Ard 4

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[GKmojo] ARD 4

Q 121. Where is pearl fishing well developed in India?

a. Off the Bengal Coast
b. Off Kerala Coast
c. Off the Coast of Rameshwaram
d. Off the Vishakhapatnam Coast

Ans: c

Q 122. Murrah is a breed of?

a. Pig
b. Buffalo
c. Sheep
d. Goat
e. Bull

Ans. b, The Murrah breed of Water buffalo is a breed of domestic water

buffalo kept for dairy production

Q 123. Which of the following statements correctly defines the term ‘Transhumance’?
a. Economy that solely depends on animals
b. Farming in which only one crop is cultivated by clearing hill tops
c. Practice of growing crops on higher hill slopes in summers and foothills in winters
d. Seasonal Migration of people with their animals up and down the mountains.
e. None of the above

Ans: d

Q 124. The important feature of shifting cultivation is?

a. Cultivation by Transplantation
b. Rotation of crops
c. Change of Cultivation Site
d. Cultivation of leguminous crops
e. All of the above

Ans: c

Q 125. Inland Fisheries is referred to?

a. Extraction of oil from fish
b. Deep sea fisheries
c. Trapping and capturing fish
d. Culturing fish in freshwater
e. None of the above

Ans. d, It is basically referred to rearing of sheep in fresh water

Q 126. Which branch of agriculture is rearing of silk worms?

a. Sericulture
b. Apiculture
c. Floriculture
d. Mariculture
e. Viticulture

Ans. a, This practise is referred to the rearing of silkworms for the

cultivation of silk.

Q 127. For what purpose have Ministry of Agriculture (under RKVY Yojana) and NRSC
(ISRO) signed a MoU in April 2017?
a. Geological analysis of soil
b. Geo analysis of crops
c. Geo tagging agricultural assets
d. None of these above
e. All of the above

Ans: c

Q 128. Which royal monarch released a new digital green App for Indian farmers?
a. Queen Elizabeth
b. Queen Victoria
c. Prince Charles
d. Prince Williams
e. Prince Harry

Ans: c

Q 129. Forest Survey in India has it’s headquarter located in?

a. New Delhi
b. Dehradun
c. Shimla
d. Guwahati
e. Hyderabad

Ans: b
Q 130. In which of the following categories of protected area in India are local people
not allowed to collect and use the biomass?
a. Biosphere Reserves
b. Wetland declared under Ramsar Convention
c. Wildlife Sanctuaries
d. National Parkse.
E. None of the above

Ans. d, National parks are basically kept without the reach of normal
people to conserve the biomass.

Q 131. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) was instituted by which of the
b. RBI
c. Finance Ministry
d. Ministry of Home Affairs
e. None of the above

Ans. a, NABARD looks after Rural Development Infrastructure Fund.

Q 132. National Rurban Mission was launched by PM Modi in which state?

a. New Delhi
b. Haryana
c. Gujarat
d. Madhya Pradesh
e. Chhattisgarh

Ans. e, On 22 February 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the

National Rurban Mission (NRM) from Kurubhat in Rajnandgaon district of

Q 133. The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme was launched in
which year to provide food, pre- school education and primary healthcare to children
below 6 years of age and their mothers? a. 1980
b. 1975
c. 1982
d. 1993
e. 1972
Ans. b, The Integrated Child Development Services launched in 1975 in 33
community development blocks is now one of the largest scheme and with
universalization now envisaged to cover 14 Lakh habitations across the

Q 134. What is the full form of NREGP?

a. National Regional Employment Guarantee Programme
b. National Rural Entrepreneurship Guarantee Programme
c. National Rural Educational Guarantee Programme
d. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programmee.

Ans. d, The NREGA is designed as a safety net to reduce migration by rural

poor households in the lean period by providing them at least a hundred
days of guaranteed unskilled manual labour on demand at minimum wages

Q 135. What is the full form of MGNREGA?

a. Maharashtra Government National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
b. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
c. Meghalaya Government National Rural Guarantee Act
d. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Empowerment Act
e. None of the above

Ans: b

Q 136. NITI Aayog on 31st October 2016 launched the first agricultural index of its kind.
What it is called?
a. Agricultural Marketing and Farm Friendly Reforms Index
b. Agricultural Marketing Index
c. Agricultural Farm Friendly Reforms Index
d. Agriculture Farm Friendly Rural Index
e. None of these

Ans: a

Q 137. Fertility of soil can be improved by?

a. Adding living earthworms
b. Adding dead earthworms
c. Removing dead earthworms
d. Removing dead earthworms and adding living earthworms
e. None of these
Ans. a, Adding living earthworms dig the soil and helps in increasing the
fertility of the soil.

Q 138. The most important item of exports in marine exports from India is?
a. Crab
b. Lobsters
c. Shrimp
d. Prawn
e. None Of these

Ans: c

Q 139. Which is the home of Alphornso Mango?

a. Ratnagiri
b. Malda
c. Vijaywada
d. Banaras
e. None of these

Ans:. a, Ratnagiri is considered to be the best place for the production of

this variety of mangoes.

Q 140. Which of the following states do not cultivate Wheat?

a. Karnataka
b. Maharashtra
c. West Bengal
d. Tamil Nadu
e. Jharkhand

Ans: d, This is because the climate of this place isn’t suitable for the
production of wheat.

Q 141. Which is also known as golden fiber?

a. Cotton
b. Wheat
c. Silk
d. Oats
e. Jute

Ans. e, Jute is considered to be the golden fibre amongst all the crops.

Q 142. Golden Revolution is related to?

a. Oilseed Production
b. Honey Horticulture
c. Jute Production
d. Egg Production
e. Agricultural Production

Ans. b, In India , the period between 1991 to 2003 is termed as Golden

Revolution. Golden revolution is about Honey and Horticulture production.

Q 143. ________ Crop is grown in the laterite soil.

a. Pear
b. Coconut
c. Tea
d. Litchi
e. Coffee

Ans: c

Q 144. Indian Pulse Research Institute is located in?

a. Allahabad
b. Kanpur
c. Faizabad
d. Lucknow
e. New Delhi

Ans. b, It was established in the year 1983 by the Indian Council of

Agricultural Research (ICAR) to carry out basic strategic and applied
research on major pulse crops. It is situated on Grand Trunk Road and is
about twelve km from Kanpur Central Railway Station towards New Delhi.

Q 145. Seed Plant Technique is followed in?

a. Paddy
b. Wheat
c. Bajra
d. Potatao
e. Rice

Ans: a, Increase germination rates by planting seeds at the correct depth.

As a rule, seeds should not be buried any deeper than their diameter.

Q 146. Which one is the record of land cultivation?

a. Khatouni
b. Girawari
c. Panchnama
d. Jamabandi
e. None of these

Ans: a

Q 147. Which of the following is not a plantation crop?

a. Coffee
b. Sugercane
c. Wheat
d. Rubber
e. Rice

Ans: d

Q 148. ________ requires high temperature, light rainfall, 210 frost free days and
bright sunshine.
a. Jute
b. Cotton
c. Tea
d. Coffee
e. Rice

Ans: b

Q 149. Indian Green Revolution started from?

a. Bangaluru
b. Kanpur
c. Delhi
d. Mumbai
e. Patnanagar

Ans: e, This was the place where the movement took a decent start and then
spread throughout the country

Q 150. Among the following crop rotations, which is good for increasing soil nutrient
a. Rice- wheat
b. Groundnut- wheat
c. Pearlmillet- wheat
d. Sorgham- wheat e. None of these

Ans: b
Q 151. White rust is an important fungal disease of?
a. Wheat
b. Mustard
c. Rice
d. Bajra
e. Tea

Ans: b, This is a common type of disease that causes damage to the crop.

Q 152. HD 2967 is a high yielding variety of?

a. Rice
b. Maize
c. Mustard
d. Wheat
e. Bajra

Ans. d, Within three years since its release in 2011, HD 2967, a new variety
is expected to cover most of the area in the district as it is gaining immense
popularity among the farmers.

Q 153. The scientific study of soil is called?

a. Earth Study
b. Soil Study
c. Pedology
d. Soil Chemistry
e. None of these

Ans: c , It is the study of soil in natural environment

Q 154. Soil factors are otherwise known as?

a. Climatic factors
b. Biotic factors
c. Physiographic factors
d. Edaphic factors
e. None of these

Ans: d

Q 155. Fire curing is followed in?

a. Bidi Tobacco
b. Hookah Tobacco
c. Cheroot Tobacco
d. Chewing Type Tobacco
e. All of these

Ans: d

Q 156. Ratna is a variety of?

a. Rice
b. Barley
c. Wheat
d. Maize
e. Tea

Ans: a

Q 157. Water use efficiency is highest in the case of?

a. Border irrigation
b. Drip irrigation
c. Sprinkler irrigation
d. Flood irrigation
e. None of these

Ans: b, Drip Irrigation helps the crop for its full- fledged growth resulting
in high yield.

Q 158. The animals produced by mating of two different breeds of the same species is
known as?
a. Mixed Breed
b. Cross Breed
c. Exotic Breed
d. Pure Breed
e. All of these

Ans: b

Q 159. The ratio between marketable crop yield and water used in evapotranspiration is?
a. Field water use efficiency
b. Economic irrigation efficiency
c. Consumptive use efficiency
d. Water use efficiency
e. None of these

Ans: a
Q 160. Kisan Mitra is an employee of?
a. Central Govt.
b. Corporation
c. NGO
d. State Govt.
e. None of these

Ans: d, State govt. takes care of this department for the help of the farmers
to solve their issues

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