Tutorial 5 - With Solution

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Tutorial 5

1. Given that X is normally distributed with mean 20 and standard deviation 2, compute the
following for n=40.
i. Mean and variance of X
ii. P( X  19)
iii. P( X  22)
iv. P(19  X  21.5)
i. Mean of X = 20, variance of X = 0.1
19  20
ii. P( X  19)  P( Z  )  P( Z  3.16)  0.000789
22  20
iii. P( X  22)  P( Z  )  P( Z  6.32)  0
iv. P(19  X  21.5)  P(3.16  Z  4.74)  (4.74)  (3.16)  0.999211

2. Let X denote the number of flaws in a 1 in length of copper wire. The pmf of X is given in the
following table

X=x 0 1 2 3
P(X=x) 0.48 0.39 0.12 0.01

100 wires are sampled from this population. What is the probability that the average number of
flaws per wire in this sample is less than 0.5?

E(x) = 0.66, Var(x) = 0.5244, so X ~ N(0.66, 0.5244)
0.5244 0.5  0.66
Given n=100, so the X ~ N (0.66, )  P( X  0.5)  P( Z  )  0.014
100 0.005244

3. At a large university, the mean age of the students is 22.3 years, and the standard deviation is 4
years. A random sample of 64 students is drawn. What is the probability that the average age of
these students is greater than 23 years?

4 23  22.3
X ~ N (22.3, )  P( X  23)  P( Z  )  0.081
64 0.25

4. Suppose that a sample of n = 1,600 tires of the same type are obtained at random from an
ongoing production process in which 8% of all such tires produced are defective. What is the
probability that in such a sample 150 or fewer tires will be defective?

E(x) = np = 128, Var(x) = npq = 117.76 , by using Normal approximation , so X ~ N(128, 117.76)
150.5  128
 P( X  150)  P( Z  )  P( Z  2.07)  0.981

5. Suppose that at a certain automobile plant the average number of work stoppages per day due
to equipment problems during the production process is 12.0.What is the approximate
probability of having 15 or fewer work stoppages due to equipment problems on any given day?
E(x) = 12, Var(x) = 12 , by using Normal approximation, so X ~ N(12, 12)
15.5  12
 P( X  15)  P( Z  )  P( Z  1.01)  0.844
6. The number of cars arriving per minute at a toll booth on a particular bridge is Poisson
distributed with a mean of 2.5.What is the probability that in any given minute

i. no cars arrive?
ii. not more than two cars arrive?

If the expected number of cars arriving at the toll booth per ten-minute interval is 25.0, what is
the approximate probability that in any given ten-minute period

iii. not more than 20 cars arrive?

iv. between 20 and 30 cars arrive?

2.5 0 e 2.5
i. P( X  0)   e 2.5  0.082
ii. P( X  2)  P( X  0)  P( X  1)  e 2.5  2.5(e 2.5 )  0.082  0.205  0.287
iii. Since, =25 is very large, then by using Normal approximation,
19.5  25
X ~ N (25,25) then P( X  20)  P( Z  )  P( Z  1.1)  0.136
19.5  25 30.5  25
X ~ N (25,25) then P(20  X  30)  P( Z )  P(1.1  Z  1.1)
iv. 5 5
 0.728
7. The overall length of a skew used in a knee replacement device is monitored using and R
charts. The following table gives the length for 20 samples of size 4. (Measurements are coded
from 2.00 mm; that is, 15 is 2.15 mm.)

Observation Observation

Sample 1 2 3 4 Sample 1 2 3 4

1 16 18 15 13 11 14 14 15 13

2 16 15 17 16 12 15 13 15 16

3 15 16 20 16 13 13 17 16 15

4 14 16 14 12 14 11 14 14 21

5 14 15 13 16 15 14 15 14 13

6 16 14 16 15 16 18 15 16 14

7 16 16 14 15 17 14 16 19 16

8 17 13 17 16 18 16 14 13 19

9 15 11 13 16 19 17 19 17 13

10 15 18 14 13 20 12 15 12 17

i. Using all the data, find trial control limits for and R charts, construct the chart, and
plot the data.
ii. Use the trial control limits from part (a) to identify out-of-control points. If necessary,
revise your control limits, assuming that any samples that plot outside the control limits
can be eliminated.
iii. Assuming that the process is in control, estimate the process mean and process
standard deviation.

(i) The trial control limits are as follows.

(ii) Based on the control charts, there is a single observation beyond the control limits.
Observation 14 is above the upper control limit on the R chart.
With Observation 14 removed, the control limits and charts are as follows.
All points are within the control limits. The process is said to be in statistical control.

(iii) The estimate process mean is 15.14

The estimate process standard deviation is 3.895/2.059 = 1.892


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