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Count the Carbons!

Benjamin Gilbert-Jespersen
MSc. Clinical Nutrition
Bachelor’s Degree in Global Nutrition and Health
What are catabolic and anabolic

 No time to think! Answer now ☺

Chemical Reactions in the Body

Energy use
Energy yield
Study Question
2 & 2 – 5 minutes

 List tasks that the body needs energy for

 How is this energy obtained?
Catabolism: Energy for the Cells
 Energy-use by cells
 Building compounds (anabolism)
 Contracting muscles
 Conducting nerve impulses
 Pumping ions (across cell membranes actively)

 Production of E begins with digestion

 Macronutrients are broken down to be absorbed
 In the body further breakdown and processing is done in the

 Monosaccharides, AAs, Fatty acids, Glycerol, Alcohol

 Further processed in the body to yield E in the form of ATP
 Further proccessed in the
body to yield E in the form of
Study Question
2 &2 – 10 minutes

 Describe ATP as compound including:

 How much is stored in the body?
 Function in the energy metabolism
 Re-formation of ATP with use of energy from
 How much do we need daily?
 Draw it (in your mind at least)!
Energy Product Formed in Catabolism:
Adenosine Triphosphate ATP
 The common energy source in all cells
 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
 Body stores are 100g
 A sedentary adult needs 40 kg every day!
 One hour’s streneous exercise requires 30 kg of ATP
Which of the following processes
happens in the mitochondria?
 Citric acid cycle
 Electron transport chain
The main site of energy production in the cells
 Transition reaction
 Citric acid cycle (also called Krebs cycle)
 Electron transport chain
Study Question
2&2 – 5 minutes

 Describe the process
 List the energy yield
 List the end product (count the carbons!)
 In what situations is the end product lactate?
Glycolysis: First Step of CHO Metabolism
 Glucose catabolism
 In the cytosol of the cell

 Two main roles

 Break down glucose to yield energy
 Provide building blocks for other

 Through several steps glucose is

turned into pyruvate
 Glucose (6 carbon ring) ⇒
2 x pyruvate (3-carbon compound)

Anaerobic conditions
Pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA
Aerobic Conditions
 Happens via ”The Transition Reaction”
 The pyruvate enters the mitochondria
 The conversion to acetyl-CoA req. Vitamin-Bs
 Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid
 B-vitamins are very important in CHO metabolism
 The 2 pyruvates yield 2 molecules of acetyl-CoA
 Acetyl-CoA is a substrate forAnaerobic
the citric acidConditions

Study Question
2 & 2 – 8 minutes

 Why is Krebs cycle also called the citric

acid cycle?
 What does the cycle end with?
 What is produced through the chemical
processes forming the cycle?
Citric Acid Cycle aka Krebs Cycle
 The cycle begins with acetyl-CoA
 Takes place in the mitochondria
 Yields E as ATP (not much)
 Substrates for further E-production in the
electron transport chain

 Converts carbons of
the acetyl group to
produce CO2 and Energy
ATP Production from CHO

 ATP is generated through cellular respiration

 Oxidizing food molecules to obtain ATP

 Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in this process

 Cellular respiration is classified as either
 ”Aerobic” with oxygen present (30-32 ATP/glucose molecule)
 ”Anaerobic” without oxygen present (2 ATP/glucose molecule)

 Humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbondioxide + water

 Explosive muscle work is often anaerobic
Mitochondrial Structure
Electron Transport Chain
Hydrogen Ions as fuel for the ATP Synthase
Electron Transport Chain
 Happens in the mitochondria (over the inner-membrane)

 Final pathway of aerobic respiration

 Needs and uses oxygen!

 Yields almost 90 % of ATP from catabolism of glucose

 As electrons are passed from one carrier to the next in red-ox

reactions, small amounts of E are released

 Oxidative phosphorylation
 E from NADPH + H+ and FADH2 is used to form ATP
 Dependent on iron (cytochromes) and copper (co-enzyme)

 A total of 28 ATPs are formed from one glucose molecule in this

Electron Transport Chain
A mitochondrial Process
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
(Red-ox reactions)

 Key processes in energy metabolism

Cu+ ⇔ Cu2+ + e- Oxidation

Fe3++ e- ⇔ Fe2+ Reduction

 The ox. and red. reactions go together and one can not happen without
the other:
Cu+ + Fe3+ ⇒ Cu2+ + Fe2+
 Transfer of energy from macronutrients
 Uses oxidation-reduction reactions
 e- and H+ are transfered in a series of reactions
 These reactions eventually form water and release large amounts of energy (E)
 The released energy is used to form ATP

 Red-ox reactions are catalyzed and controled by enzymes

 Co-enzymes to dehydrogenases
 B-vitamins: Niacin and Riboflavin
Co-enzyme and Apo-enzyme
 Apo-enzyme is the enzyme without the co-enzyme
 Not active, no function

 Co-enzyme is the missing part for the specific apo-enzyme

 In unity they work as an active enzyme with ability to turn a substrate
into a product

 Many essential micronutrients are co-enzymes

 Iron, Copper, Zink, Selenium, Vitamin Bs, Vitamin C etc.
Study Questions!
1. What is the main form of energy used by the body?

2. What are catabolic and anabolic reactions?

3. What is the difference between oxidation and reduction


4. How do the vitamin Bs niacin and riboflavin play a role

in metabolism?

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