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2012 Personality

Interview with Ronald Inglehart:

Why I am in Russia and What I think about This
scientist to Russia was opening up and Ukraine, and Turkmenistan, and they
being announced. They said why do we recruited highly talented BA students.
not put in an application to cover the Initially we had 40 people and the next
WVS in Russia and bring you here. I’d year we got additional 40 researchers.
never thought of spending a long time So, now we have a large number of
in Russia. I don’t speak Russian, I people working on this project. The
speak several languages but not goal is to have each person doing his
Russian. So I thought: “I don’t think or her own project, which they had to
I’d like to spend 4 or 5 months here”. design in order to be recruited. Then
But they argued and convinced me that we gave criticism and suggestions on
Ronald Inglehart the grant program was so attractive, as how they could improve the design.
you know, research support was so Then we met in April and they were
Professor, University of Michigan; excellent, covering WVS in Russia given further feedback, they presented
Scientific Adviser of LCSR, and in former soviet countries, which findings and results. We have had a
National Research University – is a huge help to WVS, and would pro- very good and promising group proj-
Higher School of Economics (HSE) vide funding for me to be here. And ect, as you know. I was able to work
the idea of spending some time here not only with strong Russians but I had
was interesting. It’s just I have many the chance to bring some colleagues
— It is really nice that you agreed to other things to do. But I decided I from other countries: from Germany,
give me an interview. So, the first would, so I came in December and UK and USA. And the group as a
question will be about the Laboratory signed the contract, then I came back whole is given a feedback, so I have a
for Comparative Social Research in April 2011 and spent 4 months here. very good team to provide the students
(LCSR). As a founder of this Labo- I must say the idea of working with the with feedback. They are extremely
ratory, could you say a few words Russian group turned very good well good students, I’ve been working with
about it: How did it come about? indeed. Bill had given excellent advice them and I’m really glad to see what
Why did you choose HSE? How was and this program is extremely good. progress they’ve made. Every one of
it established? It’s new to me, but this program is them will produce a list one published
— It started out in 2010. I was looking going to train young PhD level paper based on research in this project.
for a really strong team in Russia to Russian social scientists in internation- They have to undertake the quantita-
work on the World Value Survey al level research techniques and I tive cross-national comparative re-
(WVS). We have had really good teams thought it was a great idea. One of the search we require. We emphasize com-
in many countries: Germany, Sweden, goals of WVS, besides monitoring parative methods, advanced quantita-
Canada, etc. But we did not have a very changing values and cultures, is learn- tive analysis workshops. Last year we
productive team in Russia. We have ing about how the world is evolving brought Professor Hermann Duelmer
been turning out the WVS in Russia and and how people’s motivation is chang- here to teach multilevel analysis in
the Surveys themselves were excellent, ing, because clearly they are. Also, the HLM (Hierarchical Linear and
but we did not have colleagues who secondary and the primary one is to Nonlinear Modeling). And this year
were analyzing the data and preparing spread social science techniques we brought Peter Schmidt to teach
publications, that’s a very important part among other counrtiers around the SEM and some other very solid peo-
of WVS. So I was looking for a strong world and to build a global network of ple. We have training workshops at the
Russian team. I consulted my colleague social scientists, that was a very impor- summer school where students were
Prof. Zimermann, a specialist on Rus- tant direction, we really needed a given intensive training and they
sian politics, he recommended some Russian component. It is a large coun- worked hard learning advanced analyt-
people here in Saint-Petersburg, proba- try, an important country, we didn’t ic techniques. During these 2 periods
bly the best people to work with. So, really have a strong partnership here they were getting feedback and
I get in touch with Eduard Ponarin, yet. Now we have a really strong part- improving their papers, several al-
Daniel Alexandrov. And I think Bill’s nership. I’ve been working very happi- ready have publishable ones and I
advice was very good. I met them at the ly with Eduard and Daniel and with think every one of them will be pub-
conference in Moscow, back in May wonderful students like Egor, Boris lishable, and published in international
2010, and we agreed that we’d work and many others. My Russian col- journals, peer-reviewed to a high stan-
together, doing the WVS in Russia. leagues (Eduard and Daniel) recruited dard. Realistically, we will not achieve
Then, it just happened that a Russian very good students. There was a 100% success, but we will have a high
government grant from the Ministry of national competition in Russia and rate of success. In fact we have some
education and science to bring a leading some were recruited from Belorussia, students who didn’t make any prog-

Personality 2012

ress. But I think we made really good neously helpful. Like yesterday when I long tradition of bureaucratization.
progress in producing a core of young, arrived. 3 of my students in the Lab And this is one thing which I find less
talented, well-trained Russian social came to help by meeting me and my agreeable. But in general it’s very nice
scientists to write internationally peer- wife, when we arrived, and getting our to work in Russia.
reviewed articles. It is very nice to see apartment contract signed and things
and it is very nice for WVS to have like that. There are many, many exam- — What about Academia in
strong scientists. We need to spur on ples of people with whom I work here Russia? I mean the university struc-
the WVS in the whole world. I would being extremely helpful. Last fall ture for example. Do people do the
be foolish to say that I know every- when I had pneumonia, one of my col- same things here or not?
thing about the whole world; I do not. leagues spent a lot of time finding a — No. I think one of the reasons why
We have to work with people with good medical specialist to take care of I was brought here was because they
inside views, who know their coun- me. One of my students invited us to don’t do the same things. HSE is one
tries extremely well, and we do. I’m Pskov for a visit, that part of Russia of the most advanced research insti-
working here with my partners, as you that tourists usually come to see: old tutes in social science, certainly, one of
know, and producing some publica- monasteries and castles. It was so the most advanced in Russia. But in
tions. We’ve come up with plans to striking why Russians are so helpful, general, the use of quantitative tech-
continue our work on happiness in that I was wondering why that is. niques is less advanced here than in
Russia, which is very interesting… Being a social scientist I fabricated a the USA and Europe. It is hard to
theory that under the old system, the introduce some of the most advanced
— That was my next question… USSR life was so difficult, that techniques, including some techniques
— I should mention that we moved Russians really needed friends to help that are new to me, they really are new.
towards analyzing the influence of each other to cope. So they simply
genetic factors on well-being and became accustomed to cooperation — So, you have some experience of
political ideology. We found, rather to and help. working with sociologists in Russia,
my surprise, that it seems to be a sig- On the other hand, I have to say the what do you think, which topics or
nificantly important factor. My previ- bureaucracy is really complicated. Let theories are the most interesting?
ous work emphasizes the importance me say that I spend far more time fill- What can you recommend to im-
of economic conditions, which are ing in forms and signing papers than I prove or develop?
clearly reversible factors. There is a do in the USA. There are more bureau- — One of the interesting things about
huge difference between belief sys- cratic procedures here than in the Russia and why I’ve already written
tems in rich and poor countries. It’s States, and I think there are more than some analysis on it, is the fact that
no surprise if you know something of is really needed. When I’m turning my Russia is going through dramatic
modernization theory, when people grades to the students I teach, I sign changes. It has gone through dramatic,
expect problems, they get them. one paper 14 times. I think: “In the difficult changes. That is an experi-
There is a huge difference between USA I could sign it once”. I don’t real- ence I don’t envy but it’s very interest-
motivations, belief systems and val- ly understand why I need 14 signatures ing. Seeing how people cope with col-
ues of people living in low and high on one piece of paper. This is one lapse of political and economic sys-
income societies and it’s linked to the example. I think Russia hasn’t fully tems, collapse of the ideology, which
level of economic security. There is, recovered from the shadow of this is the basis for society. The collapse of
we found, also a lesser, but significant
genetic effect. That is what we are
doing right now. I was in contact with
a geneticist from Moscow working on
that side.

— Let’s move to another question.

Could you, please, tell me about
your impressions of working with
Russian people, academic culture?
Does it differ from what you are
used to and in what ways?
— I think Americans work harder,
they are very competitive and rather
individualistic. My impression is that
there is more interaction between
Russians. But Americans work very
hard. The most striking thing about
Russia is how helpful people are. I
was, again and again, really quite
impressed by Russians being sponta-

2012 Personality

economy, the breakup of the Soviet in a very interesting way. As you move highly developed societies it is less
Union: the breakup of law and order. from extreme poverty to being fairly and less realistic and money con-
All these are huge changes. prosperous about the level of Portugal, tributes less and less to how well off
Historically they are very unusual. there is a huge increase in subjective they are. And understanding these
Russia has this climbing, subjective well-being along with the economic other factors is really important. In this
well-being. I’ve done research on how development. Above that level it takes context Russia is a particularly inter-
happy people are and how they con- off and gets weaker and weaker and esting case.
tribute subjective well-being to happi- subjective well-being is no longer In most countries subjective well-
ness. I think it is a more important determined by economic factors, it is being is really stable. We’ve studied it
aspect of life, which is beginning to be much more freedom of choice, living for 40 years. Most countries are very
recognized by economists. Initially it in a town and society, the social rela- stable in having high or low level of
was viewed as a very shallow volatile tions you have, the quality of life. subjective well-being. For example,
thing. We’ve done enough research to When you are starving, happiness Denmark is consistently one of the
demonstrate that it is actually a very depends on whether you have enough highest countries in the world. Then
central part of people’s lives and the to eat. When you have enough to eat there are, not surprisingly, Tanzania,
level of subjective well-being reflects more and more, other factors shape Togo, and some very, very poor
their whole, in many ways a better how happy you are. So, to equate peo- African countries. Especially as in the
indication of how well gross-national ple’s well-being with how much case of Zimbabwe: badly governed,
product... GNP, per capita contributes money they have at the early stage of there is crime, corruption and collapse,
to subjective well-being, but it does so development is pretty realistic. But in AIDS. It is not really surprising that
they have really low levels, but it tends
to be consistent that Denmark, decade
after decade remains pretty high and
generally poor countries are low. But
what is interesting, Russia has had
very big changes. The notion that it is
built into the culture of the land is
obviously not true, because Russia has
moved in well-being. The earliest sur-
vey in Tambov oblast in 1982, we
found (and we’ve been told that this is
representative of the whole Russian
Republic) Tambov oblast was above
what was expected in terms of its
economy. It was about where its eco-
nomic level was each day. Subjective
well-being fell very sharply by 1990
before the Soviet Union broke up.
Russia was showing quite low levels
of subjective well-being and many
other symptoms, like alcoholism and
declining life expectancy. The break of
the society by 1995 was low. Now it is
been recovering. In more recent sur-
veys subjective well-being in Russia is
recovering, but it is still not up to the
point you would expect of its econom-
ic level but it is getting near to that. It
shows that in this 20 years period there
were dramatic changes, it doesn’t sur-
prise me at all. It is not just that the
economy broke up, it did break up,
because the economic level fell, about
40% of its former level in terms of
GNP per capita, but also life expectan-
cy fell, and I think the important ele-
ment, which tends to be a belief sys-
tem’s collapse. Once upon a time the
communist ideology, that gave mean-
Professor Christian Welzel ing and purpose to life in the sense of;

Personality 2012

“we know where we’re going, we’re ways, but all of these countries: mated initially. Russian values are
building a new and better society for Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and changing from secular-rational values,
Russian people”. By 1995 it was gone. Bulgaria, the countries that experi- when Russians were relatively more
And it is interesting to see these fac- enced communist rule, tended to have open to divorce, abortions and things
tors, it isn’t a classic case, Russia is an somewhat similar belief systems. It like this than to traditional ones. There
extreme case. varies, depending on their cultural her- is another mentioned: dimension sur-
The USA is a boring case! In the sense itage. The communist’s rule is one vival/selfexpression values. Russia
that we had a really high level of sub- very big factor; orthodox countries and other ex-soviet countries, partly
jective well-being. Since we began versus catholic countries versus because they experienced economic
measuring, this indicator has moved protestant countries were somewhat collapse and now they are recovering
neither much up nor down. We’ve been different. But within this Russia is (this economic collapse was very
pretty prosperous with some ups and similar to the ex-soviet, to some important), were roughly and likely to
downs for the last 60 years. Russia’s degree to the ex-communist countries, have survival values.
had dramatic changes. I’m really sorry although more like the Orthodox tradi-
that the Russian people had to experi- tion. — I think you have heard about
ence it, but it is also something to be new economic sociology, what do
studied. I can’t find a more dramatic — And what about attitudes to you think about this science? When
case: a more dramatic collapse of well- freedom, abortions and other things you use economic and sociological
being and its recovery. like this? approaches toward analyzing social
— We have a cultural map that reality.
— Let’s talk more about the results reflects scores of beliefs measured in — They are extremely useful tools. I
of WVS. Do you think there are any WVS. There are 2 big dimensions think, economics has developed some
similarities between Russia and across national variation; of course very strong tools for analyzing econom-
other European countries in atti- there are many additional, but only 2 ic factors. Economic conditions have a
tudes or values? You told me about big dimensions of cross-cultural varia- big impact on religion, culture and
these changes in subjective well- tion. One is from traditional/secular- motivations, gender roles etc. The use
being, maybe you can briefly name rational values. Russia has relatively of these tools became strong in political
other aspects? high secular-rational values. Although science. There is no doubt they are use-
— Russia is a one of the countries that it has been moving to become more ful tools. What is interesting, later on,
experienced communism. That was a religious. I think the degree to which or recent economists in USA, have rec-
huge factor shaping belief systems. the historical and cultural heritage per- ognized the importance of religion and
You probably won’t be surprised, sists is surprisingly robust, I wasn’t historical traditions. That means that
Russia has been a very religious coun- really looking for that, when I began to economic factors can’t explain every-
try before, then it had been secular- study values. I was more interested in thing. Using these tools, and not only
ized. The government made huge how the economic development using them as economic factors, can be
efforts to secularize society, to repress changes values, but the evidence is a way to build better models on how
and step up religion. And, by and quite clear. Having once been ortho- societies function.
large, communist rule in this way was dox, or protestant or catholic, this is a
a common experience that made measureable impact on the values — Now let’s talk about Russians a
Russia, Ukraine and other the ex-sovi- measured today. Culture is very path little bit more. You agreed that
et countries rather similar in many dependent, to the degree I underesti- Russia is a paradoxical country, so

2012 Getting to know

how did you notice these paradoxes? types, to some degree it is all I heard!
What is your impression about the So I had this sense that Russians
mystery of the Russian soul, for behave like people in cold war movies
example? and James Bond films, but they don’t!
— I should start by saying that I’m not Russians I have known are the most
an insider, Russians know about helpful people. It’s a really surprising
Russian soul more than I do. But as an and pleasant discovery. On the other
outsider, perhaps, our opinions are hand, Russian bureaucracy has not
more pragmatic than Russians’ are. It is vanished.
interesting that Russians are in search
of new belief systems. Communism — You’ve been to both cities: Vadim Radaev
was a huge factor that shaped the 20 Moscow and in Saint-Petersburg.
century. Russia is now seeking a new Which did you like more? What are Professor, Faculty of Sociology;
identity. Part of this is an impressive the differences? Head of Laboratory for Studies in
search of religion; our Survey shows — They are both powerful historical Economic Sociology,
that. Interest in religion is growing in cities. Both of them have played an First Vice-Rector, National Research
Russia, there’s a significant grade for important role. When I visited Saint University – Higher School of
that. Russian people now are more reli- Petersburg one of the things I went to Economics (HSE)
gious than French people. It’s a little with my son was the Leningrad Siege
bit ironic. After 70 years of systematic museum. Those 3 years of siege were
attempts to wipe out religion, it is back the most horrible in history for the pop- Interrupted development
in Russia. On the other hand, the ulation. Most of the population van- Russian sociology has experienced
French revolution also tried to put ished, people were starving. This is a turbulent periods in establishing and
down religion. But several years of huge historical thing. maintaining its identity. It was born at
prosperity seem to have done more to The Hermitage is a huge historical the end of 19th century and borrowed
eradicate religion in France than 70 landmark, I visited that. They have the a lot from the positivism of Auguste
years of repression did in Russia. So, greatest fine art collection; unforget- Comte at that time. The Russian
that is a paradox. Though Russia cer- table experience. Many interesting Sociological Society was established
tainly moved to being secular, it is things happened in Saint Petersburg. I in 1917. The first teaching department
moving back towards traditional remember I was walking along Neva, of sociology was opened by Pitirim
beliefs. It is interesting to what degree and realized that Rasputin had Sorokin in 1920. Then, in the 1920s,
religion didn’t disappear in Russia. drowned here after stabbing and poi- the new Bolshevik political regime
soning, etc. That was a dramatic event. sent a number of leading sociologists
— There are also many myths about I’m aware of the history of Saint out of the country on the famous
Russia; I mean bears on the streets Petersburg and Moscow. Huge histori- “Philosophers’ steamboat” and later
and vodka. Were there any expecta- cal events happened here as well: the repressed some of them in the 1930s.
tions that didn’t come true? Did you Napoleonic invasion and Nazi inva- Sociology was identified with the
have any ideas about Russia before sion. orthodox Marxist social science. Its
you came? Both cities have very impressive metro development was largely interrupted.
— I have to admit: I’m an old guy. I systems. They are much more elabo- Sociology was formally re-estab-
lived through World War II when rate; far better decorated metro stations lished by the late 1950s, closely
Russians were friends. Those days than others I’ve ever seen. In fact one supervised by the Communist party.
Russians were good guys: they fight of my helpful friends, one of my stu- The social sciences were acknowl-
against the Nazi. Then I lived through dents in the Lab took my son and me edged as a tool in the ideological
the Cold War. Even though I was trying on a tour on Saint-Petersburg’s metro. struggle during the Cold War years.
to avoid being stereotyped. But movies I’ve spent less time in Moscow. But it To face this ideological challenge the
that I loved were about Bond strug- is a very dramatic city: Red Square, first group of Soviet sociologists was
gling with rough Russian agents. When The Mausoleum. The tragedy and trials sent to the International Sociological
I came to Russia, first of all I’m a of Russia have been great. Both Saint- Association (ISA) Conference in
Russian agent, I’m working for the Petersburg and Moscow impressed me. 1956. The Soviet Sociological As-
Russian government. That is a kind of Moscow also strikes me with these sociation was launched a couple of
amusing thing to say, I went over to the very big, horrible traffic jams on the years later in 1958. The first special
other side, but actually it wasn’t the way from the airport! Institute of Concrete Sociological
other side, because it’s a very different Studies was established in 1968. But
world and I’m working for the — Thank you very much for the after Soviet troops invaded Czecho-
Ministry of education and science. But interview. slovakia in 1968, the ideological pres-
it’s a very interesting experience; I — It was a pleasure. Nice to see you sures increased. The best sociological
mentioned I was surprised how helpful again. research teams were dismantled and
Russians are. Because in spite of trying July 2012 “Sociological renaissance” was stop-
not to be victimized by media stereo- Interviewed by Tatiana Karabchuk ped.

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