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Padanadhamsa Dasa

A Phalitha Dasa
Mahamahopadhyaya Iranganti
Rangacharya, India
Copy Editor: Shanmukha

The relevant Jaimini Sutra is

तऽािप पदेश दसाे पदनवांशदशायां िपतृ

िदन ेश िऽकोणे वा1 २-१-२९
tatrāpi padeśa dasānte
padanavāṁśadaśāyāṁ pitṛ dineśa trikoṇe vā

But this is named as Padanadhamsa Dasa

Iranganti Rangacharya is one of the in Phalaratnamala of Krishna Mishra.

oldest authorities on Jaimini alive today, Though Padanadhamsa Dasa was

born in 1927, he started astrology at the mentioned as an ayurdasa in
age of 25 in 1952. Later in 1960 he started Phalaratnamala, it was used as a phalita
meticulous study of Jaimini astrology & dasa also by some scholars of the past. The
thus has 48 rich years of experience in relevant karika is as follows:
Jaimini at this age of 81. Author of
पदेशांश राशे ु दशा नेया िवचक्षन ैः
numerous articles since 4 decades, 9
books & an extremely humble soul who
चरे चरािद मागण षा षािदकः िरे
in spite of weak health contributes to the
cause of Jaimini. His work Jaimini
Sutramritam published by Sagar
ु वषार् नदीदशोिदतः
ाप भाग्यतो यग्मे
Publications, New Delhi is considered a
classic by the serious student of Jaimini padeśasthāṁśa rāśestu daśā neyā vicakṣanaiḥ
care carādi mārgeṇa ṣaṣṭā ṣaṣṭādikaḥ sthire
svāpatya bhāgyato yugme varṣā

Padanadhamsa dasa should be reckoned in

the Jaimini Navamsa2 chart.

Jaimini Sutramritam 2-1-29
Copy Editor’s Note: Readers can refer to
Jaimini Sutramritam, M/s Sagar Publications
for construction of Jaimini Navamsa Chart.
Step 1: Find out the Arudha Lagna in the Rasi chart.
Step 2: Find out the sign in the Navamsa chart occupied by the lord of the Arudha
Step 3: Padanadhamsa dasa should begin from the sign obtained in the step 2 above.
Step 4:
a. If the sign is cardinal and odd, the dasa-signs run regularly, if even, the dasa-
signs run reversely.
b. If the sign is fixed and odd, the dasa- signs run directly in the order of every
6th sign, if it is fixed and even, the dasa- signs run reversely in the order of
every 6th sign.
c. If the sign is dual and odd, the dasa- signs run directly in the order of 1, 5, 9
signs. If dual and even, the dasa- signs run reversely in the order of 1, 5, 9
Calculation of Dasa Years:
1. Count the number from the dasa-sign to the lord of the dasa-sign directly if the dasa-
sign is an odd sign. This number is the number of the years of the dasa-sign Count the
number from the dasa-sign to the lord of the dasa-sign reversely if the dasa-sign is
even. This number is the number of years of the dasa-sign
2. If the dasa-sign is occupied by its lord it gets 12 years
3. If the lord of the dasa-sign occupies its 7th sign, the dasa-sign gets 10years

For clear understanding of the Padanadhamsa dasa, the horoscopic chart of Indira Gandhi is
illustrated below.
D.O.B=19-11-1917, at 11-12PM IST, Allahabad, India.

Jaimini Navamsa of Mrs. Indira Gandhi:

Ascendant =Cancer 27d.6mt
Sun=7s.4d.8m, Moon =9s.5d.37m, Mars=4s.16d.23m, Mercury=9s.5d.37m, Jupiter=1s.15d.21m,
Venus=8s.21m, Saturn=3s.21d.47m.Rahu=8s.10d.33m.

Atma karaka = Saturn.

Dara karaka = Sun.

Padanadhamsa Dasa in the chart of Indira Gandhi

Arudha lagna is Aries the 10th of the ascendant (Cancer) because the Moon, the lord of the
Ascendant Cancer is placed in Capricorn, the 7th of the Ascendant Cancer. The lord of the
arudha lagna( Aries) is Mars placed in Leo in the Jaimini navamsa chart. Hence the
Padanadhamsa dasa begins from Leo. Since Leo is a fixed and odd sign the dasa-signs are
Leo, Capricorn, Gemini, Scorpio, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus, Libra,
Pisces in the order of every 6th directly in the Jaimini navamsa chart as given below.

Sl. No Dasa Sign Years Duration

1 Leo 11 Years 1917 - 1928
2 Capricorn 12 Years 1928 - 1940
3 Gemini 11 Years 1940 - 1951
4 Scorpio 10 Years 1951 - 1961
5 Aries 5 Years 1961 - 1966
6 Virgo 6 Years 1966 - 1972
7 Aquarius 12 Years 1972 - 1984
8 Cancer 8 Years 1984 - 1992
9 Sagittarius 10 Years 1992 - 2002
10 Taurus 8 Years 2002 - 2010
11 Libra 12 Years 2010 - 2022
12 Pisces 10 Years 2022 - 2032

Marriage happened on 26-3-1942 i.e. in Gemini-Libra (19-11-1941to19-10-1942).

Gemini is occupied by the Dara karaka, Sun and its 7th is occupied by the Moon. Also the
bahya (bhoga) of Gemini is Aries, the 7th of which is Libra occupied by Venus. She became
a cabinet minister on 9-6-1964 and Prime Minister on 26-1-1966 in the Aries Dasa of 5years.
Aries is occupied by Mercury and its 5th house is occupied by its own lord, Mars (Sutra:
leyanmeshadhipaha) and the 9th house is occupied by the Moon and 10th house by Saturn in
own house. The bahya sign of Aries is Sagittarius. This is occupied by the Moon, its 2nd is
occupied by Saturn in own house, the 5th house is occupied by Mercury, the 11th is occupied
by Venus, and the 10th is occupied by Jupiter.

Note: Aries dasa begins from 19-1-1961 and ends on 19-11-1966, since the dasa-years of Aries
are 5years.

Aries Dasa 19-11-1961

Aries-Aries = -5-
Aries-Taurus -5-
Aries-Gemini -5-
Aries-Cancer -5-
Aries-Leo -5-
Aries-Virgo -5-
19-5- 1964
Aries-Libra -5-
Aries-Scorpio -5-
Aries-Sagittarius -5-
Aries-Capricorn -5-
Indira Gandhi became Cabinet Minister on 9-6-1964 in Aries-Libra and Prime Minister on
26-1-1966 in Aries-Aquarius. (in the bahya sign, Sagittarius).

The meaning implied in Padanadhamsa is as follows:

Pada means parama pada, nadha means the lord who is Lord Vishnu, amsa means part
referring to Goddess Lakshmi, the inseparable amsa (apridhak sambandha). Hence it is quite
apt to make use of this phalitha dasa in female nativities preferably.

See below the dwara3 & bahya dasa-signs used above in the Aries Dasa of 5 years.

S.No. Dwara Bahya

1 Aries Aries (1)
2 Taurus Gemini (3)
3 Gemini Leo (5)
4 Cancer Libra (7)
5 Leo Sagittarius (9)
6 Virgo Aquarius (11)
7 Libra Aries (1)
8 Scorpio Gemini (3)
9 Sagittarius Leo (5)
10 Capricorn Libra (7)
11 Aquarius Sagittarius (9)
12 Pisces Aquarius (11)

Copy Editor’s Note: Readers are requested to refer the Dwara – Bahya Article published elsewhere in
this magazine.

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