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1st CAV HQ
Ft Hood, TX


(U) References:
(a) MSW Camp Shelby MGRS 1:25000 Hybrid Map
(b) MSW Camp Shelby MGRS 1:25000 Topographical Map
(d) OPORD Overlays 1-7
(f) MSW TACSOP v. 3.2

(U) Task Organization:

1. (U) Situation.

a. (U) Area of Interest. NATO forces have pushed Northwards to the East assaulting Derbent in
recent months, and into the Caspian region. They are now attempting to take Chechnya as they
move Westward connecting their Southern and Western forces. Traditionally both Chechnya and
Dagestan have not been 100% Pro-Russian Federation, and NATO has used this to gather
minimal local support. In Response the Kremlin has been working an ongoing cultural and

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

Nationalist agenda to maintain loyalty of the outlying oblasts. Due to the successes of these
programs, large numbers of Caucus ethnic groups have taken up arms alongside Russian military
forces as conscripted militsiya and Cossack troops, joining the fight against NATO incursion into
Russian territory.

b. (U) Area of Operations. Grozny is the capitol of Chechen Oblast. The population of roughly a
quarter million has fled due to current conflict and any remaining indigenous forces have joined
with the Russian forces in Volunteer Cossack Militsiya. Successful Psychological Operations
from the Kremlin have helped cement loyalty to the Russian Federation. Defense of Argun as the
center of logistical routes is critical to Russia, as are smaller villages Dzhalka and Berkat Yurt. All
Southern train lines pass through Argun and it is considered a priority target of NATO in order to
weaken Russian defensive reaction times, as well as to ultimately push into and hold the city of

(1) (U) Terrain. Terrain will generally alternate between flat and open grasslands, with thick,
swampy forests. Expect slow, wet travel through forests or areas with forest impossible to
traverse. Wear proper PPE to ensure you do not become an unnecessary casualty. Much of
the fighting will be between and inside of buildings. Many buildings are within firing
distance from others, and will provide cover as well as concealment. Main routes will be used
by both our enemies and our vehicles for expedited travel and will be main avenues of
approach as well as egress. Crossroads and buildings overlooking key points in the routes
will be key terrain and should be valued for its strategic and tactical value.

(2) (U) Weather and Light Data.. Prepare for cold weather and warming layers at night. Our
primary casualty could be due to inclement weather. Also note lack of illumination all nights
of the operation. The Pentagon sure knows how to plan offensive operations.

Date High/ Wind Speed/ Sunrise/ Moonrise/ %Illum Precipitation

Low Direction Sunset Moonset
27JAN 60°/36° WSW 10MPH 0703/1728 0627/1725 00.1% .22%
28JAN 61°/36° WSW 10MPH 0703/1729 0711/1823 00.7% .22%
29JAN 61°/36° WSW 9MPH 0702/1730 0753/1922 03.6% .22%

c. (U) Enemy Forces.

(1) (U) Composition, Disposition, Strength. Russian troops in the Chechen cities are battle-
hardened and dug in. They will fight to the last man. They will operate in 20-30 man Platoon
sized elements, with additional militia forces operating alongside them, but separately. Expect
fire team sized reconnaissance and sniper teams to use withering attacks to harass and slow
NATO forces. They are heavily armed and have anti-vehicle capabilities. Expect their
motivation and capabilities to diminish as we take the smaller cities surrounding Argun. Their
militia forces operate in 40-60 man elements and will be disorganized, though will fight
harder and more unconventionally. As we take the outlying cities surrounding Argun, expect
morale to diminish and forces to collapse back into the city for a final stand awaiting Russian
reinforcements and close air support. NATO has blocking positions as our outer cordon and
we expect no reinforcements nor air support for either force in this operation.

(2) (U) Capabilities. Russian forces our slightly outnumbered and Russian forces will rely on
small aggressive harassment teams and dug in city forces to even the odds in battle. Expect

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

high attrition rates amongst their soldiers new to the environment. As operations continue
RUSFOR combat power will consolidate in the built up areas and be harder to remove. We
expect to have vehicle superiority and will attempt to capture or kill enemy transport vehicles
to further fix them in place and give more mobility to our mounted infantry.

(3) (U) Recent Activities. NATO forces have moved into the AO and set up a Combat Outpost
approximately 2-3 miles West of the village of Dzhalka. We will conduct operations out of
this COP until we can gain a foothold in the larger city of Argun and begin our final phase of
the clearing of RUSFOR. Scouts report militia activity in the town of Dzhalka with Russian
forces operating in smaller platoons in the surrounding areas trying to gain access into our
new COP.

(4) (U) MPCOA. Scouts have reported seeing the bulk of their militia forces occupying the
nearby town of Dzhalka. Expect a platoon plus (50-60) in a defensive posture holding the
town. When we initiate our company assault on Dzhalka, expect 20-30 man platoons to
provide QRF to the village and assault us from our flanks.

(5) (U) MDCOA. Russian and Militia forces have joined forces, putting two platoons in the
town of Dzhalka, with the remainder of their forces staged past our offensive lines, waiting
for us to engage the town before enveloping us from two sides, forcing the withdrawal of our
assault and inflicting massive casualties.

a. (U) Attachments and Detachments. After the crushing defeat in the Caspian gap of the Marine-led
offensive, the surviving forces from that company push have been folded into our HBCT and
more specifically our company until the replacements from 15th MEU arrive from 5 th fleet.

After BREXIT, UK forces have been freed from their full time job of protecting mainland Europe
from Islamic refugee-based rape culture and have attached to us a company from United
Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF). Unfortunately due to the British spending all of their GDP on
welfare entitlement for their lower class, they have come to us without proper supplies and we
will be providing them ammo and billeting.

2. (U) Mission. Kill,

capture or force the withdrawal of every militant in and
around the town of Argun in order to cut off Russian supply lines in the
area and weaken Russian capabilities in the region.
3. (U) Execution.

a. (U) Concept of Operations. TF Juggernaut will employ 4th Platoon as a forward

reconnaissance element to secure the Company ORP. When the ORP is secure 1st Platoon (A TRP
172 CAV) will infil and take over ORP security. Once 1PLT has taken over ORP security 4PLT
will conduct a route clearance along MSR Red Hill Road and get eyes on the town of Jordani.
Concurrently, 2PLT and 3PLT will arrive at the ORP and stage for support on the company assault
and preparation for follow on assault on town of Trebil.

Once 4PLT assesses enemy troop strength in Jordani command will determine how much of 2PLT
and 3PLT will support 1PLT in the assault of Jordani. Company will move into and take Jordani
NLT 0001 and 1PLT will take over PB operations and refit for follow on area clearance and
vehicle support.

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

3PLT will be dropped off at their VDO and 2PLT will move to their ORP East of Trebil by foot.
When 3PLT gets eyes on Trebil and assesses enemy strength, 2PLT will lead a Company assault
on Trebil supported by the rest of the company. TF Juggernaut forces will do a company assault
on Trebil until we take the town or are unable to break enemy lines by 0400, at which point all
friendly forces will RTB to PB at town of Jordani, with forward LPOPs set up along major routes
of ingress by 4PLT.

The initial Operation will be conducted in five phases:

PHASE 1: Reception and Staging Operations
PHASE 2: Staging of Forces and Operations Order Brief
PHASE 3: Reconnaissance Operations
PHASE 4: Conduct Company Assault
PHASE 5: Second Reconnaissance Operation
PHASE 6: Second Company Assault
PHASE 7: Consolidation & Priorities of Work.

Phase 1 begins with the first unit's arrival for in-processing at 1400 and ends at 1900 with the
accountability formation.

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

Phase 2 begins at NATO Briefing point at 1900 for a Company accountability formation.
Operation Brief will be conducted at conclusion of the accountability formation, and once safety
brief is complete 4PLT will move out to ORP to secure forward position.

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

Phase 3 4PLT will move out from Company ORP and conduct Route Clearance along MSR Red
Hill Road and move to set up Observation Posts surrounding the town of Jordani. 4PLT will
report to Command with necessary troops and advised routes of attack to take the town.

Phase 4 begins when scouts report back and we find the final entry point for our company assault
on Jordani. 1PLT will lead a company assault on Jordani with support from 2PLT and 3PLT. If
scouts report that 1PLT, 2PLT and 4PLT can take the town,

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

Phase 5 begins after we have taken Jordani. 1PLT will secure Jordani and refit for support of
second assault. 2PLT will move by foot to an ORP outside of Jordani and prepare for assault.
3PLT will be moved to a VDO by 1PLT trucks and move into position by foot to observe Trebil
from the North. 4PLT will refit and move along Red Hill Road to get eyes on Jordani from the

Phase 6 begins after 3PLT and 4PLT have visual on Trebil and can report enemy strength and
positions to Command. 2PLT will lead a company assault on Trebil supported by elements from
the rest of the Platoons.

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

Phase 7 begins after the Company has taken the town of Trebil or we have failed to take the town
by 0400. If we are successful in our assault, 2PLT and 3PLT will occupy the town of Trebil and
conduct localized patrols to clear out enemy LPOPS and look for nearby Patrol Bases. 1PLT and
4PLT will return to Jordani and set up a defensive posture and conduct priorities of work and
begin a rest cycle. 1PLT will continue vehicle patrols throughout the night based on METT-TC
and act as QRF for the company. 2PLT will control Trebil and conduct their own internal
priorities of work and rest cycle while 3PLT acts as their QRF stationed in Trebil with them.
4PLT will remain at Jordani and post LPOPS in areas surrounding entire friendly AO and conduct
their own internal rest plan.

After our assault on Trebil, 4PLT will move back to Jordani and get eyes on, and 1PLT will
reform and return to Jordani as a troop and re-clear the town in case Russian forces have re-
occupied the town.

When combat operations have ceased for the night, platoon leadership will conduct a battle
update brief at Jordani and set a stand-to time for the next day's follow on missions. Expect a first
call of 0900 and readiness at 1000 hours.

b. (U) Coordinating Instructions.

(1) (U) Timeline.

When Where What Who OIC/NCOIC

1400 - 1900 NATO Parking In-processing, ALCON Pariano, McCoy
registration &
1900 - 2000 Briefing area Safety Brief ALCON MSW Cadre,
and OPORD PLT Leadership
2000 - 2200 Hwy 29 Movement to ALCON MSW Cadre,
Company ORP PLT Leadership
2100 - 2200 Red Hill Road Conduct route 4PLT Harvey, Walling
2200 – 2300 Red Hill Road Movement to 1PLT, 4PLT McKinlay,
Jordani Pariano, McCoy
2300 - 0001 Jordani Company ALCON McKinlay,
Assault Pariano, McCoy
2330 - 0100 North of Move 3PLT to 1PLT, 3PLT Downs, Olson,
Jordani VDO Wessels, Hansen
0100 - 0300 Trebil 3PLT & 4PLT 3PLT, 4PLT Wessels, Hansen,
move to LPOP Harvey, Walling
0100 - 0300 ORP East of 2PLT moves to 2PLT Brison,
Trebil ORP near Golembesky
0300 - 0400 Trebil 2PLT Assaults 2PLT, 3PLT, Brison,
Trebil 4PLT Golembesky,
Wessels, Hansen

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

0400 – 1000 Trebil, Jordani Priorities of ALCON McCoy

work & Rest
1000 – 1030 Trebil Company ALCON Pariano, McCoy
relocates to
1030 – 1100 Trebil CONOP for ALCON Pariano
assault on
1100 – 1300 Argun 3PLT, 4PLT 3PLT, 4PLT Wessels, Hansen,
move to LPOP Harvey, Walling
1100 – 1300 Trebil Company 1PLT, 2PLT McCoy
trainup for
assault on

(2) (U) Commander’s Critical Information Requirements. (CCIR)

(a) (U) Priority Intelligence Requirements.(PIR). Look for intel on enemy KIA. Radio
frequencies, challenge/pass information, number of LMG/MMG/Sniper rifles/Anti-
Armor, maps with distinct markings of troops, defenses and movements, spare
ammunition and water, size of enemy elements, camouflage types and uses of ghillie or
blending, and key known units (Snake Platoon, Rushing Russians, etc.) within enemy

(b) (U) Friendly Force Information Requirements. (FFIR). Receive LACE (liquids,
ammo, casualties real-or-ingame, and equipment lost) from subordinate troops. Send
Ammo and casualty counts to higher.

(c) (U) Rule of Engagements. (ROE). PSYOP has distributed leaflets. We have bombed
the area. There are no civilians left. Treat every person you come in contact with as
hostile. Try not to shoot friendlies returning at night from patrols. But I know you will.
It's shameful. Prepare for court martials.
4. (U) Sustainment.

a. (U) Logistics. See 1SG McCoy for guidance on logistics and ammo distribution. Troops will
use localized water blivets spaced throughout AO for rehydration. One 60 Gallon blivet will be
initially placed at Jordani after capture, and one 120 Gallon blivet will be placed at Jordani after
capture. Both will be moved to Trebil NLT Saturday 1000 28JAN in preparation for company
push on Argun.

Class I (Subsistence): Participants will carry a minimum of 3 Liters of water. Participants

will fill water once returning from a mission and refill before departing on mission.
Squad Leaders and Platoon Sergeants will ensure that all participants are consuming
water regularly.

Class II (Clothing & Equipment): All participants will follow the TACSOP regulations on
cold and wet weather equipment to stay in the fight for this operation. Items marked in

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

red on the packing list are mandatory and will be checked during initial staging of forces.
Do not show up without those items as you will be turned away and not allowed to
participate until you produce all items in red.

Class V (Ammunition): All BBs wkill be issued by MSW at check-in. Participants will
not bring their own unless they follow the rules outlined in the TACSOP.
i. -Rifleman/Grenadier/SDM: 500
ii. -LMG: 1500
iii. -MMG: 3000
iv. -Sniper: 100

Class VI (Personal Demand Items): Batteries, chemlights, snacks, personal hygiene

products, etc. are the responsibility of the individual. Bring spares of all items.

Class VIII (Medical): MSW will provide the MSW Tourniquet for game play use only.
Participants are expected to treat their own minor injuries (cuts, scrapes, etc). An EMT
will be on site for any real world injuries. If you have a medical issue that requires drugs
or shots, please inform the staff at check-in.

All participants will carry a medical information card in your left breast pocket.

b. (U) Health and Service Support. In the case of a real world (Life, Limb or Eyesight)
emergency, everyone will call and echo down the cease fire. The location of the injured
participant(s) will be marked with flashing light or VS-17 panel. All participants will call out the
cease fire and freeze in place. Cadre will move to location of the injured participant and contact
white cell admins to make a medical treatment determination at that time. All non life, limb or
eye sight injuries will be directed to the 1SG (Chris McCoy). Participants should come to the
event with a small medical kit and any medications they might need for themselves.

5. (U) Command and Signal.

a. (U) Command.

(1) (U) Location of CO. The CO will be at the primary PB (Initial: Jordani, moved then to Trebil
and finally to our foothold in Argun) unless on company assaults or missions with 1PLT.

(2) (U) Succession of Command. CO → XO → 1SG → 1PLT PL → 2PLT PL → 3PLT PL →

4PLT PL → Loudest NCO in the room

b. (U) Signal.


Primary 146000 (VHF)
Alternate 148000 (VHF)
Contingency 430000 (UHF)
Emergency Cell Phone

OPERATION PLAN/ORDER [number] [(code name)] [(classification of title)]

1PLT: Platoon internal frequencies determined at Platoon level and will be given to
Command at their discretion. Can use FRS channels 2-4. UHF/VHF available.

2PLT: Platoon internal frequencies determined at Platoon level and will be given to
Command at their discretion. Can use FRS channels 5-7. UHF/VHF available.







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