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Oral history text of Olivia

By Caroline

Olivia is a year six pupil who is currently studying in SK SB . She is the second child in
the family. She lives with her mother who works as a farmer. She is a bright, responsible
and hardworking pupil. She always participates in school activities and represents the
school in joining extracurricular activities such as Kadet Remaja Sekolah camping,
storytelling, and others. She is the head perfect in the school .

I prefer grammar, listening and speaking, followed by reading, and the least that I
prefer is writing. I don’t like writing because I do not have idea that I want to write and I
find writing tiring.

I would prefer to the topic “Visit to the Longhouse” instead of “Visit to a Zoo”. I
chose this topic because I live in longhouse. So, I can write anything about longhouse. If
I am given the choice to write about “My hobby is playing skateboard” and “My hobby is
playing badminton”, I will choose the topic “My hobby is playing badminton”. I chose
this topic because I like to play badminton. I do not like writing about skateboard because
I am scared I will fall down from the skateboard. I seldom play skateboard but I always
play badminton. I have never been to the zoo. I only know that there are animals in the
zoo. I do not know how to go into the zoo.

In school, the teacher conducted evening class to teach me how to write essays. I
hope that teacher will guide me and teacher with all her heart. Besides that, my mother
bought workbooks for me to do and advise me to do revision. I plan to become a good
girl by studying, going to evening class and do e xercises.

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