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(Media & Event Management)

Semester : First

S.No. Course Title of the Course Credit Hr. Regular/

Code L T P Total Deficiency

1 SFMC-711 Introduction to 3 0 0 3 Regular

Communication and Mass
2 SFMC-712 Business Environment 3 0 0 3 Regular

3 SFMC-713 Public Relations 3 0 0 3 Regular

4 SFMC-714 Financial Management 2 1 0 3 Regular

5 SFMC-715 Media Laws & Labor Welfare. 3 0 0 3 Regular

6 SFMC-716 Business Communication 2 1 0 3 Regular

7 SFMC-717 Managerial Economics 2 1 0 3 Regular

8 COMP-405 Computer Application in 2 0 1 3 Regular


Semester : Second

S.No. Course Title of the Course Credit Hr. Regular/

Code L T P Total Deficiency

1 SFMC-721 Consumer Behavior in Media 2 1 0 3 Regular

2 SFMC-722 Theories and Models of Mass 3 0 0 3 Regular


3 SFMC-723 Marketing & Brand 3 0 0 3 Regular


4 SFMC-724 Organizational Behavior and 3 0 0 3 Regular

Organizational Development

5 SFMC-725 Management Information 2 1 0 3 Regular


6. SFMC-726 Advertising Management 3 0 0 3 Regular

7. SFMC-727 Research Methodology 2 1 0 3 Regular

Semester : Third

S.No. Course Title of the Course Credit Hr. Regular/

Code L T P Total Deficiency

1 SFMC-731 Visual Communication 2 1 0 3 Regular

2 SFMC-732 Advertising Research 3 0 0 3 Regular

3 SFMC-733 Event Production & Logistics 2 1 0 3 Regular

*4 SFMC-734 Media Campaign, Planning & 2 1 0 3 Regular

Work Shop

5 SFMC-735 Sales Promotion & Direct 2 1 0 3 Regular

Marketing in Media

Semester : Fourth

S.No. Course Title of the Course Credit Hr. Regular/

Code L T P Total Deficiency

1 SFMC-741 Event Management 4 1 0 5 Regular

2 SFMC-742 Media Management 4 1 0 5 Regular

3 SFMC-743 Project Non Credit

4 SFMC-744 Dissertation & Viva Voce Non Credit

Semester – 1st

Introduction to Communication and Mass Media (S.F.M.C 711)

Credits Hr.-3(3+0+0)


History & Structure Of Communication

History of Communication, Definitions, Elements of Communication and Communication 

process ‐ Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Effects, Feed Back and Basics models of 


UNIT-2 Types Of Communication

Intra personal – Inter personal, Mass communication and Mass-Line

communication – Functions of communication – Effects.

Speech communication – cognition – Selective perception – Selective retention –

Selective expression – Verbal and non-verbal communication.

UNIT-3 Characterstics Of Mass Communication

Mass Communication- Concept ,Characteristics of mass audience, Typology of

audience, Classification of Media, Functions of Mass Communication, Mass Society,
Role of media in Indian Society, Rural/Traditional-Urban & Outdoor media in
India .

UNIT-4 Group Dynamics

Dynamics of Primary and Secondary groups – Personal influence theory –

Fragmentation vs. Unification – Dynamics of social change – Dysfunction.
UNIT-5 Press Theories

Media Manipulation, Four Theories of Press – Political Communication, Political

Socialization, Communication Politics


Credits Hr.-3(3+0+0)

Unit-1 Structure Of Indian Economy:

Indian Economy, Structure of Indian Economy, New trends of Indian Economy,

Monetary & Fiscal Policies, New Economic Policy.

Unit-2 Social & Cultural Environment:

Meaning of Culture & Society, Role of Culture & Society, Caste & Class Structure,
Demographic Profile, Life Styles.

Unit-3 Political Environment:

Shift in Political Weather, Centre-State Relationship, Role of Political Parties,
Judiciary, Legislatures & Executives.

Unit-4 Market Dynamics:

Elements of Competition; Perfect Competition, Monopoly & Price Discrimination,
Imperfect Competition, Oligopoly.

Unit-5 International Trade:

International Trade, Balance of Payments, Economic Role of Government,
Trade Cycles, World Bank, WTO and GATT.
Public Relations (S.F.M.C-713)

Credits Hr.-3(3+0+0)

Unit-1 History & structure of communication:

History of Communication, Definitions, Elements of Communication and Communication 

process ‐ Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Effects, Feed Back and Basics models of 


Unit-2 Types of communication:

Intra personal – Inter personal, Mass communication and Mass-Line

communication – Functions of communication – Effects.

Speech communication – cognition – Selective perception – Selective retention –

Selective expression – Verbal and non-verbal communication.

Unit-3 Characteristics of mass communication

Mass Communication- Concept ,Characteristics of mass audience, Typology of

audience, Classification of Media, Functions of Mass Communication, Mass Society,
Role of media in Indian Society, Rural/Traditional-Urban & Outdoor media in
India .

Unit-4 Group dynamics

Dynamics of Primary and Secondary groups – Personal influence theory –

Fragmentation vs. Unification – Dynamics of social change – Dysfunction.

Unit-5 Press theories

Media Manipulation, Four Theories of Press – Political Communication, Political

Socialization, Communication Politics
Financial Management (SFMC-714)

Credits Hr.-3(3+0+0)


Meaning, Nature, Scope, Objectives & Function of Financial Management

The Indian Financial System

Accounting concepts and conventions

Financial Accounting – Meaning and uses., Cost Accounting and Management


Financial Statement analysis: Fund flow; Cash flow, Ratio Analysis

Concept of Valuation


Theories of Capitalisation

Capital Structure: financial & Operational Leverage

Capital Budgeting

Complex Investment Decisions


Cost of Capital: Theories of Capital Structure

Working Capital Management: Cash Inventory, Receivable Management

Short term & Long term Sources of Finance


Indian Capital Market

Risk & Return Portfolio Theory

Option Pricing

Indian Financial system

Financial institution and Bank finance

Dividend Decisions: Models of Dividend


Job costing

Process costing

Managerial costing

Standard costing

Budgetary control

Media Laws & Labour Welfare (SFMC-715)

Credits Hr.-3(3+0+0)

Unit‐1   Constitutional framework 

(a)Fundamental Rights (b) Right to Information (c) Freedom of Expression (d)

Freedom of Press

Unit-2 Labour issues

Trade Union, Collective Bargaining, Industrial Conflict, ILO, The Workmen

Compensation Act-1923, Employees State Insurance Act-1948,The Factories Act-
1948, The Employees Provident Fund Act-1952, Grievance Handling, Privileges of
Media Personnel.
Unit-3 Legal perspectives & acts

Press Council – Working Journalists Act, Industrial Dispute Act .The Indian Penal
Code, Indian Evidence Act, The Press Registration of Books Act 1867, Copy Right
Act – Periodical Changes, Official Secrets Act of 1923. Defamation, Contempt of the

Unit-4 Rights & liabilities

Rights and Liabilities of the Editor, Printer and Publisher – Editorial autonomy and
Independence – Govt. Information Services and their controls – PIB.

Unit-5 Freedom and social responsibility of media

Tabloid Journalism, Investigative Journalism.

Advertising Standards – Advertising Councils, Film Censorship.

Press Council, Broadcasting Policies, Prasar Bharti.

Business Communication (SFMC-716)

Credits Hr.-3(2+1+0)

Unit-1 Concept Of Communication:

Meaning, Assumptions, Need, Elements of Communication, Role of Communication with 

special reference to Business, Formal and Informal Communication.  

Unit-2 Business Communication Process:

Communication process - Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Effects, Feed

Back. Barriers to Communication, Effective Communication, Upward and
Downward Communication.
Unit-3 Written Communication:

Formal Reports, Technical Reports, Business Correspondence, Notices, Research

Paper, Agenda, Minutes, Handbooks, Manuals, Articles.

Unit-4 Oral Communication:

Dyadic Communication, Meeting, Seminars & Conferences, Group Discussion,

Audio Visual Aids.

Unit-5 Non Verbal Communication:

Personal Appearance, Postures, Gestures, Facial Expression, Eye Contact, Space


Managerial Economics (SFMC-717)

Credits Hr.-3(2+1+0)


Concepts & Tools of Managerial Economics

Demand & Supply Analysis


Production: Theory & Cost of Production

Cost Concepts


Market Dynamics: Elements of Competition; Perfect Competition


Monopoly & Price Discrimination, Imperfect Competition ,Oligopoly & Duopoly


Profit Concepts & Measurement

Pricing Policies

Input-Output Analysis

Economic Role of Government.

Trade Cycles

Computer Application in Media-(COMP-405)

Credits Hr.-3(2+0+1)

Unit 1: Computer Fundamentals

1.1 : Definition, Generations and basic components of Computer.

1.2 : Input/output devices, Memory and other peripherals.

1.3 : Introduction to Operating System (Windows 98/XP).

1.4 : Functions and features of Operating System (Accessories, Control Panel,


Windows Explorer).

Unit 2 : Office Automation Tools: Ms Word

2.1 : Introduction to MS Office Suit.

2.2 : Introduction to Word Processing.

2.3 : MS Word interface, Tools and Menus.

2.4 : Document editing and formatting, Mail Merge and other tools.
Unit 3: Office Automation Tools: Ms Excel And Ms Powerpoint

3.1 : MS Excel Interface, Tools and Menus.

3.2 : Creating Spreadsheet, Use of functions, Charts and Graphs.

3.3 : MS PowerPoint Interface, Tools and Menus.

3.4 : Creating slides, inserting multimedia objects, Transition and Custom

Animation, Delivering


Unit 4: Introduction To Internet

4.1 : Brief history and services of Internet (E-mail, Video Conferencing, Internet

Chating, Blogs, Usenet).

4.2 : Internet Protocols (FTP, HTTP, TCP/IP).

4.3 : Websites, Portals and Search Engines; Online newspapers/channels/magazines.

4.4 : Advantages and threats in Internet Communication.

Unit 5: Introduction To Adobe Photoshop

5.1 : Introduction to Graphics, Colour models and modes.

5.2 : Graphic file formats and their applications.

5.3 : Adobe Photoshop Interface, Tools and Menus.

5.4 : Working with Layers, Filters, Masking and other tool

Semester – 2nd

Consumer Behaviour In Media (SFMC-721)

Credits Hr.-3(2+1+0)

Concepts & techniques for understanding the dynamics of Customer,

Buying decision process in institutional, Industrial and consumer markets for products
and services,


Models of consumer behaviour,

Impact of media on consumer, Personal, social and cultural influences on the customer,


Understanding customer needs and motives,

Theories of personality, perception and motivation,


Customer buying roles, Stages in buying decision process,

Alternative evaluation, Brand choice,


Post purchase dissonance,

Brand loyalty, Brand loyalty shift by media influence.
Motivation research-concepts and techniques.

Theories And Models Of Mass Communication (SFMC-722)

Credits Hr.-3(0+0+0)
UNIT-1 Communication & Basic Models

Definitions , Elements of Communication, Communication act, Sender , Message 

,Channel , Receiver , Effects , Feed Back , Communication process , Basics models of 

UNIT-2 Types Of Communication

Intra personal – Inter personal, Group, Mass communication and Mass-Line

communication – Functions of communication – Effects.

Speech communication – cognition – Selective perception – Selective retention –

Selective expression – Verbal and non-verbal communication.

UNIT-3 Mass Communication

Mass Communication , ‘Mass’ Concept ,Characteristics of mass audience, Typology

of audience, Classification of Media, Functions of Mass Communication, Mass

UNIT-4 Group Dynamics

Dynamics of Primary and Secondary groups – Personal influence theory –

Fragmentation Vs. Unification – Dynamics of social change – Dysfunction.

UNIT-5 Press Theories

Media Manipulation, Four Theories of Press – Political Communication, Political

Socialization, Communication Politics.

Marketing & Brand Management (SFMC-723)

Credits Hr.-3(2+1+0)


Designing Global Market Offerings, Marketing in the Twenty-First

Managing Product Lines and Brands,
Gathering Information and Measuring Market Demand
Designing and Managing Services

Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior ,

Designing Pricing Strategies and Programs
Managing Marketing Channels,
Positioning the Market Offering through the Product Life Cycle
Managing Retailing. Wholesaling, and Market Logistics


Managing Integrated Marketing Communications

Managing Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations
Managing Direct and On-line Marketing
Managing the Total Marketing Effort


Introduction to Brand Management

Managing Product Lines & Brands
Managing Advertising, Sales Promotion and Public Relations
Brand Equity


Brand positioning,
Brand and Firm
Brand Relationship

Organizational Behaviour & Organizational Development (SFMC-724)

Credits Hr.-3(2+1+0)


Nature of Organizational Behavior

Theories of Organizational Behavior
Organizational System
Individual Behavior: Ability. Personality, Attitude, Learning, Perception

Group dynamics & Organizational Behavior
Conflict Resolution & Intercrop Behavior

Management of change
Organizational Development Process
Stress Management
Organizational Climate & Culture

Management Information System (SFMC-725)

Credits Hr.-3(3+0+0)


An Overview of Management Information System.

Structure & Concepts of Management Information System .
Information Systems and System Organization


Hardware, Software, and Communication Technology for Information

Functions of Computer, Storage and Retrieval of Data
Computer and Information Processing


Enterprise - Wide Computing and Networking .

Alternate System Building Methods.

The Decision-Making Process
System Concepts
Information and Knowledge Work System.
Artificial Intelligence

Planning & Control Concepts
Controlling Information System .
Office Automation.
Advertising Management(S.F.M.C 726)

Credits Hr.-3(3+0+0)


Introduction of Marketing Communication and Advertising-Overview of marketing

communication, Factors affecting the marketing communication mix, Integrated
Marketing Communication, Ethical issues in marketing communication.
Advertising as a Management Function. Role of Advertising in the Marketing
Process. Consumer Orientation in Advertising. Types of Advertising, Methods of


Marketing Communication Planning-Models of marketing communication,

developing & control of marketing communication, marketing communication
planning procedure.


Advertising objectives and planning - Meaning Definition and objectives of

Advertising, Types of advertising, and the advertising agency: Function & types,
Advertising Agency compensation. Creative strategy - Target market & creative
objective, advertising Appeals, Creative format & creation stage, Copy testing and


Steps in Advertising Strategies. Creative Strategy-Various appeals and execution

Styles, General idea of What Great Advertising Thinkers say-both Indian and
foreign, Print advertising, Electronics advertising, outdoor advertising, direct mail


Media planning & promotion - Environment analysis media object, Media strategy
& media planning modes, Indoor media, out door media, Measuring Advertisement
Performances, Current developments in advertising. Media mix-print, broad cast
(T.V. & Radio), Cinema, Outdoor, Direct Mail advertising, and Internet. Defining
media planning-From marketing plan to media plan, challenges in media planning.

Research Methodology (S.F.M.C 727)

Credits Hr.-3(2+1+0)


Introduction: Definition of Research, Qualities of Researcher, Components of

Research Problem, Various Steps in Scientific Research, Types of Research;
Hypotheses Research Purposes - Research Design - Survey Research - Case Study


Data Base: Discussion on primary data and secondary data, tools and techniques of
collecting data. Methods of collecting data. Sampling design and sampling
procedures. Tabulation of data and general rules of tabulation. Questionnaire and
schedule of questions.


Measurement concepts: Measurement and Scaling concepts, attitude measurement,

questionnaire design, Psychometric, psychological and social instruments used in
management research. Levels of measurement and types of scales. Criteria for good
measurement. Research Design: Meaning of Research Design. Functions and goals
of Research Design, pilot study and developing a case study.


Statistical Applications: Correlation and Regression Analysis - Analysis of Variance,

Completely Randomized Design, Randomized Complete Block Design, Latin Square
Design - Partial and Multiple Correlation - Discriminate Analysis - Cluster Analysis
- Factor Analysis and Conjoint Analysis - Multifactor Evaluation, Two-factor
Evaluation Approaches.

Research Reports: Structure and Components of Research Report, Types of Report,

Good Research Report, Pictures and Graphs, Introduction to SPSS. Use of
Statistical Package for Social Sciences, report writing - Mechanics of report writing,
preliminary pages, main body and appendices including bibliography, oral
presentation, diagrammatic and graphical presentation of data.

Semester – 3rd

Visual Communication (SFMC-731)

Credits Hr.-3(2+1+0)


Need for and the Importance of Human and Visual Communication.

Communication as expression, skill and process, Understanding Communication


Communication as a process. Message, Meaning, Connotation, Denotation

Culture/Codes etc Levels of communication: Technical, Semantic, and Pragmatic.
The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication, narrative


Fundamentals of Design: Definition. Approaches to Design, Centrality of Design,

Elements of Design: Line, Shape, Space, Color, Texture. Form Etc. Principles of
Design: Symmetry. Rhythm, Contrast, Balance Mass/Scale etc Design and Designers


Principles of Visual and other Sensory Perceptions. Color psychology and theory
Definition, Optical / Visual Illusions etc various stages of design process- problem
identification, search for solution refinement, analysis, decision making,


Basics of Graphic Design. Definition, Elements of GD, Design process-research, a

source of concept, the process of developing ideas-verbal, visual, combination &
thematic, visual thinking, associative techniques, materials, tools, design execution,
and presentation

Advertising Research (S.F.M.C 732)

Credit Hrs 3(3+0+0)


Advertising in Business & society

Advertising as a process, advertising as a communication process, advertising as a

business process, advertising & integrated marketing communication

Unit -2

The structure of the advertising industry, a advertisers, advertising agencies &

support organizations. the role of research in advertising, account planning versus
advertising research.


Developmental advertising research

Idea generation, environmental analysis, audience definition, audience profiling,

methods &procedure used in developmental research.

Unit -4

Pretest message research

Communication tests, magazine dummies, theater test, thought listings, attitude

change studies, physiological measures, commercial pretest services,
experimentation in the market place-pilot testing
Unit -5

Post test message testing

Recall testing, recognition testing, awareness & attitude tracking, behavior based
evaluation, commercial post test services, a final thought on message testing.



Unit 1

Introduction to event , Determining Market,Market Research, type of event , 5 ‘W’s

and involve ‘F’ ,Establishing Bisiness Site, Business Resources & Equipments,
process of event management.

Unit 2

Financial Planing, Relationship with sponsor , planning of event, customer

relationship, Services Pricing,Client and Supplier contracts,Operation Records,
marketing & selling of ticket , Advertisement of event, Operation & Logistics.

Unit 3

Media planning , Marketing, Advertising and Promotion, Employees & Personal,

determining communication objective , target audience , step of event , making Ads ,
booking process , making of invitation card.

Unit 4

Permission and legal requirements ,Accounting, Record Keeping and Taxes,

permission of municipal corporation , permission of police commissioner ,
permission of traffic police , medical arrangement.
Unit 5

Portfolio Development,The Event Planning Process, Working With Suppliers,

Request for Proposal, Costing of event upto event take place , managing cash flow in
event,Award Winning Events, assignment and project work.

Media Campaign, Workshop & Planning (SFMC-734)

Credit Hrs. 3(2+1+0)

Unit 1 Introduction to Media

The Printed world, The Broadcast Media, Film as a Media, Web as a Prominent

Unit 2 Media Campaign

Dynamics of creating and executing the complete campaign strategy – sales

promotion, Public relations, local advertising, Campaign budgeting and execution,
testing and Evaluation.

Unit 3 Workshop

Definition of Workshop, Types of Workshop, Ideal duration of Workshop,

Execution of Workshop, Advantages of Workshop

Unit 4 Planning

Planning : Concept, Importance of planning, Types of plan, Steps in planning,

limitations of planning, Management By Objectives.

Unit 5

Evaluation, Coordination and Control: Coordination: Concept, Significance, Techniques

Control: Meaning, Process, Requisites of effective control, Control techniques,
Sales Promotion & Direct Marketing in Media(SFMC-735)

Credit Hrs. 3(2+1+0)


Introduction to Direct Marketing

Importance of Direct Marketing

Scope of Direct Marketing

Company orientation towards Market place


Direct Marketing & customer value

SWOT analysis

Marketing research

Process of marketing research


Building customer value

Customer satisfaction

Market segments


Sales & managing integrated marketing communication

Managing mass communication

Methods of sales promotion

Medium of sales promotion


New product development in sales promotion

Competing global business

Modes of communication in sales

Sales & marketing implementation

Semester – 4th


Credit Hrs. 5(4+1+0)

Unit-1 : Events, their need and management

1. Events and Event Management : What are events, Types of event & Event

2. Understanding Events a. Events as a communication toolb. Events as a marketing


3. The Need : Why do we need events; Growing importance of events like

exhibitions, seminarsand conventions worldwide.

Unit-2: Creating an event

1. Conceptualization and Planning

a. The Nature of Planning, Project Planning, Planning the Setting, Location and Site

b. The Operations Plan, The Business Plan, Developing the Strategic Plan

2. Organizationa. Setting up an Event Organization structure b. The Committee

System Committee and Meeting Management

Unit-3 :Human Resource and Revenue

1. Human Resource Management

Needs Assessment, Policies and Procedures, Job Descriptions, Recruitment and


2. Generating RevenueFund-Raising, Grants, Merchandizing and Licensing, Food

and Beverage Sales,The Price of Admission, Sponsorship

Unit-3:Financial and Risk Management

The Budget and Cost-Revenue Management, Cash Flow Management, Accounting ,

The Key Financial Statements, Measures of Financial Performance, Financial


Unit-IV :Evaluation and Assessment

1. Market Research Why Do People Attend Events, Consumer Research on Events,

Visitor Surveys, The Sampling Method, Attendance Counts and Estimates, Market
Area Surveys

2. Communications-Reaching the Customer The Communications Mix, Developing

and Communicating a Positive Image.

3. Evaluations and Impact Assessment Evaluation Concepts, Observation

Techniques and Applications, Evaluation of Costs and Benefits

Media Management (SFMC-742)

Credit Hrs. 5(4+1+0)

Unit-1: Media organization:

Meaning, Nature, Forms, Structure and Functions; Role and

Importance of Media Organizations, Principles of Media Management

Media as a profession and industry

Organization/Theories, Organizational Structure, Policy Formulation

Personal Management
Starting of a Newspaper: Newspaper Organization and Management, Principles of

Newspaper Business, Divisions, Operations, Types of Newspaper Organizations in


Unit-2: Ownership pattern:

Private Ltd., Public Ltd., Individual ownership, Partner, Trust,

Society, Vertical ownership, meaning and implementation, Newspaper Ownership,

Types of Newspaper ownership in India. Circulation and Promotion

Public Relations for Newspaper Organization


Production Cost, Capital Cost, Commercial Polity

Budgeting, Production Scheduling, Media Scheduling, Record Keeping

Problems and Prospects of Newspaper Industry in India, Small newspaper and their

Problems, News Agencies, Global competition on Indian Media, Status of Radio and

Television in India


Advertising, PR, Brand Promotion & Marketing Strategies

Employee/Employer relationship

Principles of Television and Radio Management in India, Recent Trends in

Broadcasting Management


Human Resource Development: Recruitment, Selection, Orientation, Training and

Career Development. Reach-promotion- market survey techniques Managerial
Counseling, Management and problems of media organization ,Establishing a media
organization – Steps involved, Process, importance of entrepreneurship and sources
of finance.

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