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Name - Maliha Jabeen Khan
Age -14 years
Hobbies- reading books,
watching television, writing
and listening to music.
Name -Nikita Gauda. Age -14
years old
Hobbies : dancing , reading ,
listening to music
Dislikes : child labour , child
marriage , child trafficking.
Name – Arya Rawool
Age -14 years old
Hobbies - Singing, listening to
music, painting, travelling,

Name - Sanjana Sangalkar.

Age -14 years old
Hobbies -reading, singing and
I like reading fictional novels.
Name – Priyal Damani
Age -14 years old
Hobbies -reading ,writing,
singing, dancing, making
creative art and craft pieces
and styling myself
Seven- storey building
with an open field.
Each floor has about
ten classes. The school
has about 1,700
Facilities of our school
include a library which
has approximately
30,000 books of
different genres.
Our school also has
laboratories like the
computer laboratories and
the science laboratories
including physics,
chemistry and biology labs
There is an art room and a
craft room where the
students are given the
opportunity to showcase
their talent and creativity.
An auditorium where all the
pupils can show their talents
during various events and
Our school organizes an
annual athletic meet for
each grade every alternative
year in which maximum
number of students
The students have weighed the waste produced on two
days – Tuesday and Wednesday.
The waste produced on Tuesday weighs around 22kg and
on Wednesday the waste produced is approximately 20
So the total waste produced in two days namely Tuesday
and Wednesday is 42kg.
No, younger students are not
producing more waste than elder
students .
According to the waste produced
on the 6th floor ( students from
grade 8 to 10)and the 4th floor
( students from grade 4 to 6), the
6th floor weighed 100 g whereas
the waste on the 4th floor weighed
This thus proves that elder
students produce more waste than
the younger students.
For this research we kept two
dustbins ,one for boys and one
for girls .
For one day ,all the students
were instructed to throw their
waste in their respective
As it is evident from the
picture , the disposal of waste
by the girls is less as compared Dustbin Dustbin for
for boys girls
to the waste produced by the
Boys Girls
Every class possesses dustbins where they can deposit
all their wastes produced throughout the day.
Also, every floor of the school is accompanied with
two large bins.
The housekeeping department plays a key role in
managing the waste produced.
They regularly check the respective classes to assure
that the bins aren’t filled to their rims. If the stated
prevails they empty the bin immediately into the floor
Our school generally
produces two kinds of waste
–Biodegradable wastes and
Non-biodegradable wastes.
The wastes produced are
furthermost categorized into
different wastes categories.
The categories are wet
wastes and dry wastes.
Wet wastes produced
include –
Fruit and Vegetable peels
Dry wastes include-
Scrap papers, stationary
wastes like used pens,
pencil shavings, plastic bags
and cardboard cartons.
Yes, students are involved in
collecting the rubbish and cleaning
the canteens.
For the SUPW Eco club activity,
students help clean the school and its
surroundings, the canteens and the
classrooms as part of one of the
activities organized by the Eco club
We have taken many steps to keep
our environment cleaner and greener.
‘It’s not my problem’.
Some students are more likely to drop litter when they don’t
feel any sense of ownership. If they don’t feel that the
classroom belongs to them they don’t try to keep it looking
nice.We should try to take a pride in ‘our classroom and do
our best to keep it looking great.
‘Everyone does it – we don’t even think about it’.
Research into teenagers’ attitudes to littering show that the
majority of teenagers who drop litter do it without even
thinking about it. Finding a bin would get in the way of
whatever else they are doing and it is easier just to drop litter.
They do not think of the consequences of littering for
themselves or the environment.
The use of Thermacol and plastic
is not encouraged in our school
during projects.
Until last for our second term
examinations all the students of
our school were instructed to tear-
off the unused sheets of the
answer booklet since they were
provided in large number but now
they have reduced it to 11 initially
and now to 7
Also as a part of the SUPW
activity, students also work on
initiatives wherein they recycle
newspapers to make paper bags
Students are encouraged to
bring old newspaper on
Mondays and Thursdays. The
house which collects the
maximum number of
newspapers is awarded points
depending upon the quantum
of newspapers collected. This
encourages the students to
bring more newspapers. Thus
making the environment better
with the help of a healthy
competition !
Yes, our school has various methods to
recycle waste at school . Our school
awards certain points to the house
which has collected the largest amount
of waste such as tetra packs , PET
bottles ,newspapers and E-waste
which then go for recycling .
The school also collected around 547kg
of newspapers in six months till
October and sent it to National
association for Disabled people, who
recycle it to make paper bags.
As a part of the SUPW activity, students
also work on initiatives wherein they
recycle newspapers to make paper bags
We also have made our own
vermiculture pit in our
school premises students are
supposed to bring bio-
degradable waste like
vegetable /fruit peels from
their homes not only this
but our school has separate
containers for throwing wet
and dry waste
Chewing gums are not allowed in our school and if a
student is found having gum or any sort of other
mint tablets, strict actions are taken against him/ her.
After every long break extra 5 minutes are given to
all the students to clean their classrooms . If
someone throws something on the ground , he is
realized of his/ her mistake and is made to pick It up
and throw it in the dustbin .Also the students and
teachers of the class convince him/ her not to repeat
the action again as it would only harm the
ICT Technology or Information and
Communications technology in
Education helps schools with ICT
equipment disposal by either
preventing or reducing the disposal
of waste at schools.
The students of our school are
taught in an eco- friendly manner. A
website namely Koolkampus is
used by the students to grasp the
concepts better if they have missed
out anything in the class or if they
were absent or probably not paying
attention. This removes the burden
from the teacher’s shoulders and
reduces their work load
Also, Extramarks an educating website is
used by the teachers to explain to the students
difficult concepts and to make studies simple
, easy and smart for them through diagrams,
videos and audio visuals. The videos
uploaded are extremely helpful for the
students to get a clear idea of the concepts
taught in class. The presentation of these
videos is as such, that even a students who
was unable to attend the class at school
would be able to visualize what the teacher
has taught. Thus, reducing the physical as
well as mental work not only the teachers but
also the students .
The school’s official website E-Campus or
MICM uploads the lesson plan of each day
including the homework that the students are
given on that particular day. Any students
who has missed it out can check it on the
website easily.
Moreover, a month before examinations , the sample question
papers from the years 2013 – till date are uploaded for each
grade so that the students have no difficulty in understanding
the question paper pattern . This also reduces the effort of
printing papers for each and every individual.
Our school has implemented a few methods of ICT
Technology according to which the students of primary section
and below use electronic gadgets like tablets and other
electronic items to make notes. This further, helps in the
reduction of the amount of paper produced at school.
Conducting Seminars and campaigns or even street plays for
the students if our school and for the people of our city,
encourages them to limit the amount of rubbish that they
produce. More is the rubbish produced, more will be the
amount of garbage on the land causing landfills which in turn
leads to land pollution.
Making people understand that producing more amount of
garbage today is like suffering because of it tomorrow and
ruining the day after.
By telling people that the working men or women
who collect garbage from houses, offices and school
will only be collecting a certain amount of rubbish
(maybe just a 100g). And every citizen will have to
give only that much amount of rubbish to the garbage
This thus, abets the people to reduce the production
of rubbish
a. Sachitanandan Mahapatro
from grade 7
Age – 12 years
Questions asked –
• What kind of rubbish is
produced in school?
• How do you react if you
see a person throwing
garbage in an inappropriate
a. Devanshi Gupta from
grade 7
Age – 12 years
Question asked –
• Do you know the methods
that the school is taking for
recycling waste ? If yes,
then what are they?

a. Hunaid Khan from grade
Age – 13 years
Question asked –
• What can we do to teach
children and adults not to
• According to you why is it
important to recycle ?
a. Arundhati Menon from
grade 8
Age – 13 years
Question asked –
• Are you aware of the methods
that the school is taking for
waste management ? If yes,
then what are they ?
• According to you who
produces more waste in the
school, boys or girls ?
a. Riya Jaison from grade 9
Age – 14 years
Question asked –
• What initiative do you take
for maintaining the rubbish
produced by our school? If
yes, then elaborate your
experience mentioning what
you have learned from it ?
a. Siddharth Sathu from
grade 9
Age – 14 years
Question asked –
What kind of waste do you
produce more often ?
a. Akshat Rawat from grade
Age – 14 years
Question asked –
• Have you taken part in any
of the cleaning campaigns
organized by our school
a. Kulsoom Javed from
grade 10
Age – 15 years
Question asked –
• Give at least two methods
that the school should
follow for maintaining the
waste produced
a. Adheet Shetty from grade
Age – 15 years
Question asked –
Do you think that the school
should organize more
campaigns for waste
management ? If yes, then
what kind of campaigns
should the school be
organizing ?
a. Diya Dhabade from grade 10
Age – 15 years
Question asked –
• Why do you think some students
throw litter on the ground instead
of throwing it in the dustbin ?
• Are you one of those people who
throw garbage or waste on the
ground instead of throwing it in
the dustbin? If yes, then what can
you do to improve yourself? And
if no, why ?
Question asked –
What are the some items at our school that can be
recycled ?
What is done to the unrecyclable or non-biodegradable
waste produced at school?
Is the school involved in composting? If yes, then how
do the members of the school including students ,
teachers and workers contribute to it ?
How satisfied are you with the options to dispose of
your garbage and sewage materials?
What kind of waste is produced more often?
Do you think people will stop littering if they are
punished ?
Our school has already actively participated in many cleaning campaigns to reduce
the use the production of waste not only at school but also from our surroundings.
Our school’s waste is disposed in the compost pit. The students bring newspapers,
Pet bottles and E- waste and deposit it in the cartons provided on the ground floor
following the 3 R’s ( Reduce , Reuse and Recycle). As mentioned earlier house
points are awarded according to the the weight of the cartons. This results in active
participation of the students to get more and more waste.
Also, as a part of the SUPW – Eco Club activities, students go for a cleaning
campaign wherein they go around the school and clean its premises.
However, to improve the waste management at school it should be made
compulsory for all the students of our school to get biodegradable waste so that this
waste can be disposed in the compost of our school.
Also, at least once in a month all the students of our school should be taken down
to the ground and see the amount of waste produced by weighing the waste in front
of them. The students will then realize how much waste they produce at school.
They will thus become more responsible ad try to reduce the amount of waste that
they produce to some extent so that per day the waste disposal from our school can
reduce by at Least 5 kg
All the students from the secondary section were asked
to bring biodegradable waste for our school compost
pit. This was made compulsory for each and every
student so that the disposal of waste is reduced and the
method of managing waste is improved.
For the implementation of this method , all the group
members had requested the principal, Dr. Madhura
Phadke to make it mandatory for all the students fro
the secondary section to get biodegradable waste for
the school’s vermiculture pit.
According to all the research and awareness activities conducted by our group
members, we have come to a conclusion that our school has actively participated
in all the activities and campaigns to not only reduce the production of waste but
also to implement new rules and methods for improving the management of waste.
For the people who have a desire to improve more and more of the methods for
waste management , our school is a living example for them. Because in our
school , not only the cleaning staff but also the teachers and students contribute to
waste management.
The collection of newspapers, pet bottles and e-waste, recycling of waste by
disposing it in the compost pit, cleaning , segregating waste into wet and dry,
cleaning the schools premises, spreading awareness by making charts and posters
on the topic of waste management, conducting assemblies on the topic related to
recycling, maintaining the hygiene of the school washrooms on each floor is all
done by each and every member of Pawar Public School Chandivali.
Also the newspaper Hindustan times printed an article on our school members on
the 6th page and gave us the title ‘Green heroes’ for managing waste effectively.
According to the interviews taken of the students from
grade 7 to 10 . We have come to a conclusion that almost all
the students of our school actively participate in most of the
activities conducted and organized by the school.
The students are aware of all the policies that the school
undertakes for managing waste.
Majority of the students are concerned for the environment
and thus try to explain to others not to litter as it would
only be considered hazardous for the world . This shows the
effort of the teachers and the school to instill this attitude in
the student’s minds to protect our precious environment and
try to make it more cleaner and greener.
As suggested earlier , the school should take all the students
down on the ground floor to make them realize the importance of
waste management so that they become responsible and produce
less waste.
If the students are shown the weight of the waste that they
produce at the end of the day, they would understand that if they
produce more garbage then it might even result in landfills and
how harmful it can turn out to be if it is not prevented.
The school can even spread awareness among the students by
giving topics like Waste Management and Recycling waste for
various inter – house drama competitions like Jayostute etc.
This way the students can be educated about the hazardous
effects of land pollution on the environment.
This will thus encourage them to reduce the waste that they
produce as much is possible

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