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ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT is the process by which the anticipated effects on

the environment of a proposed development or project aremeasured. If the likely effects are
unacceptable, design, measures or other relevant mitigation measures can be taken to reduce or
avoid that effect. Environment impact assessment involve in evaluating the likely environment
impacts of proposed project or development. But CENTRAL MARKET are thefinancial
market structure that consist of having all orders routed to one central exchange with no other
competing market .The quoted price of various securities listed on the exchange represent the
only price that is available to investors seeking to buy or sell the specific asset.

Morogoro is a city with a population of 315,866 (2012 census) in the eastern part of Tanzania,
196 kilometres (122 mi) west of Dar es Salaam, the country's largest city and commercial centre,
and 260 kilometres (160 mi) east of Dodoma, the country's capital city . Morogoro is the capital
of the Morogoro Region. It is also known informally as "Mjikasorobahari", which translates as
"city short of an ocean/port".

Environment impact assessment have the following purpose towards conducting our central
market project for Morogoro Municipal

 Environment impact assessment aim to predict environment impacts at an early stage in

the project planning and design find ways and means to reduce adverse impacts.
 By using environment impact assessment and economic benefit can be achieved such as
reduced cost and time of project implementation and design, avoided treatment up the
cost and impacts of laws and regulation.
 Environment impacts assessment aim to protect the environment especially in project
market by ensuring that a local planning authorities grant planning permission for a
project which likely to have significant effect of the environment.

Environment impact assessment set out the procedure for identify the project which should be
performed such as scoping, proposal identification ,mitigation and impact management, review
and impact analysis.
Preliminary environment assessment

Due to the impacts that are expected from the project there is a need of an Environmental
Impacts Assessment so as to help make good decisions concerning the project .The central
market project inMorogoroMunicipal.This project will cause alot of environmental,
demographical and social adverse impacts there need to be observed very closely so as a way to
mitigate them can be found.


This project seems to be big as it needs allot of people to work with also it needs a large place to
be established so this project will involve destroying peoples settlements nearby so as to enlarge
an area for constructing the market. As we can see central market being build at the centre of the
Morogoro Municipal it will not be effective and efficiency because the area is not very large
hence destruction of settlement will take place but yet the market will not be large enough. In
this stage the resources available for the project or that are needed are cement, sand, timbers,
nails, water and other materials. People needed to work for this project are the engineers,
constructors and other non skilledlabour for carrying needed materials.

Impacts assessment

There are so many impacts to be addressed in this project and these are;

.Demographic impacts

It is an adverse impact as the population grows beyond normal that the available resources does
not meet the existing population hence it is too dangerous. Increase mortality rate due to spread
of pandemic and epidemic diseases as people from different regions will meet there

.Environmental pollution

this is an issue and real concern of this project it may lead to so many environmental pollution
hence there are ways that should be formed to control this impacts of concern

Mitigation and impact management; Mitigation is the implementation of measures designed

to reduce the undesirable effect of the proposed action on the environment. Mitigation is the key
part of an EIA process as it is essential in achieving environmental sound design.An important
outcome of this stage will be recommendations for mitigating measures. This would be contained
in the Environmental Impact Statement. Clearly the aim will be to introduce measures which
minimize any identified adverse impacts and enhance positive impacts. Formal and informal
communication links need to be established with teams carrying out feasibility studies so that
their work can take proposals into account. This phase of an EIA will require good management
of a wide range of technical specialists with particular emphasis on:prediction
methods,interpretation of predictions, with and without mitigating measuresIn Morogoro municipal
we have the impact on environment which can be presented in mitigation as follows;

Potential impact; environmental pollution

Mitigation to avoid have good and improved sewage systems and to set rules for those who
destroy environment.



In establishing a central market project for Morogoro Municipal, there some benefits or positive
impacts gained by people who are living around Morogoro municipal central market as follows

Create employment opportunity ,through establish the central market in Morogoro municipal
this can ensure availability of employment through investment climate which attract the investors
and create job for both people since will be employed in the central market and therefore will
improve living standard of people by acquiring the basic needs that is crucial to the peoples life.

Increase revenue income, the establishment of Morogoro municipal central market project can
led to increase in revenue because more goods are been exchanged within the market which
increase high amount of money and the amount of taxes that re paid by sellers of different goods
within the central market hence this result to increase of revenue income with increase of GDP
within the municipal of Morogoro.

Make conducive environment for customers,an environment conducive to the creation and
growth or transformation of central market on a sustainable basis combines the legitimate quest
for profit one of key drivers of economic growth with the need for development that respects
human dignity, environmentalsustainability and decent work.Through make conducive
environment for customer enable to develop resources ,tools and methodology ,providing
guidance on the ways that policies and regulation can support improved working condition,
providing support to the employees and workers organization to expand their

Apart from the positive impact elaborated above, the following are the negative impact on
conducting the environment impact assessment on Morogoro Municipal central market project
as follows.

Depression of natural resources, Establishment of central market led to the decrease of natural
resources such as forests since some resources tend to decrease due to clearing the forest for
establishing settlement for building a central market hence this become the negative toward a
establishing central market since tend to decrease some natural resources which can be important
for human use.
Spread of disease, both pandemic and epidemic disease affect people due to the growth of
central market which led to high number of people with some culture and through interaction in
exchanging of different goods, through flow of information, capital and people across political
and geographic boundaries which finally result sexual relation among the foreigners and
customers within the central market hence result to spread of disease to the human. Examples
HIV disease and cholera disease.

Environment pollution, this is process of disposed unwanted material to the environment which
in turn destroy environment ,the central market project destruct the environment through
disposed the material such as plastic materials ,emission of gases from the industries near the
central market which finally result environment pollution.

Increase of crimes within the society, theestablishment of central market especially in

Morogoro Municipal results into increase migration of rural dwellers from rural areas to into the
city with central market results which led to the increase of crimes like robbery.Trough
conducting impacts assessment in Morogoro Municipal central market can increase in crimes
because even the numbers of people tend to increase for conduct the business.

Destruction of infrastructure, the establishment of central market in Morogoro Municipal

results into destruction of roads and railway which enable easy transportation of people and
goods from the market to other place and open a new business opportunity which link the smaller
holder farmers with traders in order to re establish the trade network and link farmers
organizations to sustainable markets, since roads and railways been destructed there will no
negotiation with traders and smaller holder farmers.

The following are some advising or best alternative ways to consider in conduct the
environmental Impact assessment for Morogoro Municipal central market projects.

Avoiding the environment pollution, this is through disposing some unwanted material and
avoid emission of green house gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and chloroflorocarbon
which can be resulted from the industries located nearly to the market and some human activities
conducted nearly the market which can limit the development of central market for Morogoro

Provision of education on how to improve central market, some piece of knowledge should
be provided to the people on how to conduct the environment impact assessment for Morogoro
Municipal on central market project so increase knowledge to the people on how to manage
central market which can generally increase the national income through easy selling of different
goods which have accessible to the people.

Lenzen, M.; Murray, S.; Korte, B.; Dey, C. (2003)."Environmental impact assessment including
indirect effects—a case study using input-output analysis".Environmental Impact
Assessment Review.Elsevier.23 (3): 263–282.

"Principle of Environmental Impact Assessment Best Practice" (PDF). International Association

for Impact Assessment. 1999.

Http://planning guidance /guidance/environment impacts

assessment/the stage of environment impact assessment.

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