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Oracle PL/SQL Interview Questions

1. What is a Cursor?
2. What are the different types of Cursors?
3. What is an Explicit Cursor?
4. What is an Active Set in cursor?
5. What are the general steps to use Explicit Cursors?
6. What happens when we Declare the Cursor?
7. What happens when we Open the Cursor?
8. What happens when we Fetch from the Cursor?
9. What happens when we Close the Cursor?
10. Explain Cursor For Loop.
11. What is an Implicit Cursor?
12. What are the various Cursor attributes?
13. Demonstrate Cursor For Loop using Sub queries.
14. Demonstrate Cursors with parameters.
15. For Update Clause in Cursor.
16. where CURRENT OF clause in Cursor.

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