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Quantum Mechanics Tostule bes . Tos}ulete L: The maximal posible taformation abovka phy sicel sysheon aka time & is given by its QuanTun SyaTE re pre sented by a eb —+ worm 4 eH. Ly ARenimey prose EXAMPLE. Spin pork of an EW descrsded by a veckorral Space oc) dim=2 with Ob. given by; ISeis> = (5) | Se,-> =1-> =(2) VY kek represeding He rate of Pe system cra near Combination oA Ie> and |= > and that's all Ye posible in bepmaki on one Can have a= \ } « qu bit silcan be in any sv perpanih on of © and 4 Su perposi lion Princ ple iS A lineay combination o) physical stakes AS: alsa a physicel state, ID>,1a.> pryne. skates —» \od = Q)O>5 +a 1b.> x A global phase ia J ron} 4 astate ele les Same phy nicol state . . ig ¥* \ relative prose io Ip> change a¢ it o relevan} ? chant stake, a the Case of Spin descriphion Aan eT According to Supe rparition Panagle ¥ combinadion Ts physi Coll \bK = we |isve® Sin & J=> Most genere } aramedriga koa. Crofations eS ) a I) oO dws States, lhen i} Can be also Tn any oO vantunm sy steam S Can be in eithe linear combina on Cr perpartion ) ol them.“ L, Schyvs dinger'y fae Le Dovdle shi¥ : net possible ie ASSIgn well-de} ined peth Foley pe eacom eon jal path v Super position ina bensonie produck of H spaces a Consider a physic\ sy rhea oj 2 particles : H, describes por?. 4 dim=2 H, Le dim =2 H= Heh. dm h-4 1? ST base 4 H: The slater com poued 4 Zen pre pared oe Pin > = (1S phes*)@ (a es7s pV 3°). - of ag hes fe | ae? o Soe ee) oe a prx™ J->"@ lee ie pp ) >" & jesoae fee: Spas Ze-) soo In m™ aby 1x nolaky un: (3-48) { (2) (sya) (3) roGo © O-G a oe e()-(3] ((7-(8) x“! p™ pe = rg Buk Phe most o state ty P wilh {ech + +)P pala \\) v 5 3 shales of ten hak Cannel be prepared indepen den thy Ly They are calle ae enta ng \e A rhotes L» Exerinesmuy spree oO SS ees Ry ear (2 (ioe (dot) = ols z]/—- e - x ‘|e 7 cf eAlerts \ ° } (F) () Retolate oe. : ¥ quantity c} w~ sys ben bat Can be measured has associa beck a Sel) -adj oah Operator de [ined On H. { ac | — sf ECTRUM y eigenuecho A- bass) J H. xa pmple: Measurepen} ef intrinzec Anglay mo menba oe e7 —_ s sell-adjoink op. (syria) tn 2 direction - i J P (S.J" = Se rec! Sypechrom : ee S3-Flpsu tlou<— Spechre\ = uw be a 2 2 bepr- ecgenvectory E J }Sz,4>, \S2, >| bas) of H Soe F{ (1.08) -(“)renfeB(o 8) Similarly dor Se=B(S}) ant S-A(oE 6 8 - z Example o| ee SPO Tn the basis {14>% es? p> ei? Ie? ei" / i operators will be ox4 matrices, The matrices asysciated - operators will bed bhe porm: wy uy zy lz w w bi, ob, bi’ b BieB™ - i" - © a oo Be, be be bee Physica Examples : K Measure Spin ind direchon of yr parhicle With no mmeasuremenl on Phe 284 (conv: look Se QV o Measure of be bal Spin ia 2 direction: : i (2) a) ay S- Sel + Dos Compatible Observa bles ° Two obsenables A and B ave compah ble Jit Ba complete be sie of states tha ave ergenstabes of both A and B L These s eches are cdenti fred by He exgenvaluey A] aa, bm PS = an|an, bm rd Bl Gn, PmieS = bm \ An, bmi n> ? only required Phe. svbspace. of ecgenstales . assoc akeA bo He ecgentalues anibm are eae ple : Cons: der a spin an ee7 degenembed Are co mpok ble S. and s 2 Ty compahible a stakes 12> exgenvechou ob S. and Ss S,\P> = 21> S 1gs = Ss, la> > CES HSS IID = (5, -5 5919 D = ik $21 9> = The shot, IDS does nda > CQ J are not commdtdle > Sy we Mr > loutik must be + “| S,1d> =90 or \9>=0 T qd The orem : fn obsenables are compat ble q and wal ch conmuke , Anbrn —ben an “LABIIGS = (AB-BAY D> Come lan bars £6 => LABy=9 mn Phey ace compe ble abesss 3 and \OD Can be eyresic d fq bevy oper. -IABI=eC = AB la, S| = 1A laa> = aa[Dian >) > Bland & exgenslate A A with exgenalve Qn bad An t5 nen-degenemkA phen lan do exgenstale J. Nand 3 L. Blan> & lan > Simulkenevy \y Le dan § degermbA Blas> 64 vecdorsdale cnaide bhe sbapuce Assocaked to Pe ecgemalve aq . B breale de gene racy L Y SHU Phere ty degememea we will ate CD. obsenae les Hrak conmuke Hl el munohe He degene rey , Coe C complete ve} d) compahble obsercbles) 49 De A sek f observables AB G... Gonski they a comple be sek } compoh ble obserables d D avargee acke gs rol basis bhat w smile reosoly preper of all 4 Prem we Yh, MO degeneae, GQ) cry oO 2 Ww lz 4) @ Example: Spa d Len Basu [role 1451-3, Sl 1S 1-S Opealor Hob meaner S SMe ge ge 6& Sepia in QZ-direchsn 2 = 2 eo + te SZ Naber ve presen katron B(.,) i 1(™,) \ -E(*,) (5) This ogerave cn Pry basy > © de gene eked => As MT a Cooc. a4 Tis nee vary anebher operabur Phak conmbes aad dreales degentrag v Tokal sp: J ésac ieee Tp ee) Sn re, Te, 2S@ Soy ge _ (SPer” + r“@ Sere eae) ae ~ooo = hr fo ile Check. expleatly . O/ 1 {CO 0 O02 De See en eee Hel-degenliee babh 2) The sabsyuce A) Sa with exyemabe O canbe brolea’ b, So x 9 7. by finding Hee ecgen vechry in Yi sbsyace oj FF oO: ot (179 | ' a) zara => A=-9,2 Cc genveclory treo) Azo (E) Xe Then he New bans thab Aka gonalizey § and S25 L ; de os \ }4d> =] >More st? . [2 ei ° aes = " (15% pf sepa) = 2 [J seremeens ba, : - ; sh se De wl? 1 oO jo@> ior @)- er) =F (8) eas i [4A = la e pS. [<) : Ly pelohon [Lm —wheg LLL S ecgenelbe TE and mb gf Sy 43 Rstulate i) The rest of the measurement, Ly The result of & meas uremen)- o an obyerrele MN onan state [¥> can ONY be one ofils ergenvelves L. The probelaih ky tha Ca Measvring A with decomposi hon A= Zan; (a-2a, yee) On ans hake I~ we ob hain a¢ b Pus (Ay) =I

< Ax, de) praech oa the subspace 2 Gencrabed by Phe Cegenvechvry with ecgentebve ac ard dim=0, Le pene degenembha Pray (A,a) = \]* Lu, © -dimentisn KAIV> = Sa ras (ex. ddA) (we will see Later) S-G can only give Qrenthy » 2B -Pebabh bes? ts Puy (SgseE) =Jeer oy” Fras (Se:-B) = 11 PY We perdocm a filkering meatuce bat only allow te pass jes > \Po=l+ Exemple: a) We do aq Qi measure meat Sz i Vhe resul ca alueys +B Ya (5: +B) -|<#]4>) "= 1 lie, Ose +) yyy 2 0 bb) We do a U* peasuremnk Sy the relly are equi pre able Pras (Se tR) =) Sa)" & Pies (Sy--k) =) <5) )b eth nd 9 We Preece Sorina cn arbrikary n = (smO coy Sin O iim , ®) 1S : , seein Pus ( Si +h) = \< Sa, n>) "= eo iB) = ie Seyi to) = oer Exenyle re fences ca Qn z exercijes ben Pas (55 One dice comment on CCOCC. A seh of operators ABG.. Consti}vles oe complete sey a} compatible ogeatod q a) they all conavhe ciy Hhe basis a} Common eigenvectyrs oF var qe He cigenvalves aco ab, &.- Aehey mire Univecell, Hee basis. coy Pee system ts MOT ve dundenk = property 2 4 eet Jel piled J) vc elimiacte one obserable of He veh. Fioally Pre spectrum the operators chavecherrze completely the wb, of ecgenvecto and as a canse qeence fhe Hiller} space H Expectation value and Uncertas aty 1G Def: The eyecked valve Or average ofa seb o} peasy cemenby ch Phe ob serveble A ona sek ob) syskems cdenFicall, prepared ) peane werenr KAD oe Zadi Pas Bead = Z ac ITI DN" = = & dc = WH Zach I> = <4 AlYS De}.: Dispersion of uncertainty G(J¥>) % He sqrvare rooh ofity Vari ance Ly tndoum us a Pre stodivtion dupersion on resully that ane Should pend when mtasvirag the abseradle Aon dden}icd copies o} De stk I>. Vins, WT; 20 poe tej Sth 2D and A =_.- HAND From he dePnihon of van ence ; 1F Th (Iv) = BCA AY Pays (Bod) = 2 AC Piys (Bd — AX _— Pas = -2A0 SPyee -2A‘+ ay = -A‘ . -Z Ab —-A* = +1 Zar md AX = )) then O, <0 q A\Y> = AIS> te Y IHD & etyenvectn ol A Jogi cel given bhak the un certorinty tS Zero when yee measore an eo byercbhle Po on one of ib etgenvecto :Walweys 9 ywey ou He Same aloe

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