Access Management HS2016

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Access Management

Access Management

1. PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. STRUCTURE OF THE DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................... 5

3. SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................. 6

4. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 7

5. ACCESS MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................... 8

5.1 Access Management Interactions ......................................................................................................... 8

5.2 Request Access ...................................................................................................................................... 9

5.3 Establish Identity ................................................................................................................................... 9

5.4 Open Ticket and Identify Category ...................................................................................................... 10

5.5 Validate Request based on Access Rules ............................................................................................ 10

5.6 Grant Access and Log Events ............................................................................................................... 10

5.7 Update Ticket ...................................................................................................................................... 11

5.8 Request Notification ........................................................................................................................... 11

5.9 Close Ticket ......................................................................................................................................... 11

6. ACCESS MANAGEMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................................. 12

6.1 Process Model ..................................................................................................................................... 12

6.2 Process Specification ........................................................................................................................... 13

6.3 Roles & Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................... 15

6.4 Sub Process- Establish Identity............................................................................................................ 17

6.5 Sub Process- Establish Identity Specification ...................................................................................... 18

6.6 Sub Process- Establish Identity Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................. 20

6.7 Sub Process-Open Ticket ..................................................................................................................... 21

6.8 Sub Process-Open Ticket Specification ............................................................................................... 22

6.9 Sub Process-Open Ticket Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................... 24

6.10 Sub Process-Delegate to Other Processes .......................................................................................... 25

6.11 Sub Process-Delegate to Other Processes Specification ..................................................................... 26

6.12 Sub Process-Delegate to Other Processes Roles and Responsibilities ................................................ 27

6.13 Sub Process- Notify Requester ............................................................................................................ 28

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Access Management

6.14 Sub Process- Notify Requester Specification ...................................................................................... 29

6.15 Sub Process- Notify Requester Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................. 31

6.16 Sub Process- Close Ticket .................................................................................................................... 32

6.17 Sub Process- Close Ticket Specification............................................................................................... 33

6.18 Sub Process- Close Ticket Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................... 35

7. REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................................... 36

7.1 Business Rules ..................................................................................................................................... 36

7.2 Risk ...................................................................................................................................................... 36

7.3 Quality Attribute ................................................................................................................................. 37

7.4 Data Quality Dimension ...................................................................................................................... 37

7.5 Operation Policy .................................................................................................................................. 38

7.6 KPI ....................................................................................................................................................... 38

7.7 CTQ ...................................................................................................................................................... 38

7.8 Abstract Time-Scale............................................................................................................................. 39

7.9 SLA Terms ............................................................................................................................................ 39

GLOSSARY/ ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................................ 40

APPENDIX A: BUSINESS PROCESS MODELING NOTATION REFERENCE ................................................................ 43

APPENDIX B: ACCESS CONTROL MATRIX TEMPLATE ............................................................................................ 47

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management


The purpose of this document is to describe the Access Management process for the NOC
network operations that will grant authorized users access to NOC services, while
preventing access to non-authorized users.

Access Management is effectively implementation of authentication, authorization, privacy,

non repudiation and non malleability, in that it enables NOC to manage and regulate the
access to constituents of properly by maintaining high level of confidentiality, availability
and integrity.

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Access Management


The Access Management process document comprises the following chapters:

Chapter–3: Scope: This chapter describes the scope of the document and the Access
Management process.

Chapter–4: General Assumptions: This chapter describes the underlined assumptions made
for both the document and Access Management process.

Chapter–5: Access Management Framework: This chapter exhibits the interaction of Access
Management process with other related ITIL processes and also describes the high level
process sequence for Access Management based on ITIL framework.

Chapter–6: Access Management Process: In this chapter Access Management process and
sub processes (if any) will be depicted and specified using rigorous BPMN and process
specification templates.

Chapter–7: References: This chapter serves as a prime reference to Access Management

process and presents the details supporting it in tabular formats. The chapter describes
relevant Business Rules, Risks, Quality Attributes, Data Quality Dimensions, Operation
Policies, KPIs, CTQs, Abstract Time-scales and SLAs terms specific to Access Management

The Access Management is supposed to be a living document and consists of various

variable values which would frequently evolve or change as NOC Access Management
process matures or changes.

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management


The scope of NOC Access Management process covers:

 People. This comprises of:

 NOC Staff
 NOC Operations Teams (Network and IT Functions)
 Maintenance Centre
 Suppliers

 Network Devices: This comprises of:

 Network Elements (Routers, Switches, Firewall, IDS, IPS)

 Data Centre Servers (within Network Operations)

The exhaustive description of NOC resources and infrastructure details are described in
following dedicated documents:

 NOC Staffing Plan for human resources

 NOC Technical documents for tools, systems, software

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management


The following are the general assumptions made for Access Management process:

 Only access related requests are processed

 Only authorized requesters raises access requests

 Access rules are already established and readily available to the process.

 The roles defined in all processes within this document can be attached to the existing
position e.g. Access Manager role, can be played by a Shift Manager. Also the
distribution of roles to positions is dynamically handled based on the dynamics of shifts,
availability of resources, knowledge, load, soft threshold breaches etc. For instance,
Capacity Manager role can be assigned in 1st shift to Problem Manager, and in the 2nd
Shift this might be assigned to the Access Manager.

 Any activity related assumptions are explicitly identified in related Process Specification
table in Chapter 6.

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Access Management


5.1 Access Management Interactions

The following depiction shows the points of interaction of NOC Access Management
process with other related ITIL processes. The arrows moving into Access Management
process signify the inputs from the other processes to Access Management Process, and the
arrows moving out of the Access Management process signify the inputs from Access
management process to other related ITIL processes. All these processes depicted below are
defined in their own respective dedicated documents

Service Level
Security Change
management Management

Access Rules & Policy changes

Configuration Access Incident

CMS information
Management Management Management

Potential problems Service requests Fulfillment

The Access Management process comprises of following high level sequence of activities:

 Request Access

 Establish Identity

 Open Ticket and Identify Category

 Validate Request based on Access Rules

 Grant Access and Log Events

 Update Ticket

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Access Management

 Request Notification

 Close Ticket

NOC Access Management process follows sequential steps mentioned below (Section 5.2-
5.9). Section 6.1 Process Model sheds more light on the flow of Access Management

5.2 Request Access

The Access request can be raised by the following:

 Access Requester. This refers to NOC staff who can send in the access request to the
Service Desk through a call or via e-mail.

 Request Fulfillment Process. This refers to the access requests raised via Request
Fulfillment process.

 Change Management Process. This refers to the access request required by the
Change Management process.

It is important to notice that all sort of access requests: access addition, access amendment,
and access restrictions, can be raised via this Access Management process.

5.3 Establish Identity

Once the access request has been sent, before Service Desk initiates the process, identity of
the requester has to be verified and established. The identity of a requester is the
information that uniquely distinguishes requester as a valid individual and verifies his status
within the organization. Service Desk searches the customer database to accomplish this.

The customer database maintains up to date record of the users with their details and
current status. Since there may be a case when two or more users share a common piece of
information (E.g. they have the same name), identity is established via two pieces of
information. The prime piece of information would be Staff ID (in case the mode of request
is phone call) or the corporate email used (in case the mode of request is email) and the
second piece of information can be one of the following:

 Name
 Address
 Phone Number
 Email ID
 Other unique personal information

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

For requests emerging out of other processes even though the identity establishment
happens in the parent process, it is advisable to re establish the identity.

5.4 Open Ticket and Identify Category

Once the user identity is authenticated, the next step is to open a ticket as per NOC
ticketing rules. The Service Desk opens a ticket for the request in the system, assigns Ticket
ID, fills in the require fields and identifies the category of the request made. If the request is
non-access related category, Service Desk identifies the relevant process it belongs to, and
notifies the requester.

5.5 Validate Request based on Access Rules

Once customer has been validated, it is important to validate the type of request being
made. NOC access rules group users together with same roles and assigns access privileges
to each group based on their job requirements. For e.g. Analyst who work on a specific class
of incident can be grouped as one Service Group so that access policy applied on the group
is inherited by all users in that group.

Access rules are maintained by Information Security Officer. The Information Security officer
on periodic basis compiles a function-wise list of all currently active User IDs and
communicates the list to respective stakeholders. It contains the following information for
each user:

 User ID;
 Current access and privilege levels;
 Number of days since last access; and
 Time period for temporary duration access

The Stakeholders reviews the current active user list and informs the Information Security
officer if there are any changes. More roles and groups that exist, it is more likely that the
role conflicts would happen. It is the responsibility of Information Security Officer to
carefully create roles and groups, so as to avoid roles conflicts. Access rules are managed by
establishing Access Control Matrix. Appendix A provides a template for access management.
The Access Manager decides whether the access request is valid or not based on the Access
rules. In case the request is not valid, the ticket is updated and the requester is notified
along with the justification for the rejection of the Access request.

5.6 Grant Access and Log Events

Once the Access request gets validated the request is processed. It is very important that all
the access to the systems should be logged and tracked. All User activities are logged and
routinely checked by Information Security officer to identify any abuse of access rights. All
the activities including the following are logged and reflected in the systems audit trails:

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

 New User ID creation

 Privilege level changes
 Deletion of User ID

5.7 Update Ticket

Once the request had been performed the ticket gets updated on the progress.

5.8 Request Notification

For each access request, the ticket number and timeline is communicated and notified to
the requester. A periodical notification is sent to the requester on the status of request.
Upon completing the process, Service Desk informs the Access Requester via email and
telephonic call, and upon confirmation Service Desk closes the ticket.

5.9 Close Ticket

Before the formal closure the Service Desk confirms the category, makes sure that the
documentation is complete and conducts a brief customer satisfaction survey.

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Access Management


6.1 Process Model

Request Fulfillment Change Manager Access Requestor Service Desk Access Manager Security Officer

Periodic checks
Phone Call

Removal/ addition/ restriction

Customer Rules Up
Database to date
Removal/ addition/ restriction
Removal/ addition/ restriction Get request

Establish Identity

Identify Category
Access Validate Request Access
Related? Rules


Valid request
Open Ticket

Delegate to other
processes Valid

Grant Access and
Log Events

Update Ticket

Notify Requester


For other processes

Close Ticket

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Access Management

6.2 Process Specification

Specification Description

Summary/Purpose To grant authorized users the right to use a service, while preventing access
to non-authorized users.

Scope This is a Level 2 Process Specification.

Primary ITIL Reference Access Management- Service Operation

Related ITIL Practices Information Security Management Process, Service level Management,
Change Management, Availability Management, Incident Management.

 Information Security Management

Related Business Driver
 Compliance to security policy and procedures

Related Operational (Ref. 7.5)


Assumptions  Only authorized requester within NOC operations raises access request

 Phone Call
 Email
Access Management
Basic Course of Event 1. Service Desk get request from NOC users, Change Management process
or Request Fulfillment Process.
2. Service Desk establishes identity of the access requestor by checking
customer database.
3. Service Desk identifies category of the request.
4. Upon identifying the request Service Desk opens access related ticket
5. Access Manager validates the request.
6. Access Manager grants access and log events.
7. Service Desk updates Ticket.
8. Service Desk notifies requester.
9. Service Desk closes the ticket.
10. End.

Alternative Path Request not Applicable

1. Service Desk delegates the request to other process.

2. Service Desk notifies requestor.
3. End.

Invalid Request
1. Service Desk updates Ticket.
2. Service Desk notifies requester.
3. Service Desk closes the ticket.

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Access Management

4. End.

Access Rules (up to date)

1. Security officer periodically check the access rules are up to date.
2. These rules are used by Access Manager to validates request.
3. Access Manager grants Access and log Events.
4. Service Desk Updates Ticket.
5. Service Desk notifies requester.
6. Service Desk closes ticket.
7. End

Exception Path NA

Extension points  Incident Management Process

 Change Management Process

 Request Fulfillment Process.

Preconditions  Authorized user raising the request

 A genuine request

 NOC access rules and ticketing rules are available.

 Availability of necessary information

Post -conditions  Customer satisfaction survey record gets updated.

 Ticket gets updated

 Monitoring access status

Related Business Rules (Ref.7.1)

Related Risks RR-001, RR-002, RR-003, RR-004, RR-005, RR-006, RR-007(Ref.7.2)

Related Quality Attributes (Ref.7.3)

Related Data Quality (Ref.7.4)


Related Primary SLA Terms NA

Related KPIs (Ref. 7.6)

Related CTQs (Ref 7.7)

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Access Management

Actors/Agents Access Requester, Request Fulfillment, Change Manager, Service Desk, Access
Manager, Security Officer

Delegation Delegation Rule -1: Agent Not Available

1. Delegate the task to the agent with same role
2. Update the task
3. Log the delegation
Delegation Rule -2: Agent Overloaded

1. Delegate the task to the agent with same Role

2. Update the task
3. Log the delegation
Delegation Rule -3: Access request in non-business hours

1. Security officer role is delegated to the Access Manager

2. Update the task
3. Log the delegation
Delegation Rule -4: Access validation and processing approval

1. Security officer role is delegated to the Access Manager

2. Update the task
3. Log the delegation

Escalation Escalation Rule 1: Time to assignment exceeds escalation time

1. Escalate the status to Security Officer

2. Update the Status
3. Log the Escalation

Process Map Section 5.1

Process Model Section 6.1

Appendix A: Business Process Notation Reference

Other References Appendix B: Access Control Matrix Template

6.3 Roles & Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities

Access Requester  Initiates access request via email or phone call.

 Confirms after access request fulfillment

 Provides Feedback.

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Access Management

Request Fulfillment  Initiates access request via email.

 Confirms after access request fulfillment

 Provides Feedback.

Change Manager  Initiates access request via email.

 Confirms after access request fulfillment

 Provides Feedback.

Service Desk  Receives the access request

 Establishes the Identity

 Opens a ticket

 Selects the category of request

 Communicates the details to the customer

 Forwards to the NOC concern team

 Co-ordinates with internal team for processing

 Notifies Customer

 Closes Ticket

Access Manager  Validates the access request

 Processes the request and logs the events

Security Officer  Maintains access rules to validate the user request

 Assigns access grant tasks to IT Function

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Access Management

6.4 Sub Process- Establish Identity

Request Fulfillment Change Manager Customer Service Desk

Phone Customer

Primary ID/
Provide Credential Ask for credentials
Secondary Identity

Obtain Customer credentials

Primary ID/Secondary Identity
Primary ID/ Crendentials
Secondary Identity

Verify Credentials

Re- Provide Re- Provide Confirm secondary

Re- Provide Check Primary ID
Credentials Credentials identity credential

Match not found

Match found?
Match Not found for
three occurrences

Match Found

Inform Requestor
Establish Identity

Inform Requestor

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

6.5 Sub Process- Establish Identity Specification

Specification Description

Summary/Purpose To establish the identity of the user.

Scope This is a level 2 Process Specification.

Primary ITIL Reference Access Management- Service Operation Processes

Related ITIL Practices NA

Related Business Driver Authenticity of user

Related Operational NA

Assumptions  Information provided by customer database is correct and accurate.

 Email requests originate from authentic users.

 The communication between Service Desk and Requester is secure

 Phone call
 Email(optional)
Establish Identity (Phone)
Basic Course of Event 1. Service Desk asks the phone caller for primary and secondary credentials.
2. Customer provides credentials to Service Desk.
3. Service Desk obtains identification credentials.
4. Service Desk verifies credentials from customer database.
5. Service Desk checks Primary ID and Secondary ID provided.
6. Service Desk establishes Identity upon match finding.
7. Service Desk informs Requestor.
8. End.

Establish Identity (Email)

1. Obtain identification credentials (email, name, position) from customer,
Request Fulfillment process and Change Management process.
2. Service Desk verifies credentials from customer database.
3. Service Desk checks Primary ID and Secondary ID provided.
4. Service Desk establishes identity upon match finding.
5. Service Desk informs Requestor.
6. End.

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Access Management

Alternative Path Credential Not verified (match not found)

1. Customer re-provides credentials.

2. Service Desk verifies credentials from customer database.
3. Service Desk checks primary ID and secondary ID provided.
4. Service Desk establishes identity upon match finding
5. Service Desk informs Requestor.
6. End.

Exception Path Credential Not verified( three occurrences)

1. Service Desk Informs Requestor

2. End

Extension points Identify category

Preconditions Information provided by customer database is correct and accurate.

Post -conditions  The request emerging from users who are not authenticated is

 Valid users are authenticated

Related Business Rules NA

Related Risks RR-004, RR-005 (Ref. 7.2)

Related Quality Attributes NA

Related Data Quality NA


Related Primary SLA Terms NA

Related KPIs NA

Related CTQs NA

Actors/Agents Customer, Service Desk, Request Fulfillment, Change Manager.

Delegation Delegation Rule -1: Service Desk Not Available

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue

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3. Log the Delegation

Delegation Rule -2: Service Desk Overloaded

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation

Escalation NA

Process Map 5.1

Process Model 6.4

Other References Appendix A: Business Process Notation Reference

6.6 Sub Process- Establish Identity Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities

Customer  Provides necessary information credentials

Request Fulfillment  Provides necessary information credentials


Change Manager  Provides necessary information credentials

Service Desk  Obtains credentials.

 Checks Primary and secondary ID and verify identity

 Keeps the customer informed on the status

 For three occurrence of failure terminates the process

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Access Management

6.7 Sub Process-Open Ticket

Request Fullfillment Change Manager Customer Service Desk

Valid Access Auto generate

Request Ticket ID

Access Ticket ID
Categorization rules

Access Priority

Change Access Prioritization

Record, rules
RFC Access request
date and Time

Access Requester
Access Requester
Requester details

Record Establish
SLA/ OLA Time to finish
Access Description



Notify the

Current Status

Closure Time
and date

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

6.8 Sub Process-Open Ticket Specification

Specification Description

Summary/Purpose Explanation of the sub process for opening Access Ticket

Scope This is a level 2 Process Specification.

Primary ITIL Reference Access Management- Service Operation Processes

Related ITIL Practices NA

Accuracy of record
Related Business Driver

Related Operational NA

Assumptions  Access request has been correctly identified

 Access request information provided by customer is correct and accurate.

 Access requests emerging from Request Management, Change

Management, and Customer are accurate.

 Access categorization and prioritization rules already exist

Trigger Valid Access Request

Open Access Ticket

Basic Course of Event 1. Service Desk auto generates Ticket ID.
2. Service Desk assigns access category based on access categorization
3. Service Desk establishes access priority based on access prioritization
4. Service Desk identifies access request date and time
5. Service Desk fills in access requester details.
6. Service Desk establishes timeline based on SLA/ OLA.
7. Service Desk keys in access description from change record, request
record or customer phone call or email.
8. Service Desk assigns an analyst.
9. Service Desk opens record for the resolution.
10. Service Desk opens record for the current Status.
11. Service Desk opens record for closure time and date
12. End.

Notify Customer
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1. Service Desk identifies Ticket ID, Identity of request Owner, and timeline.
2. Service Desk notifies the requester.
3. End.
Alternative Path

Exception Path

Extension points Validate request

Preconditions NA

Post -conditions  Access record gets established.

 Customer / Requester gets notified on the expected timeline.

Related Business Rules NA

Related Risks RR-006 (Ref.7.2)

Related Quality Attributes NA

Related Data Quality NA


Related Primary SLA Terms NA

Related KPIs NA

Related CTQs NA

Actors/Agents Customer, Service Desk, Change Manager, Request Fulfillment.

Delegation Delegation Rule -1: Service Desk Not Available

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation

Delegation Rule -2: Service Desk Overloaded

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue

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Access Management

3. Log the Delegation

Escalation NA

Process Map 5.1

Process Model 6.7

Other References Appendix A: Business Process Notation Reference

6.9 Sub Process-Open Ticket Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities

Customer Provides details on access description, access requester

Request Fulfillment Provides details on access description, access requester


Event Manager Provides details on access description, access requester

Service Desk Collects access information from customer, Request Fulfillment and change

Opens Ticket and populates the following fields from various sources:
 Access Date and Time
 Access Owner
 Establish Timeline
 Access Description
 Resolution
 Current Status
 Related Problem
 Closure Time and date

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6.10 Sub Process-Delegate to Other Processes

Service Desk

Non Access related

Event Problem Change Incident

Management management Management Management

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Access Management

6.11 Sub Process-Delegate to Other Processes Specification

Specification Description

Summary/Purpose Explanation of the sub process for delegating non access request to applicable

Scope This is a level 2 Process Specification.

Primary ITIL Reference Access Management- Service Operation Processes

Related ITIL Practices NA

Related Business Driver NA

Related Operational NA

Assumptions Correct identification that the request is not applicable to access


Trigger Non access related request

Service Desk delegates to Problem Management or Event Management or

Basic Course of Event Change Management or Incident Management based on the event.

Alternative Path

Exception Path

Extension points Relevant process

Preconditions NA

Post -conditions Relevant process is selected.

Related Business Rules NA

Related Risks NA

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Access Management

Related Quality Attributes NA

Related Data Quality NA


Related Primary SLA Terms NA

Related KPIs NA

Related CTQs NA

Actors/Agents Service Desk

Delegation NA

Escalation NA

Process Map 5.1

Process Model 6.10

Other References Appendix A: Business Process Notation Reference

6.12 Sub Process-Delegate to Other Processes Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities
Identifies the happening as non access request and delegate to relevant
Service Desk

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6.13 Sub Process- Notify Requester

Service Desk Customer Change Manager Request Fullfillment

Non Access Request Request

Access Request
update Customer Record


Requestor contact Change

Obtain contact
details record


Call the requester


Confirm Confirm Confirm

Acceptance Acceptance Acceptance




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Access Management

6.14 Sub Process- Notify Requester Specification

Specification Description

Summary/Purpose Explanation of the sub process for notifying requester

Scope This is a level 2 Process Specification.

Primary ITIL Reference Access Management- Service Operation Processes

Related ITIL Practices NA

Related Business Driver Customer satisfaction and validation of result.

Related Operational NA

Assumptions Protected means of communication exists between Service Desk and


Trigger Non Access request, Approved Access request, Access Request update

Notify Requester
Basic Course of Event 1. For non access request, access update and approved access request
Service Desk obtains contact details from customer or Change
Management process or Request management process.
2. Service Desk calls and /or emails customer.
3. The Customer, Change Manager, Request Fulfillment Manager confirms
4. Service Desk receives confirmation via email.
5. End

Alternative Path NA

Confirmation Not received

Exception Path 1. Service Desk obtains new contact details
2. Service Desk calls and /or emails customer
3. The Customer, Change Manager, Request Fulfillment confirms the
4. Service Desk receives confirmation via email.
5. End

Extension points Close Ticket

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Access Management

Preconditions NA

Post -conditions Customer confirms the receipt of notification

Related Business Rules NA

Related Risks NA

Related Quality Attributes NA

Related Data Quality NA


Related Primary SLA Terms NA

Related KPIs NA

Related CTQs NA

Actors/Agents Service Desk, Customer, Change Manager, Request Fulfillment.

Delegation Delegation Rule -1: Service Desk Not Available

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation

Delegation Rule -2: Service Desk Overloaded

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation

Delegation Rule -3: Customer Not Available

1. Identify alternate contact

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation

Escalation NA

Process Map 5.1

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Process Model 6.13

Other References Appendix A: Business Process Notation Reference

6.15 Sub Process- Notify Requester Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities

Customer Receives the notification and confirms the acceptance

Change Manager Receives the notification and confirms the acceptance

Request Fulfillment
Receives the notification and confirms the acceptance

 Obtains contact details of the requester.

Service Desk
 Calls and /or emails requester to update on the Access request , if the
receipt is not confirmed, rechecks the contact details and resend the
 Receives confirmation

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

6.16 Sub Process- Close Ticket

Service Desk Customer Change Manager Request FulFillment

Access record
Requester Notified

Verify Category

Category ok?

Access record


Documentation Update


Conduct Send Feedback Send Feedback Send Feedback


Update Access
Survey record

Formal closure Update Ticket status

Access record

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

6.17 Sub Process- Close Ticket Specification

Specification Description

Summary/Purpose Explanation of the sub process for closing access ticket

Scope This is a level 2 Process Specification.

Primary ITIL Reference Access Management- Service Operation Processes

Related ITIL Practices NA

Related Business Driver Integrity and accuracy of records

Related Operational NA

Assumptions Secure communication exists between Service Desk and Customer

Trigger Requestor notified

Close Ticket
Basic Course of Event 1. Service Desk verifies category.
2. Service Desk checks documentation.
3. Service Desk conducts satisfaction survey via email.
4. Customer or Change Manager or Request Fulfillment sends feedback via
5. Service Desk updates access information.
6. Service Desk closes the request formally.
7. End.

Alternative Path NA

Exception Path

Extension points NA

Preconditions Access request has been entertained.

Post -conditions Formal Closure of the access request.

Related Business Rules NA

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Related Risks RR-007 (Ref.7.2)

Related Quality Attributes NA

Related Data Quality NA


Related Primary SLA Terms NA

Related KPIs NA

Related CTQs NA

Actors/Agents Service Desk, Customer, Change Manager, Request Fulfillment

Delegation Delegation Rule -1: Service Desk Not Available

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation
Delegation Rule -2: Service Desk Overloaded

1. Delegate the Issue to additional agent with same Role

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation
Delegation Rule -3: Customer Not Available

1. Identify alternate contact

2. Update the Issue
3. Log the Delegation

Escalation NA

Process Map 5.1

Process Model 6.16

Other References Appendix A: Business Process Notation Reference

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

6.18 Sub Process- Close Ticket Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities
Receives customer satisfaction survey and after evaluation of the service sends
it to Service Desk.

Receives customer satisfaction survey and after evaluation of the service sends
Change Manager
it to Service Desk.

Request Fulfillment Receives customer satisfaction survey and after evaluation of the service sends
Manager it to Service Desk.

Service Desk  Checks whether the category has been correctly identified.
 Verified the documentation, if the documentation is not updated updates
 Conducts satisfaction Survey (email) and updates the survey record
 Formally closes the ticket and access request.

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management


This chapter serves as a prime reference to Chapter 6 and presents the details supporting
Chapter 6 in tabular formats. This chapter consists of various variable values which would
frequently evolve or change as NOC Access Management process matures or changes.

At minimal this document would be updated by NOC operation team biannually. However,
if need arises this document may be updated earlier than its prescribed revision period.

7.1 Business Rules

BR ID Description Context Rule Source

BR-001 A new ticket will be opened if the requester Business NA NA

dispute on the outcome of the previous access of
the request. The old tickets would be null and

7.2 Risk

Risk ID Description Source Severity Status Resolution


RR-001 Service Desk email can undergo a TBD High NA To put spam
SPAM attack, resulting in its control system,
unavailability or least bad and furthermore
performance. provide redundant
infrastructure for

RR-002 For a group of supplier a single TBD Medium NA To have a policy to

ID is created. This same ID is allocate each
shared between different users temporary
suppliers and external users. username and
password, and
monitor its

RR-003 System down. TBD High NA To have a paper

record of the
access matrix to

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

RR-004 The mechanism to identify the Establish Low NA The Service Desk
Fraudulent calls made by insider identity line should be a
users is not in place. direct number and
all the call logs to
Service Desk
should be logged
and periodically
run through.

RR-005 Service Desk email can undergo a Establish medium NA Service Desk
SPAM attack, resulting in its identity should have a
unavailability or least state of the art
performance. anti spam

RR-006 The ticketing System for the Open High NA There should be a
organization is down. Ticket ticketing
procedure to
handle access in
case the ticketing
system is offline

RR-007 The analyst closes the ticket Ticket High NA Analyst should not
before the problem was settled. Close be provided with
any capability to
close the ticket.

7.3 Quality Attribute

QA ID Description Threshold

QA – 001 Authenticity TBD

QA - 002 Non-Repudiation TBD

7.4 Data Quality Dimension

DQ ID Description Threshold

DQ – 001 Timeliness TBD

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

7.5 Operation Policy

Policy ID Description Context Importance (1-5)

OP-001 One Service Desk agent per shift Shift TDB

OP-002 Security officer is available only in business Shift, Non working TDB
hours days

OP - 003 Temporary User IDs are provided to occasional Operations TDB

staff or contractors/suppliers. The Temporary
User ID is configured to expire automatically
after the stipulated period as defined during
User ID creation.

7.6 KPI

Name Acronym Description Context Importance Soft Hard

Threshold Threshold

Access ARR The number of NA TBD TBD TBD

Rate access requests per
Request day (24 hours)

Access AVR Access request NA TBD TBD TBD

Violation being violated per
Rate month

Access ACR Access changed per NA TBD TBD TBD

Change month

Note: the above section refers to internal KPIs, which would be managed and monitored by
Access Manager as per the timescale mentioned in the respective KPI.

7.7 CTQ

Name Acronym Description Context Importance Soft Hard

Threshold Threshold

Access ARRV Standard NA TBD TBD TBD

rate deviation of ARR
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Access Management


Access AAVRV Standard NA TBD TBD TBD

Violation deviation of AVR

Access ACRV Standard NA TBD TBD TBD

Change deviation of ACR


7.8 Abstract Time-Scale

Name Acronym Description Quantification

Maximum time to MTCT The maximum time allowed to close the ticket, if TBD
close ticket no feedback received from requester

7.9 SLA Terms

SLA ID Description Context KPI CTQ


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Access Management


Terminology Description

Abstract Time Scale Time Scale that will be quantified both during operations and continuous
process improvement. These time identifiers are correlated with the soft
thresholds that are dynamically specified during life span of the process.

Access Refers to the level and extent of a service functionality or data that a user is
entitled to use.

Access Request Closure A formal closure of the ticket by the Service Desk after fulfilling request and
confirmation from the requester

Access requester They are the authorized users within the network operations who require
access to network information and systems. Requesters include THE OPERATOR,
NOC, MC and Suppliers.

ACR Access Change Request

ACRV Access change request variation

ARR Access rate request

ARRV Access rate request variation

AVR Access Violation Rate

AVRV Access violation rate variation

BPMN Business Process Modelling Notation

Business Process Modelling Notation is the practice of documenting an

organisation key business processes in a graphical format.

Business Rules Business Rules are intended to assert business structure or to control or
influence the behaviour of the Business. Business rules describe the operations,
definitions and constraints that apply to an organization

CTQ Critical to Quality

Critical To Quality (CTQ) is continuous measuring and monitoring tool agreed

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

between the internal processes to achieve greater customer satisfaction.

Data Quality The totality of features and characteristics of data that bears on their ability to
Dimensions satisfy a given purpose

Identify Refers to the information about users that distinguishes them as an individual
and which verifies their status within the organization. By definition, the Identity
of a user is unique to that user.

Iqama Identification card for Foreign workers in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library

The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a set of concepts and

practices for Information Technology Services Management (ITSM), Information
Technology (IT) development and IT operations

KPI Key Performance Indicator

A metric that is used to help manage a process, IT service or activity. Many

metrics may be measured, but only the most important of these are defined as
KPIs and used to actively manage and report on the process, IT service or
activity. KPIs should be selected to ensure that efficiency, effectiveness, and cost
effectiveness are all managed.

MC Maintenance Centre

THE OPERATOR Ministry of Interior

Network Modernization

NOC Network Operations Centre

NMS Network Management System

Operational Policy Rules defined to operate the process.

Quality Attributes Quality attributes are non-functional requirements used to evaluate the
performance of a process.

Risk A possible event that could cause harm or loss, or affect the ability to achieve
Objectives. A risk is measured by the probability of a threat, the vulnerability of

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management

the asset to that threat, and the impact it would have if it occurred.

Rights Rights or privileges refer to the actual settings whereby a user is provided access
to a service or group of services. Typical rights, or levels of access, include read,
write, execute, change, delete.

SLA Service Level Agreement

An Agreement between an IT Service Provider and a Customer. The SLA

describes the IT Service, documents Service Level Targets, and specifies the
responsibilities of the IT Service Provider and the Customer

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Access Management



Business Process Modelling (“BPM”) is the practice of documenting an organisation key

business processes in a manner which:
 is highly graphical
 focuses on business terminology rather than technical
 allows all business steps/tasks to be included, not just those which involve a computer

Below is a mention of various concepts of BPMN with the relevant definition and graphic


All processes have to start somehow, general notation for a process models
commence with the START event, is a circle.
One can use simply the basic unmarked start event as above, or one of the different types of start
event, to provide more detail as described below.

If a process starts when some sort of message arrives, mail, email, text. Following Message start
notation can be used

If a process starts by virtue of the passage of time – e.g. TIMER Start

1st Jan review or 4 days after the purchase order is sent, following notation can be

If the process starts when a rule/condition is met – e.g. RULE Start

when Incident Impact is more than 100,000.

If a process starts when another process finishes. Following notation can be used LINK Start

If there is more than one ‘trigger’ for a process to start. Following notation can be MULTIPLE Start

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Access Management


Task Task is a lowest level activity in a process map. A
task is used when the work is not broken down to a
finer level of detail
Sub A Sub-process is a compound activity which can be
Process broken down into finer details.

Loops Loops task or sub process continues to iterate until

the loop condition is true. Review


notation can be
used to display
the intermediate
event, similar to
start and end


All processes have to end somehow, general notation for a process models end will be
a circle with a solid line.
One can use simply use the basic end event as above, or you can use one of the different types of
end event, to provide more detail, as described below:
If a process ends by something being sent via a message of some sort e.g., mail, email, MESSAGE
document, following notation can be used. End

If the end of this process causes the start of another, following notation can be used. LINK End

If more than one consequence of the process ending, following notation can be used. MULTIPLE

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Access Management


A Pool represents a participant in a

Process. It is also acts as a
Pool “swimlane” and a graphical

container for partitioning a set of
activities from other Pools
A Lane is a sub-partition within a
Pool and will extend the entire
Lane length of the Pool, either vertically

or horizontally. Lanes are used to
organize and categorize activities.


A Sequence Flow is represented by a solid line with a solid

arrowhead (see the figure to the right) and is used to show
Sequence Flow the order (the sequence) that activities will be performed
in a Process.
A Message Flow is represented by a dashed line with an
open arrowhead (see the figure to the right) and is used to
Message Flow show the flow of messages between two separate Process
Participants. In BPMN, two separate Pools in the Diagram
will represent the two Participants.


The ANNOTATION shape is used to add comments to a This is some text which
Annotation helps explain something
process model. It consists of text in a square left bracket about the model

A data object represents a piece of data which is required or

Data Object
produced by the process eg. Customer details, output.

A grouping is purely for documentation or explanatory

purposes. It has no impact on the model. It consists of a
rectangle with dashed lines and rounded corners, usually
enclosing other objects.

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Access Management


The values of the process are examined to determine

Exclusive which path to take

Each branch will be evaluated and will not stop when

Inclusive one branch condition becomes true.

Provides a mechanism to synchronise parallel flow and

Parallel to create parallel flow.

Hartono Subirto 2016
Access Management


Access control matrix is a list of permissions given to roles for accessing an object (file
/module). Access control matrix serves a good medium to identify who can access what, and
to what level and hence establishes a means of control in an environment.

Role Service group Modules Read (Y/N) Write (Y/N) Delete Remarks

Hartono Subirto 2016

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