spain. FormaBach has had a long gestation:
the Bach Centre asked us back in February 2015 to work together to form an
organisation that could allow for collaboration and the setting up of agreed
standards. Looking back now we can see that the time spent getting to this

© 2017 Bach Centre


point was necessary as it allowed each of us to form a real sense of being part
of a team.
In our first assembly in Madrid we came together in a spirit of
collaboration that marks a new stage of our common journey as licensed
trainers. The meeting proved to be a milestone and a vital impetus for the
development of Bach Centre-approved courses in Spain. The atmosphere of
teamwork, participation, support, equity, unity, humor, complicity,
brotherhood and human warmth that these days generated will we hope
continue to steer the new association. Certainly as a group we share a clear
sense of direction: to preserve the original philosophy of Dr. Edward Bach.
Anybody who would like to get in touch with us can contact us via

France: permanent workshops

By a team from La Petite Ecole des Fleurs de Bach
This year's general assembly of La Petite Ecole des Fleurs de Bach
(LPEFB) was preceded by two days of training aimed at preparing people to
teach “permanent workshops” on the remedies. About fifteen people – some
BFRPs and some completing Level 3 - took part.
The idea of permanent workshops was trialled by Level 3 trainer Bernard
Bellegy in 2014, and over the last few years has been taken up by others. The
workshops are a response to the difficulty that some people have when it
comes to following a Level 1 course. They might start with an interest in the
system but for different reasons find the road blocked: perhaps being away
from home for two days isn't possible, perhaps the nearest Level 1 trainer is
too far away, perhaps the idea of taking prt in a “course” seems challenging,
or they doubt they have the education or intellectual ability to take part.
Permanent workshops seek to overcome these issues and offer a good
quality introduction to the system in local villages as well as in towns and

© 2017 Bach Centre


cities. They offer an introductory course split into nine ninety-minute chunks,
with each meeting including about 30 minutes for asking and answering
questions, during which time attendees can have access to a set of remedies
so they can make up their own treatment bottle. This format is a cheap,
regular and accessible way for people to gain experience using the system, at
the pace that suits them. Cheap, because no overall inscription is required up
front and people can come to one or several workshops as and when they
choose. Regular, because the periodic meetings are on dates and times set
and guaranteed in advance. Permanent, because the series of workshops
repeats so that people can take part in a few workshops from one series then
wait until later series to attend the others.
The only charge is an amount taken for each workshop when the person
attends, and it is set to be equivalent to the cost of a gym session, a
meditation class or a trip to a theatre.
Following the training session at the assembly, there is now a network of
twenty or so people who will be “lights who will never go out” in France. As
well as meeting a need by offering a wide access to Dr Bach's system, the
“permanent workshops” give practitioners an opportunity to develop their
teaching skills with guidance from experienced trainers. LPEFB plans to make
Permanent Workshops the nursery of its future licensed trainers of Bach
Centre-approved courses.

UK Conference: tickets on sale now

Tickets are on sale now for the Bach Conference in Gravesend, Kent, UK
on the 16 September 2017. The theme for the conference is “Emotional
Health Matters”.
This is the second UK Bach Conference to be arranged by Bach
practitioners for Bach practitioners and the speakers are experienced BFRP's
and trainers. The keynote presentations this year will be:
Our social lives, genes and health: Nicola Hanefeld will share with us the
fascinating field of social genomics. Dr. Bach’s theories, back in the 1930s,
have now been scientifically proven: adverse life circumstances such as deep
loneliness do indeed activate certain genes that can lead to chronic disease.
Conversely, having a sense of meaning in life can activate genes protecting
against disease. Nicola will report in an uncomplicated way on Professor
Steven Cole's work at the University of California, Los Angeles and highlight its
relevance to the work of BFRPs.
Emotional Resonance and the Bach Remedies: In this presentation
Maggie Evans will revisit the simple methods Dr Bach used to prepare the

© 2017 Bach Centre


essences and explore how the essences bring about profound effects by
resonating with our core emotions.
Can Bach flowers heal the negative impact of drugs on emotional and
behavioural health?: In this presentation Di Stodart will present a case study
on a 10 month old boy who was displaying strong autistic tendencies.
EFT and Dr. Bach’s flower essences: Patricia Campbell-Parker will
explain and teach this simple yet profound system of emotional healing, also
known as "tapping". We will experience it in action and discuss the merits or
otherwise of its use alongside a Bach practice.
There will also be discussion forums on the topic “Emotional Health
The Conference is open to Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners
(BFRPs) and current students of Bach Centre approved courses at Level 2 or
higher. For tickets and more information go to

BFRP-only Facebook group

Go to to join the BFRP-only Facebook
group. Applications are checked against our database to confirm everyone is a
currently-registered BFRP or BFRAP. Your membership of the group will be
current as long as you remain on the Register.
Do I need a Facebook account? - Yes.
But you don't need to put any personal
information on Facebook if you don't want
to. Just having an account will be enough.
Can I use someone else's Facebook
account? - No. We turn down requests from
people who appear to be the partners,
parents or children of BFRPs, as the group is
for current BFRPs only.

© 2017 Bach Centre


I haven't been let in. Why? - We turn down requests from people who
we can't identify as BFRPs. If your profile doesn't use your real name please
put your BFRP number in a public post. You can delete the post after you are
admitted to the group. You should also check that your registration is up to
date, as the group is for current BFRPs only.

Remember to tell us if you move

or change email address.

How many combinations?

By Nancy Buono BFRP, USA
Our BFRP Facebook group recently posed a fascinating question - how is
the calculation done to determine the number of possible combinations of
Bach remedies we can prepare? When I began teaching in 1996, I was taught
the number was 211 million, and as the North American BIEP Coordinator,
this is what I have taught all our teachers and students. A nagging inner voice
always demanded that I do the math myself, but, other more pressing
matters took my attention. Until the question arose on our Facebook group.
My inner nerd jumped to action! I researched how to do the math and
now, we have the answer! We teach that there are over 211 million possible
combinations. (The complete number is 211,915,132.) This is fully accurate IF
you assume there are 39 remedies (counting the emergency combination)
and that you can combine 9 possible remedies in 1 formula, as Dr Bach did no
a couple of occasions. But we can also combine 8 remedies, or 7, or 6....or just
take 1 singly. So, there are even MORE possibilities!
The actual number is 292,750,367 possible combinations of between 1
and 9 remedies.
To do the math yourself, the easiest way is in Excel. Type this formula
into a cell:
This means all the possible combinations of 39 remedies in groups of 9,
plus the same of 8,7,6,5,4,3,2, plus each single remedy.
Nine remedies in a bottles is of course a bit unusual – Dr Bach himself
only seems to have done it twice. The rule of thumb is to mix no more than
six or seven at a time. So how many personal blends does that give us? Using
the same math, that answer is 19,311,487 possible custom blends, so just
over 19 million.

© 2017 Bach Centre


Any way you do the math, this still offers BFRPs immense customization
to make the perfect unique blend for each client.
For more information on the maths behind this, see and
scroll down to combinations without repetition. It's the same way the lottery
odds work! Here is an online calculator if you would like to play with the
numbers: Remember, you
have to do this calculation for 39 remedies in combos of 9, then 39 of 8....all
the way down to 39 of 1 and then add them all together. While Dr. Bach's
system may be simple, the math definitely is not!

Victor on Nora
Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen lived at Mount Vernon and ran the Bach
Centre for more than 40 years after Dr Bach's death in 1936. Nora wrote a
book about Dr Bach; but they were less concerned to say much about
themselves as people. Some time in 1973, Victor attempted to put that right -
at least as far as Nora was concerned - when he sat down and typed out a
short biographical note. It's on display in the Mount Vernon museum. We
thought those of you too far away to visit easily might like to read it here.
Nora Grey Weeks
Born July 16, 1896
At the age of five fell over a doll's
house, developed TB in right hip and leg
began to shorten. In a splint and
strapped to a board and in a spinal
carriage for over one year.
Cured by Sir Thomas Barlow with
hot sea-water baths with seaweed in it
and the long strip seaweed bound round
the leg. Lived by the sea at Deal at the
Completely cured, though at first it
was thought she would be a cripple for
At the age of 17 went to train at
Anstey Physical Training College, Chester
Road, Birmingham in Educational and
Remedial Exercises and Massage.

© 2017 Bach Centre


Became gymnastic and games mistress at Grantham Girls Secondary

School in 1913. After school hours masseuse at the Grantham Barrack
Hospital for three years.
In 1916 had a gymnastic, games and massage practice in Bournemouth
with her sister who taught dancing and fencing, in all the schools in that area,
and in their own gymnasium in Boscome Arcade. She gave massage to the
wounded in the V.A.D. hospitals and had a big massage practice and also
trained students for the I.S.T.M. (the Institute of Swedish Trained Masseuses)
now the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists.
In 1922 on her sister's marriage, sold the practice and trained at Guy's
Hospital in electricity and radiography. Then worked for a Doctor Radiologist
in Park Crescent, London for three years. Later had a private massage practice
in London, working for several Harley Street Doctors until 1930, including Sir
Thomas Dunhill, the then King's doctor, Dr. Alec Gow and Lord Horder.
Dr. Edward Bach had his laboratory in the same Park Crescent house,
and when he decided to leave London to find the new method of healing took
her with him as secretary and helper. With him until he died in 1936. Left her
and Victor Bullen in charge of the Bach method of treatment at Mount
Since then she has been mainly responsible for the phenomenal spread
of the work throughout the world.
She was a most extraordinary woman and for years has worked alone
until recently, dealing with an ever increasing post with demands for help,
advice and medicine without any sign of hurry. Patients who call get the
impression that she has all the time in the world.
She has attended alone to the large flower garden, and now in her late
70s, she is gradually handing over to the two devoted helpers who will carry
on the ever-increasing work. I at 86 have ceased to be of much help.
Victor Bullen.

Ready-made mixes
By Veronique Heynen-Rademakers BFRP, Belgium
Today, some pharmacies and organic shops sell ready-made mixes of
Bach flowers. They are offered as a solution to definite conditions or special
life circumstances – back to school, menopause, self confidence – and reflect
a current tendency to find a quick, efficient and easy solution to problems.
They're in demand, but they fail to take into consideration our own personal
nature and our specific needs.
According to Leonard de Vinci, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Dr Bach’s method is very simple and also very subtle. As BFRPs, we know this

© 2017 Bach Centre


from experience. It seems easy to choose from the 38 flowers when we want
to solve a simple problem but it becomes more challenging when things are
more complicated. Why is that? Because it's usually harder evaluating our
deeper feelings and reactions.
Edward Bach used to say, “treat the
person, not the disease.” Each individual is
unique. We must feel and identify the
emotions each individual personally
experiences. Imagine twenty children
starting school : are they all going to react in
the same way ? No: one is happy, one is
afraid, one wants to stay home, one will
throw a tantrum… Are all teenagers going to
experience growing up in the same way? Of
course not.
The recipes for the ready-made mixes
are based on statistical data, assumptions
and/or general ideas. If you’re lucky, you’ll
experience the emotions the recipe-maker
thought you would and you’ll obtain good
results. Sometimes, there’s only one remedy in the mix that you need, so
you’ll feel better, but not as well as you would with your personal mix.
Sometimes, nothing happens, and that is bad for the flower remedies and for
the method, because people will come to the conclusion that Bach remedies
don’t work – rather than thinking that the mix they took didn’t suit their
particular condition. As Stefan Ball, from the Bach Centre, has written:
“Ready-made mixtures offer a simplistic solution, a sort of do-it-all remedy,
aiming at solving a problem without even thinking about what the problem
really is. This is in fact akin to traditional medicine, where a product x is
meant to treat a symptom, without analysing the person or the emotional
causes of her illness.”
A BFRP said, “In my practice, I meet people who tell me the remedies
don’t work. When I ask a few questions, I quickly realise these people take
the remedies as you would take a tablet of aspirin. Once they understand
how to use the system correctly, they come back and tell me it works.”
Some of the ready-made mixes have positive names like “confidence” or
“weight loss” that give us false hopes and can lead people astray. Almost
everyone wants to feel more confident – but to achieve that, it’s important to
identify the reasons we don't feel confident. Each flower fits a particular
emotional state, something that makes us feel unhappy. Identifying what we

© 2017 Bach Centre


feel can guide us towards the right remedy and help us move in the right
direction. Without judging ourselves, or our feelings, we move forward. We
get to know ourselves better, evaluate what we are going through.
Sometimes, people can do it themselves. It has happened that people make
an appintment for a consultation, then read about the flowers, prepare their
own mix, and finally cancel the appointment because they already feel better.
Other times people need help either with the system or with identifying their
feelings – and that's where we BFRPs can help. Indeed, we can even help each
other. Even people who know the Bach system very well sometimes benefit
from the time and space and focus and objectivity offered by seeing another
When Dr Bach published his method, he wrote in the introduction:
No science, no knowledge is necessary, apart from the simple methods
described herein; and they who will obtain the greatest benefit from this
God-sent Gift will be those who keep it pure as it is; free from science,
free from theories, for everything in Nature is simple.
Let's keep things simple – and subtle – and experience and evaluate
what we feel inside. Let's focus on our lives and ensure that we are in peace
with ourselves first and then with others.

Treatment bottles by post

We publish on the web site a list of BFRPs who offer a
standalone treatment bottle service – i.e. practitioners who
will mix and post a bottle for a small charge direct to people
who already know what they want to take. You can see the
list live now at
To be included send an email to with your full name and we'll
do the rest.

We have printed materials in German and Italian on sale

via the online shop. See and

© 2017 Bach Centre


BFRP certificates & BFRP badges

You can order copies of your Certificates of Registration direct from the
Bach Centre. You can also buy the exclusive BFRP enamel badge – available to
Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners only! We charge the same
regardless of where you are in the world, and prices are all-inclusive:
• Secure PDF of a Certificate of Registration, sent by email: £1.
• Certificate of Registration, printed on card, sent by post/airmail: £6.
• BFRP enamel badge, sent by post/airmail: £3.60.
• If you want more than one badge, or more than one printed
certificate, add £2 for each additional item.
To order, send the required amount to:
from any Paypal web site. Then send an email to the same address with your
full name, address and a list of the items you are ordering.

BC-ACE spotlight
BC-ACE courses are aimed at BFRPs, but are
usually open to other people who know the
remedies well. Remember that any BFRP with
relevant special skills to share can apply to have
courses approved under the BC-ACE scheme.
We have listed some events below, but
please see for
more information and the full list.
• Supervision and Mentoring Programme,
either face-to-face in Israel or via Skype
worldwide. Full information from
• United Kingdom, Bach Centre - ritorno alle origini: Ritorno alle
origini - fiori di Bach e crescita spiritual - 12 e 13 luglio, 2017,
all'interno del Bach Centre in Inghilterra. Workshop è rivolto a tutti i
BFRP, BFRAP, a chi è in corso di studio del Level 3. 334
• Italia, Prato - fiori di Bach - bambini e sistemi famigliari: 4-5
Novembre 2017. Corso avanzato teorico-pratico orientato a
costituire consapevolezza, abilità, competenze personali e facilitare
l'approfondimento delle dinamiche affettive dell'età evolutiva.
Saranno appresi i principi di base che agevolano la creazione di uno

© 2017 Bach Centre


spazio d'ascolto accogliente,coerente ed empatico per la scelta dei

rimedi per bambini e familiari. 334 1794605

Welcome to…
Since issue 94 of the BFRP Bulletin was prepared, 157 new practitioners
have joined the Register:
• Argentina: Silvia Beatriz Benitez; Stella Maris Sotelo; Roberto Rafael
Fattorini; Miriam Lescano; Mariana Valeria Rico Ocaña; María
Florencia Regidor;
• Australia: Astrid Helena Garcia Barrera;
• Austria: Cristina Caba Serra;
• Belgium: Pascale Sépul; Nathalie Foulon; Veronique Ronsmans;
Annie Wallemacq;
• Brazil: Claudia Eli Carreira da Silveira; Ivete Araujo Garcia Miranda;
José Luciano Gonçalves Junior; Daniela Paulinelli Rodrigues Freitas;
Raquel Figueiredo de Oliveira; Maria Rosa Lombardi; Walquiria
Aymbire Daniel dos Santos; Maria Jacqueline Schneider Biermeier;
Ana Lúcia Azevedo Campos; Eliana Aparecida Coelho Leão; Lidianne
Martins Silva; Karen Gleide Beresford; Helena dos Santos Ferreira
Julião; Lucimar Aparecida de Barros; Belisa Pereira da Cunha; Égly
Mariliz Frisanco José de Jesus; Patricia Zanetti;
• Canada: Katarina Béchard;
• Chile: Marcela Alejandra Crisóstomo Riquelme; Luisa Torres Chiappa;
Elaine Regina Coimbra; Roberto Reinal Riquelme; Javiera Kovacevic
• China: Sun Jing Yi (Leona); Cheong Sut Iok; Jia Qian;
• Colombia: Sonia Serrato Orduz; Marllury Quintero Virguez; Nicolás
Escobar Vargas; Maria Teresa Prada Rojas; Adriana Baez Cuadros;
• Denmark: Ellen Lolck Madsen; Kate Korsgaard; Anne-Marie Buttolo;
Rikke Mide; Sanne Alberthe Medina Gramkow;
• Ecuador: María Luisa Barrios Landívar;
• Egypt: Nevine Hafez;
• England: Sarah Moore; Kate Lennard-Jones; Vivian Ferraroni Aguiar;
Silvia Figueroa-Johnson; Claire Ashford; Francesca Provenzano;
Natallia Balashova; María Fernanda Jiménez Castro; Joanna Abbott;
Jane Yvonne Furphy; Oriana Scalzulli;
• France: Aurore Passavant; Marie-Hélène Lucy; Stephanie Couturier;
Céline Schoemer; Florence Pierrat; Yoéva Jemelgo; Marie-Hélène

© 2017 Bach Centre


Zarotiadès; Régine Darolles; Cindy Chauche; Dominique Le Bris;

Marie-Lise Causse-Thenet; Elisabetta Cerutti Von Saenger; Florence
Savariaud; Keith Whiskin; Odile Maridet; Marie-Pasquine Subes;
Laetitia Godard; Jean-Luc Stoll; Aline Montané; Laetitia Graffant;
Michèle Jallut; Stéphanie Boutin Rouxel; Noémie Nedkov;
• India: Rekha Rupani; Sreelekha Balram;
• Italy: Maria Concetta Costa; Beatrice Vanni; Loredana Bellini; Michela
Viera; Giancarlo Chetta; Iliana Selber; Lara Papini; Daniela Bianchi;
Giorgia Montemaggiori; Simone Quagliata; Arianna Manfrinato;
Bianca Maria Negri; Leonardo Benucci; Rosanna Tonon; Antonio
Toscano; Gian Maria Bianchi;
• Japan: Kayo Tanaka; Yoko Oshima; Harumi Oeda; Hiroko Kikuchi;
Mayumi Kojima; Akiko Takada;
• Mexico: Lorena Margarita Solis Rojas;
• Netherlands: Gerry Boots; Stefania Ammirata; Henriette Pols;
Annemarie Loose; Sophie Hennebert;
• New Zealand: Madhu O'Brien;
• Peru: Grace Beuermann Baanante; Lorena Neves Lezameta;
• Romania: Nicoleta Andrei; Carmen Stoian;
• Spain: Margarita Ferra Arlandy; Noelia Alberto Mendoza; Mónica De
La Cruz Moreno; Soledad Rodriguez Mula; Clara Eugenia Lucas
Adeva; Sandra Martínez Oliveda; Miren Karmele Elguea Fernandez;
Mercedes de la Mata Blázquez; Amal Oukhiar; Bibiana Martínez
Badal; Martí Roca Yglesias; Elba María Rodríguez Rodríguez;
Concepción Cardenal Parejo; Julieta Catalina Folgado; Manuela
Cardenal Parejo; Aitor Guillén Bermúdez; Maria Salomé Bolló Gasol;
Graciela Perez Moriano; Ana Isabel Carmona Beviá; Concha Llamas
Arjona; Natalia Giselle Rocco; Olimpia Rico Barroso; Verónica
Guacimara Díaz Santana;
• Switzerland: Paulina Schmitt Vendrell; Caroline Gerster;
• Taiwan: Ning Yi Tseng;
• Thailand: Jetnipit Modjod; Dhanawat Rewatbowornwong; Kan-Anek
Kaewthaweesab; Montathip Petchsrisom; Walai-Orn Saelee; Porntip
• U.S.A.: Suzanne Fisher; Carmen María Díaz Arias; Sybil Teles; Edy
Romina Salinas Carias; Yarima Rivas Sosa;
• Venezuela: Raul Orlando Barreto Tacoronte.
There are currently 2,971 practitioners on the Register.

© 2017 Bach Centre


Ordering from the shop

As a BFRP you get 10% back on orders placed online at Just mention you are a BFRP when you order, or
email us afterwards via

Index of Bach Friendly Groups (BFGs)

Running a regular group and it isn't listed? - tell us and we'll include it in
the BFRP Bulletin and on
In the UK
• Near Edinburgh, ‘Let's-talk-Bach’ is for people with Level 2 or above.
Linsey, 07949 433344; Theresa, 0131 622 0390.
• The Bach Support Group is a meeting point for people in Northants
and Leicestershire. Call Frankie Boyes on 01858 432223.
• In the East Midlands call Maggie Evans on 01636 815699 for details
of an open group for anybody with an interest in the remedies.
• In Norfolk and Suffolk, go to or phone 01473
728498 for information on the original BFGs, running for ten years.
• In Kent, a friendly group of practitioners and non-practitioners meets
in Gravesend. Text Ann Stringer on 07870 194773 for details.
• Also in Kent, a Bach Friendly Group near Ashford on the second
Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm to 9.30pm. £3 contribution
towards refreshments. Level 1 and above welcome. Contact Karen
on 01233 820420 or
• And in January 2016 another new monthly group started in North
Kent meeting on the second Thursday in the month, with mornings
in Chatham and afternoons in Gravesend. An open forum for Level 1
students and above. Contact Angela Davies – 01474 329335 or 07981
229463 or
• In Surrey, the Bach 'reminder' group in Kingston-upon-Thames is for
anybody interested in the remedies. Call 020 8549 2721.
• In Dorset, a Bach Friendly Group meets in Bournemouth, 2.30pm to
4.30pm on selected afternoons. Email or call
Lesley Cooke on 01202 483230 for details.
• In West Sussex, Carol Charles' BFG meets in Felpham. For more
information call Carol on 01243 583963.

© 2017 Bach Centre


Outside the UK
• In Canada, the Bach Flower Practitioner and Users Support Group
meets monthly in North Vancouver, British Colombia. Open to
anyone who knows the remedies fairly well and has used them on
themselves or others. Email or call Linzi
on 604 440 7376 for more details.
• The Danish Bach Association informs mainly through the website
and newsletters about how to use the system of the Bach Flower
Remedies in general, and sells the small booklets of Dr. Bach.
Membership and a free newsletter at
• Denmark: kom med i Facebook gruppen 'Bachs Blomster-Susanne
Løfgren' og få opdateret din viden om Bachremedierne. Ny viden,
nye kurser gennem
• Bach-Blüten-Berater Netzwerk: In Freiburg (süd-west Deutschland)
treffen sich ca. alle 2 Monate BFRPs. Wir besprechen Fallbeispiele,
organisieren gemeinsam Ausflüge und freuen uns wenn Bach-Blüten
interessierte Menschen hinzukommen. Auf unser Website können
alle BFRPs sich eintragen lassen: www.bachblü
• Magyarországon - Mindazok akik elvégeztek egy a Bach Centre által
elismert tanfolyamot (Bach Level 1, Level 2, Level 3) részt vehetnek
találkozókon ahol a Bach-virágokkal kapcsolatos különböző témákról
beszélgetünk, segítünk tisztázni bizonytalanságokat, megvitatunk
esettanulmányokat, megosztjuk tapasztalatainkat. Egy ilyen jellegű
összefogás mindannyiunk tevékenységét még inkább stabilizálja,
erősíti és pozitívan hat az általunk végzett konzultációkra is. –
• Association 1 2 3 bach in Switzerland is for BFRP’s, trainers and
everyone who is interested in the Bach flowers: benefit from an
expanding network, interesting continuing education sessions (some
courses are BC-approved), an exchange with like-minded people,
case supervision, a closed LinkedIn group, special events and
professional support. Visit for more info and the
membership application form.
• A Bach Circle in Fredrikstad, Norway, is open to anybody interested
in Dr. Bach. Contact Camilla Bjørnson BFRP via her listing at
• A group in Turkey meets once a month on the last Sunday from
11.00 am to 2.00 pm for the "Bach Round Table Discussions" in Urla

© 2017 Bach Centre


– Izmir. It's open to all who did Level 1. Please contact Nese
Calapverdi BFRP for more information at +90 532 2660809 or e-mail
• Olea Flora meets once a month in Tokyo, Japan. Meetings are open
to anybody with a working knowledge of the system, including L1
students. See
• Also in Japan, BFRP Kansai is a regional Bach friendly group of BFRPs,
students and interested people that started up in 2016. The group
discusses the remedies, shares experiences and shares readings from
books. The plan is to meet once a month. For more information
contact Miyuki Shinomiya 090 4032 8506
• And once again in Japan, BFRP Tokai is a regional Bach friendly group
covering the prefectures of Aichi, Gifu and Mie. Established in 2012,
BFRP Tokai has over 50 members, made up of BFRPs and Level 3
students. The largest gathering is the monthly reading group, and
there are study groups for BFRPs and Level 3 students. A number of
smaller friendly groups have also formed in individual regions and
members regularly study together and informally discuss remedies
over lunch. For further details, please see www.bachflower-
• Online Bach Friendly Group in Chinese: the group meets online the
third Wednesday of every month at 8pm Beijing/Hong Kong/Taipei
time. Email Victoria Hsu to find out more:

Teacher-training at Mount Vernon

Bach Foundation Teachers Programmes (BFTPs) are for current BFRPs
(Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners) who want to train to teach Bach
Centre-approved courses of their own. We plan to run a course for all three
levels over the next 12 months:
• BFTP1 – training to teach Level 1: 5th to 7th June 2018 – see
• BFTP2 – training to teach Level 2: 22nd to 24th November 2017 – see
• BFTP3 – training to teach Level 3: 19th to 22nd September 2017 –
All BFTP courses are subject to eligibility criteria that are explained fully
on the web pages. In addition, Stage 1 only of BFTP1 is open to any BFRP
under the BC-ACE scheme ( and provides a

© 2017 Bach Centre


stimulating, practical and enjoyable three-day course that covers things like
teaching skills practice, teaching methods, adapting to student learning
preferences, the planning processes and identifying a market for your

Bits and pieces

• Find the practitioner pages:
(pages in English); (in French); (in Italian); (in
Spanish); (in Portuguese). Password
and login (put the same in both boxes): 1702blue.
• BFRPs Lynn Macwhinnie and Marielena Nuñez, one in English and
one in Spanish, manage between them a BFRP-only group on the
professional network LinkedIn. Join by doing a group search for
"International Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners & Trainers"
and sending a request.
• BFRPs running informal courses and workshops on the remedies can
get them listed on a Bach Centre web site. Just email us a short
description and any details that might be useful to potential students
(date, time, contact information etc.).

© 2017 Bach Centre

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