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Education Policies 03|10

Government Policies 12|15
Environment Policies 16
Foreign Policies 17
Fiscal Policies 18
Social Policies 19

General Policies
Here are general views I hold

Education Policies

Sexual Education 3 Women's Education 7

Racial Education 4 Men's Education 8
Health Education 5 Science Education 9
Physical Education 6 High Arts 10

Sex Education Here are my views on Sex ED
1. Public Sex Ed should be in 7th Grade
2. Public Sex Ed should discuss contraception
3. Public Sex Ed should discuss STDs/STIs
4. Public Sex Ed should encourage abstinence until
5. Public Sex Ed should discuss Abortion
6. Public Sex Ed should be gender segregated
7. Parents should be able to opt out their children

Racial Education Here are my views on Race ED

1. Public Racial Education should be in 7th Grade

2. Public Racial Education should include differences in
3. Public Racial Education should include racial
4. Public Racial Education should include IQ
5. Public Racial Education should be mandatory

Health Education Here are my general views on Health Education.

1. Health Education should be taught in 7th grade and

gone over again in 9th grade.
2. You should have to be a licensed nutritionist to be a
General Health Teacher
3. Health Education should include all vitamins
required for a balanced diet. What they are for, what
foods they are commonly in, Possible problems if you
eat to much of a vitamin/mineral, etc.
4. Health Education should include the possible side effects of vitamin
supplements and what to look out for when purchasing supplements.
5. Health Education should include detail on what parts of the bodies need what
foods to function well.
6. Health Education should include the effects that a variety of unhealthy foods
do to the body. For example, how caffeine effects the egg quality in women.
7. Health Education should teach children the basics of calorie intake.
8. General Health Teachers should work with Physical Education Teacher to
develop individualized exercise plans for each student.
9. Health Education should be segregated based on sex.
10.Health Education should be mandatory.

Physical Education Here are my general views on Physical Education.

1. Physical Education should be taught in 7th grade

and gone over again in 9th grade.
2. P.E Teachers should work with General Health
teachers to develop individualized exercise plans
for each student.
3. Physical Education should be gender segregated
4. P.E teachers should create exercise plans for the
5. P.E Teachers should keep record of weight lost in each student and give
encouragement to the students.
6. Physical Education should be mandatory.

Women's Education Here are my general views on Women's education.

1. From 7th to 12th grade girls/young women should

have classes focused on their gender.
2. Sexual Education should be included in Women's
3. Home economics should be included in Women's
4. Working with babies should be a part of Women's
5. Cooking should be a part of Women's Education
6. Self defense should be a part of Women's Education
7. Women's Education should be mandatory

Men's Education Here are my general views on Men's education.

1. From 7th to 12th grade boys/young men should

have classes focused on their gender.
2. Sexual Education should be included in Men's
3. Home economics should be included in Men's
4. Working with babies should be a part of Men's
5. Hunting/ Wildlife survival skills should be a part of Men's Education
6. Gun training should be a part of Men's Education. (Grade 10)
Note; Gun training must require a background check and psychological
7. Men's Education should be mandatory.

Science Education
Here are my general views on High arts education.

1. Science Education should be mandatory

2. Racial Education must be included
3. Evolution must be included
4. Climate Change must be included

High Arts Education
Here are my general views on High arts education.

1. All students should be required to learn to use at least one instrument.

2. Note; Choir counts.
3. All students should be required to learn latin as a second language (3rd to 8th
grade) and then will learn a third language in high school.
4. Drawing assignments starting in first grade should gradually get more advanced
up until the 8th grade.
5. Sculpting should be included as a high art.
6. Painting should be included as a high art.
7. Theater should be included as a high art.
8. Poetry should be included as a high art.
9. Video Game Development should be included as a high art.
10. Graphic Design should be included as a high art.
11. Film should be included as a high art.
12. Language Art should be mandatory.

Government Policies
Election Corruptions 12
Police over sight 13
Individual Rights 14
Military Use 15

Electoral Corruption
Here are my views on electoral corruption.

1. Rotating three party system. How this system would work is that when you are
registered to vote you will be registered as neutral. You can change this by
switching your orientation left or right. The third orientation is neutral. Every
eight years a party is elected for each orientation by the people who are elected.
2. Cap Political donation. You (person or entity) should be able to donate no more
than $250 per campaign.
3. Term limits. Representative; 4 terms Senator; 2 terms President/Governor; 2
4. All adult citizens should be automatically registered to vote.

Police Over sight
Here are my views on police over sight.

1. Watch tower council. The W.T.C would watch over police to address abuses and
neglect. Each town in a county would elect a representative who were serve on the
county council. When a new cop is to be hired they must be approved by the
counsel. If a cop is accused of a crime the W.T.C will look over their cam footage
and other possible evidence for/against the officer. If there is evidence against the
officer or if there is no evidence at all the officer will be tried in a military court.
Counsil member can have up to three, three year terms.
2. Cops that fail to protect citizens will be charged with authority neglect. The
punishment can range from being fired (minimum) to life in prison (maximum)
depending on the damage don to the victim.
3. All cops must wear body cams.
4. Only soldiers may be police officers.

Individual Rights
These are the thing that should be individual rights
• Freedom of expression
• Privacy
• Right to life and life's necessity
• Economic liberty
• Freedom from violence
• Gun rights
• Personal autonomy
• Sexual freedom between adults in a private settings
• Right to a fair trial

Military policies
My views on military policies.

1. European armies should be integrated.

2. The Military should only be used in self defense.
3. End all military aid
4. Women should be banned from the military.
5. Trans people should be banned.
6. All men of sound mind will be required to join the military.

Enviormental Policies
1. We should put more funds into companies creating green tech
2. We should ban coal mining
3. We should gradually limit the use of fossil fuels until eliminated
4. We should retrain workers in coal minning and similar fields so that they can
work in green tech.

Foreign Policies
1. Institute Tariffs
2. Ban trade with majority Muslim nations
3. Ban immigration (with right to return exceptions)
4. Ban foreigners from buying non luxury real estate
5. End all foreign aid

Tax Policies

The income tax should be a progressive tax rate. The lowest bracket would be 12% (not
including deductions) and the highest would be 50% (not including deductions)
35,000 to 150,000 12.00%
150,000 to 450,000 17.00%
450,000 to 1,000,000 20.00%
1,000,000 to 10,000,000 35.00%
10,000,000 and up 50.00%

The business tax should be a progressive tax rate. The lowest bracket would be 8% and
the highest would be 35%
100,000 to 300,000 8.00%
300,000 to 500,000 10.00%
500,000 to 1,000,000 15.00%
1,000,000 to 10,000,000 20.00%
10,000,000 to 35,000,000 25.00%
35,000,000 to 60,000,00 30.00%
60,000,000 and up 35.00%

Social Policies
1. Weed and Psychedelics should be legal.
2. Hard drug use should put you in mandatory rehabilitation not prison.
3. Inter-racial Marriage should be banned.
4. Same-sex Marriage should be allowed
5. Money should be put into job training for the homeless
6. Mentally ill homeless should be hospitalized
7. Government assistance is okay if it is limited.
8. Health care should be publicly funded with private options
9. For every baby a white woman has she should get one year of free collage.

I'm going to be writing post on my more general policies so this was a general overview
of my views.


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