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Rural Development - Indian Context

Block-1 : Rural Society and Economy

Unit 1 : Introduction to Rural Sociology

Unit 2 : Rural Demography

Unit 3 : Rural Social Structure

Unit 4 : Rural Economic Structure

Unit 5 : Rural Poverty

Block-2 : Rural Development : Concepts, Structure and Experience

Unit 1 : Development-An Overview

Unit 2 : Rural Development : Concepts and Strategies

Unit 3 : Rural Development Experience : An Asian Perspective

Unit 4 : Rural Development in India

Block-3 : Rural Development – Agrarian Issues

Unit 1 : Agrarian Movements

Unit 2 : Land Reforms

Unit 3 : Green Revolution

Unit 4 : Agricultural Extension Services

Block-4 : Rural Development Administration

Unit 1 : Administrative Structure

Unit 2 : Panchayati Raj

Unit 3 : Cooperatives in Rural Development

Unit 4 : Rural Credit and Banking

Block-5 : Dynamics of Change in Rural India

Unit 1 : Social Change : Mobility & Mobilization

Unit 2 : Empowerment

Unit 3 : Information, Education and Communication (IEC)

Unit 4 : Information Technology and Rural Development

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