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Exercise 2.

Answer the following question accordingly
a. Energy giving foods
Example – bread, cereals and potatoes
b. Body building foods.
Example – fish, egg and meat
c. Protective foods
Example – fruits and vegetables
a) Food gives energy to work and play.
b) It help us to be healthy and strong.
c) It protect us from diseases.
a) Wash your hands clean before and after eating.
b) Take your food at proper meal times.
c) Eat slowly and chew your food well.

Meal Time

a) Breakfast Morning
b) Lunch Afternoon
c) Dinner Evening
II. Define and give example for the following
a. Energy giving foods are foods which helps us to do work and play.
Example – bread, cereals and potatoes
b. Body building foods are responsible for body building and repair of worn out cells and
Example – fish, egg and meat
c. Protective foods are food which help us in keeping our body healthy.
Example – fruits and vegetables

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