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Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

Turbulent structures and budgets behind permeable ribs

P.K. Panigrahi a,*, A. Schroeder b, J. Kompenhans b
Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, UP 208016, India
Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Goettingen, Germany

Received 28 June 2006; received in revised form 10 November 2006; accepted 26 November 2007


Different rib geometries are traditionally used to improve heat transfer and enhance mixing in different industrial applications, i.e. heat
exchangers, cooling passages of gas turbine blades and fuel elements of nuclear reactors, etc. Permeable ribs have been proposed in literature
for passive control of the reattaching flow past surface mounted ribs leading to superior performance. The flow past different surface mounted
permeable rib geometries, i.e. solid, slit, split-slit and inclined split-slit ribs have been investigated in this study. Both two components and ste-
reo particle image velocimetry (PIV) have been used in streamwise and cross stream planes to study the underlying flow structures. The detailed
turbulent statistics, i.e. mean and rms velocity, higher order moments, quadrant decomposition of turbulent shear stress producing motions,
skewness and components of the turbulent kinetic energy budgets have been compared for different rib geometries. Coherent structures are
identified based on the invariant of velocity gradient tensor invariant and wavelet transform. The skewness results demonstrate the intermit-
tency of quadrant motions. The reattachment length of the inclined split-slit rib is lowest among all rib geometries. The average Reynolds stres-
ses and the production of turbulent kinetic energy are highest for the inclined split-slit rib. The pressure transport calculated as residual of the
turbulent kinetic energy budget equation is highest for the inclined split-slit rib. This is attributed to the smaller reattachment length leading to
greater adverse pressure gradient for the inclined split-slit rib. The quadrant motions, turbulent fluxes, skewness and kinetic energy budgets at
post reattachment region compares well with that of flat plate turbulent boundary layer from hot wire measurements in literature. Overall, this
study demonstrates the effectiveness of PIV technique for the detailed turbulent structures characterization of complex flows.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: PIV; Rib; Skewness; Coherent structures; Quadrant analysis; Wavelets; Kinetic energy budget

1. Introduction image velocimetry (3-C stereo PIV) is well suited to study

the instantaneous flow structures and dynamics of these
Roughness elements, i.e. ribs, delta wings, etc. are used flows. Few experimental investigations related to the reat-
to enhance heat transfer and mixing in heat exchangers, taching flow and their control behind surface mounted ribs
nuclear reactor fuel elements and cooling passages of gas showing the spatio-temporal structures have been carried
turbine blades. The reattaching flow behind a surface out and are reviewed below.
mounted rib is highly three dimensional and unsteady, Kukreja et al. [1] studied the turbulent heat/mass transfer
which redevelops to a turbulent boundary layer state in characteristics by the naphthalene sublimation technique in
the downstream region. Previous investigations to this a square channel with arrays of full ribs and V-shaped ribs.
complex flow have primarily used single point measure- They noted that secondary flows caused by oblique ribs
ment techniques, i.e. hot wire anemometry, laser Doppler interact with the main flow and affect flow reattachment
velocimetry. The advent of multi-dimensional particle and the recirculation pattern. Aliaga et al. [2] investigated
the distribution of heat transfer coefficient over plates with
square ribs using infrared thermography. The authors dem-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 512 2597686; fax: +91 512 2597408. onstrated the variations in heat transfer rate due to the
E-mail address: (P.K. Panigrahi). occurrence of reattachment, recirculation and separation.

0894-1777/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1012 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033


X, Y, Z spatial coordinates XR reattachment length

u, v, w mean velocity components Uo free stream velocity
u0 , v0 , w0 fluctuating velocity components d boundary layer thickness
Hs hole size d* displacement thickness
h rib height h momentum thickness
K isotropic ratio x vorticity
Ka axisymmetric ratio X antisymmetric part of velocity gradient tensor
V velocity vector magnitude rms root mean square
Q velocity gradient tensor invariant hi time averaged value of quantity
S symmetric part of velocity gradient tensor

Cavallero and Tanda [3] studied continuous and broken rib perforated baffles containing circular holes facilitate jet
configurations using liquid crystal thermography. A large impingement toward the heat transfer surface. This offers
enhancement in heat transfer coefficient was seen for inter- combined benefit of three heat transfer augmentation tech-
rupted ribs. Islam et al. [4] investigated the turbulent water niques, i.e. ribs, channel inserts and impingement cooling.
flow structure over micro-repeated ribs in a narrow Presentation of higher order turbulent statistics and
two-dimensional rectangular channel by particle image kinetic energy budget quantities improves the understand-
velocimetry (2-C PIV). Iacovides et al. [5] investigated the ing of underlying turbulent flow structures. Hussein [12]
turbulent flow and heat transfer with 45° staggered ribs in calculated the dissipation in the far field of a turbulent jet
a duct and demonstrated the role played by rib inclination using flying hot wire anemometry measurements of the
in inducing secondary motions. Gao and Sunden [6] experi- cross stream and streamwise velocity derivatives. The devi-
mentally simulated the heat transfer inside compact heat ation from the local isotropy and axisymmetry assump-
exchangers, i.e. car radiators using different circular cross tions were investigated from the measurements of various
section rib configurations, i.e. staggered parallel ribs, in-line mean square derivatives across the jet. Keirsbulck et al.
parallel ribs, crossed ribs and v-shaped ribs using 2-C PIV [13] studied the turbulent characteristics, i.e. higher order
measurements. The results showed strong effects of rib incli- statistics, quadrant decomposition and kinetic energy bud-
nation on the flow behaviour due to the secondary flow gets of smooth and rough turbulent boundary layer using
development. hot wire anemometry. Limited PIV measurements were
Different passive control techniques have been proposed also used to support the understanding of flow structures.
for control of the reattaching flow. Permeable rib geome- Schenck and Jovanovic [14] measured all first order deriv-
tries have been proposed by various investigators and atives of the turbulent fluctuations in a plane wake of a cyl-
shown to be more effective than the solid rib. Hwang [7] inder and axisymmetric wake behind the sphere using pair
investigated the effect of interrupted slits in a rib on heat of X hot wire probes. The local isotropy and axisymmetry
transfer of a rectangular channel using laser holographic assumptions were examined and the budgets of the turbu-
interferometry and observed superior heat transfer perfor- lent kinetic energy were computed. Jung et al. [15] studied
mance of the slit-ribbed channel. Buchlin [8] presented an the flow characteristics of regular waves passing a rectan-
experimental study of convective heat transfer in a channel gular structure in a wave tank using 2-C PIV. The total tur-
with perforated rib arrangements, i.e. hole type, column bulent kinetic energy and its budget terms were presented
type and chevron type using infrared thermography. The along with the mean velocity and vorticity results. Acharya
flow through the perforation was observed to interact with and Panigrahi [16] presented the large scale and small scale
the recirculation bubble and remove the hot spot occurring turbulence contributions behind surface mounted rib from
behind the solid rib. The perforation increases the local pattern recognition technique. Panigrahi and Acharya [17]
heat transfer enhancement by a factor of about 3. Tariq reported the correlation between the non-Gaussian flow
et al. [9] reported detailed flow field and surface heat trans- statistics with the ejection motion from the quadrant anal-
fer characteristics behind the surface mounted slit rib ysis of the flow over a surface mounted square rib under
explaining the possible mechanism for higher heat transfer fundamental excitation.
of slit rib compared to the solid rib. Panigrahi et al. [10] The above literature demonstrates the effectiveness of
from their PIV study discussed the mean and rms velocity, passive flow control techniques and importance of detailed
streamlines, oil film visualization and vorticity field behind investigation of flow structures. The role played by produc-
different permeable ribs, i.e. slit, split-slit and inclined split- tion and manipulation of secondary vortical structures has
slit ribs. Dutta and Hossain [11] presented the heat transfer been emphasized. However, the detailed flow field investi-
characteristics and associated friction head loss in a rectan- gation of complex flows behind permeable ribs is limited.
gular channel with perforated inclined baffles. The inclined The better understanding of the secondary vortical
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1013

structures and their interactions with the mean flow is to 3 mm leading to an open area ratio (ratio of the pro-
expected to provide proper guidance in the design of rib jected dimension of the slit to that of the rib) equal to
geometries. The present study focuses on the passive flow 20%. A splitter of 28 mm  3 mm cross section is intro-
control by permeable ribs, i.e. slit, split-slit and inclined duced at the centre of the slit for the split-slit rib and
split-slit ribs. Higher order statistics, quadrant decomposi- inclined split-slit rib. For the inclined split-slit rib, the slit
tion and turbulent kinetic energy budget from two compo- is inclined at about 62° from the upstream top rib corner
nents and stereo PIV measurements have been reported. to the downstream bottom corner of the rib. The inclined
Hot wire anemometry has been extensively used in litera- slit at the downstream rib edge is located at 2 mm from
ture for calculation of turbulent kinetic energy budgets the bottom surface.
and statistics. The advantage of hot wire anemometry is The Nd:YAG laser system (Quantel) with an output
the high temporal resolution. However, the derivative cal- energy of 180 mJ per pulse at a wavelength, k = 532 nm
culation of fluctuating velocity using hot wire anemometry has been used as light source. One biconcave lens (f =
is limited by the separation distance between the sensor ele- 150 mm), one biconvex lens (f = 300 mm), one cylindrical
ment and the use of Taylor’s hypothesis. The benefit of PIV lens (f = 40 mm) and four mirrors have been used to gener-
is its capability in simultaneous velocity measurements in ate a light sheet of about 1.0–1.5 mm thickness. The syn-
the flow field facilitating the accurate calculation of the chronization between the laser light pulses and the
derivative of the fluctuating velocity. The other benefit of camera has been accomplished by the TTL pulses from
PIV is its capability in measurement of velocity in the recir- the synchronizer (PIVTEC). The cylindrical lens and the
culating zone contrary to that of the hot wire anemometry. mirror positions are adjusted for controlling the light sheet
The limitation of PIV is its low temporal resolution. How- position and its orientation with respect to the mean flow
ever, the use of PIV for detailed turbulent statistics mea- (stream wise or cross-stream). Two PCO Sensicam camera
surement is limited in literature. Jung et al. [15] have (Kelheim, Germany) of 1280  1024 pixel with Zeiss (Jena,
reported the kinetic energy budget from 2-C PIV measure- Germany) makro planar objectives (f-number = 2.8,
ments. The present study reports the detailed turbulent sta- f = 100 mm) have been used for image acquisition. A
tistics of the complex flow field behind permeable ribs using Laskin nozzle has been used to introduce the seeding at
3-C and 2-C PIV technique. The assumptions used in our the entrance of the wind tunnel settling chamber. As tracer
study have been suitably verified and compared with the particles, diethylhexylsebakat (DEHS) supplied by Palas
available results in literature obtained from using hot wire has been used.
anemometry. Our results demonstrate the PIV technique to The PIV measurements have been carried out both in
be a successful tool for calculation of turbulent statistics in streamwise (X–Y) and cross-stream planes (Y–Z). The dif-
complex flows. ferent measurement planes for the present study have been
shown in Fig. 2. The measurements in the streamwise and
2. Experimental details cross-stream planes have been obtained using 2-C PIV and
3-C stereo PIV, respectively. The near wall measurements
The experiments have been carried out in the low turbu- downstream of the rib turbulators (measurement zones
lence wind tunnel of DLR Goettingen (Fig. 1). The details 4–8) have been acquired with highest spatial resolution
on the experiment have been presented earlier in Panigrahi (=0.54 mm) to resolve small length scale fluctuations in
et al. [10]. The test section is of 0.3 m  1.5 m cross section the flow. The PIV resolution for planes 1–3 is 1.2 mm
and 6.25 m long. The air enters through a contraction cone and for 9–12 planes is 1.6 mm. The laser pulse separation
(contraction ratio, 16:1), settling chamber of 5 m  1.5 m time (range of 60–90 ls) has been adjusted to optimize
cross section, honey comb and series of wire mesh. The the maximum cross-correlation value in the shear layer
average turbulence intensity of the wind tunnel is about region. The absolute value of dynamic range during mea-
0.05%. A flat plate with a 6:1 elliptical leading edge (to pre- surement is typically between 0.5 and 15.5 pixels. The fre-
vent large scale boundary layer separation at the leading quency of image pair acquisition is 3.3 Hz. For the
edge), 300 mm wide and 1180 mm long has been mounted calculation of mean and fluctuating velocity field statistics,
between the sidewalls of the wind tunnel as a test model. 1200 image pairs have been acquired for each measurement
Sand paper has been mounted at the leading edge of the flat zone.
plate leading to turbulent approaching boundary layer. The raw PIV images are high pass filtered (kernel
The bulk velocity has been set equal to 5.6 m/s leading to size = 5 pixels) prior to the PIV cross-correlation calcula-
Reynolds number based on rib height equal to 5538. tion. The backgrounds as seen by the two cameras for ste-
Different permeable ribs are mounted on the top surface reo PIV measurements are different from each other and it
of the flat plate. The rib turbulator geometries studied in is not possible to completely eliminate the background light
this work have been presented in Fig. 1. The ribs are made contribution due to the angular arrangement of the cam-
out of steel with sharp edges having a square cross section eras. Therefore, an additional background subtraction of
(15 mm  15 mm) and spanning the total spanwise length each camera image has been carried out during the pre-pro-
(300 mm) of the test section. For the slit rib, there is a cessing stage. The Whitaker sub-pixel correlation peak fit
through slit at the symmetry line with a thickness equal algorithm has been used for the fractional displacement
1014 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

Contraction Test Section


Flat plate


CCD Camera

Nd: YAG laser Laser

Light sheet


Camera trigger

Laser trigger

Sequencer PC


3 mm slit
Solid rib

28 mm long insert

Split-slit rib
Inclined split-slit rib

Fig. 1. The sketch of the experimental setup and different rib geometries.

estimation. Multi-grid correlation from an initial grid size nique for flow over smooth flat plate. The stereo PIV mea-
to a final grid size has been implemented for local window surements have been carried out with the light sheet aligned
shifting with sub-pixel image deformation (B-Spline inter- both in the streamwise (X–Y) and spanwise (Y–Z) plane.
polation) to improve the dynamic range and accuracy. The stereo PIV measurement with light sheet in streamwise
The spurious vectors calculated based on the local median (X–Y) and spanwise (Y–Z) planes provide the in-plane and
filtering and maximum displacement differences are less out-of-plane u-velocity, respectively. The good comparison
than 1%. between in-plane and out-of-plane u-velocity (both mean
and rms) from the different stereo PIV implementation
2.1. Uncertainty confirms the accuracy of the PIV technique adopted in
our study.
The error in the back-projection calculation, the error in The partial derivative of the instantaneous velocity is
Scheimpflug adjustment and the camera noise add to the required for calculation of turbulent kinetic energy budget
uncertainty in the velocity field calculation. To assess the terms, vorticity and the coherent structure identifiers. The
accuracy of the PIV implementation, the 3-C stereo PIV uncertainty for calculation of partial derivative has two
measurements have been compared with 2-C PIV tech- components, i.e. positioning and truncation error. The
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1015

2 production, diffusion and residual magnitude are within

2%, 10%, 5%, 15% and 25% for two different measurement

1 resolutions. The trend or nature of these profiles is inde-
(9) pendent of measurement resolution. The u-skewness and
(11) v-skewness values from different resolution measurements
(10) are within 1% of each other in the overlapped region.
(12) -2
-1 The shear stress contribution of quadrants 1–4 from differ-
Z/h 0 ent grid resolution measurements are respectively within
1 5%, 15%, 5% and 15% of each other. The maximum devi-
ation of the X and Y turbulent flux in the overlapped zone
is equal to 25%. The similar nature of variation and mag-
2 Flow nitude of the derived quantities from different resolution
4 PIV measurements confirms the accuracy of the reported
(Cross-stream planes)
Flow results with insignificant error and uncertainty.
In order to measure the total turbulent dissipation rate,
6 (2) (3) the spatial resolution of measurement should be of the
order of Kolmogorov length scale. The Kolmogorov scale
4 3 1=4
is determined from: g ¼ ½me  , where m is the kinematic vis-

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) cosity and e is the viscous dissipation. The dissipation (e)
has been estimated from isotropic assumption, i.e.
Rib 0 2
e ¼ 15mð@u
Þ . Shaffi and Antonia [18] concluded the opti-
-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 mum separation distance between the sensors, i.e. hot wires
(Streamwise planes) for accurate measurement of velocity gradient is equal to
3–5 times the Kolmogorov length scale. In our case, the
Fig. 2. The sketch of different measurement zones for the PIV experiment. Kolmogorv length scale based on the maximum dissipation
in the near field region (0 < X/h < 2) is equal to 0.062 mm
positioning error is associated with the accuracy in posi- and 0.092 mm inside the shear layer and the near wall
tioning of the probes. The truncation error depends on region, respectively. This leads to the ratio between the sen-
the scheme used for the finite difference calculation. The sor separation (PIV resolution) to the Kolmogorov length
positioning error is very small for PIV measurements com- scale equal to 8.7 and 5.86 for the location inside the shear
pared to the hotwire measurements due to very accurate layer and close to the bottom wall. The maximum dissipa-
optical calibration procedure adopted in PIV measure- tion error for the locations inside the shear layer and close
ments. The partial derivatives have been calculated using to the wall can be estimated to be equal to 30% and 6%,
Richardson’s finite difference formula: respectively based on the results of Zhou et al. [19]. The
Kolmogorov length scale in the far field region (9 < X/
df fiþ2 þ 8f iþ1  8f i1 þ fi2 h < 12) behind the ribs is equal to 0.084 mm inside the
¼ þ OðDg3 Þ
dg 12g shear layer and 0.1 mm in the near wall region, respec-
tively. Thus, the ratio between the sensor separation to
The truncation error in the calculation of the partial differ- the Kolmogorov length scale is equal to 6.6 and 5.4 leading
ential is O(Dg3), where Dg is the spatial resolution. The to the maximum error in dissipation calculation equal to
truncation error decreases with decrease in Dg. However, 10% and 5% inside the shear layer and the near wall region,
the PIV resolution is limited by the requirement for mini- respectively. It may be noted that we have used Richardson
mum number of particles inside the interrogation region difference formula for the derivative calculation, where the
for achieving higher signal to noise ratio, i.e. cross-correla- error is O(Dg)3 contrary to the forward difference estima-
tion value. The grid independence study for the numerical tion used for hot wire measurements where, the error is
simulation is traditionally carried out from the convergence O(Dg). Therefore, the maximum error in the derivative cal-
behavior of the simulation results with respect to the grid culation in our study will be less than that observed in hot
resolution. Similar verification has been carried out here wire measurements. We have also observed close match
for the derivative calculation from PIV measurements. (within 2%) in the dissipation value in the overlapped
The near wall PIV measurements (Zones 4–8; Fig. 2) have region (having both low and high resolution measure-
been carried out at high spatial resolution (=0.54 mm) and ments). Hence, the dissipation calculation in our study
the upper part of the shear layer (Zones 2–3; Fig. 2) has can be safely assumed to be sufficiently accurate.
spatial resolution equal to 1.2 mm. There is an overlapped
region where, the measurements at two resolutions are 3. Results and discussions
available. We have verified the convergence of the calcu-
lated quantities in these overlapped measurement zones. The results from this investigation are discussed in the
The maximum deviation of the dissipation, convection, following sequence: (a) mean and rms velocity, (b) higher
1016 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

Fig. 3. The time averaged u and v velocity field behind different rib geometries. The reattachment point (XR) has been marked with a vertical arrow.

order moments, (c) quadrant analysis and (d) turbulent lating zone extends till about Y = h/2 for the slit rib and
kinetic energy budget. The verification of assumption used another small recirculation bubble is located at the top
for turbulent kinetic energy budget calculation has been rib corner. The flow through the slit located at about
discussed in Appendix. Y = h/2 is responsible for reducing the vertical extent of
the recirculating zone behind the slit rib. The center of
the maximum negative u-velocity zone is located at X/
3.1. Mean and rms velocity h  2 for the slit and split-slit ribs and at X/h  1.25 for
the inclined split-slit rib compared to X/h  4.5 location
Fig. 3 shows the time averaged normalized streamwise of the solid rib. Hence, the drop in the X-location of max-
(u) and wall normal (v) velocity field behind different rib imum negative u-velocity for the permeable ribs compared
geometries. The region with negative mean u-velocity field to the solid rib is indirectly correlated to that of the reat-
is termed as recirculating region. The streamwise-X loca- tachment location. The maximum negative u-velocity zone
tion at which the mean u-velocity is zero is the reattach- is detached from the bottom surface for the inclined split-
ment location (XR). The reattachment location (XR) is slit rib contrast to other rib geometries. This is possibly
shown with an arrow mark in the u-velocity plot. This loca- due to the flow through the inclined slit in the near wall
tion is a function of the rib geometries. The reattachment region.
length is maximum, i.e. XR/h = 10.5 for the solid rib and The v-velocity distribution is positive between 1.5 < Y/
minimum for the inclined split-slit rib, i.e. XR/h = 6.25. h < 3.0 around the downstream rib corner (0 < X/h < 2)
The shape of the recirculating region is also a function of indicating the upward deflection of the shear layer over
the rib geometries. The maximum wall normal (Y) extent the rib surface (Fig. 3) for all rib geometries. The stream-
of the recirculating zone for the solid, split-slit, and inclined wise (X) extent of this strong positive v-velocity zone is
split-slit ribs is about rib height (h). In contrast, the recircu- maximum for the solid rib and minimum for the slit rib.
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1017

The flow through the slit is responsible for the reduction of The u0 v0 magnitude is significant inside the shear layer at
the upward shear layer deflection. The positive v-velocity similar region as that of vrms distribution for solid, split-slit
zone for the split-slit rib has greater streamwise extent com- and inclined split-slit ribs. However, the u0 v0 magnitude is
pared to that of the inclined split-slit rib. The smaller v- not significant in the jet like flow through the slit of the slit
velocity zone for the inclined split-slit rib is due to the rib. This indicates the lower level of turbulent mixing and
greater flow through the inclined slit compared to that of therefore negligible momentum exchange inside the flow
the parallel slit of the split-slit rib. The v-velocity field through the slit. The small size of the slit results in low
shows a small negative v-velocity zone at the immediate jet Reynolds number leading to laminar region at the exit
downstream rib corner for all rib geometries. The u-veloc- of the slit. The magnitude of u0 v0 spread is highest for the
ity in this region has negligible magnitude. This can be inclined split-slit rib among all rib geometries. The u0 v0
attributed to the downward (towards the bottom surface) magnitude at the bottom downstream corner of the
flow from the rib center location (Y/h = 0.5). The recircu- inclined split-slit rib is not significant indicating the lower
lating flow from the reattachment region gets bifurcated level of turbulent mixing in the flow through the inclined
after meeting the rib; one part travels downward and the slit. The viscous effect is significant in the flow through
other travels upwards, i.e. towards the mean flow. This the slit compared to the turbulent mixing due to its smaller
upward flow can be clearly seen as high v-velocity zone at transverse dimension, i.e. smaller separation between the
the downstream top rib corner. This zone is smallest for lower and upper wall of the slit. However, the slit influ-
the slit rib due to the influence of flow through the slit. ences the mean flow gradient leading to the modification
The positive v-velocity at the top downstream rib corner of overall flow instability and hence mixing.
is stronger for the split-slit and inclined split-slit ribs in Overall, the Reynolds stresses magnitude for the
comparison to the solid rib indicating greater upward flow inclined split-slit rib is highest among all rib geometries.
in the near rib region for the former rib geometries. This It may be noted that maximum drop in reattachment
fact can also be correlated to the shape of the negative u- length compared to the solid rib is observed for the inclined
velocity recirculation bubble, which shows greater asym- split-slit rib among all permeable ribs (Fig. 3). Thus, the
metry in the wall normal (Y) direction for the split-slit inclined slit and splitter contributes to the drop in reattach-
and inclined split-slit ribs. ment length through the route of increased turbulent stres-
Fig. 4 compares the Reynolds stresses between different ses. However, the dissimilarity in the distribution of urms,
rib geometries. The Reynolds stresses are higher inside the vrms and u0 v0 for different rib geometries indicate the pres-
shear layer compared to the free stream and the near wall ence of different turbulent transport mechanism and these
region. The high value of urms near the downstream rib cor- aspects have been discussed in the following sections.
ner at about Y/h  1.5 location correlates to the high veloc-
ity gradient leading to larger turbulence production due to
3.2. Higher order moments
the deflection of the shear layer (Fig. 3). The maximum urms
velocity region is broader and its magnitude is higher for
The higher order moments provide additional informa-
the inclined split-slit rib among all rib geometries. The dis-
tion regarding the nature of instantaneous flow structures.
tribution of urms is distinctly different for the slit rib with
In literature, turbulent flux has been used for numerical
three separate zones showing high urms values; one high
modeling of turbulent flow. Skewness of a fluctuating
urms value zone is due to the flow through the slit, the sec-
quantity indicates the nature of probability density distri-
ond one is near the top downstream rib corner region due
bution of turbulent fluctuations. We have compared the
to high velocity gradient inside the shear layer and the third
turbulent flux and skewness results for different rib geome-
one is the shear layer zone. The region near the down-
tries in the following sections.
stream bottom rib corner in the near wall region also shows
high urms values for the inclined split-slit rib due to the flow
through the inclined slit. 3.2.1. Turbulent flux
The zone of high vrms values is seen at a later streamwise The numerical simulation for turbulent fluid flow study
location compared to that of the urms distribution for the uses an approximate expression for diffusive transport of
solid rib (Fig. 4). Similarly, the high vrms velocity for the slit the Reynolds stress (huiujuki). The diffusive transport model
rib is located further away from the bottom surface com- of vertical (hv0 u0 2i) and longitudinal (hu0 v0 2i) turbulent flux
pared to the urms distribution. In contrast to the solid of the shear stress is used as a function of turbulent kinetic
and slit rib, the maximum vrms velocity zone is located energy, dissipation and gradient of the turbulent stresses
around the top downstream rib corner for the split-slit for turbulence modeling. These turbulent fluxes are
and inclined split-slit ribs similar to the urms distribution. reported here to compare the effect of rib geometry and
The vrms values and its spread inside the reattaching shear the approach to equilibrium turbulent boundary layer
layer are highest for the inclined split-slit rib. The down- value after reattachment. The turbulent flux of the shear
stream bottom rib corner of the inclined split-slit rib also stress in the X and Y directions has been calculated from
shows high vrms values due to the flow through the inclined
slit in the near wall region. Du ¼ hu0 v02 i=U 3o ; Dv ¼ hv0 u02 i=U 3o
1018 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

Fig. 4. The Reynolds stresses behind different rib geometries.

The X and Y turbulent flux profile for different rib geome- part of the shear layer (below the cross over point), the
tries have been compared in Fig. 5. Four streamwise (X) X-turbulent flux is positive and at the upper part of the
locations have been selected; X/h = 1 corresponds to the shear layer the X-turbulent flux is negative. The slit rib
immediate downstream region of the rib, X/h = 4 is inside shows two crossover points contrary to one for other rib
the recirculating region, X/XR = 1 is the reattachment loca- geometries (solid, split-slit and inclined split-slit ribs). This
tion and X/h = 11 is the post reattachment region. is probably due to the flow through the slit and the pres-
In the near field (X/h = 1) location, the turbulent flux is ence of two recirculating zone at both sides of the slit
a strong function of rib geometries. The turbulent flux is (see Fig. 3). The maximum magnitude of the X and Y tur-
negligible till Y/h  1 for the solid rib, i.e. inside the recir- bulent flux is highest for the inclined split-slit rib. The
culating region (see Fig. 3). The X and Y turbulent flux higher magnitude of the Reynolds stresses for the inclined
inside the shear layer are of opposite sign and have similar split-slit rib in Fig. 4 supports the above trend. The turbu-
order of magnitude. There is a cross over point at which lent flux magnitude in the near wall region of the inclined
the X and Y turbulent flux reverse their sign. In the lower split-slit rib is higher compared to that of the split-slit rib
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1019

X/h=1 X-Turbulent Flux X/h = 4

4 Y-Turbulent Flux 4 4 4

3 3 3 3




2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006
Solid rib Slit rib Solid rib Slit rib

4 4 4 4

3 Y/h 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006
Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib

X/X R = 1 X/h = 11
4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006
Solid rib Slit rib Solid rib Slit rib

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0 0.002 0.004 0.006
Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib

Fig. 5. The non-dimensional turbulent flux profile in X and Y direction ðhu0 v02 i=U 3o and hv0 u02 i=U 3o Þ for different rib geometries.

indicating higher effectiveness of the inclined slit in modify- flux distribution at X/XR = 1 spreads to a higher wall nor-
ing the turbulent transport. This is more evident at X/h = 4 mal (Y) location compared to the earlier X/h = 4 location.
location compared to that at X/h = 1. However, the Y-location of the X and Y turbulent flux
At later streamwise location, i.e. at X/h = 4, the turbu- cross over point does not change significantly in the
lent flux is significant in the near wall region for all rib streamwise (X) direction. In contrast to other rib geome-
geometries in contrast to that at X/h = 1 location. The tries, the turbulent flux distribution above the crossover
spread in Y direction of both turbulent fluxes is higher at point shows significant change in the Y direction for the
X/h = 4 compared to that at the X/h = 1 location due to solid rib. The turbulent flux distribution in the post reat-
the growth of the shear layer. Only one cross over point tachment region compares well with that of rough wall
is seen for the slit rib at X/h = 4 location compared to boundary layer (consisting of square cross section bars)
two cross over points seen at earlier X/h = 1 location. This [13]. It should be noted that contrary to the use of hot wire
indicates that the effect of flow through the slit is not anemometry by Keirsbulck et al. [13], the present study
directly felt at later streamwise (X/h = 4) location. The uses PIV and the comparable results from both the studies
maximum turbulent flux magnitude is seen for the inclined supports the successful use of PIV for measurement of
split-slit rib and minimum for the slit rib (Fig. 5). The Y- higher order moments of velocity fluctuation.
location of the cross over point moves marginally in the
upward direction at X/h = 4 location compared to the
X/h = 1 location. 3.2.2. Skewness of velocity fluctuation
The nature of turbulent flux at reattachment location The skewness of the u and v velocity fluctuation has
(X/XR = 1) is similar for all rib geometries. The turbulent respectively been calculated as
1020 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

X/h=1 Skewness (u-velocity) X/h=4

Skewness (v-velocity) 4 4 4

3 3 3



2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
0 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Slit rib Solid rib Slit rib
Solid rib

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib

X/X R = 1 X/h = 11
4 4 4

3 3 3



2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Solid rib Slit rib Solid rib Slit rib

4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3




2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib

Fig. 6. The skewness profile of u and v velocity fluctuation ðhu03 i=u3rms and hv03 i=v3rms Þ behind different rib geometries.

S u ¼ hu03 i=u3rms ; S v ¼ hv03 i=v3rms points in the turbulent flux profile observed for the slit rib
at X/h = 1 location (Fig. 5) is not seen in the skewness dis-
The skewness (Su and Sv) are the turbulent fluxes due to tribution of Fig. 6. The skewness approaches zero value
normal stresses in x and y direction, respectively. The (Gaussian value) in the free stream. The Y-extent of the
skewness of the u and v velocity fluctuation has been com- skewness profile in Fig. 6 is broader than that of the turbu-
pared in Fig. 6. The non-zero skewness value is an indica- lent flux profile in Fig. 5. Higher u and v skewness value in
tion of non-Gaussian probability density distribution of the near wall region (Y/h ffi 0) is seen for the inclined split-
the velocity fluctuation. The zero skewness value corre- slit rib at X/h = 1 location compared to that of the solid,
sponds to the Gaussian velocity fluctuation distribution slit and split-slit ribs. Hence, the high value of urms and vrms
and has been shown as dashed line. A cross over from for the inclined split-slit rib (Fig. 4) is due to the non-
the negative skewness to positive skewness value is found Gaussian velocity fluctuation in the near wall region by
for both u and v fluctuation similar to that seen for the tur- the flow through the inclined slit. The negative v-skewness
bulent flux distribution in Fig. 5. However, the degree of and positive u-skewness value in the near wall region indi-
symmetry seen for the turbulent flux (Du, Dv) profile in cates the importance of sweep type of motions; while the
Fig. 5 is not seen in the skewness (Su, Sv) distribution of positive v-skewness and negative u-skewness in the outer
Fig. 6. This indicates the importance of different mecha- shear layer region indicates the importance of ejection mo-
nism for transport of the turbulent shear and normal stres- tions. High skewness value is primarily observed in the out-
ses. The cross over of the u and v skewness value takes er shear layer region and the Y-location of high u and v
place at same Y-location. However, the multiple cross over skewness does not coincide with that of X and Y turbulent
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1021

flux in Fig. 5. The high skewness value in the near wall re- ponent and the filtered out components are considered as
gion can be attributed to the flow structures due to the the incoherent component. MATLAB functions have been
impingement of the reattaching shear layer. It is interesting used for wavelet calculations.
to note that the skewness values do not reverses their sign The skewness of large scale and small scale component
after reattachment in the near wall region indicating that of vorticity (x) and velocity gradient tensor invariant
the nature of the turbulent flow structures are similar at (Q2D) has been presented in Fig. 7. The xz> and Q2D-Z>
both upstream and downstream of the reattachment point. are the coherent or large scale component and xz< and
The high skewness at the outer edge of the shear layer is Q2D-Z< are the corresponding small scale components of
due to the intermittent entrainment from the mean flow. vorticity and velocity gradient tensor invariant, respec-
At post reattachment region (X/h = 11) the skewness pro- tively. The skewness of small scale components (xz< and
file behind the ribs can be compared with that of a rough Q2D-Z<) is equal to zero confirming the Gaussian nature
boundary layer [13]. In the upper region of the shear layer, (Fig. 7). The skewness of large scale components (xz>
the absolute magnitude of u-skewness (Su) is higher than and Q2D-Z>) deviates from the Gaussian zero value. This
that of v-skewness (Sv) for both rough boundary layer observation validates that the coherent structure identifica-
[13] and that behind the surface mounted ribs (present tion procedure has been properly implemented similar to
study). The relative sign of Su and Sv is also same in both that in Farge et al. [21].
the studies. The magnitude of both Su and Sv is also higher The shape of the large scale (xz> and Q2D-Z>) skewness
in the near wall region (Y/h ffi 0) with gradual drop towards profile are different from each other (Fig. 7). The average
the cross over point. skewness of Q2D-Z> is larger than that of xz>. The larger
Q2D-Z> magnitude compared to that of xz> can be attrib-
3.2.3. Skewness of coherent structures identifier uted to the non-Gaussianity due to the presence of orga-
The turbulent flow contains both the organized part nized vortices and the success of Q2D-Z> in identification
(coherent vortices) and random part (incoherent back- of these coherent structures. The skewness of large scale
ground flow). The vortices in a flow field are multiscale components (xz> and Q2D-Z>) drops to the Gaussian zero
structures, i.e. from the integral to dissipative scales. Use value inside the free stream. The skewness of Q2D-Z> is high
of localized concentrations of vorticity as indicator of both inside the near wall recirculating region (0 < Y/h < 1)
coherent vortices has been found insufficient in literature. and at the outer edge of the reattaching shear layer (Y/
One possible way to extract the coherent vortices is appli- h ffi 2). The skewness of vorticity (xz>) in the near wall
cation of vorticity threshold. In this approach, the vorticity region is not significant contrary to that of Q2D-Z> indicat-
magnitude greater than a threshold value is considered as ing the influence of velocity shear on the vorticity calcula-
coherent part. The drawback of this approach is the effect tion. The higher skewness of Q2D-Z> in both near wall
of spurious discontinuities due to random noise. The region and edge of the shear layer indicate the presence
invariant of the velocity gradient tensor is a better indicator of intermittent large scale vortical structures at these
of the rotation of velocity field and acts as a superior vortex locations.
identifier tool [20]. Therefore, the 2D approximation of the
velocity gradient tensor invariant (Q2D) has been calculated 3.3. Quadrant analysis
to identify the rotational component due to the presence of
a vortex. The 2D velocity gradient tensor invariant in X Turbulent flows have been shown to contain consider-
and Z direction is calculated from able structures. Flow visualizations and full Navier–Stokes
      solutions show the presence of streaks, bursts and other
1 @w @v 1 @v @u
Q2Dx ¼  ; Q2Dz ¼  : structures in turbulent boundary layer. These structures
2 @y @z 2 @x @y
play an important role in the overall flow behavior and
Farge et al. [21] extracted the coherent part of the velocity are responsible for high levels of mixing. Quadrant analysis
fluctuation based on its probability density distribution has been found to be successful in identification of turbu-
compared to that of Gaussian distribution using orthogonal lent flow structures. In quadrant decomposition, the u
wavelet basis. Their approach is based on the assumption and v velocity fluctuation is partitioned into four quadrants
that coherent vortices are responsible for the non-Gaussia- based on the instantaneous sign of u and v velocity fluctu-
nity of vorticity. The coherent vortices are all modes ation (quadrant 1 (u0 > 0, v0 > 0), quadrant 2 (u0 < 0, v0 > 0),
remaining after discarding the Gaussian part of the vorticity quadrant 3 (u0 < 0, v0 < 0), quadrant 4 (u0 > 0, v0 < 0)). In a
field. We have used similar approach as that of Farge et al. turbulent boundary layer, quadrants 1–4 are termed as out-
[21] to obtain the contribution due to coherent structures. ward interaction, ejection, wallward interaction and sweep,
In our approach, we have used single level wavelet decom- respectively [22]. The contribution to u0 v0 for each quadrant
position due to limited resolution of the velocity measure- is calculated from P
ments. The Daubechies-20 wavelet basis has been used ðu0 v0 Þi ¼ N1i ð u0 v0 Þi , where i = 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the
based on its superior performance compared to other ortho- quadrant number and Ni is the total number of points in
normal wavelets. The low frequency component remaining quadrant i. The quadrant contribution has further been
after the wavelet filtering is assumed to be the coherent com- partitioned based on strength of the respective motion,
1022 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

Q 2D
2 Q 2D 2

Q 2D-Z>
Q 2D-Z>
1.5 1.5
Q 2D-Z<
Q 2D-Z<

1 1

0.5 0.5

-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Skewness Solid rib Skewness

2 2

1.5 1.5
Y/ h

Y/ h
1 1

0.5 0.5

-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Skewness Slit rib Skewness

2 2

1.5 1.5
Y/ h

Y/ h

1 1

0.5 0.5

-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Skewness Split-slit rib Skewness

2 2

1.5 1.5
Y/ h

Y/ h

1 1

0.5 0.5

-3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Skewness Skewness
Inclined split-slit rib
Fig. 7. The streamwise averaged skewness values (between 0 < X/h < 2.3) of xZ, Q2D-Z and their large scale (xZ>, Q2D-Z>) and small scale (xZ<, Q2D-Z<)
components for different rib geometries.

where, the contribution to a quadrant motion is included if [17]. When the hole size (Hs) is large, only large eddies are
|u0 v0 | > Hsu0 v0 |ref, where Hs is the hole size parameter and included in the quadrant calculation. When Hs = 0, all con-
u0 v0 |ref is a constant reference shear stress value. In our tributions to u0 v0 are included and the sum of four quadrant
study, the maximum Reynolds stress among all locations contributions is the total turbulent shear stress.
and all rib geometries, i.e. u0 v0 |ref = 0.16 m2/s2 has been The Reynolds stress contribution profiles from each
taken as reference shear stress value for consistent compar- quadrant motion have been compared in Fig. 8 for different
ison of turbulent fluctuation length scale. This is contrast rib geometries. The quadrant 2 and quadrant 4 contribution
to the mean local Reynolds stress used as reference value has the highest magnitude compared to that of quadrant 1
by Willmarth and Lu [22]. A constant global u0 v0 |ref value and quadrant 3. The Y-extent at which the quadrant 2 and
helps in consistent comparison of the eddy size for all cases quadrant 4 motions are significant in Fig. 8 is similar to that
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1023

H S=0 X/h=1 X/h=4 X/X R=1 X/h=11

4 4 Quadrant-1 4 4
3 3 Quadrant-4
3 3

Y/ h

Y/ h

Y/ h

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Solid rib
4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Slit rib
4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Split-slit rib
4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3




2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Inclined Split-slit rib

Fig. 8. The normalized Reynolds stress ðhu0 v0 i=U 2o Þ profile for four quadrant decompositions behind different rib geometries (hole size (Hs) = 0).

of the turbulent flux in Fig. 5. The maximum magnitude of X/XR = 1 and X/h = 11 locations are broader compared to
quadrant 2 and quadrant 4 motions is observed at two dif- that at earlier X/h = 1 location for all rib geometries due to
ferent Y-locations. The X and Y turbulent fluxes in Fig. 5 growth of the shear layer with some drop in magnitude in
peak at similar Y-locations as that of quadrants 2 and 4 the streamwise direction. Overall, the quadrant 4 (sweep)
in Fig. 8. The cross over location between the quadrant 2 contributions are high in the near wall region and quadrant
and quadrant 4 profile is at similar location as that of X 2 (ejection) contribution is high in the upper part of the
and Y turbulent flux. The quadrant 2 and quadrant 4 shear layer. Similar to our results, Volino and Simon [23]
motions have two peaks and quadrant 1 and quadrant 3 have reported higher ejection motion contribution at the
have one peak for the slit rib at X/h = 1 location. Thus, outer part of the turbulent boundary layer and the sweep
there are two cross over locations between quadrant 2 and motion has a higher contribution at the near wall region.
quadrant 4 profile and one cross over location between It may be noted that Keirsbulck et al. [13] observed similar
quadrant 1 and quadrant 3 profile. These three crossover distribution of ejection and sweep motion of the rough wall
locations correspond to that of the turbulent flux for the slit boundary layer. The behavior of the quadrant motions at
rib in Fig. 5. The quadrant contribution profile at X/h = 4, post reattachment region behind different rib geometries is
1024 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

X/h=1 X/h=4 X/X R=1 X/h=11

4 4 4 4
HS = 2 Quadrant-2
3 3 Quadrant-4 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Solid rib
4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Slit rib
4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3



2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Split-slit rib
4 4 4 4

3 3 3 3




2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01

Inclined Split-slit rib

Fig. 9. The normalized Reynolds stress ðhu v 0 0
i=U 2o Þ profile for four quadrant decompositions behind different rib geometries (hole size (Hs) = 2).

similar to that of the flat plate boundary layer. It may be solid, slit, split-slit and inclined split-slit ribs respectively
noted that the present study uses PIV technique contrary drops about 50%, 25%, 40% and 50% at Hs = 2 compared
to the use of hot wire anemometry by Volino and Simon to that at Hs = 0 for the reattachment location (XR/h = 1).
[23] and Keirsbulck et al. [13]. At post reattachment location (X/h = 11), the maximum
The contributions from the large scale quadrant motions ejection motion magnitude for hole size Hs = 2 drops
(hole size = 2) for different rib geometries have been pre- about 50%, 25%, 40% and 20%, respectively for the solid,
sented in Fig. 9. The relative significance of the large scale slit, split-slit and inclined split-slit ribs compared to that
structures at different streamwise locations can be obtained at Hs = 0. This indicates the significance of the large scale
by comparing Fig. 8 with Fig. 9. The maximum quadrant 2 structures in the near field region compared to the far field
(ejection motion) magnitude drops 50%, 70%, 70% and region. The ratio of maximum ejection motion magnitude
80%, respectively for solid, slit, split-slit and inclined ðu0 v0 Þ
to that of the sweep motion magnitude ða ¼ ðu0 v0 ÞQ2 Þ at
split-slit ribs at hole size, Hs = 2 (Fig. 9) compared to that Q4

at Hs = 0 (Fig. 8) in the near field region (X/h = 1). Simi- Hs = 2 is different compared to that at Hs = 0 for all rib
larly, the maximum ejection motion magnitude for the geometries at the far field locations. In the near field region,
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1025

2 2

1.5 1.5

Y/ h

1 1
Dissipation Dissipation
Convection Convection
Production Production
0.5 0.5
Diffusion Diffusion
PressureTr. PressureTr.

-0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Solid rib Slit rib

2 2

1.5 1.5
Y/ h

1 1
0.5 0.5 Production
Pressure Tr.
Pressure Tr.
-0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib

Fig. 10. The turbulent kinetic energy budget (normalized by U 3o =h) profile at X/h = 1 location behind different rib geometries.

the ejection and sweep motion magnitude ratio (a) is com- and the mean rate of strain (Sij) and fluctuating rate of
parable for Hs = 0 and 2. The large scale sweep motion strain (sij), respectively are
magnitude drops more than that of the ejection motion    
at the far field region. This may be attributed to greater dis- 1 @U i @U j 1 @u0i @u0j
S ij ¼ þ ; sij ¼ þ
sipative effect on the sweep motion due to the presence of 2 @xj @xi 2 @xj @xi
the wall. Similar distribution of a for a rough boundary
layer has been reported by Keirsbulck et al. [13] and Panig- The first term in the right hand side of the mean turbulent
rahi et al. [17]. kinetic energy equation is convection and under the
assumption of negligible W-velocity (W = 0) it reduces to
3.4. Turbulent kinetic energy budget @K t @K t
convection ¼ U þV
@x @y
The turbulent kinetic energy budget helps to examine
how the turbulent energy is spatially distributed after its
The second term is the production of turbulent kinetic en-
generation and the different mechanism involved. It also
ergy and under the symmetry assumption at the mid-plane
explains whether the turbulent energy feed back to large
of the test channel (d/dz) = 0) becomes
scale or is lost to the molecular process.
The mean turbulent kinetic energy equation describing @U @V @U @V
the transport of turbulent kinetic energy is production ¼ hu0 u0 i þ hv0 v0 i þ hu0 v0 i þ hu0 v0 i
@x @y @y @x
@K t @K t @ 0 0 0 @
¼ U j  hu0i u0j iS ij  hu u u i  mhS ij S ij i
@t @xj @xj i i j @xj The third term is known as turbulence diffusion and under
@ 1 0 0 the assumption (hw0 2v0 i = hv0 3i and hw0 2u0 i = hv0 2u0 i) re-
 h2mu0i S ij i  hu p i duces to
@xj q j
@ 1 02 0 @ @ 1 03 @
where the turbulent kinetic energy (Kt) is diffusion ¼ hu v i þ hv03 i þ hu i þ hu0 v02 i
@y 2 @y @x 2 @x
K t ¼ hu0 u0 þ v0 v0 þ w0 w0 i
2 The fourth term known as dissipation is [24]:
1026 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

X/h = 4
3 3

2.5 2.5

2 2
Y/ h

1.5 1.5

Dissipation Dissipation
1 Convection 1 Convection
Production Production
0.5 Diffusion 0.5 Diffusion
Pressure Tr. Pressure Tr.
0 0
-0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04
Solid rib Slit rib

3 3

2. 5 2. 5

2 2
Y/ h

1. 5 Y/ h 1. 5

Dissipation Dissipation
1 1 Convection
Production Production
0. 5 Diffusion 0. 5 Diffusion
Pressure Tr. Pressure Tr.
0 0
-0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04
Split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib

Fig. 11. The turbulent kinetic energy budget (normalized by U 3o =h) profile at X/h = 4 location behind different rib geometries.

" *  + *   + *  + *   +
2 2 2 2 sure transport. The assumptions involved in simplification
@u0 @u0 @u0 @v0
m þ þ þ of above budget terms (advection, diffusion and dissipa-
@x @y @z @x
*   + *  + *   + *  + tion) have been discussed in Appendix.
2 2 2 2
@v0 @v0 @w0 @w0 Fig. 10 compares the turbulent kinetic energy budget
þ þ þ þ quantities at X/h = 1 location behind different rib geome-
@y @z @x @y
*  +# tries. The turbulent energy production magnitude peaks
@w0 inside the shear layer and drops to negligible value inside
@z the recirculating region and free stream. The production
profile shape inside the shear layer, i.e. outside the recircu-
Under the assumption of local isotropy the dissipation re- lation zone is similar to that from the DNS simulation of a
duces to fully developed turbulent boundary layer [25]. The maxi-
 0 2 mum production magnitude is observed for the inclined
isotropic dissipation ¼ 15v split-slit rib among all rib geometries. This supports the
maximum Reynolds stress observed for the inclined split-
The dissipation can also be calculated based on the slit rib in Fig. 4. The shape of the turbulent production
assumption of locally axi-symmetric turbulence and is profile is different for the slit rib compared to other rib
equal to [14]: geometries. The production of slit rib peaks at two Y-loca-
2 2 tions: one peak is near the slit location due to the flow
axisymmetric dissipation ¼ t½hð@u0 =@xÞ i þ h2ð@u0 =@yÞ i
through the slit and the second peak is due to the shear
2 2
þ h2ð@v0 =@xÞ i þ 8hð@v0 =@yÞ i of the reattaching shear layer. The dissipation magnitude
is significant inside the shear layer compared to that in
The remaining 5th and 6th terms in the turbulent kinetic the free stream and the recirculation region. The dissipa-
energy equation are termed as viscous diffusion and pres- tion magnitude increases from the recirculation region
sure diffusion, respectively. The sum of these two terms and peaks inside the shear layer with subsequent drop
has been obtained as the residual of the turbulent kinetic toward the free stream. The shape of the dissipation profile
energy equation. It should be noted that the viscous diffu- is similar to that of production for solid, split-slit and
sion can be assumed insignificant at high Reynolds number inclined split-slit ribs indicating a direct correlation
and therefore the residual term is primarily due to the pres- between the two. In contrast, the dissipation does not peak
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1027

a b
2 2
Solid rib Solid rib
Slit rib Slit rib
Split-slit rib Split-slit rib
1.5 1.5
Inclined split-slit rib Inclined split-slit rib
Y/ h

Y/ h
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
K1 K1

2 2

1.5 1.5

Y/ h
Y/ h

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
K2 K2

2 2

1.5 1.5
Y/ h
Y/ h

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
K3 K3

Fig. 12. The streamwise averaged isotropic ratios (K1, K2 and K3) in the (a) near field (0 < X/h < 2) and (b) far field (9 < X/h < 11.8) behind different rib

at two Y-locations as that of the production for the slit rib. ferent turbulent structures/mechanism, i.e. sweep, ejection,
However, the maximum and average dissipation magnitude wallward and outward interactions are responsible for dis-
of the slit rib is higher than other rib geometries (Fig. 10). sipation inside the turbulent boundary layer. Keirsbulck
The flow through the slit influences the gradient of the et al. [13] observed near balance of turbulent production
velocity fluctuations and therefore the increase in dissipa- and dissipation in a rough wall boundary layer. The
tion of the turbulent kinetic energy. The dissipation profile inequality between the magnitude of production and dissi-
inside the shear layer behind the rib is different from that of pation in the near field behind all rib geometries is due to
a turbulent channel flow [25]. The dissipation magnitude in the non-equilibrium of turbulence.
the near wall region is maximum for a turbulent boundary The turbulent diffusion reverses its sign in the lower and
layer which gradually drops towards the free stream. The upper region of the shear layer compared to that inside the
dissipation behind surface mounted ribs is correlated to core of the shear layer. The distribution of diffusion inside
the production of turbulent kinetic energy. In contrast, dif- the reattaching shear layer is similar to that of the plane
1028 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

2 Liu and Thomas [24] observed similar reversal in the con-

Solid rib vection magnitude near the edge of the planar wake.
Slit rib
The residual of turbulent kinetic energy budget is signif-
Split-slit rib
icant for all rib geometries. This indicates the importance of
pressure transport leading to turbulent kinetic energy trans-
Inclined split-slit rib
fer between different velocity components. Zhou et al. [26]

1 have reported the pressure transport/diffusion to be signifi-

cant in a plane wall jet. The pressure transport in their study
has been obtained from hot wire measurements using simi-
0.5 lar data analysis procedure as ours. The significance of pres-
sure transport in our study may also be influenced by the
presence of pressure gradient at the downstream region of
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
the rib. This observation is in conformity with the results
Ka1 on effect of pressure gradient in planar wake by Liu and
Thomas [24]. The pressure transport magnitude is minimum
2 for the solid rib and maximum for the inclined split-slit rib.
It should be noted that the reattachment length is lowest for
the inclined split-slit rib and highest for the solid rib. The
lowest reattachment length leads to higher adverse gradient
of the inclined split-slit rib. The higher pressure transport
for the inclined split-slit rib can be attributed to higher

adverse pressure gradient.
Fig. 11 shows the turbulent kinetic energy budget at a
downstream location (X/h = 4). The magnitude of all bud-
get quantities at X/h = 4 location have dropped signifi-
cantly compared to that at X/h = 1 location. The
production and dissipation are nearly balanced for the slit
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 rib. Keirsbulck et al. [13] showed similar balance between
Ka2 the production and dissipation of a smooth and rough tur-
bulent boundary layer. The production and dissipation in
the inner region are larger than that in the outer region
for the turbulent boundary layer. However, these terms
are significant in the outer region behind the slit rib. This
indicates the early approach of the flow behind slit rib to
fully developed equilibrium turbulent boundary layer.
The pressure transport at X/h = 4 for the slit rib has

dropped considerably from that X/h = 1 location and other
transport terms, i.e. convection and diffusion are smaller in
magnitude. The effect of flow through the slit showing mul-
tiple peaks of the turbulent budget terms at X/h = 1 loca-
tion is not evident at X/h = 4 location. The overall
behaviors of turbulent budget terms are similar for differ-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 ent rib geometries with minor difference in their magnitude.

Fig. 13. The spanwise averaged (2 < Z/h > 2) axisymmetric ratios (Ka1, 4. Conclusions
Ka2 and Ka3) at the cross stream plane, X/h = 2.5 behind different rib
geometries. The study of detailed turbulent structures present
behind different surface mounted rib geometries, i.e. solid,
turbulent channel boundary layer [25] for all ribs except the slit, split-slit and inclined split-slit ribs has been carried out
slit rib. The diffusion profile of the slit rib shows a second using two component and stereo PIV techniques. The Rey-
reversal in sign near the slit location. The flow through the nolds number based on rib height has been set equal to
slit is responsible for the multiple reversal of diffusion mag- 5538. The open area ratio of permeable ribs is equal to
nitude. Both the magnitude and shape of the turbulent con- 20%. The mean and rms velocity, higher order moments,
vection profile is a function of the rib geometries. The i.e. skewness and turbulent flux, quadrant motions and tur-
magnitude of convection is lowest for the inclined split-slit bulent kinetic energy budgets have been reported.
rib. The convection reverses its sign near the edge of the The nature of turbulent flux profile past the reattach-
shear layer from that inside the core of the shear layer. ment region behind different rib geometries compares well
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1029

with that of rough wall boundary layer [13]. The quadrant A.2. Dissipation
motions and their large scale components at the far field
region behind different rib geometries compare well with The dissipation term of the kinetic energy budget equa-
that of transitional/turbulent boundary layer [23] and flow tion has been calculated based on the assumption of both
past solid rib [17]. Similarly the assumptions used for local isotropy and axi-symmetry. The assumption of local
kinetic energy budget quantities calculations have been ver- isotropy requires the eight isotropic ratios [14] to be equal
ified from PIV measurements and are in conformity with to unity. The following three isotropic ratios have been cal-
earlier findings [14,15,24]. The good match between the culated from the available measurements to verify the isot-
previous literatures carried out by hot wire anemometry ropy assumption.
with the present PIV measurements establishes the capabil- 2
ity of PIV technique as a useful research tool for study of h2ð@u0 =@xÞ i
Isotropic ratios : K 1 ¼ 2
complex turbulent flows. Summary of some important hð@v0 =@xÞ i
findings from this study are discussed below. 2 2
h2ð@u0 =@xÞ i hð@u0 =@xÞ i
The mean flow field modification of permeable ribs is K2 ¼ ; K3 ¼
hð@u0 =@yÞ2 i hð@v0 =@yÞ2 i
clearly evident from the mean and rms velocity results.
The permeable ribs have lower reattachment length with The streamwise averaged isotropic ratios at both near field
maximum 41% drop in reattachment length of the inclined (0 < X/h < 2) and far field (9 < X/h < 11.8) have been pre-
split-slit rib compared to the solid rib. The permeable ribs sented in Fig. 12 for different rib geometries. The isotropic
show greater three dimensionality compared to the solid ratios in the far field region are nearly constant (within the
rib. The higher magnitude of Reynolds stress for the range of 0.8–1.8) and are independent of the rib geometries.
inclined split-slit rib compared to other rib geometries indi- The similarity of the isotropic ratios in the far field region
cates some degree of correlation between the turbulent fluc- indicates the universal nature of the isotropic ratios irre-
tuation and drop in reattachment length by increased spective of different reattachment length as a function of
turbulent mixing. The Reynolds stress magnitude correlates rib geometries. The isotropic ratios are different in the near
to the turbulent kinetic energy production values for all rib wall region compared to that away from it. The streamwise
geometries. The quadrant analysis demonstrates large averaged isotropic ratios in the near field region is different
sweep motion in the near wall region and predominant ejec- from that in the far field region. The magnitude of stream-
tion motion in the outer shear layer region. The turbulent wise averaged isotropic ratios in the near field region is
flux and skewness profile shows different mechanism for same for solid, spit-slit and inclined split-slit ribs. However,
transport of turbulent shear stress compared to that of nor- the isotropic ratios of slit rib shows larger deviation from
mal stress. The high skewness value of the turbulent fluctu- unity at about Y/h = 0.5 location due to the flow through
ations inside the shear layer is due to the combined effect of the slit. Schenck and Jovanovic [13] reported the eight iso-
spanwise vortices, entrainment from the mean flow and the tropic ratios to be in the range of 0.4–1.7 from the hot wire
ejection motion from the wall boundary layer. The pressure measurements of plane circular cylinder wake and axisym-
transport term of the turbulent kinetic energy budget is sig- metric wake of a sphere. The isotropic ratio magnitude
nificant behind the surface mounted ribs leading to the from the PIV measurements of this study and the hotwire
transfer of turbulent kinetic energy between different veloc- measurements of Schenck and Jovanovic [14] are compara-
ity components. The higher adverse gradient due to smaller ble to each other. Overall, the available isotropic ratios do
reattachment length leads to maximum pressure transport not confirm the validity of local isotropy assumption in the
of the inclined split-slit rib. present study.
The dissipation has also been calculated based on the
local axisymmetry assumption. The axisymmetric dissipa-
tion has been derived based on the assumption that the five
axisymmetric ratios [14] are equal to unity. The following
The authors gratefully acknowledge the Alexander von
three axisymmetric ratios have been calculated from the
Humboldt Foundation (http://www.humboldt-founda-
available stereo-PIV data. for the financial support. PKP is grateful to mem-
bers of the DLR PIV group for their support. hð@u0 =@yÞ i
Axisymmetric ratios : Ka1 ¼ 2
hð@v0 =@zÞ i
Appendix A 2
hð@v0 =@zÞ i hð@v0 =@yÞ i
Ka2 ¼ 2
; Ka3 ¼ 2
hð@w0 =@yÞ i hð@w0 =@zÞ i
A.1. Assumptions
The spanwise averaged (2 < Z/h < 2) axisymmetric dissi-
Various assumptions have been made for simplifying the pation ratios have been presented in Fig. 13. The axisym-
expression of kinetic energy budget terms, i.e. dissipation, metric ratios are function of rib geometries and the shape
convection and diffusion. The verifications of these of each axisymmetric ratio is different from each other.
assumptions are discussed below. The magnitude of axisymmetric ratio Ka1, Ka2 and Ka3
1030 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

a b
2 Solid rib 2
Slit rib
Split-slit rib
Inclined split-slitrib

1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
Dissipation (Isotropic) Dissipation (Isotropic)

2 2

1.5 1.5
Y/ h

Y/ h

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007
Dissipation (Axisymmetric) Dissipation (Axisymmetric)

Fig. 14. The comparison between streamwise averaged non-dimensional dissipation (normalized by U 3o =h) based on local isotropy and axisymmetry
assumption at the (a) near field region (0 < X/h < 2) and (b) far field region (9 < X/h < 11.8).

profiles are approximately equal to 1.5, 1 and 0.5, respec- ratio deviates significantly from 1.0. This justifies the differ-
tively. The average magnitude of all axisymmetric ratios ence in dissipation calculated from isotropy and axisymme-
(Ka1, Ka2 and Ka3) is equal to 1.0. Therefore, it indicates try assumption for the slit rib at around the slit location (Y/
better validity of axisymmetry assumption for dissipation h = 0.5). Maximum 16% difference in magnitude between
calculation. The axisymmetric ratios reported by Schenck the dissipation calculated based on isotropy and axisymme-
and Jovanovic [14] were in the range of 0.6–1.6 for plane try is seen in the near field region (Fig. 14, left). Similarly,
and axi-symmetric wakes. Schenck and Jovanovic [14] ob- maximum 12% difference between the dissipation calcu-
served that the dissipation calculated based on local axi- lated based on isotropy and axisymmetry assumption is
symmetry compares well with measured dissipation rate observed in the far field region (Fig. 14, right). Schenck
compared to that based on local isotropy assumption. and Jovanovic [14] reported maximum 16% difference
Fig. 14 compares the streamwise averaged dissipation between the dissipation of plane wake calculated based
based on local isotropy and axisymmetry assumption in on isotropy and axisymmetry assumption. The above
the near field and far field region behind different rib geom- results demonstrate the axisymmetry assumption to be rel-
etries. The shape/nature of dissipation profile from isot- atively a better approximation for dissipation calculation.
ropy assumption is similar to that based on axisymmetry Therefore, the local axisymmetry assumption has been
assumption for solid, split and inclined split-slit ribs. How- adopted for kinetic energy budget calculations in this
ever, the dissipation profile of slit rib from local isotropy study.
and axisymmetry assumption are not similar at around
Y/h = 0.5 location (Fig. 12, left). The isotropic ratio results A.3. Convection
in Fig. 12 show maximum deviation from 1 for slit rib com-
pared to other rib geometries. The irregular nature of dis- The total turbulent kinetic energy is the combination of
sipation profile for the slit rib calculated from the u, v and w fluctuation. The turbulent kinetic energy has
isotropic assumption (Fig. 14, left) is seen at similar cross been reported from the 2-C PIV measurements using the
stream Y-location (Y/h = 0.5) in Fig. 12 where the isotropic assumption for the third component of velocity fluctuation.
P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033 1031


Y/ h

Solid rib
0.5 Slit rib
Split-slit rib
Inclined Split-slit rib

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Kinetic Energy (Assumption)



0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Kinetic Energy (Actual)

Fig. 15. The comparison between the spanwise averaged (2 < Z/h < 2) nondimensional turbulent kinetic energy from the three components velocity
fluctuation (actual) using stereo PIV measurements with that from two components velocity fluctuation measurement using 2-C PIV with scale factor
equal to 1.6 (assumption) at X/h = 2.5 location for different rib geometries.

This is due to higher spatial resolution of 2-C PIV in com- hw0 2ui> = hv0 2ui. The stereo PIV measurements at X/h =
parison to 3-C PIV measurements for accurate calculation 2.5 plane has been used to verify the above assumptions.
of derivative of the velocity fluctuations. It has been The spanwise averaged actual turbulent diffusion in X
assumed that the total turbulent kinetic energy is 1.6 times and Y direction from stereo PIV measurements has been
that of the 2-C turbulent kinetic energy, i.e.: compared with that from above assumption in Fig. 16.
K 2t ¼ 12 hu0 u0 þ v0 v0 þ w0 w0 i ¼ 1:6
hu0 u0 þ v0 v0 i. The turbulent The Y-diffusion term comparison between the actual and
fluctuation from stereo PIV measurements has been used assumption is quite satisfactory in Fig. 16 (right). There
to validate the above assumption. Jung et al. [15] have is minor discrepancy of X-diffusion magnitude between
assumed the total turbulent kinetic energy to be equal to the assumption and actual values in Fig. 16 (left). However,
1.33 times that of 2-C turbulent kinetic energy for flow as the magnitude of Y-diffusion is an order of magnitude
around a rectangular structure. The spanwise averaged higher than that of X-diffusion, the small discrepancy in
actual turbulent kinetic energy from stereo PIV measure- X-diffusion calculation is expected to have negligible effect
ments (Fig. 15, bottom) at X/h = 2.5 locations have been on the total turbulent diffusion calculation. Liu and Tho-
compared with that from the assumption (Fig. 15, top) mas [24] also observed the streamwise turbulent diffusion
for different rib geometries. The comparison between the values to be negligible compared to the lateral diffusion
assumption and the actual turbulent kinetic energy is very for a planar wake. The streamwise turbulent diffusion is
satisfactory in Fig. 15 with maximum 10% deviation. small leading to local redistribution of the turbulent kinetic
Therefore, the assumption for the calculation of turbulent energy in the cross stream direction by the lateral Y-diffu-
energy is verified. sion component. Therefore, the cross stream integration
of the Y-diffusion should be equal to zero. The numerical
A.4. Diffusion integration of Y-diffusion values in Fig. 16 is close to zero
within the experimental uncertainty indicating the accuracy
The diffusion of turbulent kinetic energy has been calcu- in measurement and calculation of turbulent diffusion in
lated using the following assumptions: hw0 2v0 i = hv0 3i and this study. Liu and Thomas [24] also reported the integra-
1032 P.K. Panigrahi et al. / Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 32 (2008) 1011–1033

2 2

Y/h 1.5 1.5

Y/ h
1 1

0.5 Solid rib 0.5

Slit rib
Split-slit rib
Inclined split-slit rib
0 0
-0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0002 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 -0.002 -0.001 0 0.001 0.002

X-Diffusion (Assumption) Y-Diffusion (Assumption)

2 2

1.5 1.5
Y/ h

Y/ h 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
-0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0002 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 -0.002 -0.001 0 0.001 0.002

X-Diffusion (Actual) Y-Diffusion (Actual)

Fig. 16. The comparison between the spanwise averaged (2 < Z/h < 2) actual turbulent diffusion value (normalized by U 3o =h) in X and Y direction at X/
h = 2.5 location obtained from the three components velocity fluctuation measurements (actual) and that obtained from the two components velocity
fluctuation measurement assuming ðv0 w02 ¼ v03 and u0 w02 ¼ u0 v02 Þ (assumption) for different rib geometries.

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