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Rasa’il Ikhwan as-Safa:

Debate of the Animals

(from the 22nd Epistle)

3 English Translations:
Manuel, Dowson & Wall
Antioch Gate
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Published by Antioch Gate 2007

© 2007

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. " poms," h.&C. &c. .

"The soul, o i origin divine.

God's glorious image, freed from ciay.
In Haaven's eternd sphere shall shine
A Star of Day!
The sun is but a spark of fire,
A transient meteor in the sky: *
The S&!, immortnl as its Sire,
Shag never die."-JfonLgomery.





THE Ikhwan-00s-sz~fScl,in the original Arabic is considered a classic. The

Oordoo version of the same (the best Etlition of which is the one published by
Lieut. W. N. Lees of the Fort William college) has now come into public notice from
the fact of its having been fixed us an Oordoo text-book for candidates going up for the
Entrance Exaruir~acion of the Calcutta University. The work is written in a pure,
simple and agreeable style: The subject is not very &tractive. Beasts and men
argue out the point of their respective superiority;the former cl?iming equality with
the latter, and declaring that they were not created for man to domineer over them;
and the latter maintaining that as they were made the lords of the creation, they
mere fully entitled to exact servitude from those wbo were no better than their
servants and slaves. The disputants at last refer the matter to the king of the
genii, who after wading through a whole volurne of testimonies (pro & con) at last
decides in favor of mankind, because they excel all other animals, in being endowed
with an immortal soul. How the cbief argument turns can best be elucidated by
quoting the following from Coleridge :-"Either we have an immortal soul or we have
not. If we have not, we are beasts; the first and wisest of beasts, it max be ; but still
true beasts. We shall only diBer in degree, a6d not in kind; just as the elephant
differs from the slug. But by the concession of all the materialists of all the
schools, or almost all, we are not of the same kind as beasts ; and this also we say
from our own consciousness. Therefore, methinks, it must be the possession of a
soul within that makes the differenoe."
The work is eminently calculated to assist the student in familiarising himself
with the Oordoo language. Rhny words not to be found in ordinary story-books,
are to be met with in the pages of the Ilchwm-00s-su4a. With the moral tenets
and theological (in its ii~eralsense) doctrines of his author, however, the Translator
dissvoms all concurrence. E e recommends the work solely on its philological
'F. P. &l.
Hooghly College, 15th July, 1860.
C H A P T E R I.
fl&s c.reaeio?a; his cont~ozev8p with the 6eask. variegated with every sort; of fruits and flowers;
ReJe~*encemade to Beoras6 the kiqt,~of the streams of transparent brightlless meau,jered
g i u ~ awho
~ , su-)nnlo)zsQ h.w7ilaa philosop/be~. i s every side. The bea& fatteued by ,yne rich
THEYsay that as long as the human race mere herbage on which they fed, were gsrubolliug on the
few in numbers, they always fled from the beasts lawns, the temperature was excelleut, aud the
and took shelter in caves or on mountains. Pound, fresh and verdant, induced the foreiguers
Assurance they had none, nor could they uuite not to thillk of departing. In short thsy fixed
together and engage iu any agricultulrrl pursuit. their abode there, built houses and comroeuced
Not being couvsrmnt with the art of weaving ellsnaring the animals to force service from
knew not how t o hide the nakedness of them. These, when they found themselves in-
t h e ~ rpersons. Fruits and vegetables supplied couvenienced even here, retired CO wildernessea ;
them with foo& and the leaves of t h e trees b u t men still thinkiug that they were their
afforded them covering. La winter they resorted slaves,busied themselvesin preparing toils where-
to warm climates, and the hcat of summer with t o entrap them. Wheu the beasts capx
drove them again t o seek shelter in cooler re- to h o w of this vain presumption, they assern-
giuns, Thus sometirue past a w q . As they in- bled *11 the respectable members of their tribes,
ore:lsed, all feam of bensts of prey were removed and laid their complaiutv before Bsol.us6, the
f m m their uiuds. 'fheu forts bgau t o rise, philosopher. After hearjug the circumsta~>ces
aud cities to be founded; the tools and mate- of the case, the king passed orders t o surumon
riah of cultivation lvere brought in use, and men. In obedience to the call, seveuty pereona,
be&s were compelied to own the superiority all remarkable for the fluency of their speech, ap-
of men by working and carrying their burden peared in the court. h spacious house maa litted
for them. The Elephant, the horse, the camel, out for their reception. When the fatigues of
and the ass hitherto exempt from Iabour aud travel had worn off,t h e king cited them to his
roving the greeu fields at pleasure, were now presence. When they beheld the monarch
made to ot!, and wear atmy their backs in con- seated on his throne, they bowed low and bless-
stafit service of meu. Notwithstauding all
their'ories and struggles men continued deaf.
XL often happened that the beasts dreading ca -
ed him, aud stood in order even ns the laws
of etiquette required. The king, a8 already
meutioued, was not only famous for his justice,
w t r had to fly tu dietant recious. The bir% but renowned likewise for his bravery and gene-
too mere in the same predicament. Every msity. The poor found a patron i n him, and tha
human being thought that birds and beasts were weak uuder his protection had nought t o dread
all their slaves, and no artifice w~xqleft untried from the domineering tyranny of power. He
which promised t o bring them i n their poser. was the staunchest votary of religion, and first
~t last sent d.iai~o.m& for the guitlance of consulted the will of God i n ajl his undertakings.
rnllkiad. The prophet opened the casket of Turning towards therep~.esentativosof mt~nkiod,
religion t o all,aud many a Gin also accepted the who were standing before him, Why have you
jctvel of faith; Ages elapsad after this, till 13~0. come into my country:' be asked, $'when we
,.as[, a p&losopher, and styled by may of dis- had no precious q u a i n k s u c e with each other
tinction the king of heroes, was choseil to even bg means of epistolary correspondence ?
the sovereign of the Genii. He was such a just has induced YOU t o come so far I" One of
monarch that the iior? aud the goat are .mid to the. representatives, a man of age and apericucc,
have drunls water a t the same fouutain. Thieves returned,-" We came, 0 king, attracted by 'the
and robbers were characters never heard of. The fame of Your equity and justice. F e ?me
&;md of BitLa Saghaon through which passes as s u ~ ~ l i a n tksn, o e n g tclo well, that no one has
the equinoctial line, was his capitnl :teturned unrequited from your p~v$ence."
It.happend once, that a ship laden witli men The monarch req1le~t:tedhim t o sgeak more
& & i p e n by adverse w b d s t o the shores of this fo the Polut. "0 just king," he began, L( thc
islsnd, . The merchauts and men of scienod animals who are our slaves refuse dlegiauce t o
h y i n g :diiembarked found that the land was W a54 those even, wko gartWlg :ouey W, de-

cline €0 admit our superiority." The king inter- show that we are his suljects and he our sbso- tions unsupported by proofs cannot be heard in The king observed that symmct~-yof shape

posed, lLWhat renson have you for saying so ?
Qratuitous assetiions cannot be heard in a court
justice." cLMonarch,"replied the other, ('we I
have many grounds, rational and traditional, far
l lute master; but simply enumerate the good
things which God has.bestowed upon man. Here
is my authority for what I say: ' Providence has
subjected beasts to you in the same way as he
a court of justice. Have you any proof to ad- denoted man's superiority. The beasts urged that
duce 2" He answered, 'l yes, both rational and the Creator had avoided extremes in making
traditional." The king enquired what these ' them also. Therefore they and men were equal.
were, He'answered, <' witbwhat grace and har- Mankind remarked, that the limbs of the beasts
saying 80." "What are these," inquired the king. has subjected the sun, the moon, the air and the mon~ has th& CREATOR moulded the features of were far from being well shaped ; that on the
A member of the fam~lyof Abbaas IZaz~ooEak clouds,' now from this i t does not appear that man. Each organ is endowed with a plan and contrary their features were extremely odioua,
ascended the pulpit, and read the K h w t b a as fol- he k our master and we his slaves. But on the adaptation to perform its individual oEce. and their stature altogether unequal. " Observe
lows. AI1praise is due to that gracious God, who co~~trary,that God h m severally subjected one to Synlmetricaliu shape, straight iu stature, blessed the camel," they said, '(a t d i creature, with a
has provided man with all sorts of delicacies in the other ; so that all may join together in pro- with sense and reason, which enable him to dis- long neck and short tail. Then look at the
this world, and created all other animals for his
use. Wow happy they, who obedient, move fear- $
I moting good, aud removing evil. Hence, we
are subjected to them, t o aid them in the acqui-
cover good from evil-nay, to scan the mysteries elephant, a large and wieldy animal with long
of heaven,-on whom else are conferred all projecting tusks, broad ears and small diminutive
lessly forward in the path whichleads t o future sition of good aud the removal of harm, not, these gifts 1 and do not these aIone entitle us to eyes. Refv also to. the ox and buffalo haviug
felic~ty,and doubly wretched they who giving as they imagine, to enable them by artifices to hear away the palm of superiority l" " And tails, thick set horns and no upper teeth ;
loose reins to their folly deviate from this track. become onr masters. Before man was born what have you now to say?" asked the king the thick-tailed sheep with heavy horns and fat
Blessing8 also be on Mahomed, whom God sent we and our parents lay undisturbed on the face addressing the beasts. They answered, "such buttocks, the he-goat with a long beard and no
t o direct mankind. He also made him lord of all
created beings, and he i t is who will prove our
best support in the day of judgment. Blessings
also on his descendants thron,oh whose means re-
ligion has been promoted and faith spread.
of the earth, grazed a t pleasurq and was each
individually busy in search of food.
On mountains and in vallep we lived together
and reared our young ones: Thankful to God
for what he had given us,our constant aim was
arguments do not make good their claim." The hip ; the hare, small in stature but l o w eared.
kiu- asked " dont you kuow that propriety in In this way all the beasts whether rapagous, or
and riaiog is considered princely, ~ n d addicted to graaing or flying are disproportionate
deviation from grace denoted slavishuess!' in shape and 6ze of their limbs:'
"Heaven preserve the king from all dangers !" this, one of. the brutes answered : "What a pity
On hearing
I n short every moment should be devoted t o to glorify him. Undisturbed we passed our answered one of the beasts, LLpermit me to i t is, that you have not understood the plan of
the glorification of that being. who by his won- days in the enjoyment of domesticpeace, When observe, that God has not made men graceful the Creator ! 'We are his creatures. In finding
derful power, created the first man out of a drop an age had past amay thus, God made Adam aud symmetrical that they may be called our fault with our own organization, v e blame him
of water, and made him in his turn father of a from a handful of clay, and named him the lord masters; nor us, the contrary, that r e may be who has made us. For i t is he who has formed
large family. From him came Eve, and through of the ee*h. When his race increased, they reckoned their slaves. He is wise and all his our limbs as they are. He has made every ob-
her the.popnlatiou which now abides on the face wandered about in wjldernesses, and extended works bear testimony to his wisdom. He has jeot adapted for some peculiar good. No one
of the earth, to whom power is given over laud the hand of persecution over m. 5iorses and granted to each a form which he considered the understands his plan, but he." The man said,
and water, over every ,living creature, -and. for asses, elephants, mules and camels, were all best for him." if J-ou are a philosopher among beasts, pray tell
whom ever s o n of dehcacy has been provlded made subservient t o them. Evils t o which our us why the neck of the camel is long " He an-
by God- $he Quoran says 'All beasts have ancestors were strangers, now accumulated on - swered, 'Lbecause his legs were also long, and if
been created for you, that YOU may derive bone- our heads. w h a t could we d~ 1 If we fled to the his neck were short, i t would have been difficult
fit -from them, aud clothe yourselves with their deserts we were still pursued. Snares and CHAPTER 111. .- for him t o have grazed on the grass of the field.
skim and hair. It is incumbent on you to drive toas were laid i n . our track, and &tigued and '

Also for another purpose ; that he may be able

them to the fields .at the b r e d of morn, and hungry, several mere csuoht a t last. ~ s not k OR t h dtyerenee of featu$*esa d stalures. to rise from the ground by the strength of his
carry them t o their folds a t the close of -eve.' In then what cruelty it was Eurs to endure. Some W A God~created man, he mlde him entirely neck, and reach his lips to allpart@Of his body
another place it is recorded 'On dry ground
and on water ride on camels and sit on boats.'
were butchered, some flayed alive, some had naked. ~h~~~was no covering on his body to when dsirous of scratching. I n the Elephant
Again 'Horses, asses and mulea are created
their bones broken, some had their sinews cut. preserve km from heat and cold, ~h~~ fed the proboscis instead of the neck is long, and the
that YOU may ride on them.' Once more L Ride
some their stomachs ripped open, some their on the fruits of the wilderness, and were clad ears are made broader: that he may, Bapping
pulled off and some were spitted and with the leaves of the trees. Hence i t mae that them Over his month and eyes, away the
on these, alld remember the bounties of your
• sod.' Beside. these- several other precepts of
rossted. And after all they are not satisfied they were mpde straight and tail, that they fleas and gnats that disturbhim+ because his
a Similar bear]% are to be
with m ;they needs muat claim that they are might easily reach the trees from which they IIlouth Em,ainS always Open OU account of his
on the pages our masters and. me their slaves. If this is not derived both their food and raiment. We, on tusks, which are purposely made long t o shield
of the same Holy- Work. The Old and New Q,ranny, what 3" . the contrary, feed on grass, aud oar stature :i him from the attacks Of rapaciouS animals, The
Testaments are both concurrent in their testi- ears of hares are longj because their b b b ~being

monieg i n support of the proposition, that therefore bent, that we may graze the better.
~h~ king obselTed, CL ~~d says in the Q ~ delicate
~ and~ their skin
~ thin, ~ their ~ears serve
~ them ,
beasts aremade for men. I n any mse i t is prov- 11have made men extremelywell+haped and as covering in winter, and bed in summer. I n
ed that we are their masters. and t,hev nur
subjects." On hearing this the k ~ n gtu&ed to-
wards the animals and desired them to answer
the argaments of theif adversaries. The Mule
obeyed, and thus spoke " Praised be that Holy
Being, who present before the creation of
-I The coturoversy b d ~ ?nej,
n a?& beasts
W=rn the king heard all the circ,,mstances
connected with the of allimals, he prepared
elegant.7 What my you tothis l' He ausrered : ~
G 0 king ! the words of the ~~.t~ can be con-

in a double sense; and none but thC
prove himself
oneof. the philosophers presentin the
o rhis
fa wants.
d has e eMoses
and then
n limbs
says ' Godbeast,
to the task? from all this that the limbs of every creature
are adapted to his wants. What you consider
first adapt-

to decide ; but before that he was called upon to iaterpret the text. above beautiful, and ~ a i ~fancy l y a8 the nlarks of Your
a n @ . WIWn there neither nor space, ed the cazee l a w - o ~ c eofr hIs court. These quoted. B~ and said X T moment,
~ ~ superiority are not really so. True beauty con-
H e renounced the word, and creation rose came forthwith. Turning tow&8 ha .that God created Adam was an a~~spicious one; sistsin making yovrself agreeable to fellow
~ u ~ t a n from e ~ sthe abyss of chaos. The observed-u The beasts have detailed the the and planets jwere in their creatures, apd exciting love in the hearts of each
heavens be made of fire and water, and elevated culars connected with the persecution practised proper houses, and the mere more other. This is the cause of the spread of genera-
them above the earth. From a drop of water
he developed the race of Adam, and sent them ; what answers h%ve you to make ?,a %han ever to receive the stamp,f nature tion. The beauty and elegance of one species have
One of them ,( king, these are our and to be moulded according t o her viii. Hence eeect On another. The Inales will a l w a ~ a
to people t h e worid. entrusted animals to
them, that they might save them f ~ O r n hafm> and we their masters ; it is proper for it was .that all *he limb of man came out like the femdes of their o ~ kind, n and aot those
and not tyrannLse Over and persecute them. us, therefore, by the right we hold over them, symmetrical. The words of the text will bear Of another, although the latter may be far
to from them. In obeying us they anaer IcOnatruction,ln making man*the better in appearance than the former ;so it is
"0king!" he continued, "the sentences from obey God, snd dlsobying us they~sett ~ e i face
r with man- He likes hie Own species* Those
the Quomn which mm hw reperrtad, do not Creator' avoided extremes. Hence i t was ;hat
the Deity. The ging remarked C l Asser- his *hape was heither too nor too short, who we dark skiuned do not. like the fair bodied,
yo11r beauty then is not a In short, mhen one p r t y is victorious 0t7c.ei.'
and wTSCG,
be- treatment. If the k i ~ og y y listened to the liceu-
source of glory to YOU, a1ld ou that account you the other, he considers the vanquished tions words, he wo11ld think that all the wicked-
should not yourself above US. . You are longillg ta the tribe of his enemy, a d the con- ness aud ignorance of the world were to be
even in R?~iugthat your sense 1s sequence is t,hat he sells them a s slaves. ?Vho found in them, And these wretches never
keener than ours, l'lero &re mnny b e a t s who ~ U O W S who are the real slaves ? Superiority and
remember for a moment what God and the
will stand better than you iu comparison. For slavery in natiol~sare always rotatory, fixed as prophet have said. 111 one place it is written
iustauce tktke the oimel. H e has long legs and i t .were by astrolo~<calrules. God himself says in the Koran, 'If you wish to be forgiven for-
neck, his head talks with'the wind, and notwith- 'These proceed turn by turn through ~ges.' give others.' . Again : ' Order the Edthful, 0
s t . ~ u d ~allu ~these, his bead in paths through And. mally amongst them know this to be right. Afahomed ! to overlook the faults of unbeliev-
l&ich you could not move with the glare of As regards feeding aud other treatmenm, ib is ers.' I n another place : All the auirnals that
torches, is always sure aud steady, The horse not kixduess but rather the fear of loosillg u s
too c a ~ i henr (from a distance) the soaud
of the footsteps of .pssseogew. i t has often
1 and our services, which iuduces them to be con-
siderate to us. Lf we die, h o will ~ they ride,
creep on the earth or. fly on the air have their
community as wall as JOU~S.' And once again :
Whenever you ride ou camels, remember the
Ilupnelied thab he lies givexi notice to nis who will my their burderls, h.?After " llis graciousuess of God, and exclaim, noly is the
meter of the np roach of his eueruy, and there- the beasts severally aud iudioidually laid their Lord, who has subjected such auimsls to us,
by saved big,. fi you leave an ass or bullock iu
a place where he has never been before, he cab
conlplaints before the king. The ass said that
man was in the kzKt of loading him with bricks,
over whom we could ucver have prewiled.' As
~ o o nas the mule had delivered this speech, the CHAPTER V.
easily retrace liiv s t e p home, without your iron, and stones. " We an: made t o groan under *cameldesired the hog t o lay his compb~intbe-
assi~tance; whereas you, it ofter1 hmppcns, are the- burdcr~ are lashed by scourges and fare the impartial justice of the king. "For,"
likely to Iose j - 0 wag,~ rhrough paths which you sticks. If the king had seen me in that state, observed he, "You also belong to the gr&iug
have often frequeuted before. Sheep aud goats he would have oertaiul~pitied me. In truth, tribe of animals." Oue of the philosophers re-
hring forth hundreds of young ones in a night, man klmws not what compassion is." The ox marked'that the hog was uot a grazing animal,
, . and go to pa~turagein the morning, whence represented that he was made to labour iu the as the length of hi teeth showed. Besides, it
they return in the evening ; and yet every field, to grind iu mills, and be driven about with is well knoiv, that he feeds on dead bodies also.
qother b o w s her oyn young one and the mouth and eyci closed man aacting hin? Another said that he must be oousidered as an
yowg,each his own mother. You on the contrary with his crud lash. The dieep oomplzincd. that herbivorous auimrl, because he had cloven
afker n short abeuce from home, are apt t o her young ollcs were depiived of nondshment hoofs and ate grass. A third urged that he waa
forget mother and sister, father and brother. to e u n l ~ enian to f e d his own infaat. Xot cou- both car~livorousand herbivorous aud partook
Whence then your b ~ i i of ~ tposeessiug lteenncss t e ~ l t with this, we are led to the stall of tllc of the quslities of the OS, the camel and t b c
of sense ? If you had the least ~ e u s in e you, you butcher, and there, notwithstandirjg a11 ouw cries, leopard, eve11 as the ostrich resembles in shape
would nyt have gloried in gifts, which God has slaughtered witllout mercy. Our flcsh is tkeu both a bird aud a camel. Upon this tile hog
hestowed without any labour on your part. The divided and spitted for the salre of being roasted. declared, that he did not kuov.mhat to speak,
man who is trnelg wise glories in those qualities We altness all these ~ ~ u e l t i enud s still r ~ m n i u and about.whom to complai~l, as people held
nlona whir.h. he has, acquired by honest labour silent." The camel urged that wbeu captured, vtaious sorts of opiniorls about him. "The Ua-
and unremitting exett,iong, You- have none of his nose was bored and a piece of string put homedanq" h e said, ';consider me as cursed,
these virtses iu you, Whence then your glory througiu it, to be pullerl by his drivers. That h e avoid my sight, forbear from eating my flesh,
And is it not true now that your claim is was over-burdened and led hungry a ~ l dthirstv in aud never mention my name i n conversation
guoundlesq- and your edmity destitute of the d d n e s s of the uight, through valleysand even. The inhabitants of Room on the contrary,
foulldation ?" hilly Iwasagus, his back ali gored by the joltiug consider my fleah as very beaeficial food, and
of the saddie, aud his feet smarting mith the offer i t as sacrifice to secure reward hmenfter.
wouuds which ho receives on the rocks. Tbe The. Jews hold us i n detestation, acd abuse and
CHAPTER TV. elephant declored that he was treated with like ourse us, because they hate both Christians. and
Cmplai& qa;iasb m 2 eo.ntinw3.
cruelties,-11b neck enchained, his feet fettered Romans. The Armeuians regard ua as useful
and he driven on by the goad of the pacsou as oseu and goats, on account of our fat-
T~ king turnink towards mankind, desired riding on him. The horse .~~ that- 2
-.. - -asserted - - - -- -
.. hriclln
-.tbea to steak out-if they had aught t o eay. ness, and the fecuuditjf of our breed The
~ --W

was put in his mouth,'a saddle laid on his back,

They wjwered " There yet remain several rca- and a Greek Physicians often prepare their ointments
tied round his loins. Thus equipped mith our lard, nay, mix i t with their medicines.
sons to give weight to our assertion. I n buying. he was led to the fieid of battle, urged on by his
&d selling, in feeding add dressin* in preserv- rider who is clad in armour of steel. Hung-y Shepherds and Groom keep us in their stalls
ing from heat and cdld, in Secu%ng from the and thirsty a s he b,his i t is to pass through and atables, to bear corupauy mith other domes-
a t t a c h OS .rapaCioiia'atibials, h 0ved00king dust and gloom, and receive sword and spear tic animds, because our presence proves a
what is fdse and ii - treating the sick with. wDuudson his face and safeguard from dangers. Wizards and enchao:
swimming instreams ters make use of our, skins in recording their
kindness, we shorn YOU great considerations erell of blood. The mule advanced that his sorrows
a8 kings show their shveg," On heayin this were the keenest; his feet fettered, his mouth charms. Shoemakers aud those who deal in
tbtie;.kin$ desiyed the aaimaIs to answer. % h a t bridled, he had no opportujty to elljoy the stockiugs, highly value the hair which grows 011
m a n says;" they remarked, about the huying society of the females even. G~~~~~ aid c-,m- our back and neck. I rea!ly do not know under
knd selling 'of animaIs, the same rules are' man people always bestrid him with their these oircurnstai~ces whom to commend, and
.--enforced amongst, themselves. When the Per- burden, and unmercifully the lnah to whom t o , blame." When the hog had done
mans prevail over the Turks, they sell their''
his back alld abugd him in such a filthy rind speaking the ass looked towards the hare,
captives to strangers and ?hen the Turks in obscene mauner, that their own aud found him s t a n d i ~ ~near
g the camel. H e
'their turn gain tIik day, they behave simi- daugh;bters, mere scar,dalized at hearing them desired him t o put forth his complaint, in
: - 19'~Zj with the Periians. - h like manner tkie ,nttared ~~E~~~~ our former hopes that the L u g may hear him favollrably,
and pur-
- 'fitndob with the Sindhians, 'and.. the Arnbs
'. ,&i%fi--the
. ,. Tuiks,
. and .G& i i both aylY: 1 &asers, including; their wives
not 8 p ~ ;d and
. .
wd children, are
truth they dcser~ethe
and. release him and his race. Upon which,
the hare expressed himself to the efl'ect, that
in their iagratitude all the p ~ s bservices rendered { Repentance they know not, warning they never rapacious mimale. When man mill come to
- -with f a r ': The kiug desired to know tha par-
When he had done speaking, the rnace- know of their tlight in the morning, on whom
by us."' FVhen the hare had done speaking, the take." ticulars of the battle. The doctor returned that
ass desired him to stop, mgillg, that t+ere,is no bearer annonnced that i t was evening, and time will they place thcir burdens, ancl who willserve
them for the purposes of riding? Under thcse
they were too long for narration, but added that
one on earth on whom every good quality 1s bes- for the court to rise; but that tomorrow the dia-
towed, and from whom some good thing,is not putauts should appear again.
mithheld. 6 No one i s blessed with all virtnes. j
circumstances they will not be able to pursue
them, and then beasts will gain freedom." The
men and giants were unturslly and essentially
opposed to each other. The kin@ insisted ou
knowing some portion of the h~storS. Upou
The favour of God is not limited t o any. His : king again referred the matter to his couucil. One which the sago thus began.
gifts are general. But on some h e has bestowed i CHAPTER VI. of the wise men of the tribe of LESOP, answered
largely, and On in lessdegree' Even soon as the business of the day was over, that this advice was entirely opposed toreasoo and
perior creatures are not exempt from some slight ! the for his minister BedaT; and desired in every way impracticable. Severn1 bcasts are
depreciation. Witnkss the sun and moon, how him to give his opinion upon the of the kept confined iu their pens and stalls, and sen- UEAPTER VII.
glorious and bright they are, so much so that cnse ullder discllssioh. The mi,listcr, triesplacedover them for guard. ';now then, can
some nations in their' ignorance, have mistaken
them for the Deity himself, and yet they arenlay
1 and prudent man, the
llot jI aadvised him to send for the Cuaees, the lam 0%-
and they escape?' A liohleman suggested, that the
king should order the genii to open all the doom
The eo~~te>*tio)z
tetvlrsit w e r z ujicl giccat~.
"Ix days of yorc, bcfore Bdam mns ereatecl, the

from being eclipsed. sothat the of the stalls, &c. that very night, and apprehend
know, from the h C t of their I
and he:rig ccrs, and the philosophers of the genii. and all thc guards who match over them, and not
earth was inhabited Lg giants, whose sway es-
tended over land and matcr: over cities and wii-
clarkened,that neither one nor the other is God. refer the matter to them ; for the case was a release them until the beasts be beyond pursuit. derncsses. God was bountiful to thern ; reli-
In the same way the stars, they too are j Verywho
important one, and there was no homing
i l l the right; counsel was certainly
'L The King" he continued 'L%?ill reap large gion t a s sent to cheer them, and prophets to
bright and luminous, but they lose their luscm required, because benefits from this kindncss ; he who givcs free- teach them right from prong. Eot the^ devia-
befoze the efhlgeuce of the stm. They are also ) where me consult mauy me a t dom to another, is sure t o bo assisted by God ;
; last come t o a decisive point. The wise should ted from tine path of rectitude, turned a deaf
to revolve for ever, thereby for the best way that we can return thanks for
that they are creatures
creator.~h~ name h o ~ good
and angels ~f any
b genii, 1
to the will of a do nothing mithout advice. Accordingly the king
ordered that all his courticrs should be sent for.
is entlomcd k t h super- c Obedient to thc call, the Cazee of thc race of
his kindness is to give liberty to those who groan
in captivity. They say, that i t is written in the
Books of the prophets, that God expressed him-
car to the preachin,o of the prophets, spread
strifc and dissension in the world and oppressed
the inha1)itant~thereof. Oce universnI cry of
complaint rosc t o heaven. Tears rolled avaF,
m %herciissome slight dcfcct { Bi~gees,the l a y oficeis of that pf skkeed, wise
blessillos self thus :-'I have mjde thee a king on the face

added to them. ~~d alone is 1

w h e n men OF the tribe of BmZer, gEiilosophcrs equal
the am had said this, the ox went on thop, ~f f 0 -B"Jp, expefienced men, the children of
is blessetl than anothel., hc I$~n~Liil,lesr~>cdpersons, sons of ~?cc~v(Ilz,
of the earth, not for the purpose of accnmalating
wealth, nor to involve thyself in the tempting
vanities of the world but to hear the cry of the
brit there was no diminution in their oppressious
tiil at last God sent a body of angels who drovz
off the giants, imprisor~edseveral of them, and
livcd and rulecl in their stead. Izraecl and Satan,
shol,ld render thanks to CJ,~, and make the noblemen, descendants of Bcch~um,all came.
others partake of the good things conferred on The Icing opened the dicourse by inforn1ing
Km. ~~k~ the snn for instance, ~~d has them that man and bcasts had come to him as
distressed and relieve them even as 1 do with
the atheists too.' The kiug again dcsired his
councillors to gioe thcir opiuion. They all
who tempted Adam uud Eve, mere among the
pnsoners. The latter wa5 voung at that time,
gimn him light, but 1
i t he enlightens and complainauts, the latter sorely distressed at the approved of the proposal, all but a doctor of the
and knew nothing, but assoc"iatingwith angels hc
adoptecl their m:mncrsantI cnstoms, bccame con-
cheersthe creation. So do also the moon and f persecution practised on them by the former. race of Kywan, who declared that the matter versant nith their arts andscicnces, made himself
stars, according to the degree of lustre lentto . H" asked how he wi9 to dccidc the case. One was a delicate one, and the proposition last the captain of the band, and passccl such orders
each. Hence man, psrticularly favoured by ~ ~ 1 from d , tho tribe of Nuheed opined that the beasts made if carried out modcl be fraught mith dan- as suited hi& best. An age passed away thus, ,
should be kind and generous towards the l>easts.*f should draw out a list of their grievances, and gers. The king desirecl him to be more explicit. when tho Almighty spoke to thc angels saying,
-Qter thh, tile bratCs set up a loud homlillg submit it to the philosophers for decision. 'If He proceeded thus. .'The plan proposed, 0 ' I mill make one lord of the esrth who is no6
cailed upon the ]ring to justice to them they are entitled to be froe, the Cazee and law king ! is impracticable, for this reason-mhen of you, and I wiil reoal you b hearen.' The
and free them from the ncrsccuting tyraillzp of 0f6ccr should Pass an order preventing man mankind mill rise in the morning and miss the angels who mere uilwilliug to part mith the plea-
man. The king turner1 tokards tllcphilosopht?w $0" capturing nnd selling them. If men dis- auimah and come to know that thcy have a11 sores which they had enjoyed hcre, answered,
who were present md iuqLIired if they obey, the beasts are co~isideredguiltless, and taken to flight, they will at once come to the ' You will create one who will fill the earth with
attentively heard the beasts had said declared free.' The king asked how t h y l i e d conclusion that neither mcn nor beasts buC tIie strifc and bloodshed, even as the giants did,
against mel~. They ans~ered,-lLYes, arid daily the propoeitiou 2 They answered, that it was t o genii themselves were in the plot." ':True," said while we have revered thy name and held iL
esperiencc confirms us in the belief that tlley the point and befitting the occasion. One of the the king "they mill." l' And then," added the sacred.' .The Lord replied 'I know for vhat
are tlic most notorious of ",yrants ; even giants, noblemen did not approve of t h e decision, and doctor, '[they will regret the loss thcy have bencfit I will create him, aud I sxear by mpszif
t o escape from them, have given up the practice remarked that if mankind agreed to sell the suffered and hold the genii as their Litterest that after Adam and his ray, I will kcep neither
of visiting popnlons places, and taken to moods beasts who mould pay the price ? A professor enemy, and their rancour for you will be retlou- giants nor beasts on earth. In short when God
from them, j of religion replicd, ctThe king". It was agun
and mouotdns to bc far
But still i t is impossible to avoid the evil we asked, "Where will the kiog bring all the moucy
shem, they are so mnlevolcnt, that whenever a from 2" Thc professor returned "From his trea-
bled." " He indccd is wise," said s philosopher,
"who conciliates foes and remains himclf s a h
from the effects of their malevolence." The
made Adam and breathed his spirit into him, sul,-
scqnently making Eve out of him, he orclerell
the angels to bow down before dclam. A11 but
mm, woman or child is &aicted d!& any gpeiv- su~~y.*' The nobleman again observed, Will genii admitted the truth of these remarks. One lzraeel obcyed thc dlmi:!lty. Ilc alone, actnntetl
Ous discase, they are surkto ascribe i t to the cir- 2 all the wealth in the treasi~rysnffice for his of tbeph'ilosophers askedaEnt mhy should me fear by ignorance and cnvy roEi~sedto bow dowr:,
eumsknce of our shadow having been cast upon { purpose ? And besides this, many \?ill not think their displeasure l As cnemics what can they thinl:ina it wonld derogate from his dignity b
him or her. They always pray for protection of selling animals for they are very servlceablc t o do us I We are fiery in nature, light and buoyant do so. O ~ o dnext orrlerccl the angels to admit
had kill&
from the power of the wiauts ; but no one has them. The king, his minister, and other respsc-
man, or table people cannot manage without convep
in body. V e can mine our flight to heaven, des- Adan] in Paradise. The moment this was done
ever h a r d that a cend on earth, and $ 1 ~ ~ unperceiverl
1~ with the Almighty spal;e to him thus : ' 0 hclac~,live
wo~mcledhim, or deprived him of his ~ ! ~ t h e s , ancea, and are not in want of money. These
or committed a burglary i n his house, or cut his therefore will not obey the order." The king
pockets, or tarn his sleeves, or broken a lock, or then asked. " V h a t do you say 'l'He
murdered a4roeller, or w d e an attack on the "1 deem i t advisable, B a t a!l th? beasta should
king's palace, or robbed or imprisoned any one. depart together on a certaln night, and retire
' answered,
mankind who arc made of dust ancl always
doomed to walk bolow. Why should we fear
these ?" The Kywany pl~lsophcrreplicd- "You
have misrepresented the case. Though made of
dust, man is inspired with heavenly breath and
here togethcr with thy wife, and eat whatever
frnit thou lilcost, but app~onchnot youcler treo,
for the moment thou (last, SO thou shalt bo
considered a sinner.' This Paradise, which was
appointed as the rcsidonce of Adam, was a
All these vices disgrace man himself. They far from the abodes of man in the same way-as is angelic in nature. He is more artful than me, garden bound on the east by monntains of
.continualiy plot mischief against each other. the dccr and other* fly from the haunts of the and our superior too. In ancient times rncn and rubies which are iaacccssible to man. The
: giants have contended with results which fill us grouud fertile, the climate escellent, it is in fact
IKIl \\'AN-00s-SUPW
the pcrp2taal aboLlc of spring. I t is watered i do the deed This increased the ill-mill which t o consume a morld. Heaven save us, when once slaves and thus obtain freedom for them."
by several streams. The trees are clothed witb already existed between mankind and the giauts, me provoke the enmity of creatures like these." " I t is true what yoa speak," observed one of the
verdure, frt~itsare plentiful and every sort of I and they viahed to pxrt cornpany with the latter. The king said to the phiIosopher '$You see party, cc when the king mill leave this matter to
flDnrcl3 va<egate aud cheer the scene. The ; Charms and iucantations mcre therefore tried; these have come as complainants ; how are we r hie councillors, they will not concur with the
animals are harn~less,the birds' s~veettone
long their melodies in the leafy groves. 1I amulets were brought into use, and giauts were
shut up in glass cases. I t was only when-God
and Eve fired together happy. Izi those days sent the prophet Esdras tllat peace was made
their waving ringlets descended to the feet and , hy his means betwcen them. They came to
tisfied with the result of our ~rbitrafionO"
to decide their quarrels, and send them back sa- views of each other, and the rksnlt mill be end-
less contradictions." A nother said-"If the king
Right council" answered the Uoctm '' is t h e consults the Cazee and the law officers, t h e i ~
daughter of deliberation and mature rdection. o p i ~ ~ i owill n be as foilows :-they will direct
served both to cover their riakeclncss and 1 h o r n what religion was, and lived in concord to I n haste there is mischief. I am of opinion that that the beasts should be liberated or sold, and
heighten their native grace aud elegance. Freely the time of the second deir~ge,even after that, they should be called next morning and desired ( the sale proceeds paid to man; or they wi?!
to speak out the cause of their grievances.. order that they should not be persecuted.
they wandered through the garden, fcd on the ! t o the age of Abraham they remained in peace;
fruiis; aud drill k water from the streams, exempt- but wheu Kimrod cast B b r a h ~ minto the fire, shall then pass orders, a s the occasion mill re- 'And if the Vueeor be nsked, what will he say ?"
eL1from the toils of cultivcrtiig, grinding, cooking mankind again suspected that the giants had quire." One of the counse;lers observed that . inquired one of the members. '' I know what
and waving and a11 the other cares whlch weigh j taught them how to make a sling. So also when men ard gifted with eloqnence, with which he mill ay,'' replied another, " he will plead
heavy on their dcscendauts now. As the beusts i Joseph was tllrown by his brethren into the beasts are not. '' Supposc then, that the former that ae the beasts have sought shelter in the
lived in safety sud traliquillity, so lived they. well, the giants were again til~uncd. When Moscs prevail ; are the latter to be consigned to perpe- dominions of the king it is incumbent on him
tual bondage 1" The Doctor answered they should to protect and aid them. Kiugs are the captains
God had also cou;munioated the names of 311 cume into the world a second tnicc wns made,
the plants and anlmals to him. SPhen the When God granted the kingdom of the \vhole exercise patience. r'Times alwny~chanze. They of God on earth. They have rank and autho-
angels mere asked to desiguatc these severally, habitable earth to Solomon the son of David, will at last gain thcir freedom, even as the chil- rity granted them to administer justice, to
dren of Israel did thcirs from the tyranny of help the weak, to give refuge to the oppressed,
cing the angels that they (the u ~ g e l s vcrc
iuferiors. B ~ i this
) /
they failed, but man did not, thereby convirl- the giants submitted to him, but still not relin-
their quishing their pride, they asstmd mankind that
only ael-ved to fa1 the f l m e j SoIomon had gained the throne only through
Pharoah, aud the tribe of David from the per- and to preserve the strict maintenance of law
aecution of N.?buc?~adnezn~ and so on. The cir- and eqt~ityon earth; for they are sure to be held

of jealousy. which was already kindled in the their msiataace. They professed that they mere 1
cumstances of no one remain unnltered for a responsible for their deeds on the day of judg-
heart of Satan. Re determined to try by all lllealls able to read the future wh$h mankind could not. length of time ; like the circumference of a ment." One of them said :-'l If the king will
of fraud and artifice to mark tho fall uf man. When Solomou died, the giants knew nothing wheel they go on revolving. Either .once in a ask the Cazee to decide, he will pasa one of these
1000 years, or in 1200 or 36,000 or 360,000 or iu orders. What shall we do thcn?" Another
Assuming therefore the looks of a grave adviser, of the occurrence, and ivere wondering \\,here the one day, which may be compared to 30,000 ycars. I answered, " The Caaee is one of the represeuta-
he approached him one day, and mid, 'God has son of David could have gone. 31ankind theu
glolified YOU above others, by giving the power came to kllow that their ho=t of pro~nosiiatiou
In sooth the condition of no one remains un- tives of the prophet on earth, even as the king
is the defender of the Faith, These we can never
of speech to you; if YOU will but eat tbc fruit was all false and hoilow. \Vhcn the hoopoe comma- 1 rl;anhan 'l
of yonder tree, your knowledge and exceflcuce nicated the illtelligence of the Queen of Sheha to i '' But if the Ccme orders the beasts t o be liber-
will be incrmed, and YOU will liye happy Solomon, he debircd to 1:llow which of the gjauts
and peaceful without knowing what death is.' was strong ellough to bring the throne of that
CHAPTER VIII. I, shall nnswer," replied a fourth, "that we are tbeir
ated," asked a third, " what then l" <'We
Then the cursed creature swore and said, '1 coun- princess to him, One of them, n a e d Adoos, The conszdmlianheld atao,lgIrtaqakilL&
sel you, do this.' hlan was deluded, and over- I the son of Hywan, expressed himself ready to TH~
king was holding a coancil in the
.. f ancient masters, and they our slaves, even from
come by temptation, raised his handancl broke 1 undertake the task before he (Solomor~)could the time of our ancestors; aud that now there-
and ate the forbidden Fruit. At tbat instant the rise from h j i seat. The kin0 desired greltter ce-
heaveuly garments which had clothed their bo- j lerity. ds<f Bi~hhymwho kngw a powt,l.f ul charm
royal Chambers, mankind also &viding them- fore, i t is optional for us to free them or keep
selves into committees of 70 individuals each, them in bondage." Suppose that the G a z e calls
were consulting amongst tbemseives- One of I for documents and witnesses to prove our asser-
dies M 1 of, and they had nothing -left but to j ngrecd to do it, arid did i t too. The sight of the the members spoke. " You have heard what has t i o n ~ " a fifth returned. fL We will adduce the
cover their nakedness with the leaves of the j .throue stunned Solonm)a. H e bowed down he- between us and our slaves The ewe is testimony of our friel>ds." But," retorted the
trees. They lost the waving honours of their fore God aud praised him. Then it was that the not yet decided; but can you guess how the former querist, the Cazee may urge that evi-
head, the heat of the sun beaame unbearable, a$ giants knew that rnaukind were their superiors. kiug is inclinecl towards us?" Another answered, dence of lneu cannot be relied on, as they are
their colour changed. The beasts heard of them They were much ashamed of their vaunts and " We can see the king is evidently embarrassed, the of the beasts, and a4 such their
disgrace and their sight-becamc hateful to tbein. retired with infamy dogging their flight. Solmtoa
They therefore renonnmd their companionship. sent an army i~fterthem to b r b ~ gthem back, ~ u d G Perhaps tomorrow he will consult the minister !
and ~ e r h a p swill not show himself t0morYow." depositions are valueless in a court of judicature.
H, may even reqliiye the deed of and agree-
Thc mlgcls were ordered to drive them out from devised several schemes to coufine them in
Paradise and to cast them below the hill. This glass bottles. The charms which he used in
was done, aud they fouud themselves in a plaoe accomplishing this o\~jectmere recorded in a
about us ;" said another. L'
N t t the minister but meut,-where will we get these from l" This
the philosophers a d dact0~3, observed a third. alenccd all, tiU an Arabian observed, l' I would

'L We do not know what Wese 'mill advise" con- say that all these papers mere drowned in the
where there were ueither fiviis uor Icarcs. Thus book wt~ichwas published after his death. When tinued a fourth, but weknowthat the king'sopi- eneral deluge, and if the ~azeewould desire us
some days passed away, they weeping alld mourn- Clbrist came and iuvited all to the true faith, and nion is iu our favour, and he trusts us.'' A fifth f take our oaths, we
m&~ontiuuallyfor their folly. A t last God had proclaimed himself their guide, and showed
compassion on them, forgave them their sin, thcm how it was possible to approach angelic
and seat his angels to them, who taught them ~lature,several tbf the giants followed hi &rec-
should spoil the case, to mh~cha sixth retrimed-
for justice.v,
"Thnt it was emyeno@, a slight doureur would beasts, and they b k e their
- say, that those who
remarked, t h a t he was afraid lest the 6 * w r ; doay a fact are to be sworn, not they who sue
~~t if the caieecluestion the
that they
the ~ t of
t digging and ploughing, of cuttir~g tion and wcre able to travel .to and come back
pnd grindiug,.of brewing and bakit~g,and of sow- from heaven. bringing information tlierefrom
and dremmg. )Then their ram illcreased the for the use of inspired writers, - W h w Nakomed
giants came aud associated with them, and came t h ~ ywere prevented from going to heaven,
tullaht them how to cut trees nod ljuild houscs end said it is ,lot known whether maukind are
easily win over the minister ; but there is a Rere not our sbkves, how
danger attending this!'
whatthBt -as. Re ans%e'red-"
C a ~ eand the lam &cer."
The others enquired ~ ~ ~ Wet shall hs y
The has of the mals have perjured themselves, and that me
we manage ?"
~ the ani-
The others observed have evidence tothe contrary in our possession:'
that this too could be managed, the Cazee and ono of them

' l ~f we are ordered tz

TLcy nlutual!y became the frieuds of each other t o be i!ljurcd, or God wishes to be their guide. the law Officer could be bribed also, and over- sell the animals and receive their pricea: then?
aud passed their time in cordial civility ; but Several of the giants .became Mahomedans, and come by avarice they mill commence hair- ~h~~~ =ho. were the inhabitants of re-
whewver they remembered the trick ph:yed on at colrtil~uew, be in frien[U~telms with splitting in the coustruction of the law. But the U we tbml>-Those pvho were
them Satan. they became suspicio~~s
ginlts to& W b n Abel mm olain by Cain the I
of the When the doctor hadspoken thus, he
towards the giants and mid, .'fiuee a d
dehcendtlllts of the former imagined that hhe j do not renew dissensious. . Strife is like fire. in
noblemen, who are wiser than the rest, will not denizens of woods, and forests, such m the Arabs
descend, to such dishono~lruble practices. The and persians, answered, z"J&~ will never do.
only fear is, they may plead in f a m w of our We shall be ruiued if me sell tbe beasts!' Those
giants had a hand In instigating the lattcr to ; the flint, when once atruck out it is slficieot
who mere in favour of the proposition enqllired i CHAPTEE L and eventually succeed in drivinw them off.
-lion expressed his repet a t healsing these
what, harm m there in doing so. They returned Covetousness is their curse. ~ h z n e v e rthey vorda, and exclaimed "Really there no help
:c We will be exposed to a great deal OF incon- THE leopard asked the iiou what qualities .see a bit of bread or meat in the hand of a man, but in God the merciful, from ~ h o mwe had Our
veaience. Milk, meat and covering, me shall were necessary for an ambassador ? The other woman or child, with what sycophancy they be,&ning and in whom we mill have our ead !"
be deprived of all. And what would be life ansaercd, l' He shouid be a wise aud prudent shake their head and wag their tail until they Often did he repeat these ~ ~ r duntil s , the bear
after this 1 Death .mould be preferable. Those person, elldowed with eloqnence, blessed with a receive the refuse they pray for. This they lifb could not help but ask of his mtjcstg what it
who live io the. cities will not be mempt from retentiva memory, and the power of retaining up with every sign of cringing in all haste pos- was that made him sorromful at hearl?g of the
these troul>les;in a word, then, never ente~tain secrets in his own breast, and never think of sible, lest anather may snatch the covctcd separation of the canine 2nd feline tribes from
the idea of releasing the beasts. If you wish exceeding and abusing the authority entrusted morsel. All these vices are to be found in men their own races. He answered-" I do not grieve
t o show hilldness to them, do so; because they to him. He should also exert his best endea- also, hence i t is that dogs have aba~ldoned at their secession : but it pains me t o remember
have lives too, m d are covcrcd with flesh as we vours to promote the good of those whom he their owntribe, to associate with the human race. that philosophers have declared, that there is no-
are, and feel pain equally. You have never done represeuta, and never allow temptation t o pre- For this also they connive in the apprehension thing disasiroua to the inwest of a soverejgn
any s ecial rirtuous deed, for which God has cipitate Mm headlong, from tne heights of of other rapacious animals." The king enquir- a s to find his Friends and assistatlts abandonlug
rewnrjed gon, by making the animals your sub- integrity and incorruptibility. If he gaics the ed if there was anr other animal besides the
jects ; and they have not been guilty of any freedom of any city, he should not make up his dog who was on friendly terms with man. The
particular crrme, for which they are puuished residence there ; but return as soon as possible, bear answered. Yes, the cat too is much at-
in this way. It appears then that HE is the and apprise his master of all what he had seen tached to them." The king asked the reason.
Lord and master of 011, and there is no one who
can oppose His will.
and heard, and act u p t o the instruction he " 'Bey too," returned the bear, ' l have a na-
theu receives. He should omit nothing through b r a 1 fcl10w.feeling with the human race. They
fear or favour, because an emissary is free to too are cursed mith the same spirit of covetous-
deliver his errand without any restmint." After ness, and relish the food liked by man." The
this he enquired from the leopard, who i n his Line questioned, ' l But what treatment do they
CIIAPTER IX. opinion was the fittest person to be honoured rec&e from men 1" '' Why," replied the shaggy
Coaasltation held amangst a n i d & 16th such a post ?-He answered, ('The brothers speaker, "they are bctter fed: they have easier
of IGzlEiZa and Dam~~a."The lion referred the access both to their bed and board, aud better
THE retirement of the king from his council, matter t o the jackal aud called for his vote. opportunity of purloining. But the dogs bear
was the signal for the beasts to repair to their '' May God reward the leopard far what he says," no good will to .them; hence these endless
own quarters, for the purpose of holding con- answered the jackal, and grant that his view& strifes amongst them. RThenevcrthe dogs see
sultation amongst thenrselves. &' You have may prove successful." The said-" If you them, they rush at them, as if determined t o
heard our aisputes? thus opened the speech of proceed to your tilhe and solli>dtheir opinion, tear them to pieces, and devour them : and the
one of them, '<the case is yet t o be decided ; on your return you shall certainly be remuner- cats in their turn smell and puff at sight of
what i s to be done ?" Tomorrow morning," an- ated." The wolf represented that he was a
swered a second, " Z shall appear before the K~ng servact of his majesty, but that there were
and urge our complaints on him. Perhaps several enemies of his race, and he knew not how
h e may be propitiated and order our release.
He is already somewhat in our favour, and he to manage t h e s . The king enquired who these
were H e ansmered-" The dogs are our worst
is bound by duty to attend to all the pros and
cojzs we bring forward. No king should decide
any case unheard, and truth supported by elo-
quenee always proves irresisbable. The prophet
foes. They are the best friends of men, and aid
them in our destruction!' The king enquired
what the reason was, that they aided men and
deserted the cause of their brethren. None
says,-'ye, who hear enmity against your bre- could answer the question, but the bear, who
thren, and come supported by t h e aide of
rhetoric t o me, I say unto you, if you will declared that he was ready to offer an explana-
deprive another of his right, ye shall inherit t h e tion. The monarch desjred him to do 80. The
bear answered. " Men and dogs are in
pains and torments of Bell.' Mankind too are
masters of declamation, and I a m afraid our
arguments will be borne down before the over-
their nature and principles, and besides the
latter enjoy several ad~antages, as far as eating
over Absl," answered the bear. The king de-
sired him t o give a faithful oersiou of the
and drinking are concerned. They are also the story. The bear complied thus,-"When Gain i
whelming torrent of their elocution. How are slaves of covetousness, and afflicted with the
we to proceed 1" One of them returned. " Send same curse of parsimony. Other animals of
had killed Abel, the descendants of the lab 1 CH hPTER,XI.
to rll the beasts and desire them to despatch ter demanded the price of blood froln those
of the former. The seeds of strife *re thus THEY bhe second ambaesador Lad todied his
their pleaders and o~xtorsto us, that they may the samo tribe are exempted from these vices.
conjointly aid u s by their endeavoura. \Then
Uogs feed on everything; on flesh forbidden 1/
sown, uutil the sons of Cain prevailed, and took complaint against m m in the court of the
&way all the wealth, property, cattle, and other sovereigu of t b feathered tribe, the Latter sum-
many friends assemble, we shall surely be able and unforbidden, raw as wcll as cooked, salted
to devise a plan which i d 1 ultimately lead
as well as unsaitcd. Besides these, they do not
leave vegetables and fruits, bread and doEl, acid
domestic nnimal~,including camels, asses, mules, moued all the winged race, wild as well as
Cc. from the vanqnished. They revelled in domesticated, to present themselves before him-
US t o liberty. Of course all assistance comes aftluence and sacrificed other beasts t q satisfy They came iu cnuntless ntimbers. The king
from the Lord." The beasts approved of this and sweet-meats, milk, oil, honey clarified
proposition, and s i x ambassadors mere nomi- butter, and all the other edibles used by men. the greedy lust of their palates. In company spoke thus :- Mankind assert t h a t they are
nated fur t h e purpose abovementioned : one Other animals do not feed on these, nor even with the friends whom ihey invited, they orer- the supreme masters of all the birds ;hence
covet them. They never allow other beasts to in- gorged themselves with meat, w5ich beoamo so 1 h ~ v esummoned you all to go and confront
for the rapacious animals, a second for the plentiful that it was thrown on the street3 and them and argue tbc point with them." The
wmged tribe, a third for the beasts of prey, a j vade the village, lest they should consume all pro- thoroughfares, attracting cats and dogs, who peacock, who was the Vaseer, vas then asked
vlsions. If by chance a fox or a wolf cnters a
fourth for the torraceous animals, a fifth for the
reptiles, and a sixth for the aquatic race.
habltated part of a village by night to purloin
a fowl, a mouse or a piece of bread, the dogs pw-
sue them with fierce violence, bark at-tliegn,
mere thus tempted to relinquish their own tribe, ( who waa the ,best speaker amongst them all,
and associate rpith man, t i ~cohabit with him, j aud the most competent for such a task. Re
t o aid bnd a s i d him, in houes of shariitg the answered-" Whomever .your majesty pleases
pithno@which they r e l i ~ h dso much.'l The to a~poiut." The king desired him to repcat.
destination, that Z may once more revisit my
- -
Take the miming now. Know yon not how God is glorious and the tongue of man acknowledges

the names of all the birds. The peacock an-

swered-"The lap-wing, the cock, the pigeon, native land, and gladden my eyes with a sight treated those who presumed to equal him in its im tence to praise him as he ouglit to be
of the friends I love.' This is the partridge might? Their chief attempted t o destroy thc p r a i s e 6 On y o ~ ~ d rbraoch r sits the bulbnl,
the partridge, the nightingale, the lark, the mhich always moves gracefully in gardens and
swallow, the crane, the sparrow, the dove, house oE God, for which purpose he placed his small in size, yct nimblc in motion. How he
the turtle-dove, the wag-tail, the dnck, the p-oves, an? exerts the powers of harmony to followers on towering elephants, and flushed exercises the porvsrs of melody and sings-
heron, the waterfowl: the Persian nightingale, gloe marnlng to the thou~l~tless.(Ye who with pride, approached to carry his intent into ' Blessed is the name of the Lord of might and
the ostrich, $c. all these are present." The weaken the foundation of hfe, she cries, ye execution. I t was then that the Almighty sent mercy! Hidden from the view of the world or
king requested of him to point to him each, so who plant gardens, populate cities and exaIt r fligknt of birds over their heads, who r$ued publicly, his bounty descends on all, his favor
that he may be able to judge of the nature and yourself in the pride of your hearts, remember down such a shower of stones on them thnt he grudges to none.' Sometimes he changes his
qualifications of each: and find out who was the what the world is. Ply from the vanities of they all perished like !eaves e a t w up by the straiu :-'How delightful was that season when
most deserving. The minister returned, "The life and forget uot your Creator for a single worms.' After this she adds ' Preserve us, 0 Lord, Aomercts bloomed in the parterre, and fruits
--* ..-- -.
whn -- --in --a variegated
nits -.
-G. - ~ dress
- ~ is the boo-
moment. Be mindful that the awft~lday is draw-
ing nigh, when you will have to bid adieo to all
from all temptat;ions, and save us from uischiefs made the green branches bow t o and kiss the
of ali living tribes.'
poi, the spy of solomon, the son of David. g ~ o u u d Upon
'~ this the kiuo of the birds asked
Whenever he sings, the best warblers of the pleasures and frivolities, and lie down in the Yonder againis the foreteller of the secrets the Peacock whom hc couzdered thc best and
grove bow down -and pay obeisance to him. grave ~ i t the
h worms for your companions. I t of fate, the esble crow, who 11ves a life of abste- wisest to be seut to reason with man. '. Ali"
He preaches virtue and prevents ill. He, i t would be me11 for you to treasure up such . miouslless and is conversant wit11 matters that returned that bird. All are well qualified by
was, who informed Solomon of the kingdom of thoughts from today, then you will iuherit are not yet revealed to man. He retuembers their powers of eloquence to undertaice thc
Shebn, and declared that the wonders of the hap iness and escape ete~unlperdition.' hi God every moment, passes his time in t:&; but 1 think the bulbill has a larger share
earth which he had seen were never dreamt '&is again is t h e lark, who like a preacher travelling from one clime to another, mituessi~lg of these gifts, aud it is my opiuiou that he
of by Solomon even. In proof of wbat I say," pouriug forth wholesome counscls from the pul-
pit, mounts on high, and descending, alights on
the mlrnuers and custorns of each, and rirlgs the sikot~ld
notes of slarm into thc ears of the neghgent. !
-- s e n t -
------ be
he continued, " I will give you a piece of in-
formation. which I have brouzht from the land
of Shebq'which is now goPeFned by a womau
whose grandeur and magnificence i t is im-
corn heaps and gives vent t o melody. The 'Be wise,' thus he preaches, be uot fkariess,
tbil~kof the hour of denh, when every dced
will have its retribution. Do you vtxlne thc I
possible for the tongue to describe. She sits gewgaws of life better than the glories of
on a high, exalted throne, aud all the good Heaven? flying from a d , where will you or WEENthe third ambassador had laid hi8 corn-
things of the world are to be found in her can you stop ? If you sigh for. freedom, p r v plaints before the sovcreigu of the reptiles, this
court. Bat her people have all gone astray. ruighty potentate passed an order directing that
They know not God The sun they worship, and all his subjects should be b~mmoned.
misled bp Satan, misconstrue the meaning of ado- * ,

ration, and not knowing Eim who has created haunts of men, both go;d'aud evil,*uud the're gunts, musquitoes, grasshoppers, fleas, hornets,
the heaven and earth and all things visible and brings forth and nourishes her youug. JIorzliuy moths, and every other insaot which lives
invisible, bow down in worship before the sun, alld evening she repeats her prayers, migrates but for a year presented itself. The king
and consider it to be the true God; whereas h e iuto far distant muntries, loves cool houses in opened the council 11y explailiing the case t o
is but a particle of the immensity of His light. summer, and warm ones in winter, and continu- thcm, and wished to kuotr who was best fitted
This is the cock crowncd with his ruddy crest, ally blesses the Lord, saying, ' Holy is he who among them to represent his tribe, aud plead
who preaches every morning, and inculcates with has created the ocean aud the earth, who has its case with man. They unanimously enquired,
fixed the mountains and given motion to the 6 t h what does the glory of man consist?" The
beat of wings the followiug instrudion to his
neighbours :-4 Arouse ye, my friends.' thus streams ; ou whose will depend life and death, ambassador retdrned, ('Instature they are much
ring his notes, ' and remember the Lard.' Don't who guides and assists travellers, and who higher, possess mcre strength, and asH rule, con-
give way to indolence; death i s approaching fast, is master and sovereign of everything that esists.' trire to lord over the byte creation." Tne leader
and with it retribution. Dread you not the After this she adds, - Ihave trwersed every re- of the hornets expressed himself ready t o go as a
pains of hell, nor sigh for the joys of heaven ? . gion, have seen many l~ationsand have now re- representative, thnt of the flies, as well as of
Are you not thankful to God for all his bounties turned home. Blessed is he who hag broilght the guats and locusts, mere all over-zealous to
bestowed on you ? Know you not that the world the sexes together, and has thus multipIied the do the same. The king was takeu by surprise,
races on earth, who has clothcd them mith ihe 'c Without considering the matter in all its
will soon pass away 2 Prepsre then for eternity,
and if you wish to avoid hell and its penal fires, robes of being, who is the Creatur of dl, and. bearings, why do you all offer yourselves as
have recourse to devotion and abstemiousness." who has showered his bounty so plentifully ou carididates for this onerous post ?"-"Oh king,"
Rere behold the &ridge, white-winged, stand- us.' Here staods the Crane, long-necked, sshrt- answered the leader of the gnats, '' we all hope
ing on a hillock, body variegated, his stature legged, who ciirnbs half the may to Heaven iu for the assistance of God, and mith t h a t aaaist-
bent by repeatedly kneeling and bowing down, hia flight, wlio wakes to watch, twice during the ance we are confident me will remove every
calling on all idlers to wake from their dreams night;and praises God sayiug, 'Holy is that God d~fficultyand prevail over cur opponents. Manj
of rest, and speaking thus:--$Thank the Lord who has created every animal, to encourage pro- a tyrant has ruled ere this ; but with the
for all his mercies, that mercie~may be show- creation! Here amin is the bitteru who walks on aid of Heaven we have always overcame them,
ered fourfold on us. Never lose your trust in dl-y ground and Pnhabits the woods. hlorn and and we can adduce proofs in support of what
God !' And when he invokes- the blessing of even he says. 'Pure is the Creator of heaven we say"-The king was willing to hear the dc-
Heaven, he prays thus c-: 0 Lord, preserve me and earth'. At his biddiug the firmament stands tails. "Know then, oh monarch," continued
from the rapacious animals, and from carnivor- on unshakable pillars, ths planets revolve, the t h e speaker the days of yore, there lived a
ous habits and appetites of man and wolves.' rain descends in genial showers to freshen the great and mighty sovereign named Kimrod,
The pigeon who stands yonder, acts as guide, earth, the lightnings flash and the thunder growls. who was so vaiu of his grandeur and power, that
carries letters and missives to distant lands, and At his bidding t h e shadowy exhalatlons rise he had no regard for any created being. But
exclaims, ' I grieve a t the absence of friends and from the ground to regulate the seasons ; won- what happened 1-911 old, weak, and insignifi-
long intensely to meet them. Be thou, therefore, derful is he, who enlivens the bones which are cant member of my tribe ended all his greatness
my director, 0 God ! and lead me srvfe to my laid to decompose in the grave. Indeed he and laid hi^ magnificence in the dust, and
14 -
and shun him, and are not conversant with
me. And we, although stronger than they, in-
- 15

he not sxve himself"--

NThou as
mighty he
speakest the truth: snid the Iz~ng. their tongile, wherean the owl lives in their asmnch as me can soar to the highat heavens,
LL &re," then began a hornet :L
man glorying ! abode% nay, haunts the old and rnlnorts dwel- we even are compelled t o seek safety in the

with spear, and sword and

At that moment
in all the pride of strength oomes out armed lings vacated by them. He ismoreover singulnr
and arrows. for his devotinu, and contentment. The d q he
if oue of us leave a 6ti:tiouin one 1 passes in fnsking a d Feeping, and the night
of his pores, what becomes of him $ Iufla- i iu preying and rousing the negligent. He thinks
woods, aud on the mountain tops. Here is my
brother who bra left dwelling in their regions,
a n d has preferred a life of solitudo in the forest. justice and fair plny." On hearing this the mo-
At last we have determined to come to a narch turned himself t o his counse!!ors, and
rnmatiou sets in, the memhers of his body lose of adcicut ki~lgqdead and gone, and mourns Ii
public discuvsion with them. Although we are wished to know whom they considered the Lit-
sense and motion for time, and his sword and their fate by repealing the follo~ingVerse from
shield are both cf no avail t o him." ;*Trueit the Korn7a. 'Their gardens and their magni-
so powerful, that if we mish one of us can test person to be deputed to thegeneral msem-
destroy many of them, yec i t is not proper for ( bIy. All held their peace, nntil the dolphin,
is the king, The !
then spoke bwut p~laces,their cultivatioll~ aud all the the virtuous to em~rlatethe bad conduct of the who has affection for men, and often saves thein
Knowing then too well that all con- from drowning by carrying them ou his back,
thuB :-I< when the human sovereign sits iu all clelightful luri~r?eswhich were theirs: these they VICIOUS.
hia glory on the throne, d t h his atteudant. have leb for others to enjoy.' " The king asked
and guards snrronncting him, that nothing un- the owl if he had aught t o say in reference to
tentions are useless in this world, we dclibentely rose and said :-"Send the fish : large in body,
recommend our case to God who remards aud fine to look at, fair faced, white in color, straight
clean or danpei-0~5sholrld come near, at that the recommendation of the minister 'l IVhat he punishes in another world. Many a ship," he in form, nimble in motion, extremely agile in
moment if a fly. issuing from his kitc'nen or clo- says is r i ~ b t , "replied that solemn bird, "but coutinued after a pause, " hau becn almost waft- swimmina large in breed, popolnting oceans,
set, and dripping with impilrities, alight on him i t is imposaiblc for me to go. blankind hate me, ed to destruction by nnfavorable winds. 'Tis r i ~ e r sanS' tanks-they are much regnrdcd by
or his robes of state, can they by any meads pos- anii think it nniucky t~ cast their eyes 03 me. then that guided hg us they have rcgained men. A fiah it was who saved their Prophet
dble him from this unwelcome guest's I am 8ure I never harmed them. I am corscioua safety. Many a person after the wreck of his i Jonah: by carrying him in her belly, and then
attsntiona l," 'c No" said t l ~ eking. " Or" mm- of my own innocence, hut still they take a de- boats has almost sunk to a mt~teryg a v e wilen, safely deposited hiru on shore uninjureci and safe.
menced the gnat, G rrhe11 he lies in his pri- light in abusing me. When they will see rue on our ready assistance cnme to his use, and re- I Mankind, moreover, consider that the whole
vat6 apartments, Troder the light protectiou of the arena of public discussion, they will become
his gauzc and curtains, if we penetrate through my foes, and ~ h knows o what the issne will
this, and sting him in his vaunted security, he he. It is advisable, therefore, that I should not
placed him on the shore. These WC did, that globe is supporter1 on the hack of one of these !"
God Almighty may remain pleased with us. The kinp referred the matter to the fish, "I can-
In this may we thouuht it better to thank him \ not go,;' she replied, " nor carry on a dicus-
loses all forbearance, slaps his face and beas he sentm--" Whom then should I send 7" asked
hia head, but has no power to revenge himsclf the king. 'l The royalty and aristocracy of
every case he is our helper!' \
for his goodness in ha&g made us strong. I n sion nlth men, I have no legs to take me, no
tongue to aid me to carry on a war iu words.
on us." L'This is all right," observed the king, . mnnliiod" he returned, " are very partial to
1 - Thirst I cannot bear. A moment's .- - .....- -.-

from water mill dcpri~e-rneof my breath a:to-

but in the Court of the monarch of the Genii, harn,ks and falcons, whom they carry abtrut mith
such small creature are not much cared f o r them on thei: wrists. I t would Lie better to
I gether. Depute the turtle, he can live on land
There they look for st15ct justice and equity, depnte them. " ?%at is true" observed the I as meii ss in water. Besides he is very strong
NEXT, to the king of the aquatic animals the ( in his back, and is endowed with a great deal of

respect and civility, eloqnence and the flowers hawk, "but they do not regnl-d U& because we
of rhetoric. Is there an one who is expert in are respectful to them ; but for t h e i ~own ad- fifth ambassador repaired, whereupon his majesty forbearam and patieoce." When questioned,
the use of such weapons $' Eve17 one held his vantage. WC hunt for tbcm, and they very summoned the fishes, frogs, crocodiles, dolphins, however, the tortoise begzed to be excused, de-
and turtles to his Court-They came-The king daring that he was slow in motion, and could
peace a t such a question. till a philosopher convenie~ltlydeprive us of our prey and bring
issued from the ranks of the flies, and approach- i t to their o m usc. Thus they pass their time disclosed his purpose to them, and turning to 1 not travel to a distant place. Besides he mas
ing the king,-"1 go," he said, "ta plead for in bloodshed, and never turn their thonghis to the ambassador said :-l'If men actually think 1 rathrrr laconic in his speech. In his opinion the
t h e cause of my brute brethren, and by the their duty, which cousiats iu worshipping God themselves stronger and braver t l ~ a nme, this ! Dolpl~in the most fitted both by agility and
momeut I can undeceive them, and spread des- eloquence for the task. The dolphin was not
grace of God hope to succeed." I' May Heaven and preparing for the day of judgrue~it"-
help thee in thy righteous wish l" responded Whom then, do you thinlc it advisnble that I
his sovereigu, aud mayst thou return soon in should depute ?" questioned the king. ' Send
triumph !" the paro uet" he replied. " bi1anl;ind love him ;
tlaction far and wide in their domaios." 11 They milling. B e recommended the Crab, who wae
do not claim superiority in possessb~g brute more of a polype, swift in nlnning, sharp nailed,
force," returned the messenger, they collsider and carrying a coat of armour on his back. The
I am ill-formed," he
In short, his travelling traps being ready, kings an! nobles, bigb and low, men and women, themselves endowed with reason, blessed pritll Cisabdeclined the honor.
he departed thence and reached the Court of learned aud unlearned, all hold him dear, and wisdom, and perfect adepts in all arts arid said, " bent in bacls and extremely ugly. They
the king of t h e Genii, attend to what he saysm-The king asked the smences. In devising plans, and a r r a ~ ~ will ~ ~ ~to see me there.'' " Why will they
~ ilaugh
- parrot if he wm willing to proceed-"Yes,"
said, ''if the king and conncil would assist me.
projecta they think themselves unriralied, laugh at yon," asked the king, IL'whatdefect have
Reason and conscience esclusively belong to you?"-$'When they'll see me," he replied.
CBAPTER XIII. "How," was the enquiry. ltPray for me to them, and the special gift of ingenuity is "they'il think me to be a headless animal, with
God," he said that Imap overcome my enemies." theirs."-'(Favor me with details," requested my eyes on my neck, my mouth in my breast,
WHENthe complaint of the fourth ambassa- The monarch did as desired, his council the king, <(thatL may judge of their pretensions." double-necked, with eight feet, everv one of
dor lodged before the phmnix, who was the responded " dnren" to his pryers. The owl Does not his majesty know," he replied, which is crooked, and crawling on m$ mouth.
soyereigll of Raptorial Kfds, he also summoned bere observed that if Heaven rejected the prayer, I' that they dive into the depths of the Red sea, I am sure they'll musider me perfectly ridicu-
the members of his tnbe. ~ccordingly the \ ali would be labor lost, " for," corltinued he, to (the Sea of Clysma) and extract pearIs there- IOLIS." The Icing then mished to know who was
vulture, the phaaoix, the hawk, the royal white pray effectunlly is not pomible for all." The king frorn. They ascend the mountainous steeps and the person most fit to be deputed. The Crab
falcon, the owl and all other carnivorous birds, wished to know horv we could pray effeetuaUy. carry away asses and eagles from the heightu. said, ;'The crocodile, becgnse he is sure-footed,
who have talons and bills formed t o destroy " Pray with purity of illtention and clearness
their PreYv attended the call. The king statcd of heart, even as one vho hopeless in worldly
the case t o his minister, and asked him who was aid turns the full confidence of his mind towards
They place the yoke on the shoulders of their indefatigable, swift, long-mouthed, voluble and
cattle, nod drive them overloaded from the er- S ~ W U ~ Ha . is also patient and can wait long for
treme West to the farthest East, and vice usma: the fulfilment of his wishes. He hates expdit-
best fitted to proceed to join the di~cussion,which his Creator, fasts, relieves the poor and then traversing forests and hovling woods. ~ o a the;
h any business." The king then referred the
was carried on by mankind in reference to' their pours out his prayq to. Him. Then his re- htrild and promote the interests of commerce matter t o the crocodile, who in his turn express-
anperiort~over the brute creation. The voazesr questsare granted." "This isvery t ~ e , "remarked by carryi~lggoods from one country to another. ed himself u n d i n g to undertake the task,
named the owl as the best fitted for the task. the assembly.--'l Wall then," mid the king address From the mountain-tops they provide them- j "Fo'," said he, "I am prone to anger and incliu-
' ' W h ~ so" enquired the %gi "1s there ]lone ing his conucil, "you know how mankind haPO selves ~ t gems h most precious, and the earth j ed to make away with every thing that comes
beside him equal to him 2'' <'The other birds of oppressed the beasts, so far so that they havs yields them gold, silver, iron, copper, &c. If they j mY way. 11) fact whatever I do, I do by the
our tlibe," retul-ned the minister, "few mankind come all this distance to seek protection from. place a talisman of art on the banks of a river, a~sistanceof art aud duplicity." The ambasea-
-- -
dor here interfered and said " Strength and art- and in every respect were perfectly weak and
helpless. Iu short the king mas quite despoud- er, and more courqeous can keep off all their j he enquired if he was ready to proceed to repra-
fulness are not needed; sense and discretion,
justice and equity, eloqaeuce and the power of
speech are what \vill be required from you."
ent and could not suppress h ~ steam at behold-
ing the utter worthlessness of the members of
enemies at a distance from them, cven as the
elephant, the tiger, &c. Others there are, who
can run with the greatest smiftucss, and hence
/i serpent
scut his tribe in the general a s e n ~ b l ~He
swered: 'Yes, if the king cornman& me,.'
. an-
advised him not to bctray himself, b;r
hi8 tribe. Raising his eyes towards heaven,
The crocodile observed that he wanted all these
qualities. H e recummended the frog for the " Oh thou", he cried, "who art the creator aud escape destruction, as the deer, the hare, the 1 saying that he was deputed by cl~xgons,kc. The
provider of all, who lookest down with mercg on wild am, &c. Some can fly from dangsr, as the j locust wished to kriow why he prevented him t o
purpose because he was a philosopher possessing birds, and some dive iuto the water and thus j do so. " Eecawe," aos\vered the other, ':there is
a great deal of patieuce, and blessed with the those who invoke thy aid, look down on these
thy helpless creatures, for thou alone art good save their lives. The mouse and the ant ooucenl ! an old enmity esiatiug between men xncl ser-
spirit of devotion. "LUight and day he repeats themselva in subterranean recesses, and God j pents ; so much so, indecd, that the former are
and compassionate." The prayer of the king
the name of his maker, and morning and even-
ing emlilo.@ himself in fasting and piayerS. proved.effectud, and the reptiles were blessed has thus expressed himself in favoirr of the > not backward in fiuding Psult with God, for hav-
latter :-' The leader of the ants advised his j ing created the latter, whom nought but evil
Be freqtefits human habitations also. He is 1 mith the power of speech.
particuiarly held iu regard by the SOUS of Israel,
because he once behaved very ha11dsomeIy with
tribe to hide themselves in their retreats, lest
Solomon and his army might tramole thein un-
der foot.' Others there are, whose &ies are hard,
1 is to be derived." L'Why say they so?" asked
the locust. cLBeeause,"answered the othcr, 'lhe
, carries venom in his fangs, and w?loever comes
them, at the time when Nimrod flung Abraham
into a heap of fire, he caxrled water in us
mouth and sprinkled i t on the burning element
WHENthe locust perceived that the king mae
very favorably disposed towards his sui~jects
by which means they are preserved from every
danger; even as the turilc, the fish. snd other
aquatic animals. There are some again, who
1 iu contact mith him, dies. liellce i t is, that
they t d k so ignorantly, not knoiving for what
j purpose God has created diffirer~t ohjects.
to extinguish it. On mother occasion, when a
war was carried on between Pharoah and
Moses, he took the part of the latter; beaides
he is a graceful speaker in reciting his creed.
and troops, he placed himself on the elevation
of a wall, and opened his mouth in praise of
h ~ Maker:-"Every
s praise is due t o that Qoci
who has showered unspeakable bounties o d t h e
can hide their hcada und0,r their iails, and thus
escape every harm, such as the gorcupiueB Food
too is easily provided for them ; some ivho are
/ Eence i t is also that h e has made them depend-
ant 011 these, and their nohla, and kings are
compelled t o reserve their venom in their
He ie amphibious and can skim on the surface face of the earth, and who from nothing has sharp-sighted soar on atrong piuions, and alight rings, which pl.bves efficacious at certain times.
of the water with as much ease as he leaps on brought to existence those various creatures in places where a banquet ia spreud out for Xf they would cousider well, nud know the true
them; such as the vulture sild the eagle. Others value of these venomous deposits they mould
the earth. He is well-formed, round headed,
with a symmetrical mouth, brilliant eyes, and
who people the globe. Before heaven aud earth
were created, aud time named, he was present. can scent out their provisions, eve11 as the ants. 1 nevcr commit themselves, by asking why God
well-formed hands and feet. H e haunts the
dwellings of men without entertaiuing any
fear." T h e king wished to know the opinion of
Bg his almighty power and marvellous might he
called forth creation from &he abyss of ch:ros,
and bade it flourish aud prosper." "Oh king,"
Those who are created extremely smell, and
therefore powerless to provide food for them-
selves, are at the samv time freed from many a
/ h w made such creatures? If the Maker hm
filled their fangs with poison, he has made their
flesh au antidote for the same." 'What other
the frog hiaeIf oil this point. H e replied, ['I he said, addressing the monarch '6 be not trouble to which the others are exposed ; where- ; advantages are to be derived?" asked the locust.
am ready in every respect to obey the king. ZE thoughtful about the helplessness of thy sub- as some are sl\rsgs obliged to fly frori the pur- j The snake ausmered; When God created those
he Wshes me to undertake the task, I a m perfect- jects ; for he who ha8 made, and daily provides suit of their euemie.~;but these aiv exempt i animals about whom you have been speaking,
ly willing to do so, and I shall advocate the cause for them, is not regardless of their deficiencies. from every atte~iluta&concealmeut because they I he provided them with members which serve

of my brethren with all the might that lies in As parents are never neglectful of their off- are born in the-safest piaces. No one knows ) t'neru in their hour of need, and prove preserva-
me; but I sincerely hope that the king will pray where they are, whether hidden in the grass, tives against all harm. Some have such warmth
spring, so he. the Creator, never forsakes his
t o God on high in my behalf, for the blessings of creatures. Vhen he made the animals, and or enclosed in a grain, or breathing and moving iu the stomach, that their food is immediately di-
sovereigna never fail to beuefit their subjects." in the stomach of another animal, or even crawl- 1 gested and absorbed by their system. The ariakes
Complying with his request, the king raised his
bestowed different shapes on them, some he
made strong aud some weak, some l a q e in ata- ing in mud or iilth. There is a God who pro- 1 are neither provided with stomach to digest,
voice in prayer t o heaven, and all his counsellors ture, and well formed, others diminutive and ill- vides for all without any exertion on their part. nor teeth. to chew. To supply this dehciency,
responded, "Amen." The frog then departed. constrocted. The scdles of his equity were al-
ways equal. To each he has given the powers
of offence and defence according to its indivldual
To them the power of absorption is given, by
means of which they escape the evil conse-
quences of damp, and derive uoul-ishment from
! their fsnga are charged vith venom, by means of
which, they do not feel the want of what they
t have not. The moment that they eelnit poison
Vam the sixth ambassador presented himself
before the king of the reptiles, and stated his
case to him, his majesty snmmoned at1 the mem-
bers of his tribe to attend hi court. Accord-
ingly serpents, scorpions, blood-suckers, lizards,
snakes, spiders, ants, worms, and every reptile
which is bred in impurity and crawls on leaves
requirement. But he has blessed all equally.
To none has he given superiority over another.
Large is the size of the elephant, and stronger is
he thaoother animals; but at the same time his
tusks prove weapons of self .defence to him, and
his proboscis assists him in carrying food to his
mouth. The gnat he has made small, but he
whae would have proved injurious to them.
Other animals are ohligcd to toil both for
food and self-preservatio!~; whereas these are
free from every trouble of this nature. Hence
i t is that God has given them no hands and
feet, for they requira them not, nor teeth
to chew, nor throat to swallow, nor sto-
maoh to digest, nor guts to hold digesced
I on any living flesh, it dissolves, and thereby they
are enaoled to swallow i t domn most easily.
Hence it is, that if God withheld their venom
from them, they could never have partaken of
i their food ; and starvation would certainly have
ensured their destruction. No snake would
there be left in the world." The locust ques-
tioned again " What benefit is derived to the
has provided him with two dehcately formed
all obeyed t h e summons, and came in such wings, by means of which he can fly away from matter, nor lungs to purify the blood, nor other animals from them!" H e answcred :--"The
crowds that none but the eye of God in Heaven the pursuit of his enemies. I n the ossession spleen to absorb the humours of the body, same benefit, ahich is derived from other ani-
could enumerate t h e m Tha moment that the of members fitted for safety and seZpreserva- nor kidneys and biaddelu to coucentrate the mals." The locust wished to be favoured
king beheld them, he held his peace for a aoo- tion, all are equal. So our tribe: who to all ap- urine, nor veins to promote the circulation with details. The snake returned:-L'Wheu
ment, and then perceived that all were small, pearances, are small and helpless, are for all that, of the blood. Their braiu is hot the seat God made the world: he arranged all things nc-
weak and deficient in every requisite talent. For not entirely excluded from the bountiea of of inteliectual powers, nor are they dieted cordiilg to his Ftill and wisdom. In the
a time he gave way to anxieties, considering heaven. When God created them,, he did not with any chronic disease, mbich would compel ; whole range of creation, he has made one to
that nothing important collld be done by them. them to have recourse to a physician. In short serve as food for the other, aud one tribe to
n r n i n g himself to his minister he enquired
from him, who was fitted to be sent to the ge-
neral assembly, "For," aaid he, these creatures
forget to provide them with offensive and de-
fensive means. If the king will consider the
matter properly, he will peroeive that those who
are small and weak are the most agile in flying,
they are free from all those distresses to which
animals mightier than they, are exposed. Holy
is that God, whose mercy shields them from
i give assistance to another. He has attended
to the good of all. Some however fall into
perits, alchough i t is not God who leads them
are dumb and deficient iu the power of speech. and at the same &me the most fearless ; and all harm, and worthy is he to be praised, who into aaictious. Although good and evil are
Deaf they are also aa well as blind, and wanting hence it Is, that they are enabled to elude all attends to all their requirements." When the t o be found e v e ~ w h e r ein the world, yet i t is
the powers of motion." Their bodies vere en-
tirely uncovered; they had neither billsnor claws,
creatures that pursue to make a prer of them;
whereas those who are larger in stature, atrong-
locust had finished his perordtion, the king said
May Qod bless thy rhetorical powers, for t n ! y
thou art both eloquent and wise." Aker this
' not God who assists in the propagation qf
either. When the good results preponderate,
\ he does not withhold creating objects who are
in a slight degree noxious. To give an example, i sizes, who always takes care of them and pro- H e it is who has msisted us i n making inven- the fields are fertile in vegetable productions,
when G d made t h e luminaries of the skv, to che vldcs for them, and whose glo~-iesshine through
he i m o a h d t h e p a t e s t degree of b;litiaucr t k e :for when Ha the Rod of all, withdrew hi,m-
and endo6ed him with the powers of enlivening 2 self from our eight, andveiled himself ill a cloud
tions, by means of which onr predominance is'
acknowledged over others Prom him have me
received wisdom, moderation, pr~ldenceand an
the commoliest wood as smeet as the sugarcane,
stones valuable as diamonds aud emeralds ; i t s
animals fat and robust even w the giant-sized
creation. Even as the mind lights the chain- of dazzling radiance, which thought and fancy ever-watchful conscience. The Prophets too he elephant. That was the cradle of mankind, and
bers of t h e body, so this orb irradiates nature could never penetrate, he brought forward these
a%large. If then his beams prove injurious to creatures and placed thom before us, that we
any createcl object, is that n reason why the may judge of his power and might by the objects
sent for our guidance. h our tribe he chose
Noah, Esdras, Ablxham, hIooses! Jesus ancl Ma-
hommed; as well as great and glorions kinga
every other animal derives its origin from
that place. B l a n ~a prophet and pililosopher
have also risen from that..couutr.y. God has also
Maker should extinguish this glorious lamp, a;ld he has made. And these bodied forms are the such as Fureidoon, Dxrius, Artaze~xss,Buhram, blessed me with power of invention. ffe has
deprive the world of the blessings which result exact prototnes of those who are in the world Kousherwan and many others whose names will endowed us with proficiency in Astroaomy,
'from his vivifying rays? The same is the case of spirits, only t h e latter are more subtle, never perish. We in short are the essence of magic and rhetoric, md, in short, he has placed
with the planets Saturn and Mars. Some, a t in- essential and bright thmt the former. As ia of maukind, as mankind in general is the tne crown of superiorito over our brows."
auspicious moments, are afflicted by them. The pictnres, Ne find the different members of the essence of Creation. Every \vllere we are con- "If yoa bad only added," remsrked the s a g ,
clouds too are made for the good of manlcirld, anirni~lagreeing with i t s living origi~~al, so these sidered greet, and it behoves us therefore to be c'tha8 you had cons~~rned many a body on the
although a t times they coudace to delngc in t,be world agree in shape with thosexho are grateful to God for hi3 mercies." When he had funern1 pyre, adored and worshipped many a
t h e earth, and sweep away the ilomble habita- i yet in snirit-larlci. There is oue difference finished, the k i r i ~turned to the wise men of his false god, ained i n the increase of population
tionp of the poor. So i t is with rapacious and however ; that is, the latter move iike puppets court, and wished to lcnow if every word &rid in by your adulterous loves, and that eventually
grazing animals ; snalies, scorpions, fishes, cro- whose wires are in the hands of the former. Af- favor of man's superiority was indisputably true. you were scandalised and ruined, it would have
codiles, and all other created objects. Some are ter the animals, there is another orcler of Crea- All admitted the truth ; hut one m60 was cursed answered all the wnrposes of jastice."-
made t o pass their lives in 61th atld corri~ption, tion, to whom t h e powers of motion and speech with a dogmatic spirit,' aud hnd no wish to al. Ouce more the king cast his eyes 011 the crowd.
so that the air might be thereby purified, i n d are denied. These perish ancl are destroyed i o n any proposi~iouto p w s nnqa~stioned,tried and beheld a tall person, Qrapt up iu a yellow
prevent infectious malaria from rising and here. But t h e spirits of the others survive i n t o depreciate the merits of mxrlkiud in general, sheet, busy in reading a paper and moving
spreading contagion, which would end in the another world." After s a y i ~ ~these g words he rose and turuiug to the other philosophers remarked, back-mar& and forwartis in the act of doing
. general destrtlction of animal life. Honce i t is and exclaimed :-"Praise is due to that God, who that man ia praising himself had omitted t o so. " Who ii thia?" he enquired from t h e
that these reptiles are generally bred in the has created so many-shaped beings on this Eartl). name certain very famous sovereigos, in whose Vazeer. " H e i a a Hebrew of the .tribe of Is-
shambles, or in the stalls of t h e fishermen. He it is, who has given s i r bonndaries t o the world reign certain very f a m u s events happened. The rael, and an inhabitant of Syria." "Bid him
Being born in impurities, the feed on the same and fitted i t t o become a comfortable abodo king's curiosity was roused, and he immediately speak," was t h e order, which was obeyed in t h e
filth, and thereby gave rnnntind from the des- : for his creatures. The heavers he has divided expressed a deeire to know \vha and what these following words :-lL Praise be to God, who made
tructive effects of a pestilence. The smaller { into diEerent grades and appointet1 au angel in mere-': He has ornittcd to mention," said the the Prophet Israel the most glorious of men.
reptiles also become the food of t h e larger. I t charge of each. To t h e several animals He has individual referred to, "that on account of the I n his tribe were born Abraham and Xoses.
proved beyond a doubt then, t h r t the Creator given varions shapes, and E i s bounty provides
has made nothing uselessly. They who canuot { for all. The mourners who approch him, he
trausgressions of his tribe, a general d e l ~ ~ gcame
2nd drowned the world. He has omitted to
e Thanks be t o him for rnnlcing us the disciples of
such a person, and for bestowing innumerable
fathom Ris wisdom, generally object to what He i ransolea, and punishes those who try t o ques- mention that his tribe is notorious for misan- favors on us."-;; Bat why not add" renarked a
does'and question the use of a good many ob- 5 tion his wisdom. Before Adam, he created the dcrstaurIiu9 and discords amongst them- g~erulousphilosopher, ':that on account of your
jects. Nothing but ignorance prompts them to ~ n i out
I i of fire, and endowed them with subtle
do this. They know not how good, gracious a r ~ d and essential bodies, and wonderful and sur-
wise the Lord is. Some are s o foolish as to h prising forms. He i t is, who has summoned
selves, the reasons for mhich none of their wise
men could urge. That many of their Kings have
been tyrants, such as Ximrod who exposed Bbra-
shameful idoiatory, Cod mns o3ended with you
and made you companions of hears and mon-
keys." Once more t u r n i ~ ~t og the assembly the
- 1
declare that His gracs bxiends not beyond the out of chaos many a creature, and placed them ham on a pyre to be burnt. That in his tribe monarch saw an individual clad in woolien gar-
re@ons of t h e moon, whereas i f they would i n different gradations of life. Some H e has was born Nubuchadnezxar mho desolated the ments, with a s t r a ~of leather tied round his
consider well, i t would appear, that EIe is atten- j elevated t o glory, and others cast down to Holy Land, burnt th-: old Testament, destroy- waist, praying and burning incense i n a censer
tive t o t h e wants of all, be they high or low. the lowesest abyss, while n . third are placed ed the children of David and Solomon, and the which he held in his hand, "Who is this" he
, R e showers His bounty upon all, and each iu in the middle rank ; but to all Re holds out Israelites iu general; e q e i i s d t'ne Edenites from asked. ':Re is a S ~ i a n , " answered the minister
proportion to his m n t s paltakes of His mercies. a light i n the person of his prophet t o guide t h e fertile banks of the Euphrates to mountain "and a follower of Jesus Christ." " ELd him
them in the way of salvation. Thousands of w2ds and fastnesses, and delighted in tyranny spealr" was again the eommand. r'CXorified be
thanks are due t o Him, who has crowned and blood-shed"-" Born conld he have related that Creator," spokc the Christian, <'who made
with the glory of faith and made u s head these matters?" asked the kiug, hat advan- Christ incarnate, and born of t h e spotless
CHAPTER XFrTI. and master of the earth, who has blessed our tage would he derive therefrom P" ':In- a place OF Virgin Mary, crowned him mith t h e dignity of
E m m in the morning the several deputies, kings with wisdom and forbearance." When public discussion," returned the spealcer, r L i t a prophet, and bestowed on him the power of
.assembled in the court of t h e king of the Ge~lii, the speaker had ceased, the king tnrned his i s not fair t o give a list of your good qualities working miracles. He i t was who freed t h e
who presented himself to decide the case t o the eyes towards t h e representatives of men, and and hide your fauits, for which sorrow and re- Israe!ites from the bonds of sin, and made u s
best of his ability. The herald proclaimed aloud found that each differedfrom t h c other both i n pentance are due.'' Ouce more turning his eyes his followera. Praise be to God, who made many
t h a t all seekers of justice, and those on whom features and attire, Amongst them he ohserv-
oppressions were practised were to approach ed one who was taller and handsomer than t h e
towards the crowd of men assembled there, he
beheld a thin, swarthy personage, with long dis-
a saint and philosopher rise from our tribe;
who has taught us h ~ tolove v and serve him,

t h e throne and state their cases. No sooner reat, and inquired from his minister who h e
were these words uttered, than all the deputies was, and where he lived. He answered; &'Heis
who were present came forward, and stood in a a Persian, and lives i n Eran." "Bid him speak,"
row blessing and praising t h e king, who looking said t h e king, and the Paceer gave t h e s i p ,
round perceived that the crowd was incredibly upon which he opened his mouth, and gave ex-
large. H e held his peace for a time ; then turn- pressioll to the following sentiments :-“ Thank-
hevelled beard, his ueck encircled mith the Brah-
miuical thread, and hi6 Ioins surrouuded with
a piece of red cloth. ' Be askod the Vaaee~who
this individual was. ;' ITe is an inhnbitaot of Sa-
rundeep, an Indian Island," The monarch wished
and t o be kind and merciful to our fellolv-men ;
who has blessed us with superiority 2nd crowned
us v i t h never-fadin!: glory." Agaia the quem-
lous sage opened !is mouth, and remarked.-
"But you have forgotten to ~ d d that ,
worsLipping God you adored the Cross, that
instead of
him to speak. "Thanlcs bc to God" ; commenced
ing t o a phi1osopher of his own tribe, he asked ful are we t o that, God, who has placed us in the man, '' mho has placed us in the most propiti- you saori6ced swine, and mzde yourself unclean
him if h e beheld the multitude. Yes, your ma- a climate congenial t o ua,-a climate which is ous of equinoctial climes, where the fields are j by eating their flssh, and that you calumniated
jwt~," he replied, r L bahoid I all, and I cannot more agreeable than that of any other region. W e always clothed with verdure, the breeze always your God."-The king's eyes next fell upon a
but wonder at the glorious might of that Creator also owe' our gratitude t o Him, for his having mild, and the climate always temperate ; where m m of slender make, and ~wrwthlcornpisxion ;
who has made beings of S U O various ~ ahapes and conferred a higher degree of superiority on us, the mines almays teem with mineral mealth, 1 who ma3 standing wrapt up in a sheet. " Whe
is this," mns again the e n q u i ~ ~He . belollgs t o lligher tiegee than what he has conferred on C[L4PTe%XIX. t u r n feast on him when he dies. The seme is.
the noble Arabian tribe of Qlro~aish,and is an others, Many there are amongst us; who read-the 1 the case with obensts and birds of prey. Spar-
Loosrx5 round once more, the king beheld a rows, $c. feed on fleas and acts, and
inhabizant of Mecca." <'Ask him t o speak." old and new Testaments without auderstand~ug in their
them, and pet firmly believe in Christ and locust shaking his wing%,and hummmng a tune trim devoured by the sparrow-hawk and the royal
Upon which the man begau :-': Blessed be hfoses, whereas there are others N ~ Ostudy the iu a low gelltle voice. " Who arc you ?" aslied \dnite-f81con, who spin fall a prey t o the black
that God v h o made 3Iahommed, (on him be l<oibau in thc same may and yet p!ace full trust
peace,) placed him in the rank of Prophets, 1
the king. "The plencicr of the rcptilcu," he an- englc and the mltore; and Past of all when
swcred "and deputed bp their souercign." thkse die, the rep:iles $c. eat ther,~up. Thus
bade him read the Koran to us, and enforce prophets. on the religiotl of Nohammed, the last of the
\Ire lament the death -of Hosein, " Who S : he, and where does he live ?" WAS the lt 1s with man also. ue feeds on t h i flesh of

Il ' '
on us the observance of the holy fast of and h v e avenged ourselves on h ~ sheartless .
Rm~zan,pilgrimage to Mecca, and bestowal enquiry. He replied :-" S a h is his w a s , deer, hog-deer, goats, shcep and birds ;but when
of n portion of our property on thc poor. murderers. Hence i t is, we hops that the last he lives on high mountains ancl hilioclrs, in the he dies, the worms revel on his rol&rls i n the
Praise be to him for his other mercies: for Imam will bc hor11 in OUT 1-ace." The king up- frigid regions where there are nothing but ; tomb. ~ h u sit i s with all. &metimes the
appointing the night of Qadlr for us, for per- on this tome& tonards his coansellors, and clouds, rains and moisture, and where other j la.rge animals devour thesmaller ones,a3dsome-
mitting us io pray in coogregations, for waking wished to kr~osv if what the Khorasany had animals would perish on account of the iutoier- times the &her fen& on the former. fiellce
us conversnnt mith religious truths, and for pro- npokeu ill f~rrourof his own superiority was true able nature of the cold." " !v110 ore his Sub- PnilosDphershave said that tile death of ono
misiag Heaven to us. Besides these me elljoy other OY not. 011sof the sages a~~snered, if his t r i k jects, and N ~ fi~1.m
O his army ?" " dtlakes, scor- to the ba!lc&t of ~\uoth-r. The Almighty sxys :
blessings, the euumeratiotl of wluch mouid oc- were not cruel and idolatrous, Vfo~hippillg pions. &C,who are i'out~dinfestin:: every house," 6 1 tllpn tine wheels of rortlulic in firvorof
cupy too much time." <'Add, if you please," the suu ; ~ n dthe moon, we would have believed Was the reply. " why cloes he live SO far fY0m and none ljut the wise kuoiv this."' After this
8 troops on such an c1ev:~tiion2'' " Because the fro; mellt on thus :X I am told that man.~cld
said the sage aivxys ready to put a spoke to the him." Wheu these discus.;ions had come to an h 1
whcel, ':add if you pleasc,tLat after hiahommed, end the herald proclaimed aloud aud said, there iu poison i u his moutll, whose heat k e e ! ~ ~conddcr that they are the lords of cre:\tio!l, all&
we disagreed amougst ourselves, forgot all bis " Gentlemen i t is eveuing now ; you can depart; his whole body btiruing, and the refreshing <mLtthe beasts are their slaves. Prom wilat I
relieious precepts, and slaylltered our Imnrus re-assemblc to-rnonaw morx~ing. ~ 0 0 l t l OF
~ sthe frigid zone is c0nsequ~Llt~y more have s:lid jast why don't they ullderstnnd
for korldlj couiiderstions." T h e monarch next ! plensaut to hiru." "Describe his nature and that all aniomls are eclllal alld that there is no
beheld a person standing with an astrolabe aud
appem.nce"--was the command. " 111 bobh," di&rellce betmeell them and men? Sometimes
electrical apparatus in hand, andwished to know CAAPTER XV 111. retorued the locust, he very much rcsemblcs they eat ancl arc eater, up in their
he He is a Grecinu" was the answer. the sea-dragon." "What sort of a creature is turn. LVheuce then is their superiority over
On the third day vhen all the heasts and men tllat ?" asked the Hiuv "The frog, who repre- ug rhe.n our col~ditionis enacay the same as
H e was a ~ k e d to speak, and complied thus: 1 had taken their ~.espectiveposts hefore the king,
Pmised be God, who has made us more blest than sentis the aquiltic a;imalu," replied the locust, theirs. Virtile and vice will be known d t c r
most other creatures; who l= made our goves
inhis mercy taught us t u u ~ ~ d e ~ s t athe
looked round, when hp chance
on a wolf, who was standing before
abouud mith the most dclicio~isfruits ;who has him. Oo enquiry as to who he was, he replied
n d arts that, ho was ihe representative of the beasts,
" .rviI1 be able to describe him to Four APajes~y." death. The common lot of
The king glanced at th:: crowd assembled, alld mix pith clay. God \vill judge wal When
is to die Bud
behdd the frog stnndi:lg apart, employed iu lqanlii~lddeclare," be continued addresssing the
and sciences, to know the various properties of ! and had come to advocate their cauje. ':Who counting his beads aud praying; On enquiry, k ~ n g , that all the beasts arc their slaves. 1 am
k k g ~ to, become familiar with the ~~~~~se of has sent you", was nest nsked. " T i e lion, the he wns cold that he (the frog) reprcscntcd the perfectly astonished at their ignorance ancl pre-
the heavenly bodies, and to boast of proficiency animals of the aquatic tribe, whose king was thc sumption, and cannot comprehend how they
) king of rapacious animals," was the answer. sea-dragon. Upon which, the monarch desired could have ever come to such an unreasouable
i n Astronomy, Geometry, Astrology, Geomancy, '&Wherelives he, and who are his subjects?"

Yedicine, Logic, Natural Philosophy, &c!' "Stop" him to describe the sca-drsgou t o him. K He conclusion, as to think that all brutes, caruioo-

l cLInthe wilderness" was the reply, "and all the

interrupted the querulous sage, "do not take wild animals owe allegiance to hlm." "Who are
credit to yourselves for arts and sciences, which his assistants'l" ,l' The leopard, t h e d e e ~ ,the
you never introduced in the world. I n the time I rabbit, the fox and the beai; all these assist
of Ptolomy you learnt some from the Israelites,
m d others again from the Egyptians, why then him." " Please describe !m ; ", bade his hlajes-
lives in deep, tulaultuous wt~ter," said the frog. rous and graminivorous, as well as birds, includ-
"He is the sovereign of all animals that live in the ing amongst them dragons, cmodiles, serpents
water ; and fishes, turties, frogs aud crocodiles and scorpions, are their slaves. Know they not,
ail owc subjection t o him." Describe his appear- that if the rapacious animals were to emerge
auce and nature," said the king " I n size aud from the forests, the beasts of pray from the

began the wolf, '-he

glory in Arts which you borrowed from others 1"
! " Id shape and size,

Is this true l" asked the king. '"Yes" re- is larger thau other animals, stronger also, and
more awful and terrible to look at. Broad in
shape," began the frog, he excels every other moods, and the aliigators from the rivers to -at-
aqulltic animal. Strange and formidable looking, tack them, that they ~ ~ o uaU l dbe destroyed, and
sumed the Greek, ' l we learnt these arts and his
sciences from the ancient sages, even as others I shoulders, slender of loins ; strong pf arms,
now learn from us. Thus always goes the hard of teeth and paws, loud-voiced, dreadful
xud tall in size, he is feared by all. Large- not a single pmsou left living to repeat the
headed, bright-eyed, wide-mouthed, with many tale? Ought not they to be thankful that God
11 to look at ; no oue, neither man nor beast, dare
world, one reaping benefit from the other. approach him. So expert is he in business,
The rules by which Persian sages. make sstro-
teeth, he opens his jams, ~ i l din one gulp, has kept them at a distance from their habits-
swallows down innumerable animals of all tio~is? hstead of this, they delight in persecnt-
shapes. When over-gorged, he bends himself ing those haFmless animals who associate with
nomica1 calculations, are all imported from Hin- that he is never dependant on others for help. like a bow, and standing on his hcird and tail, them. and 10 ! they are punished, for do they
doostan. So the Israelites learnt m?, ..?c m d the So geuerous is he, that after destroying his prey, raises the middle part of his body above the 1 noc drge claims which they ca:lnot, estabiish by
use of talismans from Solomon the son of Da.- he shaccs it out among other animals, content- surface of the water, so that the rays of the sun reason or arguments ?" Again looking round,
vid." of all t h e king perceived a well built ! ing himself vith just as much as is sufficient for fall on his stomach, and aid thc digestion of the the king observed a p r r o c sittiug 011 a tree-
with a long beard, who was very i ~ ~ t e n t l y inrn. T h e n he sees light from a distnnce, he food he has taken. Often he faints while in branch, and attentively listcuing to ali what was
looking t o h r d s the sun. G' Who is he 1" was app~oachcsit, and every trrce of anger disappears this state, and the clouds that arise from the mid. When asked who lie was, he replied that he
the enquiry. " He is nn inhabitant of Khoms.. from him. Women aud children he will never ocean somcltimes pull him'up, and cast him on W:LS the advocatc of the birds of prcy: ar~tiwas
sari;' was the answer. On being ordered to attack. He delights in melody. He fears .no dry ground, ~vhcrehe dies and becomes the food s e n t by the pbcenis, their sovereign. Where
speak* he began thus:-"Grateful are we to one, but the ant, for ants eau overpower lions ;
that God who has bestowed a variety of fa- even as fleas can overpower elephants and oxen,
of carnivorous mimeb. Often again, he is
taken up so high as to enter the regions of Cog
vours On ns. Our country he has made more and flies men." "How does he treat his sub- and Magog, who feast on him for days and d:~ys,
P ~ P U ~than~ Wother climes, and has made allu- jects ?" oslred the king. " With courtesy and All apuat~canimals f e u him m d fly from him ;
aioa to by the mouth of the prophet in the consideratiou" was the answer. " I shall give though he is a h ~ dof none, but a small c m -
sacred Pages of the Koran, so that several ver- you full details by and by!' ture resembling a flea, whose bite is sure to prove
ses of the holy writ have been exclusively devoted fatal to him, when the other animals all crowd
t o us. In short praise is due t o that ~ o d ,
round his remains and feed 011 if for a lollg time.
has blessed us with the jewel of faith in AS he devours them mhen living, so they in their
der the burden of fruits that hang from their one is ubiquitous, one king could scarce suffice
boughs. It is moreover peopled with innumer- for the well-being of all the realms nf this
able kinds of bea3ts.r The king next wished earth. Again as each town is peopled by lam
to be favored with a description of the phmnix and Iacs of men, and as the nations differ from
himself. "He is larger than all other birds," each other in Iar~guageand religion, itwould be im-
returned the pnrrot, "and swift and strong in possible for any one aerson to govern the whole
flight,. Bis talons and bill are hard, and his race. Hence it is that God Almighty has made
wings broad, so that when he cuts through the several kings, vho are designated His representa-
air, you would think him to be a ship sailing over- tives on earth, and mho ;we made lords of others,
head of you. His tail again is very long. When that they may protect their subjects, be kind
he dies, there is violent concugsion i n the wind, and lenient to all who approach them, dispense
--- mountains
and -. ~
and hills shake under him. Re
stern justice in the world, and make-his people
is so strong that h e lifts up elephants, rhinoce- abstain.from what is displeasing to God, who in
roses, h. from the ground with the great- reallty ra the sole sovereigu and protector of
.-. ease." The king next desired him to de- i all creation."
-~ - -

scribe hi nature;-but he simply contented

- --... bv saving that his &isposition was

good and dpro;hiszd zo enter into -details sorue I; - -- - , XX.

-- - -

WHENthe Irakee had ceased speaking, the

king on lo@l;ingtowards the crowd, was greeted
with a soft, bnszing sound, and irnluediately
plaiied against you." Questioning them fa- wings, praising and glorifying God. On being
* mediate$ afterwards he asked, Who is your asked, he acknowledged who he was, upon
king ?" They answered 'c We have many which the king wished to know why he had
sovereigns, each liviug in his own kingdom come personnlly and not depntcd some one from
with his subjects and troops." Why is this 9" ! his suhjeds. "I felt compassion for them," was
he asked, "the beasts, notwithstauding that the answer. <<anddid not wish to put any one
they - are many, have orLe monarch, while you to tronb!e." "Others did not show this consi-
few though ye artre! have so mauy. One of deration," observed the monarch "how is it that
them. a native of I r k . returned. The necessities this quality is to be found only in you 1" "God
of mankind are
they biffer from each has bestoGed i t on me;' he returned, "and
other in their several conditions. and hence re- several other properties besides that." What
quiremore than one ruler. ?Tot so the beasts. are these?"--"Jlany, which are exclusively
Amongst them! you will find that the largest ours. The rank o f Prophets and Angels is
and biggest in slze is appointed king ;whereas ours. Other animals have it not. w e are con-
amongst mankind, the king is often a thin, versant with mathematics, we construct our
slender being. We loot not to his size. All houses mith exquisite nicety. The flowers and
that we require are justice, equity and benevo- fruits bloom and blwh for us. Unprevented by
lence on his part, with kindness and consider- any, we feed on the sweets of the earth: and
ation for the whole race of man ; his servants from our saliva is produced honey, wwhh in
also are many. Some are soldiers and bear medicinal matters conduces to the recovery of
arms to defend the king from his foes, arid keep health among mankind. The I h a n bears tes-
the city clear of thieves, rohbers, and other timony to the truth of what I say. Besides the
rogues and vagabonds of the same kind. Some Creator has made us with such art, that our
are ministers, chancellors and clerk's, t o look to very formation is a proof direct in faror of the
t h e internal msnagernent of the state, and keep existence of a Maker. Look at us, how wonder-
the Treasury full for the support of the army. ful and delicate our "mah" is : our body is
Some are farmers and cultivators, others cazees divided into three parts. The middle part is CHAPTER XXI. .
and moofties, who dispense laws, for it is in- like a square, the lowest is long and the upper-
cumbent on sovereigns t o see that the laws most round. We have four hands and feet, (R-hich
(civil and divine) are resxlected, and the people form a s it were the boundary line of a hem-
deviatenot from the patd of rectitude. There gon,) and which aid us in sitting, rising and
are merchants again, who travel about, look to c o ~ s t r u c ~ i nour
g dwellings with such a d e g r ~ a
cotnmerciel matters, and improve by trade. of gracefulness and care that the winds cannot
Some ag$in are exclusively given up to servitude, enter it to harm us or our gouug ones. These
auch a s menial slaves, Be. Besides t h w there memhen, also aid u s in fetching fruits and leaves
are. others, indispensably required by the king, [ and tlowers, which we keep in deposit in our
without whom, in fact, the business of the state 5 hives. Our wings are strong, to .enable us to
would come to a stand-atill. Consequently ! fig, and our stings are charged with venom which
mankind reqaire many rulers t o superintend preserves u s from the attacks of all our enemies.
over the policy of the several cities, and t o pre- Our neck8 are thin and slender, m that r e can
vent harm befalling any one of them. As no Y easily turn our heads towards the right or the
voice and observed :--"It is a matter of surprise false. I h t him nest t u ~ nhis attention to the
anb. Srurll though she is, she still coustructs
t o see t h e monarch respecting the lcadcr of t h e labyrinthiue
bees more than any one else.'; A ~ h i l o s o p h c r subterranean house's, uuapproach.
from t h e giants, race returned-<' Woncler not, food able bv the most dreadfa! of inundatioas. Her
though yrssoob is small and diminutive of sire, also she coilects therein. When moistened
yet in sense and discretion h e is unsurpassed by by auy chance, she lays it out in the suushine
RP; i s fit
at any time t o teach otllcrs how to dry. T h e n any grain is about to germinate,
hi&elf: and i t i s c~~stonla?y she immediately dit.ides it into two parts I n

- - - -- like
t n become -
with kings to shorn kindness and consideratioil summer, several of them assemble nud go out
t o those who are their equals both in rauk all& i n quest of food. If one of them finda aught,
possessing qualities which grace ropdiy, aithougl~ mhich ou account of its weight she cannot
these latter mav differ i n form aud fe:ttu~.cs Ero~il removc, she immediately takes a slnall particle -

not also attended to, hence they fall unwell

sometimes. The reason why your children fall
sweetmeats. * * * To amuse ourselves we have sick is this: preguant women and nuram eat
danciug, music, singi~r~, games, and all the plea- the food you praise s o much, and the result is
sure8 of innocent conversation. We dress also that it breeds humours which spoil the milk,
oerg splendidly, and our jewellery is magnificent and children are either born deformed o r are
i n the extreme. Carpets of the richest texture continually ailing afterwards. It is on this ac-
we spread, and sit under gorgeous canopies of
every hue. Where do the beasts cojoy this
state? They live in woods and forests, graze,
l count that they are always liable t o sudden
deaths, and pains and torments. I n short, it is
your own deeds that keep you exposed to all
and work like slams. A11 these circumstances these sufmings from which we are exempt.
prove their inferiority." The representative Honey you consider to be very good both for
of the birds, the Nightingale, who was per- food arid medicine ; but mind, i t is collected by
ching on a twiw opened his mouth and said : the bees and not prepared by any art of yours.
-c'Maa glories zmself on the articles of his On what then do you glory ? Fruits and coril?
food and drink; but he does 11ot know that
P1 these arc the sources of evil to him." " Why
should they be so 1" enquired the liiug-"Be-
1 why w e partake d these in common, even as
vour and our ancestors did. Wheu your first,
pareilts Adam and Eve were i n the Garden of
cause,'' returned the speaker, "to e t i n these Eden, and enjoyed its fruits without ally toil
they are constrained to toil hard, to dig, plotlgh, or trouble on their part, our first pnrents were
smwthen the earth, fill water, M W the seed, cut there also, sharers and companious of their ease.
&heplant, weigh, bake and cook ; then again for When your ancestors overloaked the injuuction
meat, to quarrel with butchers, keep accounts of God, and tempted by the enemy, ate the
with bunlaeald, and for the sake of gain, acquire fatnl .grain, the angels came dowu, expelled
arts and sciences, afflict their own bodies, them from Paradisa, and cast them in such n
travel to far, distar~t countries, stand with clime, where there mere no flowers or lavea,
hands folded before rich men for the paltry stlrp much less fruits. For a long time they wept
of a pice or two ; in short these are the erils and mourned in that scene of desolation. ~t
they suffer to gaiu the llrxuries of life. And after last they repented, the Creator took wrupassioo
their death, all their gains fall i n L0 the of on them, and an angel was sent to place them
strangers. l f they have acquired these by fair on earth, nhich they mere to dig, and sbm seeds
means, well and good : if not eternal pains are therein. They were also taught how to grind,
reserved for them, in the next world. We are cool; and weave clothes for t!aeir use. Xiipht
exempt, from all these. We feed on grass 411 and dayit was theirs to work on m~iutzrrupted-
that the earth produces we enjoy without care Iy. & W h i ntheir children iticreased and spread
o r trouble, and many are the fruits which a through the wilds and fastnesses of the earth,
bountiful ~ o hasd made for our use, for whioh then it was that persecution began, The other
we are deepiy thankful to Him. We have never denizens of the world were deprived of their
togo in quest of food and drink, w l ~ r o v e rwe habitations, many were taken and placed in
tional exercises are practised night and day heat and cold. T l ~ u thsy s roved about in t h e
regulwlg. In a rurd. ve need not perform those ' garden, enjoying the frnits of all the trees,
acts in which you glory so much." When khe mithont toiling as they IIOW do. Cod had com-
winged speaker hsd come to a conclusion, the 1 manded them to eat thc fruits of all trees but
king asked mankind if they had aught furkhher one. Satan, howeve~s.beguiled them. They for-
t o nrse. One of thorn, an inhabitant of I~aak, got the irljunction of tile .41111i&hty arld sinned.
replied, that there yet remained several qualities j Then their glory dcparted from them ; their
in manz which established his claim t o superi- ( long ringlets dropped off, they became naked, and
shawli and b-ades,
ority. 4"n the ~ngnificeuceof dress, me have the angels, i n obeciience to the command re-
silk, muslin, satin ceired from God, descended from Heaceu,
&c. me have carpets spread on the Yoor, and ancl expe2.d them from the Bower of Bliss,
canopies and other coverings to give ccicit t o 5 cvsn as already recounted by She philosopher
our state. To the beasts ail these are denied. of she genii." When the advoute had spoken
Naked they rove &\,out like s l a ~ e in 1
s the wilder- thns, lilallkind desired him and his tribe to re-
ness, aud therohy es:abliih our claim of supe- rnain a i l e ~ and ~ t cease to speak. " Why 1" asked
riority oier them. T h e Liventics of Heaver, tbc former speaks. Eeciuse~" they $id,
which are cor~fcrredon us, prow r:s to be the lords &'gou,~aptoriala:iimals are t!ie most ~uischiev-
of t h e brute creatior~; a t ~ dit is i ~ ~ c u m b e uont ous ou ei;r:h and tll3 must ha:d hearted. You
us to ksep them within the bounds of snbmis- devour botli tlie living nod the dead. Eepond
sion." L; What, ausmer do you now return 1" wisiling evil to eve?? created oltject you have
asked the king. ;..~iciresill$the beasts. Their re- nothii~; t o do." " Horn do you prove t h j ~
presentaiive: &,deila, spoke thus t o mau, " You " Every rapacious animal," they replied, "tires

who glory irl ii~tedrcss,will you please tell us, 1 by preying on others, whose hones they gnaw
I violently robbed the beasts of ihe sarnc?''/
where these robes were in times of old. b v e xrld vrliose blood they dri:~]:. without feeling any
~ O L not pity or compassion," .'This they hare been
Mankind mished to 1;11om to what time h e was ! instructed by you to do," ret1:rned the advocate,
referring 1 Iu reply to .which7 i t was said :- I " if !tot, we were pe~feectstrangers to such cruel
"The ssftest and most c\eliwte of dresses that I hah~ts. Before the creation of hdaru no ~ n i -
are made tviti~zhi: slimg. t u r e ~ of i
you p11i on are silk and brocade, both of mhich znal preyed. upon another, T h e n one died
i a worm uot then the ot!lers ~vouldfeast on its lifeless re-
belougiu r tn your tribe. He prepares i t for his mains, h u t in 110 case wouid they aottcck o r in-
own w m k o r bmd couvenienca in miuter; but ( jure any living hoiug. As tons ns me could
you, disrsgardil~gall his Ixbors, rob him of the j find dead bodics mo never thought of depriving
same; for which act of injualice God is not i,sck- any cl-egtture; but w11r11 that faliccl, then
maril i n punishing you, i u as much as you are ( we could not but kili. lVhsn you were born,
coudernued to Iabor i n syiuuiug :rnd weaving ancl ! goats, sheep, oxen, camel3 aud asses were
then being depeudan~o n the tsilor far its bcing all made prisolicrv by you, no animals es-
sewed and the washerman for its being washed. caped. How then could mg procure the flesh of
Many other troubles you also undergo, lu or- these in the woods 2 We were compel!ed there-
der t o preserve i t safe for purposes of sale. fore to prey on living creatures. But this is
Oftell it is that the hides of beasts form yonr permitted us: even as it is allowed you to feed
covering, and the most valuable of Sour clothes on dead bodies when you are in a state of star-
are made of wool of which you vioientiy deprive vation. As reprdu the charge of cruelty and
them, and then take all the 'glory to yourseif. hard-heartednrss, xvhich YOU bring against us,
Sach vanity is perfectly uucalled for. If we no other animals that we l i ~ ~ of wbring a simi-
bonsted of our wool, it would be more reason- charge. We rip open the stomachs of others,
able ; for the Creator intended it for our oover- you s : ~ ,feed on their flesh and drink their
ing, to preserve us ,from heat and cold. The blood. why, 2 / 0 ~do the same, you slaughter
moment that we are born, this garment is placed them, cut them with knives, flay tbe=.,rip open
on us without any toil or trouble on our part ; their stomachs, break their bones, roast and eat
whereas you, to the last momellt of goor lives them : all these you do, fiat we. If YOU would
are perpetnally i n thoughts of cloihiug, Your consider the matter well, you wouid find that
ancestors disobeyed God, and you are punished the crsuelties exercised by u s are nothing in corn-
for that one fault of theirs." The king wished parison with your own. You treat your bro-
CO know something of the origitlai nature of thers eveu in a yay that we never do. YOU
Adam. Eitl&a answered :-<C When the Lord moreov~r sag that p c never benefit others. 1s
created him and Eve, he illtended that they it so '! What benefit do you derive our
should be fed aud clothed like any other animal. hides. T h e beasts of prey that are confined
h d i n fact, on the east side of Eden, on a in your homes,-derive you no benefit from
mountain of ,diamond, through ~ h i c hpassed them 1 But' what advantage do others derive
the Equinoctial line they both lived. When from YOU f On the contrary i t is obvious that
created, they had no ; bat their own Y O U slaughter and devour us. a n d such is t h e
long, waving locks served t o bide their naked- enmity YOU show us, that your dead even YOU
ness, and preserve them from the efects of h h u m e in t h e earth, 60 that your Living and

dead are equdly of no use to as. We, You fur- to their parents? We are not enjoined to do nut a cylinder; whereas mankind can never
ther say, slay and destroy other animals. Yes, CHAPTER XXIII. the same, because we are never guiity of intide- dispe~lse with these instruments. The spider
we do ; but we have lear~ltit from you. We see lity and disobedience!' When the parrot had again, who is the weakest of reptiles, is more
that from the time of Cai11 aud Abel, to the pre- ceased speakipg, the giants assented to the trnt,h than a matoh for their weavers iu the a r t of
sent day, you are always e n ~ = e din strife nnd af his assertions, and maukind held down their spiuning and weaving. She first draws O U ~
contention with each other. Rusturn, Isfundiar, heads through shame and remained silent. Upon threads from her slimy secretions, and then
Jumsheed, Zohak Fureidoon, Afrasiab, 3Iuuoo- this the king turning to a philosopher, wished to twasts them iu circular directions. She leaves
know, what sovereign was most liind and consi- a small space in the middle, designed for the
derate to his subjects' and troops ? The ruler reception of fliev on which she preys. In alI
of the angelsn-answered the sage ; for every these arrangements, she requires no assistancc ;
tribe and individual of man and beasts is whereas their weavers do. The silk-worm also
guarded over by angels, whom God has appoint- a small, weak creature, surpames their artists.
ed to defend them from all harm. And the When well fed, she to a tree, weaves a
angels too have their ruler, who governs their circular web? makes it as strong as possible, and
different orders under different denominations." impervious to rain, and sleeps in it. This art
"How came the angels t o imbibe such love for she lcnows without being instructed by parents
each other 1" enquired the king. '<The 81- or tutors. Thread and needle, which areso iudis-
mighty has endowed them mith it" vns the re- pensable to their tail~:~,she never uses. The
ply. Man's love for man is not equal to the one swallows, and more partieula~lythe bya, with
hundred thousandth part of Cod's love for
them, for when 1Te created them, Hc gave
His augels charge over them, made thcm
with the most exquisiteperfection of art, blest
them with power6f understanding, by mcaas of
whiob they could distinguish good from o i l ;
for their convcuience and comfort He madc
the sun, moon and other heavenly const&n-
tions, and the trees were rendered fruitfill so that about twenty or thir$ e g F arc collected, she
species into nvhioh birds were divided. It is they may be provided with food. AU these dividcs them into three heaps, orlo she deposits
true, they are divided illto various tribes ; but prove the loving kindness of the Ualier." 'l Of under earth, another exposss to the heat of the
for every good tribe, in svhirh he glories, there thove angels who are appointed to guard over San, and a third keeps u~lderher own wiljgs.
ever gOUr tyrefib kings have occasion to doubt is another most vicious and corrupt. Nimrod and mankind who is the chief?" enquired the When the young are hntchcd, she digs the
the virtues of any person, they expel him to Pharoah, mere men ; besides, they have atheists, king. &'Thespirit that speaks in him," he re- ground, extracts worms therehorn, and feeds
the wilrierness, and if the beasts injure him fomlcators, hypocrites, heretics, plied, ~'Frum the time that Bdam was born her little ones. women never act thus. They
not, consider him to be innocent ; for k i ~ ~ dtyrants, highm:ly robbers, thieva, knaves, pick- th13 1s with him. T h o ~ espirits that fell dow11 are delivered by mid!vivcs, and as soon as
knows its kind, and it is because that the indi- pockets, li;irs, chblts, eutiuchs, ad&- before him are the bodily spirits, who obey and the child is boru, hired n ~ v s e s bathe it, ancl
vidual is inuocerlt, that they do not harm him. tcrers, fools, misers, a ~ l dothers, are governed by the speaking spirit Those who wet-nurscs suckle and cast i t on a cradle t o
True it is: 'lords are recognized by lords.' whose evil habits cannot be, decelltly expressed, worshipped him not, are the passions. Eblees sleep. The mother all the while knows nothing
yes : there are wicked ones fouod amongst .us ; d u d we are worse than these !-On the contrary is one of them. The spirit of speech is yct to about it. Their children too are e s t r e ~ e l y
but where are they not? In every trihc: there we their good qllalities, for me have be found in the children of bdnm, even as his foolish, .and have no discrimination of good
are .good rud wicked individuals t o be found. governors alld respectai>leazsistants friends, form and features are still preserved in his de- from evil. After fiftecn or twenty years they
But those, who are even mischievous amongst us, In fact, in justice and respectat1ility, our r&rs scendants. On the day of judgment, Sdam in come to reason and discretion, yet even then
do not attack those of your race who are viutuous; are better t b n those of men, because the latter these very forms and features will rise again and they cannot do without teachers. Thcir whole
although they devour tbe wicked without any protect their suf,jects to derive benefits from euter Paradise." The king wished to kuum life they spend in learning to read and write, and
hesitation. The Almighty says L-: I have placed them, The moment they gain their *hjoot, why the angels and spirits mere invisible. ‘c Cc- still for all that, remaiu os great fools as ever.
$rants to tyrannise over tyrants, that they may they think no more of their people and cause," answered the sage, they are creatures Not ao we. The moment we are born, me know
thus feel the effects of their sin."' Wheu this army. rs tilis acting respectably? angs are of light, and elude our senses. The prophets see eve1.y thing good and evil. Fowls, partridges,
speech had come to an end, a philosopher of the houlld to be always kind .arid lenient to their them, however, for their minds are also steeped aud quail% for instance, rnn about thclr pnreuts
genii remarked: I t is true, the virtuous fly srliljects even as the ~ l ~ iis to ~ ~i~
h creatures.
t ~ in light, ignorance haugs not her pall over thcm, ns YOOU a s they are hatched, and fly off from
from the wicked and as3ociate with the good of The of the beasts are always watchful to their souls are always watchful ; hence it is, that those who attempt to outch them. This in-
another tribe, and those who are vicious fly promote the good of their people andamy. soalso the^ hold intercourse with these spirit% cou- atinct is given them by Cod Himself, Because in
from the companionship of the good, alld mingle those of the ants and the birds, who &tend to verse with them, and communicate to manbud renrillg them up, both the male and female bird

with ~ r m t u r elike ~ themselves. If rnaukil~d, the prospedty of their subjects the generally the messages they receive from Heaveu do not joiu, as is the case with pigeous, &c. Cqn-
&erefore, were 110tevil, why would their hermits hope of r8ward from them. ~h~~ nourish their through them." " Con time thy speech," order- oequently God has cudowed them vith the pow-
and saints abjure their society, and go md live young also, without expecting a return of ser. ed his majesty, addressing the parrot, who went er of knowing good from evil, by means of
in the woods associating with the rapacious ani- vice from them as mankind do, demanding favor
mals, who are not of the same kiud s. thcyl for favor and service for service. They bring
Externally there is no resemblance between j forth their young, aud hope nothing from them.
on thus :-$'Tilis man s q s that there nre many
skilful artists to be found in his tribe. This is not
to be made a subject of vaunti~ig,for amongst
which they are not entirely dependant on their
mothers, 21s the young of beasts are for milk,
ancl those of birds for graiu. Now say, who is
them 1 hut in nature they are alike." The crowd They feed them, however, and take care of them us there are many who rival him i n those arts. higher in the estimation of thc ,-$mighty z
o f ~ a o t s ; p ~ n t t h e r e , d I c o ~ ~ ~ ~ r r e dopini-
i n t h . i ovip
~ tbrough love ond affection. Thus they The bee, for instance, is more skilfizl than their Night and day me pray to Him and are cause-
on, and mankind, assailed on all sides with taunts please God, who provides for his creatures, with- architects, inasmuch'as sne constructs her house q u c n t l ~blessed with especial favbrs. yousag
and reproaches, were obliged to hold their peace out expecting t h a n h . If men were not exceed. withoat such materials as bricks and earth, lime that you have poets aud prea~hel.~ amongst
a n d bend low their heads through shame. It ingly ungrateful why would the Lord make it and mortar. Circles she describes nrithout, the y02b only. This is because p u understand ]lot
am evening now and the Court broke up. . 1 b c ~ ~ m b e on
u t them to be thankful to &m6, and use of a compacs, and draws straight lirles with- 1 the la*lwge of beasts. If you xcrc couversaut
IHRW -43-00s-SUFFA. 31
; ~ i f the
i devotional practices of the reptiles, the I lence of the infidels- The same was the case
of the illsects and beasts, t h e descriptive with Phmoah? who persecuted t h e sons of IS-
, prnyers offered by t h e { rael. Bur tne same Bhnlghty y o r e r shielded
powers of the i o c a ~ tthe
fro& the lectures of the nightingnle, the preach- ; hfoses from all harm. Say what t h e a a t r o l ~ ~ e ? ~
the planets. I n sickness also, it is our duty, the existence of sense and reson. Besides
first to prny to the Lord for the restoration of these there are several other kinds of false faith
health, (for this is done only through his grace I and religions which mislead mankind. We pro-
and mercy,) and not place all our trust and wo- fess one faith, a s me believe in one Qod, whom
of the lark, the llotice to worship given try : may. the decrees of Fate -are never t o be alter- fidence on physicians, who are ouen to error like we continu:illy worship, withont vaunting of
the rnek, t b e cooings of the pigeon, the forebod- ed. &hy then glory in your astrologe~sand dot. ourselves. Warrg a person bns' fniled to bo res- our supeliority. We aye thankful t o Him for
ings of t h e crow, the eullogiuzn p m ~ ~ o ~ ~ nbyc c d tors ? These people can only mislead the &no-
the swallow, the fear of God entertained by the rant. Those who confide i n the mercies of
besides d i c h the religions exercises of i a Providence never beliese the assertions of meu
tored to health, i u spite of all the Doctor's what He hnsgiren us, never break His comraand-
exertioos. Many have written their humble rneuts, never asli Hirn why thisis so, and not so,
supplications 011 pieces of paper which they as mankind delight to do, when they question the .
the nuts and hees ;if you were conversant with { like these? Here the king interrupted the have attrolled to the wails and pilirrs of mos- i v i d o ~ ndiipli~gedin Ria ordinances. You also
all these, you vonld have known that they too parrot, and wished to kuorr, why i t was that
had eloqt~eetspeakers aud preachera, and eler nstrologera took the trouhie of learnitrgn science,
ques, nod the mercy of the Lord has de- glory iti your geometricinns and mathemnticinus ;
scended on them and they have got well. T h ~ l s but what are these pmplsO Xight xnd day they
gant poets amongst them. The Almighty Hirn- which was after all poweriess in reruoving evil. i t is necessary to accibs a\l t h starry ~ influence are p~izzleiLdin swtrch of p~oofs. T h i ~ i pbeyond
self says : 'Every created ohject repents the : "The removal of evil is possible," rctnrned the to the Creator Himself. and never believe what ! cornprehension thev pretend to elucidate. Thus
praises of God.' You do not know this ; from other, "not by the skill of t h e astrologer, but, t h e astrologers say. A certi~inKirlg wn3 inform- { they \vaste their liv-s in learning sciences per-
rvhich it appears that you are entirely eartly by t h mercy of God who has made astro!ogers ed by one of tllcsc people, that a calamity m;is to { fectly useless i n themselves ; ignorn~lt all the
i n your nature, that you understnnd not thcir j too." "How is this mercy t o be obtained?" befal his Capital, by which the inh:~lrit:~nts while of that grand science, which tcaches how
language of praise. K~~nwledge is for ns :-Be I! asked the king. " Ey oolrservil~gthe command- would be exposed to great duogsr. When desir- t o be h:ippy herc nrld hereafccr. Same are en-
says :-'Every beast Icnova how t o pr:lise God.' ments laid down in t h e Sacred W r i t i r ~ ~ s ,
Now the r i s e and ignorant are not l a t h equal. b weeping, nrrying, futing, arcrilcing, giving
W e are therefore higher in ra111i than you. : alms-deeds, and by wor3hippi::g with a clean
t.d to explain the nature of t h e catnxtrophe, they grossed it1 calculating the distances of remote
esDreasad themselves uriable ; htrt foretold that i heavzuly bodies, some in itlvestigatiug the height
Why then foolishly depreciate our merits a ~ i d aud pure heart. These will bring down the
o i s n c h a date of. sach a rnnnth, the cala~nity of rooar~t;rinsand clouds, some iu n~easuriapthe
would befill the city. The King referred to his leugth of forests and the depths of rivers, and
exalt your own ? As regards your vaurlte(1 p1.o- grace of Qod, aitd preserre us from all dangers. peopie, and wished to know horv i t was possible some puzzle their heads in cornprcheudiug the
ficiency i n astrology, know you not that this : The astrologe~s and soothsryers profess oglp to --cape from the danger threatened. Tile lnivs of the solar system, or dnterulining the
scie~lceis only professed arld believed by fools ; [ to foretell that such and such an evil mill be priests advised, that on the day appointed, it centre of the earth. And all this time they
that women aud children only p n t faith in its i s e ~ tbbg God: why uot pray to Goci Himself was proper for the King to retire with his sub- 1 ktrow notl~ing of the physiology of their own
revelations ; but that the wise do not pur, crc- then, to keep off t h e erii, rather than try to jects, high and low,rich sad poor, t o a distant bodies. They know not how the intestitles are
dence in them ? The professors of this scie~lcc,j escape by the aid of astrolo~y?'' " If I>yprac- part of the country, and there to weep a ~ t dcry placed, and hat duties they perform ; what
j1~3tfor the purpose of misleading ignorant peo- ( tisilrg devotious me can remove evil, obscw.ved y t h ; ~day,
t o God for safety. d c c o r d i ~ i ~ ion t the strength is possessed L)y the ribs of the breast ;
pie, give out that such a caiamity will IjefaI 1 the kiug, "it appears that the mill of God can be monarch, with rr~ostof his s ~ ~ l ~ j e!eft c t sthe city, j mhat are tile nature of the henrt and b r a i ~ ~ s ,
sllch a city after ten or twerlty years ; whereas i changed .also." " No i t is uot," replied the relircd to a distaut part of the couutry, and them j how the \ m e s are arranged ; and how the j o i ~ ~ t s
they know not what will happen t o themselves other, &<onlythose who pray to God for safety bepun praying for stlfety from the misfortune strengthened. These particnlar~, which to
or their families. They generally prophesy nhout are exempt ft-om the evil : for iustance, when with which they weye threatened. There they know is both simple and necessary, they never
coantries far distant, that the generality of the astrology informed Kinrod, that a child was t a p;ist the night in watchfulness. Bnt others, who study ; \sherens, it is from Cl~ese,t l ~ ire
t come
public may easily believe them. Those who are be born, who would eventaaily overthrow and
misled -and unenlightened, put faith on t h e exterminate t h e idolaters, and t h e r e b ~alluded
'did ,lot care for the forel~odingsof tile Astrolo- to know the Creator, even as the prophet Says :
gers, did uot leave their homes. I n the 11ight a ' He who knoms himself, kcoms God!. nnoral~t
assertions of wtrologers ; for instatwe such of to Abrahnm, if Nimrod a t that moment prayed
their tin!@ .rho are tyrants and deepots, rho t o Rod to remove from hirn t h e danger threat-
believe not i n another world, and who are blind I ened, He would have made him profess the
on low
shower of raiv fell, the city was situi~ted as they are, they still for all thai never h i z h t in
so the waters rushed in from all the words of God, nor observe the rites of cir-
sides, and those who had remained io the town j cumcicion and true faith. YOU boast a@in of
t o the decrees of fate. Nimrod was one of this ) faith of Abraham, and his troops and subjects mere destroyed ; whereas those who were out ! your doctors. But you require their nssista~lce
kind ; Phwoah amther, who, iu pnrsuance of 2 would have then been saved from destruction. weeping and pr:~yingt o God, ?aped, cven as : only u~hen'lustor intemperance breeds a malady
what t h e astrdogem told him murdered hun- So also, when the astrologers foretold the hirth
tfioumnds of innocent children. H e of Moses, if Pbamah bad supplicated Cod for
Noah and his family, from the uulvers:rl derstruc- in you. Then you run to them. Only the sick
tion of the Deluge. 111 reference to this, God go to physicians and druggists, even as the
knew t h ~ t h e re,aulatiolt of the world was en- sssistance, the Atnighty would have convertd
trusted t o seven planets and twelve houses of him t o t h e faith of the Israelites. and saved his
the Zodiac- B e knew not, that nothing was ) hosts from being overthrown him ; even as his
were in the Ark with him, I saved; and &strop !1
expresses Bimself thus:-. 10211, and those who wretched and unfortunate congregate on the
doors of tbe astrologers, who are sure t o make
ed the rest because thcy would not put faith mntters worse ;for they have no power to change
done ~ t h o u tthe will of the Almighty, who wlfe waspreserved by God, and blest bp being on what 1 said.) YOU are proud again because ! the evil aspect of a plar~et; yet still for all that,
made both the plenatn and t h e h o u s u of the biought
Zodiac. the true faith. The tribe of Jonas sou are phi[osophers and Logicians. But knom j many a professor of that science, writes down
again cried t o the Lord in their distress and he you not that these scieiices o:lly mislead you." nonsense on a piece of PP to misleafi fools.
Fat& stsrn decress'are never changed b p schemes.' relieved them." "This is all very true," observ- " How ?" enquired man. .
Bs~ausethey iuduce The sun* is the case v i t h ph.6ciillls,mho gene-
ed t h e king, " i t is useless now t o study t h e you t o turn away your facp. from religion, and by rally i m e + s e the malady of theil* ~ a t i e u t s by ,
At last, what God had milled happened. secrets of astrology. Suffice i t t o know what pointing out contradictions in your sacred hooka, advising them t o abstain from thi~lgswhich would
%W run t h e details. The astrologers had told will happen, and then pray to God to avert t h e
Nimrod, that i n his reign s child mould be shake your'faith in them. O p i u i o ~ ~sod s reli-, have ensured a speedy cnre If the diseases
calamity. These are what Moses taught ta t h e gions then begin to dif?er. Some cousider this were left to nature, they would -vanish earlier.
born, who would eventually overthrov idolatry,
and extirpate t h e idolators from the land. When children of Israel. When you are in distress,'
he said, 'CV to the Lord, weep, and lament
world as ancient, and others regard ckdos as old. Hence their i t is foolish for you to boast of your
Some believe thnt appearalrces blve aIways exist- physicia~tsand nstrologcrs. We clo not require
h e wished t o know where he would be born, for your sins, and Be, the Almighty will relieve ed. Some say there are two evils existi~rg,some these. 1% regulate our diet, and therefore never
in what family, and where brought u p they you.' From Adzm t o Mohamed, i t has always
could not satisfy him; upon .which th; king three, some four, five, s i r , or eve11 as far R 8 S ~ V ~ I L . falling sickt never need the prescriptions of the
pawed a general order, that every child born been t h e y t i c e of the prophets, t o counsel Some believe i n the CO-esioter~ce of l;\l:~kerand former uor their mixtures, and electunry medi-
their peop e t o cry for help t o the Almighty i n
that Year, was t o be destro ed, thinking that t h e time of distress. Rence i t is proper that made. Some think the world t o "e iuEuite, while cines. Tliose who are free, depend on no one.
t h e ihxded child would &O be ono of the we ahould make a right use of astrology, and others believeit finite. Some heileve ill i t s revo- S1:rves only rut1 about begging assistalx:e from
lutions, others do n o t Some put f8ith in the I others. Sour merchants, architects and farm-
number. w e l l and what happened ? Abraham not abuse it, as they do in the world, hy forget- prophets and their saying, others ~ e f ~ l to s edo so. er5 again, i n whom you glo~y,are worse than
born, and Qod saved him from the malevo- ting Cfod end ascribing UU t o the revolutions af
some the mists of doubt, others deny f slaves, worse treated than beggars. Pe~-petuall
I R A WAN-00s-SUFFA. 35

yet there is uniformity in our spirits whereas ckuse this is pleassnt to bin^." T h e n Christ ~ h o s eexistence and numbers are unknown to I not recounted." The Persixn nightingale imme-.
mankind are just the reverse." '' Horn do you asked, wlio were d l l i r ~ gto assist in the service ali but God. Some say, that there are seven diately answered him and ~ n i d . - ~ ~ AGod
s has
prove this 1" By referring to t h e variety of their of God, all his friends ansmered that they mere
creeds. They are split up into thousands of ready. Cyon which he remarlied:-' If ye are
sects such as J e m , Nazarines, Gucbres, Bypo- willing, prepare yourselves for death aud the
hundred species of aquatic animals, and five
h~indredof those, who live on dry ground. All
these are the creatures and sul?jects of God,
promised you blessings, so are curses also entailed
on you. To suffer in the tomb ; to be questioued
by Jloonkir and Nukeer; to render a strict ac-
crites, Atheists, Idolators, Fire-worshippers, Cross, so that you can go to heaven mith me and
R b r - ~ r l n r ~ r a and
- -. besides
- these several more. live with your brethren there. And if ye do not
whose opinions differ from each other, even as assist me, ye are not mine.' At last, they were
who has made them, provides for t.hem, and
keeps them aafe from ail harm. From Him
nothing is hidden. If mankind mould hut refer
count on the day of judgment; tn burn in the
Bres of Hell; t o w a r rags ; to drink yellow
j water; t o feed on thonly ashy fruits ; to live
those of worldly philosophers do. " * * * all sacrificed for God's mke and nevcr prol?& to the number of the beasts they would find ; near the king of Hell ; with devils for your com-
Each regards tho other as an atheist, and faithless to Christ. I n the same way the Era. that they are n o t their slaves. panions :-all those are for you, and many more,
calls down curses on his head. We are free mins of India destroy themselves, and for the
from these diversities. Our Faith and Seli- sake of religio~~
burn themselves living, on - 5la description of which ie given also in the
Komw. We are free from these. TlSue i t is,
gion are one. In a word all the animals are piles of fire, believing a11 the nrhile, that God is
pure and clean in heart. They know not pleased, whcn thc repentant sinner ~ncri5ceshim-
what hypocrisy, crime, and wickedness are; they self to obtain parclon of his sins. Devotees, in THEN
CEAPTER XXV. 1 no blessi~lgis promised us ; but we are exempt
from all curses too. We are content, and indecd
the frog had done speaking onc of the grateful to God for what Be has given us. We
believe in the unity of God ; ncknomledge Him this maner, subdue the lusts of the flesh, so genii, addressing maulcind, said. "Oh race of men j derlve no benefit frorn any action. nor sustain
t o be ~ r o v i d e n t : think of Ilim nixht and that not a single deaire remains to draw them and beasts! YOU are nnacquainted with the might anv evil thereby. Hence pour arguments are au-
day; and are a;lways employed i n Eounting j away from commu~~ion wit11 God. In a word, of pour Maker. YOU h o r n nothing of those j smired, end you are not highcr than we." The
therr beads. But mankiod are not acquainted all the P ~ O ~ ~ SofS OHeligio~~ ~S have co~lsider~d glorious spirits, who frced from ail earthly alloy Hedjazec still persisted. '' How are Fe equal 1
,l now reside on t h e several degrees of the Hea- ; We mill live to everlasting ages. E we have
with our mode of prying." A Persian remark- seu-sa~rifice the surest meatls of avoiding
"We also think God to be the Creator Hdl and gaining EIcaven. Ent in cvel-p religion vens. Those who are angels, hawe their own 1 lived virtuously me mill yet be the companions
and Provider of all, and believe in HIS Unity." I there arc good and bad individoaLs. The worst, especial appointmcrlts there ; but those who in- of saints and prophets. Those who are virtuous,
"Then why have you so many sects amongst however, are they, who believe not in 2 day of hnhit the colder regous are giallts or devils. < wise, intelligent, abstemious; and temperate, can
you ? l J asked the king : " Religion and Faith," ! Judgment, nor in a day of Account ; who dread Refore these, manlilnd and heasis, numerous be compared with angels. In doing good none
returned the other, "are means by which me i not the recl~utalof crimes, and who doubt in thongh they he, are nothing ; for the regions i excel8 them. Thcy are always desirous of pleas-
attain certain ends. How, as long s s our e t ~ dia I the unity of Gocl, t ~ ~ vhom
the same, it matters not what means we employ are bant.'?Wheu
~ dall sour hopes
the Persinn had coore to s '
these spirits inhabit, are ten times wider than ; ing the Lord, and sacrifice their property and
the earth, and the heavenly regions ten times themselves in His service, place all their trust
in gaining it Go, in whatever direction we Pause in his sl~ecch,a Bindoo contiuued, saying:
like, as all more towards God." If each wishes -''The race of -%dam is more uurnerom than
t o go to the same God," asked the king, all the beasts put together. There are nineteen
widcr than this again ;-in the same way the on I s m , commune with and hope in Rim, and
lunar degree is ten times wider than all the rest. fear no one but Rim. I f nre are inners, how-
Thus every higher degree is midcr than the over, me will gain salvation through the inter-
why do they kill and slaughter each other 1.' t h o ~ ~ s a ncities
d 111 the world, populated bp lower, and each and all are inhabited by heaven- , cessions of t h e Prophets, especially of 3lahomed,
"Not for religious purposes," answered the ous kinds of people. In the habitable world, ly spirits. Not a spau of space is left un- j may peace be on him !-Then me will inherit
other, "but more for the sake of politics." there ,are China, India, Hedjnz, Yerncu, E g p t ,
"Explain this fuIly." "Politics and Religion," Ylgrit~a, Alexandria, Punjaub, Constxntinople,
occupied, even as the Prophet says: ' S o t a i Paradise mith the horries and gl~iilmans, and
span of space is to be fonnd on any of the i the angels will say to us :-' Blest and happy
he continued, " are twins. One cannot live I Aaerbijan, Syria, Greece, Irak, Budukshan, Jeelan, seven heavens, but angels are there worshipping 1 are ye, that ye have entered Heaven ; remain
without the other; but Religion is primacy and Jiqan Neeshapore, Cebul, Biooltan, Xho~assan, and adoring God? Heilce it is, Oh race of men ! j here always I' you, ye beasts! enjoy not this
Politics secondary. The one is necessary for ! Ferghaua, &c. Besides these there are innumer- that if you beheld these, you mould thiuk that $ glorious privilege. The moment ye die ye are
t h e ~ecurityof the other. The latter requires 1 able other cities and countries. Evon on the your own numbers mere comparatively nothing, entirely destroyed, and no trace, mhatever re-
that mankind should be honbst, and the former tops of mountains, in islands and in fawsts,
that there should be one king, who should look thuusands of men are to be fo~md,each tribe
to the spread of Religion amongsh his people. differing from the other in langnage, cclor, na-
and that thus there were no demonstrations of mains of SOU." On hearing these words, the
g ~ u superiority.
r All are the creatures of God, representatives of the animals and all the genii
and form his subjects and army. Some indeed exclaimed :-U Now you hnve spoken to the
For this reason many n Professor of Tlzeology ture, dispositio:~, religion and ingenuity. A God are sulI>jectcd to others. I n n word. his perfect point. People should glory on such blessings
has slaughtered several people for their politi- watches over, and provides for all. These show wisdom has formed and arranged all, and it is ' alone. But do Iet us know what ~ o r t of s beings
cal tenets. Each wishes that the rest should that mank'ind are better than the other ohjects
follow his own religion. If the king mould lis- of creation, that they are superior to the beasts,
ten patiently I shall recite an instance." The per- and that they are the lords, and the brute cren-
incumbent on us continuaUy t n occnpy ourselcea are those, whom you hare praised so much 1'
in praying to and praising Ilim." When the %fankindremained silent, thinking for x moment ;
sage had come to a conclusion, the king address- bat none could explain the nature of the beiugs
I U ~ S S ~ O Uwas readily given. 'I To sacrifice the ) tion their slaves. Eesides these. there are other ed mankind, and said:-The beasts have answer- i above referred to. At last, a sage, opened his
passious is always commendcd in every religion; j qualities i n u s a recital of which would be too ed dl your arguments. h'om have you aught ! mouth and said :-[l 0 just king ! when the
and in sacrificing the pnssions, the devotee sa; lon and tedious." The frog here brokc in and else to say 1" A Hedjnzee returned There i claim of mankind is proved, and when it is also
crifices him~elf, 1. Politics they always make saib: This man apealis 'highly of the multi-
i t a rule to sacrifice others." "It is evident," ) plicity of his tribes. If he would but see the

are yet other qualities in us which prove us ; established, that among them is a raceof beings,
lords. The Lord has promised blessi~lgsto us: who are always near God, and whose nature is
interposed the sovereign, "that kings are to be different kinds of aquatic animals, he would find To rise from the dead; to spread through the c angelic, that they are so pure, holy and great
sacrificed for theireountries; but for Religion how thirt his own tribes are comparatively few, The world ; t o render an account on the day of r that the tongue fails to give a right description
can one sacrifice his passions l" " I n the Naho- cities and b w n s too of which he talks, will 1
judgment ; to go over the bridge of Surat ; to of them, and that they are very wise ; but whoae
medan Religion," returned the other, "this too is appear not many after all. For there are fifteen enter Paradise and thcrc to rove through Eden; wisdom no one has been ever able to fathom ;
plain. In the Koran i t is said, 'God has pur- big oceans in the wodd, and five hundred rivers t o sit under the shade of the toohr-tree on the j mheu all these facts are satisfactorily and incon-
chased t h e souls and property of the faithful, such as the Jihoo, the Nile, the Euphrates, &c. <
banks of streams filled with wine, milk, honey and trovertibly established, what order mill your
and made them inheritors of Reaveu ; so that each from two hundred to two thousand miles water; to live in high fahies in the society of Majesty pass in fnvor of man ?"-That the
they ~acriiiceall they possess, and themselves 1 long. Besides these there are several lakes, and Aouries; to be near God:-all these blessing has ) beasts should be their subjects," returned the
too, in the way of God.' Several other passages rivulets in 0 t h parts ~ of the earth too numerous the Almighty promised us i n the Ko~alz. The i monarch, "aud that they should henceforth
prove the same. The following again ia accord- to be recounted here. I n these are to be found,
ing to the spirit of the New Testament :-"If i,1 fishes, turtles, crocodiles, porpoise, zlli~ators
you are God's, sacrifice yourself for God, be- aud a thousand other species of aquatic animals,
beasts will enjoy none of these. T h e , fact I obey him in all things:' The brnte creation
Proves that we are lords and they our slaves. 1 were satisfied with the decision and all returned
Besides these we have other merits which I hnve contented to their respzctive homes.

J.-IbJ S. A swallow. d !&,l S, Praises, commendations.

641 a Piebald, party-colored, black

white. ujL Lq [,1l
1 S. pi!. Bodies. J ~ JS. A female falcon, a hawk.
1 S. Brother. A:(! s. A kind of falcon, n hawk.
9 ~ S. ~prop. htaxerxes.
1 &JC, a A span.
a j l d l 8. Assistance, asking aid, protec- L%*& S, Violence, oppression, wrong.
l S. Bastion ; a sign of the Zodiac.
A ; I ~ 1 S, Demanding justice, complaining. 1j Lj$ S. Lightning.
+34-1 S. Approving, con~uRation.
f U:j2d S. Coldnes~,chilinesx.
,.&&~ll &f S. L;(: lowest: depth-
hence Belt.
. Nights' lodging, birday mm& time
of retiring.
y ~ L lr
Manner, mods, arrangement.
1 +j& t!. clad tidiags.
s. Loosening, opening, purgiog.
1 *+? S. Exciting, fluent, causei
y%L-l . An Astrolabe. 1
a. Eloquent, copious.
&+dJ r. Tranquillity, content, reat
I aJ + J a. Stile, rotfen.
e. Eyes; gmodees. I
j 8. Beasts, aiimals (PI. of- ddhg!)
~1/3f s. Equals (in age and rank.)
3 . An insect, 001 a bright red @or.
~ ' j l
& Incantation.

t'J l r ~ p o r t u n i t yurgency.
1 sc+JI J!
S. An owl.
1 U?!!!; S. Pack, do~sers.

8. Goad; the iron with which ele-

&S3; S. Dress, prmrota ; concealing.
phants are driven. covering.
8. Inflection, contortion ; gripes. 1
J* firr * present ; lib em lit^. & p JIJJI G, 1 u,Jl +4
*p?a. An owl. !
J 9.
S. Ingenuity, intelligence.

The interior cavity of a thirlg.


33 3 rl>
S. Eqnity, justice, revenge.

S. A fierce rapacious animal.

1 L r. A a m e l driver.

dd l;9 .[;l 1 +!I 3 S. prop. The Red Sea or Ara-

eb (pl. of p*) Lions, wild beasts.
a. The cypress tree.
bian gulf.
- 33+" S. Consumption.
, .. 4!LJf? I. Chequered cloth.
S. A small tambourine. il +(iY S. The n m e of e bird.
f ~ v. ~

(a house.)
J (a garment,) repniring
S The li~:ingof iron arnlonr.
S. A moment ; a subtle question. 1 y'a'*

L+" s commtioo, movement. S. The song of a bird.

cf&" s. Extortion, violence, tyranny, wrong. ! h= S. A leopard.

J.h; G Excelling deserving. -- bi L v l j v. n. To cry aloud. 1 JLir S. A shedder of blood.

i &A $!='I ,li J
(9) s. Striped muslin.
S. Imitation, counterfeiting, forgiving. j

S. A sea-dragon. J r Sire, lit: limit md r i m

S A tnio. !
S. Skill, ingenuity. / S. L% porpoise.

WJJ S. Mulberry. 1 a. Clever, cmninp; pleasank S. The four oontinenti. d B A bole made in the wall by
S. Acknowledging the t m e God by [oilu- s. ~ o o dsign. d.eJ 6, Observations of the S~RI'J Or of

repeatiog the sentence-" there is ~ 6 j V b y S. ~ Reptiles.

roads. Ii
no God but &d." & Thunder.
3 5 5 S. Partridge,
j ' S, An b a g .

S. Departing, travelling.
ii d , F - ~ l W[?

8. pmp. Syria.
~~~mr(irj( 8 S. Act of leading or guiding.
4 &J1 +l! . s. A porcnpine.
5r~3,, i Vesetation, growth of a plant.
u ' A b a;.

Verdant, moist, pleasant.

A royal white falcon.

J b S. The third j umpire, arbitratog medi- -.&l?, s. Abstinence, aAterity.
ator. ~3 ! jS. Wickedness, deprarity. 2 s. An ostrich.
+ S. A hare, a robbit. 6. A falcon.

ph 3 ~ 1 0 t h&roan m e r the to 1 &=c" 3a& S. Enmity,strife. d-2 S. A kind of erneraid, a chrysolite, a

topaz. allsa31Jl
sit on. - . I h n i e equator. l
& f c ~ . [ ? a. .A kind of cloth in which the 1 51~ S. Betiremenb, solitude, cioset- J=-j
8. p. The planet Saturn. / JJL a. k e , reracious.

& 8-
flowers are wove in and not worked.

Natural, innate, essential.

. j - j a clad in armour. S, A desert, a plain.

&Jj S. . Continence, devotion. CICAI~

8. A crucifix.
d b : I a. Eloquent,
a. Changed, transmuted.
p31b a. A Peacock. S. Lunar heaven.

4'b S. (a) flying A bird. i &Gr



A lizard, s chameleon.
1 J~
Taken, subdued.

S. A drum, a tambourine. /I f. . shape.

TO be changed into an inferior
JLS' S. Spleen, the milt. 1 S. Slaughter-how, sbambii.
8. Glibness of tongue. a. '~mqnered,subdued.
1 J G .

- Q. Insufficient, defective. S A..og a watch ; a crocodile.

i ~ ~ a.~ Initiated,
2 1
besn, commenced.
1 ~2 a. A village or parish. tr &
. S. A rhinoceros.
1 r. Power or ail1 ; plsa9ui-a.
d196*d-Jl S. The law of retaliation. I
S. pl. Men of wisdom or holiness.
The ring-dove,
1 0 9 4 S. Detriment, damage.
Returning, referring to; visiting
rJJi+4 i
I~ l f o s. The place or state to which one
s,0 8. Food ; power, virtue, authority. +jfJ [ .
the sick. S. Play, sport, mirth. returns, the other world.

~6ya. Naked, unclad. 4

&jtjkaj' S. over of attraction.
l a severe, heavy, filthy.

d,ic S. Infection, corruption.

a. Pcederast, S. libidinous.
k c s.
cc. ' Reasonable, rational, jndiciom.

Rare, a. The Phimix.

1 J v. .
To hew, to attend. d9L
[4 S.

prop. Magog.

Familiar, ordinary.
s. Banghtiness, euntention.

c r * _ J ~ ; 8.
r A &htiniale. 0 (AS(,& S- Possibilities.
f & .'l.i%
S. The d e d .
1 &c S. All things existing.

Name of a bird of the partridge UD34

L S.

a. Perceived, felt, known.

A companion, associate, friend.
ha S. Disputation.

1 &rI
a. r Vidorious, glorious.
a. Besieged, surrounded, detained.
5Jh&r 8. A camel*^ &addle.
ad+-+U& (549 S. Satire, abuse, scorn.
346 S. A ao;, an aquatic bird. J9*'i# The.
.W frigid zone, the srotic re-
-mons. &+l ,a S. Return, recourse.
i . b r. Fire of Hell.
J& S.

Perfidy, fraud.
Dipping, diving.
I! 3-6( S. Security, ransomer, surety. part. Bound, fastened.
&&L a. Unworthy.

S. An Epithet of the Deity. Jealous

/ cr2&fl S. Waking, gambols, plays. s An apostate.
I !j S. p. The planet Veuus.
J3+ '
S. One who delays doing what he
in point of honor & of love. I. A jackd. promises. 8. Speech, diction.
Digging; 2nd " Be and it was." Epi- &1kJa s. A waterfowl. ! S. Disagreement, enmity.
thet of God.
&id[" ( 2 1 a. Substance, quantity, measure.
&&.bG Sudden death. 5. h a. Traditional.
8. The planet Nars. 4
t$9& (Lit.) The season of spiing ; 1 e9- a Light of the Eyes.

S. A sparrow.
also denotes the early h a m a t of eL@ g. Distance, space.
the year. uL~J
S. m e whole of t h creation.
U, Pore, Canai. of the body. -
A, $ F[? 3 bJb S. Xu'arne of a bird (hoopoe.)

q3b s. Valley, low growd.

S. Path, way, manner, i

&uu) 6 Leisure; amplitude. *("If


j W+4
8. prop. (3%.
> .
j3i ~4 >3 S. h punther, a lyux.
YJhb S. bpatter. j





TH:2s translation has been i1:nde to sr:pply a want U hi&

often been repraio:li~d to me. The I k h w i i ~ ~ - ~
Safi" is n stai~dzlrdI-Iindustani work, wilich is usecl e s a teat-
boolc both in 1:ldin and England. Those v:ho havc t o pri-
pnri. theil~sclrcsfar csa;nination i i l it, are oltrn ljlaccd ili
situariorl~w11er.c 110 co~r;>ctencinslructioa c a n bc ob;::iiicci.
rn:KTBO E\-l < I L L h S T Y F X A S D CO>:Y.\hS,
A trarislation, thcrcfori., at ~ n c caccuratc anc!. esact, \\.l~!i
1.r1. (!S ur3Ra. which thc studciit inay compare and correct his owii ~voi-k,uii!
daubrless prove a grcnt hclp 2nd zdvanragc to him. Such
beizg thc ol:ject of rhis translation, a ciosc adherence co rhc
text has been thl.cilghnrt main:ained,as strict as the r.ecessisy
o i 111al;ing the English clear anrl inrcI!i:ible would aliow.
The vcrsion, tlic.rcic:re, is n a t sa smooth as it n i g h t 11zvc
11ccn made, b:it it \\,ill givc to rile 1<1:glish reader a
idca of the st,.lc aod manner of t l ~ coriginal.
this work I was not ;\%-arethat any
lYllc11 I cuill~r~c~icccl
previous trandarion cxis:cd ; but there are at ieast tlircc
diiferent 1-s:-sions. One, a t t r i b ~ t e dto 3lr Jalnes Atl~insan,
the translator of parts of the " ShBh-njma," was publisher!
in a n I~tdiancwjpaccr, and rcprintccl in vol. ssvili. of thc
4sint2r. 70n~jzrtlfi~r1829. T!lis translation is accurate nncl
spirited, but it is imperfect, and for ail pr:,ctica! purposes it
n:ay be cu~ljiiIerccl buriecl. I Ilctd nearly coinpleticl the
work rv!lcl? 3 rranjlation by L l r ?'. P. hI3llucl c a n e t o my
notice. T1x.t versiofi was publishecl a: Calcutra in IS&! a n d
is no1 very gc.ncrall:.- L1:on.n. J t givcj 2 very fair idsa of the
t\.ork, but the tranj!ation :S not sufficientiy close to allsmer CCN
the purpose :or \viiich this 1~0t-kis iiltended. I a?:~:old there
is anorher translation, p ~ b l , l i j h ~in~ Icdin,
l bp a ;\.lullarnma-
d a n ~ent1ema:l. but I 1lai.c not lnet wit11 it.
The origi:lal Arabic \vo!-k has bccrl rranslaced into Ger-
PBBl?.\CE, .
m:i- by Profcsjor 1)idcrici o i Ecrlin. Or?r Hindustani
l. CREA'C1<)3' 01: M.4X -ITIS CCX7rEYl'r<.jS
\!;l.ri{ Trlx
t?a;l;lxor, in his Prcf:~cc, tclls us ;ome:hing o: the gl-cat
Z~>:I.\L<T,S; ?\XI3 ' 2 i I I < ~ l lA P P I . \ l . 'l'[:!
\veil; from rv!lich i: is clcrivcd. I t is a kincl of Encyclo-
px:dia of considerable extent. Noticcs of the work have O F T I I T : JiX9, ,

l x e a pubitshed b y Professor Fliigel in vo!. riii., ancl by 11. PXUCF:I:!ilXC,: O f T I I Z KLXG O F T I l S $195, .

I ' r ~ i l s s o r UicterLci in vols. XI-.and xviii. of thc ZL-if~c!w$f 111. U S THE [)l; 1,'i)lElIS .\XI) 1'10!.'BB6,
dt2:L'Sn~?lf>~~/i~tf ~ ~ ~ ~ D J ~ ~ ~G~~e.l(.~c/mjY.
~?cI'~L~~sc~!c TV. CO:6ITLhlNTS O F 'I I ? , .\S [L! .\I.<. .
The present translation h ~ l sbeen made from the excellent L
'.' .\CCOI:ST 01' TIIE lI~~l<?iT',.
edition of t1lc Test published by Drs Forbei ard Ricu, and TI. COX3L1L'l'hl'IOS 01: 9'171~: IClSG I t - l T l I i::S Iti?;ISTEI:,
the chapters and paragraphs follow the arrangement there VII. I > I S S K \ S l O S S EEl'\T I2T.S T!TC h ! X S :\S> JISb,
obscrl-ed. ,
T h e st)-lc of rllc I-Iinlustani translation is cocsiderecl very
purc all& elegant, and the language is generzl!~clear a n d
perspicuous, but i c contains a very large proportion of Arabic S. T:iE FLBS'L' YESSEL'CBI<, .
words. T h e narnre of the subject renclered thz iniroduction X:. DXLISE.\TIO?; 01: b hli?SSTIZ<;T.S5 ,

of many Arabic scientific terms a marter of necessity, but SII. T I I E 5BC0XL1 DIESjES(:CR, .
stillthcsc forcign ~vordsare often employed ~\-l-lirn pure verna- SIIT. TBIS T!liRD 2.T.iIIS3EsGEF., .

cular ~vordsr~lighthave bceu used wit11 advantage. Tkis, XIV. TYE P0URTI.I AI':sSI.,SGBR, . ' .
h o ~ x v e r is , :he genci-a1 f x d t of these rrandztions. XIr. TI'E rIr;TI-! 1IESSESCBI<, .
intelligence to approach Thee as he ought ? Still man has pointed on thc cstal>lis!lment of the Company TlallBdur in a
sufficientpower to surrouncl Him with praisc position subordinatc to himself
Blessings unbounded are due to the Chief of SIessengers, After a sho1.t timc, upon thc recommsndation of that dis-
the Scal of the Prophets, Muhammad thc Pure, \v110 having tinguishcd gcntle~nan,the cream of the learned of the age,
brought sinllers oot from the vallcy of perdition, has led thcm and the chief of the tilost accomplished scholars, the Pro-
to a placc of rest in rhe road of sal~ation. Through this we fessor of Hindi, Captain John William Taylm, (may his for-
havc received the distinction over all nations, in accordance tune cnd:ul-e!) tllc mriter Ikrhn 'illi, \vas directed to translate
%iththe gracious test, ' l Ye are the best people.''' into the Urd6 language the worli callcd " Ilch~vhnu-SSafL,';
Mullammad is the chief of the universe. Muhanlmad which is (a n-orl<) upon the contcntions bctween ~nankind
is the guide of rnnn and of life. and the beasts ; but his instructions wcre to make the trans-
He ir is who makes intercession for sinners. H e is our lation very easy, so that no abstrusc words might appear
defc~dcrin the day of judgment. thercin; ancl as the scientific phrases and spcec!les of thc
Blessings and peace be on hi; postericy md on hi; C O ~ I - original test are not free frorn cliflicnlty, he was directed to
panions, through whom the religio~l of Isl5m obtaincc1 run his pen through such pzssagcs, and to reproduce only the
strength, and by whom the road of salvation has been shown gist of tile dispute I n complinncc with this instruction: t l ~ c
to US. writer has writtcn in t1:c Urclii idiom merely the pith of the
After this (exordium), that mosc hunlblc of individuals, matter. H e 112s c:ipungcd somc specchcs, and he has
Ikrkrn 'Ni, represents that, in obedience to the kind sugges- olnittcd se\-era1 scientific tcchnicaliries, which were not gcr-
tion of thzc renowned gentleman, of Eigh dignity and grcat mane to thc point in dispute ; but somc spcccl~cs,,and some
authority, esccliing all the doctors of thc tii~lein learning, mathcmatic~land other technicalities, which bear upon thc
and in wisdoi~l surpassing the intelligence of the eleven subject under discussion, havc bccn retained.
( i d t n s ) , 3lr Ab1-aham Lochtt (may his prosperity con- But? in fact, if thc style and polish cf this coluposition arc
tinue !)-and upon the invitation of his brothcr and teacher, duly considered, every spccch is a ~ n i n cof eloquence, and
Ma\vlawi Turkb 'Ali (may his shadolv cr~dure!)-he, Ilcrkm every passagc n store of brilliant espression. Ordinary
'Ali, came to Calcutta, and under the guidznce of fortune, people attending only to the surfacc of the work, lean1 only
after receiving much consideration, hc was so highly favoured about the subject in dispute ; but lcarncd men, \v110 look
and patronised that the aforenamed gcntlcman (Mr Locl~ett), into particulars: espcricncc plcasusc in discovcrin~from the
in the kindness natural to him, caused thc w ~ i t cto
r be ap- eract meaning of the phrases, little points and fzcts rcla:ii~g
1 KurBn. S d r ~ iii.
t v. 106. to God.
The alJtlloru of this work were Abd, 1\b6-l Hasan.
nhmad, and others-ten men, I V ~ Odwelt in communion i
at Dasra, a d s p e ~ ~a11t their days in the i n v c ~ i i ~ t i oof
and religious matters. They wrote fift)~-oncworks,
chiefly upon the lnarvellous and occult sciences, and this
book, trcating of the contention between mcn and the beasts,
is one of them. Thc arguments, rational and descriptive,' are
well stated. In thc end, after mud1 discussion, the men pre- i
vaiL The ainl of the worb is simply to show from this con- CHAPTER I.
tention thc (superior) perfections of man ;and so at the end of
the work it is stated that those points in which men pre- 011 the bcgi?zxi~zg of the Crentiojt of the H?-r?)iirnrzRacz l-O;f
vailed over the mimnls were in those theological sciences their co?rte7~lioitwith the A ?zizzals--Oilztheir s r e k i ~ ~ g j ~ ~ s t i c e
and dogmas which the writers have treated of in their fifty- in the presence of thz wise A7i9g B f ~ t w - h s b mid , or! tht:t
S a ~ e ' ss ~ r r n ? ~ t o ~the
z i 7Afmz
~ ~ drfo~r Li7:t.
one works. In this book the object was to set forth the
various truths and dogmas by the mouths of animals, so that
RITERS have thus recorded the circumsrances of the
heedless people, by seeing this: might have a desire to attain
first appearance of tile 11uman race :-SO long as
to thosc perfections. men were fcw in number, through fear of the animals the!.
This translation was made in the ycar 1Sz5 I-lijri, or 1810 used to run away and hide rhemselves in caves ; and from
A.D.,in the time of thc government of that noblest of digni- fear and dread of wild beasts they used to t~.lcerefuge in the
fied nobles, the cream of powet-ful princes, the HLtim of thz hills and mountains. There was not eve11 so much feeling
of security as that three or four men could join together,
age and the Plato of the time, chicf of chiefs and hero of
carry on agriculture, and take their food. What mention
hcroes, Nawab Governor-General Lord Minto, BahAdur. can there be, then, of their weaving clothes and covering
May his prosperity endure ! their bodies ? In fine, they used to eat whatever fruits ancl
or illustrative,
1 'dkli.-intdlecr~al or ration;ll; nafili, dcscripri~~e vegetables of the jungle they could obtain, and used t o cover
historical or tradrtional. their bodies with leaves of the trees. In the cold weather
they dwelt in warm places, and during the heats they used
to choose a dwelling in cool districts.
When in that condition a short period had passed, and their
1 Soils of Adam.
G 0jp-t.rsjom rf t/rc i l ui~~rnls.
Thc A7ilrz0 1th/i~'
offspring had multiplied, the ansict,v about animals an:! \vild cvhosc cognomcn was "T;~-aveKing," bccnnlc tile monarcl: of
beasts> which had filled the heart of every onc, entirely dis-
the Jias. H e was so just that in his r c i g ~thc~ tigcr a l ~ dt!lr
appeared Aftenvards they founded many furls a ~ cities, d goat used to drinli water at oilc 'yhrEt,-\~l~atpossibiIitycouId
,inages and tourn$,2nd be;an to dwell thcrcia in comfort.
there be then of al:y tAar, thief, sia;indler, or ro;.LI,: gctring to
They the implements for carrying o~ ;1g?'ic1~iture 1
dl:.cil in his dorni~lions? Thc island called Ealds;ighfin,
and every man in his own occupation. Catching rvhicli is siruatetl near the ecluctor, was t!:e I-ova! resiclcocel
anilnals in snares, tlxey too!< to using them for riding and of th3t just lcii-rg.
bearing burdensl for ag~cultureand cul~ivation. The ele-
I t happencd thzt a s l ~ i pcai-qing mcn, being ir! clistrcss
phants and horses, caillcls and asses, ancl the nLllncrOUs ani-
tjrougl~contia;?. ~vitlds,tocc!lcd the short of that island. All
mals were al~vjysroaming about thc wcods and wilds the me]-chants ancl leal-llcd mell that were in the ship Lincled
like unbridled cnnlels,? and wherever their hearts desired and began to csplorc the coulltry. They perccired tliat it
\yere picking the fine gr:en herl~agcas they found it, n-itl~o~!: rrlas a place of rvondrous beauty: Aolvcrs ancl fruits of all kinds
any one to i n t h e r e with thcn~,now had their shoulders were hangin;: on chc trces; s t ~ c x n swere flau~lrtgon crery
@led with their labours by nigilt and by day : holes were sidc ;the animals grazing and brousiilg on Lhc vcrclant hCrl~-
famed in their backs, and alt11ougl.r 111e)- scrcan~cdand cried
age were fat and s ~ L ' and c ~ , \wrc gaml~dingtogahcr. 'The
still, when did these lords af men crer give ear to climate of thar. place was esci.cdin;Ig fine, ant! t h e I;~nti
tllern? Many beasts, tbrongh fear of capture, fled into re- abundaixiy ferrilc ; so no olie desired in to clcpart
,note deserts and forests. The birds, also, havinz forsaken fro111 tlie!~ce. I n fin% h ~ r i n gbuilt habitations of various
their roosting-places, took their young ones with them, and kinds, tllcy bcgan ro dw!L in t i n t island, and ca~chingt h ~ .
flew away fram the country of clle men. Every man had the animals in snares, accordlilx to their c~lstonr,thcy ci1gagc.t:
fancy thar the anirnds were their slaves, and \15t11 what in their respective clnploymen~s.
Frauds and wiles did they make snares and nets and pursue When the animals pcrccived that thcrc v>-as no safety f ~ r
them ! t h e ~ ncvcn there, ihcy took tile rozd to the drtscrt. The mcn
In this state of conflict a long time passed, until God still had rbe same idea thnt all these were thcir slaves, and
Almighty sent hluhainmad Muaafa, the last of the Prophets, so,~nakingsnares of va~ioussorts and kinds, according to their
(the peace of God and rest be upon him !) for the guidance of
old coursc, they wcre intent upon capturi~lgthem. IVhen
mankind. The true Prophet made known to all sinners the this vain issumption of ~hcirsbccanle I;no~\:o to the a~~ima!s.
way of righteousness. Many Jins also obtained the bless- they assembIcd their chiefs, a t t a d c d in the Hall of Justjcc,
ing of the true faith and the honour of Islam. When after and related in detail beforc King Eiwardsb all the story of
this also an age had passed, BiwarGb, the sage of the Jins, the oppression \\yliich they had su#a-ed at the hands of
1 Ddnz o dad-llarn'.less and rapacious hcasrs. man. When the King had l~eardall tllc detai!s of the ani-
* Shvlut. d dr.azu/l#ir-a camel v/ithour
the gicce of rmod in the nose mals, hc inst7:nrly issucd s command, saying: Good ! let
by which he is guided and controlled. The pli- is used in the sellse messengers be sent quickly, and let thcm bring thc me:,
of " independent, refractoq, uncon~rolled." 1 iTaklli'~~ili".--"rllroncplacc," c:ip'~::;.
irlto my presence." Accordingly, seventy of ~ h c m ,inhabir- H e said, " 0 Icing. upon this c l a ~ mthere are many rcason-
ants of different cities, exceedingly cloquent and fluent, able and traditional proofs." H e saicl, State them.'' .X
attended instantly upon the summons of the King. A very person among them, who was of the race of H.azrat 'Abbfs,
fine house was assigned for Lhern to stay In. Afier two or (may the approval of God be upon him I) thcn mounted thc
t h e e days, when the fatigue of thc journey had passed away, rostrum, and beg-zn to spcak this oration with eloqucnce
he had them called beforc him. Wllen they beheld the King and fluency :-
upon his throne, they offered their bencdictions, and making ' L Praise is due to that true Creator, who for thc sustcnnncc

them bows and obeisanccs, they took their p l x e s in t h e ~ r of the world has prepared so much and has made so many
respective ranks. things upon thc iacel of t h c earl11 ; and for the sake of frail2
This Icing was exceedingly just and righteous, in liberality man has cl-czted such various animals. Happy is the state
and -generosity he bore the pre-elnneiice over all his equals of them .u.ho,giving satisfaction to him, are pursuing the road
and compeers. The poor and needy of the time coming to to futurity. 1Vhat shall he said of those peoplc who, showing
him obtainecl nourishment. In no part of his dominions was disobed~cncc,have unrighteously turncd away from him?
any overbearing tyrant able to practise tyranny upon any And blessings without limit are doe 10 rhe True Prophet,
poor underling. Those things which arc forbidden in the Muhammad the Chosen, whom God Almigl~tysent after sll
Law were entirely ~~nknowill in his reign. Kothing was ever the (other) prophets for the sake of the guidance of man, and
dear to his heart except the (giving of) pleasure and satisfac- xvhorn he made chief of all. He alonc is king of all Jins and
tion to GocL H e with great politeness questioned the men, men, and the support ancl refuge of every one in the Day of
saying, g:LL W11y have you come into my kingdom ? there has Judgment. Benedictions and peace be upon his holy8 off-
never been any correspondence between you and me ; what spring, by rvhosc nleans religion and the worid mere regu-
cause has there been then that you have come rhus far ?" lated, and through rvhom the Muhammadan faith was
One person anzong them who was experienced2 and elo- sprend.4
quent, perfonuillg his obeisance, began to speak, saying, " In iinc, t!lnnlis are at all times dne to that incomparable

;-We, having heard of the justice and equity of the Kink arc Creator who made Adam froin a single clrop of rvzter, ancl
cone into his presence. Up to this day no seeker of justic: by His o~nnipotenccmade him the father of children, and
h:is evcr turned away disappointed from this seat of pro- having forllled Eve from him, peopled the face of the earth
sperity. Our hope is, that the King will come to our redress." with thousands of human beings, and gave man rank above
H e said, "What is your desire?" H e humbly said, " 0 all crcated things. H e macle hiin ruler oLrer all theland and
just King ! these animals are our slaves ; of them some are sea, and fed hinl rvith a11 kinds of pure food. Accordingly
recalcitrant, and others, although they are perforce submis- He himself has said in the IiurBn (hmbic, the meaning of
sive, still they are averse to our authority." The King which is) c All anil:lals have been created for you, take yocr
inquired, " Is there any proof of this claim ? for a claim I 'Arsn-area, p l ~ i ncsp;iase.
without evidence is not listened to in a court of justice." 5 Za'i/u-l du7zydn-u-eak in constitution.
I Lit.-" rose c?,wen! mv:~y." ' " Seen thc U-orld." a Ail -pur?, holy. * Aiw~!jpdyc-obtained currrccy.
advantage from tl~eill,eat them, and make warm clotl~ing from the vcrscs ~vhichthis man has cited that \\.c are theil-
, ~ o mtheir skins and hair ; in the mnrl~ing5cnd tliern to the
slaves and they our masters, for ~ncntionis lvlade in those
pasturage, 2nd in the evening bring them back again to their verses of thosc blessings ~ v l ~ i cGod
h Almighty has bestowed
houses. for you they ai-e a beaury acd ~ r n a m c n t . ' ~And in upon them, and this verse of the I<UI-~!I is conclus~vcupo:~
one pl.:cc hc has tbm said (Arabic)-' On thc d r y land and the point, (Arabic,) i.e.- 'God Almighty has made all the
011 thc sca ride upun camels and in s h i p s . ' U n d in another
:~nlinalssubjecc to you-just as H e has made subject the sun
placc be has said thus (Arcbic)-' Hol.scs, mules, ancl asses and moon, :he air and the clouds.' From this it is no: to be
were cl-caicd t h . ~you might ride on them ;' 3 and again he understood that they arc our masters, we their slaves ; but
has said, (Aranic)--L Ride upon their backs, and remember rathcr, that God Allnighty having created all things in the
the bounrics of Gotl." liesides this, many other verses of earth and in the sky, ~ n a d eone thing subject to enother, so
the I<n:-;Cn hnvc been revcalcd upon this subject, a:ld it is to that they r=niglltall toyctl1e1- derive benefit and keep off evil
be uildcrscoo& also from the Bible and the Testan~entthat from cach other. Consequentlj~Gocl Blmighty made u s sub-
animals wcrc nlaclc for our sakes. In eveiy way we are thcir ject to them silnply for this purpose, that benefit might accrue
I?iaStC1-5,they 21-C our ~ 1 2 ~ ~ s . " to them, and dctriil~cntb e averted-but not as they have
'I'he King then :cnicd rotvards the animals ancl said-"This supposed, and with fraud and calumny cantcnd, stating, 'We
man has brought fortrard verses of the ICurBn about his arc rhc masters, they are our slaves.'
claim : in reply to this: speak whatever conles into your " Ucfore these mex wcre created, we zccl our parcnts were
minds." H a v i ~ ~hge x d tllis, the ~ n ~ ~with
l e , a ready tongue, dwelling upon rbe face of the earth without obst~uction-wc
delivered this spccch : grazed in every clirection, wandering whcrever our hearts
'' Praise is due to the majrst!. of that One, holy, ancient of desil-ed ; and each of us was eiigi'gcd in search ofllis means
days, and fi-ec fl-0111 wants, who existed before the foundation of subsistence. In fine, we consoncd together among the
of tbc worlcl, not jconhncd) to d ~ n enor to place. By the hills, woods, and mountzifis, ailcl nourished our young ones.
ottclancc of a single ' BE' He made manifest all creatures Thanl;ful for whatever God hacl orclained, we spent our nights
: fi-om (bchindj thc veil of obscurity.5 Having fashioned the and days in His praise-we kncw no other than Him; dwelling
sky froin water and fire; He gave to it the dignity of loftiness. in our lionles in coi~~fort, tllcre was no one to interfere with
I-laying broug-hr:forth the race of Adam from a drop of water: us.
He scnt t h a ? ~hither aild thither in the world,'that they "CVllen, after this, an age had passed, God Almighty formed
might engage i i ~its c~iltivation,but not to n ~ i nit. Protecting .L\daq fi-orn clay, ancl made him riler over the whole face of
the animals in a befitting manner, they wcre to benefit by As nlcn became numerous, they took to roaming
the &?h.
thcni, no: to tyrannise ovcr them and oppress them.:' about in the woods and deserts. Then, too, they strerchec!
After this he proceeded to say-"It is not to be understood
out over us poor creatures the hand of oppression. Haviu;
' Kurin, Sdrat xri. v. ,; 6. Kuran, Simt xxiii. v. sn. caught horses, asses, mules, bulls, and camels, they began tc~
"uzir., 8 h . r v. 8. 4 K~&, sfira.
c X.:].v.
.i:.. 12. csact service from t h e n 1 and by force and tyranny they
" Chaos.
l~roughtto pass (all) tilosc eoiis which had never come to
the knowIedgc of our fathers and grandfathers. What could
lve do ? Being helpless, ale fled to the wood^ and deserts.
Evcn then these persons in no \%-aygave up rhc pursuit,
With what various stratagems did they pursue us with their
snares and nets! If three orfour animals, fatigued and weary,
anywhere fell into their hands, do not inquire as to their
treatment, for, bound and fettercd, they were carricd off, ancl
what various ills were inflicted upon them ! Besicles this, ir
is their practice to slaughter (the animals), to flay them, to Dzsc~i6i~zg ihc $nbls tafien 6y fh:ls kkir1g-of the T i f f sfor fhc
break their bones: tenr out their sinews, rip up their bellies, settkt~~rozoJt/~e
t dicfilltthzl'wecw the 11fc1zaitd f . 4 Aili~taZs.
pluclc out their featlicrs, fix them on spits, cook tlxem,l and
having roasted them, to eat them. -4nd wjth all this even
they are not satisfied, for they make this assertion-: We are
the masters, they are the slaves.' Whoever fled From them
the Ring had heard this account of the animals,
became intent in his heart upon the settlement of
the dispute, and gave orders that the judges and lawyers, and
was (deemed) a culprit. There is neither proof nor argument all the grandees and nobles of the Jins, shoulcl attend. Imme-
in (support of) this claim. On the contrary, it is sheer tyranny diately, io accordance with the order, they all attended the
and oppression." royal court. Then he said to the men-"The animals have
fully set forth their account and complaint of your tgran~y-
rvllat answer have you non- to give to i t ? " A person from
among them made his obeisance, and thus began to make
his statement-" 0 Asylum of the world ! These all are our
slaves, and WC arc thcir masters. It is proper for us to exer-
cise lorclly authority over them, and to exact from thcm
whatever service we may require. Whoevcr among them
has consented to obey u s is accepted by God, and whoever
has turned atmy from our authority, has, as it were, turned
away from God."
The King said, "-4 claim without evidence is not listened to
in z court of justice-mention some title-deed or proof." He
said, L L O u r c l a i n ~ i s e s t a l ~ l ibymany
~ h e d rationaland traditional
proofs. He said-': What are these proofs ? " Then he pro-
ceeded to say-"With what perfection] has God Almighty
formed our persons, and made every member (thereof) in
1 Lit. "purity."
exact confannit? to what was needed-a graccftll form, ail
upl-ight stature-sense and wisdom? by means of which we
can distinguish between good and bad, and by u~hic11even
we lealn 2nd declare the Iacts of the skies. Who besides
u; possesses these excclicnt gifts? From this it is provecl
that we are the masters, they the slaves.''
The Icing askcc! the animals, saying, "Wllat have you now
t:) say to tllis?" They humbly represented that :he claim was-
not cstnbIie11ed by this evidence. He said-" Do you not
k:101v that propriety of deportment is a property of kings,
and :hat ugliness and a crouching carriage al-e the marl<s of '' 'TH1.I. nc~~i;l>of. ti: is this : I\-llcn God illmighty cleared
slaves ? " Then one of them replied-" May God -4lrnighty -1- mcn, tile\; were starlc nal~ed--there was nothing on
grant unto the King His divine favour, and presenre him from their bodies through which tiliicy might live in security horn
the da~igersof thc w01.1d.l My state~ncntis, that the Creator the colcl ancl hcac They uscd to eat the iruits of the forest,
did not lnalre men after this form and fashion tvitl~the intent and cover their bodies with lcaves of tllc trees. Consequently
that they shouid call themselves our masters ; neither did He made their stature upright and tall, jo that they might
He create us after this shape, and with this carriage, that we gather the fruits and leavcs of :lie trees; and eat thcm at their
shouid be their slaves. I-Ic is wise ; no worli of His is devoid case, and take possessior-, of them. Our food is grass ; con-
of a!isdoill ; He bestowed upon every one that form ~ ~ l ~ i c l ~ sequently We made our stature bowcd, that we migl~tgraze
Fle decncbrl suitaI>Ie." at ease, and feel no kind of inconvenience!'
The King anstvercd-': God Alnligty says, '\Ye halve nlade
Inan excceclingiy gracef~~l.'' TVhat rcply do you give to
this ?'' I-Ie hun)l)ly s:iicl-': Asylum of the ~vorld! In acldi-
tion to the manifest mcar~ingsof the Divine Word, tfiere are
nuinerous interpretations which arc knoivn only to nlen of
science. The esplanatioa of this must be sougl~tfrom the
leanlec2.': -4ccordingl:ly a vise doctor, in obedience to the
King's co:nmancl, set forth the meaning of this verse as
fo!loxs :-i: When God Almighty created Adam, it was a
happy hour ancl an auspicious mornent-the stars rxVcre
shining in their respective glorious constellations, and the
matter of the elements was ready and prepared for the pro-
duction of agrecabla forms. consequent!^ man's person a a s
1 KuAn, 9.i1-at sciii. v. 4.
made fair, his stature erect, his hands and feet excellent, and
then do thou make known what advantage there is in ma1;ing
(all) of the lnost pelfect elegance." Yet one more significa- the camel's neck long." H e said, '! B e c a ~ s ehis legs wcre
tion is apparent in this verse, (Arabic)--" God Almighty
long, and therriore if his neck had been short, it would have
created man in the happy mediuml-He did not make hinnl been difficult for him to graze the grass. Hence he niadc his
very tall nor very s h ~ r t . " ~
~ l e c klong that he might graze at ease, and raise himself zlp
The King said this amount of symmetry and suitability of
from the ground by the strcngth of that necl:, and be able to
the mcmbers suffices (to establish) pre-ernineice. The ani- carry his lips over his whole body and 1ub himself. In the
mals represented, "This is thc case with us also. God
same way He has made the elsphant's trunk long instcad of
Ahnigllty gave u s every one of our incmbers in the happy
his neck, and (He has lnaclej his ears large that he may drive
proporrions that were suitable ; in this pre-crninence ure and
away the flies and mosquitoes, so that none may be able to
they are equal." Thc men replied, "Where is this suitability
get into his cyes or mouth ; for in consequellce of his tusks,
of nleml~ersamong you? Your figures are exceedingly dis- his mouth always reinains open, and does not shut. And his
gusting, your stature clumsy, your hands and feet ugly,
tusks are long in order that he may defend himself against
Tbere is belonging to you the ciunel, of lalge fonn, Iong thc ferocity of rapacious ani~nals. And the hare's ears are
neck, and small tail. -4nd there is the elephant, whose form
long because his body is very tender and his skin fine-he
is very large and heavy, two long tusks sticlr out f r o a his
can wrap round him those ears in cold lveatber, and spread
mouth, his earl are very broad 2nd his eyes v c v small.
them out in warm.
Bulls and buffaloes have large tails, thick horns, and no
In fine, God Almighty has bcstowed upon every anirnd
upper teeth. The horns of the drtmba (sheep) are heavy and such menlbers as H e deemed suitable. And thus H e has
its buttoclcs fat. There is the goat, who has a grcat bewd
spoken by the mouth of the holy Moses, saying, 'God be-
and no buttocks. The hare is small in size, but has great sto:r,ed an individuality1 upon every thing, and after that He
ears. In this way there are many carnivorous alld gramini-
prescribed their I-cspectivecourses.' 2 Thc meaning of which
vorous beasts, and Lirds whose form and stature are clumsy,
is, that H e gavc to evcry one such members as were appro-
one member having no conforlnity to the others."
p r i ~ e and
, showed them the pat11 of rectitude.
Upon hearing this speech one animal began to say, " Alas
" Whar you consider heauty, and boast about, and (when)
thou hast not at all comprehended the Divine art. We are
in your vanity, you consider ' We are the masters, they are
(His) creatures, the beauty and perfection of our menlbers the slavcs '-this is (allj a mistake. Bcauty, in every specics,
comes from Hinl; therefore ro find faults in u s is in fact to
is that which rnalies (its members) agreeable to their fellows,
set forth His deficiencies. Dost thou not knolv that God and through which they show affection to each other; ancl
Almighty in His wisdom created each individual thing for
solne special good ! No one, however, knows this mystery, :Khi1kaf-li:. " cremion, form, f i p r e ;"or, us here rendered, individ-
with the exception of Himself and men of science." uality.
That man said, "If thou art a sage anlong the animals, S a l e s ' rranslatior?of rbe Arabic is, "Our Lord is He who giveth all
t h i n ~ s :He hath created thein ard directeth them (by His providence)."
' Hadd i itidil. ' Iiur6r!, Sdrat lsssii. F. 7. - f i r i n , Slirar ss. v. gn.
this is the cause of procreation and propapcion of ofispring. " If you had any scnsc at all, you would nut boast about
For the beauty of one species is not agreeable to another rbose things wllich God Ahnighty has givcn you without a n y
species. Evcry ani~llalfixes its benrt only upon a female of labour or [rouble (of your own). For thc srise and pruclrnt
its own species, ancl does not dcsire the female of any other collsider that to be a (ground of) boas^ which rl~eghave
animal, howe\cr much better she may be than its own. In acquired by thcir own industry and labour; as xvhen thcy
the samcwny also, men have affection for thelr oxvn particular master the theological sciences, or accluil-c great ~ ~ ~ ~ a l i f i c a
tions by their o ~ %effo~ts
~n and exertions. Eut ).nu have
species. Thosc people who are black do not like p ~ o p i eof
white bodies, and those who are white c10 IIOL set their hearts not even one of these things to boast of over r!s ; ).oar claim
upon the black. . . . Tllerefore, your beauty is no ground is ;vithout evidence, your animosity ivithout meaning."
of superiority that you should consider yourselves to excel us.
"And whcn you say that you have great acuteness of sense,
it is also a mist~ke, hlany animals havc b ~ t t e runderstand-
ing and scnse than you. Thus there is the camcl, who has
long legs and a long neck, and whose head conte~ds114th the
air ; but notwiths~andingthis, he, in dark nights, descries
the place on which to set his fcet, and passes along roads of
~vhichthe passage seems impossible, while you require torches
and lamps. And the horse hcar; the tramp of the traveller
from afar, and it has ohen happened that having heard the
steps of thcadversary, he has aroused his rider, and savcd him
from his foe. If a person takes an ox or an ass once along
any (previously) unscen road, and turns him loose, he escapes
from that place, and comes back safe to his orqn homc; he
does not at atiforget it. But if you have passed along a road
several tinlcs, still: ~vheneverthere is occasion for you to pass
along that road (again), you are bewildered and forget i:.
Sheep and goats zive birth in one night to hundreds of young
ones, and in thc morniag proceed to the pasturage; and
when they I-eturn from thence in the evening, the young oncs
severally recognise their mothers, and the mothers their
young ones. But if one of you remain for some time abroad,
and then return homc, he forgets mothcr and sister, fathcf
and brother. Thcn where is the jndgment and ac:~tenessof
sense of which you havc made such great boast i
Sindians, and the Sindians towards the Hindus ; the Xrnbs
towards the Turcom~ns,and the Turcomans towards thc
Arabs. In fine, whenever one overcomes and gains a victor>
over the other, he considers the family of his (defeated) foe
to be his slaves, and sells them. How can one know for cer-
tain who is s!ave and who is master? These are changes and
CHAPTER IV. vicissitudes which, according to the behests of the stars, pre-
vail among men, for so God Almighty says, (Arabic,) c 1
make the times to change among men, from one vicissitude
to another.' Wise men know this fact.
"And he says that they feed and provide drink for the
animnIs, and in other ways show kind treatment to them;
THE E n g , tcrning towards the men, said, "You have
h e a d his answer ; now say whatever else rhere remains but this does not arise from their colnpassion and kindness?
bilt rather from fear lest thc animals should perish, and injury
for you to say." They replied-" There are still many proofs
remaining by which our claim is established ; these are some happen to their property; for thus interruption xvould happen
of them :-13uying and selling (the animals), feeding and to tllcir riding, lading, and other advantages."
giving (them) drink, putting garments on them, pl-eserving After that, every animal individually made complaint of
(them) from cold and heat, shutting one's eyes to (their) faults, their tyranny before the King. The ass said, " When we fall
saving them from the ferocity of wild beasts, tenderly giving in-to captivity with men: they lade upon our backs, bricks,
(them) medicine when they are sick. These kindnesses l we stones, iron, wood, and great burdens. With what lnbour
show them out of "ompassion and mercy. T h c same prac- and toil do m e get along. They have always got sticks and
tice prevails among all masters, of keeping an eye of com- u.hips in their hands, and beat us ovcr cur buttocks. If
passion and mercy upon their slaves." the King were to see us at such a time he would feel regret
The King hzving heard this, ordered the animal to give and pity. Where are compassion and kindness to be found
him an answer, and he said-" This man maintains that they among them such as this man has supposed?"
buy and sell animals, but this practice prevails also among Then the bull said, " When we fa11 into their bonds, they
rnen ; t l n s the inhabitants of Persia, when they gain s victory bind us to the plough, and l~arnessus to mills and ail-presses,
over Turkey, 3 sell the Turks, and when the Turks prevail over put muzzies on our mouths aad bandages over our eyes.
Persia; they deal out the same treat~nelltto the Persians. The Eolding in their hands ~vllipsand sticks, they beat us over
inhabitants of India observe the same practice towards the our buttocl<sand faces."
After this the sheep said, '' When we fall into their boncls,
L Sulzt.&-lit. " treatment. " hut frequently used, as here, for Lirrd frrof-
how many evils do we suffer. To supply their children with
P Ba-~aar-with the view or intent. milk they take away our little young ones from their mothers,
'Rh-Rome. Turkey, Asia Minor. and binding them band and foot, carry them off to the sham-
bles ; never do they gix~eear to the cries and wails of these Taking sticks and whips in their hands, they bcat us over
injured ones. There, xvithout (giving thcmj grain or mter, our buttocks and faces, and Ivi~atcvcl- collxes info their
they slaughter them, tear ofi their skins, rip up their bellies, mouths, sbusc or 01~sce11it;-,tl~cybawl o~lt. ?'h: measure
l,reak open their sl::llls, tear out their livers, carry them to of rheir folIy rcachcs even to :his, that they often utter al~usc
tile butcherspsllops, and cut them up with knives, stick them and euiploy ol,sccne expressions against themsclves~their
on spits, and billce tllcm in ovens. We, seeing all these evils: sisters, and their dnughters. ..
. . All this nbuse is beaped
remain silent and say nothing." 0:) tltrm and tllcir masters : but it is true dlcy descrvc it.
~h~ camel said, When we become captives in their :'If the Icing ~xwuldconsider this ignorance, folly, an2 ob-
hantls, tl~ieis our state. Havinx put ropes in our noscs, the scene talk of thcirs, he \vould perceive that they arc filled
camel-drivers pull t h e ~ n ;and then lacling very heavy loads with the mickedness, vice; ig~~orxncc, and stupidity of the
up011 backs, k e y :ake us in dark nights along hilly and ivholc world. But still they take no heed of these villainies,
mountainous roacls. Ir, short, our backs arc p i l e d by the and never a11ow the preccpts and admonitions of God a n d
jolring of the saddles, and thc soles o i ocr leet wounded by the Prop3ct to enter into their cars, nottvlthstanding thzt
the stones ; hungry and thirsty, thep drive us wherever their they themselves read thcse vcrscs of the I.lur:~n, :.-\rabic, the
heart desires, and xvc poor wretcl~csbeing l~clpless,submit nlezning of wllicl~is,) ' If you desire parclon froin God, thcn
to them." do you also pass over the oKcnccs of orhcr-S.': (Jlr:~i)ic, i.'7,)

Tile elephant said, "When we bccon~etheir captives, ' 0 Muhammad, coln~nnndthe faichf~~l to pardon the sins of
they put ropes upon our necks, and chaios upon our ieet; unbelievers.'? (Aral~ic,i e) ' LYhntcver cnr~livorotis;~nc!11e1--
and taking the goad of iron in their hands, they beat us on bivorous animals and birds ivalk t:pon t!ic earth or fly ir.
the righr side and on the lefc, and on the head." the air, the condition of all thcse is like your o~vn.'a (Arabic,
The horse said, "When me are in bondage with them Le.) %\'h'en you ride upon camels think up011 the bounties
thep put bits1 in our mouths, saddles cjn our hacks, girths of God, and say, H e is holy rvho made snl~jccrto us an
upon our loins ; and they, wearing their mail and annour, animal like this, over \vhon~rve shoulc! ncver have beon able
ride us in battle-fields. Hungry ancl thirsty: our eyes stuficd to prevail ; and we shall return to God."'A
with dirt and dust, xve go into the battle, and (there) we Whcil thc inula ceased from the spcech, the camel said to
receive sword-cuts on our faces, javelins and arrou-s in our thc pig Do you also tell the oppression which your race
breasts. and w-e swim in a sea of blood." has suffered a t the hands of men, and set it forth in the prc-
The mule said, "When we become subject in slavery to scnce of so just a Icing; perhaps lie, sIzotving coliipassio~l
them, ive endure the most astounding hardships. They and kindnns, will give delicerance from their hands to suc!~
fasten ropes to our feet, put bridles and bits into oar mouths. of us as are captives, for your species also belongs t o the
They do not release us for one instant, so that we may go to herbivorous ciass." A sage said, '' Tile pi2 does not belong to
ocr liintes and satisfy our natural longings. The gi-ooms
1 Kur;in. Slirat xsiv. v. 12. Ktillin, Sdra: sl\-.v. 13.
and szdclle-men put pac!<-saddles on our backs and ride us. VICurdii, Si~rarvi. v. 39.
bridle, bi!, or both togcthcr.
1 L~~~[E7rim, Lit. " We are rctu!-nn.5 to Cocl." Iiuuri!~,Sdrt s:iii. I-. rz.
The P&. The Hare. 25

the herbivorous but to the carnivorous animals. Dost thou to him, L L D you~ rehearse in thc presence of the King all the
not kn& that his teeth protrude, and that he also eats car- tyranny which your species has endured from men. Per-
rion ? " The other replied, He is herbivorous, for he Ilas haps the King, taking pity, will grant deliverance from their
hoofs, and he also eats grass." A rhird said he is both carni- hands to us captives." The hare said, " W e live far away
vorous and herbivorous, and is allied to the cattle, in the from them ; having left off dwelling in their country, we have
same way as the can~elopardis allied to the bull, camel, and chosento takeupour abodc in valleysand jungles; andthrough
leopard ; and he is Iike the ostrich, in whose forin those of this we are saved from their oppression. But we are terribly
the bird and the camel are blended. troubled by dogs and birds of prey; who render assistance
The pig said to the camel, " I know nothing about it; to men, with the object of catching us, and lead them to-
what can I say, or of whom shall I complain ? There is much wards us. They make over as captives into the hands of
variety in their way of treating me. Musulmans consider men all the deer, oxen, camels, goats, and herbivorous ani-
us deformed and accursed ;they deem our figures detestable mals of our fraternity who have taken refuge in the hills."
and our flesh unclean, and they abstain from mentioning us. Then the hare said, 'The hunting dogs are excusable in
The Turkish Greeks eat our flesh with avidity; they con- this. They ought to help them, for they also are very fond
sider it as holy, and the making sacrifices of it they deem of eating our Aesh, and they do not belong to our species,
very meritorious. Tile Jews have great aversion and hatred but on the contrary are carnivorous animals. Rut the horse
of us ; they abuse and curse us inoffensive animals because belongs to the graminivorous animals, and does not eat our
they are at enmity with the Nazarenes and Greeks. The flesh ; why should he assist them, unless it be entirely from
Armenians esteem us even as oxen and goats ;nay, they even his stupidity and folly ?"
prize us more in consequence of the fatness and thickness
of our flesh, and tbe abundance of our offspring. The Greek ' S/ri,Ldri-jd~iwa,;hunring animals : falcons, hnwks, and such iike.
physicians employ our fat in many of their rerncdies ; nay,
they even put it in their medicines. Herdsmen and grooms
keep us in their stables and pastures near to their animals
and horses, because by our staying there the horses and
animals are preserved from many evils. Enchanters and
magicians cover their books and magical instruments with
our skins. Saddlers and shoemakers pull out the bristles of
our necks and whiskers with great avidity and eagerness, for
these are very serviceable to them. We are bewildered, we
can say nothing; whom shaIl we praise, whom shall we
blame ?"
When the hog had finished saying all this, the ass looked
towards the hare, who was standing near the camel, and said
proud walk he is like a stnteiy bull: his jumping is like a
leopard's. If his rider lays a wager, then he runs cp~iclily!
and brings hi; rider in first. In m-horn esccpr the horse are
all rhese merits to be found ?"
The hare said, "With all these ~ncrirjthere is also one
great fault under which al! thesc 111eritsare hiclclcn." TheKing
1 asked what it was. and told h i ~ nto esplain. Thc hare saicl.
He is very stupid and ignorant, and does not knnm friend
from foc. If he passes under the thighs of an e~-ie~lly, he
becomcs submissive to him ; and in the battle-field hc rvill:
I-IEN thc man hearcl all these words af the hare, he
W said, " Enough, be silent thou has1 rcproachcd the
horse enough if thou hadst but known that h e is the best
at the direction of this enemy, Bis new master, charge and
attack the nlan in wllose l~ouseIle was born, and by whom
he has Been notrrished all his days. This trait of his is lilce
of a![ animals, and that he is obedient to man, thou wouldst the nature of the sword, but that is inanimate, and is una!>le
not have ballbled so stupidly." The King asked thc man to distinguish betareen friend and rut.; just 2s. it cuts its
what the horse's superiority was, and he answered, "Your enemy and opponent, so also when it faCs upon the ncck of
Majesty, the good qualities and excellences of the horse are its owner or maker, it severs his heac! from his bocly without
numerous. His for111 is good, every limb is appropriate, his hesitation, and knows no difference hetvc7een friends and
appearance is handsome, his instincts sound, his colour is strangers.
fine, he excels in intelligence, he is swift in running, he is "The samc trait of character is found in men, wvho war
obedient to his rider, for he quickly turns right or left, for- against their parents, bl-others, sisicrs, aild re!ations, and
wards or backu~ards,or wherever his rider may direct him. bring into operation all kinds of 'Iriclcs ancl stratagems.
Hc does not flinch from galloping, and he is so well trained T h a t trciltment which ought to be practised against ene-
that whilst his rider is seated on his back, he neither stales mies they employ against their f~-icnds. In illfancy they
nor dungs ; and if his tail ever gets wet in mud or water, he drink thc milk of their parents, and a r c nourished in their
docs not shake it, lest his rider should be sprinltled. His bosoms, but in early tna:illood thcy bccoil~ctheir enen~ics.
strength is like an elephant's, for he trots along taming his In the same way thcy drick the milk of mimals, and are
rider with his helmet, mail and armour, as well as his own benefited by rnakin: garmcnts of their ski:^ and hair, but
saddle, bridle, and armour, altogether a load of five hundred after all thcy slauglltcr those same animals, strip off their
maunds.' Hc is so patient and enduring that on the battle- skins, rip up their bellies, a i d make them taste the flavour of
field he receives \vounds from spears and arrou9sin his breast fire. In their barbarity and cruelty they altagethcr forget
and in his vitals, and yet remains quiet. His speed is such the obligations and benefits received from them."
that the wind cannot overtake the dust of his-heels. I n his When the here ceased from his censure of the man and
1 Some r1fi1il "seers," ~r-hic!~
is nearer, though &o above t!le mark horse, the ass said to him, Enough ; so grcat condem:zaticn
Sptcch of the A ss.
is not seemly. \Vhat person is that whom God Almighty has does not make an obligation of it to any one. So also the
blessed ~ r i t h,aver so many virtues and favours, and yet has moon and all the stars, each in their respective degrees, dif-
not debarred him from some one favour which exceeds them fuse light over the tvorld, and hold it no obligation upon any
all ? Or who is the person that H e has debarred from all one, The sarne duty is incumbent on men, for Cod Al-
these blessings, and upon whom H e has not bestowed some n~iglxtyhas conferred many blessings upon them, which
one blessing nchich He has given to no other ? There is no they should in~partto the animals, and make no favour
one in the warld on whom all t a l c ~ ~ and
t s blessings are he- thereof."
stowed. The bounties of the great disintcrested Giver are When the bull finished speaking, all the animals gnashed
not confined io any one species. His mercy is over all His their teeth, wept, and began to say, " 0 just King, have
worbs, but to one much, to another little. To one H e has mercy on us, and g a n t u s deliverance from the tyranny of
granted the rank of lordship, but on that same one also He these oppressors !" When the King heard this, he looked to-
has affixed the stigma of sul~jection. What dignity H e has wards all the doctors and sages of the Jins who were present,
1,e~;owed on the sun and moon-hglrt, conspicuiry, great- and asked if they had heard the statement made by the ani-
ness, altitude-all these excellences and distinctio~lsH e has mals of the tyranny, cruelty, and violence of men. They
bestowed upon them, to such a degree, indeed, t h a t some replied, " W e have heard, and it is all true. W e see it by
people, in their ignorance, have deemed them gods. Still night and by day. Their tyranny is not hidden from any
He has not preserved them from the inftrmitp of eclipses, intelligent or sensible person. For the same reason tile Jins
in order that this mixht be conclusive to men of intelligence ; also have left their (the men's) country, and have fled into
for if they were gods they would never beconle dark nor the woods and wilds, and have hidden themselves i n hills,
wane. In the same way He has given light and brightness mountains, and rivers. Through their bad collduct and evil
to all the stars ; but a t the same time He has also made ckhracter the Jins have entirely given up visiril~ginhabited
rhis provision, that they are lost in the effulgence of the sun, places. But with all rhis even we get no deliverance from
and that all day and night they remain in revolution, s o that their malignity. So suspicious and mistrustful are they of
the marks of the creature may be manifest in them. The us, that if any child, woman, or man is stupid, foolish, or sick,
condition of the Jins, men, and angels, is just the same ; for they say dircctly that the evil eye, or shadow of a Jin, has
if any one of them possesses very great talents, there is still fallen on him. They have always got mistrust in their hearts,
some little defect. Perfection belongs to God only, to no and are praying for protection against the malice of the Jins.
other." But still no one has ever scen a Jin kill a man, or wound
Whcll r'ne ass finished this speech, the bull said, When him, rob him of his clothes or coininit a theft, break into
God has imparted to some one person &Teat blessings Qrhich any one's house, pick pockets, tear sleeves, break open the
He has given to no other, it behoves that perso11to shorv his lock of any one's shop, slay a traveller, rebel against a king,
gratitude for them-that is, he ought to let others share in plunder any one, or make any one captive. On the other
those bIessings. Thus God Almighty has given light to the hand, all these habits are to be found among them, and they
Sun, and it by its light carries comfort to all creation, and remain intent upon one or other of them night and day.
Besides this: they never show remorse, nor do they %\ratch
against their faults."
When he had done speaking, the nlacc-bearcr cried aloud,
'' Gentlemen, it is now- evening. T h e Cozrt has risen ; you
are dismissed. Go to your homes; and attcnd azain to-
morrow morning."


H E N the Icing arcsc from his assc~ilbly,hc spokc to

, private, saying, " You have heard
BedAl-, his ~ a z h in
all the statelnents and rcjoinders of themen and the animals ;
what advice have you now to offer? How ocght the matter
to Le settled ? What course jeems best in your opinion I"
The wazfr was a very wise and prucicnt man. Afccr milking
his obeisance, and invoiiin: 'ules~ings~ he proceeded to sly,
" I t seeins to 1nc prefer;rblc thn: the Ring should call to his
presence ail the judges, lawyers, and sages of the Jins, and
consult with them a b o u t the case. The quarrel is a serious
one, and it is not clear to which side the right inclines. In
such matters consult~~tion is necessnry, for in the counsels of
three or four some plan is dccidcd upon. Wise men and far-
seeing n l c n should be careful ncrer to enter upon such diffi-
cuit matters \rithout advice and counsel."
In accordancc with this spccch, the King gave orclers that
all the chiefs and noble3 of the Jins should attend. S o they
all assembled according to the following specification :-
judges of the race of Jupitcr, lnwycrs of the race of Venus,
wise men of the cbi!clren of I>irBn, sages of the race of
Lukmin, experienced persons of the children of Hamin, in-
telligcnt persons of the children of KaiwPn, and persons of
common sense of the cllildren of Bahriin. The king a&
dressed them, saying, "These men and bcasts have conlr
The Royal Cozlncil. 33
con-,plaining to usl and have taken refuge in our country. The
animals all colnplain of the tyranny and violence of men. and he said, " It seems to me advisable that the King should
r\iow do yau advise me what ougllt to be done with them, direct all the animals to act in concert, so that in one and the
and how their business should be decided." same night they might flee from captivity, and go far from the
A learned sage of the race of Venlis who was present, dominions of men-just a s deer, hog-dccr, ancl many other
said, " I n my opinion the proper course is for the animals to harmless and rapacious beasts have lefr their dominions and
write out a statement of their circumstances, and of the op- have fled. I n the morning, when the men do not find them,
pression they have endured at the hands of mcn, and to take on whom will they lade their goods, and on whom will they
a legal opinion thereon from the learned. If any means of de- ride? Being helpless from their being so far away, they will
liverance can be settled for them, r11e judges and lawyers not be able to go after them, so they will sit down in silence.
will give a decree whether the men are to sell them, set them In this way the deliverance of the animals will be effected."
free, or show some kindness and mitigation of their harsh The King approved of this proposition, and asked them all
for their opinion upon it. There was present a wise man of
treatment. If the men do not obey this decision of the judges,
and the animals flee from their tyranny, then ic will be no the descendants of LukmAn, and he saicl-" This proposition
fault or sin of theirs." is not a t all a good one, and this course is very much opposed
to sense. It is by no means possible, because many of the
When the King heard this, he asked them what they had to
say to it. They all replied that it was an exceedingly good animals are fastened up in durance all night, the doors of their
prisons are closed, and sentinels are placed on guard: how can
proposition, and suitable for the occasion. But thc Sdib-i they all run away?"
'eaimt' did not approve of it, and observed, " If these men
agree to sell the animals, who vqU pay the price of them jJ
The'SLhi6-i'nzimat said, "Let the King give his commands
The lawyer said, "The Icing:' Upon this, he asked from for all the Jins to go this night to open the doors of the prison-
houses, to untie the heel-ropes of the animals, to make pri-
wllence the King could get so much money. The lawyer
said it would be paid from the public treasury. The Sihib-j soners of all the guards, and not to release them until all those
' f l z h a t then said, " I S there so much wealth in the (animals) are far away from their territory. There will be very
treasury as to sufficefor the price of them ? Some men, too, great merit to the King in doing this. Feeling pity for the con-
mzy refuse to sell them. They have great need of the ani- ditianof those(animals), I have offered myse~~timents byway of
advice to his Majesty. If, with benevolent intentions, the King
mals, and do not care for the price of them. Thus there we
kings and ministers and many gentlemen who cannot move shall resolve upon this work of kindness, the Lord Almighty
will render him aid and assistance. Gratitude for the favours
about without an equipage. They will never consent to sell
of God is shown in giving help and deliverance to the oppressed.
them, and will oppose-- this decree."
-- ---
People say that it is written in the books of several prophets
The Kiilg then asked him what seemed good in his opinion,
1 A resolure or prac:ical person. 1 have retained the original title.
that God Almighty says-' 0 king, I have not made thee
because i t 1s dimcult t o find an equivalent word sufficient!y definite, ruler over the face of the earth in order that thou nlayest
without using the word rzan, %-hilt the bearer of the name is a j j z . amass wealth anddevote thyself to the greed and lusts of this
world, but rather that thou shouldst give redress to the op-
pressed, for I indeed arengc them, c v c ~though rhey be in- We wancler and look about among thern
fidels.' " sichout ceremony, but they cnntmt see us ; 50 what have we
The King again asked them all what thcy ]lad to say to ii. to fear ?"
They all approved? 2nd said it was r-cry propel-. But a certain T h e ~ ~ is a ~s ansmereZ
k ~ him i saying, "-Alas! thou
K a i d n i sage was not sarisfcd with it, and after offering his not kilow anlqhing al,out it. ~ l t h o u g l n1crl
l are ea*I1y: =till
blessings and reverences, he representecl that if was a very have in them sacls ancl angelic spirits, throxlgh
difficult matter, and could not in a n y way be accomplkhed ; which they hold tile over us I and 12esicles,
must be attended with many e v i k and clangers whichafter. are arith many wiles and stratagems- In 'ges
warcl5 will in no way b- capalde of rectification. past there llavc l,ccn many battle^ between men andthe Jins,
The King asked him \%-hathe had. to fcar in :he matter, m d hearing of .,yhichjl,ould be a warning to us." The ICi1'x
told hiln to explain so that he himsclf also lnight know. He desired the sage to inform hiin of those matters, and how dlc
said, "Your h'f:ljcsly,he who proposed this \\-ay of deli\rwance truth stood, so that he also might understand it. The sage

for the animals made a great mistal~e. \I:hen rhc men rise replied thar a natural hatret! and a n innate animosit~
in the morning thcy will not find the beasts, ancl n-(-;ll become men and the jins come down from of old time, the nar-
apprised of their flight. They will then think for a certainty ration of t!,llich would be very prolix. Ijut the Ripg ordcrcd
that it is not the work of any man, and that it cannor: have hi:n to recoul,-t little of it from the beginning, so fat as Could
been effected by any scheme of the animals, but tuust rather l-~e
be attributed t o the cufining and trickery of the Jins." The
King said, "Tllat is Uue-there is no douht &o\rt it ; t h q
will suspect US."
The sage continued, "Asylum of the rl-or]d ! \\.hen the
ha1.e escaped from their hands, and the services
dered are interrupted, then the men will be vcrysorro\fil a n d
anxious, 2nd will lXc0me enemies of the Jins. From of old,
been Our foes, but no-.v nlorethan everthey
will show their nlalicc and animosity." ~h~ sages observed
that he indeed must be a wise lnan \"h,, making peace be-
tween enemies, urould preserve his Majesty from the.r
AU the Jills: when they heard this, said he spoke
the truth.
After that another sage encluired, ':Why feartheir
enmity, for it will not avail against us. ourbodies are fiery,
and are vcrv subtil and light, so that we fly up to thesky-
but the bodies of men arc of dirt ; they remain belour, and
When yet another age after this had passed, God Almighty
said to the angels xvho wcre dwelling on the earth-l' I will
make one, who is not one of you, ruler of the earth, and I
will caii you up to heaven." The angels, who had been living
berc for a long period, through having to dzpart, deemed this
a most disagreeal~lecommand, ancl thus replied to God-
CHAPTER 1711. '' WilI our Lord create a person who will work evil and blood-
shed upon the enrth; as the Jins were doing, xvl~iistwe praise
Thee, and considcr Thee ho;g."' God AIlnighty said, "That
advantage which I know of, you know nothing about,' and I
IInN obedience to tbc orders of the King, rhe sage thus set
forth the facts of the (matter) :-
the earliest age, before God had created Adam, the Jins
have sx~ornan oath to myself of not keeping any angel, Jin,
or animal upon the earth after Adam nnci his offsprin~."
I n tine, when God, having created Adarn, brearhed a soul
were dwelling over the whole face of the earth-wood, field,
into his body, and when from him he fornied Eve, he com-
and wnter were all under their rule. When many days had manded all the angels 10 meet and pay him 11oma::c. In
passed, prophecy and law, religion and dominion, and numer-
obedience to thc divine command, they paid hom~ge,and be-
ous blessings were received. But they began to exhibit dis- c a n e subject to Xdarn. Eut2.Az5zildid not boxvdow:~; through
obedience and error-they heeded not the testaments and
his obstimcy and enty he was ol~posedto the colnmands of
p~eceptsof the prophets, and set wickedness on foot over all
God. He rc.Aected, saying, ' l Former!y I was chief and mas-
the face of the earth. Through their tyranny, the earth, and ter ; shall I nonr become his subject ? " So, through envy and
all the dwellers on the earth, went complaining to the court of
malice he became the enemy of Adam.
God, and began to make their plaints and lamentations.
God Almighty then directed the angels to bring Adam into
When another age had passed, and their animosity and
the - n Eden. Whcn Adail1 came into paradise a com-
~ a r d e of
tyranny day by day increased, then God Almigllty sent an
mand was given by :he divine Majcsry (Arabic verse, of ~vhich
army of angels on to the earth. They accordingly came
the meaning is)-" 0 Adam, do you dwell with your wife in
here, and having beaten the Jins, expelled them, making
this garden, and eat at your pleasure wl~ateveryour heart de-
many of them prisoners and captives. They then began to sires, only do not go ncar this trec, for lf l-ou do go near it,
liveupon the earth. It so happened that 'AziLzfi, the accursed you will be a sinner."3 This pxadisc, which God _A.lmighty
devil by whom the patriarchs Adam and Eve .ereredeceived,
bestowed upon the patriarcl~Adarn for a clxvclling-place, is a
U-asamong those captives. His age was but little, and he garden towards the Easr, on the Ruby mountain. No one
knew nothing- He was nurtured among those angels, and he
has the stren$h to ascend it. The land of that place isgood,
adopted all their rules and customs. W11m he had acquired
the air temperate, the days of spring are there perperuzl ;
their science, and had come to maturity, he was made head
and chief of the tribe, and used to issue his edicts of com- 1 K W ,Slirat ii. v. 15.
ibid. L Kurin, Sdm: ii. v. 53
mand and prohibition. C
many streams flow there ; the trees are v e n green, fruits in never cone, ancl you will always enjoy happiness." In that
abundance ripen, and all kinds of flowers bloom. The ani- hour when that accursed one, having sworn an oath, said, " I
mals there do not hurt any one, and beautiful birds of sweer advise you xvcI1:"l they f d l into his snare. With greecliuess
song, and of all kinds, sit upon the branches, axd keep up a thcy tl-ansgressed and ate of that trce of which God h!mighty
continual warbling. had forbidclen thc1~1to eat. The ce1esti:;l garments which
Adam and Eve went there and began to lir c in comfort. thev were wearing inst?.nt!y fell off from thcir bodies. Taking
The hair of their heads was very long, and hung down to leaves of trees, they began to cover their persons. The long
their feet. The wholc of thcir bodies \\.as cove]-ed wit11 hair, hair upon their hcads a;so fell ofi, and they becarnc laked d.
and hence their beauty and loveliness werevery grcat. Among Through the heat of the sun their complexion changed and
rhc flowel--beds upon thc banl;s of t l ~ cstreams they used to became black. In fine, they urcrc ruined.
stroll about at their plcnsure, eating ail kinds of fluits, and When the anim.11~saw them i n this plight, tlicy felt an
drinking water fro111the streams. Everything \{:as attainable aversion for thcir persons, ancl Fled in disgust. They f ~ lintol
wi~liout toil or lahour. Plouglling, cultisrrting, grinding, a mosr abject condition. The angeIs thcn receivecl an order
baking, spinning, &:caving clothes, and washing, no: one of to expel thcni from paradisc, and cast them do~vnfrom the
these troubles was knon,ii to them, in the way as at the pre- mountain. Tile angcls placcd tkem in a spot \vhcrc therc
sent time their descendants arc involvcd in thcsc evils. Just wcre no fruits nor lcavcs at all. Somello~vor o t h ~ rt h q
as other animals were living therc, in tlln same way did these came upon t h e earth, and for a long time thcy wept inces-
t w o pass their days in full security and comfori. There was santly in grief and sorrow, and cwre greatly nsllnmed of their
no sorrow. Thc Lord Almighty made known to Adan1 tlte conduct. When a long period had been passed in rhis
names of all the plants and animals which were there When sorrow and remorsc, God -4lmighty took co~npassion on
the angels mere askecl thcir names, they did not kno~v,but .
them, and, acccpting their repentance, forgave tl1c.i~sin. H e
bcing confounded, held their peace. Whet1 Adam was asked, scnt an angel down to the ernr:li, who came hcrc and taught
he instantly told the namcs of all, ancl set forth the uses and them to clig t i ~ cearth, to plough and sew, ta reap, grind,
defects of et-ery one. When the angels saw t h ~ sfact, they all nlnlte 1eaver.l and bake brc:ld, to weave clothes, and to sew
became subject, and knew Adam to be better ~ h a nthemselves. and n~alcegarn?cnts.
When'AzLzil saw this dignitpof Adam, his malicc and envy When ihclr denccndants bccamc numerous the Jins also
still morc incrcascd, ancl hc meditated how he ~niglltinsome came and associated with :l?cn:, and they taught t11em to
way by fraud and tricker). ruin him. So one day pretending plant trees, buiid houses. and (to practise) many useful arts.
to be a fricndly counsellor, he went to them and said, :: God Friendships sprung up between rhcnl, and for a 1011: time
Almigkity has bestowed upon you the great distinction of they thus pasjcd their lives. Gat w!iene%-cr mention was
eloquence and spcec1-1, a blessing which he has never yet made of thc fraud and tl-czcltcry of thc zccurstd d ~ \ . i ievery
given to any one. If you eat a little from this tree, then your Inan felt a misgiving of malice and envy on tllc pnrt of tlic
knowledge and excellence will be greatly increased, and you Jins. When Cain murdcrcd Xbcl, a suspicio~lsprung u p
will live here for ever in perfect ease and comfort ; death will
amon,o the cllil&-en of the h::er il12t the Jins h ~ d incited !\'hen the intcllige~lce a?>out Cilkij (Queen of Slie!~a)
him. Eellcc dlei; canliry and n11imosir.y against the lins reached Solomon, by ihc mouth of :he hocpoc: hc i!iclui:ild
illcrcasecl still nlore, and in tlieir hatrcd they practised and of evcry one if tberc :yere any such person as would bring
Tvsrc always intent npo:1 magic, incantations; imprecntions, the throne of Bilkis bciorc her arrival. A Jin, whose name
charms, shuttii~gup in bottles, ancl mnoy other l k l c k 2.rts1 by vms Astlis, son of X i ~ i n vauntingly
, soid tliat he would bring
which annoyance might cor?leto t l ~ c]ins. it so quickly that his M,?jesiy should not be :tble to rise from
When Gorl Alnlighty sent the prophet Enoct: he came his place (behre it was clone). Solon~on.aid that Ile wanted
herc, ancl having made pcncc between men 2nd ji!ls, he it clone more c1uicl;ly. Lsaf, son of 13arl;hiyB, ivho knew thc
sho~veclto all of them the of p:,nce. Thc Jins came into name of pun8cr,said that he nould bring iL in one iilstanr.
the terri:ori-s of 111c mcn, and associating with them, tl~cy And vcri!y he brought it. \%*henSolo~nonsaw the throne, he
dwelr togcrhcr. Zn this wxy luatters \vent on well, up to ;lie was amazed, and paid adoration to God. Ir now became
second deluge, and even after ~ilat; until thc time of :he patri- mznifcs: to the Jins that men held ;he sclperioricy overtl~em.
arch Abraliarn, thc friend of God. When Ximrod cast Ashxn~cdand downcast, they turned aV...;ay,and all tlie men
Al~rahaminto thc 6.x: then tile suspicion sprung u p in :he fcllov-ed them hooting. Reing great!)- degraded, the Jins
minds of men tl-]at thc Jins had taught Nimrod to make the flcd, and became rebellious. Solomon sent an army after
sling. And ~vr.henJoseph's brethren put him into i5e pi^ they them to capture them. I-Ic taught many occt~lrarts formak-
thonght thst this also was attributable to the :ui1e of the ing thein prisoners, and zave insti-uccions as to the way of
Jins. \i7hen the pl-op11et Yoses came into the world hc also shutting the Jins up in bottles. Indecd, he wrote a book on
caused peace to be made between them, and many Jins those mystic practices, which becainc public afrcr his death.
became followers bf his reliqon. T%'hen the Lord Jesus cxnc into the TVOI':~, and offsred ro
\\'hen Solomot~,son of David, was made kin: of the ~rllole all thc Jins and mcn thc in~ira:ion to Isibm, 11e taught to
world by Almighty God. and supericr~tpover all the kings c v c one ~ the way of salvation, and shoxved the way to
of the ~3rt.11was given to him, all the jiils and men became hcarc-n ancl the mode of ol~taining association with the
his subjects. Then the Jir.; in a boasting way said that zngels. hlany Jins then camc into his religion, a!ld becom-
Solonon had aainecl his anpire with thcir assisiancc, for if ing devout and tc!npcrate, thcy began to go to heaven.
t i c Jins llad not helped him, he mould have beell just like Hearing tlie intelligence of hcavcn, they came clowt-11here (to
othcr kinzs. They were dtvays making pretensions to a the earth), and made it known to thc m~gicians.
knorvledge of tlie mysteries (of fate), and were exciting appre- When the Airnighty created the last of h e prophets, the
hensions among men. When his highness Solomon died, Jins were pret-ented from going to henveil. They said that
the J ins had no kno\i.ledge thereor, they were all in perplexity, (Brabic) they "did no: know ~vhetlicrthat calamity had be-
asking X I - I L - ~h x l become of Sol~mon. The men then felt fallen them for the good of the dwellers on thc earth, or
sure that if :h- jias were seers, they would not llat~ebeen so whether God desired to provide a nrap cf saIvation for those
bewildered. (terrestrial beings)."l X a n y Jins approved the ?iluhaminadan
1 Kurdn, Sdrat lssii. v. ro.
religion, an6 becarne Rlusnlm5ns; so between t11c.n~and the [he race the Sarsanims and the race of 'Adnin from the
Musuimins peace continues up to the prcsent time. tyra,,ny of the C,recks and t l ~ cBmily of h r d a s h h Fortune
TVhen the doctor had iifiished speai;~ng all this, he a g ~ i n does nor in one nniform ~ v a ywit11 any One ; like
said, ': Oh Jins, d o no: annoy them, 2nd make no disturb- r,,o~u~ioll of the sphere; it turns perpct~~ally
over illis world
ancc among yourselves. In vain you cshibit youroid hatred ; of sreaed i,cings in accordance with the divine commands-
the end of it will not he pleasant. This hxred is fire from a onct in a tllousand ye,> or in twelve thousand years, Or i"
flint ; when it makcs its appearance it sets a world on fire. fiirry-sin thocsrnd years, or i n three hundred and sixty
May Gocl keep (you) in his protection. When they showeE thourand yeas, or in one day, which maJ1 be equal to fifty-
their eninity against us, ancl prevai!ed ovcr us, n.hat misery five thourand s~a'5, it changes once. True it is that the
and ignominy foilowed " magic of this variable fortune never keeps anybody in one
Whcll they all had heard this ~ ~ o n d e r f us~ol-y,
l cnch one st~te
bowed his head and bccan~epcnsive. The King then asked
this doctor, " \i?hat secms to you advisable ? All these h a ~ e
come complaining to iny rcsidence, 2nd have taken refuge
with me. I-IOWcan I settle their quarrel?and send them
away satisfied from my countly." The ~ o c t o replied,
r "The
proper course wiil be found out after (careful) consideration ;
nothing can be done b y rashness. It seems to me advisable
that the King should sir to-morrow morning in public courr,
and calling then1 all forn7a1-d,should hear their evidence and
~r_=uments.M c r that he must give his decree in accorda~~ce
with what seems to him right and suitable for t h e occasion."
The SrZi6-i 'mi?mzisaid, " The men are very fluent and
eloquent, bu! the a~limalsare dcficicnt in that respcct; they
cannot say anything. If they we beaten by the pIausibility
of the men, arid cannot answer, will you then surrellder them
illto the charge of men, so that they may be kept for ever
su!?jcct to annoyance and torture ?" The doctor replied,
"They are in bondage, and must be resigned and cjuiet. :
Time does not alnays pass in the same way. God will a t
icngrh give them deliverance, as he granted deliverance from
the tornlents of Pharaoh to the children af Israel, from the
tyranny of Kebuchadnezzar to the children of David, to the
tribe of Himyar from the torments of the tribe of TubbA, to
They said, "This is also an easy mattcr. Give them like-
\rise some bribes, and satisfy tl~em. Then, in accordance
citb our desires, they wii! invent some l c g d quibble, and
oive their opinion. But the S&%$-l' n s i ~ ~ r nisd nise and
honest. He will not sl~owpartiality to any one. In the
event of t l ~ cRing consulting him, it is to be feared lest he
CHAPTER VIII. should evert hinlself with the Ring on behali of our slaves,
and dclivcr them out of o.ur hands."
ConszcIZatio~zof tlzc Men. Anothcr said, cCYonspeak tile truth ; but if the Icing con-
H ERE the Kin; was consxlting in private with his \vazir,
ministcn, and noblcs ; there also thc mcn, seventy
sults wirh tlie doctors, their opinions will differ. One wil!
spcalr in opposition to another. and nothing will be decided."
individuals, inhabitants of different cities, assemb!ed in their Another observed, ':If the King consults the judges and law-
own house, and held deliberations together. Each one said yers, what will they s;y about our rights?" The other se-
what came into his mind. One of them said, "You have all
plied, 'LTheopinion of the learned cannot fail of falling
heard the discussion which has passed to-day bctween us ynder one ~f these three categories : either they will decide
and our slaves, and the dispute is not yet settlccl. Have that we must set thc animals free, or tlmt vbre must sell them
you found out at all what the King has dccided in our re- and accept a price for them, or that we must sllow some alle-
viation and kindness to them. These are the only t h e e
gard?" All said, '' J<ouvshould we know? StiU, this mgch
courses provided for in the law." One szid, If the King
has, that the ICmg is much perplexed a b o u ~the maitm,
consults with the rvazir, x7e do not 1;now what advice he will
an6 probably will not come our to-morrow.'' Another said, girt" Anothcr repllcc), " I know. He will say, 'These
" I have found out that he rill hold a consultatioo in aninals have come and taken refuge in our countqr; they
with his ~vazirto-morrobv about our cast,! Anotllo said,
'' H e n7illassemble the doctors and learned mca; and are oppressed, ancl it is incumbeni: on t h e King to assist
take counsel." tbem,bccauseliings are czllcd the vicegerents of God, and
One of them said, " Lb'e do not know what advice the dot- the Lord Almighty has give11 t h c ~ nrulc over the earth, t o
tors will give about our rights ; but this we ]-.nolv, that the dispense jostice and equity to their subjects, and to 6 v e
Ring is inclined towards us, and has a s o d opinioll of u5.n assistance and succour to the weak ; to drive oppressors
Another said, The minirtn is to be feared. I hope he from their dorninioxs, a112 to cnforce the commands of the
law among the people. Thcy will be esamined about these
not turn agaibst us, and do injury to our rights," ~ ~ ~ c h ~ ~
said, " Tbis is an easy m a t t n Give the v a ~ i SO,
r, presents, matters in the d a y of judgmcnt.'"
and bring him over to our side. Still there is one dangersn One said, If the King speaks to the jildge about deciding
They all inquired what that was ; and he replied that lhere our case, then the juclge \will give onc of three decrees.
Whar. must then be done?" They all snid, L'Ajudge is the
IVUS $reat fear about the opinion of the judges a d lauyers
deputy of the prophet, and the guardian of religion. I n no
way can we disregard his decision." One said, " I i the like, said, Tlvi muit not IIC. If;.1 act cpon it we shall
judge decrees that we are to retease and set frec rhe ani- ccri5l1. no mu!~tiol~ ir." T3ose \v110 were dispcsed to
mals, what will you do ? " Then another one said, "We sell :ls:;id what harm theri' xr'as 111 !C.
will reply that we are their hereditary masters, and they l n anslvrr to tllis tllcy replicd, 'l If ".c sell the aninrals \VC
have come down to u s in blnd'qe from the times of our
sinll srscy incOnrenimre. 1)riuking their nY.11~~ eating
ancestors. The choice is orll-S. If we Iike, x17e can relezse t~cir making gilrlccl;ts of their skin and hair, the ap-
and set them free ; artd if WC lilcel we can refuse to release nljcationof thrm t~ o d ~ e rL I ~ C S ::esidcs--all these advantages
hill loiI. Death is pyef;ral~le to s life like this. Similar
Another observed, '' 1.Vhat if thc judge directs us to prove iaconuenience will 2150 befall the inhabitanm of the settled
tliat they are our hcieditar). slaves by same legal document, ; for h e y have great need of these mimals-
or by witnesses l" One ansx~~cred him, saying L ' t V will
~ propoii;ioil of selling them. or settil'~
sever entertain
bring forward orrr friencls, who arc just, acid tender tllem as them free ; nay, do not even let the idea of it enter into Your
~~itnesses!' H e replied, '' Tbc judge may say that the lesri- minds, If you are conrent to give rhcm relief. and fo show
many of nlell is not trustworthy, because they are ail enemies kindness to thenl, there is no objec~ionto ?-Our doing sor for
of he animals, and thc evidence of enemies is not attended these animals are living bei~rgs; they bare flesh 2nd sicin like
to in the la~v. or he may ask where the detd of sale and and 1e. have ; b y troubling. th'm further, torture ill
contract is, and tell US to produce it if we a r t honest. What fallupon them YOUhave not xvurlcd so much righreous-
device can then be adouted 7
When they heard ~his,they were all sile~>t. and gave no
ness a j that this reward should accrue to you i l l consequence,
and rha; ~ o shouldd hxve nlndc these animals your subjects.
reply. At Icnzth an .4rab said, We will reply thzt W had Nor bare they committed any such great crime as till God
the legal documents, but that t ~ ~ weree y all lost in rile storm. should llavc inflicted this punishnlent because of it, and that
And if the judge directs us to swear that they are our own rl~cyshould have been subjected to rhis ~ f f c r i n g . H e is
slaves, then we will olsject that the oath ought to be taken Master. Wharcver He wishes HC does, and no onc can
the defendants, but we are thep1aintifikY Then one said,
"If the judge takes an oath from the animals, and they sn7ear
that the). are not our slaves, what course m u g lye then pur-
sue ?" Another replied, ':We will say tllat the aninlals have
sworn f:llsely, and that w e have many proofs ,\,h;hichsubstan-
tiate our claim."
A prrson asked, '' If the jadge decrees that we are to sell
them7 and accept the price, what MP YOLI then do ? l 9 Then
those who were inhabitants of the sttded coulrtry said, ;"\lie
will sell them, and take zhc money.' But those who i - e y
dudlers in the woods aad was:es, the Arabs, Twk5, the
must be given to this point.
If \V? all as-
semble, and reflect and conside:., :lien some good pl" 'ill
turn up!'
individual said, G In m y opitlion the best course is for
us send mcs;en$erj to ail anirxais to reprCSCnt Our posi-
tion, and tell rlhcm (all), so :It, i. they may despatch their
CEXPTER !X. lCprcsentafiv~~ rod orators to L I ~ , who will then all come
here; and a c t a ~ ,our sul~portcrs. For in evcry species there
nj At~?n/nlr. isa talent, a wisdom, and a;? clnque~~ce u-hich no other pas-
scsses, When mcny fric~lcls 'nd hclpcrs s!~all assemble,
WHEN the King arosc from his council, and all n-ere
dirmirict, d e y wcnr to their several ho~~ies.The
beasts having also assemblccl, began to advise and tzke
some nicnns of deliverance 1r.d snfcty will be found. Help
21S0 tome5 from &d. Hc aids ~vl~on~soevcr He mill." ,411
the animals said, " Enough ; this is the right course.'' - 4 ~ -
counsel together. One of them said, '' You have 2lcard all cor&in"Jlysix n:cssengers, very tru;tworth~, were chosen :O
the disputation which hns gone on to-day between u s and be sent in eve? direction : one of them f ~ the r wild beasts ;
the men, and the contention i s not yet settled. KOW,what
the for ~ h birds
e ; the third for the birds of prey; the
seems to you advisable ?" One of tlleln replied, "We rill
failfib for the insects: suclr as the easth~vorm,t l ~ cscxlet fly,
go in the morning and weep before the King, a ~ c lcomplain
kc.; the fifth for tlx rcptlks, snch as meggots, ants, snz?<rs,
of the tyranny of the men. Perhaps his Majesty may take
scorpions, &C.; the sixth for the acluatic animals. These
compassion upon us, and release us from bondqe. To-day,
having been a ~ p o i n r c d were
, se2t in every directioc.
indeed, he has been somewhat kind to us ; but it is not right
i n a king to give a decree w i t b u ~ thearing proof md =p-
merit, and proof and arguments are made effec:i\~e by e!o-
quence of statement and fluency of Iansage. Thus the
Prophet has said, (Arabic, which signifies) 'When quar-
re1 and come to me, and one (man) is more clever wirh his
proofs and arguments than the other, I decicle in his favour.
Therefo~e,if unwittingly the right of one sllouid fall to
other, he ought not to take it. If he doer talCe it I
point hell-fire for him.' The men, indeed, pas&s grcltei rp-
eloquence and fluency of language than WC 60, and we
are afraid that 1r.e shall be discomfited in our evidence and
arguments by their plaasibility, and that they will prevail
over us. N711atin your opinion is the best plan
double armour: felt a n d Ilel~ncts,so that tile claws and teeth
the beasts mxy never take cfi-~crupon tllcir bodics. They
practise many wiles and stratagems in craer to catch the
savage and other wild animals. They make nets and ~nzri-S,
digging ditches: pits, niid holes, they C O ~ C the ~

CHAPTER X. 1igl:cly with dirt and grass ; when the aniill~ilsun-

wittingly walk upon them, they fall in, and then it is impos-
r s ihr Fir.ct .lIcsscn~er.
Otz the i ~ r ~ z t t < !(f sible for them to get out. 13ut before rlle King of the J i n s
there is no mcniiurl of rhese charactc.risrics ; therc the). bring
W H E Y the iirst lncssenger went to rlie kill: or thc xiild forward proois and argumcrits for eloquence of statement,
beasts, Abji-L flffi.ii-ic. to the lion-he said, " A activity of tongue, ancl superiority of intellect and judgment,
dispute is going on between m m and beasts i l l tlie presence (in fine), for all thcse things."
of the Ring ofthc Jins. The beasts hnvc sent messengers to When the Icing heard (thisj from the mouth ofthe messcngzr,
all animals, calling upon theln to come and render t l ~ e ~ n after pondering for an ho~:r,h- gave his orders, saying, :' Yes,
assistance. Theyhave sent me also to ~vaitupol; you. Deign let all the wild beasts of my army come." I11 accordance with
to send a gcncral with your army aIo~,gwit11 nlc, that hc n a y this command, many varieties of wild beasts-iions, ~volvcs,
go there and bcco~neCO-partnerwith his fc.llorvs ; an6 when different sorts of monkcys, ~rcaseis,and, in finc, canlir,orocs
his turn shall come, let !iim conrend wich the men." The and lacefi~iingl nniml.?.s of ever). sort and kind-came io wait
king asked the messenger what claim the 111en xvel-c setting upon him. 'l'he king related 10 t!lcn. evelything r:l~ich lie
up against the beasts, and Ilc replied, " They ~naintain,L all
beasts are our slaves and we are their jnasters?
had hearcl from the tongue of the rncssenger, and said, '' Who '
is tlxere arnolxg you wlto wi!i go tilcrc and be the coacljutor of
The lion inquired, '' What thillg do the nien boas: of? i f the aoimals? Whencver ally one procetds thither ancl prr-
they boast about vigour, strength, courage, \,alovr, 0 ~ , ~ l a ~ ~ 1 l t , vails with evidence and rensoni!?g,thcn\\~harsoeverhesl~sllclc-
leaping. jl~mping,clutching? fighting, close combat? or in faet sire of rile I mill grant, ant! I wil! conFel- gi-eatntss upon hiin."
any onc of these, then I will instantly despatch my army that When the wild bcns~sI~earclthis iii~ymcditatedi n thougl~t
it may g0 there, and in one 0nslaug)it scatter and disperse for an hour, as to \.:hether any one was fit for the business
them." The messenger said, " They do indeed boast =bout or not. The lcopard, w l ~ owas minisrer, then saicl t o the
many of tliesc qualities, and besides this they are
kins, Thou art our king ancl chief, and we arc your depc~id-
with n u n y praciicer ancl n t s , fraudr and grabgems, ants and subjects. It lic.11o:~cs t!lc ling tbat in every marLcr
they kno~vhow La make shields and rxxrorcls,
be sbould consult carefully 2nd clclibcratcly with the -rvlsc,
javelins, dagge-, and knives, arroivs and boiu., alld
and thcn issue his orclcrs. And it behoves rhr: sul~jccts hilt
(other) weapons. Havin: r q a r d t o the claws and teeth
they should listen to the orders of the king e i t h the ear of
of wild beasts, thcy corer their bodies uith armour m s l
, > 1 Chni?;r/,i-~ri.;'nzi-h,irc-li!." cl:,\v-strikers."
1 ' striking with claws."
C/~at:~ul-aza'rt~Z- 'Lit, .' U'lm is such a one? "
their hearts, and in evcry point should show obedience to said, l' If there be any use there for fel-rcting, stealinz. and
him. Because the king srarlds in the exalted position of [he
keeping concealed, I am bail for ir" The monkey said, l' I i
head and the subjects in [be places of the!imbs (oiihe animal there be any need there of clancing, jumping, and n~imicr)., I
frame). When the king and. the subjects each keep to their am the one for it." The cat said, " If there be any need chere
respective positions and courses, all &ai~s =C acljus:cd, and of flattery, fanning, and begging, 1 will pror7iclefor it." Thc
due order prevails in thc kingcorn." dog said, ;' If there bc any nced thcre of watching; barking,
The king asked the leopard what sort of qualities those are and tail-wagging, I am the one for it." The rat said, " l f
which are mcct for the king and for the subject, and told K m
there be need therc of burning, kindling, and damaging, I am
t o derail them. The leopard said, I' It behoves a icing to be ready for it."
just, brave, and wise ; in every transaction h e si~ouldcars- Thc king said, "Therc is no one there for these require-
fully deliberate; lie should show liirldrless and affection ta ments.'' Afterwards turning tnwards the leopard, he said,
his subjects, just 2.5 parents show aii'cction and 1;i~dnessto '' All these clualificatio~~s
\vhich thesc animals have mentioned
their otispspring; (and) he should occupy himself in \vl>otever are nccessmy for the armies of the kings and nables of m e n ;
may be for the welfare ancl comfort of his subjects. And it and they indeed are fit for these matters, because although
is irLcumbenton the subject that in cvcry way he should be in outward appearance their shapes and figures are like unto
ready in obedience, service, and devotioil to the Icing ; and those of the angels, still their dispositiolls are like unto those
whatever ski1i and art he may possess he should make !<no~vn of wild beasts and bru:es ; but cf such of thcln as src learned
t o the king, and infornl him of its defects and merics; the tl~eologians~ and discreet, the morals and virtues are like
duties of his service he should discharge in a befiaing man- those of the angels. Who, then, is the one to send that hc
ner; and, making his wants known to the king, he should may go there and contend on the side of the animals?"
seck from him aicl and assistaiice." The leopard said, It is true ; but now the learned and
The lion said, " You speak truly ; but now, wlla? zdvice thc theologians among men, having cast off this course u.hich
do you give in this mactcrl" The leopard said, '' hlay the they call ' angelic morality,' ha\-e adopted devilish clisposi-
star of prosperity ever continue bright and respleildent, and tions. Night and day thcg continuc in strife and contention,
may the king be always victorious and triulnph~ni. If there and in slandering and maligning each other. In the same
be any nced there of strength and vigour, courage andam-
way rulers and kings also having turned aside fiom the prac-
bition, then Geign to give me permission that I slay 20 there
tice of justice and equity, havc cl~oscnthe way of tyranny
and effectuaily provide for it." The king said, For tl>ese
and oppression." The king snid, " You speak ~ r u l y ;still it
matters there is indeed no one there!' The ounce ~f is necessary that the king's messenger should bc v i r t u o ~ s
there be any nced there of leaping, jumping, liceping and and noble ; from his duty he shouid not deviate. Then who
seizing ; then I am bail for it." The wolf said, " If there be
is the one whom me ought to send, in ml?om all the cl~~a!ificz-
any need thrre of attacking, plundering, and d e ~ : ~ s t a t iIn ~
tions of a messenger may be iound ? I s thcrc any one in this
will provide for it." The fox said, "If there be any need assembly who may be worthy to go ?here? "
there of craft a3d trickery, I am the one for it." The weasel
fail a jot in the duties of a mcssc~;,-cr,becatis: it is incurn-
bent upon a mcssenTer to dcliver all his mcssagc."
After this he said to the leopard, " 111your opinion is therc
any one in this asscmblagc xul~omay posicss ability for this
business?" The leopard said, "There is no onc better
fitted for this norl; than the brother of Raliln and Damna." l
CHAPTER XI. The lion said t o the jackzl, "You have heard ~vllat thc
leopard has declared in respect of you? what do you salr to
it ? " The jackal said, "The leopnl-cl speaks the truth ; inay
Dclilt~mtio7rcf n a s s e r ~ p l :
God give him a good rcwarci, and bring him to the object of
his hopes." The king said, If you go :here and contend
T H E Yopard inquire2 of the lion what sort of qualifi-
on the sick of your fel:ows, when you return you shall be
cations arc in a rnesscngcr? Tilc Icing in dignity- and s h d l rcceivc r e i ~ a r d . ~The jackal
said, " ILis neccssa~ythat a messenger sl~ouldbe a wise
said, 6: J thi: obedient servant of rhe king, still there arc
man' and a good spea1:cr. FIe should forget nothing many foes or my spacies there-rrrhat plan can I devise against
that he hears, but retain i~ carefully in meinosy. Hc should this?" The king i.nquired who they were. The jackal
not tell the secret of his hcart to any one. The duties of his saicl, "Days have a11 invetcrate animosity azainst me. Is
tmst and covenant he should fulfil as they ought to be ful-
not tllc 1;in~ aware that thcy %revcry fricnclly and fkmiliar
filled. He should not be n grczt talker, nor npon a.iy rnatter
wit11 men, and assist the111 in catching wild beasts?"
should he go too far ior his own side. Whlrt has been told
him, that alone should he speak He s h o ~ ~ lstritre
d a:~d ex- The king said, "What is the yeason that they have become
hibit devotion for whatever may turn to the uelfwe of his so attached to men, and m ~ k eattacks upon wild heascs?
\T%y, having left their ow:~f ~ l l i j \ ~liave
s , thcy become the CO.
principal. If the opposite side sllould offer him m y bribq1 adju:ors of a diferent species ? " Xo one knew znyrhina
he should not he such a person that, from desire for it, he
al,out this nlattcr except the bear, and 11c said, " I ~ ! I O T Vthe
SILOLII~ waver from the course of trustworthiness and fight- The
eousness, and fall headlong into the pit of treachery and reason of this." 'The king dircctcil hiin to state it.
perdition. If in a strange city he shoold in any way find bear said, The dogs havc struck u p n friendship with meil
in co!lsecluence of a similarity of clisposition and asfinity o i
gratification, he shoald not remain there for the sake of it,
taste, atld besides this, they get m a n y nice thi~lgsto eat and
but be should return (home) quic!dy, and comnlunicate to his
lord whatcvcr he may have seen or heard. He should rendcr &in]; tllere. And in their nnturcs here is greediness and
to hii lnaster whatever the responsibilities of counsel-giving avarice alzd iuclil:arions, like as in men-this is a strOnjiC7
reason for rbeir intimacy. And tile ivild beasrj abstiain from
and tnistiness requlrc. He should not for fear of anythinc
these vices. The reason of this is, rhat dogs eat flesh, raw
Tfe %n?tcrhere forgt:ts his xpolcg~e.
This signification c{ k 7 n c an& tznzd dgsa is not '"
seilder." and cooked, ]awful ancl nnla~vful,fre3h or dried, Salted or Ull--
t13e Cic:ionmics.
I ~ ~ lnn.~
i Dl ~~ ~ -,verc , ~crafty
- 1u.o ~ jrckab crlclmkd ill StOt?'.
salted, good or bacl, just as they get it, and besides they
devour fruits, vegctablcs, bread, pulse, milk, ct~rds,sour or and \vhenever she gets a chance she steals some of their
food and drink. E L I thcy ~ do not allow the dogs to gct
sweet butter, oil, lloney, s~ee:ments, parched $rail:, 'and a]]
an entrance into their houses ; consequently envy and malice
the various sorts of human food-they lcave n ~ t h i n g . But prevail between the dog and cat. Whenever the dogs see
the wild beasts do not eat these things, or rather, they do not
her they spring from their place, and so artack her, that if
even notice them. And the greeclir~ecssand a v ~ r i c eof dogs
reach to such a pitch that it i5 irnpossiblc for t h a n to allow any thev catch her thcy tear her in pieces and eat her up. The
aninlal to enter a village, so that he may come and get some- cat also, whcnever she sees a dog, scratches his face and
thing to eat. If ercr a fox or jackal enter a rillage silddenly tears his tail and hair, and with great- rage and f u ~ yshe
a t night to steal a fowl, or I;?;, or cat, or a carcasc of carrion, or swelIs ancl puffs herself out. This is the reason why she is
a mcrsel of bread, \!lit11 what violence do :he dogs b z r l ~and their enemy."
attacking (the intruder), at length c1rir.e him atvay. Through The lion inqnirccl if there was any other animal besides
this avidity and greed how abject and vile tl~cyare 1 If they these two vil~owas also familiar with men. The bear said,
see a piece of bread or anything eix to cat i n tilc band of ;'Rats also go into their houses and sl~ops,but there is no
any man, womzn, or child, \v.vith what avidity 20 they xvag intimacy1 between. them, on the contrary they are afraid of
them and nin away." The kin5 asked what was the reason
their tails and s h a h their heads 1 If lie in pity thrcrvs
d o x n a little morsel before them, how quickly do they mn of their going (to men's dwellings). The bear said, "They
also go the,-e froln a lilcing of various kinds of food and
and pick it up, so that no other lnay get it! All these vices
drink" The king then askcd if there was yet ally other
are found also in man, and in consequence of tllis affinity>
animal who thcrc, and the bcar said, " Weasds also
the dogs have ~ u i t t e dtheir own fellows, and ham go:le a116
joilled themselves to men, and render then1 &lp and aid in sometimes go therc stedthiiy and secretly for the purpose of
catching wilc! anirnzls." thieving and caWil;g off something." Again the king in-
The king said, * IS there any otl>a beasi bnider the dog quired, " Is there any other anill~albcsidcs rhese who goes
into their llauses 5" b c ~ rsaid, " NO other one goes ;
M;ho has fcnned a connection and friendsllip with man?"
but the men violently seize leopards and monke!.s and take
The bear said, " The cat is also very iricndly nrjcll them."
The king asked, " What is the reason of that connexion ? B them there, but these do not g0 there willingly-)'
T h e l ~ n asked
g from what period cats and dogs had been
The bear said, "For this also there is this one re>.son,
that the dispositions of theln and of men are co2formable. frienay with men, and t h e benr replied, " Sincc the d q s
The cat also, like men, has a desire and lol1ging-for food of *,hen the descendans of Gain prevailed over those of Abd."
various sorts." The king asked, " Whzt is the caps position The icing said, fL did this matter happen? narrate it."
tvith men?" The bear said, "She is somewhat better ofi The bear =aid, " A t the time mhen Cain murdcrecl his
than the dog>because she goes into their houscr r l ~ da!eeps brother, \v]lose name was Ajei. the children of Ahel sought
upon carpets ; asd when the). dine she sits upon the dinner- retaliation upon the children of Cain, and warred with them.
4 t lenrrth rhe children of Cain proved victorious. Having
clorb. \Vhatsoerer they eat themselvesthcy give unto her also;
inflicted defeat (upon their opponents), they ldi~nderedail bear said, " I n this way many dogs having consorted with
their wealth, and carrying off all their cattle, bullocks, camels, one bitch, get her in pup, and when she brings forth, she
asses, and mules, they became very rich. Thcy gave cntcr- riith great affliction and labour gives birth to eight, ten, and
tai12n:ents to each other, and had many kinds of food cooked. sometimes to even more young ones ; still no one has ever
Slaughtering animals, thcy caused their hcacls and feet to be sec, in the town or in the forest a very large pack of dogs,
thrown everywhere raund about their ci:ies and ri:iaqa. notrithatandi~~g that no one ever slrughcers~them. But the
When the cats and dogs saw this abundance of flesh, and ~ o t snotwithstanding
, that they bring forth only one or W O
this plenty of viciuals a~:cldrinli, hating abandcned their own young onCS in a whole year, and arc always being slaugl1tered.
species, thcy entered w i t h avidity iota their viliages and floci<s npon flocks of them are t o be secn in the towns:
beca~netheir bclper~and coacijutors. Up to the present and forests, so that the computation thereof is impossible.
time they continue in alliance." The r e s o n of it is this :very many evils come upon the
When the lion heard this story he bcca~mevery pensive, wuDg of dogs and cats through their faod Through the
and said, '' There is 1 x 1 power ncr strength buz in God the mfimess of thtir food they are subject to dive= diseases from
great and glorious, from xhom w e czme, and ro whom tvc.e ,l1j& beasts are exempt, and tlvovgh their own vice
must return,:' and several times be reitcrated this formula. and the crudty of nicn the lives of themsr~vesand of
The bear asked the king, :'What ground of sorrow is thcrero o ~ s p are ~ gshort ; thys they are xbject andr"lched." After
your majesty (in the fact of] the alienation of the cats and that lion said to the jackal, ' l NOWdo YOU depart-go
dogs from their own species." The lion said, '' I !lave no there d o the presence of the King of the Jins,and "CCom-
sorrow for their departure, but I zm brooding over this ~vord plisb that matter for which you have been app0inteL7'
which has been s p o h ~ lby th'e wise. There is no @eater
1 i(lnfih.-h,bfn~ ~!ai~ghter
for sacrificeor food-
mischief or detriment to kings in their govcrnme~~t sad ad-
ministration than this, that the allies of their a m ~ ys h o ~ ~ l d
secede and g. to join the enemy, because uphen they go they
make him acquainted with times of negligence, wit11 all tI>jn~r
good and bad,and with zll secrets. Infor~ninghin~ofalltl:in~~,
they make known the secret ways, and all his various con-
trivances. All tbk is m exceedingly great evil for kings ;md
armies. May God ncver grant a blessirg to those cats and
dogs ! "
The bear raicl, L'i All that which the king has desired, God
has already done to those dogs, and the p r a w of the king
has been heard : having takeier.from their race his favour and
hlesling, H e has bestowed it upon thc goats," The Kng
zsked how this llappencd, and to!d him to relate it. Tile
2nd qualities of each, ivhe~herany one is fit for this
duty. Thc peacoclc said, " Tbelloopoe, tllc spy, cnlxpanion
of Solomon, the son of Dmici, is 1112 who is sitting (here)
wearing garments of Inany colonrs. When he speaks he
CHAPTER XTt. bends in the same way as if he were ~ n a k i ~ borvsl
g and pros-
cratiolls ; lle inculcates virtue and prohibits vice. H e brought
171 of the Seroxd A C e q e r :
rz"z~~~i$ion the news of the city of Sabd to Solomon, the so11 of David,
W H E N the second messenger irei~tt o the Shih-m;lrgh) and said this, ' T h c wonders and miracles of the world
\vbich I have seen, your Majcsty has not seen ; ancl so 1have
the king of t i e birds, and stated the facts, he having
heard the posErion of the animals, gave orders that all birds brouglli a piece of intelligence from tlie city of Sal); in which
no falsehood at all is minglcd. Therc is a l\ronlan there in
should come and present themselves. Accordingly birds of
every sort and kind: of rheforests, of the mountains, and of the description of whose dignity and splendour? the tongue
the waters, in colnpliance with his command, cnllle and is dehcient. The sovcrcignty of that country is in her power,
and there is a very- large throne upon which she sits. In
assembled in such exceeding great abundallce that n o one
but God could know their number. The Shih-n1ueb said; fine, all the good things a l the world arc to bc found at her
abode ; there is no \vant of anything. But she and the peoplc
" l'he men have set up a pretension that all animals are
slaves, and they are their masters ; on tllis account many of her tribe are terrib!~perrrcrts ; they do not ac1:nowlcdge
God; they pay acloration4 to the sun. lnasmuch as Satan
anilnals are disputing with the men before the King of the
lins." Arter this he said to the peacock, his minister, has prrvertcd- those people, they consider vice to be. the
'' Who among the birds is most fluent m d doq~lent; who is very essence of dcvotioi>. Havii~gcast off that beneficent
fit to be sent there, so that he may go and contend ~ i : hthe Creator who made earth, sky, and heaven, and who knov-S
men )" The peacock raid, " The whole society of bid. is everything, whetbcr open or concealecl, they aclnowIed~e
Present ; Ict him go wham thou pleasest to command." Tile as their god the sun, who is b ~ r at particle of His lighr;
S h i h - n u r d l said, " Tell me the names of all of them, 30 that wbcreas thcrc is no one worthy of n-orskip hesides that true
1may h l o ~ vfllem." The peacock said, 6' The hoopoe, and only God.
pigeon, partridge, bulbul,&o6akp a p r r d g e . T U ~ & ~ & , rralloxcr,
" The cock, the crier of the s:lmmons to pn~yer,is he who,
croup,crane, sn7ic~-fihmcs'~a) sparrow, do- turtle-dove, \vag. with a crown placed upon his head, is stailiiing on the wall.
tail' gms., heron, wild-duck, nightingale, ortricll, 2nd o&crs ; His eyes are red, his wings outspread, his tail cocked up;
these ail are hcrc p r e ~ e n t . ~ he is exceedingly proud and generous, and is always engaged
The ShA-lllurg?. said to the peaeoclc, in rnagnifyinghnd praising God. He l i n o ~ sthe time of
Show them to prayer, and reminds ancl admonishes his neighbours. 111 the
me One by o:w, that I may behold them, and asertain the
" Royal ?,ird." 1 R~.&,¶, bending the body fonvard, and resting a l~nndan each knee.
. d n ~ cazicrrcsr.
' T:TCzr-o
1 Haslmnz-rerinue, suite. 3 Sijda-prostrztion, homage.
Takdfr-repeating the doxology, " God is great." fie.
mom, in his sumnlons to prayer, he scys this, ' 0 dwellers in
my vicinity, remember God. Yoil have been sic-1ling '
p r e s q t and counrel be cries continurily. ' 0 dcstroycrs of
for a liie and conslitution, plalltcl-s of trees in gardens, buiiders of
very long time ; you d o not thir.k upon death slid destruc-
' tion ; you fee! no terror of the fire of hell ; you at? not dcsir- houses in roxvns, sitters in high places, why are you regard-
ous of paradise, and you show no gratkude for the favours less of the peri! or rhe rintc ? Be telnperate ; do not for an
of God Call to remembrance that person who will anni- inutaot forget God ; tl~il?dcupon tint day when you will
hilate ail p1easurc.s. >lake provision for )-onr journey ta thC leave this Inxnv at borne, and will dcsce~ldillto rile grave
2nlo;lg mal;cj and scorpions. If fro111 this time foril*n!-d,
next world. If you desire to be preserved fi-on1 the fires of
hell, then pr~ctiscdcvotion and temperance." before learing your native llome, you are m n d f i ~ of l this,
" And the parcriclgc, the i:ivieer to prayer, is he 1vho is
then so mucl1 tbe bc~ter,for you will there co~llcinto a
standing on the hillock with a pale face and variegated pleasant &eliing-pL?ce ; if not, you will fall into perclition.'
'vings. From the frequency of his bows and pmitrations, "And this is :he srcrkh-n'b Libc as a preacher rnoutlts
into his pulpit, so does he also at noan rise in rhe rir, and
be is bent in form. At the time of invitntipn to prarrr he
reminds the heedless and gives glad tidings -5; alld after z.lng '0 the 5t;lcb of cam, lie si11gs various strains m*.th
that he says, ' B e tlwnkful for the mercies of Gad, so exceedingly sweet voice. And in his discourse h e says,
Where are thoje lords of commerce and mcn of agricul-
that his blessings may increase ; and show no mis~rustof
God.' And frequently in his prayeTs he offers up this peti- tmc, who By the mercy of God derive very large profir from
the of a single grair.. Oh, m y mr.stcrs, in the fear of
"0% '060" place mein safety from the ~ndignityof birds
of prey, jackals, and men ; ancl preserve me also from p h p God take warning ; thifiking upon your dying dag~,'Before
sicians, who declare that benefit arises to rick people from y ~ u rdeceare discharge the duty of worshipping him, and
eating m y flesh, for in this there is no saietyl for me. 1 am show kindness and bencvolcnce to his crcatLrres. Through
stinginess do not take this idea into pour mind-" TO-day
alwa)l thinking upon GM : in the morning I the pro- no poor or needy person will come to my house ;" for who-
per invitation t o prayeq that all men may hear and act upon
the good counsel.' ever now plants the tree of kindness will to-morroxv realise
the fruit and relish of it. This norld is the hrtl-;est-field of
"The pigcon, the guide oftheway, is he who, taxnp letten,
l ~far distant cities, and ever xrhen he fliera,vay he
t ~ v e to f ~ r u ~ i twl~osoever
y; shall przcrise in it the cultivation of good
says, wit11 great pathos, ' There is horror in separation from ~vosks,shall find the benefit of it in the life to come. If any
one's brethren, and longing for meeting with friends. 0 ~ ~ d , one s h d l pursue a n eui! course, he ~villburn lilce dry litter in
show m e the Wry to my native cotintry, that I lnay find the fire of hell. Think upon that day when God, having
happiness in reunion with m y friends.' separated the infidcls from the faithful, will cast these into
" And the &daL:l is he who is aliua).s walking gacefully hell-fire, but will bring the faithful into paradise. '
about among the flowers and the trees in the garclen, and is "The bulbui, the story-tel!er, is she who is sitting on a
engaged in singing with exceedingly sweet voice. With branch of a tTee. Hcr body is very small, in flight she is
Lit. "liie.:'
swift, her face is white, and she is constantly looking t o the
A kind of partridge or quail. g Lir. " dcath."
1 Ziril'uf-cultivation, ngricu!ture, crop.
right hand and to the left. With exceeding eloquence 2nd
tbar day ahen you will rot in the grave, tvl~cnfrom the dis-
sweet voice she c o n l p o ~ her
s srmiils, and s ~ l -ill
5 the gardenn
rrrace of your dccdi your ,kin will be tornoff. Now through
in close intimacy with nlen-she even goes into their houses
delusioll you givc the prefcrencc to the life in this world over
and talks with them When they, unmindful of tilought about ;hat of the nesr. Havir~gfled from thc conlmands of Cod,
God, engage in pleasure and dissipation, with admonition
there is m resting-place or delivera~~ce for you. If you xish
and c o ~ ~ n s eshel exclaims, 'Gracious God ! how hcedkss for s2Alvation,engage in s:~pplicationand player ; perhaps
ye are : cliceit-ed by this existence of a feltr dayi' length, ye
Cod, tBGng com~passion,~villpreserve you from llarm!
~ 1 1 negligence
0~ in thinking xpon God. \LTby are ve not ab i s Herc ;S tllc s\lrallow, the rover in the air. In flight she is
sorbed in the ren~embranceof him ? Do ye not i;norl~that l i g t ; her Pet are small, and her rings layc. She dwells for
Ye r e r e 111 born 10 die; nourishcc1 to n~ouldcralt-ay,brought Lhe mosl palt in rllc hmses of men, and thcrc inulp UPhL'
e rperish ? Ye are building this house that it may
t ~ . ~ e t hto Always at jai~iiand at ere she utters prayeys and
fa11 10 ruin. How long, deceired by the deligi1t.r of this world, sJpplicarion~for m e r e . 111 har journcys sbc proceeds to
unll Ye conti~~ue occupied in p1enso1-e a d &ssipltian ? In p a t dist~nca3. In d ~ yofj heat she C ~ O O S ~her
S abode
the end, to-morrow,' ye must die and be buried in the eafih. in places, dufiirg the cold in warn1 p k t c ~ i . In her
Be wise even now ; do ye not knorv xv~lat GO^ i\irnigI~tyd d and p r a ~ f she
i repeats this formula- ' H e is holy
t o the "lord of the eiepbai~ts?" Abrah, c.ho was cllief of ,,rho the sea alld land, who established the mountains,
that band, sought, by stratagem and craft, to raze the house and formed alrrcnts of the stre~t~ns-1~h0according t o
of God. -qounting many men upon eiephanti, he ad\-anced onis dfiens sustenance and cleatb, from which
towards the temple of God. But in the end God made vain rllerc is never any deviation. H e is the llelpcr of traveliers
his cunning and craft; he sent\mmns upon iiivarml of in their journeys, an$, is Lord of all the face of the eaYtii and
says? L I
birds against them. The birds, taking vp pebbles, podred of all creatures..' After this praise alld prayer
down such a shower of stones that a11 of them, together &h
their elephants, were riddled lile worm-ertcn leaves,' After
that she exdaims, '0 God, preserve me from the hankering
have travelled illto every country, have scen all the 5el-vautS
(of ~ ~ a ) ,hav, COW hack to my own country. He is
hob, llasing brought inale and female togcthcr, hrtoived
of boys, and against danger from all alin1a5 1 J
them abundant oifrpriti: ; and, having brou:1lt them
'L TIT' '
XIS1s the crow7the soothsayer, who reveals hidden mat- out from the corner of nonentity, clothed ibem wirh gar-
ters. H e is black in cdour, and temperate. He giver infor- mellts of esisicnce. Praise is due to Him W~:O is the crcaror
mation al~oureverything which has not as yet tr- of all creaturzs, 2nd the besrower of all blessings.'
H e is a t all rimes occupied in meditation upan GO^, -nspired.
and ever The crane, the wa;chman?is he alio stnnds upan the fidd
Passes his ( 1 1 ~in~travel and wayfaring. Going into His nc& is long, 11i5 feet short, and in flight hc reaches half
country, he gets inforlnation about ancient annals. He threat- way to 1,eaven. Twice in the night hc keeps vinila, and
ens the heedless with the evils of neglect, and with admonition in piaile of ~ o offers
d his thanksgiving, and rays, ' Holy is
and counsel he cries, Observe temperance, and betvare of that God who of his power crcated a pcir of erer). ( s ~ c c i c s
l Le., very soon. '~ ~ f ~ ~ & Z i ~ z f - ~ p p oset
i n :orer:
e~, govtmor, ruler, of) animal, so that, consorting togethcr, the~lniglltproi;:!gat?
a& beget ofiprinp, and mi:L ren~eml>crtheir Crcnior.'
'cAnd this is the sang-lih~vira(stone-eater), the inhabitant
of dry land. H e always dwells in woods and deserts. &Tom
ing and evening he repeats this forln (of puaycr)-C Holy is
He urho created the SIT and the ea-th. He is thc Maker of
thc heavens, of the constelhtions and of the stars, and these
a11 revolve by His command. The falling of the rain, the
movemenr of the air, the manifestation of the thunder and
lightning, all is His worlr. H e alone upraises from theearth
the vapoul-S by means of which tllc economy of the world is
(maintainc-cl). A xonderful Creator is H e rvho a f t u death
gives iife (again) to old rotten bol~ts. Gracious God ! \vhat
T H E third mrranger -,vent to the king-bee, chief of :he
the fliest 2nd recounted to him n!l the affairs
a Creator He is i The tocgueof 111an is incompetent for His
praise and eulogy; how is it possible that the unc\e~-standing ..i,n~lj. He, the kitlg ot all insects, as soon as hc heard
should arrive at (a Iaiowlcdge of) His nature ?' it, gave orCera for a11 the insects to coias before him. In
consequel~ceoft ; ~ ccom~nnnd,flits, i n o ~ ~ ( ~ i ~:.dflies,gnats:
"The nightingale of sweet voice is 11c that is scatcd on a fieas, virsps, no:bs, ;ld, ;n Snc, all creatures r h o snil
branch of a tree. In body he is ~111211,in motion iivifr, and in body end fly ~ $ 1, 2nd do not live more OlX
in voice sweet. After this fashion he meIodious!y poorsionh
,--me 2nd rtrcndcd The king set fOZl1 tO thml;ill the
his strain in praise of God-' Praise be to that Crearor ~ h o
informetion he had heard from the t c n q c of the messenger:
is the Lord of pokvm and benrficance. He alol~eis (God),
and *=id, " "jho i n t h n e nnxmg you \rho vi!l 0 there, ~ l d
for He has no equal ; the bes:ower of boons, the give:- of all
dispute with the men on. behalf of the ani~nalr." Tlle~211
blessings, private and public. Lilia unto the sea, hc ullgmdg-
inquired upon what point thc men were boasting Orer thelll.
ingly digllifies every man with the bo~~nties of His favour.'
~ h 1Ile;senger
c said, ':They boast upon this poinl ar.d say,
And sonlciimei with deep sorrow she speakn in li1is way-
ive aTe larger in size ancl staiurr, r c hare greater strensh,
' How happy was that rime when I roamed about along the and in every point we are superior to the mimls.' The chief
fl0ll7ers0-f the garden, x ~ all
d the trees ladcn arith fruits of the x a q l said, L: 1 .-ill po t b r : m d diiputc ~ L i ltl h men."
of many kinds.' "
The cllief of the flies said, I will go there, a u d act as the
Hereupon tllc Shjh-murgh said to the pencocl;, ;L Of all
these, 1~110in your opinion is the most fitting person to scnd deputy of my tribe.'' The chief of the moiyuitoes said, " I
there, that h e may go ?ad contend with the men, and be the go &re." The c h i d of the 1 0 ~ u a said;s " 1r i l l So rherc,
ally of his own species." The peacock said, ':All tbesc have and, k i n g the ally of my own species, I i d 1 discuss (the nmt-
rer) \Vith rhcnlen.'' In this wxy every one was rezdy tor the
abilify for the duty, because they are poetical and eloqtlenf,
but the i~ightingaleis the most eloquent and melodious of business.
them all." The Sh;h-n~urgl~dimcted him (the nightihdngde) brig said, 'c How is this that ye all, wirhout considcrz- T11c
to take his depal?ure, m d go there, p;~ttinghis trust in God, tion and thought, ~OITLI the project of going thn-r ? " upon
who is a help and support 1n evcry elnetxency. csngregation of g m t s said, 0 king, there is
the help of God, and certain it is that by His aid rvc shall The king said, 'l You all speak t n ~ l y ;hut in the presence
gain the victory over them, because ia former times thew the an$ of the Jins there is no mention of these things,
.v and manners,
have been very tyznnical kings, but by the lic!p of God u7e ~k~~ the dispu:e is about jus;ice and equi', ,
have always prevailed over then. Ofttimes thel-e has been di.scr~lion,and eloquencl and fluency. 1;
proof of this." The king said, '' Statc the ci~.cumstances." any one amollg you xvlx lhas ability in these n~atlers? "
The chief of the mosquitoes said, "Among men X i m o d was of the king, they r e r e nil siicnt, and.
on heurillp
a king of the highcst dignity." He was csceeding!? arrogant hCnging do\\-n their he&, said notllin:.
and perverse, and in his pomp ancl dignity and splendour took a sage zm~ongthe flies ca1r.e out from the con-
~f~~~ the
thought of no man. But a gnat of our racc, who was very gregation, and, standing before tlu king, raid, "
sniai! ancl frril of body, destroyed this king so great. Not- upon this business, and there, actin:
liclp of ~ $ d I, u,ill
withstanding his dignity and might, his power ciid not avail as ally of tile ;mim&r, I will clisp~tewith rhe n l e n x h e
him anything." The king replied, "You speak tnrly." king 311the ~ i r e r n b l ysaid, " May God aid you in the
The wasp said, "At thc tinie when a man Fully furnished have onJerfal:m, and make yotl victorious oi'cr
with snns, with sword, jave:m, spear, knife, an-d arrow in the fincl haring given tohim nil proviliolls for
hand, is accoutred (for bat~ie)-.if a t that time a wasp bclong- :he journe)l, he dismissed him. This sage having d e ~ a m d
ing to us goes ancl srings him, and pierces him wirh a sting fl,e,lcc, in the presence of the King of tllc !ins.
(only) ecpal t o the point of a needle, then how wrctched does ,vllere of sorts and kinds were present.
his state beeome. His body swells up, his hands and feet
grow languid ; he cannot move, nor does he cver? rake any
h ~ ofd his shield and sword." The king said, ' l 1: is true."
The fly said, " lk'llen a king of men sits upon his throne in
great polnp and splendour, and his doorlreepers allcl guards
are standing all around him with the utmost devotion and
l!-illingnesl., SO that no pain or a1mo)ranct may l-esch him--if
zt thzt time a fly comes out of his bitchcn, or his necessary,
and, with its body all covered wit11 filtIlh,goes alld sits upon
his person or clothes and teases him, he can never Gnd the
power t o escape fro111 it." Thc king said, ': It ;; true."
The mosclr?ico said, "If any man is seated in society or (in
private) behir:d his screen, or with the mosquito-curtains
hung up, and one of our tribe goes and gets into his clothes
and bites him, then how restless does he beconle, and lvhat
a rage he gets into ! But he can do nothing to us ;he can
only thump his onrn head, and gi-;e slaps to his own cheel;s."
tains, the houses and cultivzted lands, and all the good
things through which we lived in pleasure, and now other
people have become the possessors of them.' " 1
The phcgnix said to the owl, " What d o you say about this
CHAPTER XIV. which the shunkiir has settled for you i" He replied, " The
shunldr speaks truth ; but still I cannot go thcre, because
On tlre rjzatfL.mofthe Foul?il J h t g - e r . all men nourish a n i ~ ~ ~ o sagainst
i t y me, and consider the sight
of me unluclcy, and they cast abuse upon poor innocent me,
\ V H P N the fourth messenger went into the prescnce of never did them any harm. If they shoulcl see me there
he phcenis, the king of the birds of prey, and made at the rime of rhe argument they will become still 111ore ill-
known the circumstances, he also gave orclers for all the jmicd, and through this animosity the day of battle will
birds of his species to attend. In accordance with the order, again arrive. It is better chat you should not send me there."
vultures, phccnices, henlks, ~'Xcons,kites, owls, parrots, and, The p h ~ n i then
x asl;ecl the owl, who among the animals (prc-
in hne, all carnivorous birds having claws and beaics instantly sent) was best fittedfor the business ;and he replied, " Kings
presented themse!vea The phenix related to them the and al-nong men are very fond of ha~vlcs,falcons, and
facts of the anin&' dispute -4f~erthat he said to his waii, dJldTflt~,Z and with great fondness seat them on their hands.
the shunkrir, (black-eyed falcon,) '' 1s there any one of these If the king should scnd one of them rhcre, it would be better?'
birds who is bt for this business, whom we may send there, The king, iookinp towards the asseillblagc of hawks, said,
that he may go and confront the men, and be m ally of his "What is advisable in your opinion ?" The hawk said,
own race in this conff ict ?' The wz-fr said, ('Tl~ereis no owl speaks truth. But men do not distinpish us h-
One b u t the owl who has ability for this business." The cause w e haveany a s n i t y with them, nor because thereis any
king askedwl~atthe reason was that no one besides him was great lImo\v!edge or gcorle mxnnners in u s throtrgh which they
fit for the business. sl~ouldhave a-iicc~isnfor us. They show a !!king for u s
The said, " Because all birds of przy are akaid of merely for their own benefit; for they tear away our prey
men; and fly from them ; and bes~des,they do not under- from us, and apply it t o their own use. Night and day they
stand their language. But the owl dweUs nearth&rvil[;igas, are engagecl in zrnusernent and pleasure. Those matters
and often, indeed, in their old houses which have become tvhich God has made incumbe~~t on them, such as to perfor111
ruinous. His continence and contclltment are such as Go their devotions, andto have a dread of the account and boolts
other animal possesses. By day he fasts and weeps in fear of the day of judgment,--for these matters they never show
of God, and at night also he is absorbed in devotion and in any inclination"
arousing the heedless. Hc laments over former kings The p h ~ n i ssaid to him, " In your opinion u,l~omis it
are dead, and repezts this verse, appropriate to their =ondi- advisable to send!" He said, '' My opinion is, that the par-
tion, (Arabic,) 'Ure have left behind the gardens and faun- rot Gould be sent thcre, because among men, kin@ and
I K ~ ~ &sitrsr
-, sl~. v. 2;-27.
2 Chara&-.a bird off i e hawk kind.
nobles, everybody, small or great, male or female, learned
shunkir also having fled from their oppression, ha.s gone to
or ignorant, is fond of him, and taI!cs with him. \Irhatever dwell in the forests, giving up his abode in his own country.
he says, they attend and listen to." Thc king aslced the par-
n u t with all this even, we cannot get deliverance from their
rot what he thought was 'advisable. H e replica, ('1 am
tynnny. Having no remedy, the time for a struggle has
ready. I will go there, and, on the siclc of the animals, will
contend with the men ; but I hope that the kiag, a r d all this arrived. ALthoug11 we arc so strong that any individual of
,;ght, if he liked, take up several men, and make spoil
congregation, will unite and render mc assistance." The of them, still it is not befitting for the good to do such e5~il:or
pllwnix inquired what he wished. He replied, " My object is regard to their wicked conduct, W e dciiber-
that the king should pray to God r'or mc, that I may prevail to p y
slew keep aloof and remit tLem to God, for in this world
over the enen~y." Thc king, in conlpliance wit11 his request,
there is no good in fighting and contendil~g. They will 011-
prayed to God for help, and all the congl-egation said, Amen.
tain the fruit and results of it in the world to come."
The o~vlsaid, '' 0 king I if prayer is not accepted, then
)Zfter t1r:hai he said, ': How Inany ships are there which
.trouble and labour are in vain, and unless prayer is attended b v e been in distress through adverse winds, and we have
with a11 the requisites, no rcsult foIJaws." Tire killg asiced
helped them upon their course ? and how inany poor fello%'s
what the conditions were for the acceptance of prayer, and
are there whose ships have been broken by fierce winds, and
told him to state them. The orvl said, " For thc acceptance
w h a , when they begnn to sink and to drown, \VC have
of prayer, sincerity of purpose and p ~ r i t yof heart rue neces-
brought to the shore, so that God Almighty might be satisfied
sary. Like as a person prays to God w h e ~ lin the decpest
and fleasea with us, and that we migl~tin this way shorn Our
distress, so should one fix the mind upon God at the time of
orati:u& for Iqis mercies! For He has made US porverful
prayer. And before offering our (special) prayers, the regular bestowed upon us vigour and s t r e n g h md
form o f prayer should be repeated, abstinence shoxld be ob- body, and
He, under every circmstmce, is our aider and helper."
served: and we should show some bindnesi to the poor and
needy: and then, whatever our state of g i e f and sol.row may I l,it. 8 , h:r'iingseen and known a!!."
be, WC should represent it to the Divine Majesty!' All said,
" H e speaks the truth ; in prayer these things are requisite."
The king said to all the congregation, " Ye know that men
have so practised violence and oppression over animals
that those poor wretches have at their hands bcen rendered
~sceedingiymiserable ; to such a degree, indeed, that, not-
withstanding our being so far away, they havc come to seek
refuge with us. And we ourselves, n~trvithstandin~ that we
have greatcr strength and vigour than man, and soar to the
skies, still we have f i ~ dfrom their tyranny, and have colne
t o hide ourselves in the hills and rivcrs. Our brother the
they climb up the mountains, and catcl~ing vultures and
eagles, b r i n ~them do!vil to the ground. In the same way, by
their science and wisdom thcy construct a yake of poles, and
placing it upon the shoulders of oxen, they lade heavy goods
upon their backs, and conduct them from east to west, from
west to east, traversinz every forest and desert. By thought
2nd wisdom they build ships, and embarking goods, convey
them about from sea to sea. Going on to the mountains and
hills, they dig and extract from the earth jewels of every kind,
W H E N the 6R11lncssenger went into the pruence ofthe gold, silver, iron, copper, and a great variety of things. If a
king of the acgaatic aniinals, and conveyed to him the man goes to the bank of any rivulet, river, or stream, he can
infelligence of the dispute, he also asse~nbledall his depend- by the force of his kno~vledgebind such a charm that if a
e l ~ t sa d adherents. Accordii)~ly,the fish, t l ~ efrog, the thousand crocodiles or dragons should afterwards go to t l u t
crocodile, the dolphiil, the turtle, BC., all aquatic a n i m l r of place, it would no: be possible for them to enter there. But
eZ'Y variety, and of every for111 and shape, in accordancc before the King of the Jins the discussion is about justice
vri& the command, coUected together. The king set forth, to and equity, argument and proof ; there is n o mention what-
them all that he had heard fiom the tongue of the messenger. ex73 of power and strength, stratagem and artifice."
After that he raid to the messenga, (c If d ~ men e consida When the Icing heard all this from the mouth of the mes-
themselves superior to us in strength u l d courage, 1 will im- senger, he looked intently all round upon those who were
mediately go, and in one instant I will spun out fire on t h e q sitting around and befol-e him, and asked what in their
and then dragging them down by the iorce of my breath, I opinion was the best course, and if there .was a n y one who
will slvallow them." The messenger repiied, The). boast of go and contend with the men. K O one gave any
no one of these things. but they consider themselves rtlperior answer except the dolphin, \v110 dwells in the salt sea, and is
i n this respect, that they possas rhe greatest sense and wjr- exceedingly friendly with men ; for when a person is drown-
dom, that they are icquai~itedwith every science and a*, ing he drags him from the water and places him on the shore.
and know crafts Zmd plans, maintaining that He represented, ' l Among aquatic animals the fish is best
these is no equal to them in sense and judgnlcnt.u fitted for this work, because she is l a c e in body and good in
The king said, " Set forth in detail the facts of their f i w e ; she has a fair face, white colour, and snaigllt body ;
science and art, that we also may know them.'' ~l~~ me.- is swift in motion, and in swimming surpasses eveq-
senger said, * what ! does not the k n p b o w that by their thing ; in numbers she exceeds all aquatic creamus, and her
science and wisdom they go down into the ocean1 m d bring off5pr,g is SO abundant that every river and stream, sea and
up jewels froor its bed? By their stratagems m d mifiCes lake are filled. And she holds a high position also in the
*lilil?11. he Ocean, Or. i l a more i-esllrted sense,the ~~d opinion of men, because on one occasion she gave refuge in
her belly to their prophet, and aftenvards brought h ~ m to his
Tlze Crocodile-
home in safety. A11 men bold the belief that all the a r c h
rests upon her back." .. Tile crab raid, " I n my opinion the crocodile is very well

Tile Ling asIxxi the fish what she Iiad to say about it, and fited for this business, because his legs are strone
she replied, " I cannot in any uray go tilere, nor can I either he has plenty of actian. He is swift in running his
contend with the men, because I have no feet wherewith to is his t o n p c long, his teeth numerous, his body
g e t tllere, nor have I any tongue wherewith to talk to them, hard, he isvery patient, to gain his object he waits a long
1 Cannot endure thirst ; if for one instant I am p i f e d from while, and rl,oiui no rashncsr l11 anything.'' The Icing asked
the water, my statc becomes miserable. I n my opinion the the uocodile, and hc replied, " I am not at all fitted for this
turtle is betier fitted for the business, because ile goer out of work, because tilere is great passion in me. Leapine, jump-
the 1vater stays also 011 dry land ; d~vdlingi l l the sea 0, illL "d running away with whatever 1 can ~et.--these are
On the is all one t o him. And besides this-, his bady is all derects of mine ; and, in fine, I am a thorougll cheat and
s:rOfir and his back Lard ; he is exceedingly patient and impostor' When r6e messenger heard this he said, " For
enduring under trouble and pain." going on this business tllel-e is 110 need of strength, vigour,
The king asked the turtle what he thought advisable, 2nd , trickev,but sense andgrarity, justice and equity, elaquence
he said, ''This work is impossible for me also. When 1wall< and fluency are the things required."
The said, There is no one of these qualities
1nY feet become heavy, and the way is hr. I am also a poor
~ ~ Iand cw 10. . speeches are impossible for me. The dolphin 2nd merits ill me ; b u t in my opinion the frog is the best
is better suited for this, because he is very .nporous in his person for this buiinei;, because he is mild and patient and
movements, and has great powers of speech." devout ; right and lie utters praises in commen~omi0'J
The king asked the dolphin ~ v l ~ he a t thought advisable. of cod, morn and e r e be is engaged in praYer and fan-
He said, "The crab is best fitted for this business, because ing, He goer also into fbe houses of men. In tlie estimation
he has many feet, is swift in walking and runnin his talons of the children of l s r a d his worth and honour are great,
are sharp, his claws hard, and his back nrong as if cove& hecause once upon a time hc showed them this lundness that
with armour." The king spoke to the crab, and lie replied, , h e n Nimrod Abraham, the friend of Gad, into the fire,
'L HOW can I go there ? my body is ugly, my back ~ r o o k d , he took water in 11is mouth and squined it on the fire, so that
mY f i ~ r exceediugly
e bad. I should not like for tilere to be the fire was exringuiihcd, and took no i f i ~ upon t his body.
a against me." The king said, Wily should t!,ere h Andat time, n hen there was a conflict between Moses
derision of you ? what fault is t h e n in you ? " The crab and Pharaoh, he assistcd Moses. And h e is eloquent also :
''When they See me they will ail say, who is this headless he vtterp words, and is ever e n g ~ ~ ine dpraising1 m%-
animal ? he has eyes ill his neck, a mouth in his breast, his nifying, and g-odiying ( ~ o d ) . HZ r o m s about b o ~ hon the
cheelcs are split open on both sides, he has got cipIlt legs and land and in the water, moving on the land and swimming in
His nlenlbers atso are aPPr0-
they are crooked, and he goes alone face downwards as if the water ; this he knows.
made of lead. All when they see me will c r a c ~joker upon pr, ; his head is round, his face go?d, his eyes bright, his
me:" . The king said, " Who then is better fitted to go there hands and feet large, in movement he. is swift, a d he goes
into the houses of men and show's no fear:'
T h e king said to the frog, ('What is the best
YOU' opinion ? " He said, " I am ready, heafi ai1d soul; ar6 in
a m the king's subject ; whatever order he may
agreeable to me. If it is decided that 1 am to go there, is
quire agreeable to me. I having tllere tab the pn of itmy
Own fellows, will contend w i d the me% 0.1 1 hope that
king ivill Pray to God for aid and n s s i r ~ n c cto me,hansc
the Prayers of
on behalf of their $ubjec-s are
In compliance with his request, the king pray& to
alI Congregatioll said, Amen. Then the fmg ~ ~andd ;
of the king, too~cleave
procecding thither, he pres*nted himself
before the King of the Jins.
sixth mejsenger wcnt the dragon, hil~gof
chief of all theworrnsl andants-
and told him all the circu~nstancesof the animals, he as soon
as he heard it, directed that all the worms should attend.
Instantly all snakes, scorpions, chameleons, lizards, green
lizards, spiders, licc, small ants, earthworms, and, in fine, all
worms which are produced in filth, and crawl upon the leaves
of trees, all came and attended before the king. In such
multitudes did they assemble that no one but God could have
the power to c o u , ~them. When the king beheld their won-
derful and extraordinary forms and shapes, he was amazed,
and remained silent for a moment. Afterwards, when hav-
ing attentively considered and loo1:ed upon them, he per-
ceived that there =ere very many creatures small and feeble
in body, and deficient in instinct and intelligence. He
became serious (and aslccd), "What can be done with these ?"
He said to his minister, the scrpent, " I n Your opinion, is
there any one among them suficicntlg clever to send there
on the business of the dispute, so that he may confront the
men ? for these creatures are for the most part dumb, deaf,
and blind; they have no hands or feet at all, there is neither
hair nor feather visible on their bodies, they have no beaks
or claws, and for the most part they are weak and feeble."
1 Kira-a worm, p b , insect.
them, He bestowed strength upon some, but kepi others in securityfrom all horrors, hike the birds ;and some b diving
weak; to some H e gave bulky forms and to others m in the preserve themselves from peril, like the aquatic
bodies ; b u t in His generosity and beneficence He has kep animals.
them all eqval To every one of them he has given suinble "And there are some which lie concealed in holes, like
means for securing zdvantage, and v!eapoos for-tl~c repl!ing rats and ants. T h u s God Almighty speaks in the story of
of injury. the a t , ad says, ' Thc chicf of the ants said to all the ants,
" I n this blessing all are equal, no one has any s"priority Keep concealed in your ~ s p e c t + edwellings, that S O ~ O ~ I O
over anofhex When H e gave to the elephant a bully forq llis army may not a s 1 1 YOU u n d u foot, for they do not
and bestowed upon him enormous strength, He also made know (,here are)? And there are some who* skin and
for him two long tusks, by means of which he is prrarved hide God has made very hard, by means of which they are
from the ferocity of rapacious beasts ; and by his trunlc he prerewrved from every evil, likc the turtle, fish, and those
obtains benefit If R e gave to tile gnat a lirtle body, t l l a animals which are aquatic. And there are some who, by
as a substitute He granted ta him two wings, exceedingly fine hiding their heads under their tails, reinaln safe from every
and light, by means of which he flies and escapes from his injury, such as rhe porcupine.'
enemies. All, small and great, are equal in that blessing by "And there are very many ways d s o by which those
means of wl~ic11they secure advantage and remain preserved szi& obtain their subsistence. Some by keenness of
from violence. vision see, and by power of wing fly, and wherever they see
" I n like manner, he has not deprived of this blessing men anytl~inuogCO eat, thither they proceed, like the vulture and
this species which out~vardly appear to have 170 hair or e@e. some by smelling seek their food, like the anti.
feathers. When God created them in this state H e provided When God created these animals which are very Small a d
for them all the means by which they might secure knefit feeble, and did not give them the instinct and means for
and remain safe from violence. If the king, having reflected, pining their daily food, He of His kindness relieved them
ivould look upon the facts respecting them, then it wolI1d be from that labour and trouble.
seen that those among them who are small in body and are Other animals are subject to t ! labour
~ and trouble of
feeble, are Iight and fearless in flight, so that they rcmain running away and biding ; but there (insect4 are w e d from
safe from every injury and are not disturbed about obtaining thzt work, because they arc produced in sucll dweilinp and
what is beneficial. hidden places a s are known to no one. Some are found in the
"Among animals in general those w110 are lays in body ,,g, some are hidden in grain, some are placed in the
and have great strength, they by means of their strength and bellies of animals, and some in dirt and filth ; and for every
courage keep off injcry from themselves, like the &phant one there is provided its food in that verJ place, without (rile
and l i o ~and , other animals berider theur who have large necessity of) sense or motion, pain or toil. The power of
bodies and great strength. Some by Reet mnninm and by suction has been given to them, by means of ~ v h i c htl~ey,eu-
Right remain secure from every danger, like the
hare, the wild ass, &C.; and some by means of flying nrnain the
TLc Suahc. 85
tracting the juices, make them the food of their bodies ; and
through the effect of thosejuices strength remainsin theirbodies. The locust said, ': kT'h4- do they say this ? " I ~ rcplicd,
" Other animals wander abouc i n search of food and run rlBecause the). say that there is poison in our months, anti
away iron1 danger ; but these are saved from t h ~ :labour and that use 2re of no use except (to cause) the desirr~ctionand
pain, because God has not provided then1 with hands an6 dedh of animals. Gut they babble thus stupidly through
feet to xvalk about ancl p i n their daily food, nor has He their ignorance and sillilless ; they know nothing about the
given them a mouth ox teerh to eat with, nor a throat through true nature and valluc of a n y ~ l ~ i ;~consequently
lg God has
which to srvnllow; nor a stonznch in wllicll to digest, nor distressed them with tortures. In reality, ho\vcver, they all
entrails and guts in which the ordure ntay be collecied, nor have need of these (snak?~),to such a rlegrce that kings and
a liver to purify the blood, nor a spleen to suck up the gall noblcs keep the poison of these animals in their r i n ~ that
s it
of bIack n~clanchoIy:nor 1:idncys or bladder to dram off thc may be aseful on occasion. If they would carefully consider,
urine, nor veins for the bloocl to run in, nor folds in the brain and would ascertain the facts ancl the uses of thcsc animals,
by which to give sou~~dness of insticct. They a1.e subject to and would l e x n what is the use of this p o i s o ~U-hich
~ is in
110 one of the chronic diseases, nor ha\-e they any need or their mouths, then they mould never ask why God made
~ h y s i c . In short, they arc exempt from all thosc evils to them, aud say there is no good in them ; nor would they cast
which great and powerful animals are subject. Eoly is that absurd censure upon God. Althougl~God has made the
God who, of His omnipotence, conveyed thcm to the object poison of these (snakes) the cause of the death of animals,
of their need, and preserved them from every annoyance and He has, on the other band, made their flesh the mcans of
pain. Praise and thanks are due to Him who besto\ved such counteracting that poison."
bIessings." The locust said, " 0 sage ! set f o ~ t lsome
~ other (of their)
W I x n the locust closed this speech, the dragon said, benefits." The snake said, "When God created those ani-
" May God bestow a blessing on thy elocluencc and elocu- mals of which you have made mentio~lin your discourse, ancl
tion ; thou are exceedingly eloquent anci flumt, learned and gave to every species of animal the means and implements
intelligent." After that he said, "Art thou able to go there by the aid of which they might attain to what is beneficial
and contend with the men ?" and he replied, " I am ready, and be secure from danget; to some H e gave awarm stomach,
heart and soul. At the colnlnand of the king I I V ~ Ugo there that the food, after being masticated might be digeted and
and be the helper of my brethren." The snalie said to him, becon~ea part of their bodies. But the snake has no stamach
"You must nor say there that you have been sent by the in whiclx to digest, nor any teeth by whose strength he can
dragon and the snake." The locust asked the reason of chew, but instead rhere is formed in his mouth a hot venom
that, and he said, " Eecause there exists froln of old a n un- by means of which snakes eat and digest. F o r when the
bounded animosity and enmity between men and snakes ; to snalie takes the flesh of any animal into its mouth, he casts
such a degree indeed, t h a t some men even cast censure upon upon it thishot venom; then the fleshinstal~tlydissolves, and
God, saying, 'Why did He create them? there is no good at he swallows it. So if God Almighty had not macle this
all in them : on the contrary, they are from besinning to end venom in their mouths, how would they have been able ro
injurious and hurtful'" eat anything? Kourishn~entwould not have beenF 111 an?.
wny procurable ; they \vou!d have perishcd from bunger, and
no snake \voulcl be seen in the world." alrhough in a fe\v inauspicious hours, through an ex-

The locust said, " Explain this i What benefit reaches cess of heat or cold, injuly hlppens to some (beings). In the
ancl w h a t good arises from their
aniinals from these (s~~akes), salne way God Alnlighty sends the clouds in every direction
being upon the earth?" H e said, "Just as bellefit arises for the benefit of His creatures, althougll at divers times
from the creation of other animals so there is ;ldvanoge falls npon animals in consequence qf them, or the
gained from these also." Tile locrrst asked him to explain houses of the poor are destroyed by excessive inunclations.
"The same is the case of all carnivorous and graminivororls
t h i s m a t t e r fully, and he replied, God Almighty animals-~f snakes, scorpions, fish, crocodiles, and insects.
c r c ~ t e dall the rol-id, H e perfected e v e p individual thing
Some of these he has formcd in hlth and corruption, that the
according to His own pleasure. Throughout the creation air mry remain pure from pollution. Oh, may it never hap-
H e madc some creatures for the sake of others, and accord-
ing to His wisdom H c furnished them with (necessary) in- pen that the air should be poisoned b y the exhalation of
noxious vapours, and that cholera should come into the world,
struments. H e did whate-r he kneiv to be for thc welfare
of the world, but ever and anon, fro111 some cause or other, and that all creatures should perish at once. It is for this
reason that all maggots and insects are generally produced
mischief or injury happens to some. I t is not that God in the shops of butchers and fishongers, and thar they live
Almigl~tyinvolves them in this mischief, althougll to His
wisdom the harm and evil of everything is manifest a1d in filth. When these creatures are engendered in impurity,
e, their
open : but it is rather that it is not the habit a ~ l dcustom of whatever was the essence of that impurity they mal-
the Creator to refrain from making anything whic11 may tend food ;the airbecomes pcre,and people arc saved from cholera.
~ ~ dlittle ~ h ~are the food of the big maggots, for
' maggots
to the colnfort and happiness of the generality of the world
I3ecanse of its being injurious to a few. these devour them.
In fine, God Almighty created nothing which is useless.
'' The explanation of it is this-When God Almigllty fonned Those who do not perceive the use (of a thing) cast reflections
all the stars, among their number he made tlle sun to be a
upon ~ o dand , say, L Why did He create it? there is no use in
lamp for the world, and caused its warmth to be the cause of
it.' ~ u int truth this is all stupidity and ignorance, for those
the life of all creatures. I n the wholeunivene the sun occu-
pies a similar position to that of rhe heart in the body. Just who throw unmerited aspersions on the works of God, know
nothing of His art and power. I hiwe heard that same fool-
a s the natural heat is produced in the heart, and, spreading
ish people hold the opinion that the kindness of God is in
through rile whole body, is the cause of its life, so from the
accordance with the position of the moon.' If they wodd
heat of the sun also there is benefit to (all) creation. If ever consider and reflect upon the circumstances of iiU existing
through the sun injury and damage in any may occur to a
things,they would learn that His favour andkindness is corn-
few beings, It is not right for the Creator to set aside the sun,
man to every one, small and great-for from His most boun-
and deprive the world in general of an universal blessing and
teous source gracious favours proceed for all creatures Every
one, according t u his capacity, accepts His bounty."
"The same is the case of Saturn, Mars, and all the stars, Does not ueviatC from the orbit of the moon."
1 Er.
throug-11 whom there comes prosperity and happiness to the
for God Almighty concealed Hiinself f r o i ~the
of of discernment behind the veil of His splendour.
xvhere the imaginations of thought and fancy cannot reach,
He made manifest those miracles that exW-y person of intelli-
gm, might behold then1 ; and whatever there was behind
CHAPTER XVIII. hij veil of mystery he brought forth into the field of visibility:
that men of perception, having sec11 it, might acknolvledgc
His miraculous art, His incomparability, might, and unity:
1N the morning, the reprcscntatives of a11 d e animls, and should not be in want of pmofs and arguments.
':And the fornls which are visible in the corporeal world
having come from every country, asse1nbIed together, and
the King of the Jins came and sat in the public hal! to decide are the similitudes and counterparts of those forms which exist
the quarrel. The attendants, in obedience to orders, made in the xvorld of spirits. Eut the forms which are in that world
proclamation-" Let all the con~plainantsand seekers of re- are bright and transparent, and these are dark and dense.
dress, upon whom tyranny has been exercised, comc forward L I as~ in pictures, there is a resemblance in every limb to
and attend, for the King has talcen his seat to pass a decis,.on the animals of which they are portraits, in the same way these
in the case, and the judges and lawyers al-ein attendzncc" fotms aIso bear a likeness to those forms which exist i n the
As soon a s this notice was heard all the animals and men, world of spirits ; but those forms are motive polvers, while
who had assembled from e v e q side, fell into rani-.S and stood these are set in motion.' Those creatures which are lower in
before the King-making their obeisances and payii~gtheir degree than these are without instinct, motion, and tongue,
respects, they began to offer their benedictions. The King whilst these have instincts. Those forms which are in the
regarded every side, and perceived that r multitude1 of every eternal world live eternally, but these are mortal and perisll-
sort and kind, in great numbers, was in attendance Lost in able."
astonishment, he remained silent for a nloment. ~ f t e tint,
r -4fter that he stood up and delivered this speech-" Praise
is due to that Creator who by His oinnipotence made all
turning towards a sage of the Jins he %id, Do Q KC this
creatures manifest, and produced in this world s creation of
wonderful and extraordmary assemblage of beings ? D
H e said, " 0 King, I see and behold them with the eye of so m n y varieties and kinds ; who having brought into exist-
my heart. The King, having seen them,is amared, hut I am ence aU those created things to (the comprehension of) which
wondering over the wisdom and power of that an-wise Creator the intelligence of no created being can attain, H e displayed
who created tlie111, and formed for them shape of so many to the eye of every man of discernment the splendour of the
varieties and Idnds. H e always nourishes them, and giras light of His miraculous art. Havil~ghounded the expanse
them sustenance. He preserves than fmm every danger ; of thc world on six sides, H e made time and lace for the
moreover, they are (ever) present to His omnipresent know- comfort of (His) creatures. Having formed many degrees in
the heavens, he appointed
- -
angels to each. On animals hc
KhiIRaf-lit. 'a creation."
IiktJi-oneness. Active and passive.
bestowed forms and shapes of many varieties, and from the
bountiful house of (His) munificence He granted them blesr of ~i~ rewants. Praise and laudation be to Him wllo
ings of every sort and End. To those who pray and ~ ~ ~ p p l i - e,g inicucct m d intelligence, t h o u ~ h t ,wisdom, bnd P ~ L I -
cate with tears H e has of His boundless favour granted the dcnce ; those \-ailous talents, under w~luhuseguihnce re
honour of near appro;lch (to Iiimself) ; but those who allow esublisl~edrare arts and wonderful sciences. He gave to us
their finite intellects to pry into His nature he has h u l d and prophecy ; €iAmour race all these prophets were
amazed and stupified into the valley of perdition. born, Noail, E,IOC~, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad
the pure, (the peace of God be upon him, and rest !) In Our
" Having, pliorto A d m , f a m e d the ]ins from burning fire, tf,be many kings of great dignity have been born, Farfa1CdJn,
H e gave them surprising and transparent form3 ;and brbg-
ing forth all creatures from the hidden chambers of non- Darius, Ardashb, Bahdm, S n u i h ~ w ~and , several
nrrdovn and kings of
entity, Hebestawed upon them divers qualities and different the Sassanian line, tvbo regulated the kin,
ranks. T o some He gave a dwelling-place in the highest of nlent, army andpeople. We are the quintessence of all men,
the highest heavens, some H e cast down into the lowest and men are the quintcsience of aIIimd5. Briefly, of the
depths, and some H e placed between these two degrees. And whole world we are the essence of the essence Praise is
every one in this bed-chamba of the world H e has led by the due to him F ~ Ohestowed upon us the most perfect blessings?
lamp of prophecy into the royal r o d of saivation, Praise gave US taletits surpassing a11 living
When lllis man had ended tile delivery of his oration, the
2nd thank be to Him who dignified us with the grandeur of
the me faith and Islam, and made 11srulers on the face of King looked towards all the sages of the ]ins, and sxid,
the earth, and allotted to our kings the blessings of howledge Have you m y afinvcr ;o give to this man ah0 h~ Set forth
and c1emencv.f' his own ancl bar made his boast of them ?"
- J -

When the sage had finished the delivery of this discourse, They -id, He r p & q rhc truth." But the Skhibul ' t d -
the Icing loolced towards the congregation of the men. Seventy who did not allow any one to speak before (lie had said)
men were standing there, all different in person, and clothed hir OV,FA say, mmed towards the man, and wanted to give an
in many sorts of garments. Among them there was visible aaiwe,r to all those statements, and to detail the ignominy
a handsome person, erect in stature, whose whole body was md e r r o ~ of the ~ ~ e nAddressing
. the sag% he said. " Ulis
qmmetrical. He (the King) asked the aadr avho this person man has omitted many matters in his speech, and has nnde
was. and he replied, " He is an inhabitant of Ifin, and lives no mention of several great kings!' The Kin: told him to
in the territory of 'I&" T h e King said, "Tell him to say state them.
He - a T1-h 'Ir&i has on~ittedto Say in his s ~ e c h ,
something." The wadi- made a sign to him He, !raving
paid his respects, delivered a speech, of which this is the
epitome :-
" Praise be to God, who for our d ~ e l I i n g - ~ g
those cities and villages whose dimate is ~ p a i o to
l~,~ c ~us
r that
thraugn the Deluge came upon the war14 and as mrnY
m i n d s y were on the face of the earth were all drowned--
of our race excited great discord, their intellects r e r e
deranged, and all the wise men were bewildered. Among
Nimrod, the t ) - r a m i ~ lking, avas born, who cast *br.rhrm
of fhe whole world, and ~ 1 1 0bestowed on us superiority over
the friend of God into the fire. From our race Yebuchad- and sages have appeared. Gocl Almighty
nezzar appeared, who destroyed the Holy Tenlplc of ]emsa. citieinlany
lem, committed the OId Testament to the flames, iiaugh. llas to lnm-ty wonderful and extraordinary arts :
tered the descendants of Solomon the son of David, and magic, and diril~arion-all these sciences he gave
us, f i e men of ollr country superior to all in art
the children of Israel, and drove out the race of 'AdnSn fronl
the banks of the E ~ p h ~ a t cinto s the woods and nlourta(na merit;. he So-~ibrr-Z'n~i>~zat said, " I f he bad introdticed
H e was very tyrannical and bIoodthirsty, and lv2.s aluay3 (these facts) also into his speech, ' We burnt our bodies,
engaged i n bloodshed." r.orshihippcd idols, children rere born (among US)froin the Pre-
The Icing said, " Urhg should this mail have steed vl,eilce fornication ; and we have ail become depraved and
dirpced: it tuould have been consanallt with equitfl
matters? There was no benefit to him from
ing ; rather it 6 ail a conclc~nnationor himself'. The speak.
,y&i- *(er mat fie King beheld a mm, tall in stature, v r a p ~ e d
h - 2 'fmi??~aireplied, " It is far from justice and equity that at in a ,110~~rhet,holdiug in his hand a written paper ; look-
'he time of 1 dispute one should set fonh all oness otvn cr. ing at it, md moving bacl;xards and forwards, he makes
cdlefices and conceal one%faults, maliing neither ~penrance gestures. He asked the warir who the person was ? and he
nor apology." This is a H ~ b r t of ~ vthe tribe of the children of Israel,
After this the King again looked towards th- assembly of aninhabitant of Syt-iC-The Icing said, " TeN him to SAY
men, and among them there appeared a person of wheat- something? and the wazir gave him the sign (to speak:. He
coloured complexion, thin, slender, with a long &al-d, and a in ascordancc with the direction delivered a long speecll,
waist-~10thfastened by a red srring round hk Loin% the pith and essence ofu,hi& is this : - - " P ~ ~ S Eis due to
asked the wazir who it was? and he replied, Tllji is a that Creator who bestowed on the cliildren of Ijraci adegree
Hindu, dwells in the island of Cevlon." The King of excellence above ail the progeny of Adam. In their race
said, '' Tefl him also to relate something about his affairs." &o he bestowed the propheticd o f h e upon Moses, the
Accordinglh in Compliance with the Kings command, he ipeilkerwith God? praise and thanks be to Him who made
also spaLe :- U, the foll~i~seri of such a prophet, and granted for us bless-
L'Thfinksare due to Him who for us granted an extensive ings of many sorts and ki;iddrl' The Sdiribu-Z 'azhzai said,
and superior coulltry, where the nights ancl days are al\vays why does he not say this, L God in his anger having trans-
equal, where there is never excess of cold or heat, where the fomnlea us, made us monlteys and bears, and on account of
telnperahlre is agreeable, the trees fine and green, the our idolatry =it US into ignominy and wretchedness ?"'
After t i ~ a t King again looked towards the asscmblagc
medicina1, the mines of jewek endless, the herbage edible
vegetables, the wood sugar-cane, the pebbles rubies and of men. There appeared a man in woollen g-ent.3 with
;Ibelt farrcned round his waist, and a censer in his hand, in
topazes, the animals fat and sleek, such as the elepbanq
which is fatter and bigger in body t h a ~all beastr. A , - J ~ ~ which he kept burning incense, and making smoke. He
~ 1 draws
~ 0 his origin from thence. and in like manner spoke in modulated tones, and in a loud voice-'
mimds-for the source of all is under the equator In our ~ e asked the warfr who he was? and he replied,
~ l i(ing
5 Intoning.
1 Who spoke with God."
Speech of the Greek-
. a Syrian, who is of the religion of the Lard Jesus."
The King directed that be should be told to say so1nething.
The Syrian, in accordancewith the order, delivered a speech
to ,,
the of bringing us into paradise. Praise b e to
him rho bc"oYved upan us such blessings Besides these
of which this is the si~bstmce: " Praise be to that Creator, ihoe are many orher excellences in US, the detail of which
who having produced the Lord Jesus froin the womb of be v u y prolix." The Sdhib~-l'm*xfitsaid. "U%Y
Mary witl~outafather, gave to him the rniracuiour gifi of don he not also ray, ' After the (time o f the) Prophet we
prophecy, and through him cleansed the children of Israe] ---
.-do& religion, 1~eca.mehypocrites; and for love of this
from their sins, and made us his followers and adlp=-rnts. world slew the Imims ?' U
He produced in our race many sages and saints, and hu The King looked towards the assembkage of men?
planted in our hearts mercy, kiadtless, and love of devotion. and he Fceived a man of fair complexion holding an
Praise be to Him who hzs given us such blessings. Besides arrdlbe and astronomical instruments in his hand. He
these there are many other excellences in us of which I have asked the wadr who it was, and was told the Person a
made no mention." The SdhBwZ'mimat said, i c l t is tme, Greek: inhabitant of t h e 1;nd of Ionia- The Kingdirected
but he has forgotten to say this : " LITe havc not discharged that he should be told to narrate some of his circumstances :
the duty of serving Him; we *have become infidels ; rue and accordingly, in consequence of this cornman4 he said,
pay worship to the cmcifix ; we eat the flesh of swine &er cl Praise is due t o Him who gave US pe~fections beyond nlo*
offering them in sacrifice; and we have used deceit and of Hi5 creatures; in our kixd He M produced fluifs and

calumny against God! v good ~ n g s all kinds and varieties. T h ~ o ~ His p h fayour
After him the King beheld a man, thin, slender, wheat- beneficence he has imparted to US v.~onderfulsciences
colo~red,wearing a waist-cloth, and wrapped in sheet, aeaoTdinaq arts. He h= taught us to discover the
standing before him. The King asked who it was and the v u e of e v e ~ h i n g to
, make astronomical instruments,
~ a z j %id
r he Was a man of the tribe of Kumiih, and an in- learn the economy of the leavens, the science of astronomy,
habitant of Mecca. The King directed that he also should arithmetic, astrology, geomancy, physic, logic, P~~~oW"'
be told to con~municatesome paniculvr of his aff~ii-5; a d and many other sciences besides these."
in accordance with the order be said, 'l Praise is due to that The Skharz Ifi&n~ntraid, I t is vain that YOU boast about
God who sent for our sakes the delegated prophet Muhmmad these sciencs, because YOU did not found these sciences by
the Pure, (may the peace of God be upon him, and rest !) and your 0~ wisdom, but you learnt them from t h e learned men
brought us into his religion. He ordained the reading of ~e of the of l5rae1 in the days of Ptolemy, and you ac-
K ~ r d nthe
, five-fold order of prayer, the fast of the Ram&, quired several sciences from the learned men of E m inthe
the papimage (to Mecca and Medina), and d m * gave days of . y d ~ ~ i ~ t ~After
$ ~ that, having given them currency
'0 U Smany excdiences and blessings, such as the night of in your countq, YOU now attribute them to yourselves." The
power,' public prayer, and theologicai sciences ; and he gave king the G r ~ rage,
k What is this which he says ?l'
r fsls! in c ~ E ~ R L of
laiZat~~'Z-Xadr, ~ nirht *lIen the Xuri.
~ othe and he replied, " It is true we have acquired many sciences
began to descend.
said, If t h q h d not
from ancient sages, just as many peoplc now learn from us. his glov and dign ici ?"
adu~iel-ers, and C Y U ~inell, and had not
T h e course of operation in this world' is that benefit accrues been fornicators, ,,d m m n , the11 t h c r e matters
to one person from another. Thus the learned of Persia ac- the 511" a XVhen all the men
quired the sciences of astrolo,~ and astronomy from the have been a gmllnd of boa*-"
tlleir respectivc &!Pities and
sages of India, and in thc same way the chilciren of Israel ,l, h,yhea cried Gentlemen, the evening
got the sciences of magic and enchantment from Solomon, the court attendants
the son of David." ,,_
..- come ; you are dismissed ; again in
After that a person appeared in the last rank, robust in morning-"
form, wearing a long beard, and looking with earnest faith
totv;?~-dsthe sun. Tlxe King a s h d ii~liohe was ; and the
wazir said he was a Rhurrisinf. The King dirccted that he
should be told to nlention some few facts about himself.
Accordingly, in obcdience to the command, he said, ' l Praise
be to God, who has given us many kinds of blessings and
distinctions. KChas made our country to excel all countries
in the extent of its prosperity, and by the mouth of His pro-
phet He has introduced our praise into the 1)ivine L ~ o r d .
T h u s there are many verses of the ICurin which bear testi-
mony to our eminence and virtues. Verily, praise is due to
Him who has given to us a faculty of religion greater than
to any other men. I3ecanse among us there are many ~vho
read the Bible and Gospel, althoogh they do not understand
the meaning of them, and besides, they consider the pro-
phetic power of the Lords Moses and Jesus to be a verity.
And some read the K u r b although they do not understand
its import; but still they acknowledge in their h e ~ r t sthe
religion of the prophet of the latter days. We pnt on mourn-
ing garments in sorrow for Im5m Husain, and we exacted
the requital of blood from those who caused him to be slain;
and from His grace we are hopeful that the appearance of
the Im&n of the latter daj~s%ilI be in our country.'>
The King looked towards the sages and said, "What
reply have you to make to this man, who has vaunted
1 Ki~-Kfidna-Iit., workshop. T h e ImBm JI&d(.
o~spring,like as the gnat prevails over e ~ h a n t sand
man." The King said, "What Son of
and fie fly
maimenntdoes he exhi\,it towards his subjects l'' He said,
,c ibo,vs great hnd,less and attcntian to his S L ~ ~ ~ Cii' C ~
d, this he Said, 1 will set forth at l e n S h his PecU-

a s all the men and allimals were stand-

0N ingthe inthirdranksday,before the Kink he looked towards them
all, and the jackal appeared in the front. H e asked, " Who
art thou ?" and he replied, I am the representative of the
animals." The king said, " Who sent thee?" and he said,
a The Lion Al~li'lHaris sent me." He said, "U7hat country
does he dwell in ? and who are his subjects ?" The jackal
said, H e dwells in the woods and wilds. and a11 beasts and
cattIe are his subjects." He asked. "Who are his allies?"
The jackal said, "The hunting leopard, the hogdeer, the
stag, the hare, the fox, and the wolf, ali are his fl-iends and
allies." The king said, l' Describe his figure and character."
The jackal said, " He is bigger in form than all animals, and
superior in strength; in awe and dignity he surpasses all;
his bosom is broad, his waist fine, his head large, his fetlocks
strong, his teeth and claws hard, his voiceloud, and his form
terrific. No man or animal is able, through fear, to go in
front of him. H e is upright in every matter, and has no
want of friends and allies for any business. He is so zenerous
that when he has taken prey he divides it among all animals,
and he himself eats according to his necessity. W h e n he
sees a light from a distance he goes and stands near it, and
then his rage abates. He rends neither woman nor child.
H e has a great liking and love of music. He is afraid of
nothing except the ant, for this insect prevails over him and
giq looked towads him. H e was swnding on a llilllock by
the *ide of the sea, and was engagcd in praycr and praise.
The King asked him ~ 1 he 0 rvas, and he said, " I am the
of the king of the aquatic animals." The King
then commanded him to colnnlunicatc his Eame and abode.1
Tile frog said, His name is ' Sea-Serpent ;' hedwells in the
salt sea ; a11 the aquatic animals, turtles, fish, frogs, and cro-
codiles, are his subjects."
The King told hrnl to describe his form and appearance,
F T E R that tllc King cast his regards on the riglit hand
and he said, In bulk he is bigger than all aquatic animals.
1% and an the M, u-hen sudclcnly a voice Bii upon his
His appenrance is txtraordinal-y, and his figure terrific ; his
ear. H e perceived the locust imparting motion to his tneo body2 is long ; a11 the animals of the sea are afraid of him ;
wings, and singing with an exceedingly soft voice. He asked
his head is large, bis eyes bright, his mouth broad, and his
him who he was, and he tepiied, '' I am the represcmative of
teeth numerous. All the water animals he catches he swal-
all the wonns and ants, and tlleir king sent me hither." He lows in countless numbers. When, from over-feeding, he
asked him who he (the king) was, and where hc dwelt, and
gets indigestion, 11e bends his body like a bow, and supports
he answered, " His name is Dragon ; he dwells upon high
himself by the strength of his head and tail, and thus pro-
hius andmountains near the region of cold; where there are
n o clouds or rain, and no vegetation at all. Animals perish truding the middle of his body from the \vater, he elevates it
there from the severity of the cold." The King aslted xvho were in the air. Then, by the heat of the sun, the food in his
belly becomes digested. But often, when in that state, he
his arm). and subjects and lie said, All m a t e h scorpions,
faints, and then the clouds which rise from the sea rake him
&C., are his army and ru!iects, and they live in every place
up, and cast him 011 the d ~ land.
y H e then dies, and be-
upon the face of the earth." The King asked why he had
comes the food of wild beasts. But sometimes being raised
sepal-ated from his anny 2nd subjects, and had gone to live
aloft with the clouds, he falls tvithin the confines of Gog and
upon sucll an acclivity. He answered, 'l Because there is a
Magop, and s e m them as food for several days. In sl~ort,all
poison in Ifis mouth, from the heat of which ail his body
the animals of the sca are afraid of him, and flee from him ;
burns. Through the coldness of the icy region he dr\.clls
but he is afraid of no. one, except a small animal, about the
there in c0111fort." The King told him to describe his ap-
size of a gnat, of which he is greatly in dread. For when
pearance and character. He answered, IIHis appearance this creacure bites him, its poison affects the whole of his
and character are exactly like those of the ~ea-re-pent!~
body, and a t length he dies, and all the aquatic animals
The King said, " Does any one h o w the qualities of the
assemble, and feed upon his Aesl~for a long time. Just as
sea-serpent so as to describe them ?'l The locust said, The he devours other animals that are small, so do they all con-
frog, who is the ambassador of the aq~laticanimals, is in
attendance in the presence ; deign to inquire of him." The Nishdx-mark, sign : seat, address, A7dm o nishdn-name and
address. 9 Kadd-lit. s!ature. C.
gregate and eat him. The same is the practice of birds
prey and other birds. Sparrorvs and others eat gnats and
ing animals, dragons, crocodiles, serpents, and scorpions, are
ants, and sparrow-hawks and falcons make prey of them. their slaves. Do they not know that if the wild beasts were
Then the great hawks and eagles and vulturcs prey upon to come from the forest, the birds of prey from the mounta~ns,
or the crocodiles from the sea, and were to n ~ a k ca n attack
the sparrow-hawks a n d falcoi>s, and devour them. And upon them, not one man yould be left remaining? (These
finally, when they die, all the worms and ants and small
creatures devour them. creatures) would come into their countly 2nd destroy them
all-not one man mould cscape with life. Do they not d e a n
" The same is the case with men, for they all eat the flesh of

deer, hog-deer, goats, sheep, and birds ; and when they die it a mercy, and do they not render tha11ks that God has
placed all these animals far away from thcir country ? But
little worms devour their bodies in the grave- I t is the same
those wretched aninwls whom they keep a t their abodes
case with the whole world. Sometimes the big animals eat
the liztle ones, and sometimes the little ones use their teeth in captivity they subject to torture night and day. Hence
(these men) are filled with conceit, and vithout proof or
upon them. Hence the wise have said, L The death of one
is the p i n of another.' And so God Almighty has said, argument advance such a senseless claim.
After that the King looked to the fi-ont. The parrot, seated
(Arabic, i.e.) ' We make the times to change from vicissi-
rude to vicissitude among men, and no one knows this fact upon a branch of a tree, was listenin,0 to the words of every
one. The King asked him, ' L Who art thou?" and hereplied,
but the wise.' "
After that he said, "I have heard that a11 thc men suppose " I am the representative of the birds of prey-their ling the
that they are the masters, and that all the animals are their phenix ('Ankd) has sent me." The King asked him where
slaves. How is it that they do not perceive, after the account the pilenix lived, and he replied, ' l He resides upon the loft):
mountains in the islands of the salt sea. No man can pass
which I have given of the state of the animals, that all animals
to that place, nor can any ship even ~ r o c e e dso far as tllat."
are equal?-there is no difference between them. Sonletimes
He said, Tell me the particulars of that isla~d." He re-
they fecd, and sometimes they become the food of others. I plied, "The land of that place is v e q good, the climate
cannot understand what the men have to boast about over the
animals, for their position is just the same as ours, the good temperate, the fountains sweet-tasted ; there ate many sons
and evil will become manifest after death, all will mingle in of fruit-bearing trees, and animals of all sorts innumerable."
the dust, and in the end they will return to God" The Ring told him to describe the form and appearance of
After that he said to the King, ' L When the men advance the p h e n i , and he replied, " In size he is bigger than all
their claim to be the masters, and to have all the animals as birds, in flight he is strong, his claws and be& are hard, his
wings are exceedingly broad, and when he moves them in the
their slaves, this trickery and false assertion of theirs give rise
air they seem like the sails of a ship ; his tail is long, 2nd
to great astonishment. They are exceedingly stupid to utter
when he flies the mountains are moved by the force of i t 5
a statement so contrary to sense. I am surprised I~owthey
motion. He takes up and carries off elephants, rhinoceroses,
can {venture to) declare that A1 rapacious, grazing, and hunt-
and 0 t h -large animals from the earth." The King directed
1 KrOn, Siirat iii. v. 134. him to describe his character, and he said, " His character is
104 V~zr'iEticsof l T ! l .
excellent, and at some time or other I wiII espatiatc upan
gga astray. Some are merchants and tradesmen, %rho
,-my on i,business of buying a ~ i dselling in every country,
After that the King Iooked towards the congregation 0:
men. These, seventy persons of every variety of fonn, and and some are destined for service only, like slaves and
dome~tics. In l i b manner there are many other classes who
wearing garments of divers kinds, were standing there.
said to them, " Reflect and ponder over your answer ro all necessary for liins, without whom business
this that the animals have spoken.'' The11he asked them, lt~ouldbe interrupted. For the same reason men require
Who is your king? " and they replied, "We have man)- m y chiefs, so that these in every city may applytllemselves
kings, and each one dweUs in his own k i ~ ~ g d oHIB
m his a m y to the Pvernment and regulation of their respective peoples,
and people." and that no kind of mischief may spring up.
1L And it is not possible tlmt one king should carry on the
The King asl~ccl, !\hat is the reason of this ? Thereis govement of all mankind. For in the whole world there
only one king among the animals, notwithstanding d ~ e igreat
numbers, while among you, notwithstanding your paucity, many countries, and in each c o ~ ~ n t there
r y are thousands
are there many kings ?" A11 'Tdki (Arab) beIanging to the of cities, in which lms of people live-each one's Language
different, and fie various. I t is impossibie for One
party of men answered, 'l Men have many wants ; their posi-
man to government of ail countries, consequentl~
tions are diverse ; coilsequentlg many kings are required for
them. But this is not the case among animals ; and among ad Almighty has set up nmny kings over them. All these
them he is king who is biggest in form. Among men the monarchs call themselves the vicegerents of God, for God
reverse of this often happens, for their kings arc freqllently has made them the possessors of their countries and the
weak, delicate, and thin; because what is required from kings m.sters of their slaves, so that they may bus!' themselves
is that they should be just, equitable, and benignant. Tbey &out the of their kingdom, 2nd provide effectually
o u ~ htot have consideration and kindness for the lot of ever). far protection of his servants. Th" they should have
mnii c o m p a ~ i o oand show kindness for the condition of evely
mankind, and
"Among mankind there are great diversities also in the one, enforce the mandates of the law amon,
royal servants. Some are soldiers bearing arms, a h o repeI restrain them from everything which God has prohibited.
every enemy of the king. Tlueves, knaves, romes, and cut- Verilv, ,. is the guardian of every one. He creates and
purses are unable, in consequence of these (soldiers), to create gives food to ail."
uproar and disturbances in the cities. Some are ministers,
financiers, and secretaries, by whose means the administra-
tion of the country is careec? on, and the funds are colIected
for the a m y . Others are they who produce grain by cultiva-
tion and husbandv. Some are judges and l a ~ + ~ e rwho s,
enforce the mzndates of the law among mankind ; for religion
and law are necessary evcn far kings, that their subjects may
The BLX.

gimce of geolnctry and many arts, so that we constrnct our

habitations with great excellence. He has made the fruits
and flowers of the whole earth l m f u l for us, so that we eat
ficm without a ~ x i e t y . From our saliva he har made honey,
and from that comes healing to all ~rrankind There are texts
CHAPTER X X I . ,f the KurAn which arc explicit upon this our exaltation.
Our appearance and character arc proofs to the heedless
fie d f a i ~ ~qf&e Il'fitg qfZ/lr
,$ the skill and power of the hlmigl~ty-for Our forms are
W H E N the man ceased speaking, tile King fllrned hir very delicate, 2nd our appearance is exceedingly wonderful.
thoughts to the animals. Presently a gentle voice fell The Lord has placed in our bodies three joints. T h e n~iddic
YPOn his ear. H e perceived the king-bee,' tile monarch of joint he has made square, the louver part of the body long,
the flies, flying before him, and engaged in singing bepraise and the l~eadround. H e has also made for us four hands
and of God. H e asked who he was, and the mrtver , W
and feet resembling the ribs of L s e ~ n g u l a fr i ~ r ewith
Was, '' I am the king of the insecn." The Icing then inquired b a u y , 2nd suitable to onr size, by means of which we alight
why he had a m e , and why he had not, like the ot 11th animAs, and rise UP. We construct out houses Upon such an ex-
uuentplan that the wind can never enter them, do any
Sent some one of his subjem or of his army as his messenger
and representative." He replied that he felt soIicituda and mischief to ourselves or our young ones-
com~assionfortheir state, so that no tmuble migllt reach any " the of our hands and feet we collect the fmit,
M e of them. +he King observed, "This virtue is nor adf l o t , ~of~trees, and whatever else we find, a d
(found) in any other animal ; why then have you got it ? X store than in our dweJlings. On our slioulders He has made
He said, "God Almighty, of His great favour and ,,,c,,, favr %6ngs,by means of which we Ay, and in our stings H e
bestowed this ~ i n u upon
e me, a d besides this he haspiven h= placed some poison, through which we are raved from
to me many ather distinctions and e ~ ~ e ~ l e n c e rr .h~e* the wrongs of our ene~aies. He has made our neck5 slende"
directed him to detail some little of his exccllca,-es that he that 0, heads with ease to the right and to the left.
also might know them. on both sides of our head He has given us two bright eyes,
He said, " God Almigl~tyha5 gi, to me and to my an- the lighr of which we see everythmng. He has also made
cestors many blessings, and has "t ay to mouth by which we know the plearuns of eat% and
participate in t h e m Thus He has bestowed upon us the lips also he has given us, by ihe aid of which we collect
honour of sovereignty and the prophetic o&ce, and llas ca-nied g. materials of auifood. On our stomach H e has besto~ved
down this inheritance to n)y ancestors from generation to .U,+ powers of digestioi~that it makes the juices into honey.
generation. H e has not given these two blessing. which honey is food for oorse~vesand 0- Young ones, in
other animal. Besides this, God Almighty has taught us the same as H e has given to the teats of quadrupeds such
' "yd$d6,'' supposed to he a male, not a qurcn-bcc p m , that by them the blood is transnluted, and becomes
have ir ,a %&g then that tli. .41mi~htyhas bestowed all these
TAe Bee.
blessings upon us, to what extent shall we ahoxv our grati-
tude? It is for this that, having consideration and kindness
for my subjects, I bare taken all this trouble upon myre&
and have not sent any one of than."
When the bee ceased from speaking thc King cried,
Bravo ! a hundred times bravo ! You are very ffuuetmd
eloquent. T r u e it is that God has bestowed these bIeningi CHAPTER XXII.
on no animal besides you." After this he asked, (' Where are
your people and your troops ? " He repIied, " Upon the
hills and mountains, and upon the trees ; u~herevcrthey find
convenience there they dwell. Solne hax?e g m e into fie
countries of the men, and have selected their hauses far their tllai the king-bce asked the King how the jins
their roverein and chiefs, a d
abodes.;' The ICm: inquired how they found secufiry from s~,owcd
the hands of men, and he saicl, " M a y hi& themselves from beg& him to sate particulars. The King said. "They
them, ancl so escape ; but u~leneverthe men get an oppor- show their obedience and S U ~ I ~ ~ to S St h~ i O
r chief,
tunity they annoy them, often even they breait their bonep and whatever commaad he issues they obc~.'' The X%-bee
combs, destroy their young ones, and take away the honey =ked him to enter into details The King said, "In the
and eat it among them." fmily of Jinr there are good and bad, believers and U*-
The King asied why they submitted patiently to man's , a s there are amollg men. Those who are P o d
b e h v e r ~just
tyranny. He said, "We b e u all tYs tyranny; but same- &orr o b e ~ c n c eand sybmirsion to their chiefs in.a degree
times we are SO distressed that r e depart iron, his terntow t t is impossible for mall. For the obedie~~ce a d subs-
Then men, to make peace with us, bring forward mrny de- viency of t the stars. Among these the
Jins is like ~ d a of
vices. They rend us all kinds of presents, it)-of rases, per sun lloldl the dignity of kinq, and all the stars stand in the
&c-: they beat dntms and tan~baurincn,and, in fine, position soldiers and subjectS. T b ~ d h l r S is comma11de-
they satisfy us giuiag to 11s all sorts of presents and rarities, iechief, Jupiter in judge, Saturn is treastlrer, M ~ C U is~ Y
h our nature there is no mallgnity or evil ; we make peace minister, Vellus is consort, the moon is heir-appareni and
are sub-
with them and rctum to their abodes. But for all this they like solldicsi and subjects, because they
are not satisfied ; without pmof or reason they assce that to the sun, and move according to his motion i when he
they are masters, we are slaves." aire~red,and they n e r o transgress 'heir as-
, , , ,S
- .. all
to,, znd limits."
~h~ ing-bee inquired where the s t a a had acquired this
pefiecti~n of obedience and regulality The King raid,
ulhis d e n c c has becn obtained by them from the
~vhoare all the heoldierr of the Almilht~,
obedience to Him.. he king-bee said, Of what cllaracte~
is the obedience shown by the angels l'' H e said, such
obedience as the five senses pay to tbe reasonable soul ; they hjl of inhddity and ~vickedners; the)' are a1to:dha puffed
require no regulating or directing." The bee said, PIeasC Oft" to gain some advantase they
ap path of righLeousness and become infidels
to describe this fully.'' The King said, " T h e five sensfi side from
need no command or prohibition in bringing to the notice apostptes ; they a n always cnsaged in murder and strife
and Imowiedge of the reason such things as are perceptible on the face d the eartl~. Fu~ther,they Pay no obcdience
by them. When the mind directs its attention to the inverti. m their own prophets, and noturithstandi~lgmiracles
gation of anything, they, witlioul hesitation or delay, corn- and wonders they are became rank heretics. If they in
Pare this with some ather thing, and communicrre (the qpearance sho\v obedience, still their hearts are not
to the mind. In this same way tbe ang& shoi7 Uieir firehorn infidel if^ and wickednesg and inasmuch as they are
obedience and subjection to God-tvharevcr order js gi.en ,*id and erring they do not mderstand an@ina. But for d1
they instantly execute. this thur pretension is, t h a they are masters, We are s l a v e c
that the King continued talking with
Among tjK Jins there are villains and infidels, and although mntile men
in they pay no obedience to their king; still bey a n ~i~ chief .ftEe flier, they said, "It i s V U Y extraordinary that
better than villainous men; for many Jinr, nofrvitbstanding t,he chief of the insects shauld hold a position near the
their infidelity and error, m a h no failure in their obcrJjence which no &er animal has attained." A rage of the Jins
f O King Solomon. Although he, by the forcc of his occult raid, G oar b e at this, for the king-bee in chief
2% brought many suffcrings and hardships upon them, still ofthe flies. m o u g h he is sma8 and thin in body, h e is
they stood 6rm in their obediom. Whenever a man, in any still ve1-y intelligent and wise ; and be is the chief and Orator
of au the insects. He tezches t@ all animals rules
or jungle, repcats a prayer or formula through fear of
the b s , they inflict no kind? of injury upon him so long as qowament and sovereignty. And it is the rule among
he remains in that place. If perchance a Jin obtains the mar- kings to converse with such persons of their own race a s
t e r i aver 2 W o w or a man, and an exorciser performs in- share with them in royalty and rule, although they may differ
cantations and exorcisms to the chief of the Jinn, for his in form and appearam. Do not take the idea into Ymr
deliverance, they instantly fiee. And berid%, there is this head that the 6 n g , (or any object or desire, will show par-
proof of the excelfence of their obedience. Tile hophet tiality or indulgence to them.
(may the peace of God znd rest be with him !) was onceread- m fine, the King, looking toivzrds t11e men, sai4 ''%*bat-
ing the Kurdn in a certain piace where some Jins passed by. erer the m i n ~ a l shave made of Your tYrmny has
AS Soon as they heard it, all of them became Musulman5, been au heard by gm, 2nd they have a150 Sven their answer
and going back to their tribe, they called many to the to the which you have made. NOWthen c0m1unimte
Mullammadan 1-cligion, and caused them to share in the all that tllere remains for you to say." Thereeresenrative
blessings of the true faith. There are severzl texts of the of the men said, There are m y ercellencu and talents
Kur5.n n'hi~llspeak upon this subject. in us uhich iestify to the honesty of our chin>: The
' I Men are the V e V reverse of this. Their disposirions
1 l' The Grzek."
directed him to a t e them. i h e man of R h said, " we
Sfiill of the Atat, &C.

=e acquainted with many sciences and arts, and we excel all

animals in wisdom and counsel; the affairs of this world and hblv7n o ~ p i t h r ~ ~ n his ~ form, he conStn~ct5all
d i ntiny
of the next ~ e f u l l provide
y for. From tllis it is obvious t_uous dIvellingr under the ground, SO that how great Soei'er
that we arc the masters and the aninlals are our slaves.n m2t, be the inundation, no water can ever enter therein i how
T h e King said to the animals, W h a have he Lollect5 and stores grain for his food, and hoiv, if any of it
rakes it out and dries it in the sun i
about t120~emerits which he has described ? to say ever let5
gation of animals having heard these words, l~h~ o v COngre.
d their tao the s d breaks in two pieces a11 the grains
heads, and no one gave any answer ; but &er an hour the iihich arc 1iILeIyto germinate. In the hot season lnMY ants
repre~cntativcof the dies said, This man opines that men ulemb~Ein large carayanr and go about 0. evers side in
arc Wjuainted with many sciences and afijfices, in virtue of of food. ~f m a l t discovers anything which horn its
which ihey masters and the animals their slaves ; bur if reizhr he is ~~1abl.e to lift, he takes a little of it 2nd goes to
these men ivauld think alld consider, they ivould ].-am after , i s , . Then the ono ivho marches at their head
what fashion We order and settle our t h s 2 slnail portion it as r sjin~pleby which tlu r e c o g ~ s e
dam and counsel we are s~~pel-ior to them and
haueinsucll C and goes to the place ; afterrardr they 211 conF%Tate,and
~ t great
h foil labour carry it OK If any one ant is l a w
proficiency in the science of geometv that without or his u~rl; they beat bin, and drive him off Thus, if
compass we draw circles of a11 sorts, and tri;mgular md
4Uadranp~lar$ures : in our dwellings we connmct nu rafis this ivavld he would find out ~11;irs e a t science
of angles. Men have learned the ruler of sovereignty and and intelligence the ant possesses.
government from U S ; for we station porters and guards at m the same \MY, the lomrt, eating and drinking d ~ i n g
Our abode$ 50 that no one can approach our king 7v;thout the spring harvest, when she gets fat, goes and digs a hole
letmission- We extract honey from the leaves of tree% and in some ~ f~ ot u n and d lays her eggs. She then Covers thern
when we have coIlected it, nve sit down m f o ; t a b l y in ,th ea,-th flies a\my. % nhe' the time of her death a r v e s .
houses and eat if with our young o n e . What&verremains the birds ear her up, or she perisi~esfrom excess of heat or
Our leaving., all these men pick out and tdce for their oJvnuse , , l In the fo~~o-,ving year, when the spang reason returns,
" "0 one has taught US these arts, but they are and weather becomes mild, a little young one is produced
to US from the Almighty, SO that without the hornthe egg like maggot, which creeps on the ground and
fmchers we are versed in so many a r t s If the and menaid of
have feeds upon the grass, W-hen its wing, are developed, it eats
and denks till it gm~v..I big, and then in the Wular it
the conceit to think that they are masters a d tile animalr
are their slaves, then why do they eat our leavings. 1t is lays ifi and hider them in the ground. 1" thisway
nOf the practice for kings to eat the arts of slaves. There gear gear the young ones are produced,
are many matters in which men have need of us, but there is ~ ~ l ~ , which for the most Part live nPon
'g ~ i ~ , i l sik-\vorm.,

not one in which we have m y necessity for tl1un. Therefore, the eees of the hills, but more e s p e c i ~ ~0"~ ythe mulberry-
this claim without proof cannot be gain& by them. fie, wllen they grow fat h the days of S P ease. ~ S~ PLthcir
'' If this man would only look upon the doings of the mt ; muas on rhc trees, and sleep therein in
up they lay their eggs in that same ~ o
and then they depart. The birds then devour them, or they
die of themselves from heat or cold. The cocoons remdn in when the ieprerntativc of the fie5 closed his speech the
safety all the year, and in the next year the young oner are King of the j i a a was nluch pleased, and Praised him. Then
produced from them, and these crawl about upan the tress ~ " m i nto~the a s s e ~ n b l a pof men, he said, "you h?-ve heard
When they become plump m d strong, they in the s a c wry all that he hu ;h a w YOU any m r r e r l e t ?" Then one
lay eggs and produce youl~gones. penon of'them, m A d , said-u There arc man7 virtues and
in us, b y which our claim is established.' The
IQ-~sPs forrn their colnbs upon walls and trees, and deposit god
therein their eggs and young ones. But &y do nor amus king directed bilrxto mention them. i i e said-'' Our life parsCS
any food ; day by d r y they seek their sustenance, and in rb by virilF e a t pleasure. Good things, of e\lery kind and Sort,
time of winter they hide in holes and crewces and die. TIleir ae promrable for cmr food and. drink, which are not even
skins relnain there all the winter, and do not decay or melt by animals. \Ve eat thc pulp and kernel of the fruit ;
away- In the spring season, by the power of t o d , life again ,hey s,-aIlor d n d and stone. Besides this, eat $Weet-
Comes into them, and they, in their usual manner, build their meat,, cakes, and confectionst in VCat variety- For the "-
drvellings, and produce their young ones. of our can5riiution~WC Call h ~ dal~cil% e and music,
''Thus 211 insects, having brougl~rforth their young, nourish lupbrer and merriment, tales and stories. we wear beauti-
ful garments and jewel. of all kinds, m d Tve lai. down (for
them entirely out of tenderness a d kindness, not the
expectation of services to be rendered by them ; different our US.) felt, t.a.pestly, drugges, cloth, and many different
indeal from men who always entertain the hope of kindness so* of carpets- where can r11e animals all these artides?
and benefit from their children. Gcnemsity and liberdity, They cat the grass of the forest, and bein% quite
which are characteristics of the great>are never m be found in naked brr night and by day, they are sub~ectlike siaves
them ;thentvhat thing have they to boast about over US? Again, toil and labour. All these things are proofs that we are
flies~gnats7 mosqujtoes, and other insects which Iay eggsJfeed masters, they are slaves."
their young ones, and build houses, do not do so merely for ~h~ nighonpl+ the representative of the birGs, Was sitting
their benefit, but that after their death other insects may in front a branch of a tree, and thus addressed the
come and find comfort. Because e v e v one of them h% a ~i~~:-a T G man, ~ V ~ is O boasting about thevarieties of his
full assurrnce of his own death, and when the days of mar. food and drink does not that all these are in red it^
are complete, with resignation and cheerfulness it p a s e r woubler and torments him." The King asked howdat that *S,
away in the following y a r , God in His power reproduce. and told him to exphinin. He said, " In this these
them. v e r z ~these do not under any ~ i r c u m s t a ndeny ~~~ endurc many hardships m d troubles for the sake
Him,as many men deny that there is a resurrenion and day comforts- Digging the ground, -ploughing, cOns@Ucling
reapbg, weighing and
of jud€Pent. If man could but understad these facts about bridges, irrigating with water ; Sowln-,
the animals, and how greatly they excel him in &e.r plans g-inding ; kindling fires in Ovens, c0oki47 wL"g-
ling rith bufchers about moat, keeping accounts with shop-
for this life and the next, he would not boast of being master,
and having the animals for slaves." 1 7bclixt gives t j ) ~~~~S
~ of S Y ~ but
are "' tmnsLubic
into English.
keepers; cndurirlg toil for the salic of gctiin: moncyj rtudriol
science and art, giving pain to their bodies, travelling into tits. But those animals who are captives to you cannot P I S S
distant countries, and for two farthings standing n-ith t h r r thor &ay. in their natural manner ; they eat food a t UnSea-
hands clasped in the presence of noblemerl. In fine, lvith all sonaa~e~IOUTS, through hunger they eat t~ excess i they
this iaholv and effort they amass tvealth and property, vhicll no
- - not keep their bodies under control, and consequently from
after their death Llls to the lot of others. 1f it has been time to time they fall sick.
gained in a lawiul u7a>7,a a a t i s i a c t o ~account can be given There is also this reason for your children being diseased.
of it, but if it has not, it is torture and tcmcnt. p n p a n t women and nurses, through greediness, eat that
I' m'e arc sealred from 7111 thcie priss and torturer, because uns$trblefood of which YOU boast, from which foul humours
Our food is merely regctablcr ; xihatever springs from the a0 prodLlced; a l e milk is vitiated, and tllrougb its effects
earth, ire, without b l ~ o n ror troublq mrlie use of. We eat the cKldren are born ugly and always liable to diseases. Tlroroui??'
various fruits rllich God Almighty, of His power, bar crated there diseases they ire rubject to sudden death, to the agonies
for us, and to Hiin we nl~vayspay our thallk. Care al,d diaolution, and to sorrow and anger in fine, YOU are
scareh for meat and drink never enters into oar n1ind.j ; in\rolved in these evils from the effect of Your own works, but
wherever 1e. go, by the grace of God, everything (we need) is we are preserved from the111
pmcurable ; but tlleie (men) are ever writhing in anxiety i r o f all the kinds of food to be found in )lour houses, honey

about their food. h d as they consume many different kindr h &c choicest and best. You eat it and emplog it in your
of food, So do they- surer many pains and torlnella, and are medicines ;but i t is the nwxS of ~ ~ S ~ ;C itI does S not arise
subject to chronic dirmses, vapours, headache, cholera, from any art of yours ; then what have YOU to boast about ?
palsy, fic-doiOreux, ague, cough, jaundice, fever, hectic [ever,, and you equal (partners) in eating the remaining
boils, P ~ ~ P ~ itch,C S , nngl~orm,scrofula, gripes, diarrhea f&is and grains, and frorn of Old Our anCeStOr5 and your
W n o n h a a , e l e ~ l l a n t j a ~p~lypus-in
i~, fire, they are subjecf mce,, ha", mntinued to be on an equality On this matter).
'0 discascs of all Sons. For medicine and physic they run In those dry$ when your great ancestors, Adam a d Eve¶
and r=on to [he ~ O L I S E Sof docto~s;but for \vcredWellingin parsdisc, eating t l ~ fruitse of that place with-
impudence declare, 'We are masters ; h e y arcthis ourthey
~ l ~,~ifi
~ : r r ~ f out foil i a b m , and feeling no kind of anxiety (0' need 00
The man repiied, 'Sicl~nessis not a t ail p e r u l i ~to us ; mrkion. our ancestors d s o there shared with them those
beasts d s o are subject to most d i ~ a s e s . ~ 'He re(orted, say- comforts and blessings.
ing, "When animals fall sicl;, it is entireh through asrociation 'When ancestors, being deluded by their e n e m ~ , ~
and intimacy with you. Dogs, cats, pigeons, ~ O W I ~~ , o d the munsel f. GO^, and showed theu greed for a certain
animals who are in bondage to you, do not obtain their na- g_,,they were expelled from thence. The angels,
a where having
there were
tural food and drink ; consequently tI:ey fall sick. ~ h ~ s e brau& them down, cast them into a plac-
animals r h o roam about at rill in the jungles pl-eserved neither leaves nor fruit : what mention can there be then of
from every disease, because their times of eating and drink- (deed) fruits ? Fol- a long period they kept weeping "their
ing are fired, and there is no deficiency or excess in thegum- gjef. .At l e q t h God accepted their repentance, and P ~ T ~ O P
their sin. He sent an m g d to them, who Calne and H tau~ht
them how to till the ground, to SOW, grind, COO?<, and to make
garments. In fine, day and night they were subject to these p,rhat you may take tl~emon your shoulders, c m y thcm
troubles and labours. When many children were born to &out from place to place, and sell (the water). You are ever
them, and these began to live in every place, whether wood liable to labour and trouble ; these are all distinctive marks
or field, then evil doings began against the (animals) dwell- of slaves : how then is it proved that you are the masters, \ve
ing on the earth. Their abodes were seized, some were made the slaves ? "
prisoners, and some fled. Making all solis of snares and The King then asked the representative of the men if he
nets, they pursued them in order to capture and confine them. had any other answer left. He replied, " W e have many er-
At length, matters have arrived a t such a pitch that now you ce11ences and distinctions which testify to our ddlrn!' The
stand there boasting, expatiating on your dignity, and rmdy told hihim to state them. A Persi;ml runong them said,
for contending and quarrclIing <.God Airnighty h= bestowed upon us distinctions of many
'<And when you say that you have parties of pleasure, that bds-religioh prophecy, and the revealed Word,-dl these
you are occupied in music and dancing, and pass your days biersings He has given to us. Having made known to us
in luxury and enjoyment ; that you wear fine clothes and what is lawful and unlawful, good and evil, he liar restricted
jewels of all sorts, and that you have many things besides this (kno\vledge) to us, in order to bring US into paradise. ..
these which we cannot get-this is aU true; but ycu havefor Ablution, purification, prayer, fasting, sacrifice, a b s g l m Z ,
every one of these things its opposite of pain 2nd toEnent, sxying prayers in the mosques, preaching i n pulpiu, and
many other acts of devotion H e has taught us. these
from which we are exempt. Thus, instead of parties of pleas-
ure, you sit in the house of mourning ; instead of happiness, distinctions afford evidence to this, that we are masters, they
you endure grief; instead of music and laughter, you weep and the slaves?
feel pain ; instead of fine houses, you sleep in the dark grave ; The representative of the birds then said, " If you Were to
instead of jewels, you wear a collar on your neck, fetters on and conrider, then it would be found that these things
your hands, and chains upon your legs ; and instead of praise, are troubles and hardships to you.'' The King inquired.
you are subjected to derision. In fine, for every joy you feel a w h a t k n d of trouble.'7 He said, " Gad Airnighty has
corresponding sorrow. But we are exempt from all these established all there modes of worship in order that their
evils, because these are the troubles and pains which befit sins maybe forgiven, and that they may not be able to go
slaves and miserable creatures. asway. bus He rays in the KurPn, ' Good deeds prevent
"Instead of your cities and houses, we have this boundless evil ones:' ~f they do not act upon the rules of the gu,
plain for our use. From earth to sky, wherever our hearts b e n they a n disgraced in the estimation of God. In this
desire, we fly. We pick and eat the green v e r d ~ ~ ron e the fear they continue occupied in devotion. We are Pure from
banks of the rivers without let or hindrance ; free from toil and have no need of the devotion of which they boast.
and labour, we eat our suitable food and drink pure water ; And God m i g h t y has sent prophets to those people, althaugl'
there is no one to forbid us ; we have no need of ropes or 1 m, pfi,ed ~t has . f i y d d , , it is obdo= that the
~ e b r mbut
buclic-ts, bottles or pitchers-all these t h i n g are required for q&er is a Muhammadan. probably an l n f x i Or P e ~ i m .
2 K&", SJrat xi. v. 116.
they are infidels, idolaters, and sianem, who do not per(orm : ~~d slid to ay, build your house upon the hills.' -4nd
worship to Him, but are occupied nigl~tand day in debauch- in one place he says, 'Ever)- animal kno~vsits
ery and wickedness. W e are free f r a n ~that idolatry and sin ; praise.' And in another place he says,' ' God NmightY
we know God to be one and vithotlt putner; and rent a crow to go and dig the ground, and show Cain that
engaged in His worship. The prophets and messengers 2, he also, in the same way, might dig the c a d , and b u y
God) are like the physicians and astrologers. These people of his brother." When Cain saw ir he said, ' What a
find the need of physicians when they are sick and ill, pity it is that 1 have not got as much sense as the crow, that
and they entreat the astiolo~err(to tell them) d things inaus- ., similarly inter my brother's bier.' Indeed he felt
I mi&t
picious and 111-fatcd. great regret on this matter.
UAblution and pnrification have been made duties for you, V~&nd f l ~YOU
a ~talk about YOLK going into the mosques
because you are always snciean. Night and day you pass year religious houses for the purpoK of ~ u b l i pra>-er
c ; but for this
time in adultery and .. . . . and your bodies are of foul we have no necessity at all ; to us every place i s a mosque
odour; hence Uie command of purification for you. \lTr m d temple;' wherever we c ~ s our t eyes we perceive the
abstain from these things; during the whole year we apprrn& divine presence. Neither have we any need of prayers on
each other only once, and that not for lust and gratification; Sabbaths and festivals, for we are always engaged night and
for the sole object of the perpetuation of our species we do '
the deed. Prayer and fasting are duties with you an this
~. in prayer
- and fasting. In fine, all those things you boast
about we do not aU require."
accocnt, that thl.ough them your sins may he pardoned. We When the messenger of the birds had thus finished speak-
do not comnit sin; then ~ h should y these be duties for us l ing, the IGng looked to the men and said, " If you have any-
Sacrifices and duxgiving are incumbent upon you, because thing &p left to say, then speak." An li&f out of the
YOU mulate late great wealth by lawful and unlawlul means, assemblage of men answered, There are still many superior
and do not bestow it upon deserving people. If J-ou expended qualities 2nd excellences in us by which it is establisl1d that
it On the poor and needy, then why would alm.-giving be we are the masters and the a n i ~ n d ares our slaves. Thus we
made a duty for You ? We take compassion and pity upon have various garments to adorn and beautify us-shawls,
our fellows, and never accumukte anything through goid embroidery, silks, brocader, fun, mixed fabrics of silk
avarice. and colton, prz-badan, muslini, fine Mahmbdi rnus~in.s f l h
"When you say that God Almighty has revealed to satin, flowered muslin, lace, chequered ~ 1 0 t ;hv~~ i o * kinds
texts of t h e Kurfin relating to things la$dul and of carpets, dnggets, and felts ; and besides all these,
penal laws and the laws of retaliation, all thin to get many other fine things. Hence it is a s c e ~ i n e dfhat
for your
instruction, b c a c s e your hearts are dut Tbmllgh smpidiry we are the masters, they the slaves, for where can the animals
and ignorance you do not know what is bene&iai, what in. net all these things ? They wander about stark naked in the
jurious ; consequentIy you require teachers and masters. a K&", Sfirat xxic. V. 41.
1 Ku&. SSlrat xri. v. 70.
But God Aln~ightymakes all things h o w n h us ,vithouf 3 Rurin, Sli-at V. v. ++
the intervention of prophets, as He himself says inthe K ~ ~ L ~ , A
11 altars are the mountains and the bil~s."~&'~*n-
jungles like slaves. All taese gifts and blessing. of God are
proofs of our domination; it is right that we should E, it ail withiil our power, without any labour or
lordly authority over tbem, and do with the~nas we tmuble of ours. ~ u you t aixvays, till your dying breath,
they,are all our slaves." x e involved in trouble about it. your ancefors l'cbelled
The King asked the aninzls if they had any answer to give againn ~ o d and , in requital thereof YOU arc subjected to
'0 this. The jacW, the ambassador of the rapacious beast$ t<is trouble."
said to the man, "As you are boasting SO lnuch about your The King said to the jacl;ll Relate to US the facts about
fine and soft dress, tell me this, Where Were ail &ere d$- 11, beginning of the race rf Adam." H e replied, '' when God
fcrel~tguments in the first age? perllap~you to& them created dam and Eve 11e provided food and covering for
by tyranny and riolei~cefram the animals." he m m asked the,ll like as he did far the animals. Accordingly, the= two
wht.time he was spcaking about ? He raid, Ofall the gar- li* in the East upon the Ruby mount*l~%under the
ments that you possess; the finest and the softest are the bra- equator. ~t the time He created thon they Were quite d e d ,
cades and silks, these are made of raw silk, and that comes but &ir emire bodies r e r e covered with the hair of their
from the mucus of a worn ; and this rvorm does nor bdong heads, and by means of this same hair they u7ere protected
f O the race of Adam, but is a species of insect, whicll for its from the cold and heat. They used to stroll about in the
0% Protection spins (aweb)with its mucus on &trees, so that and eat the fruit of all the trees ; h e y underwent
now forced
it may be sheltered from the evils of cold and heat. ' npforre kind of toil or labour like as these people
md t w ~ YOU y have torn it from these insects; conrcqucoily undeqro he divine command Was, that the7 were to eat
God made you subject to this punishment, that you have the fruit of the garden, with the exception of one tree
to it, with labour spin and weave it, and then to get it \"hiCh they not to approach T h m u d l the hg~il". of
sewed by tailors, and washed by rashermen. Indeed you satao they &isregarded the direction of Cod- Then the)r
suffer SO much trouble and kbour about it, fiat you carefully lost their superiority ; the hair of their heads fell off, and
keep it and sell it--you are always writhing in aniietynbaut it became quite naked. The angel+ by divine
" So there arc other garmenu which you weave fmm the fur expelled t h m from thence, i n the W 3 Y that the doctor
2nd hair of many animals, and your finest garments are gene- of fins the circvmrtances length in a fOnner
rnll~ made fron1the wool of animals; with force aad.yjo]e.ce chapter!' of the rapacious beasts had thus
You tear them from the animals, and then appropriate t h m to w h e n the
Y O ~ ~ S ~ I V3'~0S make
. such boar of this is improper. ~fwewere a man said, Y 0 M~U, it is not fit and right for
to boast thereof, it would become us, because God Allnighty , before us; it is better for YOU to be silent:' The
jackd asked for orhat reason ? He said, " B e r n S e
produced it on our bodies, that we might malce it ,-over. the h m a bthere is no one more wicked and vieious than
ing a d dress. He, of His compassion and kindness, be.
stowed this dress upon us, that we might be protected from you; no more hard-heam& pnd none '0 greedy to
good for nothing but to wO*N ani-
cold and heat. God Almighty brings forth this dress upon devour cadon you
.nure ih- bmt upon their death and destruc-
Our bodies at the time afben we are born, and of His kindness mals,
tion." arked, HOW i-) fiis And the man replied.
Because ;11I rapacious beasts prey upon a11d devour ani-
mals; they crush their bones and drink tl~eirblood, md us, this is dear, that benint comes t o all of ).Qu from Our
never take any compassion upon their condition." swand hr. The birds of prey XISOv110 are in bonds with
The representatire of the carnivorous beasts raid, 6. ~f p u , hunt tl~eirprey and feed you with it. But t d l US what
do inflict this treatment on the animals, it is all through you, ad,~anta, the animals derive from you. The injury is a p
instruction, for without that we knew nothing rv]1aterer about parent, for you slaugi~terthem, and eat their flesh. But
it* Becore the time of Adam no rapacious b e s t preyed p, sti.gj11e~~towards US. is rucll that YOU buP/ Your dead
upon aninmib; when any animal died in the woods and d d s , in the earth, so that are cannot get to eat them-
they used to ezt its flesh, but they did no injury to living " you ray, that tile rapacious beasts kill a d ravage 2"-
SO, have
beasts. SOlong as in i n y place they found flesh lying on rhe ; but the rapacious beasts having seen YOU
groulld, they did not tearauy animal; but in the time ofwant the usage. From the days of Gain 3'and "ie d1'w5
0' Abel ta the
and extremity they were compeUed to do present time, continues to h.seen
'Vere created, and you began t o catch and confine j!:hm g o a ~ , Thus, Rustam, Isfnndiyhr. Jam-
engaged in war
sheep, COWS, own, camels, and a r m , you did not allow any ihfd, z u ~~k~ f i dAfr&jiyib,
h , \liodchihr, Dbr& Islcandar,
animal remain in the jungle ; then h o l ~u;rs their flesh to and were d,vay-i occupied i n massacre and slaughter,
be obtained in the jungle? Having no rcsouxe, we tool; to and in it passed amy. Even now YOU are in dis-
; but far 111 this YOU boast
preying upon living animals ; and this is lawful for just turbance and
as it is alloaable for you to cat carrion in time of earerne a b u e the rapacious beasts, and unfh fraud and fake
necessity. pmenrions to YOU' authority orer t h e m Have
' When You say that the hearts of rapacious beash aye bard you ever the engaged in War and *rife, and
and mercilas, we do not find any animal complaining of us to i n j w
other like as YOU 60? if YOU
lilce as they complain of you And you my dro, that .-ami- of the wild animals wit11 considera-
inquire into the
vorous beasts ear open the bellies of animals, their tion and c a q you would learn that they are far better
blood, and eat their flesll; but you do just the fbiEg. yourselves"
You cut them with hives, slaughter them, flay thenl, rip ~h~ d r r s a d o r of the men inquired if there was any
open their bellies, ~ u r h
their bones, roast them, and eat t b m poofof this,and he replied, " Those of you who are
-all these practices oure their origin to you. WC do not do devout your dominions, and 90 Out into the mOuntGns
W- If you ~ ~ 0 consider
~ l d and reflect, then you would un. md jungle., where the wild beasts have their abode, and
deTstand that the tyranny of the rapacious beasts is not equal kepup A warn, acquJnfance night and
t o your o m , the representativeof the cattle has stated t h e day, nor do the wild beasts te-?T them. Tbexfore~ if your the
first chapter YOUalso pursue such a course t o b ~ a r d=,~-h wild be=u were not better than YOU, then t'h~
other, and towards your kindreed, as the animdr h o w no- holy ma devout men resort to them ? Far pious flee
thing about. perate pmple do not resort to the wicked, rather do better
" w h e n you 611 us that no goad comas to any one from t_ hornthem. This is a proof that the wad beasts
than you.
"Anotller proof is this : when ).our t y r a ~ ~ n i ckings
d haire
any doubt about the probity a11d purity of zi)y man, &ov
drive him out into the jungle. If tlie wiid beasts do not tear
him to pieces, they understand fmm that fact that he is right-
eous devout ; because every species recognises its otvn
fellowJ and the wild beasts k n o r i i ~ ghim to be righteous do
not molut h i m True it is ' One u i n t hors anofier*
VeiilY there are bad a!~dvicious ones among the wild beasts,
but is tbjs ? nlE there not good acd bad in ever)-spedn'
Even the beasts which ere bad do not tear to i w e s rile good all the men and animals attended the
ancl riCteous, but tlleyclevour the evil men. Thus cod AI-
mighty declares, ' 1 make tyrants to prevail over tjr'm~s, IY
of justice.
King told the men that if had
of their ciaims to adduce, they we" to state
that they m y obtain the recompense oftheir rills:JJI any
it A Persian raid, fi There are many laudable The King qualities in
ivhen the anbassador of the rapacious b e a t s finished this
speech, a philono~herbelonging to the company ofIins said, us 4 \\.hich our claim is established."
He him to set tlhem forth, yid he 5.14 In 011' race there are
the truth ; those people who are good d u n the
bad associate l*itIl the good, although these belong to a fings,ministersl not,les, ~crretmcs, financiers, revenue Offl-
mgyate, arsiaa~\u,mace-barerg ~en~allt',
diffmnt species ; and those who are bad flee from fie good cers, mab
and many other dasser besides these i devotees,
to go and associate with the ~vicked if were nor evil and humane men, scientific me" holy
Ssllould heir devout and holy nun go and dwell
V ~ C ~ O U Ywhy poets, learned rnell, virtuous
in the wiids and mountains, and there conceive affection for abstinent people, preachers,
the wild beasts, n o ~ ~ t b r t a n dthat
i n ~they belong to a distinct ,m, judges, lawye"&a, grammarians, logicims1
thsayers, physi-
interpreters of
species Get~vcenthese and those there is no appveot dmi- cians, geometricians, a s ~ ~ i o g e rSO0
Lrity ; still in good qualities they surely mu* be ~ ~ f i ~ ~ r J J dreams, dchemir~~, and magiu- ; men of trade, buildus~
All the congegation of Jins said, "He $pc& the h t h - weavers, cottansar~ei~~ h o e r n a k ~tailors,
s, and other m-
there no doubt Or ~i'I~ertai&y about iL" The nlen on merouE chssri. Of all thew classes each one has i t s dis-
every side, mrhcl~ they heard this condemnation 1d . censure, tinn mords laudable q"Liitie5, and its distinct and
Were greatly ashamed, and hung down their heads. Mean. apppprovrdinstimtes and arts An these "e'lences and
while evening came on, the sovn rose, and all taking leave, qudiues are peculiar to ; the animals do not share thethecmani-
and m
went to thek own dwellings. .-
-..-this it is evident that W e are the manerr,
mals our slaves."
Kudn, SJrat. vi. v. rag. ha& ended his statement, the parrot said
When the
to the E(mg, This man is boasting about hi. m w
the varieties of the birds, he
11 he would
undastrnd that, as opposed tO these, the varieties of men
'30 Thc SoztL!
and kind. All this is a proof of His kindness and
mercy." dlineP circles it ha, no need of r u k or cOn~P~"Cs;
marciialr and t o o k So JSO tilere is the
Tile King asked who \%asthe chief of ti~oreangels r h o had it,ese (men)
been appointed for the protection of m n . The %ge replied, is t h e wvcakcrt of all insects, but V'hich, in
%,,irninlagand,vca,.iog, bsgrexter &iil than all their wealrers-
'' The reasonable SOU]; for since the tinle of Adamps crea-
tion this ha5 been the partner of man's body. Those fintplace, he draws act a thread from his sdix-a i aftc'
who, a the divine command, paid homage to ~ d they ~ ~ wardn,
, having formed it into a kind of ladder, he firmly at-
tWba it ' 0 al~ove,and keep5 Open a smdl IPaCe
are 'Animd Life,' and they are subject to the reason-
able soul. Tlley who did not pay bomzge are the pasdon of in fie centye, for the p~rporeofcapturing %er. in this
and the sensual lusts. They caU this also rblfs (devil). of h e has no need of materials ; vhereas their r e a v e r s
reasoll2ble Soul StiU remains among the descendants of cannot weave anything without stuff-
:< So .gain there are silk-WOrmS, whiih 7.t-e verl feble, but
Adam, in the same Way aS the Corporeal form of A d a m rtifi
which pmsess g"*et- s & n e and skill than fit+' irorlaen-
survives. are born, and they continue in that form, and
in the day of judgment the sons of ~ d will m fire jn that when have and are satisfied, they come to their
form, and enter into paradise." dwclling-p~ace. Then, i n the first place, they ?in some fine
The King asked how it was that L e angels m d the senses kind of lines from their saliva ; these they afiewards at16LCh
were not visible. The sap replied, It is because fiey are (0 Overhend, and make it firm and suong, so that
erhered and &ansparent, and are not perceptible by the *.ither nor water can get iioo it, and h 4 accordin?
nlO*al senses. The prophets and saints, h o w i , thmugh their cllstom, thg.simp. i ~ this 1 ski11 they have acquired
purity of heart, behold them, because their s e a r s a e free (he t e d ? n g of parents or mastern ;neither do they
the gloom of folly, they are watchful against the slum-
or thread ; but t h e i irrriiors
~ and damers can
b nothins "thout them. The s w a ~ ~ o also a r build their
ber of h e e ~ e ~ ~ n eand
s s , their senses are similar those of
the angels Hence they see them ; and hearing fheir words, hanging in tile air under the cave+ and require neitha
they communicate them to their felious.J7 ladders nor al1fihing of the kind t o get up to t h e m
constructs her house i t h o u t mud Or watm,
The King having heard these detlilr, s ~ i d , $hy~~d re- h e white
ward Then he looked towards the p m t , and told requiring nothing for the work
beas= and bird5 make houses and neds,
hill1 to finish his qeech. He said, This man mainwins Y ln fiLle,

that there are many worlcmcn and mechanics jn his race ; but and supPO* their offspring. They have greater intelligence
this is no proof of his superiority, because among us also are and skill mm. For instance, there is the ostrich,
many animals who share with them in those is allled both to bird and beast, with what When care does
.hE1 for the ~ w i s b m e nof
t her Young
fly (bee) possesses greater ability in building and repairing
than their architecrs and engineen,' for it buildr itr house em_
oa to or thirty, she divides them into three
without eaRh or bricks, or lime or mortar. 1 . (he drawing lots: she SeCUres in the &h, some she exposes the
beat of therun, and some she keeps under her ""3-w h ~
L Lit. " geometr;c.ans." I ~h~ ter( rqrnscnts tke male 3s doing thisis.
a g o o d many Young ones are hatched, in o d e r to sustain 51udrnts and rmenlI>ranccr~;1 bxt if you undentood the
them she digs up the ground, p i c k out tile ivorlns, and feedr language of birds, the praises of the reptiles. CXP~CSS~Q"

her !oua,a ones. But among mankind no roman nowjshcS d faith of tile insects, the laudations of 111~~ C ~ S theSre-
her children in this nay. Nurses and midvviucn attend m citdsd the IOCLIS~., the p r a ~ c r sof :he frog, the s:llnonJ of
them. soon as they are taken from the womb and are fie ~ f ~ f b i r the
( , lecturer of the sait~-.Elirvd?r,the Sumlnons
born, they bathe and mash them, \\-et nurses feed and to of the cock, the cooing of he pigeon, the predic-
1~11d1.m in cndlcs-they do everything ; the motIler of the urn,of the C ~ O \ the ~ ~ , eulogies of the sraiiow, or fhc iarl1ing to
child takes n o heed of it. fear by the owl-if, besides these, you knew the Far-
'' Their children also are excessively stnpid ; they h o i v licularr of the devotion paid by the anti, flies, &c-, the11P*
"0th'"' at .l11 of what is beneficial, what injurious. After ,iroo~d l;notv that amens them also there are fluent and e h -
the). arrive a t fifteen or twenty years of age they get to years qnenf poets preachers, studeots and rnemori&sts. Thus
of discretion. Still they require mast,, and teachers ; they God Almighty says, C Everything pays its devotion in praise
Pass their d r r s in reading and writing, der they of G ~ J lIut
, gall do nor L ~ O it:l N ~ o has, d tl~erefore,given
'main the biggest fools in existence 6 u t \!,hen our W n g you inclination towards ignorance-that is to SzY.
Ones are born they are from the first instant aware of what is you do not underr&their praises ; but to Us He has given
good and what is bad. Thus the young of fowk, paeedges, a turn far k~~oxxledpe, and has said, ' Every animal knows
and quails, a s soon as they come out of the egg, run peckiing ifs form of pRise.l -0 then, as the ignorant and the
ab*uq and if any one tries to catch them, they run away learned are l,ot anequ$ity, we hare the superiority over Ym.
from him- This knowledge and inteliigence has hem corn- ~h~~ .hat maltcr have you to boast about, and with frmd
municated to them on the part of Grd Alnlight); fiat their and ulvmny to say, We are the masters, t l l e ~the slaves ?'
may knowwllat good and what is bad. The reason of ~~d then have made a Statement about astrologers,
this is, that among those birds the n1a1e and female do not but asvology is practised only among ignorant people-
assist other in feeding then% as pigeons and orher birdr womenand ,-hadren believe in it, but it is held in no eslecnl
d o ; for DOnng there latter the cocl; and hen unite in feeding wise. Some a ~ t r o l ~ g e rin
s , 0d" '0 delude fo01s7
their Young It is for this that God has bestowed on young declare t b t i o n x prrtict~luincident will happen in such
fowls such int~uigencethat they do not depend upon their such a in ten or twenty yead t i n e ; whereas they
Parents for support, but of t1lernselves peck and feed. They kn, nothing about their own affairs, what will happen to
do not need to be supplied d t h milk, or fed with grain, like them, or xvill be the condition of their chiMr- fhe7

the Young of other animals and birds. Then, is the nremenrn about some distant countli some time
hishest in the estimation of God Almigilty? Bight and -beforehad, so that people may think they speak tmlj', and
are employed in prayer and praise to Him, and mxy haire faith in them. The only people who place reliance
consequa~tlyhe h s taken a11 this compassion upon our on the of astrologeri are those who have erred and are
state. I L&+, remembm, w110 f e3k gratitude.
d. %)L+.41. ~ r e s s c iis
'' You say that in your race you hare poets and preachers, 3 I(urjn, Shrat d i . 49. I
rebels (against God) ; such as the tyrannical and violent
kings anlong men, who deny. there is any future state, and ~vho
is certainly possible, but not in the way the astrologers main-
do not believe in destiny-Nimrod and Pharaoh. for instance.
tain. I t is (to be effected) b y secking the help of God, who
These kings;upon the statements of the astrologers, had
is the Creator of the stars." The Kingaslced how the help far
hundreds, even thousands of children put to death. They
this was to be sougilt of God. H e replied, "B); acting o n
usedto believe that the regulation of the world rested upon the
the commlnds of the law, by weepil~gand lamentation, by
seven planets and the twelve signs of the zodiac, They did not
prayer, b y fasting, b y making offerings and giving alms, and
know that nothing happens without the command of the Lord,
by worshipping with sincerity of heart-this is (tl~eway of)
who made the constellations and the planets. True it is that
setin. help of God. 14henrver any one implores God t o
' 'Gninst fa:@ no plans prevaiL' prevent (the inampiciour influences of the stars), assuredlr
After all, what God willed came to pass.
God does preserve him. The astrologers and soothsayers
The l%istoryof this matter is, that the astrologers had in-
givf information before the occurrence of events, and SaJr
formed Ni~nrodthat a child would be born in iiir reign, ivl~o,
Gob Almigllty will Mng this event to pass; but is it not
after being brought up, would attain r hi$> pontion, and Oc-
better in matter to pray to the Lord to prevent
overthrow the religion of the idolaters. When he asked
cu~rcnce,rather t11a11 to act upon the rules of a~trolo?ZY('
them a t what place and in what family the child rould
The King said, If by acting on the com~nandsof the law
be born, and where he would be brought up, they could
not tell Xiin; so they said to the king, 'Give orders that evil is averted, it follo~vsof necessity that what is predestined
by ~dis set aside," He raid, " The divine predestination
all children born during this year r h l l be slain ;' tbeir
idea being, that ilre child would be killed among them At does not change, but whcn people make their supplications
to ~ o ford its pevention, He preserves them from the event
length God Almighty created Abraham, the friend of God,
and preserved him from the malevolence of the infidels. so the astrobgcrs informed Nimrod that a child ~ o ~ l
be who ,~ouldbe the opponent of the religion of idols-
This u n l e kind of treatment Pharaoh dealt out KO the
children of Israel; but here also God Aln~igl~ty kept tile
, and ,110 ivauld throiv all his subjects and m y into
co~~fu5ion, it .uri Allraham~% the friend of God, who was thus
patriarch Moses safe from his malice In fine, the predie.
indiclted ; and Gad Almighty having created him, brought
tionl of astrologers are all fables ; fate is never to .b ended,
low rind dcstmved Nimrod al,d his army by His hands. But
and yet you boast and say that you have astrologers and Eager
if at that time 2;imrod had prayed to God for safety,then the
in your race. These men are only fit to delude sil~ners,m d m h t y in f i r mercy would have brought hinl into the
those who put their hurt in God pay no heed to tlieir words,
relidon of Abrah;lm, m d he and his anny would have been
Whell the parnot had reached this point of his speech, tile raved from dishonovr and d e s t r u c t i o ~ SO d s o when the
King asked him, " If the prevention of evil through the itus
astrologers ~ I I O U Dto~ Pharaoh
~ ~ the. birth af M o s s , if he
is impossible, then why do astrologers study them and llad his supplications to Cod for safety, Gad would
establish (the fact: wit11 proofs Z and why do they fear them i:'
hatre brought him also into his religion, and have pruerved
He said, " The prevention of the evil influencer of the rtu.
him from di=hallour ; in the ssiine manner as the *ilnight5'
gave to his !vice, and bestowed upon her blessing
of the true faith. The tdbe of Jonas zlso, when they were they could give no explanatlon ; still they a c r e able to tcll
beset with troubles, prayed to the Lord, and He gave thcm a this much, that the event rvould befall on such and such a date
refuge from their ills." of such and such amonttl. The king inquired of his people
The King said, " I t is true-the study of the stars, the what ccurse ought to be pursued to avelt this calamity, and
prediction of events before they happen, and prayer to God they who were Ieari~edin the law replied, that the best thing
fur prevention of thase evils-these all are things of which the was that on that day the king and all the dwellers in the city,
adwntagc has been understood. For this reason hloses gave small and great, should go out of the town into the fields,
this admonition to the children of Isracl, saying, ' When you and there make supplication-and weeping before God, for the
are in dread of any calamity, then pray to God with earnest averting of the evil ;then, perhaps, God might save them from
supplicatio~land mourning because He, through the sincerity that calamity. In conformity with thcir declaration, on that
of your przyers, will preserve you from that occurrence.' day the king left the city, and many people also went forth
Begincing from Adanl, and (coming down) to the time of with him. Then they began to pray to God to preserve them
Muhammad the Pure, (may the blcssing and peace of God be from the evil, and kept watching all night.
on him !) this practice has always prevailed, for them to give Sundry men felt no alarm at the predictions of the astrolo-
this direction to their follorvers ~ v l ~ eany
n accident befell them. ,,S, m d stayed in the city. During the night it rained with
Tlterefore it is proper for us to act in this way as regards rhe great violence, and the t o m being situated on low grom&
behests of the stars, and not a s astrologers in these days the waters drew towards it from all sides, and filled it. All
delude people to forsake God, and fly (for direction) to the the men who remained in the city perished, but those who
revoiutions of the skies. were engaged in prayer and lamentation outside the city were
"For restoration to health of the sick also, one should first saved, just as Koah and those people who had faith were
turn to God, for a perfect recovergmay be obtained from His preienred from tile deluge, while nil the rest were drowned.
grace and kindness. It is not right that we should turn away God says, ['We gave deliverance to Noah and to those
from the court of the true Healer, and resort to physicians. people who embarked in tbc ark with him ; but We over-
S o a e men, ar the beginning of their illness, apply to physi- wllelmcd those ~ 1 1 0deemed My words false, because
cians, but receiving no benefit from their remedies, they in were a perverse eeneration." l
<'The philosophers and logicians whom you make your boast
thcir despair bctake themselves to God. Frequently even,
with great importunity and lamentation, hey write out state- of, do you no but rather lead you astray" V-ben the
ments of their cases in petitions, and hang these up on the m m inquired how, and asked him t 0 explain, he replied,
malls or pillars of the mosques, and God grants them a cure. "Because they divert men from the xay of the lax, and
"So it behoves us to resort to God against the influences through the many- inconsistencies (occurdng in the holy
of the stars, and not to act upon the delusions of astrologers. book) they set aside the commmclments of religion. The
Thus, there was a certain Icing to whom the astrolagers had opinions and religions of them all are antaaonistic ; some of
given information that an event rvould liappen to his city, full +em maintain that the world ir p r i r n o ~ d some
,~ maintain the
? ICadint-ancient-
of danger to the inhabitants. The kixg inquired how, but I K&, SJnr vii. v. 42.
pte-existence1 of matter, same adduce proofs of the priorityl
of form S o ~ n eof them say that there ale t x o pnme causes, They do not know how many cntrails and intestines they
some maintain that there are three, others are co~~vincedthat have; what space there is in the cavity of the chest;
there are four, while some say that thew are five, and others what the state of the heart and brain is: what the natureof the
increase them to six or even seven. Somc are satisfied o i stomach is ;what the shape of the bones, nor what the fashion
the CO-existenceof the Creator and the creature. S o ~ n esay of the joints. They never know anything about those things
that the world is infinite, and others adduce evidence of its which are easy to understand, and right to investigate. But
being finite. Some acknotvledpe a resumcction, others L n y it is from these things that the art and power of the Almighty
it. Soine believe in prophecy and inspiration, but others are discovered, for, as the prophet says, " He who L C O ~
object. Somc arc bewlclsrid and dizzy with doubf others himself, knows God." And, with all this st~~pidi$ and i p o r -
reject all reason and evidence, and others are convinced that
awe, they rarely read the Divine Word, and do not heed the
all is deli~sion. Besides these also there nre many ather
dccreos of the Divine law, or tbeordinancer of the Prophet.
diverse beliefs to which they are all fettered. "The phyjicians whom you boast about are not required
"But our religion and way is one (only). We acknowledge by until you fall sick through eating unsuitabk food in
God to be One, and without equd. Xight and day we arc greed ;md gluttony ; then you go and wait at their doors
engaged in His worship and praise. We do n o t make our with your uriile botrles. The man who goes to the door of
boasts over any creature of His ; whatever is ordained in our the physician or druggist is sick, just as the crowd rvho wait
lot we are thankful for. We do not reject His authority, nor ypon artrologcrr are ill-starred and unfortunatr after
d o we ask the why or wherefore of anything, as men (do whm d, thdr resorting thitl~eronly makes them more unfortunate,
tl~ey)carp at His behests, His will, and His skilI. because the astrologers have no power in anticipating or
"Then as to the mathematicians and geometricians w11om delaying favourable or unfavourable momenti B" notxvith-
you boast abaut, they puzzle themselves night and day in standing this, many aitrologers and necromancers, fake Paper
thinking about demonstrations. They make pretensions to and write rubbish upon ir, in order to delude their dupes.
those things which are beyond conceptioli or imagination, The same is the case with the physicians, for S ~ C ~ isS only
though rhey do not h o w it. They show no inclination for aggnvated by resorting to them with your complaints, and
those sciences which are suitabIe for the- and pursve those they recommend abstinence from those things by which sick
vain trifles which are quite unnecessary. Some dircct their people are frequently cured. if people would leave it all to
attention to the me2surement of bodies and of distances; nature, then the sick man would soon well. So, boasting
some are distracted in ascertaining the heights of mountains about your astrologers and physicians is sheer f0W We
and of clouds ; some go abaut surveying rivers and farests, bavs no need of them, because our diet is of one sort, and
and some ponder and study to find out the system of the because of this (simplicity of our diet) we do not fa11 sick, re
heavens and the centre of the earth. They take no heed do not go to the hauses of physicians with our complaints,
about the physiology or measurement of rheir o u n bodies. nor hav-e any need of draughu and electuaiesi. The
course of the free is to have no need of any One, but the
of slaves is to run about to the houses of eve~bod>'.
<' The mr.rihants, architects, and f m e r s whom you boast
abour, are worse than slaves, ancl are more wretched even boast about them, for in the \vl~oIeworld there are no men
than the poor and needy. Night and day thry are inx~oloed more villaillous and rascaU~~.They are constalxtly enga*
in toil and labour, and cannot take a moment's rest. They in thc endeavour to supplant their rivals by cunning, craft,
are always building houses although they themselves do not and pbau5ibilify. Openly they write friendly letters
dwell in thein. They dig the ground and plant trees, but in a vcry florid, ornate stylc, but in their hearts tlrey are ever
t h y do not eat the fruit of them. There are no p a t e r fools i,~tcniupon their designs of digging up the root and basis of
than these, for they ~ccumulatewealth and propeny, which (their competitors). Day ancl night they are bent upon their
they leave to their heirs, while they themselves always lead a schemes of dismissing onc man from his office, and of securing
life aT stan-ation. The merchants also are always intent u p n a dovrricr for the appoilltment of another; and so by fraud
alnassing dishonest wealth. They buy grain, and keep it, in and deception they get him dismissed.
the hope of its becoming dear. and in the days of famine they ':As to the devotees and worshippers whom in your corn-
sell it for a high price ; they give notl~ingto the p m r and pla-cy you consider righteous, and whose prayers and in-
needy. IZll a t once the wealth which they have amassed terccssions YOU think to be acccp:able in the right ofGod :
during a long period is destroyed ; it s i n b in the sea, or these have deceived YOU by (outwardly) exhibiting their
thieves cm-ry it off, or some tyrannical king seixs it. Then, e V n a pity. For this public ioorship of the*, their
being wretched and abject, they go begging from door to door, cultivation of their beards, their removing the hair round their
and all the remnanr of their lives is lost in vagrmcy. They lips, Uleir wearing of the recluse's gument, iheir satisfaction
think that they have gained some advalrrage, and do not per- with coarse clothes, their laying patch upon patch, tlleir re-
ceive that they have thrown away for nothing that valuable maining silent and speaking to no one, their instructing men
weaIth, their precious life ; that they have sold the next world in morals and teaching them the mandates of the inn; their
for this, and have not even got what they purchrred; that making of long prayers so that their foreheads become in-
they have thrown religion to the minds; rhat they are divided dented (fmprostration on the ground), their eating but
, no rest. If you m a i e
by doubts, and have found d e l ~ d o nbut little food so that their lips hang (flaccid), their dried-up
your boast about this seeming advantage, then we curse it. brain$ their emaciated bodies, their faded CompleGonsr
all this, from begi~~ning to end, is fraud and falsity. Their
"YOUsay that you have kind-hearted people in your race,
but this is a n~istalce. For the friends, relations, and neigh- hearts are m full of malice and rancour that they do not
bours of these people go about poor and needy, naked and recognise the existence of any one (but thmselva). *hey
hungry, begging from street to street, and these take no heed are always censuring God, and saying, Why did He create
the devil and Satan ? why were i~horemongersand adulterers
of their condition. Do they call this humanity, that they
brought into exi&ncc? and why does H e give them Suste-
should sit a t home h1 ease and take their pleasure, ,while their
nance Such talk is improper, and their hearts are filled "fh
friends, relations, and neighbours pursue a life of mendicancy?
YOUsay also that you have writers and revenue accountants sin~iiarSatanic notions. T o your eyes they Seem good, but
among your people, but stilt it is v e v ill-judged of you to
in, the right of God there are none worse. Why do YOU
boast about them? they are a disgrace and shame to You-
'' Thcn as to youl- doctors and iatvyers : they also, for the
sake of mammon, make the unlawful to be IacvfuI, and t11c
iaw-ful, unlawful. They put senseless interpretations on
the word of God, .and for the sake of gaill pervert its ori-
ginal meaning; what possibility is there of devotion and
piety (in them) ? Hell (is prepared) for ihese very people
whom you boast about. And your jurists and lawyers, be-
Whjtd tL'A,!t.
fore they get i3to office they g~ morning ancl evening to the
mosques, say their praycrs and preach to md admo:lish the
people ; but when they becolllc mngistratcs and law-oficers, HER the parrot had iiished his speech, the King
they take away the p:operty of the poor and of orphans, m d looked towards the congregation of Jins and men, and
collvey it will1 flattery to tyrannical Itings. They ukc bril~es How is ir that the white a1lty altllough he has no
and pervert the right, and if any (suitor) is dissatisfied, they hands or feet, nlies up e<arthand builck his vaulted habitation
silence hiin with threatening and broiv-beatil~g. In b r r , hb body? Erplain the facts of this t o me." A person
these people are terrible rascals ; thsy make the wrong right? out of the Hebrew party said-" The Jins raise the ealth for
ancl the right wrong, and have not the least fear of God. this inred, bemuse tbcse (insects) did for them the ser-
Tortures and punishments are in reserve for them. vice of eating up the staff of Solomon. He fell d a r n , and
Your khalifas and kings you have mentioned as being fien , e jes perceiving he was dead, fled from thence, and
heirs of the Prophet, but their blamewol-thy qualities are obtained release from their troubles and hardships."'
manifest. Abandoning the coursc of the Prophet, they have ~h~ King inquired of the jin sages whether h e y knew any-
slain the children of the prophets. They constantly drink thing a b o a the m a t t n which this person had spoken of,
wine. They exact service from the people of God, and con- mey replied, a How can we say t h i t the Jins t a l e UP the
sider theinselves better than aIl d e n . They prefer this esth md ~ ~ ~ ta edrgive , them to this insect? For wen if
world to the next. When any one of them becomes ruler, r Jins that kindness which this person
&is insect did s h ~ i the
the first thing he does is to imprison the lnan who from of 1 Rllwres exPLrmtion. Solomon, by his supemat& POxver.
old has served his ancestors. The claims of his service are ford eejjns 10 labour in the c o ~ s t ~ c t i oofn the TempL Ad\"er1
antirely banished from the mind. In their greed of this of his n p T m & i n ~ dissolution, and aware th3.t the Jins wmld. afrer
worldythey his deslll, eau m labour. he p n y d that his decese might be Con-
their frie~ldsand brothers. These are not ealdhorn them. A staff u u miramlousb p r ~ % i d rfor d k=.Inning
the characteristics of great men. To boast about those upon \,,hich, prayingin his private ceil in the Temple, he
kings and lords is injurious to yourselves, and to assert a rnpp.*ed him, and the Jins u m t on working. * white and
claim of lordship over us without evidence or reason, is from \>.hi\e, kept devouring the staff ; but a5 the wood m" Veq
end to end trickery and deceit." ,,,,, it for a When it rr( =ten through. S ~ i o m o n ' ~
hod, fell do\,.n, and hir dab was discn~ered: but the Jins had accom-
pli5i,ed meiylvo&, the Ternpie was finished.-&rdn, xuv- ;
TabarL, chap. scvii.
T ~Ant.
E ,
has stated, they are still liable to that work and labour, alld
have not been delivered from i t ; for Solornon used to make l r q 7 long, is yet such a fool that he follows the lead of W ~ C -
them raise earth and water and buSd houses, and did not s o e m seizes his Gse-cord ; even a rnoase n~ightdrive him if
trouble them in a n y other way." it liked. Then there is the scorpion, who is small in size,
A Grcek sage said to the Kin5 "One reason for this is bLlt gill \\-hen he stings the elephant, he kills hiin In the
,V&, this which they call the ivhiic ant, although
known to inc." The Ring told him to eqlain, and he said-
" The structure of the white ant is wonderful and marvellou~; it is very diminutive in size and very feeble, still it is VeQ'
its temperament is very cold, the articulations and pores of sil-ong-ivi]\ed. In fine, all those insects which are small are
its w!~olc body arz constantly open. The air which enters acute and wise.
into its body is condensed by the great degree of cold, and The King asked the reason why all the large-bodied ani-
becomes itrater ; this exudes on the surface of its body, and nmls were stupid, and the little creatures sharp. Where:'
the dirt which falls on its body being formed into mud, coagu- said he, "is the divine wisdom in this?" The locust re?lied
lates. lial-ing coilected tl~is,it builds t l ~ ehouse over its -lL The Creator, by Ris omniscience, perceived that animals
body for its protection, so that it may be safe from every of large body were capable of (inflicting) pain nnd uouble,
danger. Its two lips are very sharp, with which it bites and so if a high spirit bzd been given to them, they would
fruit, leaves, a d wood, and bo1-es holes into bricks and never have submitted to any one ; and if the little creatures
stones." had not been acute and wise, they nrould always have been
The King said to the 10curt--~~ The white ant belongs to in trollble and difficulry. Therefore H e gave to the f ~ r m e r
the insects, and you are the representative of the insects ; an abject spirit, and m t h e e a sagacious illtdligence." The
explain then what this Greek doctor has said." The locust King directed him to explain this more full}', 2nd he replied
replied-" He has spoken the truth, but he has not given a -Lc The (chiefl excellence of every art is th& that the art of
complete description o f the ant ; there is something yet left.' the artist and his mode of procedun should not be known to
The King desired him to explain it fully, and he then said- my Thus, tliere is the bee: r h o in her house constructs
" When God Almighty made all His creatures, and bestobved all kin& of angles and circles without luler or compasses,
His Wcssinp upon each one of them, in His wisdom and and LIOWS how she does it, or from %+henceshe
justice H e kept them all equal To some He gave a body brings the war and honey. If her body had been large, this
and figure large and heavy, but H e made their spirit v c ~ y art of hers must have been disclosed.
mean and despicable. T o others H e gave forms small and Tbm, again, there is the silk-worm, whose rnetllod of
ha,but He made their intelligence acureand wise; thus the spinning and no one has discovered. 1' is the Same
excess and deficiency of one side or the other was rectided. C S e with the white ant, for the exact Way in which she builds
For instance, there is the elephant, who, in spite of his huge her house has never been disclosed, nor is it even known how
form, is 30 mean-spirited that he is obedient to a child, who a.lifts the dirt and works. Doctors ofp11ilosoph~deny that
mounts upon his shoulders and drives him whither he will. the =irtence of tile world is posiil~leoitlaut matter. God
And there is the camel, who, althougb his neck and f i g r e arc Alncghty has made the art of the bee a proof (in refutation)
1 Lit. "l¶}'."
of this, because she, without matter, builds her house of wax comes up fro111 the bottom, ancl places ilelself upon the sur-
and collects her food froln honey. If it is their opinion that facc of the water. Shc has two large ears which she opens
she gathers it from the flowers and leaves, then why do not out, and 5vhm a drop of rain Fails into one; she instantly C~OSES
they also collect some, and make something? If slle gathers it, so that the salt waier may not mix with the rain-drop.
it from the midst of rhe water or the air, rhen if they are Afterwarc'~~ she goes back to the bottom of the sea, and for a
sharp-sighted, uehydo they not find out how she collects it, period lcecps the two drops of rain shut up until the water is
decomposed: and becomes a peal% Well, where is 5~ch
and build d\~ellingsfor tIlcnlselves ?
" In the s a n e way God has made creatures of little bodies,
science to be found in inan ?
to serve as proofs of his power and skill to tyrannical kingS Gad has inlplanted in the hearts of man1:ind a love for
who h a w relxlled and turned ax~ayfrom H i n ~ For instance, brocades and silks? and these are produced from the ~ n U c u s
a gnat kilIed Ximrod, although thc gnat is the smallest of all of those litile worms. They considcr honey a most delicious
insects. When Pharaoh chose a wickcd course, and rebcUed food, and that is produced by bees. In their assemblies they
against the patriarch Moses, God Allnighty sent an army of illuminate with wax candles ;for tllcse also they are indebted
locusts, whicll went (to his) country, and brought great clis- to the bEEI. ~ 1 1most e exquisite of all their decorations is the
tress on h i m So wl~ellGod bestowcc1 on SoIomon the royal pearl, atid this is prodnced by the skill of that little Creature
and the PI-ophetic office, and made all the Jins and all man- of \vhom a descripti~nhas just beell given. God has pro-
kind subject to him, there were solne cvil persons who doubted duced from those creatures such excellent things illat men
his prophetic dignity, and declared that 1le had obtained his might see then1 and acknowled:e His art and poiver. But
sovereiguty by fraud and artifice. Although Solomon told although they behold all His powers md all His a*, they
them that God, in His grace and bounty, had co~lferredon still r&garc~ic~r ; they waste their days in rickedness and
him this distinction, still the doubt was not banished from inhdelity, and they show no grati~udefor His biessinp, but
thcir hearts. At length God sellt the white ant, who went violence and o p p ~ n s i o ntoward; his poor and help-
and ate up the staff of Solomon ; he the11 fell down in his less servants!'
cell, but neithcr Inan nor Jin had the hardil~oodto face him. T\?en the locust bad finislxed this speech, the King asked
This (exercise of the) divine power was exhibited as a warn- the men i( they llad anything else left i0 Say. Tl1ey replied,
ing :o thosc persons xho glory in their size alld dignity. For The= are wt m;lm; excellent qualities in us by which it is
dthough they see ail His arts and all I-Iis powers, still they proved that \ware the masters and tlleyour slaves:' The King
take no warning from them, and boast about those kings rvho dlrecled thun to rf them forth, and a certain maa said,
4; Our forms are identical, their forms and shapes are diverse,
are powerless against the smallest of our
'' The shell (pearl-oyster) in which pearls are produced is and thin proves us to he masters and tlienl t o h slaves ; be-
smaller in bull: and more feeble than any aquatic creature, c a u a (identity of figure) a proper for rule and master/, and
diversity is indicative of &~vcry.'' The King asked the ani-
bul in wisdom and kno~1ecIgeshe is wiser and more sensible
i<7hafanswer they could give to this? and tlie). all re-
than they all. Obtaining her food and sustenance in the
depths of the sea, slie dtr,ells t11e1-e; but on rainy days she maLnedfor an hour pensibe and downcast.
1 it. "cooked."
Rcl;,dion nszd Politics. 149
Aftera little ~vh-hile
the nightingale, the rrpresentative ofthe
birds, said-" The man speaks truly, but although the f i ~ i r e s by wliatevcr road they reach it. Whatever direction we go,
of anilnals are various, still the instincts of all are alike ; and we proceed only towards God" The King asked, "If the
althougl~the forms of men ate identical, their minds are sole object of all is to reach God, then why does one (party)
very different." The King asked for the proof of this, and kill the other ? " He replied, "This is not for the sake of rc-
he said-" The variety of reljgions and crecds substantiates ligion, for there is no hatred in that ; it is rzther for rule,
this statement, for among men thcrc are thousands of sects which is an institution of religion."
-Jews, Christians, Magians, polytheists, infidcIs, idolaters, The King directed hinl to explain this fully, and he replied,
fire-worshippers, star-worshippers. Ijcsicles this, in each re- Rule and religion are twins ; one cannot exist without €he
ligion thcre arc many sects,just as in oldcn times the opinions other, but religion is First, and rule is secondary. Religion is
of the philosophers were diverse. Anlong the Jews there are necessary for rulc, that (through its influence) all men may
the Samaritans, the 'Ab2li and the J;!dti ; among C h r i s t i ~ n ~ be honest ; and religion requires a kins who, with authority,
there are Nc-storians, Eutychians, and folIo\vcrs of hIalk5; can enforcethe commandments of religion mlong the people.
among the Magians are ZarBdushtis, Zal-wPnis, Hannis, For this reason some ministers of religion liill other persons
Llazakfs, Gahrdmis, and h l i n m i s ; ainocg the hlusulmhs for the ends of rule and government. Every minister of
there are Shias, Sunnis, Khdrijis, Rifizis, Nbsibis, Murjis, religion desires only this, that ail men may adopt his creed
Kadaris, Jahamis, MGtazilis, Ash'aris, and others. What a and and the oldinances of his law. If tilt Kingwill
great variety of sects there are ! All their rclipions a l ~ d attend to me, and listen, I will adduce a clcar proof upon
creeds differ, (those of) one religion thinking the others in- this point." The King directed him to proceed.
fidels, and cursing them. W e are free Iron1 dl diversity ;our Hc said, "The mortification of the passions is an ordin-
creed and fzith is one. I n fine, the anirnals are all uniform ance in all religions and creeds, and mortification of the
in their belief, and faithfuL They kno\v nothing of idohtry aion should sacri-
recpircs that the aspirant for reli,
or wickedness, fornication or adulter): They have not the iice llilnsclf. 50 in rule, it is the practice to slay ally other
leas: doubt or scepticism about the porvcr and unity of God ; f 1 . ' The I<inq said, " T11e killing of Linz5 in
they know Him to be the true Creator and Provider, and g, pursuir of &minion is obvious ; but uhr. do professon
night and day they devote themselves to meditation, prayer, of ,ligon Stae their own passions?-ten me this." He
and praise. But these men are not zcquaintcd with our $=id, In of Islam this is certainly the clearer
prayers." conllnand, for says, ' God ALnighty has purcllased
An inhabitant of Persia said, "We also bdieve God to be the pas"ons properties of true believers, m d h= provided
Creator, Provider, one and without equal." Upon which the for them, that in the service of Gad they may slay,
King asked hiin how it was that there was such s e a t diversity and be slain themsdvcs? There are many other texts of the
in the religion and creeds of man. He said, " Reli$on and
belief are the way and means by wllicl~the ol~jectsof lifemay i K ~ ~ShyatL ~ix.~r n, , Sa~es'translation is-" Verily God hafh pur-
chased of true believers their souls and their substance, p ~ o m i s i n f ~ h t . ~ ~
be obtained The aim and ol~jectof all is one and the same, z ay fight for 111. ~~ of
h. jo!mont of p a m d i r m ~ a n d i f i o ~fhat
God, whether they slay or be shin.'' K
KurCln besides this which are explicit upon the point, a d in
one place, according to the c o m m a ~ ~ of
d sthe Old Testament, be? of their species, and varieties, and individualities, greatly
God says, ' If ye will turn unto God, mortify yourselves, for exceed the beasts, because in all the habitable quarters of the
this is best for you in the sight of God.'l world there are nineteen thousand countries in which a great
"And when the Lord Jesus said, 'Who will be m). assist- variety of races dwcll. Thus there arc COina, India, Sind,
a ~ l t sin the service of God ?' a11 His friends repIied, 'We Hijjk~,Yemen, Abyssinia, Xajd! Egypt, Alexandria, Cyrene,
rill be your helpers in God's service' Then the Lard 1 ~ ~ 6 i b d d u s i a , Constantinople, 'Azarbaijdn, Armenia, Syria,
~eplied, If you will !Emy assistants, then be ready for death Greece, 'IrAk, Badalihshbn, Jurjbn, Jilin, Naishapur, Kar-
and the scaffold, SO that you may go to heaven with me, and m&n, Rbbul, Multan, KiiurAsbn, Miwar Au-n Nabr, I<hw+r-
live with yoar brethren. And if you will not be my asistanis, irm, FrrgliAna, and others, rhausandn of citin and countries
then you are not of my flock.' Finally, they were all slain in wllich il: is impossible to enumerate. Besides these cities,
the seiwice of God, and did not forsake the religion of Jesus thousands of men live and make their abodes i n forests,
1" t h same~ way,the people of lndia,the B n h m n s adorhers, mountains, and islands, all differiop in language, colour,
kill themselves, and in pursuit of their religion burn them- manners, consritution, creeds, and arts. God Almighty sup-
selves dive. It is their belief that the 11ighest of ail plies them all with food, and keeps them under his protection.
in the sight of God is that repentant shners should denroy This vastness of number, variety of circunlstames, and
themselves, and burn their bodies, so that their sins may be differmce of pursuits and objects, prove that the humall race
forgiven. jn better than any other species. Besides this, ~batevcl- other
'' Thus men l a m e d in theology reskain their pasdon% ap- ,,-of allimalr a i s t , ihzy hold superiority over it. F m m this
petites, and lusts, and take upon themselves tlie burden of if is clear that men are the masters, and all the animals are
devotion, until their passions are subdued, and not the least their jlavcr. There are still fu-rther exceliences in US; the
desirc or lust of this world is left. I n fine, ail religious men detail of xvhicl~would be very tedious."
i~nmolatctheir passions, looting upon this a s the h i g h s t a a ~h~ Frog to the King, This man has adduced the
about it ;
of devotion, through which they find deliverance from the great nunlbei of men (as an argument), and
fires of hell, and attain unto heaven. But there are good m d but if he \"ere to see the aquatic animals, a d behold their
bad to bc faund in ail religions and creeds ; but of all t11e mulfifarm sl~rperand figures, then in comparison with them
wickd, that man is by far the worst who denies that there is men would seem very few. he cities and countries also
a day of resurrection, who has no hope of the reward of which he has mmcioned would also look still less. Because in
virtue, no f e z of the punishment of sin, and svho does not the habitable quarter of the arorld there are fifteen la%e seaS:
acknorvledge the unity of God, althougl~all men retun to the &lediterranean, the Caspian, the Lake of Giian, Red
Him." sea, the Persian Gulf, the Sea of Hind, the Sea of Sind,
When the Persian stopped, after making this statement, a sea of china, the Sea d Ydjuj, the Indian ocean,
Hindu s p o k , and said, " The children of M a n l , in the =urn- Weltern S a , the Northcm Sea, the SS. of Ab~ssini"
.$,oufl-&rn Sea, aod the Eastern S e a And there are five
lluo&ed small rivers, and two hurdred l x g e ones, such as
Ij Z Knsi L ' V ~ I ~ D Z ~ C ;o~f- S A 71i71zL71s.

the Oxus, the Tigris, the Euphrates, tllc Kile,&c., the lengiil
of cacli of 11111ich is from a hulldrcd to a thousand kos. And
in addition to these there are the small and larger streams
:und rivers, lakes, pools, &C.: which are to be found in the
woods and wilds, and which it is impossible to enumerate. In
these there are fishcs, turtles, crocodiles, porpoises, alligators,
and other aquatic aninlals of thousands o: kinds, which no CHAPTER XXV.
one but God knows of, and no one can estimate,
" Sonle say that there arc seven handrecl species of aquatic On the World of S$irif5.
animals, without reckoning the varieties and specialities ; and
of anirnals which dive11 on dry ],and, beasts of prey, cattle, HEN the frog ceased from spealting, a sage from
&C., there arc fivc hundred spccies, without reclconing x~arie- aman5 the Jios said, " 011 ye partier of men and
t i e s an(! specialities. All these are the sermrlts and slaves of bcasts, ye are cjrcurnscribed in your knowledge of the great
God, whom by His power he has crentccl, whom I-Ie suppons variety of creatures. You do not know those beings which
and continually protects from evcrp ill. There is nothing are spiritual and ethereal, and have no affinity with corporeal
which is hidden from Him. If the men would consider this, forms. They are incorporeal souls and elerne~ltaryspirits,
and could comprehend the (nunhers of the) swarms of ani- which dwell in the regions of the sky. Some of them tvl~ich
~nals,then it m,ould be clcar that the number and concourse belong to the angelic class are placed in the highest zone of
of men afford no proof of their being [he masters and we the the heavens, aud those who dwell in the broxd espansc of
sIzves." the cold sphere are the Jins and thc tribe of devils.
" So if you could bnt conceive the full amplitude of creatcd
beings, you ~vouldknolv that, as opposed to them, men and
beasts hare no (appreciable) esistence. Because the extent of
thc cold sphere is t e n times greater than h e (terrestrial) sea
and land 1 and in the same way the lunar sphere is ten times
larger than both these spheres ; and each superior sphere
bears the same relation in its extent to the one beneath it.
All rhcse spheres are filled with spiritual beings-not one
span of space is left. All the incorporeal souls dwell there,
as the Prophet (may t l ~ cpeace of God and rest be upon
hiin 1) has declared : In the seven heavens not one span is
empty in which the angcls are not either standing, bend;%,
or lying prostrate in the worship of God.' Therefore, ye men,
if ye could but see their hosts, ye would know that your race,
as compared with them, is of no account, and that your num-
154 God's PI-omisiscst o :PTLZZ.
ber and aggregate affol-d no proof of your being the master; judgment, the terrors of the account, the going into hell, the,
and all others your slaves. -U1 the servants of God are his tortures of helI, the hdls called Yalrinz, Sakar, L a x , Sa'ir,
soldiers and subjects, but some are subject and suborclinate N Z L ~ and ~ I Hri?uzya,
Z~, wearing the gaiments of liquid pitch,
to others. In fine, he has issued the orders for their regula- the drinking of foul matter, eating of the snkklisn: tree (the
tion among them according as he in his supreme wisdonl fruit of which is the heads of devils), dwelling near the
deemed right. Praise and glory are due to him under all ruler of hell, lixbility to tortures in d ~ companionship
e of
circumstances." devils ; these are all prepared for you. And, besides these,
When the ]in sage finished his specch, the King turned there are many more punish~nentsand tortures mentioned in
towards the men and said, "The animals have given an the Iiurkn, from which we are exempt. God has made us no
answer to the thing you were boasting about : if you have pron~iseof reward, and so he has madeus no threat of punish-
anything left to say, speak." An orator of Hijjdz then said, ment. We are satisfied with and are ,%tehl for the com-
" There are yet many esccllei~cesin us by ivhich i t is proved mands of God. No benefit o r injury accrues t o us from any
that we are masters, they slavcs." Tile King directed him to of our works or actions. Thus we are equal to you in
speak, and he said, " God Almighty has pro~nisedus many evidence, and you have no superiority over us."
blessings : resurrection from the grave ; spl-eadjng over the The Hijjhzl replied, ':Ho\v are you equal to us ? For
whole face of ~ h earth
c ; the reclconing in the day of judgment ; \ve at all events shall exist for ever. If we show obe-
the passage over the bridge of Sirht ; entrance into para- dience to God, w e shall dwell with the prophets and saint%
dise ; heaven ; the garden of delights ;the garden of eternity; and sl~all be associated with the great, and learned, and pious,
the garden of Eden; the garden of refuge; the mansion of and just, and eminent, and pure, and dcvout, and good, and
peace; the mansion of permanence; the home of rest; the holy. These beings are like unto the angelic chembims, for
glorious abode; the Tu'ba tree; the fountain of Salsabil; they take the lead in good works, they long for the Divine
streams running with wine, milk, honey, and water; elevated presence, they devote their lives and wealth to God, and put
dwellings ; the society of the 11Grfs; nearness to God. These their trust in him ; they address their prayers to him ; their
and many other bIessings, which are mentioned in the KurPn, hopes are in him, and they fear his wrath. If we are sinners
God has prepared for us. Can the animals anywhere attain and do nor obey him,still our salvation will be effected tl~rough
to these things? This i s a proof that we are the masters, the intercession of the prophets ; more especially will our
they our slavcs. Besides these blessings- and excellences sins be forgiven through the mediation of the true prophet,
there are many othcr great qualities in us which I have not the chief of messengers and seal of the prophets, Muhammad
mentioned." the Pure, on whom be the blessing and peace of God ! After
The nightingale, the representative of the birds, said, '' In that we shall all dwell in paradise in the society of the
the same way as God has made you many excellent promises, nymphs and youths, and the angels will say to us, 'Blessing
so has he passed upon you many denunciations cnf punish- on you, be happy, and enter into paradise, there to durel1
ment. Thus, there is the suffering of the gravc, the interro- for ever.' But all ye tribes of beasts are deba~~ecl from
gations of the two recordi~igangels, the dread of the day of these blessings, for after your departure from this world
ye wiII cntircly pcrish, and no name or trace mill remail1 ot
On hearing these words all the representatives of the ani-
mals, and all the Jiu sages said, " Now you have advanced
an effective argument, and have adduced a conclusive proof.
Boastcrs inay boast of such things. But now tell us what is
the nature of the attributes, and excellences, and virtues, of
those beings who have been the objects of your praise and
eulogy ; if you know, tell us fully. " The men all reflected for
2 while, and kept silence ; no one could tell.
After a little while a holy person said, " 0 just King!
the truth of the men's clairn has been established in the royal
presence ; and it has also appeared that there is among them
a class who are near to God, whose graces are laudable,
whose virtaes arz estimable, whose characteristics are pleas-
ing, .\vhose tempers are angelic, whose habits are holy, and
whose nature is wonderful and miraculouj~so that no tongue
can describe them. The mind fails to understand the nature
of their qualities, and all the preachers and orators are en-
gaged during their whole lives in follorving out the descrip-
tion of their excellences, and yet do not in reality arrive at a
true Icnowledge. Now, just Icing, what order do you give in
the matter of these foreign men whose slaves the animals
are I" The Icing said, " Let all animals be submissive and
obedient to man, and let none depart fro111their allegiance."
&he animals consented, and being satisfied, they all rc-
iurnzd in security and peace CO their honlcs.


TRE patronage with which the first edition of

the " Translation of Ikhwan-us-S~xffa''was received
by the public, during . the author's life-time, en-
couraged the pubIiwher to take u p the second edition
of this popular story of the Controversy between
Mau and the Beasts. The original with t,he trans-
lation had become rare, as all 'the copies printed
ior the first time had been exhausted. Jl'itfi a
view t,o preserve the memory of the departed, Mr.
Joseph Wall, and to allow to the public an oppor-
tunity of enjoying the fruits of his valuable labour,
the publisher begs to present this edition to them.
The corresponding original pagea in the Nastalik
character" have been omit,ted, in order to make
the book moi8e handy and chea,per.


Z7!ie 5th. June 1880.

Beyond iin,aginat,ioa to that God is du,
\v110 to existing bodies, notwithstanding their bein;
of one origin, has given various shapes, and wh,
has colnposed Man of body and spirit and to ever.
individ an1 has given different talents.

13oiindless praise is due to the Creator who,

having bro right ma~llriildfrom hidden non-existenct
into the ~vorldof existence, gave hitn a position,
above all creatures, and adorned him with the gift
of speech and clothed him with the robe of lcnow-
ledge. What power has frail Inan to give thanks
for His blessings ; and mhat power has 1r.y poor
pen* to pcrfornl the salnc duty. Couplets :-
Well, how shall I fillfil His. praise when the
efforts of prophets fail ?
+ Ehikastn rnknu, liiwcilhj, broken writing.
Him, holy men say nought but tbis, and who showed us the light way. After this, I
In I k r h Ali, who am n sinner, [yes] a1together sinful,
We do not understand Him."
now write. When I came to Calcutta at the kind
Again, when shall this poor creature attain to suggestion of Mr. Abraham Lockett the renowned,
such wisdom ns to gain access to the Creator ? honori~ble,the greatest of this world's philosophers,
higher than the highest among the wise,* the giver
What power has man to express His praise ? of blessings, may he ever be f o r t ~ ~ n a;t eand at. the
Roulldless praise is due to the highest, the Inrt invitation of my brother and tutor, my respected
pmphet, Mnhomed Diustnfa, who havillg taken sin- brother, the worthy Moulvi T ~ l r a bAli Sahib (may
neri out of the crooked paths of rrickedncss put his shadow never grow less,) by means of my
t,heln in the right m7ay ; through him we have good fortune, after the honor of visiting him [Yr.
obtained superiority to all other races. As it says Lockett] I became t,he receiver of lrindness from him.
in tbe sacred text, Ilh~intumkhairn zinlufin-" Your Since the said gentleman desired t o do me some
race is superior to Jl." conpletms :- good, he got ille employment under the Honorable
(':ompa.ny, and secured my service under him. After
Ynhomed is the I , o d of the world arid of every a few days, at the suggestion of Captain John
p1ace. Willinm Taylor Saliib Rahadur, (whose rnnk is high.
I~Iiiirhoinedis the guide of tnnn and of genii. tbe essence of the learned men of his age., the cbief
of the highest of the wise; Professqr of Hindi) he
'Shrongh him sinners are pardoned ordered me to translate the book fi~bzru?z-ru-,6Sn :
oy The Controversy betwee,r, Nnn nnd Animals, in
a very easy style, without any difficult ~ o r d ; s and
I'raisc and blessings be to his race ail4 to his
oompaoions, throog5 who~nthe faith was confirmed
* Hadi asbr, literally, the eleventh,
.md A2~~imals. E:ttional and traditional arguments
to leave out the scientific terms aud prayers that 311 both sides are nicely narrated, and at last after
are put in for ornment. 'He only rvisbed to
~iluch discussion nian is declared sictor. Their
have the substance and meaning of the cont,roversy. object in t h ~ work
s is silllply to describe the perfec-
In accordance witlu this wish I only a r o t e the ' tions of man. d s i t is myitten in thc end of this.

substance in Urdu, leaving out t*he p r y e r s , and book, " Those qnalitieh by which Inall overcame the
sometimes the scientific words t,htit mere not ncces- :ulimxis mere [sinq?ly] a Xnozctedye o j the Cveiltor,
snry to the narrative Biit certain texts, and Bindi rvhicb we have described in 5 volumes," and the
expressions, I hnoe that vere closely con- j ,,bject of this volume is to describe the pttrti-
nected with the story. In fact, if you look illto 1 ulars and give a brief account of the faith of the
the figures and elegallce of the texts,-every one is iI ~ gGod:
Luimals and their l < i i o ~ r l e ~of e that the wise
a inille of eloq~~ence, sad every sentence :L treasury
from seeing this inay bc inclined to acquire simi1:lr
of beautiful co~nposition. Though common pe,ople: $ood hrtbits.
from what a,ppenrs to be vritten, ~villsee only the
narrative of the controversy ; subt,le-~ninded, wise The translation of this work. was completed in
Inell, froin understanding it,s drift will ge+ a tzste : the timc of (the cssellce of the highest standard of
of the mysteries and lieowledge of God. Ahls nobility, the best of the best co~nlnnndersof tell
Salnznn, Abul Husan, .kbu Ahmed, &C..t,en rnt:n thousand, the gellcrous Ilatiln of that age, t h e
joined together il-i Uoasorah and wrote this work. h r n e d 1'l;lto of his time, the chief of chiefs, f11e
They J ~ v a y sspent their time in the investigation bravest of the brave,) His Excellency the Governor
of' science and religion, and have colnpilecl fifty -one Clellera1 Lord Minto, d. H. 1225, 9.I). 1810.
books. They fisequently mrote on ~ o n d e r f u land
excellent subjects in them. This hook, which is
m e of thrm,js about the coutroversy between Yall
had filled every oone's heart, entirely disappeared.
CHAPTER 1. Further they built Inally forts, cities, towns and
villages, and began t o live comfoortably.
Of the bgbwiny of the Crrntion of .bfaan and o f
their pt,nrrels with the Animals and a their Having made agricultural implements each en-
d ~ m a n d i njustice
~ br the presencr! of Bezuai.asb, gaged himself in his own work, and having taken
Hakeon, ICi?,,q of tL Genii, and of the JUCLJC nnirnais captive in snares, began to use them for
tlzenb. riding, bearing burdens, a.nd for a,gricultural pur-
poses. The e l e p h a ~ ~horse,
t, camel, ass and many
Historial~sh8ve written of the probable state of other anilllals that had always wandered unre-
Ynn in the begiimi:~g. While they mere yet fen?;., strained' in the forests and wilils mheresoever tliey
t,hcy $rv;iys )lid the]-nselves ia car7es from fear or wished, feeding on freslr pnstnres wherever t.hey
the animals ; nild took shelter in the hilts,m o ~ l d found them-no one ~lioleatingthem-had. their
nuountilinr from dread of rnvenoos bans te. i here
sho~~ldcrs skinned tbcir backs g:illed by incea-
was not secndty enough for two or t'hrea to join snnt labor. Xotnit.hstnnding they sl1011ted and cried
:ogether to cnltivate. the earth for their support : ant esceedingly, noble mail rever gave ear to them.
weaving cloths to cover their bodies was out of the l o s t of the wild animals from fear of being captured
question. I n short, whatever fruits and herbs of fled illto the 6a.rjungle. The birds also !eft their
the forest they could get, t h g lived upon, and homes, and taking their voung with them flecl from .
covered t]lcir bodies with the lewes of trees. In j the dwellings of man. Every maii had the idea
cold meat,her they chose rrasm spots to live in, and i that all animals were llis slaves. With much
in the slrmrner cool p1:iccs. When tbis stnte of ;. cunning they made snares and neta and pnrsued
things had lasted some time, the family of man ... -
Literally, c 'as a calnel without a nose string.'
j then the fear of wild bensta which
them. In this conflict Eome time passed until the The clinlate was very pleasant asd thc land e s -
Great God sent Ifahoinecl Mustaftt the prophet o f txemely fertile. No one wished in his heart to leave
latter clays (on whom be peacej to guide God's the place.
creatures aright. ].he good prophet pointed out.
the riglit way to those who had go^:^: :~strnj-. Fiaall y , they Luilt .honscs of differcilt kinds,
Several o f the Genii 3150 obtxii;ed the blessil~gsof took al> their abode in the island, and ha\-ing
the faith arid the ho~;ors of Islam. JThen soli^:. taken the animals captive in snwes engaged thern-
time had elapsed l3emar:~sb, the &eat Genius snr. sclves in their different ernploynlents according to
n a ~ n e d Shah Murdan, becnrne Icing of tile Genii. custom. ?Then the ~ i l beasts
d saw that there was
race. He was SO just that throughout his dominiona 110 rest there also, they took the road to,the desert.
the goat and the lion dmnk at the same stream. Men had the idea thzt these r e r e all his slaves.
Iiow could tI~z.igs,thieves, a n d snrindlers fir:tl n They mn(2e all kinds of s;lnr<s. nild engagecl them-
place in his dominiolls I The islnnd of Balnsagon: selves in the captnre of mirnds as before. TYIze11
situated lieas the Equator, n-as the capit.21 of this the animals perceived tliesc bad ii~tentions they
just SSonsrch. I t happen.ed t,hat a ship f1.111of pco- collected their elders, nnd assembled in the jnstice
ple, through c o a t ~ a r y\rinds, was mreclied off the hall, and ill the presence of Eewarasb Halrim: gave of this isla.nd. All the merchants and wise a detail of the vhole tyranilical treatment they h a d
men that were in t,he ship landed a i d began to rcccived at their (man's) hand. Directly the ! < i ~ > ~
mallc about the place. They snw that it was w o a d u ~ - heard the whole of the staten~elitof the animnlq,
f ~ ~ l beautiful
lg ; fruits and flowers of every kind he there and then said, '. Yes. .let messengers be
on all the trees, water-co~zrsesflowing in all direc- quickly sent and nlan be brought illto my presence."
t.ions ; the nni.mals fe,ediilg in green pnstures, very Therefore 70 mcn from aniongst them, rwidents of
fat and pl~ulzp,were ga~:~bolling vith. each other. differe~ztcities, eloque~ltmen n11d fluent, attended
in accordance r i t h the Icing's summons. A nice gone ltmsy from this blessed threshold without
house was set apart for thcrn to live in. After two obtaining mercy, and m e hope that your n~nje~sty
or three days rn1.1en the fatigue of the journey had mill give us justice." He said, What is your
gone off, he c:tlled them before him. They saw the petition ? " IIe replied, " 0 j 11st King, these ani-
ICi11g on hia throne, and asked blessings, then pay- mals arc our slaves. Amongst them some are an
ing their respects took places accordii~gto their abhorrence, and others though forced t o serve us,
rank. This Iiing m2s very j ~ ~ and s t upright. He dispute our right of posses~ion." The Ring asked,
had taken a ~ ~ the~ a p2lm
y for courage and genero- '' Is there any support to this case ? For a case
sity from his conteinpo~aries. The poor of that without evidence ifi not heard i a the justice hall."
age came to hiin and foonrl support. Throughout He replied, " 0 Icing, in this case there arc many
his dominiollv no despotic tpranr; wzs able to tyrm- prooSs both rational and tni,ditioaa.l." fIc ordered
njze ove:. the poor a i d helpless. Those things him to reiate ihetn. One of them, who was of thc
which ape ibrbi6den in t?ie 13~\*,altogether disap- race of H ~ r z r ~Abbas
lt (may God be pleased with
pea~:.cdjiz his reign. Esc2yting the mill and him) ascended the pulpit 2nd began eloquently and
pler.surc of God: no rct wcs tbvught of. He very clearly to deliver this sermon, " Praise is due .: :)
kindly s ~ k e dthew. " '?;Ly did you come into my the God*: of truth, nrho for tbe support of His
eountry ? Thcre has never been any correspond- creat,ures has prepared all things on the surface
ence b e t m e n us. For what hwe you of the e n r t l ~and made eveyy convenicnco, and
encro:lched so fi~s? " One man arnongst them, created all kinds of anitnnls for the nse of frail man.
who was experienced and eloqnent. made obeisance Happy is the coildition of those wbo by walking in
and began to wy, '' ?FTc heal~cl of the justice and His ~ v a y ssec.ure sa?.vntio~-L
in the' last day. What
rxprightness of your nlqjcsty a d have come into &hallme say of t1:ose r h o disobey G.od and rebe%. ---.
your prcscnce, Aud i o this day no petitioner haa * MahLakd, lite~ully>tbc adored God,
sga,inst Hirn ~'itho'ilt a ca,xse ? And boundless
tures in the mornilzg and bringing them again to
blessings are due to the true prophet. Mahomec!
their homes in the evening, shall be evidence of
Must&, whom the Great God sent last of all t . l e your grandeur." And in another place he says,
proiihet,s to show the right vay to His creatures FVst ala,ih&wn alalfulke yohmhlun,' i. e., Ride upoll.
;-~nclmade him Lord of all. He i s the Icing of camels and boats by land and sea. And in another
a1i genii and men, aild will be the salvntion of %Ill place he says, ' Jn'alkhda wabigdla walhanlirn
in the last day. Blessings be upoil his holy de- letarkab~ihii,'which means, The horse, the nlule
~cendant~s by whoill the worlci aa1c3 rhe far tll were and the ass were created for you to ride upon.
arranged [or diuposed] and Islamism sp~.c;ttl. And -4nd in another place he says, ' Litastau ala zuhfi-
thanks be ever to the our unrivalled Creator who rehi surnm:t tnzkurh ilelnats rabek6m i z a s t a w e t h
made A d m from a drop of water and by His per- alaihe,' which is, Ride upon their backs and be
fect Omnipotence made hi111 fiather of children, and mindful of the blessings of God. A l ~ dbesides
from him, having made Eve: penpled the fcce of these there are many texts of the Iiorail in support
the earth with thonsands of men, mzlrinp; them of this case, and in the Old and New Testan~ellts
s:lpcrior to all creatures giving thew ci~rilinion this fact is understood, ' l Animals were created for
over land and sen.. IIe gave Eiiln good food of vari- us, me are in every sense their masters and they
otls sorts as he himself says in the I<orni~: JYala-. ;Ire our servants." The11 th.e King turning to-
1-1Ama I; hnlnlcaha laic i11n fiL& ciifnn ITa munafeo r a
wnrds the animals said-"'rhis man has brought
rninh& taku!ill~a lnlci~rnfiha jan~$,lunhina, tar; iorwnrd texts of the Iiorail to. support his case ;
hfinn we h i m tasrah6na. r1'he meailins of n~hicll
you call now reply as you think fit." On hearing
is this : " All ailin~:ils were creatsd fey you, use this the Mule began" to say, "Praise be t o the.
them, eat t,hem, mnlie Karm clothes fkom their - -
skivs and hair. Sending tLcma out iato the pas.- * Zabaa-i-hnl, literally, spenking by signs. Zibm-i-lral, l i t t ~ r r l 4 ,
speaking with the ruoulh.
holy Being Eternal, who =ants for nothing, who they may benefit by one another and save one
existed before the creation of the world, Infinite another fi-oin harm. Hence the Great God has
and Omnipresent, who with a word brought forth made us dependents on them, only on this ac-
the universe from His secret treasury. Having count, that they Inay benefit by us and save us
naade the Heavens from fire and water and raised from 11mm ; not as they imagine, alld. deceitfully
them to their position ; He with a drop of water and calumniously say, that they are masters and
created the family of man and sent them into the we slaves. Previous to this when man was not
world generation after generation to inhabit it, not created, we and our parents lived on the earth un-
to ab~lseit, 2nd to protect the animals as n ~ u c has molested, grazing every where, wandering wher-
they could, and benefit by them, not to oppress ever we wished, and every one was employed seek-
nor hurt them." After this he resumed, ii 0 King, ing his own livelihood. In fact, we lived socially
it is not shown from the texts this man has together in the jungles, hills, and wilds, and sup-
repeated that we are their slasres and they our posted our young ones. l\rhatever God ordained
masters, for the subject of these sentences i s ' t h e we were thankful for ; spendink day and night in
blessings which the Grcat God has given them, His praise, we thozrght of nought but Him. Each
which is supported by the following texts of the lived comfortnbly in his own dwelling-place, no
Koran : " Salthkharahd l a l i h n kama sal;hkharast~ one l~lolcstedus. When n period had thus passed,
shan~samalkamara rwry&hwassa216ba ; i. e., God the Grcat God cre:it,ed hdain out of earth and made
has made the uniinals subject t.o you the same as He him sovereign of the world. \'hen lnen increased,
has the sun, moon, wind, and clouds. ; from this it t.hey begm to epyead over the eart,h and outsbretch-
is not uilderstood that they arc our owners and we: ed the ha.nd of tyranny over us weak ones. They
their slaves, bu: the Great God made all things in seized the horse, ass, nlulc and camel, m d began
heaven and earth, one dependent on the other, that t o make t;hern serve ; and those troubles which our
ancestors had never seen- mere brought to pass bv CHAPTER XI.
force and oppression. What could me do ? We
were obliged to Ay into the jungles and deserts. This Chapter gives tin account qf th.e King o j the
Further, these men desisted not from pursuing us. Genii Eistewilag t o the qzccc~..~-clbefzoeen Jdilen ci7zd
With many artifices they made snares and nets A?zii?zal,sin 0 1 ' d ~to~ decide bbetzaec,iz thenb.
and pursued us. If they laid hands on t v o or \Then the King heard t.hese statements, having
three tired and weary ones, do not enquire their given his mind to do justice to this dispute, he
fate, how they were bound and taken and in said, "Let the judges, priests, and a11 the nobles
every way ill-used ? bloi~cover their [consta~~t] of Genii be present." They immediately, in
employment is cutting our throats, skinning us, accordance with the order, presented themsel~~as
breaking our bones, taking out our sinews. ripping before the King, Re then t o Man, " The
up our bellies, plucking our feathers, spitting znimals have given me a full account and complaiat
us, cooking us in the fire, roosting and eating of your t p n n y , what reply dn you now ms,ke ? ''
us, and more than ail this they are not satisfied, One of them made obeisance and began to say, " 0
they claim that they are our masters-me their shel~erof the world, these are our slaves and rt.e
slaves, and that those that escape from then1 their rnnsters ; we sl10~1ldhave a ~liaster'sauthority
over them, and nza,lce them do whatever we miah.
commit a crime. There is no proof nor evidence
in this case, it is a1toget:etLer tyranny alld oppres- 'Those anlong t.hem who have su!)mitted to 1:s :we
sion. acceptal~le with G,od, a i d those who have turned
q a i n s t us have as it were turned against God."
'I'he King said, " -4 claitn wirhout proof is not
heard in a court of justice ; give us some documents
or p~oofs." He sniil, ;' There are manj7 proofs tra-
clitioqal and ratiofial to establish oar claim.'; Be
said, :6\TThatare the proofs ? " The Man then re. CHAPTER TTI.
plied, '' The Great G,od has mncte us of a comely
farm ; every limb is proportionabie, given to as as Ckqpfer is about t 6 2 d<fes-e,~cui l i st.;lirr~~
they ought to be. Our bodies are graceful, [zceli u ~ shape.
~ o ~ ~ ~ our n e stat.~~re
d] upright, our sense such as can
distinguish betwecn good and evil, and nndersta~~c? Ic. is as follows :--
all about the heavens and describe the same. 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~When the Great God made Man, be was d t o -
besides us has these adva~~rages ? From t , h i ~it gether naked ; there was nothing on his body to
follows : v c are their n~asters,they ere our slaver." protect him from t,he heat and cold. He a.te the
The King asked the Animals: '' TTrh:lt. do you say -fruits of the forest: and covered his body v i t h the
a o m ? '' They ~ e s p e c t f ~replied:
dl~ :' The cl aim is ieares of trees. On tbis account he was mnclc-
not est.ablishecl by these proofs." He said, ':L)c; erect and tall, that he may easily pluck the fruits
y011 not lmow t,hat.good breeding is the characte:-- to eat and tlie leayes to use. O L Zfood ~ is grass ;
istic of a superior! and ill shape and c~*ookedliess for This reason our sliape is bent that me mna-
the stiglna of slaves T " One of them replied, The graze ensilr and experience e o kind of imnoynnc~."
fact is! (may the Great God bestow good inten- b e I said, ': TYbnt do ?or1 ex\- t o this rrhicii
tions upon your Sfajesty, and protect yo.,: fron~tlip the Great God 11a::l said, L;~k(.zdkh~zlE~a?mi.l in.3iin ,f;
e s the morld,) the C'reat.or dicl not. nlaks
c ~ l ~ l l i i t i of ohsalLe f ~ k t ~ i %. ~ ; I bnve given L\1:111 a n e s c e l l e ~ ~ t
n e.,
Ifan c:^ :his for111 and ststnre t.o be called our mas- ,Lap ? Be replied, 'l 0 shelter of tbc world :

tcr. create us with these ways and habits to be I :esides the litera,l nmea,niags of Go cl's ~ 0 1 . d.theri.-
their slaves. He is Omniscient. There is no morl; nre many i ~ t e r ~ r c t a t i o n[or
s hidden n1ea:llnp.j
~f His that does not show His wisdom. JThatever ~ h i c hare kllornn ollly t o leamecl u:en : 'yni:
s!lnpes He considered best? He ha^ given to nll.'l sb0uld a& rrise men to point them ov.t." T ~ C S C -
fore 2 wise sage, in accordance with an oscle~of the is large, horns thick? a ~ l dthey have I>O upper
espounded the drift of the tests thus: The fat-tailed sheep has heavy horns wit.h
JYhe~l God created Adain: i~ ~ 3 as propitious fit buttocks ; and there is the goat with a !ong
Inmncnt : the stars shone forth in their most favor- lrenrd no I:l:ttsclis.
P\ .
l l i e rl;:re is fi:<i:i!l. e:?d has
aI)le posiiions, and the cl~aos of elements was a e;:.l.s, 111
iara:,e mpaner these are mauy wild
x,lr,st ready sild xilling to assume definizc forlns ; aiid domestic nnilnnls <:.nclBirds: whose fonns :tre
e received erect sts2~1reancl vel'J fonn-
r h e ~ e f o ~blan ~ ~ proportio~~rtble.v
o t ;-In hearing this! one of the
ed limbs! and ' the propitions moment ' also has ztl;im:~Js begal t o arty, ' i It is a pity that you think
;~not,hermeaning. ' Fa ccda7nka .fi cniys szu.izbin ~ i / , . i ~,:~thilig of the slrill of tLc C'wntor. We are 11;s
sh/ilr&~akkccbaku,'that is, the Great (Cod created - c.; The correctness ancl bear~ty of OUT
3Ian proportionable, neither too small r,or :c0 limbs are 5oxn I-Iim, therefol-c onr fi:!~lt~are of a
large." The King said, i ' This proportion of tbcir hnrcty- His f ~ ~ u l;t do s you not krron- ~ i i a t God ui'
limbs is enongb to show their superiority.;' l Lie . >
His wisdom created every thing for some g o d
nuimala said, This is the case ~ ~ i us t halso. Ci-ori pxrpose. ?;G one besides aHimself sztl ~ i a eme:;
has given every limb proportinnable t o us. lu kr; IIis secre~s." 'I'he Man said. '' If you tu.e
l a ~are equal." Mall replied, '' Flom
rllis l ) a r t i ~ ~ lwe :,ue of the philosophers of the animals, then os-
;:re yonr linlbs in propordon ? Yonr fcmms nl-c. pln:in ~ ~ ! i aist the advantage of the cnmel's neck
odious, stature not suitable, linlbs ugly,-since one ,,,,nog so long." He replied, Fo:. this reason, his
nf SOLI, the camel, is great in stature, long necked, legs are long thei-eforc if his neck had been shor:,
siiort tailed ;and the elephant, r h o is of a greg; i t mould have been difficult for hi:;-, t o graze. His
heavy, has two long teeth sticking ont of his necl; was made long that he may graze in comfort.
:lmut,h; his ears are large and spread oi~t;his eyes alld by the strength of his heck get ~ 1 . 0f r ~ x xtLe
. smdl. The tail of iJle ox and of the b ~ f f . 1 ~
X.O 7 yro~lnd,and that h2 m?- reach ,hi: ~vh~ll.: c.f his
body with hi3 lips and scratch lii~il~cli'. i i l L'LI~ ijecolne attached t o one a-i~other. This is the sourc,e
same way the elephant's trunl; is made long in the r:f continued population. For the elegance of one
Place of a long neck, and his ears Inrge that I:e is riot appreciated by any other ; every anima!
Inay dtive away,the flies and moscluitoes. t.hat rile y is attached GO the female of its kiad. They uerer
Inay not get illto his eyes and mouth. For ]:is lore the females of aliother race, eve11 shoald they
:no~zt,h always remains open on account of his I,e lllucll superior. hlan also in this may is indined
tneks, and cannot be closed. His tusks are lone rowards his own species. 'fhose persons that are
that he lnxy protect hili~seiffrom the attack. of ],lack do n o t wish for those vho are white, nor
vild beasts. The ears of tile hare m e iar*, !'or ;hose that are vhite love black people. And cer-
Lis b ~ d yi~ delicate 2nd his skill t!liz>; t I l n t in r!te tain men who cohabit with boys have no desire for
winter he may cover himself? and in rlle s ~ u u u l ~ r the most beautiful women ; ancl those that live
i:;xead them (to lie upon). 111 short, the Great God -.~ithTomen c10 not thinlc of boys. Therefore yo:ir
has given every being such limbs as I-le thil:$s beauty is no proof of superiori~y,tbni g o ~ isho?ild
suitable- for him. S s he has said ill the n-ords of rhillk you~selvesbetter t.11an us. +%ndthis vhieL
31oses the prophet, ' Ratbanal lctzi dtd k~i!l!z,;,iiz oou sny, that your undtrataniliilg is superior, is
srinznla Badci,' rrhich means, God gave every
i~bnl1;alr~i ;\is0 a mistate. Certain animals har-c n3ore accie
creature existence and afterwards gave the% his gc;d- sense than you. For instance, there is the camel,
:rice. OP more fully, He has given evely olle limbs fjt-
with its large feet and Iong neck, whose head talks
ii:.o for himself and shown him the right W%),. You
with the vin1.3,(i.9 tall,,) and get is able to see places
Ecnst of things which you think superior,!and in yonr for his feet in dark nights, and to travel roads
own opinion you are masters and we slaves, which ~ h i c hare difficult to pass, where you reqnire
is wrong. Beauty every aaimal is that torches a.nd lamps. Then there is the horse also,
in adaired bj, its own species, through which they who from afar hears the somd of any one coming,
C)ftentimes it has happened that on hearing th2
slpprosch of an enemy, he has awi~l;eaed his lnaster
nl:d saved bin1 his enemy. If ally one take
ail 3 5 3 or a ~uUOCI;a10113v a strungc roncl m d let hi12
- -.
in n-hich yon dornlneer o ~ e ?11s ;
l,b.iais merely case airhoot eir;oenee--oZd, strife
ri-itIiout a cause."

,.' he $7;;;w i t h o t ~ t ~ l i f i ; ~ ~ i !rct!:l'u
ty ic Jiis o v : ~
h,;me, he does liot in axy n-ny fb:.c.t.,t. If \.U!: go

:,!one a road se;~era\ti~iles:~udI1a~>~)2li 10 L:~ve to

p.3 ngfiin. >-on are perplesed tu:d forget. Slieep iuld

goats r h o byir:g fcrth liundrec!s oi' rolIng in one
.A,L,:L :.?.I
go UN; t o the past~~ree in the ifil>rlli~g.m d in The l<jEo.hrgia,o ioirr,rds IIen snid, ' l P o a
- - !.fie\- a i i ~ ~ ~ ''e There,
t h e ereaii~? vhcn the;,- return, t h e you~1g ones haveheard their kLr
v-o?,lr.*' d~
i-noiv h e i r lnotllern a i d the)- their young uller. zre yet mall? proofs i-crno?n!.lg h: w?lich oor claim
jf r n y une of ~ L J .r e m ~ i narray for :Lshort t i m p . . WC some of' them, ' Buying
c m be er;tsbli~hed--thcse
mc!,ccilrre home, yon fo~get~xother,sister, fat.hrr i\lem- them, glrmg them food find drink,
::A brother. Then n h e e is your &scerllment ciothing the=, i h e from
~ ~ coid 2nd heal.
:W:; CLCLIE sense o f d i c h ~ O L boast I SO ? shutting our eyes t o their faults: pmtccting thcm
T-. " --: , ~ a any sense a t all, yon would ~.lotboast
had horn the a.ttacks of wild aaimn!.st mhen sick treating
oE tliase t h i ~ ~ g swhich , w i t h o ~ tl a l or ~ Cxer-
~ ~ ~ tEexIl kindly and cruring them.' This our treat-
.. the Great God has giwn you. For vise rind
*.I. 1:lcnt of then, arises from kindness and mercy. It
cJaser a r n boast only of those things they
is the custonz of a11 masters to watch over their
by their W !cbor, or of :he religious knorr- s!s.ves vith mercy 2nd kindness (at all times ncd:)
lzclge a d good h ~ b i t sthey l-arn by their onn ill The Ring henring this, said to
e::er~ioioas. This L r o i she case with you 2 3 - tlle animals, "Give a reply." They ~eplied,"If
;his Afau says that they buy aliinlals a i d ~ drhen~,
s~pwatceolnplaint of &I:LII's tyranny. TLi ii~s
this custom a,lso prevails among !nen ; for instaace. ;; the moo;ent I a n s taken by Jlan, they
when the inlaliiai~tsof l'ersir ecn,loer TurkeJ-,
they sell the Turks ; m d nhen the Turks coirquer
loaded me vith bricks and stones, iron, wood w d
fi:a,lly other burdens. In their hands are sticks and
Persia, they trea.t the 1'er.sians the salilc. The in- ;rbips, with which they belabour my bnck. If ~ . o i ~ r
haI~itant,sof India ~ i t hthose of Sindh mid the
)l\ldcsty could see me a t t.hat h e , you woldd have
people of Siildh with the Hindoos, the Turks with
on me. Yqi'Lere is the fondness xi~d
the Arabs and the Arabs nitb the Tnrls brirlg the
kindness in them, which this 31.1;m62s. yieillrcd ? "
same into practice. lu short, +hen one overc.omeg T&n the bullocl: said, G Since I became rnbjeci is
inother a.nd gets a ~ i c t w yhe
, considers the
>liul,1have yoked to the p i o r ~ ~or h ,f ~bou!ld t
race his slaves a d sells them. Who tell, q~]lo ZnJ! or the ~ ; . l - ~ r e s;athe i l l ~ ~ z z lin
-are in tri1t.h slaves nnd \vllo masters ? These are 5.,,7 :
ill our^: my erer $&llc!.Toided, the whip and e n 2 a .n
t h e vicisssitudes of life, which me11 are
i,Ileir hands beating me 011the face nnd bnck .'' A ~ X Y
according to t,he laws of astrology. I

As God has &is the rut-t&J sheep said, " From the honr X
written, W ; tillcat aiydnz izuduuilohd bai~zannds;'
lvas take11by &Iali, 1 D2i.e borne much nfiiction.
&at is, I give every one prosperity and d v e r d t y
in his turn. This fact' is well knolrn to the wiae
In older t o drink the milk of my children, they
among men. And that which they say, that they separate my little p o u ~ ~orlea g fls01Il their liloike~-,
feed us and do other things for us is not from kind- and binding their lands and feet t;ikr t h t ; : ~ic ;he
ness, bat from fear that if we died they would lose
I . listening ro their crier 2nd.
!,mt,tions. i here. mittloni food or drink they
Their prosperity and be inconvenienced fop dding,
transporting burdens and many other thinga. After slaughter us-tear off our skins, rip up onr belllei,
.t.hb, each animal in the presence of the King, made open our skulls, tear out our livers, take i l s
;Q Ela;?g.&r-hc~se, nsd art w nith b n i ~ ~
( 29 j
titcn as on the spit, roast 11s in rile ovens. arld ne . * m . 1 - 7 ,
the breast,., an.d \VC s m i ~ nrn xve1.a or i ~ i ~ c c , ~ ; . 1 iiF:

r,adergoixg these aflict,jons seluaj:~ r!iiie t anil say !nule mid, L;F1-omthe time F e were take:: c n . p t j ~
r~thing." The camel soiil. '.Prom the honr I w:s by them mc have snfTered monclriius troubles 3 on c?:!.
.taken captive by then!, this as l > C ~ : (lI .rtloll,
feet they have bouilcl ropes?in ourmout,hsbridles llllii
123pcs are p ~ through~ t our noses: the cni~:e!-driver hard bit,s ; they leave us not. one inoluent that we r n a y
l i d i s them, hemy loads a1.e pu:, on our. L:~i:!,s :)!it!
.we are taken over hil!s nnd nlol!tit:~i~!sdnrlng r!!i
r,o to our ~lltltesa11J remove the longings I\-kich
;ire in onr he:~rt,s. 'l'he grooms and others p11~
dml; night; our bncks rire galled h\- the s ~ l u. ~. ; l r
saddles on anr bncl;s and ritle 11s: and takins sticks
c f tLe saddie ;the soles of n:ir &et 2r.e ~vonnclcd1 2 ~ a d whips in their hanrls beat u s before and bebincl;
.the stones, and hungry ant1 thirsty they tnlie :I> and all tLat comes inro their. ~iloutbsis abuse and
r;h:;ut rherever they wish. \;E-e ljoor tl~lrlgsaye obscenity. 'l'hcg attain to S ~ I XC degree ~ of st-upidity
:.s!igec-! to serve them:" ,,
' L be eIe!,hrtni scid. .'D;- that at tirrles they give obscel~eabuse t o their o w n
:.zr:tiy we becnme subject to t112112, tlley p n t ro1,es s ~ sisters, and i1:tnghters. - k i d they say,
~ e l v e their
;,.-#r;ndoisr necks 2 . 3 d chn.i.ns ronnt-l onr feet: ::d :. y o ~ ~ r
onmess' snc! b:lyersl n ~ ~ isellers7
l ~ i v e s , "&c,
t::iiirlg the driver's iron sp'lke in ihe lia~lds,tht.: +: Q * *. *? -411 t'his:abuse is of them, and
i.:?ui US rigfit and left i\ll('f 011. the hen;." ..+ ;:f their mnsters. True it ist thcy are clesel-ving cf
:i,:jrse 5 5 4 .-l;rnm tlla t.i\ae Tre Lccallic slil~ject:S I f y o ~ J[a+iestp
r mill only t.hink of t.heir igl~s-
+,.,; . t,hep hare fastetled brjdlcs in otlr mouths.
-,.cn.1: r:mce, stupidi t.g a n d obscenitv, you will ~ulderstaxrl
s:rddlcs on our bxk?.. bel!y-hnr:d on our m:aiets:-.- rhat they are fill1 of the whole of this world's TFi~fi-
::::cl ride io T:lr n-rRringel~nianrmocr md p u l l : . liness and ignorance. lyal.t,her,thcy are unconsci-
n x s of these evil tendencies. l hey never give ear
I '
1ct.s. 'iT<e go into battle field hunzuv a:ld thirsta-.
.. .,$,our cpes filled tvirb c ] , : i ~ t~1ii1 di~t-~~-~~d. to the i n s t r ~ ~ c t i oofn the C r e a t o ~or the last, advice
:;;.:ite :is .c)n f;2C.c. ::lid s p e ~ y ~ ~ y C,LL ~ ~ ~
of the S
prophets. Noteoi~hstnndir?gthey thernseives
wad t&se texts : ' f a iagdfil rrb 1ayasfaLli di;
this very ,jr:st. King, and he of his kindness a.nd
iohilbhna anyagfira dllaho lnk6m.' The meaning
mercy wilI probably release those of us who sre
GP mhicl~is,-If you wish forgiveness from God, slaves, from their. hands. Fcr your race are also
let the crimes of others pass-' Kcl liilazinah rnallfi beasts of the field ( g m z e ~ ) , " A learned one .re-
yngfini lilazina layarjims rijim allihe.' That is. marked, "Pigs are not gmzers, brit. they are beasts
Order the believers, 0 Mahoomrned I t o look over of prey; do yon not Bnow that their teeth are pro-
the crimes of the unbelievem. V7a m;i lmin dbbba- jectilig, and that they eat carrion ? " Another said,
tin Rlarze nald taerin yutiro bijanAyati1 omam am- L i r 7
lhey are grazi~ganimals, for they are cioven-
s&lnkum'; ' that is, All cattle' vild beasts, and birds. footed and eat grass also." A third said, " They
tbai wander on the faee of the earth or fly m iLr - are a compound of n mild beast, a grazing aniplal
&,'are sociable like yourselves. ' Iditastau nlh zl:hlt1- a i ~ da brnte, in the same way as the camel-leopard
rehi siimma,aslihrri nemata rabet Gm, iznstnn-ehini is t,he cor:~pnund of the ox: camel, and leopard
alaih ; wa t a k i l 6 subhdnnaliazi sak hk hnrn lans and the oa~rich,~cllichLas the shape of a bird and
h4,zL ; wa ID& kunna lahii mGkrebna ; wa. inr?Qi l i a camel combiaed.!' The boar said to the camel.
rabena larnhkalebimna ;' rrhich means, A t the "1 1;now nothiilg (about- it), what can I say ? and
time you mount [your] camels: think of tile ?~lcssing, against. m-llom shall I complain? There is great
[ o r he?U$t8] God has given you and en.y, G-od is flit-ersity of opinion amongst nien concerning 11s.
pure r h o ha8 put such tin anillin1 nndey ns. m-e
'lhose x ~ h oare bIussul~nanst,hink us metamoryhos-
rhouid never have been able to subdue him. Mye ed2 and accursed, they t.hini; our fbrni disgusting
211 depend upon God ." T h e n the n~lilehad finish and ollr flesh unclean ; and they abstain from men-
rd this speech, the eanlel said t o the boar. tioning us. IYhile in Turliev- t,hey eat our flesh
XfiUSt tell of the tyranny yoor race has reeeiv - *. There isda t~.adition among the kIussulrnans that mon-

"d the handof RI&,and detail :Le s.ame before krrs allcl swine were origi~lallp ulel), \vr.l~ofor offending sorrie
p q h e t , probably Lot, merc changed into those shapes.
m:& relish alld think it a Biesseti :~~lorsd: nzJ perhaps the Ring nil1 bc kin:] enoi~g-11to 1e1're^ I

us 2 very eirectaal sacrifice. The Jevs (ifs- rhose of us who are prisoners, from their hands."
pise ELTld hate -us, they give. us a $ i i ~ ewhen innocel..t, The hare sxid; '. We live far from them, having
curse us, because tlicg a,re at enmity mitli the left the country where they live. ltTe choose ti:,
Nczarenes and T~uyks. The A::1.1:i?ni;ii1~col~sider live in ~ I ~ Y P O T and
S jr~ngles, therefore we escs.pc
y , but we aTe extrenlel y harassed !ly
t s the sa,me as oxex and goats, they t,hink better
cf us on account of our fitttness, extra flesl-1, 3 ~ i G (logs a115 beasts of prey who as-jist. m3n lsy leading
. .
prolificness. The Grecian physicians often use o::r him towards oa t o take us, and my brethren the deer.
fat for lnedicj~les; further, they preserve tlieir 0 1 ~ 1 1 ox, camel, goat and other animals: who have taken
~nedicineain it. Herdsinen and grooms keep s s - shelter in t h e hills, causing 11s all to fail into the
in the pastures and stables with the c a ~ t l eand Lnncls of man." The hare again said, -' The bounds
horses. 13ecause their cattle and horses! fi.0111 orlr itre excus:~bie111 this athir, for t'hey ~ n u s assist
t mar!,
lising there, protected horn many evils. 3lzgi- :is they also have a longing ro eat our flesh. They
cians and exorcists keep our skin in their boo1;s :ire not of OLIP are of t!le beasts of prey.
and charms. Boot and shoe-mafiers very e a p l y But the horsc r h o is of our species, a i d who does
pluck and preserve the l~ristlesof our r m k a!;d not ear o u r flesh, why does Le assist man ? So, it
face ; for they are of great use to them. I an] per- is altogether. his igool-ailcc aucl st.~:l>i(.Iif~.''
~ l e x e d; I am not able to speak, whom shall I p k s e CWX]'TE!: I-.
or whom shall I blame ? " V'he.n t,he boar bed
Snished all this, the ass looked towards the hare,
C / L C Lis~ i~i L~p ~
r c *~ i y zo/' the Uiir.~~.

0 standing aeay the canleI, alld said to him,

~ 1 1 was \Then mail heard all t h e ~vorr.i,s of the h:.rc.
" Relate all t,he oppreasio~~ that yacr species has he said :-'' Enougl1, be silent ; vo:;. h a r e 11111r:h
~iifferedfrom 3Im, in the presence of the I<ing, ;uld s1andei:ed the horse. IF you bad !izoc-n thar the
horse is the best of animals, and subject to man, arrows in his breast and heart and remains silent.
you would not have (given) so much absurd He is so (swift,) when galloping that the wind
chatter." The King said to man, '' What is t,here cannot keep up with the dust, (he raises) he is as
superior in him ? " I-Ie said, " Sire, the noble stately as the holy bull, he is like the Chetah in
horse has many good! excellent qndities ; he has a bounding (~.unnin*q).If his rider make a bet he
good ap?earance, every limb is correct, (or propor- wallops fast, and taking his own rider in front,

tionable),-in form and shape pleasing, his senses quickly arrives (at the goal) ; are nny of a1.l these
acute, his color clear, superior in intelligence, fleet q~ialitiesin any one besides t,he horse 3" The hare
of foot. obedient to his rider ; wherever he is guided, replied, With these good qualities, there is also :I
right or left, front or rear, he quickly turns, and areat defect, and all his good points are hidden in

never turns his back* on nrort : he is so respectful this." The King asked, "TTThat is that defect.
that when his rider is on his back he never attends describe it.." He replied, "He is altogether foolish
to either call of nature. If his tail gets wet in the and ignorant,, he never knoms his friends from his
mud or water he never shakes it, that a drop map enemies. If he get beneat,h the stride of his enemy,
not fall ou his rider. With t,he strength of a,n ele- lle t,hen becomes subject. to him. And in war, at
phant he takes his master: with his helmet, armour the directioil of his enemy, he rushes and attacks
(or cuirass,) his coat of mail, and his own saddle, those of the house where he was born and sup-
bridle and armour, f and with rhis load of 40:001) ported all his life. This chnr,zctt?ristic of the horse
lbs. Ile goes along. He is so ptlt,iellt and forbenrillg is like that of the s ~ o r dnrhich lies lifeless and
that in battle he receives wounds from spears and cannot distii~guishbetween friends 2nd foes. Like
- -- pp

as it wonucls irs enemies. so tloes it un11esitatingl~-

* h1unll morna ;, t o t u r n away the facc.
t P i k o r ; t h e ci~ailiarluonr won1 on the hind quarters of separate the head from the body of his n1asi;cr o r
the Ilorse. maker, if it falls upon their necks. It k n o ~ ns o
riifference bcimeen its friends nnil stl.augerr. This ril"me.2nd to mhorn tIe ~ I R Snot given smile
is also a ~Larwtoristicof rnan ; he is ar e~irr.itpsi6 pwe1iay benefit vhicb He 112s nor bestoned on an;.
.ills. filther, mother, brothel.. sister: illld r1eii.r rela-
?ions. ar.d causes (them) to &!l into many snares
silcli one does not p r i j i ill file r ~ c r l d
God bus g i r m ~ eiai,y ~ u i a. r. i.o rriodily
;md allurements. TT, the mnnuer the)- slloald treat, nlid beuc&t. blessjiiirr of ibe (1is:fit~rebtd . .
their enemies, tlrey treat iileir acijanirLiallces. To I

their infancy! they receive milk f;om t,hcir parents

""-.l are nourished iu their arms, and in the tilne of
youth they hecoine their ( p r r e ~ ~ t scilemies.
') h
m n r way they get milk from tile n:iim:tl,~; id . - 1
'mefi: tl~emseiuesby m a k i ~o', clothes of their sl~ia,
7 ,rivell ri-ie s ~ man!! mooil \.cry high P O S ~ti0i7 (r2r.k);
and fur, and in the end cot Qe throats of there hrifitnpss,
. U
benut!-. e;ni?iilrcc: sill,iril>riip ; 211 ~ L c i t - :
anilnds, skin them. and rip up their bellies. .d ~ e r n .sfi
perfcctiolls s:d r i r r u e s Iic 52s givcli .
rijast them nit, givi?2.gthem the f l ~ z ~lli.
: o q;r$i.~,i a ~ i j mllch g o that certai:~ fi~tiaiisin L ~ ~ C I?~P,O?:~I:CCP
u'liiindlp, unmercifuily forget entinlir the oljligz- tllelxi t o be tileis God ; yet $rill tliev nrc uc>-i.
and benefits rhey receiy-ed from pl;einpt. from one defect_ t1;e edilisc--that the wiac
X. -v

the hare had finished r ~ ~ i ~ nilono

i n g rnel: mav .z ayrise at illis {:kit: : if thev are (;oils r i a j
k1ll-l the horse, the ass said to him. :: E~jor:~h! you lvonerer ulij 1,- ( t h n s ) d::rl;ened (or the IIKXI:
: - ,~ ~not
C[i< l d S" ~nilcll to tbeir diaparag-e~ncl~t. increase) or dccrexse : ('tl)i,+. to the p,kxsea ?is
there such a person to whom God hhs given ilie nlooll. j In this ~ 2 God 9 has giren light and
slli~eriortnlent,s and biessings, and has not reteru- brightness to all the stnre! but with this (provi-
some p a ~ t i c u l n rr72c rrhicb Be has not ~ e s t a ~ . 2 ~ ,ion) also. they disapper.~in tbe Mghrness of t h i
"i)ou him ; 2nd nllo is he LG rrhom He hag denied ,,, alnlthep d g a:;4 night, that ic r.:a7:
be evident they were created, (and not creato~s.) ::Have you heard the tyranny: cruelty and oppres-
n is the case with genii, man rtlld angels. Jf &on of man, which the anilnals have described?
olle has many superior qualities, he has also sorne They replied, ':We bave beard, and it is a11 correct.
little defect. Perfection is God's done, and no \Ve see it day and night ; their tyrnlzily is not
at}iers." \?Then the ass had finished this speech hidden fl-on1 any wise, ii~telligentperson. On this
the OS said, "He to whom God has given many account the Genii also left t.heir country and fled
talents that to others He has not given, should be illto jungles and wilds, and entering the hills,
thankful in this manner,-share those blessings mountains and rivers hid themselves. They al-
vith otbera-thus as God has given brightness to together left off p i n g t o populous places through
the sun, and he with his splendour sends blessings man's bad ways, and their ill-usage (of the Genii.)
to all creation, and considers no one u~tderoblig-a- Yet they (the Genii) are not free from their sus-
:inn, end in the same ma.nner the mocn and stars, picions. They are so far suspicious and without
each according to his ability, gives light t o netare faith in us, that should any child, ~voinaa.or man,
thinking no one under ohligatiol~:-in t,he same whether ignorant or insane, becorne sick. they say
'in?-, 3fan to whom God has given so many bless- this, :.This is the influence or shadow of the Genii.
ings, should bestow them on the animals not 'They Jmaj-s suspect us. and seek shelter frotn the
. :hi!& them indebted to him." \Then the o r had niischief of the Genii. Yet no one ever saw that
fiirislied saying this: dl the animals weeping and any Genius ever killed a man, wounded one. snatcl-
clm:tshing their teerh hegm to say : "Just Kin$
.- ed awajr his clothes, o r stole any thiag, broke
hive mercy upon us and deliver us from the into any one's house, picked any one's pocket, or
xgrsnny of this oppressor, man. The Icing having tore my one's sleeves, broke the lock of any one's
heard this, looked torards as many of the Philoso- shop, beat any traveller, rebelled ,against the king.* p

ijhera and learned Genii as were present and " E u r u j ;-saily, egress, irruption.
?.*nbhedany O I I ~ , or ~ o i ~ f i l~ ~U~ Cdoile, 1 these
iig ~ g c . 5aEiiIr%,coullsel
.. 1s nii.cess8l-i-. 111 the C o i i n
are all practices of theirs, TLer- are day and night se] of t , h ~ e or e foxr a tbirlg 1)econzes clear. v i a e
piotiing against each other. TheJ- ilrrcr repcfit nlen o~rghtnot to enter into s ~ c h
nr tdie wztmillg-'' T
LPII t l i i ~
filiishsd, the importiLl1~aEtiu.s mi:llouL co~msoland deiil~emtion."
lliacc boiirrr cried ont :,ad sabl -.Get) kl?lilell: it is l n compiianec with iyhat be soid. xhc 1 G .~. gordered
:%naerening : the Coi;l*t illilsr cloic; taiie iesve. go
tllnP: 4: let. tile ministers c):' the Genll he p ~ -
t o ;-o:lr OLI-nhome_ and Go liclse in tllc liijnlln.;. ., seilr,'' (rliosc Nile cklna yen:) ?LS Fo~I.o\Ts : Th?
-- ,i!lljFs "f lace ei;:j,,'.?, the I;LI~~~ETS@fthe r8L.t.
A p ' ~ r7i.
~ ~ ; ,.I - ~ , . ~ ] , - ; : j . lnen of the tribz of B n i d ~philoso-
i,:Eyfi" tl.;c sclloo! of ;!<.,,;;y_ t,ho e ~ ~ ~ c r i c n csons
. . fro ienrr-~cdcbi!(lmil of l h i i c n n ~and ~ ! L C
eilrerlxlg1ag men of Brhmii~. ?.'hp. Icing s ~ i dto
Directly the Court nmse. ti:e ging sni(j
.. theln: "'l'hcse ilnd nr-;i:;~n!s come C C ~ -
niinlster Bedar, in p r h a t e : "EnPe yoil llenrd hi;
i~!:tinillg to us; and entcrcd oi:r cooniry and tclicn
~:~S~~O I I Sanswers of these me3 2uld
7:f-j ? s21elte~. All the auimds complain of the tyranny
t -'at do p i g now advise ?
this bp o p p ~ s sofi ~mm.
~ Advise 113 rrhat sLon!ri
(i-ci<?ed7 What course do YOU thhl1; the best
7'' be them: ancl I.lolV their c 152 shoilld h+:
; he l!idstell was ?L ve?y nrise and intelligent,,,all
nfz:cr paying h i s respect.;. mid asking blersinss; be decided ." X !c?nrncclm n l ? ofthe Tsce of ?tTnhid
w i i ; 'l I think it is hest t o stuntnon and fake 3couli- 1msent : he said?L : In my opinion it ~ o u l be d best f01.
sei in this ease wit11 tlio jtidrres: priests nd l l,he animalls to ( a detail of) the e i r c u m s t ~ ~ c e s
scphers of the Genii! for this is a reig-htY nqmnect nlld of oppressio~~ theyhave receix-c-ed at thi.
: ~ > itd i s :lot knosrn n-!lnse ,side is in the rigl,t, handa of man. and rake :.he opinion' of the Lenrned
f ~ ~ r i l i ~ t .
If an jr thing be decided for their release; the J u d g m
and the Bench $hall order h e m to be sold, or freed, decision." The Killg sairi, "What do YOU then
or to have their sufferings lessened and to be treat,.
thil& best ? " He replied,
- 'Ch my opinioo, it. Is
ndvisable that t.he King order the animals to agree
ed kindly. If man obey not thc orclel*of the judgesv
and the animals fly from their oppression, i t shall together, and on some .light escape from confine-
ment and retire to a distance from man's abode. -
he no crime or sin of theirs." Hearing this, the .

King asked all of rliern what they said in t>his In this way the deer, the bufialo, and many animals
have left man's abode aiid fled. In t,he morning
They all said it was excellellt and befitting the when man does not find them, on what will he
load his goods or mo1111t ? He will not be able by
occasion. But one of the men of Behram did not U

npprove of the advice, and said, " if rhese rnen aye reason of the great distance to go in pursuit of
them, hut will remain q ~ i e t . Tllus the release of
n i l l i q to sell the aaimda, who will give the money
these animals will be eEecter3." The Icing was
for them? " The religious man replied: Tbe King,"

The other said, " W heere will thc Tiing get such n pleased with this proposal, and ci~quiredCram all if
they thought what he had said was best. A philo-
s u m of money at. once ? " He answered, From the
p~tblieTreasury." Again the other replied, C: T h e r e sopher of the descendants of Xsop was thei-e, n ~ r l
is them such a sum in the public Treasury that he said, " This is not at all advisable? and this p1811
is verv co11trnr.y to reason ; it c211 in no V C Lbe: ~~
vi!! aaffice for their purchase ? Some lnen will J

because a t night many animals are in close con-

never sell them. Animals are very essentid to
finement and their stable doors closed, a.nd watch-
them, while lnoney is not cared for. For instance,
liings, minis ters, and many gentlemen who cnnn ot men placed on goard ;how then ill they be able
n o r e about without a conveyance, would never t o escape ? " He of the men of l i e h a m said, The
agree to their being sold : they would dlject t.0 the King may give order to the whole of the Genii to
go there on that night and open the doors ~f the
rk&lrs, and untie the heel-ropes of !hc nlrinrnls ;llJij part of this (propoeiiior:)
T h King said, ': 11-1
I-t iheln out, and seize all the x~ateilnrei~? sr<Ilror
have yoo no confidence 7 Tell ns, that Fe may . .
let :.hem gc until the miilnals had esr:~peii t n R i;i,
alsoknow.'' He replied, Si1.c; he who has devlseri
:::ice fr0111,the abode of' m:i?l. Tile i i i t - l o l r j i l rh;lr this plan for thz xiease of nni~nnlshns mnde
' >:. a rcry great nc;. I pit,y t!icir cnnilirioit. rnil 2 g-refit mistake. Tfhec lilari gets up in t.hc morn-
~ic?eforehovethosnilvi;zdrhc l i i n r . ,s!lorl]d th.:
-7. n i nc7r and doe3 n ~ 6.nd
-- t tlrz cattie tind l~ecomesawarBt:
-?:ls Umnke m attempr to ; . S g act; the
of their flight, he ~ i 1 1know tii;rt it is nor man‘^
I :.:.
.. ~ n Cod
.S. 3 t wili r.srin: bin1 : ,. Ili]p aiid reiicnt it wss impossible fix minxils t o
work; %~l.nd
L:;' opp~csszdare oar best t j ~ z ! : ! ~ ~ God for liis ,.
but that this rrick
- , .
blessings. People say that in solnc tile l)ooj;s (,f
i~ccomplishthe same tirc~uielres,
.. .-- of the Genii.'' I he King said, '' Trne i t. is;-
t i l ~prophets, God has s ~ i d :I' 0 l;i~:gs ! I hare no;
theye is no doubt that t,iley will sns;ject n s 01kl.p.''
;clit you 011 earth tlint p i 1 2zay :LccnmllILi~eiTeal:b
- 'The philosopher said, " 0 shelter of rEe univcrse !
Jr i~lvoireyouweiver in rl?r arn!$rio~ aud arfirici:
SE t'uc =orid ;but fcr this; tBa; the oliprcjsc-J m a r When rhese snimds escape from t,hcir hands, cnJ
ther, are deprived of the henelts (derived . . froiii
c.; he:ird as I rnysc:lC give t o tllem, P~ThOllgi: J

tllem) t-hey vill grieve and lament excessively, s)i:i

i:rey lniv be heathen." T1:e E:in% agaill
become the ellemy of thc G$nii. They were ar;
:'lerr, all, What d o yen ray this ?
D ~h~~
bchre, no\r t I ~ e yviil e n t c r t ~ nextm hnt,rcd.
:F,: ,- . all picxsed r::.i mid, i' TJlis is tile cS1.rcEt vi&nce
and m21icc." The learned have sr,i;i, :' Jrle alone is
i g l E:it 0::: of t h phi!osol>hers of did
W j l e that mrires p e x e bct:ireen foes, and keeps him-
xct ngree rnirh ii. Aftcl. blessing nlld the
i h S " This is n very difieolt flbffa,ifair
: any
self clenr of their quarrels." Iiearing this all the
.t.;sy this cannot be, it is fi.?-.u~gl~t with mllch sbj& Genii s;iid, :: IIe speaks the t,rutl~." After this a
:!' danger which it will be il~l)ossitJ!eto aroip~ philosopher remnrked. Why shoulrl we be afraid of
their erulity ? Their enrnixy cannot d e c t us. Onr
bodies are (made) of fire, and are subtle md airy :
timer when God had not creat,ed Adurn, the Genii
we fly.up to heaven, vhile man's body is of earth,
i~lbabitedthe whole of the face of the earth ; all
and he lives below : he cannot ascend on Mgh. M7e forests, inhabited places, and rivers were under their
go them unrestrained and see tbem, they way. a long time had passed. and they re-
are not able to see us ; then what is zhere to fear?"
ceived prophecy, lam; and the faith mcl many other
The sage of Kaiirran gave answer to the above :
blessings. they then began to be disobedient and
L; Kt is a pity you understand nothing at all. 31rn i t o go astray, and not to heed the teacbing of the
a?.tlxough of earth, has heavenly breath, and a!; 1 Iwophets, and raised strife throughout the vhole
a.ngelic spirit, 'nd is superior to us? and iinoi~x enrth. On account of their oppression, the earth
many stratagems and arts. I11 former times bet~veeli
and its inbabitauts complained at the throne of God,
men and the Genii there vns much contention, from
groaning and lamenting. When some rime more
the rdation of which every one trembles." The had elapsed, and their dissensioll and oppression
Billg said, " Tell us the particulars also ; what was it.
day by day increased, God sent an army of ansels
all about 1 let us know it." The philosopher said. on the earth. They came, aud h:tving beaten the
': Innate and natural bntred have existed between
Cienii turned them out, nnd confined many of them ;
m m and Genii for ages, the na~rationof hi eh vould
und thcy themselves took up their abode on earth.
he very tedious " Tbe King said, Give us a little
And hraail, Qe nccussed Satan, who deceived Adaln
the commel~cementso far as you are and Eve, was among those a h n were contined.
Be ~ 2 vary
s young and line^ nothing ; he was
b r o ~ ~up
~ lamong
r~ l u e angds, and he adopted a n
The Co~~tention
detueen ,Wan and the Genii
their habits ar~dcostoms. When he had learnt a11
The philosopher in compliance with the Ring's t,heir ways and had grown up, he W ~ made
S the hhend
order, thus related the particulars : "In a1leient
md chief of that race (nngdsj. He continually
issued hvs (to obey) and proLibitio11s (to ohservc].
2nd mhen another age had passed, the Great Go< ta the Divine order, they boved d o e n and became
$aid to these angels. who were living on the earth; subject to Adam. Bnt dzazil did not how dovn.
dzni Jdihn $l nrnt i;hul<Jirtira ?,ii i i,i.rrir-t?k:7r,' Through obstinacy and envy, he refused the order
m . f i k ~ i ?&S~ snmcir;' that is, I n-i!! rnnke !rim of the Lord. Re thought; I n r s formerly lord and
ai' the earth, who is nor Loin ntnong yell, and master, and shall I now become subject to them ? '
wcail YOU t o heeven. The a11ge1s that had iirefl Therefore through hatred and malice, he became
here so long, a t the idea of being aepar~tedil-orn Adam's enemy. Then God commanded the .h~gels
the earth, thinking rills oniel. disno.rce:tblc, to put Addam into Paradise ; and mhen he was in
ihis answer to God : dtojri2o -filin yi~,~il/+#ii(.Lin. -,fih~a Paradise, this order came from the Divine Being :
loft ymfe fsknildiiisihd, ?mnorm,?,izt~,gaM~ho &/:n,j~&! Y&ddhi~6skLin nsta toa Zn~+~kn2jna~,.ntcbn a kuhi
""h~%k~ kzkka: '. Thoil wilt crcntr a persoil nllo minhd rugad~xnh ~ i s oShetdmb, zm Zdtcik.~~tbc~
ill bring war and bioods!leti on the earth like ;:S hnjaratu fatakzina rninot strlimk. The purport
the Genii did ; while me adore Thee, find think Thsp of tbis text is this : " 0 Adam, lire in this Paradise
holy.'' The Great God eommnnded---;. h2rj,j <i!ct,,i;; with Your wife, and eat with joy whatever your
'?~cildfdl6nz!ln, i. e., y o u he,ve no idea o f what 1 heart desires, but go not near that tree ; if you go
consider best, a ~ l d1 smear hy myself, that near it,, you mill become a sinner." This Farm-

.,!dam and his race? I mill place neither dlls-p;, disc which the Great God gave nnto .idam' to
(;enina, nor beast upon the earth." In short, live in is a in rhe East, on mounPains of
rile hour the Great Creator forined ACTuln and rubies ;no man has power to go and gain access
byeatbed into his body a soni; anri otlt of hilli nlade M tbi~i. place. The lai~dthere is fertile. the climate
j:ve, he ~ommandednil rhe :\ngels. healthy, the season of spring continually abides.
, - Gnther
:,her all Fe; and borr do-ix-n to AdalU,'. ~ ~ c c o r d i n g many vater-conrses flow there?the various kinds of
* Eazt.ut,
D noble.
fruit trees are extremely prolific, bearing all sorts
of flowers and fruits. The animals there molest
be zt once told their names ond described the ad-
rantages and disadvantages derived from each.
no one, beautiful sweet-singing birds of all color3
TJ7hen the Angels saw this they all became sub-
sit marbling or, the branches. Xdam and Eve
ject to him, and thought Adaln superior to them-
went there and lived happily. Very long hair
selves. Azazil, when he saw Xdam's position, his
hung from the Head of both of them d o m ~ to~ their
malice and envy increasing, began to consider how
fect. The vhole of their bodies was covered bv
he could in any T a y by finud a d deceit effect his
[their] hair ; this added greatly t o their grace and
diaorace. Therefore olie any assuming the disguise
elegance. On the banks of %he stl-ean~letsand
of an adviser, hement to him ancl said, " TheGreilt
amor.g the parterres they wandered fi-eely, eatin?
God who has given you the ucco~n~ilishnlentrof
2.11 kinds of fruit, and drinking of the water of the
eloquence and reason, to this day has given soch
"reams. For them, emry thing wirhout labour advantages to n o one else. If yon eat of this t ~ e e ;
and exertion, was provided. Ploughing. tilling.
you will obtain knodedge a,nd gifts supedor t o
grinding, cooking. spinning, weaving cloth: wash-
these, 2nd you vill live here conticudly in I I C ~ -
ing-not one even of these taslis Lad they. In fect happiness and peace ; death mill never come,
this age their descendants are subject to these cares : you miI,l always eu,jo>7yonrself. llTl!en the nccors-
Lilie as other animals lived there, so these ed one svore and said, I n r ~Z iU ~ Z L L$I ~ ~ t i i n n j~lcLsehi)lct,
t w o ill perfect safety and trni~qoillit~
pass their
'I give you good advice,' he fell into the snare ;
time. They had no care ;a11d all the names of the
t,hro.ougl kb covetousness he went beyond all
trees and animals wldch mere there the Great Gocl
told to Adam ; and when he asked tlle h1,oels bounds and ate of that tree. of wbich the Great God
forbidden him to eat. The hearellly robes in
their names they knew them not, and b e i q pel--
plesed remained silent. ]Then he oslced Adanl, ~ O i c hthey were clotlled inulledi.ate?y fell from off
their bodies. They tocl; leaves of trees and begas
to cover their bodies. The very long hair that and rnany other arts. Friendships arose betveen
was on their heads a110 fell off. They became naked. them, and for a long time in this way they passed
and from the heat of the sun their complexion their time.
changed and became black, and they became dis- Gnt \vlxenever mention of the treachery of the
graced. When the a~linialssaw them in this state accursed
Satan was made, through a-ery inads
their appearance became hatef~zlto them, and they lnind passed 3. suspicion of the malice and envy ot
Bed with disOaust. Man became very much degmd- .the Genii. When Cain slew Abel, Abel's fimily
' -

ed. The Angels were ordered to cast them out had the idea that the Genii prompted him.
of Paradire and throw them out at the foot of the this their v ~ i a n c ewith the Genii was increased,
. -

n~ount,ain. The Angels threro them into a. lace alld they begm to devise stratagelns to get rid of
where there was neither fruit nor leaf- them. Through hatred they nsed magic, spells,
Than on
the earth for a long time in grief and sorrom thev curses,
---- charms, confineme~ltin vessels, and many
- -
made lamentation, and became extremely ashamed other means to annoy the G-enii, and xere alrrays
of vhat they had done. When some tilne bad been fuil of this speculation. When God sent the pmphet
spent in this grief and sorrom, the Great God of His .
Enoch, he calxe, and made peace between -I t a -n- a116
mercy accepted their repentance alld forgave fieir th Genii, and shemed them the mays of relipon
h d t , and sent an angel to the earth. tie ba\~ing
and piety. The Genii also came into the king-
nrrived here [ t a ~ ~ g them]
ht to dig the ground, to doms of iilan. and they lived together on good
~ l o ~ ~t og hSOW,
, to reap, to grind. t o brev, to bake terms. In this way until the second deluge, and
b r e d , to weave cloth, to sew, to make clothe&; all even afterwards up to the time of Abraham, the
these he taught them. When their race had iiucrens- friend of God, they lived happily. When Kinlrod
ed, the Genii came and mixed with them, and cart Abraham into the fire, man again rras of
t-ogbi them how to plant trees, and build houses the opinion that ttL Genii had Ximrcd
( 55
rc innLe the sling. lZlld J T ~ ~ Ithe I brethren of
m,, he aslred all, l : TTTho is strong enongh to bring
Joseph put him into the mell, they thought tBia her throne before she C O U ~arrive~ ? " A Genius,
also x ~ a s a trick of the Genii. This g w e fur-
whose name mas Bastooz, son of Hainan, bonstingly
;her rise to differences [between ihem]. T C h e ~ ~ ~ : i i d ," I will bring it SO q ~ ~ i c k that
l y your %Iajesty
the great prophet Xoses came into the n-orld, mill not have time to rise from ?cur senx." King
lie also reconciled them to one another, aild mnnv
Solornon &aid, " I ~ i s hit to be brought more
Genii embraced the religion of Moses. IYiTIjcn ( h t . 1 quickly than that." Asif Unrhhya: the possessor
:nzile Solomon, the son of David, sovereign of t L 2 of n powerful charm, said; ':I brisg it ill a
ahole world. putting all the kings of the eartll second," and he did so. 'iThe~~ the Ring sa-iv the
~mderhim, 311 Genii and m m bzceme his ubjecii. throne he was stunned, and borred to God. Thel:
..nen said the Genii to IIlan, with presi:nlptionl
. r",
r h c \ i - the Genii that Xan was superior to thetx.
ihese do~nil~io~ls came to che hnnd of Solon:ori
Thcy redmd abashed m r i vith drooping herds,
197 our help ; if the Genii had not given h;ln assist-
Every man follomed thern clapping Lia hands,
a c e he vould be like other kings are ;" nnll they
[ridicule,] and the Genii being very n3uc.h dcgrad-
-ere a l r r g s speaking of their pre-science, [or* ed fled thence, and became rebels. Icing Sololnori
knozlccZge qi m y r t e ~ i e s ]throwing man into a per-
sent an army after them to seize them, teaching
plexed state of mind. When Solorno11 departed his men many arts by vhich they could confiilz
5c-nce, and the Genii got no news of it: all of them
them, sqing, " The Genii can in &is way be con-
5 e c m e puzzled to know where Solornon was. Thell fined in glass vessels." h d Le compiled a book
rnen beczme positive tha,t, if these had been omni-
of t,hese arts, and this book after &is death was
s c i e ~ t ,they would not have been thus at fault.
published. When Christ came into the world and
And when the news of the (coming of the) Queen
invited all Genii and men to the t r ~ ~faith,
e and
af S h b a W ~ given
B by the Hoopoe to King Solo.
showed every one the right vay, telling them how
ro go to Heaven m d gain access to the Angels,
mill be ours ! " Wheli all heard this mollderfd
several Genii embraced the of Christ and
hecame devout and temperate, and got the pl*ivi1ege story, each held domn his head and was absorbed
of visiting Heaven. Being told of the thillgs of in thought. The King asked the philosopher, "In
Iiearen. they continually corn~nunicated them t o your opinon what i s advisable ? How shall I settle
the inspired vritcrs. When God created clie lair the disputes of those who have come to me t o com-
Prophet [hIohamed], 2nd their (the Genii's) goilig plain and aslied protection from me, and let them
t n Heaven was stopped, they mid, A s h a ~ r u ntij.icZa leave my country sstisfied ? The philosopher said,
limnn2 jliarze am ariidri 6ihi)?z ra(iboBsan ~~asdafiJo, ;:Good advice is obtained ayter deliberation ;nothing
i. r., " I t is not evrdent whether this is to the dis. is accomplished in a hurry. I n my opinon it is
advantage of the dwellers upon earth, or whether for fhe King to sit in ine public Court
God himself wishes to be their guide." Some of in hmorning7and calling ihenl all, hear the pr*os
and cons of every one's ease. After this whatever
tLe Genii accepted the true faith and became IfKs-
adrisable ~ n dbefitting the occasion,
sulmans. And harmony has existed betrreen theln SOU
and 31ussulmans to this dav. so do. Iie of the sons of Eehra~nremul<ed, "11an
When the philosopher 11ad finished this narre- has much eloquence and fluency, and the animals
in &se are deficient ; they cannot t a l k If they
tyon, he [turned and] said, " Gentlemen, do not
Yan, and do not raise strife arnollg your- are defeated by the glibness of Non and unable to
selves ;you are reviving old enmity for no purpose, reply to him; rrill you consig~lthem to the111 that
:he consequences will be ill. This hatred is Eke ther may keep them in pain and torment ?" The
the spark of the flint, which when struck sets fire philosopher said, " They should be patient and
to a whole world. May God defend us ! Jnen quiet (when) in subjection t o them. Times are
they oppose and eonclaer us, hat Ioss and always changing ; God will in the end release them ;
Eke as He gave the children of Israel freedom fro111
the oppression of Pharao11,-the children of D a ~ i d One snid, :' Ton have all heard the ~ ~ ~ ~ g u r bn een t
release from the tyranny of Nebuchaclnezzar-alld
t r e e n us and our slaves t.o-da:~, and the disagree-
.gsre relief to the race of the cruelties rneut has not yet been arranged. time you any
of the tribe of Tubah ; ancl freed the Lonscs of Sasnn
idea what the King will decide in our behalf ? "
and Adnarn from the tyranny of the Greeks and of
They all said, HOIVshoold r e know ? Hovever
the King Artaxerxes. Fate nel-er treats any one rre bnav this, thxt rbe Icing i n rnr~cchpuzzled iil
[ a l ~ a y s ]in thc some way. but like the circle of
i s aifair ; perhaps he may not come out to-mor-
the heavens continunlIy revolves round t.b':S vorld
rnrp." Another said, " T lino" this, that he r i l l
in aeeorda~~ce =it6 the orders of the Creator. In n the riaier in private t0-mor;olV P ~ O L OI l~l Y
t'ucosaad years one revolution, or in 12,000 years Some one else s~icl, IIe is going to collcci
or in 36,000 years, or hi 336,000 yye~~s, or in one the plliloaophers rind learned men to--morro to
day, which is equal to 50,000 years, one revolution eonsl.lltthelp.." Arother szid,
c l i n ~ mnot who%
is made. It is true that the revolutian of change-
the l"nilosophers i$dl adrise on our nccount, b z '

%Mefate never keeps any one in one condition.

CHAPTER ~ 1 1 1 .
knom that the 1<iog is fa.vornble iorrar6s XIS, 8x3
that he has implicit trost in us." One remar.ri;ed,
There is a. fear of the vizier. May it not' be that
be turn against ns; and be severe in our cnre."
137hilethe Iiing mns consultii~gwith his minia- L$nother observed, " That is a n easy nffnb ; did x-e
ie:a in private, the men also in their residence (the give him samet,hiog valusble, v-e should bring him
t o ollr But there is another danger."
70 men, inhabitants of different cities) were col.
~h~~ all what it, wns. He said, " There is
iected together, and consulting arcon,. themselves,
expressing whatever passed r h r o ~ ~ gtheir
h minds. great cause t o fear the decision of the jodges and
" TMs is ~ I S C an e r . y
lawyers," They all
xntter ; give them too a hrihe, and they mill lean
torards us, and finally they also will make some ,&,try and claimed pmtection n:ld they 3 ~ c
iegal pretence in our favor and give a decision. oppressed,-to assist them is incr~~nbent on tbe
B L I Azilnat
~ [of the sons of Behram] is a vise and Icing, for k i q s are called God's lieut,enants. The
EonorJle man, and will not be partial to nny one. Great God for this reason, gnve then1 authority
Should the King collsult him, there is fear lest he in the earth, that they r11ay do jnsiice, assist. tbc

colxlnand our slaves to the Icing and release then1 aged, expel che oppressors from their doulinions,
from our hands." One aairl, Yoa spe-6- truly, and uphold the l a v amonp the people ; for in
hilt if the King consult the philosophers, they dieer the last day, kings will be a r ~ s ~ e r a b lfor
e all
i~ ophion among themselves, one will contradict these things." One of them said, " If tlie Icing
the other : nothing mill be decided." Ailother ask the iudae as to a dicision [in our case] the
d U

asked, " l f the King take counsel with the jitdeer judge will decide in one of the three [above] aal-s,
z:ld Iawyers, what will they say in our favor ?'* and then what should be done? " They all said,
One of them replied, " The decision of the learned " The Judge is the propher's representative, and
vill be in one of these three shapes, either they the Kinrr the defender of the faith ;we cannot in
order the animals to be liberated, or they wiii sly vny deviate from their orders." One asked,
' Sell them and take their value' ; oc tell us '. If the Jltdoe order the animals to he let go and
z o t to give them unnecessary annoy'urce, but lcaeeE left alone, what shall me then do?" Another
t';e same and be kind to them. In law also there replied, 7Ye will ansver, \Tc a r e their original
nre three rays, [only of deciding.] Then id one, masters ; from the time of our ancestors they ha-ce
If the King take the a d ~ i c eof the minister, alvays lived in slavery ; me have the option t o re-
will he say? " A second said, I know he lease them and let them go, or if me rrish, not to
s l y that the animals have coiue into the let them go." Then snid another, " If the JJuge
say, l'rove by legal doc~lmentsor vitncsses that
they are your origind slsves." One interrupted, said, Thev vould sell thein and receive tlieir
J17e will fetch our friends who are honest, and make value." Gut those who were the denizens of the
them witnesses." He replied, " If t.he Judge sag viids and jungles, the h m b ~ ,TLV~E,&C., said,
that the testimony of mankind is not reliable for that c * This cannot be ; if we act tl~os we shall be ruined.
they are all enemies of the ailin~als,and the evidence do not mention it." Those ~ h nere o milling to
of enemy is not taken in lav ; or say: Where are sell tjlem said, " T17hnt harm is there in this ? "
your deeds of sale and agreements ; if you are in t,he They replied, " If me sell the animds, we shall
rigbt, bring them and present them. !%'bat will the11 incrlr great inconvenience. Drinking m*, eating
be deoised ? " On hearing this they all remained flesh, making clothes of their hide and far, and
silent, not one of them gave anamer, till an Arabian besides these puxring the= to other uses, all these
observed, ' l We will t l ~ sreply : We had legn! mill be lost. Death ~ o ~ l be l dbetter
documents, but they were all lost in the flood. than such an existence. Tlie same inconvenience
Allcl if the Judge wishes us to swenr that they arc upon the dwellers in cities also. They
our slaves, 'hen we mill say, that an oath should derive many f~-ori~
the anii1:nls. x e ~ - e r
Be required of those that deny the claim, and that. beget the intention of selling them and letting
rre are claimants." One sdd, '' If the Judge put them fiee ; further, do no' entertain the thought
ihe animals on their oath. and they swear nlld s:.r, in )-our minds. If they ilre rvilfin~th;lt we should
they are not our slaves, then what &ha11be done? '' lessen their labour a d be kind to them, it does
Another replied, " TVe will say they have taken not matter. For these brutes hare life, and are of
fike oa,ths, me have many proofs that strengthen the senle flesh 2nd blood as ourselves, and feel pdn
this claim." Another said. '' If the Judge should from excessive labour. YOUIleT-er Jld SO good
order us t o sell them and take the price of thei:?. act, for which you received such n reward as God's
hat should we then do ? " The inhabitnnis of giving you dominion orer the animals. E\'or did
they (ever) commit a crime for which God gave
them such a punishment as their lieiug cast into b&z~lkdmalA0n.o lihij j.rtp?~( niin hizi71 $t dhbfia
this misery. He is Lord of all; and doeth rbnterer bhli fa.inan kiliaito b 6 d bishuiyin n i i hakke c~khihe
He chooseth. No one ca.n evade His orders." yd,&c-tnnn rfiinho shainri fainn: i ~ ~ n i haktct.0
iahll ,kilntar2 rnin,c,.n nh~*e; that is; ' Of y o ~ r*ho
l are
at variance nnmng yoursekes nlld come t o me, the
CHAPTER IX. in argunlent is more proficient than
On the Consti?tc~tionapilony dz A4r;ijl,.&. for him will I deci,de. Therefore, should one
When the Icing got up from the Court, and all ~ ~ n k l i o ~ i n oobtain
ly that which is the right of
had taken leave and gone to their respective homes, allother, he should not tnlre it ; if h does, I will,
ihe brutes also collected together and began t o take for that, (act) east him into hell fire.'
counsel among themselves. One said, " Yo~onhave mom eloquelloe, and ingenuity of speech than we f
heard the controversy between us and our enemies 1fear that through Illis glibness of tongue Vf shall
to-day, and the quarrel has not ended yet. Sow lore in the arsurne~~t. ancl they xi11 be victors
what is your advice ? " Another said, 'cTo-morrom ~ ~in your h ~ t should then be done ? JTe
morning a e will go in front of the I i k and make shollld delibcy;ite well in th.s affair. If Be meet
lamentations, and complain of their tyranny ; per- nlt,oact.bey and deliberate alld think, then solne one
haps the King will be merciful and release us f r o n ~ aood idea *ill certsinl~:come out." S& he
bondage. To-day he did shew us some kindness, thonghi this advisable : Send messengers M all

but the Icing should not decide without hearing tile animals, and let them our condition, ;ind
the arguments and proofs. Proofs and argun~ents tell them to selCi represent.ntsiires and orators to ns,
are strengthened by ~loqueuaeand fluency. For the that thev may all come hcre and assi:-L us. For in -l

prophet says, h2~oLzZrnhlhtaaen2lino ilaiyk K. lanNn ,,,q species thcrc is some excellence, some iiitdil-
oence, some gift of eloquenceE
irhieh is not in
LLe:'~, When a ni?l-nl>er of friends and a s s i s t p ~ ~ i ~

are collected, thcre mii1 certainly be some means

1-, for our liberation and improl-ement. Rely
is of the Lord only vl:o assistcth those vholn he lyiien the f rst ~ ~ ~ ~ p ci;ule s ~ tno pthe ~ kiE~g
r of
c?iooxtl-." All the whnals said. " Euoogh ; this is l-pyenoua allin;s!s: t h n ~is: 81,iil F!Z.Y~S. the lion;
the (best) ndilice." i t iras arroligecl to selld i: a11 he rolJ.hiin t,hat hbettrccfi mzn 2nd ncilrinls there
directions six very tri~stxrorthymessenmra.
of them to tlie mvenons animals: a second .+ to Oneille
r a s a colltl.olrersy goillg on before t.he I<.i~ig C I the

that the animals had sinc merse:lgera in
r ~ t ~ d sa. third to the Leasta of prey, the fo~lrtliro directions to the other n n i r u d i . tbht t h c ~ill^^
~ n ierrnccous
A, e animals, t h a t is norms, beetles. &C.! ..-

collie a:ld hip them. '' 1 ::m n!.o Sent i!ito your
ihe fifth to the poisonous reptiles: tile sua1<el lizard, mGeslg's presence. I$e plen~cdto scnd one of the
b e . : the sixth to the inhabitants of the ~ a t e r srpeyc
, eener,& of your army mith me, he )?laygo

q'poiilted and desimiched in ereyJ: )-direction. thal.e snd joill liis op.1 spccics, and ichell his turn
eolae., ilisllllte lrith ~ 8 9 . ' ' TIIC Icing ~.d<i;d i!:c
l?lejaellger, njlet lilnn cl:~ilneri of the animals ? He
s i<ingdam of Barllrs:an, il,ri
ISorr.-Ti~e d i r i s ~ u ~in~tile , 6 : TIicy thil: illlilx~d~ ;re their s'tzlres.
i t g r e i t . Tljens ;el so;ne of tll,,ir
r.nd tllcy om.1nnsrersA7? Tlie j:oll Z S I < C ~ '', 0:'n-hit
t:.r:ns apl.)licd to qnadropecis:-
(par;icl:,.lilr) tliiilg do men boest l If of I>OTT(:~,
s;mngth; brilrer)-, c o n r a o . of daili, of holmcling.
leai,ino, n ljOCU~i~:! fipiltili" o ~ ~ ~ ; o s ~ ~ I ; ' -of- ~thew
!%ahaem; brutes, or t i ~ o s cthet Ilnri: n o reason.
they Lonst, I Tyill start my :irmr i!keC!ri>- th:ii i r 1 a

Inn: go t,herf, slid in 9:;e ~ i i i i ~ kecparnm

messenger anid,
~ L
nrid ills-
YL0iisI 0 '
prre them." ''
6s 1 -- and rensels ; iri
EFlne of hose qualities even. In addition to these, WOIPCS,
vlrious kinds of monkeq 3
they h a r e mueh practice and skill. cllnning and
short e\TC1>
,-,f that eats flesh or pounc,es
itself before l i ' ~The ~
device, and are versed in the manufacture of shields, (upon its prey), Y
the king bad heard?
OE the messen,
swords! spears, lances, dagprs, knives, b w s ancl
be told to them i asked t h e m Is there any

:urows, a d many other weapons. They cover them- vi\l 80 there nnd liccome One3
selves mith mail nrnioLw, with its lining, voollen one a.mong YOU ChrlYillgon t,Lis case)
clothes and helmets, against the claws and teeth of of the (that are ill
he bar been there and ore-conle
the beasts, that their teeth and c l z t ~ may
s not h a m lvbntteT.~erha nskr of llle I will g<vc
their bodies. They are very wary and cuilnillg u p m e u t ? the11
and I bestow (upon him) rallk-"
in catching the rapacious and mild animals ; they him, ;, o- tGs ix thought
m&e nets and traps : they dig pits, wells and calves, AU the mimals on heall-la was 3ny one fit for
and cover the mouths with earthand grass, so that for some time, T hThe ew
~ h Vns o the vizier,
whe3 the animals unxittingly go and fall into this task or not-
~b~~ art king and head,
them it is impossible for them to get out again. to the lion,
allcl mc are
and ~rtkjects; it behoves
But they do not mdie any mention of these prac- order j after colln~el,
tices before the King of the Genii. There they the king ill every act, to a
bring Forward argnments and proofs i n favour of t,alGng the adrice of wise -aloen-
rllelr eloquence, clearness of style, s~~periority, vis-
~~n it baoT.-esthe subject to obey the';l1.a
,TI;, to him in every
doin 2nd prudence." Directly the king heard the hi6 heart, be sum1su
for the kslg is like the head (of the body),
mosds of the messenger, he remained in thought thin:: ;
for half an hour and ordered (saying), " Yes, let d, the n&ject like the limbs i and so long as
his o m duty. eyer) n
r~llthe beasts in my 21-111come
7 !" I n accordance king m~iu~,,, do ,ill ren-dllin the hmg-
with she orcler, different kinds of beasts, lions and go "Id order
( TO j
del-a." The king aslied t,lle chee'nh, '' What,
there is not even one [ ~ I I I Omen:. ~ ~ The
the quaLificntions req~~iredin a king and in a
said, '[If jtlmping, leaping.. ~d seizing
m+ject ? Detail them." The cheetah raid, The
of I:se there. I a m the one tb.zt will msver." The
king should be just, h a v e and wise, deliberate in 7 -

every t L i ~ q and? act with such lcindlless a,nd love

fi, Silid! if zttncjci~i~i ., pl~ulcieni~g, , destroy-
a 3,

in?;nre rretliliredtiie~e,I c211 nccompllsh 1". The

towards his subjects as parents do t,oiranla ;heir
oFslwing ; he s b o ~ ~ l calways
l be el~gagcriin nililr- t;,z rajd. If' there be : l l l ~use of tricks OF deceit
t,berc, 1 a"; for it." 'She weasel mid, " If
ever may tend to thc tranquillity nlld 1,rosperjq
these be mar.ted searc!ring, stealing, or hidifig, I
of :he subject. And the subject should in every
5 ~ l azlny,qmey
~l for it.." 'I. Le monkey said. " SbonId
way consider hiinself the iiing'b illferior, his scrvilnt
dancing, &ipping, mimicing be of use: I Nn Cie
m:d devoted slave ; and explain t o the !<ing lrlint
~ l i i l lor art hc lnny know hilnself; tell li:m of his
o n 1 'Ihe cat said, " i f there be rranied flattery,
nttschl12ellt or h&lity, 1call perform t l ~ ~ ~ e The .l'
ikolrs and of his good actions,; d n l ~ rpm'ibnn Iiis
dog said, If ~ a t c h f i ~ l n ebarking;
ss~ o r "r~egingof
service t o the fullest ; tnalie Icnovn his n-;,l;ts to
the tail be of any use? 1 irn tile one." The moose
t h e king m ~ dask assistance of hinl." Tile ]ion
said, G If setting (things) on 6re: b l o ~ i n gThe ,
said, '' YOUspeak the truth, now nhat sd\rice do 1

dnlnaging be of any us?, I am the oae.

J-o:: give in t h i s case ? " The cheetah said, c: Yay
king ~ j , d ,l. C)f these acco~xplishnr~nts: there is lrot
the s t m of your lxospcrit,~be always bright ni:d
lmiinous, and your majesty ever be successful
eve11 one reqrlired there." After t.his he tnrned
towards tile and said, " M1 these pniiries
1-ictorions. If there be strength, masteyy: bravery.
or ainbition required there; I am the one, let your the aninnls have mentioned are necesnfly
for the kings of and the armies of the nobless
majesty give me leave to go there, and effectoa]ly
p e ~ f o r m all these." The king said, ( ( O f there These qualificacons are j n s t suitable for tl:zm, far
although in appearance their form and sh??e are
( 73 j
like that of nngels, yet i-1 their nature they aR
similar to the beasts and brutes. But those who
are learned, versed in religion and l'mdent, have Of the Quol~ficnfionsd mi B ~ L ~ s . ~ c L Y
manners and aceom~)lishmenits,are like the angels.
The cheetsk asked the l'on, ''I'fbat are the
Who is there fit to be sellt there to go and plead on
behalf of the animals ?" The cheetah raid, '' True oo&6eationa necessary in an amnborsado~? Detail
b ~ the
t learned and versed in rsligion anlong mei., them'' The king said, :'An ambassador should
have left the ways thnt are called the ways of be a wise man, an elenant speaker, one thnt forgets
-4tlgels, and have now taken to the m q s of Satzl. llot but well remembers anything he hems ; not.
They live night and day in contention and fighting, tolling tlie secrets of his heart to ally one ; preserv-
ing confidence, aild keeping hihis word t o the utmost ;
g another. 111 this
ili slandering aud i ~ ~ j u r i none he s ~ o ~not ~ 8 great t ~ l k e ;r he shodd 110t add
l l be
way the governors and kings have forsaken the
paths of justice and equity, and taken to t ~ ~ a n r to mything of h's o r n X C O Y ~ ; he should say 110
and oppre~siol~." The king said, " You peak the more than be is told. In whatever the sood of
truth, but the king's representative should he a the persol1 who sends him appears, he shot~ldstrive
man of parts and of rank ; he should not deviate and exert himself. If his opponents should ten@
him; he not break out of the paxhs of fide-
from the truth. Then who is there that me
send who has all the qualifications ofall ambassador ? lity and integrity for the rake of siding with thein,
I n this multitude there is no one colnpetent to go fall badlong into t l ~ cveil of bad fait11 pall
there." illfidelity In the city [to which he is sent], if by
any means he find ease, he should not 011 that
account remain there, bat come arsay unhlesitatiilg-
ly, W11ateye.r he bears or sees. he shot~ldgo a n d
tell t o hip master. Re should, to the extent of his
ability. carry out the vis'fies and i n e t r ~ ~ z t i oof
l ~ his
beasis ? .' The Iiillg ~ s l < r dh e rerson, w:ly ht
master. He should not onlit any item of the dn&.. beasts,
so femiliar with ~ n a ncs t o attack
of an emissary tEror;gh fear of anyrhing. For it is and leave h i s species t o join different one ?
the duty of an emissary to conrep his messnges iil
X. m e but t h e h s r ine er^ anything abont it, so
their entirety." a f t e r this he said to the cheetah.
he :L 1 the rroaon." The lring s ~ i d ,
-' 111 your opinion, who is there in this nsaembly
L. Detail it,'' The bear said, " On aecoant of sin?!-
like tlxis, that hns the ability for this r o r f i ? "
IXriryof disposition mid m t i i r d i~ttachmcnt;the dog
' clieetah said. Besides the brothers of I<alela/~
m *
llas secured the frien6ship of man. Bebides this,
and Da~inz(rh,n o one is fit for this tasli." The lion tllem they obtain an nb~mrlmceof delicacies to eat
said to the jackn!, "What do you say to the pro-
311a drink. And ill their dis~:ositioi~ are covetous-
position the cheetah has made on your B C C O E ~ I ?~ " and bad ifialmess like ss in il:alis.
The jackal said, ': The cheetah speaks thc truth ;
These are the princitrd rcasolls for their friendship
mny the Lord recompense him well, and grant
and t,Le beasts keep a t a distance from their vices. . -
him his desires ! " The lring said, " If 3-ou go The renjon is this : dogs eat f i c ~ h ~, Z LOS K c~o~iec-l,
there m d plead on behnlf of your fellow creatures,
lnrrfdor h b i d d e n , sodden or dry, salt OS fresh;
when you retux-n you shall be promoted anrl re-
or bad, as they get it. Desides these, fruits,
warded." The jzckal sdd, ': l am your majesty's t5
hrestl, pnlse, milk, curds, acids, and
.;abject, but there are many of my species there
Saeetmests, ,q/>ee' sficl oil, honey nncLl i z ~ l t c : r~~ ~u ~ ~ c J G
n.ho are my worst ciicniies ; how shall I monsge ? "
alld every Lilld of food tizken by m:tn;--they eat
The bi11g aslted, f ho they were ? The jaclral all and refuse none. Other beasts eat none of these
replied, " The dog Sears bitter enmity againat me. C____

Does the king not know tthat he has love arid * Ghee, clarified buttcr.
aflEection for i-uan, n3d helps him to catch r i i d t &t&oa, a swectxrleat reseutLlillg t o r e .
f Suttoo, parched grain groan&
khings, they do not even k n o r of them. 1l11d in p.ttached t o him." He asked the reason of her
the dog are covetousness and parsimony to ~ u e h
sociableness. The bear said, " This d s o is for the
a degree that they v111 not by ally mc,ans a1lo-r
same reason, her disposition and man's are the
auother animal to enter man's habitation lest he same. The cat is also greedy, and has B fondness
sl:ou!d get something to ent. If erer I)y any chance for different kinds of food, like as man has." The
a fox or jackal goes ilzto a village a t night, to steal
king said, " On what footing is she Kith them? "
array a fowl or a moose, or anything dead, or a The bear answered, " She is a little better than the
3:inrsel of bread, how fi~rioasly they harIi, and
dog, because she goes into their house, sleeps upon
attncking them they eventaally turn them oat..
the carpets, goes to the dining table at dinner time:
I hrough this stil~~giness
sud coretcusness, bow
and they give her of ~ h s they t cat themselves,
cbnte~ptibleand degrzded are they ? If they see and vhenever she gets an o p ~ c ~ t u n ishe
t y pul*loins
tread or anything else eatable in the hmcl of man, their eatables. Rut the dog never likes her to gs
woliiail or child, horn they shake their t,niis and
into the house, therefom there is envy and hatred
heads through greediness ! If through modestv n between tbe cat and the dog. When the dog sees
morsel or so is thrown before them, Low fast they
her, he jumps up from his place and rushes at her
do run and pick it up tllat another may not be
in a way that if he could catch her Le would make
to g e t it. r4U these bad qudities are in men also ; mincemoat of her and devour her. The cat also,
ascl on aceoul~tof this simil~rititpthe dog has Iek
when she sees the dog, swells out her face, and
his owl1 species and gone and m i ~ e dvith them ;
sets up her tail and fur, end in furious anger puffs
- and they assist men to catch the other animals." herself out as large as she con. The reason for this
The king said, " Are there any other animals be-
is, she is his enemy." The lring asked, if there
sides the dog thnt are familiar or friendly wit!:
were my more besides these t n o who rrere familiar
m m ? " The bear said, " The cat also is very mueh [ ~ i t hnm]. The bear said, " The mouse a150
goes into their houses and shops, but he has no
of their property, and taking dl their cattle,
coz:fidence in man ; f~lrtherBe fears him and flees
oxen, enntds, asses, and mules, becnme very meal-
fro111 him." The king aslced, the cause of his going
thy. They feasted among themselves, and prepar-
there e? He said; '' He also goes through fondness
ed kinds of food ; they slaughtered the animals
for di.fferent kinds of food." The king asked, if there
and scattered the hands and feet all round their
were 2.ny more still who fi.equentec1 his abode ?
cities and villages. When the dog and cat s a v
The bear said, " The weasel also someti~nesgoer
illis abunclnllce of flesh a ~ i dso much' eating and
i!we, irxrkiug about to step1 or r u n away with any-

dfinking, they left their orrn species, and thr0~1gh

thing." The king aslied agnin! " Are &ere ally [for these things] re11t into their habitations
n c r e besides these mho frequent their houses ? " Rlid became their fyiendi and aasista~lts. TOthis
The bear said, " There are no others, bnt man day they hsve lived mined vith them."
forcibly seizes ancl takes a . v q the cheetah and
monlreyj though they do not colirent to their going JT-hell the ]inn lenrd this story be was grieved,
there." The king asked, " Since what time llave and said, 6 : Ld JLilqJa ua Id bivnta illit billaiiil aiul
I) *

t h ~dog 2nd the cat been familiar wit,h 111a11 ? " aihLe iJ1nn/il[a]ie urr inea ilctihee r~tjetina, 7 and
ice bear said, " From the time the chilclren of
repented this many timcs. The b e n mid to
Gain pre~niledover the children of dbel." The tllc lcinp, w h y shauld you regret that the cat and
dog h:ivc kept aloof From their fellow species ?"
king said, " How does the story go ? Tell it."
i ae bear said, " \Then Cain murdered his brotBer,
Tile lion said, I do not regret their going, but it
who mas named Abel, the children of AbeI desired is a source of ~ - p r e that
t the rvise have said; ' For
t o be revenged oo the children of C,ain, ond foughr --
* IG~lsal, capscity. space.
wish them. In the end the family of Cain was Vie- t \JTc cannot avoidsin 001 11~1.cwe pover t o do mytbing
punerful. \'P
torious, giving them a defear ; they plundered the but 4 the as~istanceof God, r b o ir great
a r e God's crc'atl~rcs,and we expect t o retorn t o (iod."
kings there is not a more serious disar~m?ngement cne or two yonng ones, nnd is nlsays being killed,
or cnIamity ill their administration and governnlennt yet flocks upon flocks are seen in towns and in
&an for the supporters of their army to desert and jmgles that cannot be nnmbeucd. The 'eason of
go and join the enemy. For they mill go and ac- this is, that the young of the cat and the dog are
cjxaint thein with [the king's] ungnarded moments, subject to mnch suffering on account of their food.
n u his good snd bad points, and his erery secret, Different diseases that other animals are not snbject
and informing them of every thing, will tell rhe~n to they are s~~bject to, and throogh their had rvays
of secret entrances and of many stratagems. -411 and man's persecution their lives and those of their
this will throw the king ancl his nrlny into great offspringase shortened. Therefore they are despised
confusion ?' %fay God never prosper these cats and d e p d e d . " After tbis the lion said t o i ' i ~ k l n ,
and dogs." The bear said, " As your majesty has you go now. Go there into the presence of
wished so has God dealt roith the dogs, and accepted &heKing of the Genii, and that r h i e h you are np-
the prayers of the king. Ne has taken away pointed to do, do it effeetudly ."
the advantages and blessings from their race end c--

bestowed them upon the goat." The king said: CHXPTElE SII.
" How is this P Tell me all about it,." The bear
said, =3 S + e S The d d u e ~ a t u iof. ~ ~the recoltd 2i')iii.irnl.y.
With great pain and laboor at, the time of delivery, When the second messenger went to S h a h n ~ ~ g h ,
eight or ten young ones, and sometimes more! she the king of birds?and macle linonn the state of things,
brings forth. But no olle ever saw, either in civi- the liilig listened to the story of the animals, and
lized places orjungles, alnrge herd of dogs, although or&red, "Let a11 the birds be present." There-
no one ever kills them. -4nd the goat, notwith- fore all the different kinds of birds, of the jrmglee,
standing that in t,he whole year it only brings forth of the hilit, of rhe rivers, in p e a t abund~nce,vhoie
"amber no one but God could know in accordance
with the order, came and collected together. The qualifications of each, and r ~ h ois fit for this
king said to them, "Men claim that all animals task 1" The peacock said, ;L That is the spy hoopoe,
are their slaves, and they their masters ; therefore the cowtier of Solomon, the son of David, who is
many of the animals are disputing with man in the sitting there, wearing n variegated suit. At the
tlme he should speak be warbles in gueh a way,
pmence of the King of the Genii." bfter this be
said to his ministe~,the peacock, " Among the bids, that it appears like praying md bowing" dawn.
who is the best speaker and the most eloquent, fit He exhorts [all] to do good, and protests against
to be sent there to go and dispute mith man ? " an that is bad. He it is ~ h conveyed
o to Solomon
The pefieoclr said, " Here is the whole assembly of the son of David, informtion respecting the city
birds, ~ h o m s o e v e r your majesty orders vill go of Sheba, and said, 'The wonders and curiosities
there." The king said, " TcP me all their naruer, of nature that I saw there, even your majesty never
that I may know them." The peacock said, There S To show this Z have brought facts connected
are the hoopoe, the cock, the pigeon, the partridge. h city of Sheba for your majesty, in whicl~
~ i t the
the nightingale, the kabk*" the inrfi, the snallor, there is not the sligbte st particle of fdsehood 7.
the eron, the crane, the aangkii.a~a,f the spnrrorv, the There is a lady there, in deseribiug d o s e splen-
dove, the ri-ngdove, the wagtsil, the duck, the pad- dour and magnificence the tongue is at fault. The
' 1 ~bird, the wild dock, the Persian nightingale, oovernment of that country is in her hands, and
the ostrich, &C., all are present. Shahrnurgh said the throne is extremely large on vhich she sits.
to the peacock, " Show each of them to me that I In short, all the good things of the world are to be
"ay see them, and understand the characteristics had there, notling is wanted. But the people of
t ille bowing d o v n of the &11l~s1llmfillsin pl-g?pr3
* Kabk ; a small kind of partridge.
7 sangkhara ; probably t h e ima. Jso the form of wol-ds they ropea.t.
t ~ i l ~ iu~ aliich
~ i ifalaeliood
~ , never has adniirsion.
her nation are thorough infidels ;they echomledge
not God, they bov down t o the sun. As Satan lvisL to be &red from the fire of hell, be p~nver-
has led those-people as; they consider idolai,ry ful circum~pect.' And Le who is aitung 011
to be the true worship. They have left the Benea that lilllocl; is the pertridge ; her c o ~ i ~ t e l ~ ; is mc~
1' cr and 130 W-
volent Creator who creaked earth, heaven and sky, fair ;her wings piebald, by much b e n ~ l n ,
2nd r h o is acq~lab~ted ~ 4 t ha11 that is visible and ing her form llas become croolied. yv'heil she cries
invisible, and have imagined the sun who is olllg she arouses the careless; and pleases th111- After-
n particle of His splendour to be God, notwith- llrnrds she says, ' Thnnlc God for l3is giit.e, that
standing that no one but the true God is worthy they mny increase ;and think llot ill of God.' h1ld
of doration. That is, the crowing cock who has often she mel;es her petitioll t o God h her hyillui
n croirn on his head, and is standing on tbe ~ 2 1 1 . (thus) ; :0 God, defend me from the bexsts of p ~ ? j -
His eyes are red, his r i n g s spread, his tail raised ; auld from jack&, ancl from the depravity of man ;
extremely high-spirited and generous, he is nlsnys and from the doctors who tell the heHicted the bene-
repeating God's praise and name. He knorrs the firl be derived from eatillg my flesh, snve
time of prayer and reminds his neiglrboors find ad- I earnot exist under all these ; I ever tlG~ik
monishes them. I t morning-time when Le cmms, of the Creator, and a t morning time 1 i i l ~ i t e81:
he Jays, 0 YOU that liw in this ,neighbourhood, God, that ail men may benr and practise good pre-
:]link of God ! you have slept long enough ;you ,-.-.prs.' ~ h is, ~ t lyi~e011R-110 3cts as a guide,
think not of death and destruction ; you fear not vho t&es letters and goes to the lfiost distant
the fire of hex, ~ O L have
I no desire for heaven ;you ; alld dosometinles \vliile flying, with great re-
t.llmlc not God for His blessings ; thillk of the Be- gret ,& s;l!S,. l have a horror of separation from

ing who can deprive you of all (your) luxuries. my Kindred, have a strong desire to mix with
Aiafie preparation for the road eternity ; if you mJ7friends. C) God, direcr nlc to my n a t i ~ epi:lcc
tlat 1 hay obtain comfort by visiting ray friends !
-4nd the small partridge (ka8k) is be who in
always moves gracefully over Aowers and t x e s ; latter end ; and up to the time of your derth render
a.nd with a very melodious voice continually siogr t o Km the worship that is IIis due, n31d do good to
sweet songs-' He ever says, wbile preaching and oblige his slaves. Do not through onkindness, a

teaching? 0 thou who art t,he destroyer of life and let this wish into your minds,--' Let no poor beggm
rank, thou who m-t the planter of trees in gardens, --7
,me to my home to-day ! For be who plants the
the builder of houses in cities, that sittest in hi oh of ri~hteousnessto-day, vili gain the fruit and
places, why art thou indifferent to the tyrannyCof p.
- sali&ction thereof to-mor~-ow~ [he)-eajfer] . This
the age ? . Res tr'ain thyself ! forget not thy Creator l the [hanest] field of the last day. He
~ o r l i is
a moment ! Think of the day when thou wilt lose who sows good works therein, will reap the benefit
rhis pleasure and this dkelling place: and fall i r m in the end. If any one practises wickedness, he
the midst of snilkes and lizards in the grave. If burn in hell fire like grass and veeds. Think
before you leave this world you now become esre- of the day ~ h p Godn will aeyarate the ~~nbelierers
ful, it will be better for you ; that you may find I from the fsithfd and cast them into hell, and convey
cornfortnble home there [in iaear.. +P?* j and not fail in-
the fuithful to heaven.' The nightingale, the story -
t o perdition ? ' This ia the lark-likc'as the priest telles,is sitting upon the branch of that tree; snlnll
ascends the pulpit, she also at midday mounts in foirn, in %ghz, fair iu appeal-ante, always
high in the air, and alighting on the corn heaps on the lool;-out right and lcft, with excessive
mirh n sweet voice warbles all kinds of songs. And eloquence she warbles exquisite melody. And in
in her song she says, Where are those rnereha,nts the groves she intimately associates vith man, in
or farmer who, from the sowing of one grain, by fdshe enters his dwelling and converses with
the blessing of God, gained many benefits ? 0 man, ~ l n .when he to remember his Crestor
have a fear of the vengeance of God. Think of your and gives his mind t o pleasures, she says by
of precept and exhortation, ' 0 Great God, what
tlioughtless~lessto be enamoured of these fen dgs
of existence and neglect to thinlr of God ! Why
He is of sable hrel and is abstemius ; be
makes us amare of eveq~fhingrvhich has not yet
not enter into cont,emplntion of Ninl ! Do you not I3e is honrig mindful of his Oreator,
k i l o i ~that you mere all made to die ? You are aIld continonlly passes his time wandering about
nourished that 9011 may decay, you are collected
trax:elling. He goes into every couutry, bfing-
together to LE dispersed, you make this a home
ing illf0lformrii~nof the remains of antiqlliv. He,
that it might be destroyed ; l o w long -rill j-oil
,,.;,h the c$amities of t h e ungodly st~ikesterror
engage yourselves in t.hese plei~suresand be attraet- illto the cnye.le;s, and vitL addmonisbing voice
ed by t,he luxuries of t 6 i ~world ? You are liable L Reetrdn yonneIres, and be afraid of that
to die on the morrow; and be buried in the dust-
daj- \vhell you will ba rotien ill the grave. For
be warned now at once. Do yoo not know vbai
your acts your sliiil vill be torn off. Now
the Great God did with Ashab-fil. -$haha, vhii throngh yOar b:indness ~ O L I prefer existence in
ans t h e head of their tribe, ipislled by some pTe-
this world to that which is t,o come. If you evade
or excuse to demolish the temple of God, the Divine yan ~ i l have
i neither place nor
putting a maltitr~deof men on elephants tunled delircmce ally'here. If YOU desire C O ~ B ~ Oen-
~ ,
toirards Mecca ; ancl God in the end rendered theil*
stratagems futile, and sent flocks and flocks of
,, a = v
wurselves in praise and prayer ; possib1ly the

birds who took stones and rained them down h

ereat -gill be mcvciful and save you from
&siructioil !' And there is the troreller in the air,
such a m y that they were all kiiled, elephants in- file sivallOw, swift of flight, snldl of foot, h a ~ i n
cluded, and made like worm-eaten 1eax,ves ? ' After large lvinas, often 1irir.g in the houses of man, alld.
this she says, ' 0 God, keep me from the eagerness U

there nouri8hing her young.

o f lads and from the cruelty of all ,inim$s.' That Ewr, m o l d g and cvcning slle is prqing and
the soothsayer t.he E ~ O I V , -LO lei:ea!S Ldden ,hgfor,ire:wsh. She goes a great distance in
her travels ; takes up her abode in cool places, anij
in the winter in warm places. This is ever the ihmugh rheir meeting each other they nmay be
~ubjectof her rosary and prayers : 'Be is pure fruitful and multiply, aud be mindful of their
who created sea and laud, estnblished the bills, Creator.'
and gives motion to the streams. He determines Ancl this is sungkhava (stone-eater ), who lives
life and death as is most f i ;~ and nothing ever .0 the earth. He always resides in the jungles
differs from His will. And He is the and deserts. 91orn and night this is his task,
help in his journeys. He is Lord of the hole earth Holy is He who m ~ d eheaven and earth, Ele is
Creator of the heaven's constellations and stars.
end creatures.' After this formulary and prayer,
she says, ' I have been into every region, and seen They all revolve at His command. The raining of
the waters, the bloning of the wind, the bringing
every creature, and come back to my oxrn llatiye
forth of thunder and lightning, are His work alone.
place. He is holy who brought male and female
together and gave them numerous progeny, Re uplifts the vapours from the earth, through
=hich the world is ordered.
WLt a ~ i s e
took man out of the hidden recess of non-esjstence
is He who after death $ves life to decayed and
and clothed him with the robe of life. Praise be
to Him only who is the Author of all creatures rotten bones. Great God ! what a Creator, LO
and the Giver of blessings.' prai~e,and magnify whom the tongue of man is a t
U a fault. H o w is it possible for wisdom to penetrete
And the watchful crane is standing in the plain.
His neck is long, his feet small, and when he flies His hidden mysteries.'
And the melodious hazardastan' is sitting OE
he gets way to heaven. During the night he keeps
watch at two [different] times, and counts a rosary the branch of t ht tree ; she has a small body, is
swift in motion, and of pleasant voice ; and she
in .~r!&e
. .. of God, saying, 'Pure is that God who
of Hi. might, made a mate for every creature, that * Hazardastan ; literally, possessing D tbou~audsongs OI
tales : the Persian Nightingde.
( 9-3 )
qns the king of all insects-
tion of the an\tnd~. Y CS,
.c5Laarblesforth tlie praise of the bmnipotcnt : the
jyhen he hna heard all, he gave an oyder?
Beneficent ! He is naequalled, and has 110 rival. let all the insects be p"sent-7' cInLlitoes co~npliance with
the Benevolent ! the Giver of' all see11 and unseen grass-bo~~-
the the flies, gl13t5, *"--'l
G!zssings ! Like nlito a river? He freely nlld boun- in factall the a n i m a l
p r s , fleens~,~ 2 3 lnot113,
~ ~ 7
tifilllp ~howersblessings on tdl mankind. And at fly wizb nin:r and do not
ill body can* pesented thenem-
times with great regret she speaks in this
longer than one year. heard
'' IYhat happy days were those 1~11enthe gnrdefis: ~h~ king ret&&d he h e ~ e m qhe
~elves. \vho srnollg 90"
were full of fiomers, every tree 1o:irIetl with rnrio1:a from the messenger, and 5aic1?

ki~ldsof fruit.!' On this the k i q said to tht: & t&iling the side of
is there that can S O there, ?
7y They all said,
peacock, "Among these iu yol-~ropinion who is
the anirntls OX, with man ))

the best qualified to be sent there to dispute with does man boast biinrelf s n p ~ r i too~us ?
man, and join his fellon. s1:eci.e~? " The pel~cock 'rhe messenger said, :: 11~ b o a s i ~of this,--that his
etid-, All these are competent fbr the wo~l;, fdr form are large: his strength greater,
,t*Lll.e m the anjlual~ill every-
they are all poet and eloquent, but the hazarclil.s.ttrr and that he is supeyio~ Let as g0
is the most eloquent and ~neloclious.'' The king The chief of 'Xai\w
ordered him to take leave and go there, rind to D
mall." The elders of the
there and dispute
have confidence in God, for Re is in every may tthe
fies said, :L n:e will so there and representL ; $the

T ~
3ssistmce and support [of nil.)
insects.7 9 ~h~ head of the m o s q ~ i t 0 emid ~ 3
of the pass-hoppers
go there. ~h~
C,I-Z;IPTEI: SII!. go there md join our fellon?-cres-
said. \$re

with In this va'j every

Tice Bdventures of the tIli7.d ii;Zssse7zge?..
t ~ ~ r eand
s dispute Tbe king
. When the third messenger arrived before the Gne was l.eady to -mde~-taIce the he'f~rlc-
chkf of the insects, Yssub, he gave a f~tlldescrip-
said, What is this, that every one decides to go

there without reflecting or thinking ? " The armp be is nnable to move, and further he foygets
of gnats said, " 0 king, we depend upon the help about his shield and sword." The king said,
of God, and it is certain that with His help we ('True." he fly said, L'When the king of man-
shall get the victory, for in ancient days there wen kind in all his pomp and glory sits npon the throne,
many kings who were great tyi-ants, and with the 2nd his doorkeepers and watchmen a i t h devoted-
assistance of God we always prevailed against them ; ness and loyalty are standing around him, that no
this we have often experienced." The king said, annoyance or pain may in m y vny reach himi
should a fly then come but of his kitchen or closet,
" Tell us all about it." The chief of the gnats
covered with impurity and alight upon h* body or
went on, Among men rras King Nimrod, a very
clothes and tenze him, they (the Cotart) have no
magnificent, extremely proud: and rricked king.
I n his pomp and splendour and rank, he never power to free him f l - o n ~the$p)." The king asid,
l' This is correct." The mosquito then said, " If a
regarded man. One of our tribe, s gnat, who was
extremely small and insignificant, tormented this man in any company behind a curtain, or covered
p e a t king so, that notwithstanding his rank and with B veil, be sitting, and any one of our race go
and get into his clothes and bite him, how he is
power his strength was of no avail." The king
annoyed and made angry, but he cannot contend
mid, " YOUare right." The wasp said, " mThen-
wit11 us ; he strikes his own head, and gives his
ever any man has completely armed himself, with
oan face blows." The king said, " What you say
a spear in his band, and furnished [himself] with
is true. Rut in the presence of the King of the
swords, daggers, and arrows, if one of us wasps go
Genii there is no occasion for all this.
and bite him and insert his sting which is only " There the clebate will be mith regard to justice,
like the point of a needle, what a state he get impartiality, etiquette, morals, discrimation, elo-
into !-his flesh swells, his limbs become languid,
quence and rhetoric. Is there any one of yob that
( 97 j
bna an insight into these things ?" When 'hep
the kite, the owl; the parrot, in short all flesh-eating
heard these words of the king they all beca.rn,rnp
birds that have talons and hooked bills, immediate-
silent, and held down their h e a d , not having a
ly came and presented themselves. The roc told
word t o say. After this n philosopher from among
tl.1e.m the story of the controversy with man, and
the ffy tribe came forward in fmct of the king, 2nd
after this he said to the falcon the prime minister,
said, "By the help of Gad I am going on thii
'' Who amongst these birds is competent for this
errand. There I will mix rritll the animals and
task, to be sent there that he may go and confront
contend with men." The king and all that were
man and join in the defence of his species ? " The
collected then said, " Xay God help you in the
undert,a!iing you are upon, and give you victory
minister said, "No one besides the owl has the
ability for this undertak-ins." The king asked,
over your enemies." In short, they gave him all
"What is the reason that no one besides the owl is
necessaries for the journey-: itnd let him go. This
Disc By vent thence into the presence of $he King
. fitted for the worl; ? " The minister said, ' T o r
of the Genii, where all the other nnimds of diffemt this reason : all birds of prey are afraid of Inan and
flee from him, . neither understand they his lan-
kinds mere and presented himself.
g u y e ; but the owl lives near his habitation, in fact
C _ _

CHAPTER XIV. in old dwellings that have gone to ruin- He has

The Tale of the f b u ~ t hi I f e , ~ ~ e n ~ ~ ~ . devotion and contentntment such as not other agimal
has ; he fasts by day anlid weeps from fear of God
When the fourth messenger K e n t to the king
of the birds of prey, the Roe, 2nd made his state- at night ; also be is engaged in prayer, and arouses
the negligent. He remembers ancient kings
ment, he also ordered, '(Let ail the animals of my
have died, andlaments [over them] and appropriately
"h be present." In accordnilce with the orcler repeats the folloaing text : K i ~ nturakii minjannd-
the v~llti~re,the roc, the hawk, the white falcon:
tyas waoyd,,~~un zuadiiiyun
G woindkclntia kdri777.y t ~ a
( 99 )
at-ti?zkhnd $Jld fcikehina
aailch~ 2uzrileka wa a u ~ ~ p .
torrards h i s audience and sdd, " In your opinion.
~ d 6 r kawinnn
i akhnrin. The meaning of which is, what is advisable ? " The h a d said, " The owl
Their gardens, fountains, and palaces, their
speaks the truth, but man does n o t respect 11s for
snd every blessing through rhich they lived hapl,i-
the remon that we hare any collnection rrith therr,,
ly, t-hey hare lost. Others have nom become the
or that u e have extra forbearance and manners
possessors therecf." The ,ac said to the o d . filch them consider us their faroritea. It
'' What do 3.011 sajT to the proposition the fiilcon is ollly for t,hcir o v n ndvaliltage they cherish 11s.
lias made regarding you ? " He said, " The f ~ l c o i ~
They rob us of our lxey and use it t b e ~ ~ ~ s e l r e s .
speaks the t,ruth; hut I am unable to go there. for
and night they indulge irr pleasures. They
inen are at enmity wit11 me, and think it ominous
,,eves give their attention to tl~osetilbgs vhich
to see me, and they abuse me v h o am faultless,
God has required of tliein-to pm17 and live
and have never offended them. If they see me in few of the eonscclilencss of the day of judg-
there at the time of discussion, they mill become
,,,at.'' The r o c said to tllc h s ~ f i ", Then ~bo111
lzore opposed [to us] and from their ill-felli~g
do you tbinl; it advisable to send ? " He said,
quarrellitlg will come rouud again. It is better (' In my opinion, t h e parrot should be sent. For
not to send me there." The . ~ o cfurther nslrecl tlfi-: ronsou,-the liings of mankind, ~ l dthe
the owl, " d ~ n o n gthese animals, mho is best for
noMes; and every one, s m J l and great; n-onlm and
this nndertaking 1 " He said, ':The kings alld
man: foolish and wise; haye a fondness for him.
no'J1es of man have great nfFecrimi for the h a ~ l i ,
and taU: vitb him. Whaterer he says, they at,ten-
the falcon and the chc~,+gh,*alld with great fondness
tirely listen to.'' The king s:Gd to &c pasrot, "'111
carry them 011 their haads ; if the king would seild
U your opinion, xvhat is ndvisnbie 5 " He ""4 ':' I n m
olie of these it woald he better." The kinq looked
yeaay, 1 will go there, ~ . n on
d liehalf of the s n i m n ! ~
" Cha?y;nlr,a kiud of b n ~ ~ l i , contend ~it.11 clan. Eot I trust that ~ L cI~illa?.ld
dl his company assembled, mill give me assist an^.^
come so extremely he:pless through them! that
The roc said, " What do you desire ? " He said, notairhst.anding their being so fir renloved from
" I should like the king to ask God this fnvor,-that
us, they have sought relief here. ru~dal.tliough we
I may overcome the enemy." The king, agreeing
possess greater power and strengLb than man, a n d
with what was said, offered a prayer for God's as.
mount up to heaven, yet on cccoout of their
sistance, and the whole assembly said, 'Amen:
l ~ havl Red: and hid in tile rivers and
I > e r a e u t i ~we
The owl said, " If your prayers are not heard: your And our bro:her the falcon has fled
trouble and exertion are in vain. For if prayer be
fwm them and gone and lived in the jungles, and
not in conjunction with every nlldertn1.-mg,no good IcEr off living in their neigi~bo~~rhood, and still r e
result will appear." The king said, " Ry what ,re not exempt from their atinclis. At. this crisis
means are blesaiugs obtained, tell us ? " The o\vl n discussion is inevitable. Altbongh . r e are so
"id, " To obtain blessings, implicit trust and that? if one of us wished be could seize
sincerity of mind are required. Like as a 1~owerful
of them, and annihilate them, yet tbe $9013
io bouble implore God's help, so s h o ~ ~ be l d give d do such viclcedness, or bear in mind
r h o ~ ~ lnot
his mind to God when he offers his usual prayers. their ill-treatment. We knowingly allow them t o
d n d before asking a favor you s h o ~ l dgive praise
escape us; and leave them to God in tliis world.
to God, and fast; and do good to the poor and because from fighting and quurelling nothing is
destitute, md then petition God regarding your get at the
zained. The fruit and result they
grief and sorroa." They all said that was correct, After this he saicl, " How many are
lapt day."
that in prayer these things were necessary, The
the ships that by contrary winds b a ~ ebecn nearly
king said to the whole assembly, "Do YOU know .that F e have led aright ; and bow m5ny
that men have eserciaed tyranny and oppression
mm m t h r e t11nt have had their boats wreclced
over the animals ? These afflicted ones hare be- throllg.b bad winds that have golie donn and nearly
been drowned, and we have b l ' o u ~ ~ it th e n to the uf my breath md devour -hem." The luessenger
shore ? For the Great God is satisfied and please(; sdd, "They do not boast of any of these things,
wit8h us, and in this way we r e t ~ w nthanks for His but consider thel~~selvcssuperior in these part.iculars,
blessings, for that I-Ie has given us a strong con- that, they have great wisdom and knowledge, that
st,itution, ancl give11 =S power 02~1strengtl~: t-jt:
they are acquainted with every science ruld art,
irj onr assistanr,e and help in every why.''
and know many invenrions and contrivances, t.har.
~vieijornand prodence iilie theirs is not in any one."
CEIAPTEIi S V . The king stlid, ': Give us a detzilcd account of
their knomledge ancl skill that we nia,y also knolv
of .t;hcin." The messenger said, " %:hat 1 does not
\Then the iifih messenger went and prescnred
the king know that by their skill they descend into
1:imselE to the king of the inhnbirnnts of the SF.:)?
the Red Sea and take out jerels from the bot.tolxl,
mid told 6i1n the news of the dispnte with %an,
and by different strat,nge~nsascend mountains a ~ d
he also collected the whole of his subjects slid
seize the v~lltnreand the eagle, and take t!:esn
adherents. Therefore the fish, the frog, the crcso-
below ? Tn the same may, by means of tLe;r
diie, the dolphin, the turtle, &c,, all the anilnnlp
knomledge they lnalre n wooden yoke and put it
of the sea, of various forms and shapes, i~nmecliatcly
on the shoulders of the bullock: and loading heavy
upon the order attended. The king told t-heln goods upon his back take him from east to mesi
what he had learnt at the ~llouthof the rncssenpr.
and from west to east, and they cross all deserts
After this he said to the messenger, If me11 and jungles. By invention and skill they make
consider themselves superior to us in st,rength and
boats and put goods thereon, md hake them over
courage, I will go directly and in n molllent con- seas and rivers. They go over mountains and hills,
sume them. I rrill drav them in by the pover and dig out of the earth all 11;inds of jewels and
( l05 )
old, silver, iron and copper. and many orhey
things. If one man, iu any river or sea, o~ desert, stream, m-ater-course, river and pond is filled [with
,noes to the edge and by neans of his great. &;]l them]. In man's estiruation also his rank is high,
bnild talisman (of art), then if a thousand el-oco. because he at one time gave shelter to their prophet
diles and dragons go t o v u d s that place, the)- xi11 in his belly, and aftervmds conveyed him in safety
to his own place. Eves? lman believes thnt -the
not be able to approach it. But before the King of
whole earth x s t s on his (a ~irlr's)back." The
the Genii it is n question about justice md equity,
co~ltentiou and argument:-power, s t r e ~ ~ g hor, tir.g asked the fi&. ~ L 5 he t said to this ? He
stlmatngemwill have 110 weight." Mhea the kinl said, I cannot in allp way go there. neither can I
heard these words of the messoilger, he turned eo~xtendwith man, for I have n o feet thnt I may
p0 there, neither b a r e T s~eceh that 1may conyerse
towasds thoae who were s i t t i ~ ~round
g him. and U

,iih hinl. Thirst to me is unbearable. If I remain

said, "In your opinion, what pian should Le
away from the vater a moment, my condition is
adopted ? What person will go t h e e and disp~,ute
with man ?" ?;ot one g a w an answer, except the Ildpless. In my opiaio~ithe tortoise is better for
this business, for he lenves the voter and h e s 011
dolphin who lives in the salt sea, and has p-'eat
affection for manur. A h y person that is drovning the land. To him living in sea or land is the
be talres out of the water and thmrrs on the shore, same. Besides this his body is strong and back
hard ; he is very forhearing, and can enduye pain
He said, " Of the creatures of the vaters the fish
is fit for this work, for his body is large, his appear-
sld grief." The Icing asked tile tortoise, " w h a t
do you think advisable ?" We said, " This task
~~~c~canle1j7, his face pretty, his color clear, his
c m never be done by ine. Vhen I rralk my feet
bo* proportionable, swift in motion, in swimming
become heavy, and the vey is long ; I am also one
"0" than perfect, in number more than all the
creatures of the vater, so very prolific that ek-,n--y of a few words, ~ n much
d talking cannot be done
by me. For this the doilrhin is best, for he is a
good malkfl', mid h36 more of the power of Bas~n.
ing-" The king then aslied the doil,hin, \vhnt 1; I~oLI~ ?,, his tongue long,
ia: ~liirae his teeth nuner-
,Ll,: his body firm, he can bear a great deal; nnil
in your opinion is ~dviszbie8 " i-Ie :r
this affair the crab is most fir, ?3eenuse his fea
re, lie is 17e.erypersevering iil striving to gain his ends ;
a y m a n y . In jmlking and r ~ m l i n ghe is sFift ; he is hasty over nothing." Ti" king ciuestioned
his cla~vs p ~ naila Lard, hin back
~ h i ~ rhis the crocodile He replied, '' I am in no %ayfir ror
Strong; YOLl 111aj- SZY 6r; nears :rrmonr." ~ b , this ulldert&iag, for I nrn very pnssionnte, sl~ip-
ping, jumping; r u n n i n ~ with any thing &at
king mentioned this to the IIe How

I canget, me my defects. Tn short, I m 3lt0ge-

slldl I go tht1.e ? My fornl is 1n;- bacIr L-er a &stiirber and all io~postor." The messenger
d shape w r y eoilterupiiblc ; p e ~ l ~ Ia ~ s
heailup &is said, o go there, strength:
'"9 be 13ogLed at tlitre." l.11~ king said,
"OLI!~ yell l-
ponyer, adstratagem are 1102required, but wisdc:~,
laughed a t ? l:?hnt,debcts arc tllcre f i ~ e n ~S yE 111
,I,igity, jnst,ice, equity, ~1,jCi~~Ilce;
in you ? " The cl-ab 'ihe crocodile said; ': 111
i6 011seeing mo they ,equired there."
This animal is Lea&ess, ],is eyes eye
his necic) his lnouth in Lio chest, nolle of these qualities and acquirement S arc ; yet,
telnples al.e in my opinioll, f01- this business the frog is t!:e
Open On either side, he has eight feet, md they also
bent,for be is 3 physicia: is patient, ~ n dis &h-
are cro'Jiced, be goes headlong on his face ; be is; so
stewious. s i g h t day thinking of God he
as if m d e of lead.
me of them on seeing coonrs his rosary, and morni~lg a ~ l devening Ell-
make me n laughing stoc],-." The Ling $ages hintself ill prayer and fustiag. He also
said> " The11 Whom it ~ i beu best to send there ?"
The crab $aid, "h my opinion, the crocodile is ~ s ho~ises. 1" the eyes of the cbil-
f r e q l l ~men's
dxn of Isrze1 his noyih and esteem are gred ;
most 'or t,his task. PO, hi, feetare strong, olld
because on One oecnsion he served them thus :-
b e hye'g much. In r w L l g g is swifl, hk
ll-heu xinlrod oast A b n h m , the friend of God,
110 >
asked his minister the dragon, ('In your oPinioii,
is theye any one of these fit to be sent the, troops, he staod np by the wall: and having
and dispute with man, and confront him ? For cleared his voice began to sing melodiously in the
a l s dumb, deaf, and blind,
most of theee a , ~ ~ i n ~are of God, and to repeat this sermon with
They have neither hands nor feet. There are no eloquence and duency : " Praise and thanks are
"igns of hair or feathers on t i ~ r i rbodies. Beaki due to that true Benefactor who has provided so
and talons also they have none. and they are geu- many blessings in this rrorid ; and of His perfect
erally- infirm and weak. I n short, the bing be- p o ~ c having
r bcongl~tauilnels out of the depths
came mueh grieved and sorro~vfiilover their cm. of non-existence into the field of life, has givcn
rbem rvtrious shapes. He existed before time and
ditiw, and feeling regret in his heart lie began an-
res trainedl~t o cry irith sol*ronr, and loolcing io- place-earth and Len~~en.He shines forth with
x~ardsheaven he offeyed this p a y e r : " 0 Thou the unec4~~alled glory, ~111alloyedmith anythillg creat-
Creator and Benefactor, Thou alone takest con;- ed. He produced the first eascneeii in pure
briglltness vithout convection with matteT 01-
passion on the condition of the weak. Look dovu shape. Further, by the ~periiing of' one word
0fThy goodness and favor on their cimomrtauces.
Tho~iart most merciful." And tLrougL the king'r he brought them from bellind the veil of non-
esistencc into the x o ~ l dof bemg." After this hc
pmjer all the anin~alswho were collected thsrc
b~ga11to converse mith great eloquence and fluency. slirl, " Do not grieve over the frailty and in-
al~ilitv of this assembly, for the Creator who

CHAPTER XVII. " made them and supports tl,em is ever mindful of
The Sellnzotz qf the Locust. W Aic\-i-fil~,L \ S~ W~ ~e s e n c e or principle of action, vhich
God cre:rted before Ise fiid world. Ac..ording to % I I I ~ s u ~ -
When the locllst saw that the king *as inclin- lllans tllerc r e r e ten of these essences or pritleiples S U C C C S S ~ ~ ~ ~
ed to he kind and considerate towards his subjects ji~odueedent of the l n t . T l l q nr also perio~libcd,t h e first
is represented by the angel Gabriel.
them. For when God created the animals,
made their forms and shapes of different kinds, Be wait a little and loolc into their condition, yon
see &at tbose mhose bodies are small and frxil,
gave one strength: and anot,her weakness. Some
21-e swift and fearless in flying, that they may be
he gave large foi-ms, and to some he small
bodies, but in His blessings He is impartial to all. safe from all harm, and not be disturbed in the
He has bestowed means to acquire cornforte. and enjoyment of their privileges. All the animals
weapons of defence suitable to every one. In these that are large in stature, and have extraordinay
advantages a11 are equal ; no one has inore than Strength, save tkemselvss from harm by means of
the other. \&'hen He gave the elephant a tremen- t,heir strength 8nd intrepidity ;like as the elephant
dous body and excessive strength, He also made and lion, as also other animals vhose bodies are
his two tusks long that through them be may be large, and strength great. And some, by swift ~ U I -
saved from the attacks of ~ i l beasts
d and use his ning and flightht, are saved from every harm ; for in-
trunk. If he has given the gnat n small body, he has stance, the deer, the hare, the wild ass, &. Some
ou the other band given him two wings, delicate live free from care through their ability t o fly, like
and light, by which he flies and is saved from as the birds ; and Illany by diving into the rivers
his enemies. In the means by which they enjoy save themaelvea from danger, like as the animals of
their (particular) privileges, and are protected from the waters. And r n q there are who hide in holes,
harm, they are all alike, sn~alland great. I n this like 3s the mouse and the mt. And the Great God
"ay this assembly also, that apparently haye neither says in the story of the ant :-
1<dlat namlafujz ya ayohan namlcldhdld arasdlrin-
hair nor plumes, are not exceptions to the rule.
n7hen God placed them in this condition, ererg aklr* lnynetemanakun~Suleima?to wa 2ca-

means bp which they could enjoy their gifts, or be hum iciyas1tau.l-tin.

That is, the chief of the ant,s said unto all the
caved from harm, Be gwe them. If your majesty in his ovn honse:
tints, Let each one hide himself
:ost Solomon nad his army trainpie yoa under foot,
for a,hey are unannre of (yooip~rsei2ee). And there in mLici-and fil~h. And God sends the food of
are severni vhose skin and hides God bns made jlBY,j one to tL& rsrp place, without t h o ~ ~ g l l t
or exertion, trouble or toil. They have the power
'Y lnenns of nhich they me safe fimn ewey inj
instmce, the tortoise, the fish, of absorllti~n g-ivcn to them, by vhich they draw

aq~laticanimals. And there nye lnnnp hide in moistore and support their bodies, alld
his moistllre bodies %ye srrengthencd. 0 t h
b e d s llnder their tails, ncd are safe from danger:
,,limj,s have to "rander about; to fly at the np-
3s the porcupine. d u d the nleons of obt,ajninu.
proacb danger: f o t~h e i r food, nud these are
food these animals have: are vgriaos. Solxe of3
esemlted fiaom toil and t ~ ~ u b l e Therefore
them that see with piercing sight, by etl-ength
wing 8)- and ?&&hthe spots hi lrhich they diseoVel' ~~d &J. not make them hands and feet, to D - O ~
fol. their d;r.:iy Food ; neirher give 'them
i r ethe eagle. ~~~d some
food: like as the ~ ~ i l t ~rind
teeth by nhieb ta eat augthicg ) nor a llalate
seek their food by scent, like ss the ant. \JTben
God has given mute sense and means of obtain.
by rrhich to sm.llom ; no' a somacL with which
t o digest ; nor intestines or entriiils which E R -
i:2g fo3d to those anirnnlr that are extyem2elysludl
""{l feeble, Re of His liindness has lessened their digested n;arter may collect ; nor liver to purify
the blood ; nor spleen to absorb ill-humours ;
i'bgr~ ancl t~onble. For justallce, onimnh killc~lllneys,nor b],lrddrrs to h131 the urine ; tlor
:'"depgo trouble of Beeinrt. rud
l biding them. bloocl o~ayROW ; nor nerves
~ ~ l i ' e;p those are exempt froina this labor. in vlJicb
thmugh v"h& the senses in the brain are .kept in
"LY br0~1,~ht forth in such. places and llidden
that no one is amare [of them]. Some are order. Of chronic diaenses they never get one.
broilgLt forth in grassl some They r ~ l i t110 medicine. 1" short, the)y
exempt from the calamities that l f l"1'~
J in the bellies of animnIs; and hidden
~ " ~ ~
in found
m;llly ere nmin.
ihollg ;nlimdh are subject to. Pi""$ tllkt
who of His omnipotence has provided them
a11 they want, and has kept them free from every the. rudely. They know nothing of the nature
grief and torment. To Him be praise and thanks and use of anything. For this reason God has
who has given such blessings." ?Vhw the locust ,,bieCted them to afiictioo. y e t they all Csnskesl
had finished his sermon, Saln?z add, Jiny ~~d ,,, of use to them, so much so that kings and
bless thy eloquence and fluency, thou art er. nol>iea the poison of these animels in their
cessive?v eloquent mcl floent, nod extremely learn. rings, to when required. If they a 3 tbink e
ed and wise,'' and added, "Aw you able to go ,bile understand the condition aud U ~ ofS
these animals, and perceive the u s e of this ppoision
there 60 dispute with man: " He said, ,m is in their mouths, the37 will not say, ' J T ~ ~ J -
every may at your service: At the order of the
king, I will go there and mix with my brethren,!' did God creat,e these? tbey are of 1'10use,' M C ~
The snake said to him, Do not sap there thst yoli sill not impertincnti~blan~eGod. Although God
"re come sent by dragons and snakes." The locust has t k i r l'oison for the purpose of kiKiug
a,sked why He said, " For this reason betwen animslr,yet Be has made their fiesh XI antidote
snakes and men excessive enmity and opposiiioll for the The locust said, " O DOC~OP l
I1"e been for ages, SO much so that certain men describe me other advantage." The snake said.
have blamed God for creating them. Saying, %Then God created those animnls you mentionecl
ill your sernlon,
t o every clcss of aninlals
They are of no use, but altogether hurtfr~i md
injurious." The locust said, why do they say md means by which they gniu comforts and
so?" He replied, '' Because there ia poison jn are from annoyance, to some He gave poner-
their mouths- Excepting the r u i ~ land death of fill stomachs (or co?vlitutio?v)tbat after mastication
m u ,no benefit is [derived] from them. But it is their food may be digested and strengthen the
throu% their ignorance and stupidity thqv hlk body. For the snake there is no stomach, that it
may digest, nor teeth with vhose strength to mns-
ticate, but instead of these in Lis liio~ltha ~t~,,, ~~d throws them into tl-eshca1amit.i~~AlthougL
poison is pmdoccd, by ~ L i c hhe eats and digerr; . , His rr-isdm the Lnd resuite and mischief that
XTlien the snake t,akes the flesh of ally animal inh, lilny aceroe fro111 i ~ l ~ y ~ i larei l ~ open
g and C ~ C S t o
his 1nour.h and puts thereon stro~rgpoi8oLi; j i jn,. Him, not to c r e n t e anything in which the
mediately dissolves. and E T T B ~ ~ O Wit. S Then if *he alefirer p u t of t,Jlerrol-ld mny tilld ber:~fit or ad~3.11-
k e a t God had not created this polmii iTl his looolb rfi,ge,thOoghR few m27 be i n c o n ~ ~ ~ e n thereby:
lionr wnauld be be Ale to ear f i ~ ~ y t b i n ? o Hisfo,,i is R~~ belo\r the Creator. Tbc f;icts are these :
r;culd never be pi-oenrtble ; he r c a'7i d God created all the stnre, out of then1 HC
bi~npr. n ~ i l d i e~vouldh: scrn ill the s ~ ~i ~i ~4 d , ~ blade the sun the light of the rrod2, slid made
Ilie 10ccst said, '' Describe to us ~rllftnGvmtcges

MS heat the supporr. of the esistnlce of %S cse-

man gets from them, N ~ C I 011 L?)? ~ n ~ i q-liet !l belle- nturea. To the vhole world the suil is like thii
Bis h::ve come froin their exisrelice ? '' ~1~sct;cjj henrt the body. as in the heart nstturnl
'' In the same may 3s benefits arise hill t ] 2 eex- lieat is l-l*oduced and spread t h ~ * o u g ? lthe ~ ~ ~bodg
istence of other ailimals, so from t]jpln also solne is the cause of life, in h e same r i r & j ~fro1ri he
good is gained." The iocrirt szid7 cij)egCyit,e b a t of the sun ereatic,~~ is benefited If therefore
this c k a r l ~ . ' ' He said? :; IThen the AllllightJF no y oue should bp any means ercr irclsr miy hwin
created the W ~ ! S \ r ~ l d and , nn:lilgcd eme,ything or igjuyy from this beat, i~ would not be correct
~ ~ ~ ~ p dtoi l l y $'ill: of the ofiimn]a He created for tile C,reat~i.t o stop it on their account ;ind
"me for the Llse of others: lnnking thein rIieir depriye tile nol:lC\ of this nniversd blessing and
~ l ' o P e r t ~ .dcccrdiu~gt o thir wisdolll, that ahst coamon ndoantzp T h i is ~ the case with Saturn,
He thought best for the wor.Id 13e did. Rl,t $Iasr, m all
iJ the stars. By them the vol'lrld gains
sO1netines from certain causes this ]jeeolnesecfi. g 3i cert'ain u i l l ~ r o ~ ~111t i o u
llealtb and p ~ O s y e ~ :i iyet
ft'sion and hurt t o s3rne. It is nor that the Great h a t or cold mnug sll$er.
times from
( 10. j ( 121 )

the same God sends forth clonas in and stupid, they uncalled-for objection to
direction for the good of K-1s creatures. yet works ; they are no way acquainted with His
at times the animals are inconlTenienced skill pow,ar. I have heard that certain ignorant
them ; or from excessive floods the houses Iprsons of opinion that the goodness Of
the Poor are destroyed, This is the case beyond the region of the
doM not
''l of Prey, grazers, snakes, ~ c o ~fish. ~ i ~ ~ IT~ , and think of the condition ofel''
eroendiJes insectp. Of them some wholeof nature, they mill v n d e r s t ~ n .that ~ His
and stench, that the air may be mercy estend to every one srnail
its and t h t from the rieillg of bad pOr the Jolldancc of His grace l'
mpODysthe air may uot Be offensive; l,lague tion ia e a c e s s i r ~ ~
~ Every one according
come upon the earth, and all the aJlimals sud- to hi3 desert receives of Ifis bounty.
perish. Therefore 311 these aorrus and
are generally produced jn butchersv and ~ 1 ~ ~ I " J " lXT7III.
houses, and live in 61th- jt\-hen all Thi,5 chaptel. a descyi~tio?iof the gatheriflg togethe'.
these are produced from this inlpuritp, they make the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~of ~the~ Aniinals.
n t ~ t ? k e
the eshalations of the filth their food, and the the morning when all the representatives
air the animllsfrom exrerp country had Come and
Pme, and people are saved from dis-
ease. And these small worms .re also food for leoted together, and T ~ C ! Icing of the Genii had
the larger himself in the P L I ~Court ~ C for the PurPoSe
for they are their food. .l f&,
Great has made nothing uaeleJs. rho of deciding the& dispute, the macembearer as he
is not aware OFthis utility criticises the almighty ; ordered shouted and saidaid, " Au ye com~lainnnts
and of justice who are 0 ~ ~ r e 9 s e d'Ome
these were made, [saying, J C L they
are formaTd and present yourse~ve~.The Iiing
no use." Although they are dsoignorant
seated in order t o decide disputes, end the judgei
and l a w ~ e r s are present.'' Hen~i:ip this the wlcb, Be nlxnifested EIir skill [h His vwksj
sniillals and men tLnt had come from ever). rjnArtcr Q a i every sensible man may perceive it. And
nud coilected together, si-~:ingeed tilell~selvesmd ~vhatsoeverwas in His hiddeo treasury He made
stood hfore the Icing, aud having piid their l*espeefr in the vorld of mture, that men of obser-
begm to Mess [Llm]. The King tool; nolice d all .atiofi may see, 2nd adiiioriledge His skill! supl.e-
monnd; 2nd s n r t h t rnrious killda of c;za,tilr(<rb d ,nzc;7: power and matchlcssncsa, ancl not be in nant
presented themselrea in great nmnbors. Be irss l~mofsand 21-glunent. And these f o r ~ n i?bat
fov a l ~ ~ o m e astonished
ut and remained motionless. G ; > ~ N . iil the visible vorld copies and sbxies

After this be turlletl towards a pl;iiosopl!cr of the of forills that arc fcn;ld i : ~the spiritunl vorld.
Genii ~ i l dsnid, " Do you see these n~oilderfiila d Those foplllstllnt 2i.e ill that ricrld are 1~1:llinonk
excellcat, creatoms ? " He replied, :' 0 hiiig: I am ' And subtle, and these aye ; i ~ l i l ! ~ m h a t Z~ Xd I ~d211se.
looking a t theem enmestly," and observing them. Like 2s in i>ictures oT?crylimb ia in prcportion TCJ
Toor majesty is arnazed looking at ~lrela. I a111 ;,he anilnnls which they 2 . 7 ~pictures, i u the snr:?.?
nstonisiled at the sliill iind power of the s i r e rg tkese forms clso cre h prol>ort.ion t o t hl> f o
Authoi mho 111ade t11.m and gave them different Ernlns that found in t l ~ espiritual I T O ; . ~ ~ . ~ n t
kinds of shapes, who nlnnpn supports the111 mid tk-oje forms given vitality io others while these re-
gives then). hod, who protects them from every ceive vitality fpom tl;s::~. 411d those who cre b ; i c ~
harm. Further, they ore [ever] within [the panel. [ m mj nl.2 .o-it,houtbelizg, or motious, or speech.
of] his ornnisehnce. For when the Great C40d They are perc&yed by us. Those i > . t c ~ + i ~
became Bidden from the view of man b r the curtitlll t]l3t in t:le world of eternity live for ever, 224
of brightness: here fa]ncy and t.hougl-~t
could nesrcr these 8 ~ 2lllortnl and i~a~isha.ble.7'Aftcr -t5is . 1-C
-- - up repente;i this address : '' 12r:fise 13
,h tile eyes of my heart.'
h e t,o that adcreil oile xho of Bit; -13OJVE1' 226 pci'-
fection b ~ o q h tforth all creaiilres. And 011 the tures and made them different in rank. To Bone
fttce of the e a ~ t hot-ested a11 the various binds of He has given a, resting place in the first Heaven,
and having provided every thing mhi& others H e has cast into the bottomless pit of the
is created far beyond the understanding of a~lp lokest Hell. Many He has placed between these
created beiqg, placed the ssme within the view of two positions. Bud He has set every one in this
c.i-eiayrational creature t o s l i o ~ rcrc;r!
i 1
t,,'::i., G~i~E.,ti;~g~ world by ths light of H is prophets on the highway
~f His-glorious haadivorli. F-ie has bounded tile of salvation. Praise and thanks be to Him, who
e u t h i11 six directions, a:~dfor the eol~renienceof has exalted us by means of the true faith and wor-
Hie creatu~eshas created time and place. He h : ~ ship, and made rulers on earth, ar,d haa give3 our
made many storeys of the lieavenn and ~ppointed kings a share of the blessings, TPisdom m d for-
the angels in every place. He has given the animals bearance." When the philosopher had finished this
different kiuds of shapes and forms. From His sermon, the King looked towards the multitude of
treasury of benevolence He hns given every kind men. Those seventy men of different forms mea4r-.
of comfort. Upon those who pray and lilmeni, of' ing different kinds of a,pparel mere standing there.
His infinite goodness He has bestowed places One person from amongst them, good looking, up-
round about Himself. Ancl those who use their right, well pyoportioned in every part of his body,
OWE imperfect abilities in judging of His mysteries was noticed. The King aslied the minister, " %There
He has placed in a plain of ddnrkuess, perplexity and does t.hstt person live ? " He said, "He is an inhs-
uzlcertdi~ty, He made the Genii before the time bitant of Persia. I-Ie lives in the .region of Irak."
of Adam out of the burning fire and gave them The Icing said, " Speak to him that he may say
wonderful forms and very subtle bodies. And something." The minister beckoned to him, and
having brought forth the rrhole of the creatures he made obeisance and began to repeat a sermon,
frm His hidden treasury, gwe them different na- of which this is an extract: :' Thanks be to that
( 127 )
&;-oil-rho fos our dmellillg place has given those pbers ofthe Genii : '' TOthis man who has detail-
cities and villages whose climate is the best in the ed his privileges and boasted of t<hem,nhat reply
whole world, and has given up superiority over can yonmnlre ? " They all said, '' FIe speaks the
m o s t creatares. Praise and hoi~orbe u n t o E-Iim irnt,h." Rnt Azimst allowed no one to p ~ ir. t s
r h o has bestowed upon 11s a11 these gifts-wisdom, wcrd before his, ancl t,arni~igto;va.rrIs thc man he
pr~rdicace, reason, knowledge: perceptioiz, and by desirccl to reply to the ~rholeof his speech, ancl
whose assiatxnce v e have made excellei~tinven- describe the vices and bad cond:lct of man. Ad-
tions, nild [learnt] ~ o n d e r f ~ sciences.
:l It is Hc dressing tlie philosophers Ile said, " 0 philosophers,
rrho has given us authority ailcl the g i f ~of prophecy. t.he rnaa in his speech omitted 11ia11:v' f::ct,s, and did
From our race %onhi Knoch, ,%brallamy Xoses: not 111cntion many great kings." The king said,
Jesns, 3Iahoined, the chosen one, 03 rvhom b p Describe you them." He procecdcd : '! The Per-
blessings and peace-,211 these prophets have de- sitin in his address did not say that on the'Ir a c c o u ~ t
.scended. From our tribe many noble l;il?gs have the fiood came upon t,Lc earth, that all thc enimnis
descended :Fa,raidoon: Dmius, Brtaxel-ses,EL&rarn, that, mere on the earth mere all c1rorl:cd: that in '
Kourshirman, and many sultans of the race of the his tribe mnn has done much xvrnilg, that their
Snssanides, who me11 nlannged ihe government, the reason hnd deteriorated, all their wise lnen mere
provinces, the army and 1,he subjects. -7.

in error, t h a t among them 1113%simrod, the tyrant

lTTe are the esseuce of mankind, a s man is su- was born, who threw Abrt~ham,t-he friend of God,
perior to animals. In fact,, we are the crenln of t l ~ c into the fire, that in their 1-2ce spl~.earedNebnchacla
whole w0~1.d." To Him be t h a n l i ~-rho Lns gir7u1 nezzay who destroyed the Temple, burnt the Old
u s the most perfect Isleesinge, 2nd given ns s ~ q ~ e r i - Teat.nment, and killed Solomon, the son of David,
ority over all nature." When the man had finish- md all the children of Israel, and clrove out the
ed this sernion, the King said to all the philoso- mce of Sdam from the l ~ l l l iof~ the Euphrates
into the wilds and mountains ; he nas a great fire sngarcane, the stones of that place are r ~ ~ b j ~
tyrant, and one who continually deIighted in blood.!' and emeralds, the animals fat and plump ; for in-
The King said, "How could the man relate these stance, the elephant, who is the largest of animals,
things ; no benefits would accrue to him from men- having an enormous body. The creation of niaa-
tioning them. Further, this is all to his disparage- kind also took place these, as also of the whole of
ment." Azima replied, " It is far from justice and the animals, for every thing originated on the other
equity to describe adl ad~antagesat t.he time of dis- side of the equiiloctial line. From our cities many
pute, and to hide a11 faults, not repenting of or apolo prophets and wise men have sprung. The Great
gizing for them." After this the Kingloolred towards God has endued us with many wonderful and ex-
the crowd of men, and he saw one of them, olive cellent gifts. Astrology, magic, divination-a11
colored, slightly made, with n Iong beard, his holy these sciences has He given us. He has made the
thread round his body, and bound with a red a&dIe, people of our country most proficient in every art
and accomplishment." Azirnat said, " If you had
and he asked the minister, ?That person is that ?l'
He said, "This is a Hindoo of the island of Ceylon.'! . given dmiseion to this also in your speech, that
The King said, " Speak to him, that he also may re- you burn bodies, worship idols, and in adultery
late something about himself." Accordingly he bring forth n numelons race, thzt y011 are r~~inecl
also, in compliance with the King's order said, and disgraced, i t would have been in accordance
" Thanks be to Him who has given us an extensive with justice." After this the lG11g saw a man; tsll
of stature, covered with a yellow shawl, lookhg
and good country. Day and night there are equal.
at a written paper in his hand, swaying baek-
There is never excessive cold or heat. The climate
is temperate, the trees flourishing, the green grass- w a d s and forwards, arid moving about ; and he
asked the ministel. xhat person t h a t was. IIe
es of that place are all medicines, the jewel mines
w e innumerablej tthe herbs are eatable, the reeds add, " This person is a Hcbrem of the tribe of
the cLiidren of Irmcl, a dseller in Syria." B,
(irclered him to tell him to speak. The mhisieP an address of which this is the substance : '' T b n ~ k s
ljcckol~dto him. He according t o the order be to that Crestor who brought forth the 91essiah
pented a l o ~ l gnddress, of rrbiefi this is the sub- illcar.maa from the rrolub of hlary and gave Him
., Thanks be to the Creator who orer t,Le
:---'. prophet's miraculous power, and through Eh
" I:& race of';ldarn to the children of Israel gave prified the children of Israel from sin, and made
+:[pcriority, and fi-om among whose race gave MO~eb, us His dqendents and children. Pron~our race
wllo tallied with God, the rank of prophet. Prise He hna brought forth many wise and pio~xsmen.
nlld gratitude be to Him who made us subject to He has put into our heart,s compassion, kindness,
E I ? " ~ a pl>opbetand gave such a variety of blessings
and a desire to worship Him. Thanks be to 13im
has given us such blessings. Besides these
11:) [:S.** Azimat said, M;hy do you not say that
God his w ~ a t hchanged you and made you into ae have many more privileges which I have not
and monkeys, and on account of idolatrg dis- nlentioned." Azimat said, ': Tme ; have you for-
graced and ruined you." Bfter this the Ring %ail1 wtten that you have not fulfilled your dtities
loolted towards the assembly of men, and noticed towards Him as you o ~ ~ g ;h you
t have become ill-
8 1 ~ 3 .wearing
n woollell clothes : round his loins was fidels, you have adored t h e crucifix, and having
bound a lenthern strap, in his hand was a censer sawificed swine, have eaten of their flesh, deceived
full of b u n t incense which he was aaring. Wit11 and mronged God." -4fteter this the King s s r~
8 lollcl voice he a s s repeating something in a man who was slight, olive colored, wea~inga' nar-
dironting tone. He asked the minister what persol1 row slip of cloth, covered wirb s sheet, standilig
that aas. IIe said, 'L He is a Syrian, a follower of there: and asked who he Was. The minister said,
Christ." He ordered him to tdl him to speak. He is of I<oreish, a resident of %fecca."
The sylian, in compliance with the order, repeated King- said, Tell him t o state his case also."
Accordingly he commenced: ' l Trdse be to the
~ilmightywho sem the prophet m ~ dapostle Nabo.
x e d the chosen one, on whom be blessLiga and {iTeece." The King said, " Tell him t o descC!c
peace, for us, md entered us into [the list of] his 1Ga case also." Therefore in compliance with the
hilowers, and com~uandedLIS to rea.d the I(oran;i, ,,q~est he also began:-(' Praise is due t o FIim
observe the five times ofsprayer, the dsvs ~ f f ~ ~ t , i ~ m who has give11 us superiority over most creatures.
i 11 Ramazau, making piigdmacges aid crivino Z) our country various kinds of fruits and zood
prilrilcges and blessillgs He b b things are produced. Of His favor and gooclnes.
instance, the night of Iiad).;' pra57er asselnblier us, for
pld ITe has revealed to us the ohtnlse sciences and
lcnomledge of the faith. Also He has prolnised us bemtiful arts, made 11s to understand the use of heaven. Thanks he to Him who ha? e p e y thing, to make obsesrations a.nd learn the
b e s t o ~ @ asuch favors upon us. Illany moye ad- p8rticulars of the heavens. A S ~ . I - O ~ O ~3Iathe-
vantages we, the detailillg of which would rnatics, Astrology, Geomaney , &feclicine, Lo$c,
be long. and tedious." d z i ~ n a tremarked, (:Sq PLJosophy; r n d besides these many other sciences,
to "S." Arimat said; '' YOUare
also that you renounced the faith after [ Q e has He
of] the prophet, and disngreed, and for worldly vain boasting of these sciences, for But~ 0in1 ;
~ ' j j e c t s Pllt to death the patriarch." The King .,ver them of your onill ability.
looked tomards the assembly of men, and the t,imeof ptolemy you learned them from the
he saw a mall of f2ir colnplelion wirh an Israel, and certain arts in the days of
and astl~ouomical apparatus in his ban d. psmmeticbus you took from the wise men of
He asked who it was. The minister said, This Egypt. Afterwards you introduced them into your
'nan is of Rome; a dweller in 'he p r o ~ c e ovn country, and now you take the credit to your.
* P r ~ ~ i t inight,%
zever refuses a request.
~ u ~ i n tho month of EarnaZan
when God"The King asked the Grecian philosopher,
:L t\.hst does he say? " He said, " It is trite, we
many sciences from the ancient sages, ia
t';le same may as at, present other people learn fro111 >$o~es and Jesils they aclcnowledge the tmi?l,
S . This is the way of the world ; one derives Sollle read the Koran ; and although they know
benefits from another: the wise men of Persia took not its meaning, yet they acknorrledge in their
the sciences of astrology and astronomy from the hearts the religion of the last prophet [ H a l o m e d ]
s a p s of India. In this way magic and the talis- We through grief for Ilnnm Hoosain wear moor::-
manic art went to the children of Israel throzgll ing appasel, and have revenged his blood on his
Solomon, the son of David." dfter this a man murderers. Ke hope that of his grace, the ! s i t
appeared from tlie last row, stout in body, with a Jmam will first appear in our country." The King
largish bead, looking towards heaven with great looked towards the sages and said, '' To this man
confidence. The Icing asked who that was. The
who has described his pretensions and p o s i t i o ~ ~
., said, '' This man is of Rhorasan." He
~r~inister what mply do you malre? '' L!* philosopher said,
said, -.Tell him also to relate his own circum- ': If they were not adulterers, fornicators, and cruel,
stances." And he in complirsce n i t h the order and worshipped not the sun and moon, then cer-
v e n t on : " Thanks be to God who has given us
tainly these things would be worth boasting of."
-rarioas blessings and privileges. In the number Wheu every man had finished relating his pod-
of population he Has made our country to exceed tion and superiority7 the macebearer shouted and
ail countries ; and by the mouths of His prophets said, '' Gentlemen, it is nonr evening, depart and
4as inserted our praise in the UTord of God. Pany be present again in the mol~ing."
texts of the Koran prove our superiority and rank.
In short, thanks be Xis, who has given us stronger CHAYTEM XIX.
fsith than the rest of mankind. For some of us Description of the Lion.
read the Old and New Testaments, though they do
On the third day, vhen dl the animals and
not understand its meaiog, but of the prophecy o f
men in the presence of the King w r e stand-
( 136 j

; i n a runr_ the King t ~ r n e dtowards :Lem

and looked [at tben1.j The jackal was aec:l in
?Le other animals, aid Le himself eats j u d what is

the front. He asked, " Who art thou ? " He repli- neoessar?. When from e distance be sees a light.
he goes nesr md stands, and then MS anger iri
ed, 1 am the representative of the beasts." The
King said, " Who sent thee ? " Be said, tppeased. He does not molest any womnu or
Haris, the king of the beast6 of prey, sent
child. IIe has n great desire and fondness for
i . He fears no one but the ant, for he can
B e enquired in what colintry he lived, end who
rvel-e his subjects. Tlre other said, He lives in
o\-ercome him ancl his sce. as the n~orquitoover-..
the forests and wilds, and ail the mild anjmnls corns the elephant and ox, and the gy, inan.
The I<ing sJd, :-1Io-i~dues he treat his subjects i'"
2nd br~ltesare his sobjects." He asked irho rrere IIe replied, ': treats them vith nlac'u hindneaj
his officers. Re replied, '' The chetah, the bog-
aild regard, ~t +some ti~:!a L xi11 give n detniied
deer, the st,ag. the hr~re,the fox, the wolf-all are
]:is friends and ofieera." The King said, " Describe apcoant of the same."
h i s appearance and chzrac h i s ties." The jackal
said; " In size he is greater than all anima!~, il: C8BAPTER XX.
strength beyond them, most terrible, and mosi Aa account of the Seipe?~tand D~sagon.
dignified, his chest broad, his loins slight, hi8 bead
Inrge. MS limbs strong, his teeth and claws hcrd, Afteter this as the King v a s looking right and
his voice lond, his appearance terrible, no man or left; suddenly a noise reached his ear. He saw that
aniniimal is able to approach him through fear ; he is rbe locust was shaking both its wings and in a very
t o v mice singing a. song. EIe asked, " V%o art
correct in everything, and is not dependent upoil my
thou ?" He said, " I am the representative of 211
fiend or assistant in anything. He is so generous the norms, their king has sent me." He esked;
that when be has taken his prey he divides it with
': Who is he, and nLere dues he lire ? " He repkd,
Aia name is Salan, on high hills and nlounrains Describe his name and residence." He said, " His
he lives, near the region of iniense cold, where clouds is Tanin, he lines in the salt sea ; all the in-
and rain and vegetation are not. Animals die there h y t s n t s of the waters, the ti~rtle,the fish, the frog,
from the intense cold." The King asked who a ere the crocodile are his subjects." The King said, " Des-
his arluy and subjects. He said. 'L -411 snakes, rcor- cribe his form and shape." IIe add, " In size hc
pions, &c. are his soldiers and subjects, and they lire
is greater than all the inhabitants of the m a t e ~ ahis;
in every place on the face of the earth.'' He asked, form is wonderful, his appearance is terrible, his
'(7Vhy has he separated himself from his army md lengthgreat ; all the creatures of the sea a r e nfrnid
gone to live at such a height ? " He said, " Becnuse of b, in his head am his bright. eyes, his face is
in his mouth is a poison, and from its heat the whole
large, he has Inany t.eeth. Of the inhabitants of
of his body bums, thus in the regions of cold he the sea he devours ns man' as he cm, beyond all
lives comfortably." The King said, " Give an rc- calculation. When he beco~nes gorged through
count of his appearance nzld qua1ificstio:ls." He excessive eating, he then bends himself like a bon-,.
said, " His shape and qualities are like those of the and, by the strength of his head and tail, erects him-.
sea dragon." He snid, " ITho 1;noros the nature of and thmwing the middle of his body out of tka
the sea dragon and can describe the same ? .' The vatey raises it in the air, and by the heat oftthe suil
locust snid, " The representative of the inhabitants the food in his stomach is digested. Often times
of the waters-the frog-, is present in front of your in this &ate he becomes seosaless. At that time the
~najeaty,ask him." The King looked towards him. clouda which rise from the ocean, take him up a d
be was on the bsnlis of a river standine on a hillock
.- - cast him on the land, then L dies and becomes the
engaged in repeating his rosary. The King aaslceil

foodof the beasts of p e y . And sometimes he rises

who Le was. He said, ' I am the representdre of the clouds, and goes into the regioll o f God
the king of the ceeatixres of the sea." He said. and Yagq, and for some days he is food for ibn.
Tl1 sl:ort: all the creatures of the sea are a,fraid pot the Great God has said TiZa2 c i ~ a m ofi.&dh
2:;d flee frolu him. He fears no oae, but a small ailohn barnandse zculegdalnzulE6 hzZI lnzinn ci,nay2c
clyature like a rt~osquitoof which h e is very much 2MYILttd~~o n~lnkunzshohdddd raalaho Zrcytolribbiiz
R&aid. For when this animd bites him, the effect ;that is, God regulai-ly circulates fortuni:
c-,f t11e poison penetrates the mLc!e of his body, 2nd amidst mankind, that He may know those people
i n the end be dies. Then all the inhabitants of the whotrust in Him, and take ~vitnessesfrom amongst:
seas collect together and for a long time feast on his , God is c o t friend with a tyrant." -4ftec
iiedl. Like as he devours ather snlall animals, they this he said, "I have heard that :l11 men are of opini-
f ~ the
t same way collect and erit him. This is the on that they are mneters a ~ i dall animals their slaves.
cxse with beasts and birds of prep. The spn.l.rows? I have described the co~~dition of a11 the anitnds,
&C., feed on gnats and ants: alld tlze sparrom, h a n ] ~ and mhy do they not perceive -therefrom that a!;
falcon hunt them 3 q a i a the hawk. enpIe 2nd aninds are equal-di s tlinction tbere is none. Some-
mlture chase the SPIL~'WFFhank, and falco:~de\-anp times they devour [others] and sometimes they
t.hem. At last when tbey di2 all the volms and beconle the food of others. I cannot understaxk!
sn~stllanimnlg eat them. This is the case vith man-. in what instance inan thinks himself superior to
kind,-they ail eat the flesh of the deer, hog-deer, the animals. For the fate that is ours is his dso.
goat; sheep birds, and when they die very small For after death oidy are the good and evil to be
-ii-orms dei7ou-r their bodies. This is the case witIL distinguished. All will be 11Gxedin the dust, .md
the mhole of the ~~orl'ld, sometimes large animals turn towards God in the end." After this he said
eat small ones, and sometimes small ones put their to the king, That Inan should make this aesertiox
teet-h into large animals. Therefore philosophers that be is master and all animals his slaves--t-he
have said, " From the death of oiie comes the befie. ~vesumptionand aspersion is very astonishing. He
5.t of,another." - . is very stupid t o say such an nnreaaonable thing.
1 am why he should imagine that all ,, ;wy h i p go so far." He said, " Give partic~ilars
beasts of prey, cattle, hmting animals, serpents, 1 of &at island." He replied, " The land there is
cl_.ocodiles, snalces mzd scorpions are his slaves. I ,.,,y good, the climate temperate, the fountains
They do not consider that if the mild beast froln pleleaaing,the various kinds of trees h i t f u l , different
tire forest, the beast of prey from the hills, and the kill& of ai~irnrtlsn u m e r o ~ s . ~The King snid, L'Des-
crocodiles from the waters were to come forth and tribe the appearance and form of the Eioc." I-Te said.
attack them, not s man mould be left ; t'hat they Re is in size larger than all birds, strong in flight.
could go into their country and annihilate t,hem, his tdons and bill are strong, llis n - i ~ ~ g s very
and a single man mould not be saved alive. broad and thick. When he gircs nlotion to them
they not see the ad~antngeand be thankful that in the wind, they are like the sails of' :I ship. His
God has kept a11 these animals at a distance from tail is long, and when he flies t l ~ ehills tremble a t
their dwellings. No, they persecute tllose help- his strength as he moves. Ile takes uy~the elephant,
less animals that are in subjection to then1 day and rhinoceros, &C., and other lnrse.. animals from the
night, and for this reason they have become inflated earth." The King snid, " Describe his qualifications."
and ~ i t h o u tproof or argument have made such Re said, ': His abilities are very many, I mill detail
an unreasonable complaint." After this the King them some otlzer time." After this the King looked
saw before him a parrot sitting on the branch of a tovrards the assembly of men. Those seventy men,
tree, who was listening to every word ; he asked, of different forms wearing various kinLsJ of clothes
" Who art thou ? " He said, ''I am the represen- vere standing [there]. I-le said to them, " Think
tative of the birds of prey, the Roc their king bas and reflect on an answer to what the animals have
sent me." The King said, "Where does he live ? " advanced." Again he asked, " Who is your king ? "
He replied, '' In the islands of the salt sea, on high They replied, " \Ire have many kings, and every
mountains he lives. No one can enter there: neither one in his own country has his own army and sub-
iects, and there lives." The King asked, " What men enforce the commc~ndsof the iav. For religion
Is the reason of this, that among animals, dthough and the laws are necessary t,o kings, that the subject
: they are so numerous there is one king, and mith luight not err. 3fany ape lxerchants and men
you you are few there are many kings." basiness, who carry on buying and selling in every
From amongst the assembly of men the h k i gave country. 3 n d certain ones are only for service
answer, Men have many wants, their conditions like as slaves and attendants. In this way there
,zre various, therefore they require many kings. 2ye many more classes thst are very necessary
This is not the way or castom with the animals: 1.0 kings, vithout whom their affairs would be
among them bc is king that is greatest in size. at. a stand-still. Therefore me11 require rulers,
l7rrith man it is &ell the coat.ra~y,for often with th2-t in every city t.hey may remain engaged
hei in the 1ri.n.gis thin, slight: and weak. For kings in the government and management of his own
zre oilly required t o be j ~ s ti~npartid,
, and protectors race, that in no way may disorder be admitted.
of the subjects, to have mercy and compassi.on on And it is not possible for one 1;iag to govern the
every one's condition. Among men the servants mliole of mankind. For in the whole worlds are
of the Iring are of all Iiinds, some soldiers rrho :nnny countries. In every country thousaiids of
mrry a m s , who keep those who are Icing's enemies cities are built in vhich rnillioils of people live.
at a distance. By them thieves, swindlers, honse- Every one's language is di%creut 2nd religion dis-
breakers, and pick-pockets are prerented raising tinct. It is not possible for one man to manage
strife or disturbance in the city. Some are im-
nisters, secretaries and clerks, by whom the kingdom * Hnft Akliln ; the serc,n climes, or t h e seyen divisicns
i!,to w11icJ the vcrld ia divitlad accordiug to eastern Geogrnphy.
is managed, and tribute collected for an army. Sonle YLeg nlnp be defirred as 7 zones of about 1 2 degrees each from
there are who by a g r i c u l t ~ ~ar;d
~ ehusbandry produce the Equator to t h e Xorth Pole, hut eastern ideas of Geography
are so iinlited the moat absurd coi~fusionoccnrs a t limes sit11
corn. Some are judges and lawyers, mho among regard to the position cf pinccs.-
Therefore the Great God has for sent their messengers and representatives, why
:hem appointed many kings. And all these kings didst thou not send some one of thy subjects er
or! the earth are called God's lieutenants for God soldiers ? " He said, " I took compassion upon
has made them r~xlersof the count,rg, t'he governor their condition, that trouble might n o t be given t o
of His slaves~that they may employ themselves of them." The King said, This cluality is
in colonizing countries and dr11y protect His in no other animal, how is it that it is in tbce?"
ject,s, have compassion a.nd mercy in every one's He said, ': The Great God of His kindliess and
condition, and enforce just laws amoilg the people ; mercy has bestowed [upon us] this quality. *411d
that they nlny restrain the creatures from those reore than this, He has given ns many privileges
things God has forbidden. In truth, 13e is the and comforts.'' The King said, Describe thy pri-
Protector of a11 : He creates all and gives theill vileges that 1 may also kl:om them." IIe replied,
sxpport. -. The Great God has given nle and 1ny fathers an4
grand-fatathers many a blessing. f1e has innde no
CHAPTER S S I . uuimal a, participator in these. For instance.
A descriptio~aqf the Chief of r l ~ d R i e s . has given us the privileges of roydty a ~ prophecy.
X'lzen man obtained relief from his speech, t.he hid from our forefzihcr's ge~~erutioa after genes,?-
King inclined towa.rds the animals. S ~ t d d e n la~ tion this iiiheritx~lce has descendecl. Thcse t ~ o
l o v sound met. his ear, 2nd he saw t h e chief 01the lririleges He has not given to any other creature
f ies E.~.szr6 flying in front, and siilging the praises of Besides these. the Great God has tnugllt us thc
God na he counts his rosary and repeats His name. science of BCnthemntics aild many arts, for ire make
Ke nslced, " Who art t h o ~ l ?" He said, I am our dmelli~~gs in a very excellent btyle. The f r ~ ~ i t b
the king of the insects." He enqnired, 'l T h y sud flowers of the hole world arc concecird to U>.
hast t,hou come thyself ? As other slnimsls haw m(i r e eat them unmolested. From oilr e a l i ~::
lcney is produced by which all men are Le&& He has a,lso made a, moutll by wiiich nre perceixpc
Ailldthis position of onrs is supported by texts of the flavor of our food. Two iips has H e also given?
the Koran. And our form and qualities are proofs rrLicL a e collect things t.o eat. And in ozr
of the slcill znd polver of G.od to the ignorant. Our sroll?nchs ZTe has given such p u r c r ~of digestion
strncture is extremely delicate, OIIT shape wonder.- that it tnvlls the juices [of o:tr bodies] into homy.
ful, For God has dividecl our bodies into thi~ee dlld this honey is fooJ tbr 1:s and our cLilc1ren.
p a ~ t s . The centre part IIe has made square [ni, the same may that in t,he Lrensi.; af c l u a d r ~ ~ ~ ~ e i
ct~bical],the hinder rnernbw long,-the head roucd. lie given t1:e poicer 1.1)~ v'i~ichthe blood is
Tour hands and feet like the sides of n heaagol~, ehaiiged allcl be con:^; :nil!<. In short. the Grezt
nrlth great taste in proportion to orzr ~ i z ehas Ile (;od has ns 111nl:~:blcssiilg~. TIi:m E~uc'LI CHli
made, by whose help we sit or rise. Our honscs we thanl; E-Iil~l ! 11, \r:~s thro:igh this I took
n-e build vith such exactlless that the ~ i a cdz n eolnpnsjioll upon the contlition of the sul~ject,azd
?lever enter then1 to disturb us or our yonng. Ey took the ti-onble rrpo:l ~n;-seifnncl did i10t send one
ihe strength of our limbs the fruits of the twcs, them." \$-hen J'usub rras relieved from his
leases and flowers, that we may happen to get, R P sl,eech, the Icing sr,id, '' D:~Yo ! :iii~urdredhurrahs !
collect and store in our houses. Upon our shoul- Th01-r art extremely fluent imd eio:iuent. True,
ders He has made four -rings, by which r e fly. besides thee, the Grent God has not given these
And in our sting is a poison produced, through odrantnge~to any anilunl ? AEcer tkls he asked,
which we remain safe from the mischief of oni. TVhere are thy subjects 311d soldiers? " i-Te said,
enemies. Our neck Iie has made thin that we n ~ a y o n Iirlls, mou~ltainsand trees, v h e r e ~ ~ ethey
easily turn our heads to the right or Ieft. fir,d rest they live ; some go i i ~ t othe liirgdoms of
And on both sides thereof He has giren t w o m m , and take up their residerce in their dweli-
bright eyes, by rrhose vision vre see every thing. ;,,o-q
The King asked. " I!or is ii t h y are
tolerated at their hands? " E e said, .' They
. save themselves by hiding from ; but when - ~ i ,4ccount
l of the Obedience qf the G'etiii to tliei~n
ever they get opportunity they [nlen] annoy them. fCiqrg ancb Rule,.s.
F~rrther,they often break up their hives and kill -1fter this 3 ' ~ , ~ 2 ~saidb to the King, L'How (10
the young ones, then taltirig out the honey ear ir the -Genii obey their king and governor ? Be
themselves." The King aslted, " Then rrhy (;., to giv. an account of the same." The
you pstient,ly bezr this oppression?" He eai,l. Iiiug said, '' These pei.Vorm their duties to their
" IT)Tc cndu1.e all this ty~anny,yet sciilet,imec sr to perfectioii. Whatever the Icing orders
nre so persecuted that ~e !ome theii- d \ ~ e l ! i ~ ~ , ~ ~ they carry out." l' said: ': Re pleased t o give
:I.'hen, for the sake of peace? they esen:iio L ~ S the details." I'hz king ssid, In the race of
iirctagems, they sead us many rarities, oir(x,.rc-3fi,

the Genii are good an3 bad, hithful and infidels:

C . , ihey bent dri::ns and cyrnl~ais:sii-l at i:lsL all like as tliere are amcng nlen. Those that are good,
o;lr seeing these difTem:it kinds of food a c d tjiiilea olwy and rcspect their chiefs in such a way that
i r e nre reconciled. In or:r dirposIt,ion tllem i , eveu nlnu could not. For tlre obedience and res-
inischief or strife, we even lilake pec.c.3 vitb t,bclli. pect of the Genii is like that of the stars. For
we g o baci to them, and eveli the11 they arz ilot she San ij Icing nli~oi?gthem, an:l all the stars are
satisfied ~ i t us,h they c o m p l ~ aagoinst ep ri.iici,; )L: his sol,!el-s
. -
:uld s~~ijjeccs.Thus Mars is the
- ~ - -
reason or canse-that they 3re masters a~ll:?we: general, 2 upit-ec is the ,judge, Saturn is the tseasur-
slnves." er, J,Ierc;~ryis the prime minister, JTe;=us is queen,
the Ezooil is the heiy-impweut, and the st:.vs like
subjects i l :d soldiers. For they are all dependenta
of the Sun, an6 move according t o his niovenlents.
If'he stays, they all stay also, they never exceed
the routine or 1imit.s [laid out f ~them r 1.'' themselves. A!thongh he by the ;lower of hi6
asked, JTThere dic3_ the stars ahtnin these acquire- spells gave them much grief a.nd trouble, y e t the,--
ment,q, obedience and order' " I he Iring said, iz his ses-vice remained And if evzr any
c : These graces they obtained from thc angels ; jl13n i11 any desert or jungle from f e z ~of the
they are all the army of the Al.mighty and oher. Genii repeats a prayer or text they give him no
Him." Y a s z ~ said,. " What is t,he n n t n ~ eof the trouljle while he remains in that place. If it hap-
oBedie~~ce of the angels? '' The Icing saicl, Like p911 that any Geni'c?~has any influelice over malz
t h a t of the sccses obeying the spirit: not requiring or. woman! and ail? n?ngician sunmlons or invokes
lllstruction or correction.!' I'i:.v~tb snicl, ': G-iye 11s one of the elders of' the G-cnii they immediately
the details." The king s d- : --...,. l he fice s e 3 . ~ ~ ~ depart. 13esides this: lze1-e is a proof of this pei-fect
ascertai~~ for the spirit ideas of ol?jects: reyniriq s u b l i : i s s i ~ e ~ ~ e s-4~t. ORF: time the last pi-ophet
1;ot orders or prohibitions. S:!r:~~l.d the spirit no- L Jfuhonlcd] or! whom l a blessings and peace, mas
tice a thing and wish t~ ~?i:ricr~tandit: they (;he the Kori~ni11 s c,ertain place and the Genii
sensts) without rzflection or hesitation comijnre it ectered there. and ox listening they a11 becZlni?
with some other thing and give the spirit the Tdea.. liussnli~~aas ;and going to their own tribe, invited
In this vay the angels live engagecl in obeyil7: lllelly t o Talanlism and gave them the privileges and
i i ~ i i l serving God. Whatever order is giveii: they blessillp of the faitb. And many texts of the IIorr7r1
E mrnediately ful61. Ai~damong the Genii those wive evidence of these facts. Mankind are the re-
who are ill-disposed and unbelies7ers, alcllough. theJ? \Terse of Their dispositiol~sare full of infidel it:,.
do not. implicitly obey the king, >?ett h e j ~arc bet.tcr
and hypocrisy : they are altogether haughty ant1
t.han the \vicI<rd amoug men. For rnally of the proud. Ofteildrnes for the sake ofgetting audsainicg
Genii, notwithstanding their infidelity and erro?
they break out of the road of honesty and becorn-
in their allegiallce t o Solomon, never committed insde'is m d apostates. They live on the face of %Le
aaTthslaying allcl quarrellizig c~lItir~nally, nloreover
the thought illto your minds that t,he King f>om
they respect llot their own prophets : not,~~ithstanci-
;my selfish motive is partial to him or pays him
ing their mirnclea and wonders, they are open
such attention." A t last the Ring turned towards
: if they do at any time appear to
man and said, " Have you heard the conlplaint of
respect them in their hearts, they are never free
che animals against your oppression mhich ]IfLs
from unbelief s:irl mistrust, Th011gh they are
been related ? They have given a reply to t h e
i g n o r a ~ ~nud
t in errsor and understand nothing.
claim ~ L i c hyou made. Xow: whatever you Lave
mrith this there is this clainl, &at they are
to say, :]:S it." '.!'he representative of man said,
masters 2nd all at-e their slaves." When the men
In us cre nlany esccllent (1:lalities and privileges,
saw that the King remained talking vith the chief
which prove ours to bc a just claim'' The Icing
of the flies, tlley begun to say, '' !t is v c ~ ystrange
snid, :(Describe thenz." -4 Grecian said, L: W e
that tl;c chief of the iiisects should hst-e this p r i ~ i -
];nor l~rinyscicaces and arts. In learning- and
lege vich the fii~lgabove a11 other afitmals." Oae
of tb; race of the Genii, a philosopher mid, " Do invention we excc! all the animals. We t h o r o ~ ~ 7 l ; l ~
not be surprised at this act, fix I'a.s.z~bthe head of fillfil the ciuties cf this wcrid 2nd the next. Frcm
the files, though srunll in body and dirnil111:i.i.e; js &is if, is k l ~ o ~ thzt n K.? zre lnasters an&anilrl&
very r i s e and leanled, nnii the chief and mouth- our slaves." Th2 Icing s:l.iG to the aaimals, 17'0
piece of tlie ~ h o l cof the insects. Every aniuai him thnt has mentioned his superior privileges, R . ~ c :
that exists he instructs in the rules of rank and ansmc;. do you give ? " The nsserubiy of mifilals
gover:imznt. A I I ~ with kings it is a custom to hearing this. bijired their heads [in thought]; l;os
collsTeraewith those of their fellow creatures who one gave any reply. U a t after half'an hour the
y~~resentatit i :the 2ies said, " I t. h
has an opinior;
are equal to them in ra,rlk and power. Although
in shape and appear3nce he is different, do not lei that he k a o r s c l a l l y sciellccs and devices, and fw
t h ~ rezson
i he is master; and alimdtls his slaves,
~f mnll M-illbut think and ccnsider, it; wiil appear atie in no v a y dependent on them. Therefore this
\\-\th \~h;ltmethod we aild manage our unproved claim does not extend to them. Let
n.oyl;s. In wisdom arid tL~ugl;lt are ~ ~ ~ p e r i ~them
~ look at the condition of tlre ant ; although she
to them. J5-ith the science af lnathrmatics we is small in body, horn she, underneath the earth,
hax-e such accluaintance t.hrtt ii.iti?out rule or cc.,:~~., makes various minding prtssa.ges, and if there be
pzss me &scribe many ci;.cles: and f i g ~ i ~ ~trian- s, ever such ZL flood, the water never enters them.
gulzr and square, and in cur owil houses Lrn.1 I.;:any She gatllers and stores grain for food. If any of
1;inde of z,?~gles. The 1-111esof govei-~-rment~ , n d it gets met, she takes it out and dries it out in the
ycnk, mnn a.lso learlit fro111 for x e appaint ir, sun. Of those grains which she suspects to he
osr hogses doorkeepers a.nd vatchmen that no olle germinating, she takes off t'he peel and cuts them
mithout permissioll may BC nllo;~-ecI to go I>efore into two pieces. I11 the hot season many, many
a m Icing. 'FVe obtain honey fro~l2 tLe leaves of ants, troops upon troops toll-ect and go off in every
., .
trees and collect it: m d st r::s:ire WC ssi ti_a opr direction for food. If any ant gets sight of a thing
houses, and eat wit11 O u r >?OLiIig 011es. Alld what- 2nd by reason of its weight is not able to lift it: she
eT7ey refuse remains, ail men take o u t and prlt t o takes a little of it allcl goes t o her company and
their o v n use. This art nc, one ever taught as, it gives t'he news. She vho takes the piece of the
is an inspirat.ion from God. V'i'ihout the help allcl thing to recognize it, guides those who are in front
assistmce of a mnster .p;e ~ I ~ O FSOT lfialijT arts. But to the place. Tlien they all collect and with great
ruali makes this Boast, that they are masters and labor and pains take it amay. If any ant in the
211 animals their slaves. Then why do they eat worlc acts lazily, they heat her and turn her out.
oul- leavingrs ? Kings are not in the h b i t of eat- If m:ln will reflect oil this, i t will be seen mhat
ing that mhich is left by slares. And they ir, wisdom and prudence the ant has. Similarly tllc
many thing6 are under obligation to us j aud we locust in the spring seasoil feasts and drinks, and
becomes stout and goes to some soft earth, digs a duced.from them and cra.wl about on the trees,
hole and lavs her egg, then covering it with when they beconle plump and strong, t,hey in tile
flies away herself. ?Vhen the time of her deat,b s a a e nay lay e g g and bring forth young. The
comes, the birds eat her, or from extreme heat or ,,,ps also in the mails and trees make nests, and
cold she perishes. The next year again jn t,he
in them produce eggs and young ones, but they
spring season, in those days vhen the weather is nothing to eat. Day by day they seek for
mild, from that egg a snlall young one like a p u b
hod, and in t,he .winter d:~ys in holes or pits they
is producedl m d it creeps upon the earth and feeds I
llide and die.* Their bodies tllroughout the winter
on grass. At t.he time her vings come out and she remain there, t.bey never decay or hither ; again
has eaten and drank and become large, she also in in the spring reason bp the pojver of God life comes
the same way lays her egg a.iid hides it in the earth. into tbeln. I n the like manner again they make
I n short, in this nlanner year after year the yo1111g their own houses and bring forth eggs and yonng.
aye produced. Likewise the s:ll;-worms that live
In short, i n this way all the insects produce their
on many of the hill trees, especinlly upon the mul- j-oung and noilrish them, simply from love and
berry, in the days of spring, r l l e n they beconle kindness. T t is not that they expect any return
quite large, they weave their \rcbs* on the trees
fronl them ; which is the rcverse of nlanlrind who
and repose in them with every co~nfort. K h e n live in hopes of benfits aiid advnntage from their
they awake they lay %heireggs in their cocoons, and descendants. Generosity and liberty that are the
t,hey thelnselves go ayny. The b i d s eat them, or graces of the virkuous are never in t,hem. Then in
they of themselves die fronz heat or cold. The ~ h nthing
t do they think themselves superior to
eggs during the whole year safely remain in them us. The fly, the mosquito, the gnat, &C.; who In)-
[the cocoons]. The next gear the young pro- eggs md nourish their youllg and make houses, do
* Luab-liternllg, aliva. * That is,-: become dor~nmlt.'
not so. for their own benefit, bni for this, that after Icing said, " Relate hen^." Iie said, :' In grc:it
:heir death Inore insects may Be prodnced and be enioj.mel~tour lives pass. Various kinds of delica-
comfortable. For of them every one has a po<ti;re cies to eat and drink are provided for us, which the
of his death. 7IThen their day to die a i G m ~ lnever
~ get a sight of. The kernels and
comes, with willillgness and plezsurc they expire llllp of fi'llits Ri'e food fbr US : the skin and stolic
of themselves ; the Great God of Iiis power rex-i~i- they eat. Besides these, different sorts of hod,
fies them the next year. I n $act, they never ill .$hil.l.i,,al*, 6 ~ 7 i ? , - K h d i ~!;lc-lo.cliL-lu,
~, gao-za~~tll.,bis-
m y vay deny that they will die, like as mauy cuits :, smcet pil!,zus, zi~-bi.?.yrh2,aaEron pillans, rice
deny the resnrrection and the judgment. If mall ;ind milk, roast, stew, b:iq*ci?~i, j i . ? a i , milk, curds,
vould nnderstand the coilstitution of these animals lihi ; all kinds of sweetmeats, t,ofee,jnlahis: 2taci7~kls;
aud that they in worldly and spiritual afiaira are uclyus,. Lill:fis, amarti: lc~uziyclt!$c.;--rre eat. And
acquainted with more facts than he, he would not t o nllluse ourselves we have dancing, laughing,
make boast that he is master and animals his slaves. joking, stories and f2b!es :,vailable. Rich robes and
jerrellerg of rnnuy Iiinds we rear,-coarse- iroollen
* S)lir-m&l, baker-kl~kuc,gao-dicls ailrl pao-zsban, arc 211 a
At the time the represenir~ti.vcof the files finish- a i c nrilk. T!~isfirst is a flat rnallii
qrcet ];ind o f bread ~ ~ ~ awitli
ed this speech, the King of the Genii being much enkc ; illc 111c snnie o11lp lal-gcr ; the thircl sllapcd lilie
lilt eye of a (:OTT ; t l ~ ofonrt11, like tlje co~v'stor:guc.
pleased praised him and ti.~ri~ing towards the as- Zir-birran ;-a 1;iuti c , f lliliau nhicll is brownec?.
sembly of men said, "Hare you henrcl all '.hi; ht: Eurani ;--the fluit cjf tile egg-plant cooked in ci~rtfs,n-irh
has said ? Now is there in your opinion any sjliccs.
Firni ;-l)oileC nliil; w i t h a srnzll q ~ i a n t i of
t rice and snpar.
answer remaining ? " One of them, n man of (If the swcctmcats only two out of the seven have zny-
Arabia, said, '' In us are many tnlents and good tlli~:gf i p p r o n c l i i ~ lt1:cn:
~ in England.
B a l m n sohull ;-is like toffee ; and l n u z i ~ a il:c
t saolc: niih
by mhich oar clr?iin is p r o ~ ~ d . ' The
cl~~alities, ' c!: atidition of al~~:onl',s,p i s i a r I ~ i onnts and raisins.
clothes, carpets, sheets, rugs and mally other things* ,an with folded hands for a couple of pence,-in
we Where are the animals provided with short, it is with a.11 these exertions they acquire
these things ? They always eat the grass of the and property. After death it frills t o the
foRst. And day and night entirely unclot,Eed, &re of others. If they have accuillulated wealth
like slaTres thev labour and work. All these tlzin,gs 137 fair means they hare its reward, if not they
are proof of this, that me are masters and theS have its punishment. lye live exempted from this
slaves." The representative of t.he birds, the Per- orief and punishment, because our food is simply
sian nightingale, was sitting before thein on the gnss and leaves. Whatever things are produced
branch of a tree. He said t o the king, " These me11 from the earth we put to our own use without
rho boast of their different kinds of food and labour or exertion. The different kinds of fruit.
drinks, do not remember that in reality these are that the Great God of His power c~eatedfor us Ke
[a source of] great grief and trouble to thern." eat: and we continually thank Him. Thought or
The King said, " T h y is this ? Describe it." She al~xietyfor food never enters our minds. Wher-
said, "For this reason,-on account of this ease ever F e go by the providence of God every thing
they undergo much toil and trouble,-digging the is povided. These are continually wandering
earth: golring the plough, ciriving bullocks, dr8.v- and flo~mdeling,and by eatjag certain kinds of fooci,
ing water, sowing corn! reaping, weighing, grind- they also experience grief and trouble. They are
ing, Iighting fires in ovens in cooking, quarrelliilg s~bject to chronic diseases, to fevers, headache,
with the butcher over the meat, lteeping accounts cholera, delirium, epilepsy, distorfioll of the face.
and books with the grocers, toiling to collect wealth ; ague, coughs, jaundice, consumption, boils, pim-
lear~liag,science and art;, afflicting the body, go- , ples, itch, ringvoi-ins, gripes,*Y" elephantiasis:
ing to distant countries, standing before a noble- and diseases of the nose. 111 short, all kinds of
-- --
* Parash-o-farosh ;-a general term for carpets. diseases are they s ~ h j e c tto. They rush to tl:f
;,hJ7sicifins for medicines, and after all this tile b o ~ nugly and lives continual!y ~nl!ject to diseases,
s~lallleles~!~ assert that they are masters and every Tlkrough these disenses they live li&le to sudJel:
ttnima1 their slaves. I7 Xnn gave flnsver : '' Diseae. denrli. esti-elm agon;:, affliction ancl anger. li:
es al-e llot to us : azlilnnls often catch dis. f:lct. throl~ghthe ill effects of yoxr ~ m nacts j.i>:I
eases." H e replied: " h ~ i m ~ l lhccolne
s sick onb ljecijn~esni!ject to these cal:lit~ities,ancl v-c arc cs-
from ll~isillg and becoming fidini:iar wilh you. cttlptcd f i o i l - : t!~cin. Of the diZep:.nt kinds af li,oll
The dogs, czts, pigeons! cocks, &C., aninlitls tllnt \-!jli ];as-e: honey is the purest :LT:dtile ~ J C S ~ , . YoL1

are confined bp you, get food ancl drink 111lfit for t.;lt it ;ifid Llse i.t in 3-OUPmedicil-!~~.ilnrl it. i.s tl:<!

them and thcl-efore fa11 sic]<; zald tilosc xuiaals

r h o ivnlzder of their own free r i i l in the forest gyp
fl-ee from every disease because their tin~evf ~ r
s:!li\.n of bcca. IL is rrot i:-~v~nted
lvl-rnt tllii~gd o yofi bozat ? Ecsitlt:~i:i catillg Crni?
:!li% crr:ll~>,nlc 2nd you arc cclni~l!:11lc;l for ilgcfi m:?-
!.,yycjil. tllm r : :

eating ancl drinking are fisecl. There is uo irregn- :llIC1y~11.1~ tti:ctt(:)rs l ~ n v e::ln.>ys Leen an all eqna-
Iarity in it [the t i ~ ~ z e ]ancl
, these nuii.i?als that ape i t - . In tlic . rl:i~-i: v:Le11 3r0111' g1-.~!nt3ncestor-.
c o ~ ~ f i ~ lbye d you are not nllo~retl to spcnil t:icir ,$t,{mn :uncI Eve, livecl in the GnrJen of Eden nr:,l
time i n their own m y . They eat their fooi! 81 \\-itllout Iilbo~ror esertion ate of' the f?t!it of thi\t
i n ~ l ~ r o l xtimcs,
r or throagh h~ulgcr cle~ournlors -l,laceT\-l~en there T a u n o Iiind CC xl1tl7siet.y or toil.
then their usual cjuant.ity. Tlley rc.s;t:rai!l cot, vnr f ~ ' ~ : ' e f : l talso
l i ~ ~\vel.e
~ sllnrers ~\-\-;thtLe1.n in
their n,ppt,ites ; t1;rongj-h ..his they s o : ~ i e t i ~~~ ~I r 1s t,llosecomfosts n~idblessings. Jl71:en your elclew
sick. T h i s it; thc rensnn your chi1dri.n bc.comp t.hro[,gh the gnilc of tlreir Enemy forgot thc coni-
sick :--pr.e!gnaat :rorneu n 1 ~nurses1 greedi-
i-!~r.o~~gl~ lllnlld of the Loilcl, oild begot a desire f o n~ grili!t
mss eat: improper food, snch ns you bonst of. Thcls :lniP r e r e t~imeclout thence, tlie ai~gelstook them

the humours nre pY~ilucet3 gvoas, the mi!k is spoilt, bclorr and threw the111 into a place rrhere them
and the effects of &ese tL-incs the child is ;vns not eve11 vegetation or icaf, IIom could f~*nii;
enter there I For a period they wept in this i:.tHic. off] to your pleasant parties, you sit in the honse
rion. At last their repentance was accepted. God of mouluing. y o u have music, pleasure and mirth,
forgave t5e offence. He sent an angel, who came but you weep ancl suffer grief. you live in your
there an2 taught them to dig the earth. t o e a r elegant house, and you sleep in the dark gra\,e.
to gind, to cook, and to nla!ie clothes. In short. (:orresponding to yoxr jewellery you Tear iroll
day and night they lived ellgaged in this xoil a ~ l d colIiirs 011 your necks, fetters on your hands, and
l abonr. T h e n their race was greatly increnszd ar,J chains on your feet. I n the place of praise you are
they hnd begun to settle in erery spot, in the forests ;zttacked with irony. In short, you suffer a c o y -
and cities, then begun they to oppress tlie inhahi- responding grief for every pleasure. And me are
tmts of the earth. They seized their houses exempt from these calamities. For these exer-
caught many acd conlined t h e ~ n; many fled. tions and troubles are only for slaves and unfortn-
seize and confinc them, tEcy made various kinds of ,late ones. We, instead of your cit:es and houses,
snares and nets ; and pursued they them. And a t with this estetisive plain. From the
lasi; you have arrived a t this pitch-1-ou now stand earth to tlx heavens wherever our heart wishes we
and detail your pretensions to supe~ioritjr. You fly. In fresh vei-dme. on the banks of rivers, we
ai.e for coutrorers~-and quarrelling, 2nd @razeand eat mithour; restraint. '\Yithout labonr
this that you s q that 7011hold pleasant meetiogs, *P exertion me eat our i a ~ f food, ~ l and [drinl;]
engage in the plensurz of dancing, spend your tilne pare lr.aLer, there is no one to pye\-ent us. 017 ropes,
in delightful pleasures, wear rich ro!>es and digere)lt buckets, Tyater-skinsand r;i.Ler vessels, we do noc
kinds ofjcmellei*y, and Isesides these many other depend. All these things ere necessary for you.
things that are nor; oLtaina1:ie by us, is true. El1t youtnl;e them upon your sioulders and go from
you have also a corresponding suffering for every- place to place with t h e 3 and sell them. YOU
one of them,from mhich we are exempt. [As a set drFayS live in rhe midst of toil and &tress. These
h d g r s of slarer~-. Prom lrhat it pro~ed gt.5:tYS: ' h 2 ? 2 d ? l d . ~ & ? ~yt~:idyla~
dfe s ~ l ! j d t e; that

thnt you are masters and n-e sl:~rrs? " The I<$$ is: . Good acts hide crimes.' If they act not accord-
iLskedthe delegat,eof mankind. " IS there non- ::m~- ing to this r ~ ~of l e religion, they ill be disgracciL
lal'ly lenlaining of thine ? " He ~ d d " , In US I:,efore ! h d . From this fenr they relnnill eugagc~t
J n l n j . eseel~~llt and silperior qi~xliiiesihnt go ro in devctiuns. I\,'c ape free from sin: we ha\-i:
I)Tol'e oilr claim." The Iiing raid; 'LDescribe t h o ~ . ! ' 1:o necessity for tlie ~ ~ o r s hof i p npllich these bwAss
tjlle of t;jcln, 5 Bebyerr, exid, '' God I ~ L ~gi;-:>x, s 1:s so ~nucli. Xnil thc Crcat &cl sent Cx
* . .
l:.:nlly rnil viLrious 1,rivll~~g2~-rellg1~11~ pl'ciphcc3-: tI1o3(5l)eople ~vlir,arc Ixcretics, polytheist.^, ancl sic-
tile of' (>ocJ-:t.ll rhese blceaings L:ls iie l!ers. =i:l those \ r . h ~110tlot His services, )rho da;;
Tie llas jnforll:ed ca of ~v!;nt ;S I t ; ~ i ' ~ i:1l11d frji.. lligljt ill :~i'1(? fo~nicitti~n izmain cngnged,
biilJell! is good and !.)ad, set 11s :~p:~rth r l:jict Trlli!e frc~lnthis \ ~ i c l i e ( l l a~ ~~~sin
ds vr, are exempt,
pl?i.1j3se of cfit,ei.i:lg llt.a~-e:l. Xnrl bntlliilgl l>lu.iti- \ye 1,elieve God to lje ~~npnrn!leiedand uueqi.~:lleci?
ectiou, prayer, fasting, a h s , tit.hes, p c r b r l i ~ i us(:r- ~ nlrd live eagagcd in Ilis 1~raisc. And t.heir propllets
v i c e s in the llzosclncs, rending serinons in t11e1)t?lPi:, 1.Ln\3 n1,ostlc-s are like pl!yaicians and astrologc~s,
ti;ld nlfiny kinds of ~rurship!IIe has ti~:~glt u s . .A!! IJ]lYsici;il!s to tliose 1 ~ 0 1 ~ l r nenecessary
w who have
these privileges go to prove tllut rre nre 111nste~~ci disorders n:~d siclcness : and the astrologers are only
;incl tlley .slaves." The representntii-c of the hirrjs ~01!~llt by the unfortlmate nnd be~itchecl. .An!:
cni,.;, ;: Tf you v i l l pause and refieet, it will Ile scel.1 IJr?thiy and purificntioa for you is made n dn!j-,
t ! ~ t.hese
t things are [a source of] grief n ~ l d suEeri~lg- \>ecau..;ey o i ~are continnally polluted. Night a!!d
:0 poll." The Icing said, '. K O ~are T T these a trotiI~ie:''' day J-OLI pms you- time in ad~~lterjr and beastlineis.
He replied, " X11 these services the Great Goc! a;,- And youy bodies arc generally filthy, and for ~fih
pointed, Ohat their sins may be forgiven, alld. tllex repson you got orders to purify yonrselves. R e lice;)
- 'oe allomed to go astrnj-. For in the !io~:~n
n ~ a j not holn these things. In the whole year we go net:]
lourmatea] once ; and then erell; not from liist is, God said to the Ay, make your house on the
desire ; olliy for the puqlose of propagating the i 1 s And in one place He d:recta thus : ~ ~ l l z j n
sJEeier Ferform tbis act,. Prayer aid fasting &ad u l h a salalahi wa tasbihey;' the meaning
j$ your duty, that through them pour crimes may nhich is this : Every animal b ncqua.i~tedwith
be forgivell. X-e commit no crime, then why should prayers and formulalies.', And again it occurs :
iq~,ey be a duty to us ? .4~rns and tithes arc L Fabcr nsaUaaiio gurVban , ~ ~ b n bPo Z le,,,,
~ ~
cece,,,,y fi,r this reason :--you coilcat and Iaifa y t ~ h snu
l aten aklz~hekdln yd ronilat&
keep, honestly m d dishonestly, ri~~xeh nealth and amkhdna nzisia HdzaJgCiihe .fi~od,-izasau atn ak)li
wive zot to the deservirig. If YOU snpported the
fasbohn rninnnnocJi?~lb~ ;' that is, ' The Great
why silould giving alms be made sent a crow t,o go and dig the earth and teach
pooy Rnd
duty-? v,-e are io:*iny and kind to~rnrds our that he may also in the asme may dig a hole and
speci2s. JJTe never hoa1.d Z I R ~ ~ ~ th?o:augh
I~~IIX b o y the corpse of llis brother. A t that time
saw him and said: ' U a s I that I am r.x
nvaricce. And &is, vb:3i you sv, that the Great eqad
to this crow ill wisdom, to know how to bury +,k2
ha4 sent dow:~directions coli.cenling is]
corpse of my brother.' In short, tl;;.~:incident
Inwf~l! and fm-bidden, and about comecticn and
he was i ~ u c hh~milint~ed.And this that they aa?, , these are fc-r your iustrnction. For
that tl;zy go to the mosques and monasteries ti,
your m b d s are ia ilarlincss. Tllrongh ignorance rend congregstional prayers, is not at a,ll xpuired
and stnpi2iq jron mdrrstaod noL [your] advan- of us. To us every home is a mosque and a &sine.
tages or disadvantages ; therefore yell rec;uire teach- Whichever way me turn, we see evidences of God.
ers and masters. And ~vithout the i-~terventi~n And me arc not obliged to read the uravers f c , ~
- - ---
of prophets, the Great God acquaints a s with every Friday and Eed.* We continual!~, day end nig?,t,

thing. For He FIimself *hns said, ' T a audd rcb S

-. ---
E& ;-the Easter of the Nusmlman, rommc"laratinq t --k e
boku ilannal~leanit t a k ~ z minn
i jibale b d y d t ~ n;' t h z sacrifice of Isace. Etgmolo,cicallg, it means recurring, or a&nz!,
::;-c cngnged iil prayer and fi:~irng. Thcll for those are all our slitves." The King said to the aniinals,
things of ~ h i c you ! ~ boast Ire hnve no nccessitT." :.\That reply do you now give hi111 3'' lialelah,
of ~ i l cb i ~ d shncl ijl?islleti
t .leii the ~.eprese~>tative
the representative of the beasts of prep, said to
sajing this, the King 100fd. .to~:lrdsthe nlen ;illl! this nian,--" If you boi\.st of this rich and soil
said, " K o w whaterer yon h%;-erelnniiling t o S-:!, clothing, ansver tl.lis,-where were these various
saj:.'' The Tmb man fi-0111alnnng :lie nss;.e:nbIy of garments in ancient times ? Why you have oppress-
:; ,,
:nen gave nnsver, I here are sti.11 many pris.ileges ed and tyrnnllizcd over the anirndi and st.olen
. .
ixar! superior rjunlities rcm:lin:ng :!u us: from n:hicli
them." The lnnn snid, ? ' What time do you refer
i~is proved that n7e are nlici animals c,~!: to ? " KuZrlnlr, snid, " Of $1 your clothes the most
slnres. Yor adorning and benuti.fying, -xe ;~o.;;- delicate and soft are silks, szttins, and strong silks:
scss mmy and various kinds of n:-!l~::rel, s h :wls. ~ itnd they are the saliva af a grub, and this grub is
l~rocade,sntins, silk, sable skins, pol,lIiis, st,l-ipei: not in Adam's $amily brit is a species of insect,
sill;, muslin: fine muslin: calico, silk, f i o ~ e r c dline::, who for her own safety weaves her web on the
drill, chcqne, different kinds of things to spre:td.
trees, that she may be protected fro~llthe serefities
carpets, coarse woollen cloth, rugs: sheets, 2nd of vinter and summer. ITou by force and opprea-
hesides thesc mmy other boons. Prom this ir is aion steal it from her. Therefore God has put FGri
finown that n e are masters and these slaves ; fill.
to this inconvenience,-you take it from her ancl
m l l e ~ ehave the animals ssch things procnmble :i
stretch and weave it! then yon get it sewn by tile
Entirely naked they wander about in the jnng1es
tailor: and wasbecl by the washerman,--in short,
like slaves. A11 those gifts of God and blessings you have so much trouble and labor that you kc6.p
are proofs of our authority [over t,llew]. 7TTeare it carefully and sell it. You continually live
entitled to exe~wckethe authority of masters over this ansietg, perp!execl ~ n duncertain. It is the
them: arid to treat them ill sny may we wish. Thcgc. same with all the other clothes, they are generdly
of the skin and hair of animals ; especially whble of their bodies was covered, and by means
your rich robes are offen made of the fur of animals. of the same hair they mwe protected froin cold and
You, with severity and oppression: steal them from heat. They walked about the garden and ate of
them and take credit to yourselves. To boast so the fruit of every tree ; they underwent no kind of
much of this is out of place. If we boasted of labor or esertion vhatever snch as at, present these
these things it would be to our credit, for God people are ~ubjectto. The order of the Allnighty
created them on our bodies, that me may corer and was this,-' Eat a11 this heavenly fruit, but go not
clothe ourselves. He of His love and kindness gave near that tree.' " Through the gnile of Sata.11the3
us this clothing, that me may be protected from cold forgot the instructio~~s of the Lord. and than all
and heat,. From the molllent me are born, God their dignity was lost ; all the hair of their heads fell
provides this clothing upon our bodies. By His OF : they became naked. The angels, st the order
kindness, it is all prepared for us without labor of the Lord, turned them out of the place and put
or exertion. And you ever to your la.test breath them outside ; like as the philosopher of the Genii
remain wlbjeot to anxiety. Your ancestors dis- has fully detailed the facts in the first chapter."
obeyed God, and you have this punishment in When the representative of the wild beasts had
cansequence." The King said to XuleZah, " Relate related these things, the man said, '' 0 wild beast !
t o us the be,&ning of the creation of Adam." He it is not fit or proper for you to a8rguein our pre-
said, " A t the time God created Adam and Eve, sence ; it would be better for you iu remain silent."
He provided food and clothing for them like as He A-aleluh said, For what reason?" He said, '' For
did for the animals. And in the east, on the this,-that among animals there is none more mis-
mountsins of rubies, south of the equator, thep chievous or wiclced tlmn yotl. And in no a11hcl
both lived. When they were created they were is there such hardness of heart as in you, and 110
entirely naked, and by t,he hair of their heads t,he one has such a longing to feast on dead bodies.
Except injuring the animals there is no good qndi-
ry in you ; you a , ~ econtinually killing and mining- dend bodies. And although you say, that the
disposition of the wild beasts are hard hearteh~ess
them." He repliecl: '' f-Iov is this ? Describe it.''
Re said, "Because all the beasts of prey h u r t the and unmercifulaess, v e never find any animal a m -
animals and eat them, brenk their boiles n.nd drink plaining against ns like as they complain against
con. And r h e n you say that the wild beasts
%heirblood. They never have pity on their con.
dition." The representati r7ea of the wilcl beastss rm
- - K the
- bzllies of the nuimda and drink their blood
md eat their flesh, ~ O L I$so do the same. Cutting
said,-" We who act t h ~ r sv i t h mimals only dc
so from your esa~npIe, n~hermise rre shonld not ,
aith knives, killing and sl-inning, ripping up bet.
lies, breaking bones, roastins ancl eating-all these
lcnom aught aboxt it. For before the timc of
nets are pracbised by you. nTenever do such, if
Adam, the xild aoimale hunted not any animal,
you mill think and pause you r i l l understmd,
they a,te the flesh of ally animal that died in
that the cruelty of the mild beast is not eqttal to
the forest or desert. They gave no trouble to
yours ; like as the representative of the animals
living animals. In short, so long as they found has described in the first chapter. And you among
:he flesh that fell here and these t1:ey molested not
yoiirselves do such things to your brothers and rela-
any living being ; but were collatrajlled to (10 so
tions, that the nnirno!~ are not even nvare of. And
I\-hen they reqr~iredfood. lJyhcn gou r e r e cmnted, t.koogh you say, that from ns no one gains any beocfit,
nnd seized the goat, sheep; cow, ox: camel and ass:
it is evident that frcim our sliin and hair every one
s.nd c o m n ~ c ~ ~ cconfiiling
cd them, and left no-, nr,
of you is benefited. And ercry animal that llunts
nnimal in the forests, then where could we get ihcir
that is subject to you, hunts fir y o and
~ ~feeds you.
[goats, $C.] flesh. We %ere obliged to commeilce Bow tell u s this, from you vhnt benefits ncelve t o
I ~ n n t i a gliving anilnals, mhich is lawful f o us
~ to
the animals? The evils are manifest-)'on slaughter
do, like as you in exl.1-erne cases are alloreil to eat
the animals and eat their L flesh. And you are SO
" man said, i s there any proof of tliii ? " The other
deadin the earth that n e Inay not get thein to eat. Those of your race rrho are acstere and de-
V> derive no bellefit from you, living or dc.a(l. rout, leave your dn-eilings and go into the hills
An? you silj-; that the beasts of' prey liill : I I ~des- fmests, resi:jcnce of beasts of prey,
trry the anirnnis~nlrile it n n i fi-0111 yonr exat~ll,le mnilltli!l a a a r m friendship with the^^ continually.
12-e beasts of prey took t~ tbc same. And from the
ille bcnsts of prey: also lnolcst them not : there-

tine of Cain and Abel to the present time, t l ~ e y

n v e constzntly witnessed that y o ! ~continu:lllp fore if rhe Lcasts of prey vere not hetter than you.
~ h do v I - O L ~hermiti n~lddcvout nien go to them?
!ive at rrar with them. For Xustmn, Asfundynr, the yirtoolls and abstemioar $0 "Ot llear tile
Jarnabid, Zohok, Parnidi~n,dfrasinb! 3lanaeLbrr.
rriclied, but keep them at n distance. This is a p ~ o f
Davius, Alexander," &C., zlmays lived ill liiood and a ,

fiat the hea.srs of prey me better tha11 you. nna

war end ended [tllcir career] therein. Aacl a t this is allother proof,-If your t]7m11nical liillg~
present also yoa are e l l ~ g e din strife ancl dissen-
sion, and yet you s?ralnelessIy boast and ipenli evil
of the animals, m ~ with d deceit a i d pretension roll 5 .,
ll1nls do ~ o molcsi
t Li1nl rlicy 1;now tlint the man
desire to assert poor si~periority. h the rrny tL:lr is virtuous nlld ,mood. For every class recogl~inesi:c
~ O L coilatantly
I live in war and disaensioo, have you
o v n cliLir; Lencc the lieasts of prey knowing tl:c
ever seen the ~:.ild bca.sts living, girinc. tro~zbleto do not interfere vith them.
L .irtilous and
cnch otbir among thotiirelves ? If you will mq~:ir~+
illto the condition of the anirnals with due delibcrn-
tion and thought, you will understnnrl that they
I-es, a.mong the beasts of prey there arc also ~'icli-
are much superios to you.?' The representative of.
.- . ---- ecl and low jcxnmplesj ; rrl?eTe are the)- not ? I n
* Kings of Persia.
erery class there are good and bsd. Yet, tbosc
( 181 ) .
who are viched among the beasts of prey da ]lot
molest the good and ~Crtuoua,bst dccour wicked doKn their bends. It was now erening ; the cocrt
was dismissed, all of then^ took leare 2nd wen:
men. God has said, Ntircali Basnxn'Zim.u'n bdzan .
t h ~ kSn8
n gainbihi8 ; that isi ' We have p ~ tyrznt,~
~ t each t.0 I l l s onli house.
against tyran te, that t h o ~rn?;j7feel the eKects of Cfl-4PTXK. S S I V .
their omn sin.' " When the delegate of the beasts
[ ' ] L ~ I l ~ ! P IG. 288 r)isj?rr!a b e r l c r n ~?Ia!z. d ? x !
had finished his speech, a pbilosop!~er from among l.!!e ]'ar:.ii!.
the race of the Genii said, '' This is tl.i~lpsaid,
those who are good pereons flee from the rcicked I:~:~;!\-in tile moraiug all the m e n and :mimsl*
and a,ssocia.te with the good though thev may be ,,,, p s m tin ~ the court of j n s t h : ~ . The I<l:ig
&,: 19 :?>cn, If' yo:i I~ii~-c any Innre proofs C)[
of a different species. And those who are wicked,
they also floe from the gooil and go and Inis with T,iII, ,!Li;, to Rdi~;;2ce, rel:l;;ie tllcrn." The p e r ~ i n ~
1 1 21.c
~ IllSnY i ) ~ a i ~ e w ~ iql?i~liS~a-
the wiclced. If man h d not been -wicked mrl ,X . ,

vicious, why should tl-eir derrout and ~t~?stere men tj-..*,,L1L> br a-llich o1.r Jili:ll is proved." The Kil:$
go and live in the forests and mor~nteinsand cnl-
. - Isr " U i our race arc
tivate a friendship for the beasts of prey, natwitll- kin,n, a . millistars, n o ~ , I e ~ , seerei;aries, stewards, tax-

standing the difference of species ? For bcimeen rili~lcmrE

L. ) c~oilfri:!s, i.crrlda, macebenrers, serma~~ts,

t,heln there is no limilarity cpparent. But undoubt.- fris1:;di, ailcl2bsdsmnte, ancl besides this there :we
edly they am on n level in their good qualities ." 1:13IlJ a wriv;les ; the rich, :he noble, the generous, the
of h e beri.iirit~,the devout, the temper-
The wLole of the assemL!? of t h e Genii said: '' This
is true, there is no doubt of this." The lnon on zll ate, t.heorators, the poets, the learned, the accom-
sides, mheu they heard these reproaches and sarcasm, plished jud F l a ~ e ~etymologists,
; s , gmmnln~-innS.
logieims, doetors, matherr,aticinna, asi~oiogers.
became extremely abashed and all of them held
aoot~sayera,interpreters of dreams: chenlists 2r:6
( 182 j
. . ; and among tradesmen tl~ereare bG!dcrs,
moglwans iin
generzlly equal t o r h m in goad quali-ies
rreniTers. cortoil dressers, si~ocmakers, tsilors. L!.,!
manners. For in our race also ore chiefs,
of many ?ii~d.$. -4od ere:*:; class hns its orrn ( : ? l 2 - ..
noblcs, friends: and gefieuous persms. Bnt
rate good 1raq-s &IICI chnraeter, its religion aidpe-
ci:!efs are gnporiar in the art of gorernmellt kfid
culiar accomplishments. it11 these good rjufijiries n,dmiuistratioilto the kings of mankind. For. the)- 7

w d charecterisiies are pecuiiar to us. I.

1llc nair.lals [,m] take cnre of the subjects and troops s i m ~ l y
have not a share in tLem. Froln rhie it for their oivll objects and benefit. $Then their
t h a t F e are master; niid tile lllilnal o!lr slaves. - '
desires are obtaiiied, they give not a t h o ~ ~ g to
h t the
IVhen msn had fi~>iabedthis, tile 1,nyTot to tjlr condition of the army a.12d the subjects. These are

King, This man bonstr of tile ~

:( ~ of their
~ ~ j not the ~ duties
t of ~nobles. i h e duties of govern-
classes. If he enquire abo:it the difirrllt kiiidv
rnent and cllic?fta.inship require G a t the icing SIIOE~~?
birds, hc will perccive t h t compfired wit), tller:i
d w a y ~treat his zrmg md subjects with love and
they are very few. But I csn point out for e;.erJ- kindness. In t h e same -nay as the Great God
good trait of xbich he J~oastsa coyyespondhg. hnd
d v a y s meroifr~ll~ t.rents his slaves, so should erer)-
trait, and in the place of every Yirt~oLlsOne king similarly look with. kii~dnesrL I ~ his O ~ SUIJ~j e c l ~ .
lnentiOn n vicious one. For of their races are
-\nd the chief of the nniluds i ~ l r r g shiie love nnd
Ernrod, Pharaoh, hweeticr, fornicatora, polTibeiste,
+ielldsbip for the army nlld subjects. In this Kaj.
at,heist,s, mlbelicrrrr, faithiess tymnts, highlmr,
t ; , chief of the w t s and d the birds lire engagecl
robbers, thieves, ? i i l a ~ ec~n, t p u r s e ~fooipaddr,
~ linrs,
in the discipline find crder of their si~bjects. And
t?icliccers, swiildlsrs, eunuchs: adulterers: prderastp,
if they act ever so kindly or obligingly tomnrd-
ignorant, fools, misers, and besides these mnny
t h i r t m o p or suSjeits, they desire n o h i n g in
classes SO whose ~ o r d sand nets re not fit to
return. And they expect no Geoefit in r e t ~ l mfor
be mentiol~ed. -4ild rre are above these, bm 2l.e nourishillg tllcir o'fspriilg. iThile rna? provider
( 184 > 1s; )
: f o ~his children and then requires them to se1.r~
hi1ilil,the ailimci.1~
bring forth yaung,-nourish them. in the r x e of angels there al*e nobles and
md then desire nothing from them : simply Goln chiefs, who act lcindlg and friendly each towards
love and kindiiess, they hring i,Lem up and iced his oen tribe.'' The King asked, "Whence dicl
'hem ; they aye strict followers of God's mrij-g-.;:or this kindness and friendliness arise among the
cr:?s.tcs His slarcs m d scllds them food and :ingels ? " He replied, " They by the grace of God
~ X ~ E ncr C ~ erail
S thmicr f~2111thcnl. If tjlerc had hare obtained this good quality. And in c o m p ~ r i r o i ~
kindnaas m4.h nllich He acts tovwde Iiis
pa,ctices Ilnd not k e n il: man, $];cn irj;s :llc
Grent. coaim2:ici:-' c:.- • i' t,I!;..-::~s
i t o IY!~?asd tc,
slrhjects-the kindness of aii;i one in the world is
t h ~ ~ ~ ; i ~p tadnt hFor ~ b c n

iFOE? ~ 2 " 1 : ~ . ' :<C l p ~ ct , ! ~ i c to filly m,,?. not ailc l~ul~-(liyd

for mz do nokil;:~ir i r y ~ i i ~ . i ~ ~ ~ created His creatures, HE oppainted ~ l ~ p for ds
---a .2 ~j;so:.,,c~j~c,nr.~~
When the p::r;~t !12d ~ - 9ttl l i l ~fflP in his apreeli, the~ ~ t ~ of ~ each. ~ l ~rilape olld f ~ mKC
t , i Tlair ;
lll:iiosophi::. of thii G,,..;'
~ ~ 1ill60
. i, Ee speaks
'( esci.ilent ~zfiued. l i e gave t h e e the
'be t ~ l t h . " ?'lie is.3 h-came nb:iahcd c:ld b2jr! powers of obsaratiou. He ii~adeall of them ac-

qilhintedn;i,lh u a s good Lad. I.or thak

down their hezclu; not one con16 gil~,: Pils,;-pK
In tb? rnsnrirrh!ie t h i Ki;ig s::id to n?ii!osoii3er e,o!llfort He the sull and t h ~ moon, t.ha coil-
..;le Gesii? "Tiie kijlgs v?~ihoscabiiitiFs FOII hIITFe
L: s t c ~ l n t i o l ~and
s stars. We sent t h e m t . h fruits
~ 311d
ienree of trees for food. In ~ilol't,l i e p~ovidel
been d i s c n i s i ~ v:h,
~ , mat their s o ~ f c t Dlld s a!Tl?y
$1 bindn luxuries. T1xsmre dl proofs of His
with such lore 2nd kindness,what liings are they ?l1

The sage ~ e p l i e d , By these kings angels are meant,,

lore 2nd kindlless." Tile King ns!ied, '' Ofthe
The angels me appointed by the Great God for the angelawho are nppoiided to pmtect man, r h o ifi
Wrvice of every genius, species or individual cni. the ? The philosopher said, " The breat.11
of life ; from the Pery moment Adn~nv a s created
md: for the!- p~cteetand hn;~e regard for thm,
$Ic. has dwelt in body. Those R I I ~ ~ who E
according to God's 0~de1.s1m1~e.dd~i.11 to Adnln LR
t l ~ yspeee'l." He replied, '' This man bocarn
ealied the second grade of angels, they arc subject
that of his race 2r.e nleiiy ~kilfiilmen nhd trades-
to t.lle firat grade. Al;d he ~vliodid not 1,orr i-.-!L
-J $ v

men, this is nothing to boast :of for zlii02g 1:s

ille spirit of anye:. ! ; S I:e is a!ao enj]ed
Satan. The 'Lrcnth of lib' still remains in the certaill are in these arts their equals. For
IJOCI~ of the childreii of Ad;~nl,2s tile bodily instance, t,he has Inox proficiency bfiilding
cf A d a n n!so riinni~;a with mnn. In t,hij fnrlii tha~l b~ilclers and engineers
nmoilg men. For nirhoct enrt.h, bricks, lime, or
they ere ~ O Y U itad lire ; and in this form :lt ;X,
inst CL^ "ill the chiiJrcn of Adam rise and entey jinir they build their 1a1ir.e~; they draw lines mid
j~eavcn.'' The iiing asked, \TTLat js the eil.e!es
- -
and are not dependent OR chalk-line; or
that acgeis n.12 sllirit,sare not seen ? " T]le save :olllpass, nud these [[e~un]require tools 2nd instl-1:-
rcpiicd, ' L Sccnore t.6ey are essential and b
meilta. So it is vitb the spider, which is the
They are llol perceived by the senses of the bady : rrea\iest of i n x e t s , but it1 q i n n i q and ~ e m i n g
Inore Skilful t,hnn their ivdnvcrs. First she d r a m
but prophets and holy lnen by reasoll of their
cut the &rend fr.y)rn ber sdirs. After that s l ~ a
pureness of heart ssc them, becal~.usetheir soulij sl.2
unsollied n7i th the darkness of igllorance, ~h~~ stretches it in lines, and then completes i t from
;Ire ca~efidnot to fall into the sleep of forget.fGi- Ill the, midrllc sl;c leaves a space open to
catch tile ilics. a i ~ x 3in this ~t she is dependent
ness. T b r e is something in common bctmeen
no ivJtrillllellts whatever ; while D wearer wjth-
rhern and the angels, therefore they e e them ; and
ant his tools can?lor rresve at 211. X ~ Sthe O sill<-
receiving their words communicate them t.0 their
fellow creatures." The King heard this, irorms very feeble. but they I i n o ~more s ~ i e i l e e
and art than n r t i i t ~ . l$'l~e" rliey have fed 8:l.nd are
to the sage, " May God reward thee ! " And afrer-
full the). go the ~1c-1
where they da^l!_:.rl;i*dI:
aards looking torrards the pqrrot said, a Pinigh in T h ~ y:h.-:.
( 188 ) i 189
Over them- again and
them coprect and morn;s md feed her young. .Among mankind there
and the mind and rain do not is no woman who taI;es care of her children like
lutliis tilere.
~ ~ e o r d i nto g -*heir h s ~ i t s ; this : nurses and midwives take care of them. At
A'1 sl'ilI q ~ ~ i it^:^^^!^ r e
.. . l t l .
*h2 irisT,yl:ciioils the time of birth, they take out the child from
~f their parents or tutor&,.-...
1"" an!; ?hot <lel,cai~eiji nlld bathe and wash it and give it milk.
n l l ; ~ d i ea~!d thread, jj!,, +lle&il,,., .
\Then they ht3\7e fed it with milk, they pat it t o
"-'O rritLout"ern call (10 ~ ~ t l : i Arjd ~ , ~ the
, sTn!- sleep in the cradle. Tliey do e17ery t h b g ; the
'!OR 1 ~ ~ 1 - I : o u ~ill~ f j l l -
'?lY ~ii.!:olil aily thing mother of the child has not the least care- And
s'T2i'01*tif imdey the eai-;,
""~~s; &C.; 011 \\.jii!:>
, ,,,,.,
,. SLe
their cbildrell also are excessively stupid. They
hare no ic-ea of good or harm. , 4 f t ~fifteen or
~ l n c e . S i r u i ~ a d$lJc ~ nLito nrlt -,,,,* twenty years, tlley come to the age of d i s c r e t l a ~ ~
""{ss her holise LL,.l#
i l l O : l t C!;>,:- T12:: f~,, 'rhen they reynire teachers of science and l ~ l o r a l ~ ~
"0t6il>g n-hctever. 111fiLCt,*
. , rf!q L!J

"& make the;, o Q 7.nI;e,.,

t..:c: ?,.::,,4 5
>.a a],;- The of theiy lives they are mrit,ing and read-

1 - ~ - 3 ~ dL O I : ~ all:!
tdeii; Ornn Young. TLcy !:s-,:~I~lorej,
~ : ~ i2t art
, illg : thus they spend their time. And still they
remain as ,great fools as ever. OUP j7GUCg Gnea
P .
'' 'rikc I D y iilstapc: they are borl1 are ac~naintedwith at Once
o s f ~ ~,!-ho ~ ~ ~ l ,
" a W'"pound of a bird ~ 9 d
be,,:; rrLi:t every- .;);,hing p o d or bad. For instance, the J'oLUlg
b r i i l ~ s lie' rounp ! x?hrn of tile hel1, p:krtridge, or quail, On coming oni of
thrrty eabra me aecumalnted, 85, divides them the egg, peel; about without any instruction f i O r n
three lotsy she P J ~ C ill ~S eartllj the their From any One who tries to c3tch
"lt of son~cr l ~ e Yudrm,rtL them they flee. This knowledge and intelligellce
"' wygs whell a good niirnber of
Ones is an inspirnt,ion from God. They can a11 distin-
she rakes sp the earth md geg g u i . s ~between :rood or evil. The reason of
ihlago is, that rrith these birds the n;& alld femnie
~~d :into o'ihC~s],ancl besides t h e 1 der-
do i ~ o tshnre the duiy of silpportir,g their :-onfig
cription of the devotion of the ant and bee and
eq~~ali.r, like as other b i ~ d sthe pigeon, &C., rrhq athers-you Ko$:d l ~ e r c c i v ethat alllong them also
male and female, together attend t o tbc young ond.
eloc~Llcnispcnlieys, rhetoricians, lioets, OYP.'~O?S>
Therefore t h e Great God gmnttd those yorlag ones divotees allcl iEdivii:r;ala for God L~LS said.
such sngocit.~:, that they reqiiirr not the atrention 7 z~~bCiJLilli~
Jks,isslLak~l,, ilk y ~ ~ ~ ' 6 b d n ~ b c ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~
of their parents ;they can graze and peel: for than:- tdfbcL2ir2. 1lie rnemling of which is : ' Every thing
selves. The yooilg of othcr animals aliil birds ,,timally . Chd, but you do not kno"
depend upon being fed with iniiii a ~ l dcorn, but til at :' so G.*d has given you the ehn~ncterof bein:
they do not. Then in thc opinion of the -IlmightY, iunorzl1ti &y you unclersta~ld not IIis pmiie, and
rhoae rank is s ~ ~ p e ~?i orr e day 2nd iiiglit remail: 0
and 6 s r$d, ICziLhi?~LUC~U-
He hna eaiied us
engcged in His prayer and praise. And it is on 4 hi,,r; rnsCeiin7i i i ;tlict is, ' Every anilnfil
this account He has bee11 so i;i:ld to us. ilnd ]iliore his pr;iJTcrs roray ;' 2nd 3 5 ignorallt
though yoo say that of your race there are ports. alld wise are not eriL1fil, F e "re ~ i l ~ e r i otor To".
orators, devotees, and godly men, i f you llnderstood ~h~~ of thing do you boast and dcceitf~~ll)-
the tongue of the birds, and were nn.are of t,lie and cnlumnionsly say, that soii are ~ilastfrsfind
rosaries of the insects, the praises uf the rronns, ;u~malsslnvcs ? hnClregarding the aatrolosel-.
the confessions of the beasts. c o ~ ~ t e m p l n t i ~ofi l ~
you lllention, their acts nfhct 0111~ the ignorant.
the locnsts, psyei-s of the frog; exhortations of \Voruen and children only beliew them. In the
the nightingales, the eennons of the emu, tLr
opinion the r i s e , they have no place- Some
warnings of the COCL, the cooing of the pigeo:l, astrologers M deceitre &c foolish: say that in sucll
the revelation of secrets bp the crow, tlle plaises
a city a ccrtai!~event after ten or t ~ e n t j -
of the swallorr, of the o v l instilling the fear years will happen. they know nothing of
their own fate, as to what will happen to tberfi-
selves, or what mill be the condition of their. 3fany race Le would be boril, and rrliere he would La
b ~ . ~ u up?-they
~ht TYCE not aWe t o tell. They s:Gd
years previously they describe [what vill be the
condition of] distant countries, and the c.olnmon to the King, 'Give nn order for all the children
born in this yenr to Be 1;illcd.' They had the idea
people think it t,me and trust in them. Those nr- that this child also ivould be hilied with them.
the people who depend upon the words of the as-
lkt last God Abmhnm, the friend of God,
trologers who have gone asstray and rebel. For n,lld preserved him from the hatred of the a i c i ~ e d
instalice, tyrannical and o1~p~essivekings of men
deny the resurrection, know nothing of destination ; 'plinraoh did the s s x c thing nit11 the children of
as Kimrod and Pharaoh at the morcls of the astro-
Ism&). There also God sheltered the prophet
y o g e s from their wickedness. Hence the m-ords of
logers caused hundreds of children, yea, thousands
the ~ t r o l o g ~ . eare
r s an idle tale. Destiny nelres
of fizmilies ta be murdered. They thought that the
regulation of the world depended upon the 7 planets changi.s. And yox~boast of then1 [the astrolopraI
rind say that in yam race are ~st~rologers and phi-
and 12 signs of the Zodiac. They understood not losophers, they exist only to deceive tlla igllo-
that, witloot the order of God who created the
Those follra who have faith in the A1tnighty
Zodiac and stars, nothillg c m take place. TLia is
true : " Opposed to Fate no project -will succeerl." believe not tlieir n~osds." XTben the ?N'"t I'"d
After all, whatever God has mished He has done. sa,id this muell, the i<ing aslied him, " If a s t r o k Y
is una to prescrlre Person] 601" doing harm:
The facts are these : the astrologer gave intitmatio~l
Tv dolly j t d y it and bring proofs t o
to Ximrod that n. child woiild be horn in Lir r e i p ,
,:st;lb;lisL it ? And why persons 8fr~lia tilere-
who after being brought up and attaining n hipll
? " He :' CeTt-ail~lo,it is p ~ ~ ~ i bal ,P'C-
position should overthrow the religion of the idola-
rcnj-nt,iveof hot not so ~ tile a ~ t ~ o l c g e r
tors. %'hen he asked tkem, Where; 2nd of what
sav.-m&her is it so I3j, means
I I a S of for !14$'
of the All~ligbty,who is the Creztor of astrologer^.^'
The King said: " Row c10 they obtain the nid of
God in this ? " Re; L'By pract.ishlg the lau-S
of religion. 11111:1iI.i~yail6 -irceping: p x y e r ? 51si:q:
glv:ag s!ms nnd tit.lles, v~orship;>ingwith a sincere

11eai.t~are their r a y s ofottainiilg assistance. Tl'hen

they ask God to nrcrt [any c a l n ~ ~ i t yno] doubt FIit
accedcs to tllem. EIence the ~ s t ~ o l o y iand - 3 uzngi-
clails girc out b a f ~ r ethe occnr:.eiicc of tlic crent
that God vil! manifest srich s;lcl such ail evcnt. 'It
~ro:rld bc better t o pray directly to God to be pro-
testecl 2nd not to practise astrology." The Icing
srid? When the l a m of religion 2rc o b s e ~ v czutl ~
by that means ca1:t;nity is averted, it follov-S of
corwse tha,t the decrees of Fate have been asitle.''
I!e replied: "His decrces: never fail. E11t those
people who to avoid calamities 11zal;e 11~tlticnst ~ )
God n:.n 1>1-otectcdfrom thesc things. For instance.
~1-:1e11 t h e ,zstro!ogcrs told Xiinrod that a boy o p ~ o s -
ed to the faith of the idol:itors would be born and
thsov his s~lhjectsRI~CIm-:l~yinto coafi~sion,by t.&s
r n s meant Abrahain the friei~d of God, and God
Lra~ingcreated him hnml~ledz i ~ dspoiled Xirnrod
on him nnd his race) this ptlactice ha.: been obsermJ, T6e Kiag asked, Worr it ~01112
t;!nts of the
every ono [of the pmpllets] orrlemd his foIloTera xS\.eren c i nble to give rite pnrti-
llsppen ; ""6 t : x ~
to do t611s i~nderevery n1isfo~t1111e. Therefore natro.
Iogy s h o ~ ~ bs
l d practiacd tlii~s,[in c o n j w c t i o ~xith
cL,liu.s. niii
. r!riytl;ii said
. aIite,
tl!ai; j i l a cci.t:in mmlrb 01-c
earig!ll even: c ; tslie place. The
~ ] not U S C ~as 5 lllenlls for the astrolo,nZrs
p ~ q e ant1
] ~ i l qsyka;zl i.- ~ a- a i ~~~ he , zsteps t o;:glit l0 be takeil
of this age to inislend the pcoplc. They fox&
to ijreiTw,i it ?
l i:eg c;!:~) ; r a y pir,!:~ n:,:>i> aiiid,
God and trnsl in the rei~uivi'il~g heavens. For the
rccoccry of the ~ i c l i !F e sho~llclfirst pray to God :
;; x,i,i.;L<-
ljFSr ~ ! 9;; ~ d:~:!, t r t z king ~ l l d
~ :i!;t
<l -,.,::..,..< i.;ctJ1+?c ; Q-. :<:fi:i]l $Ix3!!1~!
s'!l LL:e ,, L L . -
%y1(; 5:ye:ik:
for perbct health is obbdtled by I i i a 1ne::cy o13ncI i,lii2iT~ , . ! ~ jzr;
7 .

: ~ ~f .i j d K ~ ! I ; I I I ~ 111 f h e pii.::i
T,T-yll o:!-c,
kindness. One shonld not crlrn fro111 the threahald ,Fez\, e;-ji; ) ; l ( , ! J y s ],<;fix,: God t o l><!%:\Y!d
of the true Pl~picimand apply to the physicians pi:*apJ cii,,, 1 7 -77
11% f ~ i ' n i d i i a e;:i!;liry." 11:
[of tLis vr~~l~!]. Somt persons in the bc;innin,a of ~ ~ , Lid\-ic,2:
2 c c d T ~ ; L l l ~~ ;~ r t:lcjs i.:\e
GII t?~:::

their sickccsk apply to doc,toir, md if from thsir

~ l
.. &! .
rvrut 3 , f i ~l . ~ : , i : , ; l : , ~o : ! ! j : n e ;,fiecity: aild mnzl3- 1r.el.i
treatment no b~ilefitaccrlres t,bey lose all conEidel:ez Tr; ';il ti;?, 1; i .- IT&, c;nt :I!SC. 'I!icy bCf "3;1 to peti-
. -
In them m d tom to God; and ofte~~timos with muell

tion cTod ; 'ur; .; c~ from 1 , C

.L.b. : : 2nd all
tears and grief they write their condition i e pctitiu~is djy :li.:!;t t!,:~ w;lisined ardr!ii~:p. l j ~ i tcer-

and hang tlrem on the ~ ~ 1 and 1 s piliars of tile tain lnen, frx*: I I, ilot tlie p r p d i c t i ~ sof die nstrolo-

niosqtzes, and God grmlts them recorerr. Th::s Fers p.inained ia the night i b rained in
one should apply to God i;>r thore be~lectq clarirerl the city was situated in a holion-.
from ast~uiogy,mid not trust to the tricks of the y h e r a t e r oil sides in and c v v e ~ dthe
~strologers. For there was R B i
n to ~ h o mthe ,ig, and the persans n-110 remained in their
wnord, that in his city ~n event ~ o u l c l
astrolo,nersg~~-e dnrellings perished. 'Those pe.ople who ncre out-
happen, which would be rery fdtal to the iinhahi- side he engaged in ilrarel* aad ismentr.tion,
( 198 ) { 199 )
remained safe ; like a s Sroah a i d those persons xho
s,,ne Sclicve in the resrri-rection7nnd some deny it
held t h e faith wcse mved from t h e flood, ivLile all
solne zc~i~o~I&eilge prop!~ew and inspiration, nitd
the others were drawned. Pox God has saii!,
c ~ ? ~ c . L L ~~rh?iiifi20
cL~o ii2LIf0 jv~llb~ , : ~ ~ q g]c12ct/1iL-
, ~ m disbelieve
c in them ; some are perillexed s ~ l d
lral:der in dolfit, some depend up311 seme ~ i l d
zbin i ~ n r x l d ;bcdiyatenn itz ~ L G ] L ~ rcaj,lj
~ : I Z 72(l~l,,zo??,
'g '
; iomc ibrictiy eq'y th&r ;?l~eestora; ~ l l d
A.i)ji.a;t!xt is? 1 barre gi-~ci;sz~v:i:;c311t3 illiij htsifi2s.. tllls illere many diflernnt rcligiciis t o
to those tknt rnnai:l?d .:-jib hiE1 izi j , ;a:, rr;:,ch pc:c sllbizer.
" baye c.1~~ l i g i o i %lid
tlrnsc ~ i i t!i(iityhf
i ~ 1T.y n-Orcjs t o Lu !:c-. J . ,
. . l r 1. .I..r7c clie form of Tvor&ip. \Ire bcliere in ?:m Cuiij- of
t o $2 drai-.-:icd b?.~;\i;:jct';eJ: . - ;.:cl.
-i.ii;:j T:~:, Kiglii e!ld
(>i7c, rind flyat He in 02rqu:i?':c<>. . .
- .'2 0 17,.2' -.
?):;~~o:;.-,,~.;i: 7 .,!+&?.-.,
.... . I . i r-S sf ,7!:C1:! yil)ii
ellgnged in pr:\lsl?ig .
L i1. ',.-a
..a1 ;:y 'rrc nlarifj7ii1r:
110 "1a,...-. ,,"L
\.. ii ;-<:11. y;., i;:!":? t,{lL2T-
l<,;.,,j -;-0
.: ,>,,L . .Y. >-
\vc do llor T- ;egent our bani:!:,gs t.c ni:J7
. , .. -.T..

L;-. . - ?.I;,
J l i

;>;..;l; :'.
C.. .c:ic;.
-- :
~ Cr . arc thn~kf!i! i c y v;hrterr:.
>.~:j\;- T
-3.- e r ~ n t , ~ ~ y \\
I Le ;,.(

said, ;er:;
j.02 ~ ~ : f i l - - 7 7.-

..I. . .,,,IS of allotted in our f;,,tc, i! P t:Z':W:?'3 L2

piety. 'i.hy L I ~ S Ctlie ~ rill23of i;ii-!L-;::;t;! t ~ k l ,

-/. ..
dldcrent oi>lri:.ofil. Lye;..,. occ.a ;:.
Iiij ol.clms. i7;c do not gr\i v-:,)- this i:. n?
25 *
J a!:<] uv;,nt is the r e s o n for th2t> .
2 ? G . So:ne say ihc Ea;:, ;., ieo;-t2ociri>i ; -.

0,. -;
to i.iL; ori~ci-s, nctioy);. .! !:.! ii?3kheri>z:.-
-. '.'.:r-.*- :-i!;?(,sthe <liciesb.
,1:. '1'
3 LA^
,,--L.A LAX;<
f < < ~ ! ; >- ~ - -. !);9oi;
. . . 3 , 1 1 ~s i.l r ~ 7 e y o ~ ~ ~ L G ; : of
. :. CO : i ? l : ~ > .
- l i ~ i l C f : > ~solilc
$>$-,. I
of' :li2 ,,7, +::.-: L : ;ir2

i!L!2yQ -.
&--A,-.,.: . fi;.-,r
- Llye c2niinnal;j~ s ,2 o. 2 c d- ~~ c -
c : ~ ~ &),:A2? , ~ i;~y a~. ,,~t!,.:.-,
~ <.I, -, tllre:
:--- c;:>:;s:,;. same I)?-
i k r e in S j ~ raom<; , r;i.r7 ar;? fir., ELJ,
y.. , Thoro i-,bina'i that .;a !:~voil~l o;?:opreiicn3lon
-. .
2,s 5:s c: ~cve:1. acln. b::il:$:ie t?:::t crc>ti:yes I>

iIimlrillntion t i l ~ vpp$e~:; it"
- knnn-!. ~ h i i et-ey
knor theln not, 1]loee scic!lfis t1.i-iithey 'C~-., .-i ~ ~
r. 1

esisted 2s 1011~?L,$tr12c'"-.- L,LL..~;::T ; 8 0 ! t C say the T k, rcl?Sb

kno.i- tllcy ha,ve110 ine~in;Ltio2 to~'":.?~.
is everlasting, some Lrilg proofs oi its fii..itenass ;
t,zEgs from whicll come no red ienafi:, tbi;i
( 200 )
siuEy. Some of tbcm are absx~rbsd in :llfasnrinr-
i;aySiLi~s Y O U Laast of J~OLI rely only when t h r o ~ ~ g h
t h e heavenly budies and their dista~ic?~. 0 7

are puzzled over ascer~iiningthe height o r mallu. Solac kreoaioess 2nd lust you hare eaten many kinds of
t d n s rltd c!ouds. food suE ~ z c o r n aaiclc, and taking a urinal xith
Xany go meaaorjng tllc yiyen v,,, J-ON go tc their doors and w a i t Oldy those
nnil fomsis. Some study and pcndcy arii* ;lie
colllpositicn of the Hcasaiis u:ld discovering of i:le are. jich no to the doors of the yhysicinu or

x:::.tb'~ c c n t ~ ?; L;Lra 119 i;iioi5~]cdge ihi: ailotheo-q. Also tile imlocl<y and imfortunate
. . cravd round doors of tlre astrologer, and yet
i f i f - 1 1:-
They kiloir lloi hair ill,;lfi>- : ni:l - - 1 -
..?:/C .(!:'h, f:":'01~ going tllerc, their t r o ~ i b l eare ~ increased for
. , . ,D h .i!>:~.~i'
.1: .1s nut in ilk&;oofi-cr linsfcii a lucky o r arrest
iil:es!.incS t i w r am ; T z is ;lie cxf2!i[
n!l ull] i:losLliot. fnrti:lr.,!ogers
hs!low i ~ the i cili?sr ; 17!lnL is the n i l t x ; k ,,f : i . . .
n:iJ bniinr ; I:orv the st<unn& is fo:-lsc(,j
c a... ;
.-Ut'L a!id &vioerr ta:;e piece of p s p ~ rand n7&e SOKlc
r;i!:li i j llonxnse JjCeii~.2 tl:e f o ~ l i i ;l ~this is d ~t h
the ctiidition of t h L~O C C ;~ Bo\\r tlrcjciiiri oc
erse phS-aiuniis,tbyoilg!l iakillg their ~ d i ' i ~ e
becly :LW ~ i t ~ a t ~rI dl .t ~ ~thine-S

t o ic;:rn Ri:icii
g 3' 1 :lic is iixn-c~,ased.Fy"ln those tlliugs T V ~ ; C ~
is easy and to uilderstn;:iI u p c e a s q - . tli,:-- l?;2L..2r
o . c , ~ ~ , ~ ~the
>L ~ ~sic?: m m , fhcy tell him t o &h-
rt from these the aliill alld
I < ~ r ~;i p
arc :unde mnnifest. As tiie ~ ~ o p h e :llr!,
t ~ bless-
- ~ ~ ~ ~
, If t h y left Ilim to nntnw, the GC~Cman
lroLlld yecover. Jlcllce y o : ~boasting ~ fYOU' ' pbl-
ings cud gmcc of God be upon him,-hns lyritbt,ii,
sicianLns vlld astro~oge~s is egregious folly. JTTe
,31071 a l n h nafisojizi fnlfdd n r ~ l a7-a&joA2b ; tluki
fiat dependent on them, for oor food llever i.arias,
is; ' IIe who understood his own body
therefore v e do not become ill. %re take 110~the
God.' In addition t o this stupidity thBy
advice of physicians base no for
read cot the word of God,, and know llot 13is
orders reapeotil?g duty and ceremonies. &4,d ,, draughts or codections. It is a characteristic.. of
the free that they dependent on 110 0""
the lot of aizves to con! i ~ l c a ! l :*:1nuinn ~ froin one
fancy they :we gainers, and do not understal~c~
i)lnce to anothm. Those maychantF, ]ri:iirjcwl
that they have given array for nothing the veal
liusb~eZ~:~'ulli: of which y;,n rourid,-cs ho,,,+, are
treasure, which- is the soul. They have sold
even worse OR : ! , ~ : 3 , ~ ' ~ l C S?.r.s
. *. .,..
L%*2 e Cfjil-
:L:- their sdvation for this vorlld, neither do they
temptiblc i l r ; ~ : tl:c ~ ? . > r g c y etid ~ :Ilod
i- ?:iglit enjoy the vOrld-heave~~ is lost to them. ' In
a3.d d2J' iG toil ;~i:dl:il.,:>pr tLrv nw
get ; x i : 0:::: S~C)::I:::?;.'~e:i;;c:. J
TheJ- :--;:i :.:i - , ~ f i ; ~
-s ~ ~ i j d -
oI two things bofi were l ~ s t - ~ e a l t bWas
- - nor grJi-Led;noilher nos lieoran.' If YOU boast of
m 2 :i:a!!~?s: yet t l ! ~ ?l-JICITSe!,,.yS ~
11 c -.
. T[!IJ- (A::,+ :!:c c::y!h:::..l
,:, -c \:::
tIlrr yen a:ib- \-lint c h u a are boncroleut men of
&::t C S ~llot of the f';?if, ?!l:....<.,-~ v ! - ~
L - L " :-;'C .??';L i'j(!t
yoL,-rrscc.ia z l ~ t " : i zTbe!:l. fi.iends, rel~tions,
'""&$C? C.:.;l; 1 1 1 1 ~2 . ; .,,:!l.- ?:-<.:;:] L,l nsoing (ill ~ m tilil!;~6,
r , + ? ' , L L :.) -:::,l
2.z(1 & l l c i g ~ ~ o v .\ ~~, f i d ~b.,=r
- - .,.. a lz;:\.;
7 .-.:..-

I.,?? >,07-!...
L t:, 7jjcii. ,L.:,#>
s!nr:~c :I:: insi! rcs. r C l : l ~!!.ir::bc!.L!?if
l12;f :Ll,bdL , ~ ~ ~ .fioie~ ) . )tiii:c t,o k i ~ ea r k h g dm",nilrl - 7

they lilrcr :ooli illt.9 thair c<~~,ltdiiio~~. DOl:") er!;

1 h ' ai of' ; ; , - 1 ,

hop2 of 2 f ~ i ~ i i i &clr c , -::m!;i:a; n y ; ; i L l ;:ir:.j riakl I,, ic. :his biinrlTalcnccto "lljoy ~ - ' J L ? ~at s ~yo::?
~ w..*:
s ?':zl,-2 < $
'.,.&h <>**
,; colrp?.J7, rrhile FOLIY fiiellds, relations
q . c,?:
I n t.55 of sCpLYCit',-1 1 , . , ,..- ~ 2 1 12.i l:!,; j:T~ccsa
J- :1

bonrs go bci(?iiiz? i L ~\i,:;al d you s3.Y t h h ~.-L*.-.-.

U L-t

ancl give i:s%i~ig 10 t1:2 s,i:.d 1

!:oar: L-

I n GTIllo r:5iiia>i i;i:? J

-,-Og G;:r ..
,.,1 ' a:e-&2ries, they
c!~i'l<;; ', .X.e iroy;:l

- tile rice ,,.,,.-,..:. ,.;!li cf ..I

boaic!i2 o~ 3;-QFc jii:Sdrie\-c~s
1s i ~ t .I t is ,;,:,ic . :;l
'0 X ~ C K ~ ! ~
. tll- ':!d.

TLro$d. Tyi~11 their CC:I~:: : : .: .

t ~ e r sare iiot ir.
- kjlzl d.,, =.- -..
L L . ' ~L - ~ S
ta!ce it ZK::~: or some I . ,I-.:-
them of it- 4 9 d then 1::1,.1:1~ ~ e c o l l ~:;.inCd
L ~ J L IhV ~
an; , . .?illp l l a s f i ~ t ~tL>:{
~ y c:::,'"-
t o deceive t,h&. filcll~ls. For sh~iv,q-ith C-.;?;;;:?:;i:
degi*aded, they aanL'cr Ijcgging fmm dijr fa door. alld plcza;.,g ,-.clli,OLi~ion, they v:ite tl1?1:1 !,?":i:i
They X T Z . ? ~ their ~ xhoie lircs in v...p ':L.,;., 2;jid
m~.-.,p in +h.',.hcnrts &CJ- :;yk $ic:,li7-
of fi.iesd&ip; bi:t 4 Cl-
fng bonr to i-mdormioe h.e r o ~ tend foundation
si' t i ~ e i r eharzater. Kiairt alld dny they Law They are continualIy complaiing of God, [saying]
the idea of stop;)irlq t o elliplor o f iile;i did God cycste the accursed Satan? '??by nere
""C? g2tti11g a ! i Y ? ~ e l l t ni?piiilrt silot!lor ill ]-,h adulterer^ and fornicators created 1 Why doer He
pl~~ceA . ~ i lat last by 6O;lif EI:.,. tngc!ji? oi*
L- give thenl food? These we improper words. Their
Ip11cc: they sA;!ct 1li-i disiiiiiaiij. C po- harts are &IICdwith such-like diabolical ideas. YOII
l-cLll= jLcrli2ifs
2nd desatees thzt )-a:: ~ L i f i Lill tLin1; them t o be riyliteous, but before God none
' 0 l:? ~ . i g b t ~ ~ ialts~,d 1 '
laiii;!s are so .vicirad. TT?hydo you bosst of them ? These
1-0, j i
idep L :: ti~oirprayaw 7 .
..L rC;ltlu;l itye nccc. t
peoplearc a n disgrace to 5-0~1. YQ"
1Jy God, hnve shen-n )-G(: their s]f-desiai nl!rl 1''. vise re.ijgiolls also for the sake of tile v-odil
nbsiineoce, and deceived sop. For tT':at n?licL hnve m;lil"Ilet. Inaful which is unlrm-
aI3PXX be 0 - . of their
tlil lenqt!wni;i2 ~ ~aIld ~ aometi:nes
1 , inde that unlawful which is
' a d s : takjng lie hair 6.:. tha ~ j ; , ~;roar'ixo

, lolls
right. Tlleq. give vroug explanations of the T F O ~
robes, being satisfiei wiiL coi:-sc c l o i ~ j 1 2 y' ill!fLiDg
.E ;3 of God. To ativa~~tnges, t-hey twist the real
patch npon pltch: rernainii;~siic~:; e]jc&iog to c ,
I . \Vllat c.%ureligion and piety do ? IIel]
lie one, taliiu,: little to eat, being
is prepal*edespacialliyfor those of ~ h o l n3-cm host.
teaching the 1 ~ 1 ~ofs i'e:ioiml, mal<ing to f;,ijs! Pourjiidges lnnyers so lol~gas they are not ifi
m3rked, long pmq--
m" t.:ll their foreheads a situatioll [bdl.t?~01.I , L s ~ I L ~ , go
w ] t o the mosque rn6i-n-
lilj hallg t l l r o ~ g heating so little f90d, lettinglet-jnDn ing and evening and say prayers, and preach $0 and
their brains wither, their bodies become thiu teach peollh. When they kt posts they seize
their color becori~eche.nged,-these are dio,yether the rnredth of the poor and the orphan, and gixreii to
deceit and lies. Their bearts are so full of nldiae 23 oppreFsivekings t o pIense them. They take bribes
% ~hatred,d they think no o11e created cquni tothelll,, do jnsliee. Those wllo are not contefiied: tlley
make so by f e n and threatening. In sh@l%; these
( 206 ) ( 207 )
S are tho,ongi:$i wicked ; they msIce right
and said, ': T h o ~ y hthe white a n t Lns no liaild~,
~~:rong,and rrrollg right They ferr cot God in fiet, hcv does she ml;e up esrth and over h r bad::
tire least. On thcir account are p u ~ i i a b ~ n e nand t~ build Ler arc?:cd horse. ? Give me an exp!nuP.tion
ji~dprnel~t [lodai~lcdj. Tile bad pr~:ctices of c:iliphr
of ~Lis." Ol;c of the men of the IIcliuew nsseulbly
~11dkings that J.OU m e n t i ~ nas b e i ~ ~the g s::ccercorr
~ ~ i . ';1 TIla
, Giilii xive hey tile earth. For this
C:' the pmpheis i r ? re11 I<iionn,fa:. they leavethe
y;ason, thn,t slit did i,Lmn dlis scrrice-she ate the
~T::YS of the pYoph~ts and jrnt to daitb the
wand of !<ii,g So!osmn and 11r fell. The GeSi
of t h e prophet^ Th?)? tiriolc themrc~ires better t,Goilght lie \Taa &ad Rc3 thence, and they
t h a n all men. They yrefbr this \rur!d to {Jlel~cxi. \I-Lrcfl*2e<JfrOStl tl)il nlrl! ~roul~lc.'' 'The Icing id
U'hsn m y p ~ r s o nnliloxg the111 ~ C C U I I I C B B rulel., he r:, file t~llcs tllz Gw-lii, '' .Do Y O I L 1~1103- any-
first irnl~dsonlslhim T Y ~ Ohas sprrcd ]:is nllcestoyr tliis pfrhon n ~ e n t i o ~ ?~"s
r!,illi. of,. i,lle
n-ell for years. He cspcls fwm liir iiiind re- finy that tha Genii.
: -
mciljllbrmce nf past se~*~-ices.T h i o ~ l ~morldly
b Bi,rilher
L. imllcl; y ; r ; ~ , for if she a c i d thoi
no~bitionhe kiUs his friends and Bmthcrs. These tolr-nrds Gullii this man hns d e r e r i b ~ dsl~oifid
m e not the chai~cte~isticr of s~q>criora. To boast \re nov iri;lject to tll;lt toil DIUI t r ~ ~ b l ~
of these kings and nobles is injurious to Toor case. 1,. freed ? xinS Solo~ilnnmade tile Genii bring
dild your claim of omnersLip rritl-oot proof or earth nll,d wnrcr, and built houses 2nd gave the111
i~ensonis altogether false aiid unfo~mtled. 0 sort c~ r.llnoyn,ncc.x A Grwkphilosopher mid
tile King, I kllo,y one reason for tlds.

j<illg &lilte its7' fie re131ied, '' l'h 6 c m -
A?2 ~ C C O U oP j~ the
~ TT'hife A~zt. rnro of tile *bite riit is rronderfi~l; her body
VLen the parrot had finished this speech, the il cOO1: the pores of her nrhole body ever
King looked towards the aseemb1~-of Genii and men remaiAdape11 ; the nbi& goes into her hod)-
( 208 1
is congealed 114. the excessive cold and becorn:r
to balance For instance, the elephant, though be
water. This forms in drops on the surface of jler
has a large body, is mild tempered ; he is governed
body, and tbe dust which falls npon Ler bodv
by a child, who mounts his shoulders and tnkes him
becorneh mud and sticks to it. This she collects,
where he chooses. The camel, though he bas a long
s e her body for p ~ - o t c c t i ~ ~ ~
and makes her h ~ l ~ over
that from every harm she may Le sared. And neck and body: is yet w c h a fool that he folloms
my one who seizes his nose string. If a mouse
she has two teeth which nre very strong, rrLich wished he could lead him a b o ~ t . And the scorpion,
she cuts through fruit. lcnvcs mid vood, and makes
passsages;in bricks and stoilcs." The Ring said to though small in body, when he stings the elephant
the locust; " The white n n t in a sort of grilb 1;ills him even. I n the same way this grub, which
is ed1&1 the xhite ant, though his body is very
y0-a are representative of the grubs, explain what
small weal<, has a very capacious mind. In
this Greek pliilosophcr snjs." The locust .aid,
short, every Form that is s~ilallin body is altoge-
" He speaks the truth, b ~ i he t has not dcseribed the
tber wise and il~telligent." The King said, " What
whole of her talents, thew are some others." Tlie
is the reason that large-bodied animals are dull,
King said, " Finish about them." ITe &l, ~~\T]lell
and ,qmall-b0died wise ? What skill of the Creator
the Great God ercnted the whoie of tile :min.nI; 2nd is in this ? "'Ie said, \JThen the Creator of His
gave each of them his biesiing, He in His porer
perfect power perceived that those animals whose
and justice made all eqnnl. To some Ile glL:rrre
bodies rrrere large were able t o bear grief 'and pain,
bodies of a,oe ~ i z enild hczry, but ga~-ethe111
]lad be given them c9pacious minds they ~ o u l d
grovelling and gross spirit;.
To others IFe never have subo~ittedto any one. Ancl had the
small and tender bodies, but made their spirits ex-
jmall-bodied ones not been wise and ell-info~med,
tremely vise and intelligent. Thc ?ednndnncy rind
they could ncrer bare existed uirder grief and
the deficiency on one aide aud the o t h r arc made
trouble Therefore He gave N those inferior spiritq
i 210 ) ( 211 )
and these in triligen t spirits." The hing sad, to
she collects it rind makes her home ?
" Give the data,ils." The other replied, The tyrsnnicalkings, are rebellious m d disobedient,
ever?. art is not t o let the secrets thank Him not far His blessinf, the
of the inventor be knon- to any one, or how bodied animalsare nn e~idenceof His Power and
he makes [any thing-] For instance, tile bee skjllm insbllce, the knat killed Ximrorl *lot-
without rule or compass makes in her house dif- nit.atmdillg this that he is the s m ~ l l e s of
t insecte
ferent kinds of angles and circles, alld it is not and pharaoh beca~nedisobedient and
lrnomn she does it, or 1yhenCe she brings ,gainat voses7 the Great God sent Rrn'y of
Wax and Had her body been large,this ~ocults to go there ;md subdue him- Sin'i'al'ly
art have been discovered. So is the ~~d gwa solomon authority, m d the 6ftof
Lthe secret of] her $pimina alld is prophecy, and nlnde all Genii 2nd men bject to
not h o r r n to 311y. This is the care raitb vbita solne of $he rricl<ed b d a doubt to
a""t)nothing can solve the secret of the formation being propllet, [thinl;inn] that he
of bcr house. I t is not k n o i n how his do,ninions by fraud nnd deceit. -4lthough
talcer up
enrth and builds. The phi]osopbers dellv t,hat said that ~~d had Of E-iskindness rind grace given
it is l'ossib1e t o form anything rritllout matter. him fiztrnnlr, even then the doubt neut
And Great God has proved by the s~cillof tileir minda. ~ " d~ o sent d the white %'ltrrllo
it [p~saibie]. For without mnteri- the wand of solomo~', a"d
"Is she .ionre11 boose, gni,her. honey in the mosque. Z U ~ s ~ ~
food If they are of opinion that she collects it ,
,,, ,.beye lvitll the ability a ~ l ' ' ~ ~"lm~ '
~ ~ why do they ,lot coliect it
~ ~leaves,
f l o r a,lld uhitd ant], This power of the Aimigtty
use it? And if she gets it fiom-air to the nicked who boast
Tater_ is a A41thougb see dl His ill
"'ld man carl see: why does he not watch her, horv ,ize and .wealt.h.
and might, they do not take iranlling.
are also got from it. Better than the best is the
boast of those kings who are inferior to T hOUY eJ~
pearl for their adornment, rvLich is produced by the
small insects. There is the oyster, in which the ei;ill of sinall fish rriiic?l I haye just now descrih-
pearl is produced ; she is solaller in body and
ea. 'Ehe Great God bi.ongiit forth such excellent
wea1cer than all the anjma,Is of the sea : but in
i:?ing~ frolll these auimnis, f!mt mull may observe
knowledge and wisdom, most proficient and intel-
thcln and ncknorlcdge Ris skill m d pon-er. S o t -
ligent. She gets her food and n~nintenancea t t&e ,ri&stnniiing 1 1 1 see
- 7 7 -

~ ~ ?;l r,is pover and ingenuit>-,

bott,o~nof the sea and there lir?ea. In the rainv the)- il,rp cp<r.rcl,cnafind ~ m s t etheir lives in error,
season, she comes from the bottonl and stnys----J
aild here the); give not t h a ~ l t rfor His blessings.
the susf'ace of the water. T v o shells of hers are .[hcy opprission tin': tymun? m" His
very large? and she opens them-when the min t . ht.i']esa
~ ~"
~ \ Y b n the l r ~ ~ ~haG
5 t
water goes inside them: she immediately closes

. the men,

gnis3ed this speech. i;in,o said unto


them, that the water of t h a salt sea rnny not be ;c Have lrou ~ SAJ? ?
i ! ~ o rttc T h e ~R
mixed with it. After this she goes again to the n:~)'O L Ladvalltagest
~ ~
bottom of the sea, aiid keeps those tiro shells closed
. . . DPOT" tt!~*tT . ~ o e~lss~ers
, ~ e and they7I

fbr sometime till that I n t e r hardens and becomes - --

s~nF!.z.7p Tile xi:.. '' Eeinte them.

a pearlsl. Well, where is sucl, 1;nomledge in man?,
ola fio2n rmangi; th21:: id, ': Onr shapes
God has placed great fond~lessin the minds of mm1 l;nifoym, p-n.; t:;d~ form and appearance arc
for brocades, sillcs, 2nd silk cord, which are oro- ,,iGuFj. Prolzl&is it i p l m o ~ ltl h ~ rt e are maS-
duced from the saliva of thene small worms. L

te,, a,nd tkey g;tves. For s ~ m e t r ybelon~sto

their articles of food they think honey the most Of
r3:1k a sprenlacy, and mu1iiiormity is pec~~lilia~
delicious, which is produced by an insect. Their to slavery.v ~h~King said to the animals, " What
assemblies they light up mith n;lx candles, which.
, e p ~d o you to tLia S " All the snimJ r
bent their heads and remained for a while in Son-ft'~talisis, ;hainis, Btheists, Asharis, &c. h n d
thought. After amoment the Persian nightingale, there are many more sects, who all vary in their
the representative of the birds, said, '' This man belief aad reli~ion. Each thinks the other a her-
speaks the truth ; but although the forms of the etic, and. curses him. We all are from schism.
a.nimals are various, yet the spirif,s of all of us are Our religion is one and also our faith. i n fact, all
alike ; and though the forms of mankind are all
animals are Unitarians and believers. They know
dike, yet their spirits differ." The King sairl, not plytheism, hypocrisy or sin of any h i n d 'fhey
'* What proofs are there of this? " HS replied. have riot the least donbt or uncertinty of the
" Difference in religion sr.d faith prove it. For polver and unity of God. They belieso Him to be
among them are some thousands of sectel-Je~vs,
Creator and Ba~efactor. They think of Him
Nazarenes, Galilenns, polytheists, heretics, Bre- r o r - night and d g , and rernain engaged with their
shippers and star-wordippers. And in additioll ro,,ie, ,d in praise. But the lnen know not of
to this, in one religion there are many dirisionr, our payers-" They that dvell in Persia said,
like as the ancient philoscpllers ditfered in opinion. ITe dS0 belieye &lto be the &-eator, the Bene-
For instance, among the Jerrs are Sztmnritane, factor, the one God and the une~uaued." The
Galiieans and Jaluteee ; among Christians, Nes- King aslred them, Why is there so much difference
torians, Jacobites, Anglicans. Among the Gu=bers, in y o u faith and 1-eligion?" He said, '' Faith
f0110ive1.s of ama aster, Lrwallees, Hirmees. Nuzkis, religion are only ways and mesns by which
Behrahis, AlanuLi ;among the l l ~ s s u l m ~ nSbi~ls, And the object and end of each
object is
and Sunaees, Karijees,* Rafizis, Kasibis, Deists,
is one and the same- Man must gab that
- * The Ral+ijisbelieve only in two Calipils, Abdbekr md
Omar, and haye no public prayera-Rn6zis means saeadrrs ;
they believe' only in Ali 8s a Cslipb, s a ~ i b i sa e yery nearly ,.
the same ss gannis. Jh3inis do not believe in revelation ;they
a sort of QOLkersamong Mnhomedans. Ashflis are
sect of the Sannia,,
sonle means ; in whatever may he aallis he must sla~ighteran? other that opposes one." The King
keep tllmed towards God." The King said, "If said, :' Slaughter by kixgs t,o acquire territory is
this be tlle object of evel*j7oce to reacb Heaves, very colnmon ; but how do religious nlen kill their
why does one peraoll kill anot'her ? " He replied, pi~ssions,tell us." He said, " In the fait.h of 1 ~ 1 x 1 2
" It is not on account of r e l i g i ~ l ~for
; in religion i s this practice is Irnovn. For God says, Imaltnt-
110 hatred. Rut. it is on account c 'cosqucst: which ta'hu is:shtcir.n miqial n?o,nni.ilznazfo:;ohzit~zzua arltcn!~-
ic a duty of the religious." The XCng said: :: Tell l12hli77 FJZQ'IZTLC~. yzikcitiiu;tn $~abiliZin-
luh ~ii?~ulzilja~zn~11c~
us znoi-e f:lll y ." 11s replied, " The 'FTOL'I~~ a:1d ?LP Jnyz/nkfdEtinzd yBktalum. ; the meaning of wllic3
faith are twins. one is not ahle t o esist with- . rr
I S : 1 he Great God has purchaser1 from the fzitl!-
out the other. B:lt the hith is of..i:.!.fit.inrportance, fill their passions ancl tvenlclr and pro,niscd ther!;
a,ncl the world scconr1;tr~-. Tlre f i ~tl:i is !lecceserj- Wcau:ln: a d tllej-, fo: the sa?x of Gcd, sac~ific;:
for the world, th.t sl! ~ i ~ e l l Le hou::st. An? t!let:lseires and are st~crificed.' Besides these t l c r a
for the faith ;? kill2 is .tr, enfc?:ce a x r~rnnnymolbe t e s t s to prnre this point.. 1;; 0:xc
aiizthority t l ~ crri':es of re:lgion xraor~gt21e pcoplc. pIi:ce. like ns it is mitten in the Bib!e, it i s $,
fIence many religious I l l C i l SIIII:;I.I~,?!-:.~ 3 1 3 ! e to ;ct P"zls.;bli ilu bBr.cek.ii;sr. Fuktrid a?~f~j;5ncrX:;.::.-~ y8!il;!i)?r
. i1:::a d.:-

domil~lonancl r::ak. F o r erory re~;;;:.q::s i.)zd~cb(lreki~,l; that is, ' IE j-o:l m,--::
1. 7 .
l;hai,.rt'il,-t?a.ii?~ .. . .I
sires that nl! 1:1~:1 may folloc- Iiis n;\--:: ;::th, ,.
. - 311d
tnru to God the11 sacrifice j~ourself.fcr iil thr. sight

p~zctiser:lles of religion. I[f .!:Ii:?:-:;.- ! : : ,v lifiten of it is acceptable.' And when Jesus sniil.
2;-tentively, I will give a clear pros, o'. L?;$ --.,-
C n -
L~~sD~." :'\ITl:o ill join me in t.he service of God ? ' A!i
He olpdercd him to do so. He rc;:l:??ieil,:'To ,crib- His friends szid, :7Ire nil1 be feyor ~ o r f i ii:. ~ ~
d u e the passions is ,z duty in ever> weed 532 re- God's service.' Blld the11 Jesus said, "If yn!t
ligjon, and to subdue the passions is this,-to sscri- vould serve me, you must. be p~epc;.ed for deail;
~ ~ ; the cust,om of the world is to
ficr: ~ O I I S Smhik and the Cross, that. 7013 may nlount up to I-:eni*i;~r
nlld live there with your brethren. If you mill not return." When the man of Persia had finished his
work with me, then you are not of my followers.' speech and paused, a Hindoo remarked : ';The
F'in;tlly, theg were all mnrtyrs in the service of children of Adam are greatest in numbers and
God, and never tcri~cdfrom the. religion of Christ. [most varied] in races, in species and in individua-
In 3 sirnilzr manner the people of India, the Brall- lity. For in the whole four qcarters [of the ~ o ~ l d ]
n~ius,'CC. sacrifice tllea~sclves; and while living, there are nineteen thousand cities, and in them live
hurl1 thelrlselves fcr the sake of religion. Their various Binds of people. There are China, India,
belief is that of all devotion this is t.hc most accept- Sindh, Hedjaz, Yemen, Ethiopia, Kajad, Egyptr
:t5!e to Gocl,--for a. penitent to put hinlself to Alexandria, Kir~ran,Indiis, Stambonl, Azerbijan,
death slld b ~ w nhis body t h a t all his sins may be Armenia, Syria, Greece, Irak, Badak shan, Jirj an,
thus forgiven. Thus the leariled on religious mat- Jeelan, N,zishal>orzr,Iiirman, Cabnl, Mooltan, Kho-
ters keep their souls from avarice and lust, alid bea,r msan, Trmaoxlania, Icharism, Ferghana, &c. There
the burden of devotions. They mortify their pas- are thousands of cities and towns which cannot be
sions till they have none of the love of the world numbered. And besides these cities in the jungles,
remaini~g. In short, in t5ia may all religious mountains, a i d islands, thausands of men have
people practise self-denial, and think it accey table settled and live. Every one's language, color,
service, that theyeby t,hey are saved from the fire manncrs, disposition, religion, and arts, vary, The
of hell and obtain hen.ven. But of every creed Almighty sends food to 211 of them and keeps them
there are good and bad; and of the wicked, that under His protection. Th's excess in nutnbcrs,
person is most, ricked who being nmare of a day of difference in co:~dition, ancl variety of employmeats
judgment clesil-es not the reward of goad aets and and pnrsuits go to prove that lncn are superior to
fears not the punishment of sin, that acknowledges the other races, and that they all are in advance of
not unity of God to whom every one wilt t,be created animals which are not of their raw,
Fromthis it is ~ulderstood that man is master 2nd dUcs, porpoises, alligators, &C., thousailds of kinds.
all animals his slaves. Resides these there aye of aquatic animals live. God only knows of thcm
i.iany.other pr'irileges - r e hare, n recital of vhiclt or can count them. Some say there are 700 divi-
~ o 1 7 l dbe Trery long nild teclious." The frog said sions of the aqtmtic animals, and many other sub-.
t o the Icing, '' T l ~ i smail has n;enti~aed the numer- divisions and classes.. And of the inhabitants of
C I I S ~ C S Sof n~nnkindand boasts thereof. If lle could the land the wild animals, bcnsts of prey, the brutes,.
S ~ Pthe jnhabitants of rLe sea and cjbscrve their '!C., there are 500 divisions besides sub-divisions.
rarious forn~sand bodies, mnnkiad W O U ? ~:IppPXT and classes. And these a11 are God's slaves x ~ ~ d '
t o hi!n very fev, and the cities n.nd t o ~ n she bus property, for He of His power created them all;
described would d s o appear f c ~ Frjr . in the n-ho?e and gives them food and al~vayskeeps them from
cf the f ~ n qi~artet-s
r ._
aye fifteen I f i r ~ seas-the
c G!?- every harm. KO act of theirs from Him is hidden:
cian sea, the sea of J i ~ j n n.the
; Cc?;;>i:msea: t h e Red If this man wiU reflect, and comprehend the mnl-.
sea., the f'ersian Gulf, tllc Incli:-ln Oceau, the $,ind. titude of the animals it will appear that the num- .
d h i m sea: the Chinese S:::., the sea of Gog, the bers and crowds of mankind do not prove that
yellow sea, the Arnbi:,n sez,, t:hc F-.+ a cl. 21ell: Ocesn, they are masters ancl ali~nslsslaves.
the Africm sea: the Snatbers, Qcea?:, <he Eastern
and t l l ~ ~ hru~dredsinali. rircrs
tw3 Lul~drcdIwgcr ones ; for example? the Jihoon, A Description of tthe Spiritual World.
the '.Cigris, tbe Euphrates! t,he Kile, &C., of v$ich the When the frog was relieved from this speech,
length of ench is from 200 to 2,000 miles. The one of the philosophers of t,he Genii said, :' 0 ye.
remainder: streams and broolcs, smdl a11d large multitnde of men and animals, you are mcaware of.
ponds, t'anks, &C., in the forest and wilderness, the facts of the numerousness of created beings.
Kithout number, and in then1 fisli, turtles, croco- You are not acquainted with those beings [compos-.
-- -
. .
ed] of spirit and light that have naitght to do with spsn of space c m p t s but there allgels stand alld
shape. hey are single sl3irits and have no dis- bon and kneel before Eiin in worship. T2len 0
tinction of sex ; they are uncompounded spirits, 'men ! if you SRT their uumbers you vorxld under-
and they live in the heavens. Some of them who stand'thn,t your race has no place co~nparedwith
$re of angelic race, aye statiolled in the highest them. A d that your nun~bersand assemblies do
heavens, and those who live i n the colder regions not pluve tEnc you aye masters and a11 are your
are the Geuii and the compnili~nsof Lucifer. Then slaves. For d ! are God's ~iavesand His army and
if you thought of t h e numbers of these beings, you subjects. To some l i e has made others subject.
would kuom, that a.nd snilllals coaxpared wit,h T11 fact, jr:st 33 I-Ie chose of His perfect wisdom He
them are as notliir~g. For the [sitid] cold regions sent forth His Inws for the govelnment [of all
me ten times as exiensive 3s the land and mater, $hings]. Gocl shol~ltlalrrays be praised and tla~lfi-
and the highest heavens in extent are ten tinles ed.' When the philosophel- of the Genii mns reiier-
larger than the iomer regions. And the heaven of cd fro111 this oration, the King said to the men,
the region of tbe moon is ten times larger than The animals have given a reply to the i;hinge of
any of the worlds. In shy';, every vosld as you fvilich you boast. If you h a r e a~~ytliing more t o
ascend is in that proportion to the one below [fen say: say on." An orl:>torc;f Aag3.z 1-eplied? '' We
times gt*eate>-.].-4xd all these worlds are 611ed with Lr~venlore good qualities, which prove that we are
spiritual beings. The space of a span is not left rnnst.ers and they slaves," The King snid, " Tell
yacant. These single spirits live there, like as the us of them." He went on-" The Great Godhas
prophet (on whom be blessings and peace) hns proi~~isec? many t - ~ ~ : x r d: s~isil:g fro11 the. grzvc?
said, Ma ylissamci~dtisabe bezuaze shi6l8in illa w a spreading over the trbole earth, n trial in the jrtdg-
hzinuku naaluk?j.n kdeminz au rcikedn an skj'edun ; l n e ~43ity,
~ i cmssjng t,he Sira,t blbiclge: entet-iag heaven
which means: Xn the seven hczvens there is not a of] Firdos the first hcavcn. the second
the everlasting heavens, paradise, the heaven naters of hell : living iq. cD:-.pnny wilh 3:: tan ;
life, the heaven of peace, the heaven of repose, a jn c3;upan.c. T:-irii i?avia--.::
C .
Eurfenng -., . , t,:,!ise
. are
heaven to live in, the heaven of holy men, the tree . npl:s\uted for ~ 7 9 2 . $2Eidesf - tIlzre ~ ~a,-2 lllr.::i:
~ ~
of Iife, the water of charity, streams filled wit11 * ..
yaGre p~-~::-z~:l;e~~:.s ..-
?.:-i(l. ::;-!2';,:ulis ~~~i~;;.,.~;!l:c~]
. -

mine, milk, honey a.nd water ; splendid drrellings, ..

EZorar, and m? arz 2:;z;nfi: . ;:W::. i.Lsz:. c-22i ; ~ s
the company of houvies ;nearness to God and many ~ o proi~l..'red
11s s11;r i.erii-:!;ci,, i>.elt::e?: :!::a
more blessings ;besides these that are mentioned in thpEtened us -:,.,a . . a n r 11.- I - ..- .-.-
. -T T
V ) e 2l.e

p , . fFr c 3<':, ey&rs.


the IIorm, has the Great God provided for us. . ~ ~ ? ~ fvjt,h
e 2 tX-:< ?.T-!..-j:.ll
' .,A

Where are these things procurable by the animals? prom 2;ly ..&-c2 or -:l<--i.cly.... , . ..
ne. ;he:.
These are a proof that we are masters and mimals -.
5; d;sa.xvantzgz.
- :.-:3fG:.2 v- -. - er.1-
i z ,J

our slaves, Besides a11 these privileges and bless- ---

t o you in z:g~;.~i:;ill. L si; ::,t: !:at si;ne~'iorto 11s.~'
ings Ke have other distinctions which we have A:.1 Hedje3;;i .;$z,
';ljoTT on 21; crji;Riitpvitb
not related." The representative of the birds, the you, for mder an:? c:rcr:mst~..:??ce~ Te i:-z11 aln~:ys
nightingale, said, " Like ns God has promised exist ? If 73'2 sb;i! live :i;irll t!~,;
you good things, so also has 'I-Te threatened yen ~rophatsand holy :x:I, enil n.s:.:;:~l::< it: these . . v

with punishment. For instance, there is the pun- - - -

p"u!>!e TVLDnre ;c>!, -irLq,e; 1
Lza,-led! L:):--, al~ste-
ishment of the grave ; the esalnination of m:Lous, devout, v : y h i . o ~ e , iil~s~;~:;~eis. ri;!l 51,;.;8e
~ n d%L%-, angels of purgatory, fear of the last 3 ,
mile reseix519 the a:g~i!s of GO^. h s e tiL:hL excel
(lay, the severity of the l:,st judgment being sent
all others i l l p(,ocl
.. war$.; thut -:;-i::l-i. t;. pizase God,

t o hell; afflictions, the first hell fire, tbe secontl

that devote their live;:: and neniih t:, Him, that
hell, the third hell, the fourth hell, the 6ich hell:
depend upon Him, that prny t.o ITiin, ailcl rely
the sixth hell, and the seventh hell ; beillg cast into
upon Him, and those that have t%e fear of the
burning pitch ; drinking poisons, drinking of the
Lord. -4nd if F e be n7ieke:I an< obey Hini n G r !
then by the intercession of the prophets our salva- But after a nloment a learned, intelligent mall said,
ticn mill be nccoi~~~lished : especially through the " 0 just King ! When in your presence the validity

intercession of the true prophet-the real apostle of man's claims is established, and it is also fonud
-t$c chiefof the pr-ophets-the seal of the prophets ; tllere is a race among them who are attendants on
&l,la!;omed Muatah (on whom be blessii~gs and God, who have such privileges, pleasing manners,
peace)-all our sins will be forgiven. And after- elegant and angelic WZJ~S,just and virtnous qualities,
wards we shall alwzys live in the company of irou~.ies such astonishing and high positions that the tongue
and ghilv?ua.c. Then the angels mill say to us, is at a h u l t to describe-and wisdom itself at a
Salcil~ztc alt.kl/:i?z tibLzhn .{'ad lihziliha kdledina ; that loss t o pe~letrate the secrets of. Every speaker
is, 'Peace be to yon, l o ~happy m d enter heaven, and orator is attempting to speak their praise
an.3 live there for ever.' And not a class of ani- throughout the whole of his life, but is never able
mals are there part'akers of these privileges. After to do so completely. Now vhat does the just King
the diss~lutioti in this vorld, you mill altogether decide on behalf of poor mankind whose slaves the
dissppear. Your name and trace mill be blotted animds are ? 'l The I i i n ~ordered thus :-
out." On hearing this all the representa,tives of '.Let all the Aniinals reinail1 subject t o and
the aninzals ail3 philosophers of t.hc Genii said, nlider the authority of Mail, and never disobey
" Xom y o ! ~have come to the point and advanced him." ,&!l the animals assented, and every oue
a substantial prooi: Thcse who boast should boast took his departure in peace.
of such things as those. But tell us now of the
mcnners, good qualities and virtues of those people
who are thus qnalified. If you can, give us a
detailed accoant." A11 the men reflecting a mo-
ment, kept silent. KO one v a s able to answer. THE ESD.

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