Deadlands - Classic - Arquetypes - Hucksters & Hexes

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PrERZOuLry Deftness 246 No, I'm not from around here, 'm just looking Filchin’ 2 for a spot to bed down where | don’t have to Lockpickin’ 2 sleep with one eye open. I'm willing to work for Shootin’: rifle 2 my keep, no matter what it is. Got to make a Nimbleness 348 living Climbin’ 1 You say a town burned down over in the next Dodge 2 county? Can't say I heard anything about it. Pity Fightin’: brawlin’ 3 Yes, these things happen. All the time. Act of Sneak: 3 God, I guess. Really, they were religious folks? Swimmin’ 1 Huh, Well, no telling what god they goosed. Quickness 446 No, I'm just looking for a cota place where I Strength 346 can put myself up for the night. It's Vigor 2412 Tot safe Outdoors nowadays. Cognition 4410 Quote: "You wouldn't like Search I me when I'm angry. Knowledge 146 ‘Area knowledge 2 Native tongue 2 Survival any 2 Mien 346 ‘Smarts 148 Scroungin’ 2 Spirit 2410 Guts 3 Wind 22 Edge: Fleet-footed 2 Keen 2 Knack: Tempest (wildfire) 5 Light sleeper 1 Nerves of. steel | Hindrances: Enemy -2 literate -3 Poverty -3 Gear: 58 Springfield rifle, ox of 50 shells, harmonice, $37.50. Really” TRAITS wie ADE: PERSOR_LITY Deftness 2410 Let me assure you that if there was anything ‘Shootin’: pistol 2 ‘out of the ordinary, I'd be the first to know. ‘Shootin’: shotgun 2 There's nothing at all to be concerned about. Sleight of hand 2 Those cows were obviously attacked by Nimbleness 246 a puma, nothing more. Okay, so it Dodge 2 was a big one. A real big Fightin: knife 2 ‘one, but it was just a Sneak 2 puma Horse Ridin’ 1 Where'd those holes Quickness 4d10 come from? Mister, [ took Quick draw 2 you for country-wise. Strength 246 Everyone knows a puma Vigor 348 buries what it can't Cognition 446 eat to save it for Search 1 later. You must have ‘Trackin’ 2 surprised it before it could cover the leftovers. As to the holes bein’ too deep, it's just a trick of the light. I've seen plenty puma holes that big near Nacogdoches. Knowledge 146 Acadet occult 3 ‘Area knowledge 2 Native tongue 2 Mien 346 Overawe 2 Smarts 2412 Gamblin’ 2 Spirit 148 Guts 2 Wind 16 Edges: ‘Arcane background: Huckster 3 Law man Veteran o” the Weird West Hindrances: Big Britches -3 Enemy -2 Obligation -5 Hexes Bodyguard 3 Corporeal tweak 2) Soul blast 3 Vittles 1 Tricks Reload Gear: Colt Army pistol, ‘double-barrel shotgun, 50 bullets, 20 shotgun shells, Bowie knife, horse, deck of cards, < copy of Hoyle's, $45. \gi These cards I keep shufflin’ Just a habit from my youth. You wouldn't be a gamblin’ man, now would you? ‘Quote: "There's nothing to see here. Move along” TRATS an A-PIrDES Prrsou.oy Deftness 2410 Misdirection, my friend, that's what it's all Shootin’: pistol 2 about. You let somebody figure out what you're Sleight of hand 4 doin’, and he's liable to stop you. But if you keep Nimbleness 246 him watchin’ the pretty bitdie in your left hand, ‘Climbin’ 1 he never even thinks about the right. Dodge 2 Take it from me, folks see what they Sneak 2 believe, not the other way around. If you're Quickness 446 clever enough, and | am, you can Strength 146 convince them of just about Vigor 346 anything you want. Cognition 246 Quote: "Now you see it Scrutinize 2 Now you see something Search 1 else.” Knowledge 4410 ‘Academia: occult 3 Area knowledge 2 Native tongue 2 Mien 348 Performin’ 2 Persuasion 2 ‘Smarts 2412 Bluff 3 Gamblin’ 2 spirit 148 ‘Guts 2 wind 14 Edges: Arcane background: Huckster 3 Hindrances: Greedy -3 High-Falutin -2 ‘Outlaw “1 Scrawny -5 (Size 5) Hexes Diversion 2 Mirage 2 Phantasm 3 Shadow man 3 Tricks will o' the wisp Gear: 44 Derringer, box of 50 shells, deck of cards, $23875.

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