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There is no doubt that ships are very important in our everyday

lives. It can be used for transportation like RO-RO ferries and other

commercial ships. It can also be used for shipping goods which is the job

of the cargo ships. Boats can also be helpful in the livelihoods of our

fellow Filipino people by making fishing in lakes and ponds possible. It is

also used by the military forces to guard coastlines and their territories.

As we can see, boats have contributed a lot to help our lives improve. The

researchers have chosen the topic, A Comparative Study Between A

Battery Powered Air Propelled Boat and A Solar Powered Air

Propelled Boat in terms of Acceleration, Velocity and Work to find

out which power source is best, the battery power or the solar power.

Today, one of the problems in Metro Manila when the rainy season

comes is flood. As we have experienced during the Typhoon Ondoy,

almost all the places in Pasig were filled with filthy water about the level

of our hips. Looking back, we didn’t expect these kinds of situations and

resulted into casualties. There was lack of materials for rescuing

especially the speedboat causing almost two hundred people dead.


The researchers have seen the devastating effect of the typhoons

when not given an urgent solution. The solution of the researchers is the

alternative power source for the boats that helps save hundreds and

thousands of lives.


The present investigation determines the difference of a battery

powered air propelled boat and a solar powered air propelled boat.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the difference of a batter powered air propelled boat and a

solar powered air propelled boat in terms of:



1.3 work

2. Compare the conditions of the boats powered by a battery and a solar


Independent Variable: (Manipulated)

Battery and Solar Panel

Dependent Variables: (Responding)


Acceleration, velocity and work of the boats

Constant Variables: (Controlled)

Structure of the boat

Amount of water

Kind of tub


There is no significant difference between a battery operated boat and

a solar powered boat in terms of acceleration, velocity and work on the

following variables:

 the structure of the boat;

 the materials used to build the body of the boat;

 the amount of water;

 the direction of the boat; and

 the motor.


As we all know, solar power and battery can be an alternative to the

usage of gas in boats. The said alternatives are friendlier to nature and cost

cheaper compared to gas which approximately costs about 43-50php. There

are many beneficiaries of the said alternatives like the following.


Firstly, this study can benefit the environment. This power source

alternative have a low cost of pollution. It is very important for us to lessen

the pollution because we all know that our nature is limited and it will be

destroyed if we do not know how to take care of this gift from God.

This study can also benefit the coast guard. Instead of using expensive

gas, they can use solar panels if the researchers can prove that this study

will be successful. These alternatives can be also used in saving lives during

calamities such as the past typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng.

It can benefit fishing industry in our country. If the researchers can

prove that this study is useful, the fishermen in our country can use this idea

instead of using manual boats.

This study can also benefit ourselves, in times of calamities we can use

the battery powered boats. We can use this in rescue and relief operations.

If the researchers will be successful in this study, this may be helpful to us.

And also to our government, as alternatives to the high-costing boats used

by the coast guards. And the fishermen will earn more. This study is very

significant to our country because as we all know our country is an



The researchers will focus the study on the comparison between

battery operated air propulsion boat and solar powered air propulsion boat.

The boats will be put on a two basin full of water, that all factors will be

maintained constant except for energy to be used in moving the boats; the

first set with battery operated boat, while the second set with solar powered

air propulsion, the researchers will observe the boats moving within set A

and set B for a matter of time. The velocity, acceleration, speed, time,

distance and as well as the general conditions of the boats will be observed

and the researchers will compare the effect of the battery operated air

propulsion boat and solar powered air propulsion boat. This experiment will

test the use of battery and solar to prolong the condition of the two kinds of

power source. The set up must be done in the laboratory and not in other

places, which the conditions and quality of materials used must also be

similar with the kind of materials found which are recycled products.


Boat - A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or

paddles, but often by a sail. 

Cargo Ships - conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country

or industry.

Propulsion- the act of propelling or the state of being propelled.

 RO-RO Ferries- roll-on / roll-off ferries.

Speedboat - a fast motorboat.

Solar panel- a large, thin panel consisting of an array of solar cells, often

attached to artificial satellites, rooftops, etc. to generate electricity directly

from sunlight.

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