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THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE JOHANNES KEPLER OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1966 {blank page } FOREWORD Kercen’s Latin booklet of 1611, 4 New Year's Gift or Ow ‘the sivcornered Sarikei here presented in an English rans- lation forthe frst time. ‘Though it was known to scholars in the seventeenth century, it does not appear to have been appre= ciated agsin until 1907 when the fst German translation ppeared. Yet in several respects it isa document of outstand- "ro the hstoran of ideas it dplays in compact form the sntthess between the medieval outlook and the new mathe= ‘matical method. ‘The reader of these pages experiences these loyalties competing in Kepler's mind as he pondered on the problem, why snowfakes ae hexagonal, ewo centuries before the frst successful eps were taken towards ie solution. Yet Jn this essay the objective scienige aim is dominant. It as though Kepler, in leving astronomy, where his temperament and ambitions were deeply involved fo meditate on the sno lake, were able to give freer expression to his deste For objec tive mathematical solutions of special problems, There i here Jess ofthe my—stical-emotional elements which colour the Hay= ionize, for example, and though Kepler considers his much- loved regular solids he discard them withouta pangas irclevant to the plane hexagons of his snowfake= To the historically oriented physicist and_ mathematician Kepler's esay provides the rst published evidence in ingrams 15 Well as text, ofthe ideas of regular arrangements and close. packing which have proved fundamental to crystallography, Although it seems that ahout 1609 Thomas Harriet studied the elore-packing of spherical atoms “This would be enough to justify attention to this gem of, Aisciplned speculation onthe part of one ofthe greatest ures fof exact scence. But these retroapectve features of the Nese ‘Year's Gift are supplemented by another, which points ahead. This easy isthe firs recorded step trcards a mathematical teary of the goss of inorganic argansfrme, x theory which sil lies in the future. In 1610 Kepler recognized that the apparently perfect hexagonal form of few snowtfakes that ell on his coat ‘ne day in Brague presented a challenge to the new mathe= matical scence that was stragaling to bith in his own mind: ‘Why sin? What was the physical cause of the sic? What prin= ciple selected six fiom the other possible numbers? Moreover he regaced this a 4 special case ofthe general problem ofthe genesis of forme. In efect Kepler challenged those who fol~ Towed him to discover the mathematics of the emergence of ‘ible forme in crystals plants, and animals. ‘Water has long been regared a6 the bass of much that happens in tis universe andthe snowlake is now recognized stn important clue tothe shaping agencies of nature, both in the formation of perfece micro-trctures and in the formative and destructive power af gaciers and thunderstorms. Theinter- Cit in snow is old. "For the Lord spake unto Job:—Hlase thou fntered into the treasures of the tnow? Out of whose womb fame the ice?" In the second century bic a Chinese scholar ian Ying, observed chat while plants often had five petals, snow starlets possessed six rays. “The purpose of this volume isto display agains is historical background the historical, literary, cient, and philosophical treasures of Kepler's New Tears Gif butabove all its scientific intent For beneath its humour and sllusive style and appar- ntl casual repetitvenes, i displays a scientfejudgement of the highest calibre. Kepler recognizes a genuine problem, tlisusses several alternative soltions rejects them ally and pistes the problem he chemi or them to solve in the future! tin sriking to see all thi n a mind sill tached to much in the medieval tradition, and compelled by his failure to answer his own question co fall back on a universal faces formate ‘which lay beyond his mathematical understanding For the convenience of the reader the book opens with 1 Synopsis, with references to the pages of the 1611 Latin “There follows the modemized texto the 161 Latin eition, ‘with an English translation by Mr. Colin Hardie of Magdalen allege, Oxford, on the opposite pages. Ainge series of note, printed a the end and indicated by superar numerals the Latin and Englah tex coves (9 tele mares CC. A), (nora eed cary eterener timiny ©. 11), Gi mathematical and phi gusston, then by reference tothe following tre cry (LW) ‘Poftsor BJ. Mason dicts the sete ineanng and valdy of Kepe'sargumenty and thei slo tothe sary bi eulogeiphy and of saceiling. Thi supplemented ly my examination of Kepler's ais formar cation 0 {he hutony of plosopbica and seni ah onthe genes of arm, ited by the history of the problem of hes fiom ret to 1902. "The Bblgsapy gives information on edition, German teamlaiony ad commentaries. No atenpe is mae to eet tothe vst thenmareon snow and ce ‘The three authors have worked in close colkborton, and wih expres therndbtcdnes tothe Gorman commentators Io he tandaion by Stan and Borm, T inh also to thank Profesor Cyr 8. Smith of MAT for cling ny stenton to Kepler's New Yeo Gif TotW. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We oferou thanks» Dr, Marth Lis Prosheimentrase 3, Wel der Sul, Germany, fr infrmation aout te German alain an he lean af one af them, to Prfosor Cyr §. Sith af te Meats Insite of Technology Fr formatin aad oPfemn Dovshy Hoagkin,Somerill Cale, Oxod, Fr advice snd encouraged, nda the Bolen Litany Ono ft prion to epofac the tot of copy of he #68 obtin of Kepler's bok, CONTENTS Synopsia Note on Text Latin Text facing English Translation yc. wanour (On the Shapes of Snow Crystal ye, J. wasox Kepler's Unsolved Problem and the Raculas Formats Notes Bibliography ” 2 s 0s synopsis a inte = ee we SESE Ath tenth seat wes wh Orca et eoatertn aetatooa viel i Rees 1 tn ety pane Wat oa noe tte 5 Se are 5 “Brtpriegrdeene nck steor onic 7 PE esc enragdage leg te “Ths eet Now Yep rene e in omnes Se nie iets tens Keep aaa RUMEN Race ef ceee ee o Sow bsios Tee mat fe ase hy so hs te speared ae ene ae Wy sys re ee eee 6 lms fo bet nn sp ° {blank page } ‘Whar that agent? An tmanent form, or an ecient cause acon net patty eee ee ae iP erorate seston er he Mayeiiehesigoncnepapes toe Se tad ea may ep car wa Tryon ae bi na creed plinth ce rane ya sy seeking of oe Each ‘Sian mueld sree ieee nh tne ce 7 OES eee ib ned of mck toi? 14 feat Sliced Theknpeetinegectiogidenercr hohsataen a acho 5 Tictemepuate mel Ron es (13 win ge of i an ae? fons ee Iisa Ty Sponge se ef a of eee een 9 cogs such as clepackng These plans maybe ack one shove th ater inowo manners each ple ringer dict 10. enone elt below or om +t oF gutter of ples ‘The (rent psf cepa te sean (One of te erangements exis the form of the pore nats bt heyin making combareenedin one ony and low a nine which ee hing to do with the was, trai the proces of grow. 11 Bae wha purpone al Gadi puting thse canor farce ture ity the Bea? Thiee pstites canbe imagined. The Iago the roomie of th ee lane Sue (ange, ‘ny benagn) the hexagon bt ut the tender od of he es aio labour is ved in making wale which aze shared by to sb would be wasted in ming cela ele with ap “Tho reso ate enough; Kepler need at speak ofthe Dssty the rhomboid or ofthe nature the diinatve oul fhe Bes, Inthe ee ofthe pomegranate ao wane look yond he material mecensty hich we ave recognized ad 0 cide he inne ifeprinple which gue i sa "Yerwhere plans ave Sef ater comin of hie soul i pce, orators of five appear in he regulars and so mvlve ‘the nto eld the glen seton which reas fom ta ‘clap sie that an nage of te aay of propa a ‘ante Ths the flower crc the authentic ag fei ly, "epenago. Ball ts onl to prepare us forthe snowfake "The ft external cate to coir the oly which by raducing condensation may ssom to Be he cae of he make 13, tape Ye al rl not driminte ost produce Seidel Forme with symmetrical ai [a Tos bt the mating of ‘cam an cold ai proce ren Sge om broken winds bat thi doce aot bel we wh the sowdake, Why plume as Poin? What ithe ogi ofthe number sx? Who cared the 14 ces fore i lynx hoe offer? The eld canoe do ‘hs itmst be ome nero came elated to he vapour ut why are he prong not pesca dite tra 15) na pane! Indecd te thee sas not peng thre etre “fame iforly aranged on sphere? This idea i ted ot ut why is the condensation on parle ti rater an on spre sphere? Here we are ying to ra uth fom he em echo of ae tae 3 2s 9 Packing ofall of vapour produces pate: sy square on a ane and eae in sl a such ters ay guide the eo ‘ening vapour, But what makes the balls cow one pattern, father tan another? Cold may play 2 pst by penerting the Fepeandprofcing cndenston "The problem complex: may be a question of the ttl ‘egimenition ofthe mater on mas o ofthe inceralrzaniae ti fecha o of th, There are arguments pining tthe ‘apg ofeach dp by el “Phas fr we ve made mo pogees "The posily hee imerional Grater of the stewakef considered a on tested withthe undoubtedly asc role of thre dimension in nay in lao to abies, gravity an an unobsrced ve ‘Sorting bs ees ot Kepler concludes thatthe case of the hexagonal hae ofthe towake the tren that of shape of lana fee numeral corsa, nothing eng from bt $I guied by aSopreme Reon, “Thee iin fc 4 Jats formar apn ae formative faculty in the Earth aod vapours ha al ape dex termined by «formative penile "One nigh argc tha x prpee at work nthe oman of tur Doli nd plant. Yet no purpose can Be osrved ithe tacalar shape of + snow; Tor example, dbs not co trite tts oi, ‘Kepe' answe hath frmrating reason dot not at sony for «puro, but sometne sinly to arn Te may ay ‘hth png moment. Ever heat Kepler Bbees itis cera der feo, dibuting eoupot in god ary ‘ong certain ie of bri tele ae not fal a uly ‘rime fat”. Temay be objected dha each single plant must have sow aninasing peng. To ace an indie to every sage ‘Seto sow fava ad the shapes of sofas cao be ‘tibutel wo the operation Soul ar can the shape of plate ‘Kepler regure the analy of plane and sowfake a ing ‘oe tha sch noe oul magne. Forall fom ar he ‘fipring of one eiveral pin inert nthe Fath Tie withow Pilspty ie Death! The adsltees of Acops fable nl ot have lt her basta ude et hb ge he ‘night have si that she had anced from» sik ‘Reyes rm te autor of the shape othe shape tl # a 35 3 1 may arise fom the three-diensonal crosing of thee dix sneer oriemay hve been seco fm thea fee Almeria he sumer tte of the el slit hold 2 chy fr they express ee mind of Gad i the language of uni ‘But thea why octahedral with sx pints rather than cubic with eigh? JJewellen sy de pric otahada are found in dlsmonds wih woul spot our argument. ‘We have spcuited too much. Kepler Is ough shy of te soul of te mite oly oid Hise now exiting the ery Soul ofthe Earth inthe mote of «sufi! He mist Seat ees ‘ezp countering rial arent with te vi Homevet i has begun wow again ad Kepler has Ben asp eating he le fakes "They are of two hind: she mnjoiy are complex globla laters, but among them se seamed stl everyone of than at So what Be bas fexoned (bout three-inersoal Sas) nothing al. Thus Kepler ceturs to the ese problem. Why fat?" maybe due tocol touching war vapour ona pane: And why savcomeed? sti becae hss the it of te plane regular gars which zon focm id? Or becuse Retain fl plan? ‘Tie Iie at such nti pane. Whenever hey mske muta ont eat es and eo sinks for there i expansion of mate in hot thing, Dut ‘kos a weg in col and hi rvs the hot upwards So when the team wakes ph occa on mai, avacuum vod when the old Birinturn beaks inonmase. Hence de ees fa open window oF of ‘era bce the collet, Whatever steam lids on thse cle at once ieee ata equal degre of cold pase ints the new depot 0 that winner scam di again thi etal foes in wneud ace ein, unt dhe colar iervenesan mass way inward unelected. By thie aeration fenty and ent thre oman of haf cir suis and shar prongs. "Nothing can bein thee terme about the shaping ofr ile now fake. For wht entry is there bere in the wide ‘haps of i what x what tow pcs wha kisi? T wl grat hat aes fll foe shor through amy a, ome ineusation on the plumes con ‘cc frm the wap that comes in otc with them, Rut why a eins? What isthe origin ofthe number six? Who caved the maces, ‘efeitos hor ofc? What cae ie that pei in at sufi, which now in the very af condemn spins ina cele forseongt be weed onto thon? pinion 4 DE IVE SEXANGULA feu Cum itagne cana externa figs, hace eee meguea: interna liguam cae meses et, waporsgue ee comitem ol ali uocumgne mods propriam? A hace perpendeten sabi admirais, cur radi on pati ie mm ambitum sphacricu diponancur? Cu, intone eal est Ions re auctor, in plana tantummde perf opeatar? gui andi aque acqualier se haher, won ora in sla plana super ‘capri nest. Dam in bis Sucsor meditainibus, dam rato postales radios x cmnem ambitondisriuts, acid, und alias saepe com adie ‘iow spc lll bused mon pric stati cases momento ster super plaitem, sed partials womellis limes tno de nique tempoit mora subidere in plaiiom. Bx la ratsnatons elt pate, ex hac expericntia vel mate, nat st mii opine dats sellalr ics inte cadendum rns contre vilas diame, ecusain ad anus pases captais sex exromitatbas in oben saequalter dismibtsita ut bus tantum eilss rads incident, eligi rns, (ui unt incidentiam opps tadem rece d= smcrs) insulin sent dance fs is, quis sella susincbave, ‘eligui bacon bles im candem plaitiom cam priori, er- medi las deans Hiaus opinions sim prosepuar por nium, potesdemum an vera sit esaminabe: ne fortes impertana antes deteto me fro Iibcat, gd insti, wera dere Nii fare “leit in cause pain exo, guccengue conta ss horum sex radoram, cam unique asqualiterfutam ev i omer plop: rs igus et causa soma radiram, gas gi singules vapors portuncalas cicamstare acqualter ant aequaliOns cere iaterallis ‘andigacs sin calor itera Bue oes iphacrae lags ex 90 et eadom conte oporti (Ai ie nondam dscssa sed translate et gaactio. Nam ronda ‘per guare non quingne vel septem, td emiine toe vile radi oapeentar ex eadem coo B Since then he exer cae, cleaner produce this est tere mut be some internal exe, eter concn or in me the way ential ovat. ‘Bu tT weigh thee eas ic cere om to wonder why the prog are not rather dst ve the woe spherical envelope, 1 intel Tat the autor ofthis rl why ds ake ee: lyon plane tarice? Afr leat tail pone throughout found nly in an even yer of vapour ‘While Ts withthe though and whe reso demand Aisrbuted oer the whole cat I think of omething which Ihave fie there watched with astonishment tha a ofthis kd are fot tose oneal rae he ie momen of ling but tre eldupatove by some prt ofthemslenand the, afer amon {lay ste dwn on tothe eve, To thierewoningytoxpak ber, tnd wothisobervaton ax mother Howe the bref te flowing notion? ile hve alae filing, they const of the fathered diameters, joined crm atone pint wththerabetremiien equal dribted Ina phere conmquety they fll on only eee of dhe Fhe prongs tower afi the remaining thes opp thon on which hey al, ‘nthe sme ameter protngs unl ha on which hey rested buh, ‘nd the remainder, uni hen upright sono teleel with he fet in the gus betwee them, Tal ps hie onion a fr ae weil eke me and ly acral shall Tete for fee thatthe ibsimed detection of «groundle ‘eunpion may prs prevent me fam fuling my engagement | ‘acute about thing of Naw Slr his sue be ume as the groan of our submisions” that, ever the cane of these st aye may heii eneryhere ely ifs in all reins. Hence, if eal the ase af the si ys then ‘oldsurounds eich particle pur equal eat ast a gual ines, tteouphout, Aleratvly itera es i he cate, 00 operatn fom one and she sme cee vey dimension of here ‘Bat in ht way the quton not yt fed but oly sis frit ot yt lear why, ot Se or even, bu inva si mel ays are fined heme centre, 6 DB NIVE SEXANGULA, e3) eo quae a geomeris, guanam in fcura tes diametri see “thogonliter, cu i frma ora dupliis in eodem cents sean is reipondbit, in chose, connesis angi oppo, Octabedron nim haber sex anguss. Qua igitr fi at mi inter cadendum, (prixiguam complaneter, wibus ellis diamonis se incicem or ‘gonaltorsocontiba initevur ipsum 13 oneheréwectahedr? Ub ‘adieu extrema cicna resis deadeis connects intgram stte- ede corps repracintais?® (Que cana gitar, quod ines tes ville radi potas i domatio quam in glume itera? a Possum quidem diere modam aname us its fant material secenivate ted i atu aliquid quod raram plas haber admire ois, gua hocipsum gud iam ort demourvandam. Dicam ome, si forex comparatone malram fotorm eliate veritas, Eas at ‘apr, guano prinam frigesrruns semi, cagulty ie sph rales certs guautvatis. Hoe et conentancam, Nam at it aga, tea minima naturale et de fides properes, quad agua a0 Dordere vow diffs amplns, guondo cu nf gxtae quantitate: sic etiam facile come pots ness oaparis materia tevacttem iguom, gua past raster frig, corte agua quanta, pata [ute vapid, Secande cuts at hae sphacrae wapidae te ivizem contingent in seria dipstions, puta guadrangalari in plan, ‘ice i ldo, yu de Supras sie enim tanger ‘phacrlsguacierabalsrey guaram ale gator " Di in plonsdeping pvants punta ot esta intel (getde est taperpanh et sappeni. Ts ita posts ce axtampts, frigore vrs por pata iraene:sphacralae coat (ito ad eppsitum evant muta contra igus age Wri cera (uide sphacralarum fet condensats ie tamen, ab elim cores yo ametrscomacaum, guises lcs ria sta igor. Ferum wow immerio ut prac, gusrat alii, gare de ponantr tphacralae in drsctum? s Now iyo atk gometer in what egal he diameters ner- sect a igh angles 2 the same pint (in obee word the frm of Aeue cry he wll ply in te tabeony when ne are dawn fom is opposite ales of which bs sk. Way then, dost happen hat ta soil fll tne should imitate eile een oy) of the octahedron with i thee etbered meters hac nt aright ang? Join up she neihtoutng tp ofthe radi wth twelve righ neyand you wil epee the complete slid of a cctabedron. ‘What then the cause why conden aes place on thee three feathered adi ther than ina perfect phere? ‘Team pict to ane way for dito pen by material neces bt this ini tun pin someking that el for more surprie than the ery problem tat it wast have sled. However, I wil have mys, fm the chance of enesing te rth from the comprinn of many fe tml, Grad then that vapor coulis to glbuler of deiite sie 8m a Regine to fel he one of col. Thi esol: fr he ep i the sales raat wit of gid ke water, bees when inisunderthesie of rp tsweghtdocinotnakeeseread moe widely Litewie ican be ely ganed that the mate of vapour pone ‘cern tmaly whereby to ene col ming sre defi ini sir in the dap of vapour ‘Secondly, granted thatthe al of pour have a cern pattern of ona: fo nmance spare ina plane, cubic in sla above. Thus any tl wl be in conace wis theron four of which an hee be hart plane suri; the and sch mast be derstood asset shove a telow, On thisasmption when the Bal are aang the Cold wl faces way throng the gps but the fll wl e prose pitt fo one pit of contact fo i oppo. So condenstion wil oscur toads the ons of he al but abo ate same ve towed ‘he dieters boween the point of cont a which of cou, he al se sheltered fo thecal Buta i efor coy may wel ak what ce gt the alle Jen hs ou-squave pater 8 DE NIVE SEXANGULA, ee) Si maria aliter poser iam pracum ese nogtim. Ai potant materia duabus ais mais dipen at s4pra dictum. [A pracrren pessunt omnes es orines ordinal conan a fat ‘tips vara. “Zin hon adcacemas dspesionis huis cosa, god i ha ola dps 0 igo wndgue similis ot peta comtacuam dia timer acguatver tn ceteris neguaguam Es enim a supra dans, (Goi sngal a duadens ais ompunta, a pata itr gloss aller- he ariagula et quadrangle cant: bic mia wndigne quadron- ule Mic diamant guitem dao eppaitoram contact see Sane ortkoganalter relia guatacr mow items hc omnes tres dia~ ‘mer ere seas aepuatiter ob ethegnat. Tc connesis eres iameararam ft eabscahedrn, his ached ju sphaeralam amide ‘Practentia guide hine pate dspastionsdreaas prac oligua: «at canta nondam compart, ques sphacras hac potas quam Hla atone dtponate Nam fact hc frigast Ae guomeds? (Nam gad ei condensat aut penetra materia gu Hat il, agua diver reset, Eta args directa quidem i pro Sandan dipostionem cansari posit descenn recline, Sera “erram: ati tramrorsam ade ae directo? "Reser igiur, nt calor ites vapors hameguttaram disposi tioncm eabcam fiat: 11 modo et cabicaipearam peti, ae (10 Nil nostra ex align. "ue antem devaltorr, iam pevinde cst, sive cal guamibet _gitam pian formam sac donot ie tam matriam ix Seriom aellaram or dinatam dpc, aga ita singalaram phere ram intersom itposiionem por estrnam swutoosaram sere Tener, Neurbigne) cu te etre pate tm content bi onfss, hic guidem, in prc ex. "Seder arguments x? pots creda singulas gatas sna spe eater contacts sips spon. Eunim, sf figura singularam rir a ordne et eomtac mtu pleriom, wees fret, ames Fn com aeguler este relay Tam Sere maga inter ea couitar ‘hteimen magnus pve guinea maltaram sins, me! ‘ae haber lente, ‘Nikit an ela fore rege ond men preps ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE 29 [Now if hci str would ot ada of thing tering out suk wld be eBay a son he all an be aang a Sr eer ways conan witht marl: Merson sy ean Be Suysel a he sda and tenho ype. Shall we alt an cause af tare tern is: at ean be serpent ect in every ton tnd the pint of rte “tomiy dra, whence i he adr que he meray? Fn, {hough in hom ech fll och by ewe ther (a we med ‘Bow the inns howe een alate aerate dee Fours whee the spar pater llae ost ough tur In tae others tao Sameer fm oon ine fc iene ight ange but he ening ur dont. In hs stern Aires dante nero unfrmly agitate sche odor roa fm Jingu thc fe dametrs a c lon within eer et "histows the spe Oe ghangh ne ons he tg But hem wich sme the blo heather ten dt pcp, ety in idence Say eld anne pode tht fa? Bat Bow Seni pated! oriole any ft at of condensation y pene dng he teal eer wre re ate pasa or wo en ‘ice Amt be meron one coll argu at be faraqare tater aap cme atoms vera tec loch Bue then where cou thea uae of aks io pc ome from? "The poy teeoe remain ht the nel hea of he pour cach cba Sb of rp ined tr Sera Cie tha your Nothing Smeg ‘Now that he onion ha Se ow th nal one whether he ston ino foe pete shape fan can or eter {Xj he mec ino sn ered ery an thro he intial oration feck nally a oral eginetin {taller tn nciberme cman order rman can wr the ‘Ser agin cosine i here on ae rhs apmen for bvng ater hath ops form byl wih the ipa an exer contac. Forte ape fcc ae fom he epaaton and mat contact ee mat ‘Eo flow tales were ln ach ter. Bu nae me ot grat dienes of toe tein Sem. Mewes ration tary depen group arch at anal shat Pfenilo Soe pad pa ot » be fer Nihil iogue prefcimus nisi patcat madas, quo calor iteras quam capitan in ibas dames firma eahedvicn el certs Lecangula firme, at ad ea fit matiiae por sondencationem a Teta Posscliguis exisimare, vulare villosa ita ramentasaaria, 4 iterguecadendam decssti oncurere fare, Frum id falium fu. Now xin prpeas eins, wow i pn modi, now 2d wm ‘una concrrerent de quod vil ones coarseness ‘lecustions geminac avers estersum porigaatur paeve at foils lnramis aig: quad arguments et, cents widalar tim firma v2 ‘nce, indegue in omverplagaracguaiertce der. ‘Sed fortarsis hace conse est ium diamarorum, quod ttidem ant diameriplogoram in avimalibz? Habent enim snperas, i= fas, amerioes,pasteriars, deers, siisss partes Sigs oe (Gert, meses opinion apprpingeait, ed racer opiionem ix paradenspertvahtarconceione su. Prinnmovim omit use ‘ata sit hui cloris, quae imide animals archiver Sn tlle nis. Deinde ideas, cai bone? Quid en animal com ‘ne cam nive? Nix ad eitam, qua cares, lags fet opus rom Fabs, Tero perpendat, ips animals ports, non tam a fara geomesricas, cabumgue, primam coiderum furarem, velut ad Srcherypaoe sum acemomadats:guam necesita guadaoe ad em ‘aivendase vets. Prima enim siperi cafe stato st alee uae cit tervae superficie: pedes iar dearsum vergunt ws cour ponds erpoiswtanur, copa sara est wt nerves inbre oppor os ft conte bumeter, gee oc et aur plavitie rmetiini plavimas cus ctunfreniam in coupeca habeas, obacls re- ‘moi, donque at cide ponders pus more ws pracpitaas in ‘um lcm descndat, megue cones wt in plan sx le iis srrctine opus haere, tera antcae pasts dino eribata cet aximenibus ad rus exercendas, gui recta lnea super terrae Lape tends alse ad Incam,Texue dase hae diame never aris orthgonaier 0 mut cant, signantgnetsperfem. dt cam sanimaia non possn ese mperfces, sed mcsavo corpora acipiant: teria diamesrum dec osx ox ration corpalentae meee 3 foie acoder, gua fi imal gueit ‘ORNERED SKOWFLAKE 31 So we have made no progeny une we bring to light way fr the Jgeral het ox the dop of vapour on thee diameter in the ae oF ss octabeon, oat ay tena sae shapes an which mater may ‘ccumulate by conden Someone ay think the these plumed parti di shou, ate by smote, aya they fil by chance mest come, But ties make they would mot alway ect in tees tor atte mile pint oe a ‘ve point. Furdhermor all the plumes eth owas aay fom he ‘etre of the sta (in ote wordy he rin coe junction amir Te nedleron ranches. This pista prove that he vmatie power reer inchecnte and fom dizeminates itl equal nalldiersons ‘ut ths perhage the cure ofthe he dames tat ere the same numer of meron in anima? Afr all tey ave ppet and lowe pars rt and hack, lta ght. anyone rakes thi ge tin e wil come ls omy vw, but his ans il aval in tengectedy in selEcontrditis. Ft tim conse what the re of hi hat tat consrocs a resemblance toa aia in saret of ‘ow. The he shoulda, fr whore benef? Whats a aia common witha sopiflke? A sows hs none ofthe mens Sify ing ile him eect thatthe prof an nial eles adapted geometric guresand tothe ce the fio the ela Sai athe archetype than pied by some ney achieve 2 pur pe For theirs disinton of upper and mer, depen thei abit, ‘which he sure of he earth hi ft en owe 8 sh gine the weight of thir bodys he bead ison tops to abate ‘he nerves cntnupuly with witb iyo Ua yes ander ied fara posible fom the eve should lave the wit poser in ‘vee fom obec ad ally tha nd deiner by weigh ad drink by gi shoul sink doen to thi proper place ad ot require atm plats td to one psyco action. ‘he cond Aitncion of Fone and Yack i confer on animals pt in patie ‘sions that end from oe plas to anther in ait Kine oer the suc ofthe earth, Consequently these two deters canoe hu iter ‘cto ght ange and dence a sure Busine ails canon be urs but mst hae od given them, bodily exons eed that {he thie ameter of righ and le should he as whore a ania comer io an ape dubed when the aeration of mover and moved dunce aac ‘rent in ‘aloe » bp NIVE SEXANGULA (es8) ast geminum: tess tam in ncs, mevenise mot dsrimen ‘torr. Now ign, gue cubic ame, Bominis grunt inline propter aliquam Sarae pulhrtainems sed ows cab acusiit Similudinem, quasi cncinnatam ex vars wibs cow elements, Teague oneibus examinais, quae ocarrbant, si ego sets, oncom fgarae in nice tevonglas, non alin ee, gam geae est fguraram in plants erdnatarum mumeroramgae comtantim, de ‘ho in is nil ft tne ratios eomma, nm guidem gee dicen ratociatonsiveriaar, sed guac primis in ati fuerit on sili ota eo primp hacsgu per mirailem faeltaram avila naturam conserotors me in wive idem hone or diatom figuram tomar estore reds. "Et iin faculasfrmaic i orpore tll cias cecal ce vapor wt hamans anima pris adeo ae wales asp eit ‘vopor gui, nt calire adam ideas et gaod exe dtr, pate ‘vapor, eidemgne care coneroatn, atid ee prgats ie rtione tian frmarse quam ali calrem eifcem dicen, comics ‘Sed duaram sieionum saluton, quod religam et de pinone mea, delaras, Etim abivere poss: plants fiom subseuon- eo, ud est coin cv corporis matrals, arguore, ratonem formaricem in aligns materia proces ai en media ad co ‘ao fem edna, ii ory ii ml casey i mers ment, mera rats i vis vers frmasone $nom mala cca pose, neque fei per guram sesangulam, a ix orare, ont cirpnsnatwrale ‘tft cree ot darabils forma at, Responden, atone for smatricom wow tanta ere proper fem sede proterornaam, sec salu tendered corpora naaraiaeinda ede slere ladere in fis, quod malts foci exemplis pater, Quorum go aver rum rationom a lio um cimur waturam Inder) ad Bane eriam itentonem transfers quad pata calorom, ai atone Satur mterian, abi crcumstati igre vinr, ar acinus ordine agebat (atone gippe formate imbue) or die pagrabat, dis iam to guodam ordi fae ase (ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE 33 Ainge in dhe proce of walking. Whatever cabin shape does to theretore wea the ies of «a by visto ome besa in i shape bt man as achive iene aby koe tha a ate mous Bend with mans aris Fanci as i cote So afer eamining ll the eas that came nto my ad T conc thus: he cause of the Sse shape af a stowBake noe oer than that ofthe ode shpes of lint and of oumericl ota andi inthem nshing occu without supreme reson aso be sue ch at Aiscusverenoning dover, but uch at exited fom theft in the (Creata’sdoign andi proeredfom thsorgintothndey ithe woodet= fal nature faim faut 1 do no elieve ta ene in setae ‘onder aterm exits at andor, "Thete thn 4 Fematve Fc i dhe bly of the arty and ‘arirs vapour athe an sols he eres of prio much that vapour ever exists without being Bound hy a Fomine rng which cereal the erafsman Hea, nthe ame way a iti om fn het ha, ing erm nt what sid 0 ry poy exe sandy the ame heat is minal 8 op in Being vapour But Till expoun what iss of nine il emai, by meting > ljecins. You might argue this: the ensuing rps which i he crablbment of 2 deisite natural had, pointy in pls, tothe put cxinence of Formative pipe in ome mates for whee the meas are alse t dente purges thte oder exit ot chanes there remind pure Reon. But no putote in beelerved nthe shaping ‘of stakes the s-comere shape dies noe igi about that the svowtake Its o thst denice natural kay asus «proc and dare shape, My reply emai reo one ot act ly fo a te pn but abot aoe, [dos not strive ohio oly natal Bai ut iin te aie alo of playing withthe pasng momen shown by many ores rom mine Trane the ning of all ac romp ee in that we my hat Natu lay) to thsi neni 1 bebe ‘hat the est which til den ws psn is mats, now conquered Iy the surrounding coll but just at peviouy animated asi i y «| Formative pein a ace and ough ina ory fashion 0 “The pin, peel sta nom Praens — Thc weret spe serine, eden ” DE NIVE SEXANGULA [e19) ese cmparare, edemgue referee dias acre spars iis. tt ortnatio ela per acim disrbus rami, gam in fa reign sigue icra habee (quod de Obpiaderferant isto ae) nox inhouse noe imvrnude cada Alas aiuis bia, plants sigue singles ete fatter sasimelen am scrim etiam eebitat corpo plavtaram single: Dpriplereagu wil eze miram, sng etm tngularaptert fara. fn wos vero gualies sella pealorom finger animes, er ese Fidealums quare ne fgurac quidem nici cdem mode ex anise ‘pore, x10 plants deducorda, ‘Respond, rem uring imiorem et, guam, gui hace dit, vedere past. Domus plas singulsvagalas ese facts: fae omnes ables ant avin et einedom facut anvervais, pac fn terra inst, quargu se habet plantar, wt faulon apie nd plies, facts bumai corporis ad pedis), comida pals, Drill ad aliud genus pedculorum. Now enim oones plaiae et seine plerague a8 abrowdrov primum ort, ss poms rm went Ec evi torvae, quae esa watt et eadem, dh {ric in crpora scam coparibes 3» ingue c0 false! procaiigee ‘materia condition interna exorivoe alndatpee alin ache day. Tea in pore guogue, guem totum ftafoedoratenimay nb! imiram si figore deiionem rains cntnad mallet, a conrast- fonem pari, circa partes ipsa, wt ica sngule tte farmando, expen 8 Overs morteam vitam sie philsophia! Hane enim in ie formariem fcutsem sist la Asoc fabllcaduira,® ‘pernadere marits palustre ex niveconcpie,sprioe tas a luo fale iss orbata, cadtte mart ‘Dini de anctore figuras: rea at inguiramss de ig ipay sve ita exitar ex decasatione ium diame, god baceets «51 fer inppstes sce ide ab origin it texamguls, de uo paste. ‘Nave pergendm in ramite corpo. Cans ier cor Bate falas saad postionem anguleram potas iietr, hace esse pss Primam wsiversim genus animsram gamete: regalarias soe smc a gat ct ol mals cameo {gaan fai apn, sey emer ot we det slp mie a he a (ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE 35 ie diy an onder ofr in earn or euetand witha and ol ont longer in the elated branche ot atpots, that ate dirt ing onder ocr the ine ffl than in altho oftemte."Thax ie takes care pote fal in an uly and immo fashion 6 hres ele of Olypian ‘Someone ce may ejet cach sng plant at asin animating pra ipl ison snc ich nance of plant exit separately nd there So cause to wonder a cach should be ele with i nn ecline ‘ape, But eo agin an nlvdeal ol for ea an any salt of 06 Seurcly asd at therefre the shape of powtiske are by no ease to iedednel fom the operton of ml inthe way wh plas Trepp he tikes irmach gener on eter se tan this bjctoe cold bekee, tw gran hat ach ingle plant ha is on pcp, tthe areal firing one ad he ae nivenal prec inherent inthe enh and ltd to ans he principe of water toby ofthe uma dy to ie te bode of gs to es ad of sep ther kod fou Notall plants anghow rg fem sods but most ‘of them aoe spontancoelakough hey have since popaated theme fetes by weing The aul of earth ea elfone andthe ay but itinparts oe to diferent odie and eoperaes with them, Tenge eon to them ad bul ow one Usignynow athe as the inet lsoiton ofeach mate rote condone low. Tha vapour, ‘which ra whole ad een pond by soul a2 whole, see thing to wore tif when cl enpinces the becaeep ofthe wien whol, the sould be bay with Bring the arts ce the pars hat ‘orc jst 8 tha een buy, when whe, wth forming ole How tv ie that Lite without ping Death! The ees utero of Eps Ele had Keown of thi fomative fey inthe one, he could have concer haan that she had cones fiom a sowie, and would no have ben 30 ely bereaved of her tat by her huts ning. have spoken of the ator ofthe shape Tsai out aout the shape sell. Eitri aris fom the crosing of ere meters at haste one four atrpions then, or i sSeorered igh fom the sare. ut of eh et eile we ent pursue out pest Hine ‘of apunent further. Therese why hs fealty prefers to ie the [cangemert of angles in the octahoon might be thief the bole Ferm opr akin tothe regular geomet or worl buling are, ‘The aon shone oes oe ser sie ‘sone sh * DE NIVE SEXANGULA (620) ari potest. Cum enim avin iat guacdam cxempleria Dei Cres tars, cree Dei Greats mente oni Des eostrnafcararam Ihara ceritas. mplias cam crim si, isos eam oxime evisima sl esseniareipreguamitater rine materia pice a ‘am es, wow dlopais contentancum it, Sarat paiasreipere guowtittes, quam radess si furatan, quorefgurorrepearen® lols quia avimi sunt mom uperfiernme sed earpram olidram. Es antem intr seulares slides prima, cba, rimogenite, arene ‘ctr aram, Bias vers fomina quasi quacdam est stabedvon,habons ur angues,qucteabus plans, coramgue centre, guibas single singali respondent ex eahedvo nga, Portiacalaiapue materiae vapidae decorenda i fguram debit reciper,quod iam fcinusconentaneam, prima abuse arp, iusgue ium sctabedron, Quorum enpr etiam materials allude: bat metas, glborum acqualiom in am aeroum cnfecrum. Confndebantur oni ct adamirabanter in panes contacto rad sont abi sctohedrigue. dt cur eta guram pia quam abi? Av guia eas est figura deans, sxahedron electont? Tame sere et motrin ots caleifcecaliguaer impetica aster a Frigere. Unde wera certum sit illam exe dilatations garam, have callcinic? Nempe guia ecto angul, gba ila forts diiver, dem ‘i ac ies cotram cicamtistunt cokem wumore, Eten subs ‘adimar angule sur stnns rect lteribs aeguaiba,dntor- sumgue componas lave constr octhedron, Et eabs ix ple, sien ca omguas diftendiver,etabudvon i pcre, pt sex, Aiane gemmarit nateralia in adomantbas inven sctahedra, porfctinimse et limativimae farmae, 1d set, maltum nose fomat. Nam facaltar avimals, guae in tera indiit adomanth “Formas esahedr, ex peitisins vin suse nate depromptam, ‘oxdom cum capore progresta de terry gnram candem indidit et sie ex eapore ills cme ‘Quonquam, quod decstationem triam diamerora aint, nea seo mais inet etahdrignam cab forme, Ic amgal, ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWPLAKE 37 ae his can be demonstrated by many pro. Spi ary att wees ‘semble of God the Creator, and without doubt uteri of thae gues extn the ind of Gd the Creator and shares His cceity Facer since tingle cern hat even pre adit of qui= ‘ein hr nner caer wih or without mater | eave nargued its comisent ta they Rul adi of shaped ate tan ‘a guns and ifslapd ake he shapes of the eli since ‘picks are the apr of wd his, not of srice. Now amon, the ‘equ iy te fn, the Sntorn andthe father ofl dhe es the cae, and hi wit sow aly te acolo, which hae a many corners the cae asses and centes ef tho ds ap th core of the caberon corey ote no tho er "Ths whena fagmentof aprourmae inte le ete ifitmust sume some shape 8 we hae ley made pluie i wil wie i ‘nthe cae ads sit the etn, Twin this eso that terial pecenty pine shoe when ball of equal size were mbled togetherinone heap. Fora ehe heap the outs eben oceans were sketched by thee pois af contact. Hut why the Spe ft ate heron ater than ofthe cue? Tet Bouse the eae the sage specaing out andthe ection of aero in? And ghed in i ‘preci whit Boh mater and heaengederng fore ae unde ose stack from oll But how xn fhe cern that the one fete shape of seeing out a he other of uring in? Why, Benne the sam igh ‘neers y which the one is pried om th oti the ther and ioe od the centre in eal umber. Moreover ou remove fam Acute it ght comer on equal sectional eatange tem eo fe ‘rls youl pedac rican ctheon, Al he abe spent Ineo more corner tty ight ut the acta i owes wi Feels say hat staal octahedra of heme prt al exguite foc are found in imo his ia, tn suport os Forse sme cay of sul which lated the dsmond within the crth in he form, hich efits om he isnermor rear oft ha | the ctaedon when ie emerged from he cath a apt clathodwith ‘heme shape the sowie which ari or that von [As for the ering of three diameter, however, he ocbeion 0 more involved in then the ube Inthe otston the corer a sieeve. # DE NIVE SEXANGULA eas) dic cmt planoram conmectuntar bind ribs diometrisilic langalkdiameroram ad coir, Bc ampules gl corps fit expr ‘miter, Praca igi de tins figuras elections satainay abi eit rdasge redeem slic (Quo vers abrir ulus eg, gui dum pacne Nii donare aft, _psone etiam Nil ager guia ex hoe paene Nile paone madam ipsum, in que omnia, formeci: camgue ab aximala mined Conimaleal eupra rfugrin am tr masini via, hi tears, (thimam in rts atom exer? Trae podem referam,et stale dabs seram, at quod donavi, gud si id Nib Ft atom id quam ito iva m8 ‘gue, tom cin ratnncalas ines oge conan ratincalis pro= Agave sigue anniilevers ‘Dam enim ita sib, ream wei confers gam nuper CContmpltns um seduls corpuscala wis, cadeba iar oma radius, ed duorum generam: quacdam minusa valde, radi c= omic nsis, ceria mumere simplices, ne rangue subi, ix cme ere cliga ad granduscalem Inlum: signe hora ert masa pars Taker spargebontr este secant generis raises sxangalatscliaiaeearumpue all alter nish plana negnecoltabt neque cadebay, vis etiam in candem Dlasiiem ca casle sue campos, Vergebat atom infra dees Fade topima, qari rad aligns, i am cadentsincambe- Dans, eapue sustinebancar limes aliguanain: god me pre wom ‘fui sd snsre excpiam 1h a tore diametri mon een in nt, Diague now mints qued haceens di, quam de gue hile quam prose abet ‘ode i ‘Primam genurgramatan, pte ere cx vapore iam pacnedevrts ‘sealer, im iin in uta agucascondensands Tague es ads Sn, figura palchram wow sorta, deers iam ab a tec, et radiva cst andigu, is primis, quae sapra ad cont Fiona praissa sntsetian in fonts runt adits ‘Dn tecands vera genere quod et nelalaram, loca nllam haber cotemplatio ab cel ota, meguewla uitaram contacts cm ‘plane ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE 39, in the cube the cet of the sie are ike by tne such diameters ‘There the angie Ketecen the diameter ate den tthe cent te the crosing is expres in the angles dat Loud the cube etry. So ‘we have bad curls in van ve he cic ofthe complete igure, ‘were bth ave at et he raking of the ern ‘Bu his aly, o beso cried aay. Why my enewvour give mst Nothingalostcomestonohing! FromhialmossNothing Fave mt formed he alrembeacing Universe! Altghae fovght ‘by of the diminutive soa of the Sn mite, here Tam ebiing te Seu of dhe “tc grente” Aina the lobe of the Earthy i he ae of sake! So hall bt cers anid ake paint ce that what Ihave ten a said shoul! ke Nothing, This wl ome abou fae picly my Sovak mel, rebut dese vl argamens with a eval counter Argument and ede them to—aothing. or aT wrt as again Begun wo om and more thickly than a moment xg I ave been buy examining the ile ake Wel they ve Been ling al of them nial patent of ew Kid some very sal with pong ered all the way round init in ume, Sie but smplestaps witout plumes ors and very ne, ut aera 1 he centre ino ashy big oul, The fom the major. Ber screed among them were the raver sivenrera salts a the second Kind and ot one of them wa anthing but Bt, wether hating ot coming to earth with the umes st in these lanes thie stem, Farther wer the kes sventh prog inline dora Hikes rot andy a they fl they sexed one an wee Bel wp By ot some ime "Phis ba not exaped me ane but I tok tin 2 mataken terme a tgh the hee deters were in he sme plane. So wae havea thet noes than what Ihave id my ty bout ile remored fm Nothing ax may e "The ft lumpy, kd soe think Grom vapour tht hat amare otis heat and on the pine of condemn nto watery drop, So they se ound ad no beaut shape cms he way ther, abendod they are by the master ber Chetan they Sacteh out ally al “rctos on the pence that were pid shove t the exeton| ‘of hae formations on winds But in the second Lind that of starlets, oserason of cube oe cctahedron ha no plice, "There ino comtat of op, since hey Corfe ” DE NIVE SEXANGULA Ten} ‘pla incident, non ut supra sam opines, decasata rns ae Ei gtr frmatrix anima Bic uogu com sure tater, mat: ue in cansas de clecone amen fier guacstisetredingronta. Primm car plana? gia uu tie sopra adem planes frme= ‘ibascrporam? Naw te omnibas forbs ie guinguengaiom ‘planam: non dadecibedram tolidum. Tune cans place fgerec tere hace ext: quedfogns caida caporem in alqua Paste tanit nec ita totum eaporom aepuaiter cramitar cm sellelae ignete, at cam grat cada. ‘Ger ante sexongula? guia ox reguloribas hace prima cit ere pln, of gas tn allem corps tcam cligaar? Naw ic ems tcirazonas pentagons corpo dfiianr. dn qua sexange- ‘em serait planitem, cute Bact? dt idem fo triangriom uadrangel? An ia prota hace ial ons gute plawtiom Sterns caso acto de Bo icriminis ner cate erin Bgarantom t aleram lam, gc ean rat, mill ingle ‘el sexanula facia, bac guinuangule? ce deiguipa buss for- ‘mats naira i intima sh ooae een parts et secanali? “Be gringue adds eauts prime, scende, et tot hat bi sorpant, fcatate formarcem, re ata camila cere, 1 pro apporevtate compl aviem intracrs at gun page cdi Caper fg ars in pli ex, ve pe cpa, psa grog gure eit gue planitorm est pati quam corpora. Jinue ef matrias ecsctat ratotom haere i tuceda tt teria. Nam prima cone sla sexangu propre fret, epi ions decentom cngrnction baiesfisrac ad hee pagiam. ‘plan pogna, csr igint figura plana, a woe wei gira Tal quce ad wal corps scum iia coasted ide sel ais {quia crpribs pce furac respondent, quae lide ambeaa, Se panics furae quae soldum won anbeeet: he dct Formals spesaar, nn receitas materi At bs cane ot tia hoe dorade i aictsiate tiem smavrial igh a formate txongalam, ne guid requarar Ro nse mmc w sien sy ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE 41 see a toss and not at U hough abs, with three diameters cre. Sy although here to the formative soul minting ie place and emi in play 2s cans” the quion of the cole of shape mst be taken wp gun, Fst why Bt? Ts Benue T as wrong emo, i, pve srficsFom among the bers fbi? "There iy afer lial lowers Pat pentagon, nea slid daecaelon. the ese ‘fans would rly he sta cld touches warm vapour on a plane {doesnot maroundall he vapour uifrmly when alte are proce stds when flint ‘Next why st-omete? I it Bsa tis is the fi f the regu figures tobe evenly Bt napa, tat of combining with elt to form a ad body? For angles gare pentagon, ll om ode. ie rcs he heragon ya at safc without ap? But eagle and uate doth sume. Or Beaune the hexagon ces nearest the cle ‘lth figures which ya atric without pp? Or dc this make the dference Heer ficslty that bls tere Spe wanes, amd hesagor, ad tha secon uty tat ul fl shape, pentagons? (On fly, dos the mater of his formative icy pare of t= cornered the net recess of ing? Five cae have mow ben adduced the fit cond and thd of them aster ti ci for hems tha he formative fly make it Plan of avon in acordance with whut here for it and das up Tine of tae asthe alors The bite bees ht vapour and cold ai kes place in lane and ot ia Bly depth, and so the acl enor in chooing a shape that blogs to planes rather than Bais. "Ths in the sc nd hr aes i would take material cei ia conieain. The first cite shoe elite heragn ih an ee to the beatiflapnes ftir shape oti ble. ‘The kt so the {aan necwarly the shape i a, Buta neces auch a ot 9 contine with thes of Kinde pofuce a bis Baty ten, for this evo ale ha shaper una to encne solid ceespnd to plans, jist thao enclosing aif oregon physical boas. Here pest nd beauty of Sap, not materi nes isi vw. But with the soo and thie cues we shoul have to sy that si conse chen bythe formsiveBcaky frm mater nec Why the sone eel fore sikewes Seance Pree e DE NIVE SEXANGDLA, (eg) sum, ot commodias fork posit calls vapors in nics om ‘In crete exim commodisime fre, a quia crcl vacua spat. elinguns deo crea simi liar figura. Vorum hie causa fam supra ft eppositn inaequalis selllaram, guaram sliquce ¢ ‘minus sun radis tam enilsimis simpli, els, Quod er argumente, non maguam aliguam capers plaxim sul aire i nicom. Sed eosin plentanclay, mivimary alas po alas, easgue dnacpuales, Now Baber erga lncm coideratio econ ‘eu ge regan tanto in dtioe integra ier fn See angula aeguali Ta fot wt secunda et tert causa numer de- eanar i quater ad primar red porns atfirmatrn factor, ‘exangtlum eliat, nalle materia tplioramgse ectiee coat, sed slums decent hac neta, quod ais sean sa plan tiem excuse sac, sitgne (ex is figurit, quae idem posim) eralh nilina. ‘Quarta idem cance sc muda conssere negut. Nam aa ia as serie cfigitar fis, otters mom sunt em mode mult cals fram fre silesriom. Nis fre he dermis it od facts ub fore quinguangle east carnaas atin poms so Pirsgu, ant palpacens, atin rota encumeribugues® teminibs fair arse vel pulpam abit, Aeseb flor exangle il nase, ssh semen i ic aly etgue vel fore frat date Fat force citcimen, quod nae fas sexangals in arbors eras, edi herbs et fore Balbo, Vel eomieret alias ipot tus a “tiguad ini dicrimen second figuras fore. ‘Res mihi wondum comport, Haque sits liter admis alos de hac quarts case ‘Pro quits causa facane pra huis formats facts ali, sera mes exangele, com adamant stake sit rari ‘im. Sed formar tela acute nox anam ampletinr from, (gtore tas geomerae, chin exerci. VIS exim Dresdae ot ttede Regia ei Stabulo nomen, exrnatum abacun acre argent, x gus quasi olreebas dodecahedron wuellanae arose mage ‘dine, imidia parte exams. Estat ot in descriptions thermaram +8 alessio £ coahedei ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE 43, 15 well o that no gap shoul he et and the geting of vapour nto Feemason of tow should take place more sce Trina cl def would be smoot, ings ave empty spaces sla her ke acre chosen. Nov his cause salen shove wet wit dhe abjecton tht the stares re of wea sy soe fre que ting and thei ai ton ae very lender ad simply without umes. ‘This orstosbow htt ge at sre a vapor thatcon= tec drlaneculy ito enowakes, but val lanes of mine ‘equ oe after another an of diferente a at Coneqacny Uheaoidanee of emp pce ean ply par ia the argument sce Sth le nly where whl ure oe vied intel bemgons “The resale wl eto delete the seco al hind ces from the ln cep ins far athey canbe ced othe ist nancy at the oe ve fc chases siccorperde ne under dren of any mater ot sq neces, buoy Because istry thisapnes whereby the owgan cewbere can Frm a plane witout emai sa ore than anyother supe with te ime eapcty rember "The fort cant oo cannot anda town witboe sme ules Sion. For white ie are formed with petals ines and sey and ate ot were Hketie many ces of ower, forthe mos ga wi ‘ks pris there itis erence, that the fs fom five-oraered ower grows Aeshy as with apls ot prs o ply a wih ros and ‘camber in which these are tacked sayin the eh o pel But fom sis ower nathing i Yorn but sed ina dry che, tnd the fri virally in the Hower. rts perhaps he difeencey ‘hat among teat and buries there eno siverrered Hower, bu sly toning vegtabes and ar tle the ones wit ul Some Botan might twell examine thes of plans tose any difeence there eortspnds {othe apes of ther ower, have not yt gt ode brtm f thi Engh 1 hae given aber some light nto ofthis fur xe Foro ith cou eter potas of thi formative fialy can peak Cesta frites ll sivcornered, wheres cated mons are acolingy rire But the farmtive fly of Earth des no take be arom one shape ake knows ad pat inthe whole frome have ssn nthe Royal Palace at eden, nthe Saeed with ser ory from tx dodecahedron, Hike aml! ae in i, Projet hal its dept as fn owe, Tn an Maseation ofthe hat Eis at Bal the rom putoanicoabron town mong the exis wae owes on So Forth enn of in pga oan “ DE NIVE SEXANGULA, (aay) Cone casahdeé pars anterior imer fsa. Hague versimile ext bane BGR freltatem formatricom pro divers amare diversam fers In iro orcra ex figura eabica rhombice, J rte ra et fra. sli Dian git cmc a i oe st aligud sa et gdnam sais eras, ef guam ied alas induatfcuram. Fgo nomene, palais. ‘ymiae fru, cam videam quantum rete dcendam at conse re Iabeter, mal abs ty ir salem qu ents aire quam slsterendo amples fgai Nib seuier FINIS ON THE SIX-CORNERED SNOWFLAKE 45, ‘om mins ero thesis ht ue form Fy ais Hore ih varios in thei In slat of meta the hambid cies ‘apeiron an stipes own tape So he chemi ll OSS ‘rehire nny anata what id fol what ‘tage eau thewi! Now that Ihave Knock! athe dor of Chemsry and cha nck ain oe before we an eld ure peer thar hata mn four get acon inks aber (tant te yl wit rer dour [Nothing low “The End { blank page 1 ON THE SHAPES OF SNOW CRYSTALS A commentary on eles cay ‘On the S-Corered Satake? Ts rematiale eaty oso eta reeled in the conc epee cof the simple geome abpes and the dete tracery of the ote neat forms is lng ees recogized and seceded by the taut, ‘hese the art and rece by the Inds designe. Compo ‘ean Fane y the cnet of water apr sb nena sey they spain wide arity af haperand frst al realy {nt four mai lames he hin bengal plat the Hexagonal sna ‘am the ln lender eel, and the sa-poitl tpl naples being shown in Fig. Thee four ppl themes ae bjs to lm inte vara an ici ery lel yf two era ht appa enclose ne sear, Combinations of tro more bse 73 trent uncmmon the primate ema with endats (Fg. 2 (0), {the toon fon plate tose fora lg 3 (0) being paraly poco, ‘Snowflakes ggommras of india cyst in which the tae stapes rye are severly prominent (ce Fig) bu in which needle And pate forme may alo appar ‘The lage srs ae at age = ‘he lm ofthe han an oan une iil cya The ntanding cmttn feature of the various forms of oe cpa isthe exagoaeyrmetry an hit we poled ou, poap for e fit rine in Europ, Kepler's emartaleeany of 161. The remo forthie macro cid symmetry, whichsoneched Kepler om ‘allele ntsc the sonic architecture of bu the vey td ange af ena shape has lays een 4 puzzle and sil sais mpc explain Eely Oration othe Src of Sr Cots Although Kepler marks the eianingof the cen examin tin of makes in Bare the abject ss ngs in ance Chi, tree thesia ofthe cys wt te in the soon century Tha most intcresingacle on The Eaves Sow Crystal Obrvation' Joseph Necdham snd Lu Gwel-Djen! draw atenon to severely (hits references defining eng of fru inert This bok Hoy Shih 17a Chuo (Moral Dacoses Mtg the an Teo ofthe Book of Ods) piso shout 135 Rey Han Ving tks the setemet: “Flowers of plans apd tocar gory Bee oid but thee of now ne alway intel 1 pom by Hin Tung (0. 501-531) cons the Fllowng Kins: ‘The rudy lowe oan he four quater of the cca sy And the white snowdakes show forth thei Sapte Bowes In the twefiveetury wring ofthe grat China planer Cha Ha here appear Si erase form Earth the pected uber of Water at tow comlered inte eps Rowers toe ne sae i ined Tn many ofthe lana Chine wring tee ha ww ‘herymboic umber ford clemere Wate while ve waar The European lirature on anowikes begins with the wings of Albertus Mapas (rer. 260) who thought the rsa ee Sl Shaped. The teat eeence dd ot appa wil .0.1355, wen ia ‘wale by Ole Magnus Arcbbshop of Up we id he etches teow ery ‘The very poor wont inthis bok shows ao twenties forms only one renga ela shape, The heap Symmetry was ot ati rcngoied unity yale, Sty Kee, od reemplsieed by Darts in is Matar of 1035 ‘Desctes me Qaeda ute accusing sme of which sre repre in Fig ad the aye regarded athe fi inc esos fap ey Ts uprising id eres dang of ater {are tye of cel coming o's hemagonal cl wih son both fou Deeates ws obviwly imgreed bythe heagoal spacey of ‘he ery bu aprareryBewe tat reall from the ifr packing of nial regal eryae He nin the expe ty Ems ofthe crea lg tera iquideeeading ener tecurcry ling in he treguld ving ay poled tac. Compote aes ae rary if eve, regular depicted by Deserts ad adie he entation scans ctu inverted. Nevetheleny, he ‘ered ke Kepler, reaonhip Between the hexagonal form an he tacking of worm pars in ws dinero. Tn t66r, there spent eaay, Dr Fgura Nini, by Eras Bartliny which conte» percepvedicuoion of the geome onpatinatin of eral Rather ae Descartes fad dene, Barons thought sat the shaping of pit stay resled fom contacts be ce an nga ary of gle, This Maran publi in 1665, Robert Hooke reproduces seve sets fh a ft xylem wih thea of i miro Cope, He paca emphaaed dt inthe branching ‘yal he rg estending fom ein brinch mere parael 9 the Mow By Xt Be KKH ee MR HGR eee OH te see eee TE a IES 6 a ee, PeER eRe touring main branch avo rete the errs inte stetces of abet Gren dusing 1681, Donny Romet an Talon prt and materi ci drawing ofnty sow etal ade the tater ly ‘i ms On thet of cael breton under The cry ober i te undaions ora eet sud of now cysts bu wth the exception of Dearie they eof hi teton 50 ON THE SHAPES OF SNOW CRYSTALS nti 8a with the publcson of Wiliam Seoraby’s Book dering ‘sal singin the Ati Tn 183 sory afer Scary’: bok was pubsed thee appeared in Japa the Sta Zar (Tron of Sue Bloons) by Tositoura ‘Do containing eights seth of ww crite made wth "Date aw These dnringy and wineysven sme ones publi in 2 ‘Seon olin in 1835 sempre ayehing ple previously ad ‘esl the most accurce lsat mae before he development of micrphotogephy Le earous ht wth the publican of Sebln “ast the saci sey of tow cyl appre ceed in Japan for enti one aed yes. According tn Prokon Naka, evn the inporation of modern Weer since afer the Mf Rotortion If tice of saver mis he Japan cen Leratre wt ‘hc ejot wae taken pagan inthe ean 190% ‘The development of mropiotgapy Ll wo renewed intrest in Earmpey and sany Engl Germany and Roan enceorolgi ole ‘ery god photgrapin of tonw eae ‘The paper of Norderl usin Stackholm nad hat of Hellman of Beri appearing In sSog ae of arate iner ina hey dl show etal int ‘eee Malan slay and combos of the two. The basic ‘eof thier eae wo the ren ay. “Anater ingore itle-known, woo is Dobrowahksexersive sud rept in hi litera Natarabn Lads pled in Wats in 193m. But the mot ousanding calcion of snow-erytalphotszraps from the arin: pine of view burdoubtely ht be pone By ea Up WA. Beney. Taken Vermont USA inthe cay ay of PRO tranny auto deors in sb-cing temperate thee pictures have fer bos speed. In 1938 the American Meteoraagal Society Esthered mgeter = permanent calecson of Ben's work, Acne aed by abe ext writen by W.J- Hompheys oer two thowsand ootgraphe were pubis in one of the mist handsome of sentc Sook ever rine" “The specs stained were ay of on xsl of thie growth aed fom into to event coon rely sated {i tags with the wos of Utichre Naas ais Japan alas, ‘hick has conned alms uninterrupted forth years Mos inseht Into the mecanans of snow-cytal growth arse from experiment in which aril cosas are grown ander acl controled condone inthe ratory. "fy W. A ey sn WJ Hampies MG (93) ead ptt by Doe ON THE SHAPES OF SNOW CRYSTALS 5st Kepler's Hyptheo he Formation of Si Sided Cts ‘Ua very recently the Heeatare om sow cya was concen low exclave wi dcipton and caceaon of the main ea ocr and very Te with the mecha of growth and the actos hat sight determin shape an form. In tht he cari pod the pote, 2nd proposed seer slmative explanation of te hexagonal set of show erystely, Kepler's contbtion remained alm ane fot seo ye ‘Kepler tcignized that sofas ae compe of eer invded uns Brought together ashe ovat yielding a that ac individual aways posses ex corer and at feo seven. Ta this he {fered (prey) fom Desert who bel oughly the vers vie, that the Beagoal nit waeevolved by = aril meting ofan aglmer Yin of eel pal Kepler realize hae thesis cul beinheret either nthe water vapour on the cles of the ni bat Scud wheter ie was impel by an exe toca aoe prio beats the hexagon wat a parca sual rein foe. his ed im os comideraon of way of ling space wih pee ge and tothe ie tha atl traces chat eet hoeycombs and ome fanates achieve the shape rom tees He dca, forthe St fie, edi an hexagonal ln packing of equal prey pain ot ‘hay in the cbil arrangement cach pete touched by sother and, inthe hesagonlarangmen, by ele other. Hexagonal doseacking ‘wa found ve the tighter pecking nd to prluce bombil agte= fc Kepler sgt thar 2 prepranat nent store he main ‘Rumler of seal nthe salle pombe race 20 tat heap cloee ching Is ot only the mos efit method but fs bo mater Drceny. But he ta also that sich argues were not nec pli oa flr snow er! any hating arped coining thst ‘ech a fume highly lkly eo remit fom the redaction of aula Uhreeimensioral aggregate of showy een IF this were compored of ‘egal packed row of plbuley Kepler wet on to dacs pae-ling ‘a ather than thes cmensone He thought at the Sates of oe sow expt igh be explained in term ofthe cold meting the wat ‘apourats plan interlace, br then sed wh sult besh-connre, “Reulor hesgors can fl r-cimeninal space without gape bat ca cquistrl tages and unre: Tnany co eispomble til pace ‘completly with ergons nly i they af these ean, a Kepler ints oug nowaer arena of wor sie. In shorty consering numberof oie explanations or prefer. nce ofthe heagin, Kepler remne anconinced by any of them, and Fai ponders the py ta may ae fr mat fly inthe Loy ofthe Baty and be med porto the Cento don cau fi apes ety. Buy nena he ania that Notre fraser haps in ote rset ave 1 tictry explanation forthe saga of no The Importance of Kepler’: Ky in the Hist of Crptalegrepy Although Kepler wat unable to fe stisictory explanation ofthe sicslelnes ofthe wll, is Uscusions of celina n— smetry bil the catly foundations of eysalogaphy. He dics In in or the sting he one syenmetra aps hat are fom the packing together of smile Bey wich may themes ck ym heey. The Pyramids tear wine 9 the fc that a slg boos sev of he supentoctar that be bul om thesacking of epee {omrincl unis: This aware war evaed ater by the three: ‘mera acing of pres inte work of the carly gli sr in he ling of exon aly bat he rstonchip of thse mos the inate omutry of mater wa ot egrned unel Kepler ine ‘Althogh Kepler wate ft publ htipecuationson the eltione thip toons the sey of the sowed the packing of Baie, ‘Thomas Haran Enna eal precoed him. Asal 5159, he mw the reatorship between ceri dear pattery andthe ‘corpculae theory of ater He mod two. and thee-dimennl Sif les ad spores ad war sparen the Spotl ht ‘hast pking wa achiceed when ope bal eas surourded by twelve “Star eigur, He sw te diferene tween hexagonal std ub tlowpcling and allogetier, seems to have had all he sighs io fxyllne order that apes in Kepler's ey. gace cn be filed with any arrangement of coguou cells repellent of bership ie and symety vied tat they conform 3 hanced by Eu ha the numer veto edge Hc = 35 or; more general, onto st where donot specs the number feturen ere one ‘ayant dimemions, Thisaplsto ay stay whatrer-Spmmeey ON THE SHAPES OF SNOW CRYSTALS 53 sss rom a specaton of reinsipBetweon the number af ees, faces or cores th its ad fem «imi in thi ie: Ta two dimensions sac canbe filed wither polygons in ony thee ae: by rangle mesng eat each corer by quran me ingfourat each comer; orbybemagos jing in group tte ate) pant inthe any. This wes cll recone by Reply. ‘The mat Econom st-dson of two-dimersiona spce—that which ininizes ‘heal Tenge f the hounds Renween sven numberof zp cl wets banger Tr tecedimesoral apace went, he singles symmeti uit {he cube, notte simp hoe the most economia! acelin i "The cal wih the minimum mumbo of Juco ithe waned acta don. That which gives the minum ite iba for ‘Cras octahedton by intedicng, double carvturs oto the Seana aces hall ce tects heel angle of 120 Kepler cay conti th pecs of the pcan poten. The stacking of spheres a case of sya groups ring through pine oncts Theseuctute ofthe omepatteard the es honey may be cl nee of wacked ply. Kepler at he exit Satement ofthe fac that an aggregate of nin sere in cova ‘marcal ony along certain, the unt thames having so dictions pope. ‘Bue Kepler dl ot thik of the spheres atoms, Te was not ntl the edo the intent ean, long afer te concep ofthe stom Tad een csp eat the packing ue inept were dented with ‘he coment abe tee that the eye and the nom developed quite rpc omg Wie mines bd long ent sd ‘anid cry bythe agli was along tne before shape wat Ascned ith chemical compton and tlre the ioprtance of Inver oder wa eles. "The chemi comply Ele ogi thar cane of composi would rele fm atoms ranged in coe Hous amy unl hc was demand conclanely by Xray dine Maden Esploation of the Hexagonal Symmetry and Shops of Sw Grntals ‘The hexagonal spmmety ofa snow eral isa maconpiy ata smunifeaton of the item wangmen the arn xs A ori) fener and pesurs, Korys sow the mole or at Last te tayzen atoms) of eto be avtnged in an ope ace wih egal fymmectoa urucute—ace Figs. The mele ate arranged 0 5¢ ON THE SHAPES OF SNOW CRYSTALS puckered layers wih egret the paper in Fig 5) each lou ‘bing strode by four nearest eightoun tht ech grou oe mlecle at the centre and the ter fous ate cones of «tan, AIT four ting the tame dance 2-76 dept) way. This ope rangement far emoved fom sphere in exsgal anced aay Sod the Laer corp therefore ielerant ta expat of Te Ieagoalsinge of nw ys 1 Thanet he ong toms (in hyde he) ile Mia ears iit Sag “Then dna ame mde te ret ach 92 “The mean psa ofthe bye min wich ante found menue tr low xateng perfor Kap avec et inte bythe discs of met Te pens hat = hysrgen som 1S line jain th cr ach ptf aden agen tog rot ingtoms om one and 75 dngsome om che Te icmolce stn Vesapel whan aed angle 19 The ‘Sen le ly etn tn ees ‘Se pueipchrged eof dope stom and the crore of 2 teghowing eect fom wh semen hog nd Icio hee hyuigen bods wih Bnd the mae of bth geld stor an ei sie euiton of maa tat ay othe cr ports of wu can be bt Wheres ey pn flo fa exalt ry cn anraapel cel donned baal by tes omperee Tash damratatl sols by th pont thors ON THE SHAPES OF SNOW CRYSTALS 55 colleague in 2 ere of experiments in which snow erst are grown fons thn re, which enaperded ins cloud chur along whch he temperate are from "Ct ~ $0" C. The erst shape ves wih tempat long the length of te be io the Following manne: OFC —3°C chin hexagonal plates TEE newts FE hallow priestc column, TEC io 12" C hesagunl pes, 166 feb stellar st, te Cw aC pw, Ta5°Cto — 39° C fai pana columns. Except at —26°C, the tamon between ope erst fm apd the nest ar voy shap ad oecu witha eemperature ange of ne epee CCnkgrade: The eet of sden change of epertte onthe growth form of the cea my be demand ater dramas by bing ot Toweing the ein tb haber, Whenever ere starred to new environment farther prow aks the frm carer al| the new temperature rime In this wayyy to ow nese th ‘ter ptr or ure on thr iy an ft repre al the hye fos of sow ery ound Nae The raining que rng fom this work of eu the mtr ofthe growtn mechan by which ona does oto vat In tonpenture ca change completly the cys shape sd Which, Furthermore lows the at ange ve ties na temperature rage of oaly 35°C ‘Very eenly we have oben me experimental dats eat sagt sn enpanaon, We have oservd thet snow erp row sae po [apr of ew matrices acros the sure. Cafe measurements evel that at consant temperature and hari the ayers ave With ‘pone proposal tothe icky ahd his icoment with ‘he oton that hey progres by melee anng onthe eral ura fom the vapour and ifn ecroitinte the growing ep Ftbermere, ‘Racer thatthe te at which molec grate actos he urce ves with empersture ina emake mar that rather dierent fr Ue Tos and prim fees of the est The suggestion iy tht for crystals sowing in the temperature fanges oC «0 —3°C and —8C anSE Gy there es net srce migration of mcs fom the al 2 ‘he pr any ad ha this ans the cary developmen ofthe esl 1 Se fr up J Habe an BJ Moog, Pr fe. 8 24 oe 4 pp hn 6.0 ot aod Pree Ph lg 894 oes 56 ON THE SHAPES OF SNOW CRYSTALS vowarde pltke babi, With emgriurs Between —3 © ad PC and heron 25° C and —s0"C, the stanton severed ‘here ent Bs of ari rm the pre the aa cer a ysl gros aa primate eal ort = ned “Once the shape ofthe ebay rsa hasbeen eesined by gration of molecules om ures the rapa eld aru he esa {Ske notices oro en anor thera gooey ated to mamain For sample th ine of dune fa wl nd com ‘toate ova the edges and comer of hexanal pa sd ase ie development "he fie ta t mses supertraton crystal co tinae n develop a plea segs thatthe eacen material trig the edge and Comer fede yer the enya ces by tice {fson. Howerer if the supemturton of te vapor 5 wry igh Surface diftson & uate to cope wth the nonuniform depton of Inter so tat de corer and edges Begin to pout and ve te to ‘liar sey how pris colun ad eter stl forme, Unde the enadtony new growth layers ate formed in id mcoion and tend to bunch togsther ofc spe that ae ere under ow over mirscope, The formation of yer and tps ges rhythmic ‘rater to the gow dh my explain such feats the ola 2d isin regular ging of the sderances on sarge cya ‘We ace the, tat ahough the fuse heron suture of som cyan inherent inthe tome artitecar het sap an roth ate Sf gmcmned by the emommentl condone rch a tcpeatre sd Irigy sd uly by core athe creas that conte the rata wh terial Rome bul int the ey lt "The bod feature foc dig cu nove to under hater sremany ne inf dtl thats require eaplation ere ‘we can lam to hae del xtctorly with the queion pel setely Uy Kepler more tan 350 yea. Some of he hse facts in hs ale were brought tm ani in ah eopblted ena on “The Hiory of Calor” by Prof CSS. Tam indeed Profenor Si or making he mame salute come KEPLER’S UNSOLVED PROBLEM AND. ‘THE PACULTAS FORMATRIX Keren leaves the reader of his New Yer’ Gift in ny dbs that he ‘Henied a cle pole in heathen pics of smal str ‘why ate coin suis heap? or hate knew hats Tsowrer to solve it Not only tl the byporacs which he ed Ned to Aiea bre speced a ead mete fc which se a Shower He even indie mates which chem shoul vest fondert elacte he problem. Tn 1011 such inte lity 0 a ue Toren the miro-rean was without precedent though rmaround Noypitmactobecme coonmon ningmainiyotbeweotthemieraerns, over in the somic dor bi Kepler rected and the abit Imes ofthe new mathemati physics ‘Kepler partclerqustion: Why seth bale. But be was ‘ominced tate Knew the anawe tthe peel problems How do ‘alerts? he genes of forme war cerywhere dct fre Fermar (loro expat or fat) of the Eath fel, rivera {pine pereaing and shaping everything. For him thi patty was the fia tran © wl ofthe Ting Earth—ecing Lucretia? dda alr of shapg Echt a fometrix ox mae formation co ‘ttl the vol human sul This frmatvetendeney fn a tmaflatatons woe the Remel of Kepler's aimiticcommalog, ving hind nd juin i geometrical mpc, Thrcrpct ese that Kepler stood athe historical Sesh when she mapical won wasurendringto ene een owerof mathe= Insite Inte New Pear Gif weaarves mindcapabe both ining {athena poem in phys canaries before e Beam pe for ‘hon and of experiencing a chine main tr wor: ata forma tris There no contation bere Kepler tate i Fundamentally ‘tral se tal eres He pgs tha empl mt which npn to cece the pana aratonal earch fora rigouy ‘bjtne single one, He belive vethout quon thet» aver Formative endncy at workin the niveny though he cans ern Nirchisen expe the moe, dixver fe mathenaa exprsion ‘My sm rei cy wo examine the soe of Kepler fees Serta cosier bon Tat the phys of 1965 en provi ash ‘ete ad owes hi pecalqueton cy KEPLER’S UNSOLVED PROBLEM Inisa chance ofthe human min, when well-defined fom are herve sone oie tos how they cae ito exten and ost iy searing ta athe pod fa nn sty. For seg thacvand tegercol form manbastheree of ochngacngly {kepieus afesingerery ding ates inlng hime eas hough ‘bask why form exe were fo pte the mening of exitence ol. Vet ‘Sorc He i w Ga om ainate mystery angie Kcr ens which ate cape of ton Pan laos Tarr we ss the fin ear fa purl veil ot seigou decipson toads + geome ppench t mara foros ‘Arbol sof cece he ranon of etal oy ugh temgromere marks + sep of eq inorates. This Arslan tendency toward or in sere expect dite rom ou ote ta eopurl proce ofthe genes of al foray and any act fender she preci In twenr-centry see language mu Be Inia, Yee Aviso as del tered in Blois and other ind of Sxcomen an is concen of moment vars fom, ‘hugh sbarac and ets infucnod all bequet tov ‘eztng the tempor geen of tata forms. om save by speci that Arend di noe we any parla Grek tem with he mening which T consider fas foratri for Kepler Thae would sorely be pool, of soot of Kept Pyageean-Plaone sete of a vine geometry perading al tural Pree which Arb i ot hare "aula linked Kepersfecaeomatri wih sinned in Panel’ rehray nd tht taker Har, Baie spt immanent nth univer ay be even et ue Presbor arches reer Tape tht Kepler ef the term ees ic recy rr Galen (4.0 19-200), the rec pyican who ened ar ef experi pg {Gueg wae 2 whnkeheaed Avon Hike Kepler an eproent of ‘oman be war ately concerned wih mat poems edie nd otgy He war acl shverver of orcams om out pit of iw ‘Tine sie hinder than was Arto andbeexered gre inne. Thu ening works Gen sites che emergence of new vile fermsinte devcoping gs toa formative tly (rope benkaori) and he exe tur by fly hemear me known cots of ange ‘Rac fcly he wow cue that ead fo proces whch ‘ets nso sate: Gales meaning ay ee ear Du we must ‘ot rend sli prehon ft the ind oa concur Aron cnbrylogie. KEPLER’S UNSOLVED PRONLEM 9 Kept probably ead Galen in Latin four Sston-cantery ease Iain of Galen's esy being aaile. TF 9 he Blended Oi noo Acton idea witha Noplatonie geomet mya netitd fro [Nichols of Ca (1404-64) an thes andthe Pythagorean vc of te Iinporance of number. Arbeod’s ought dry inne even home ‘kere whine tk wa rar snd overcame AST undewsand it Kepler's frat formar close to Gale's ‘ormacive faulty’ fr bth wee eves a fay nee a tempor poses ia which new fms ar ence alent any ‘oncemed with embeyslogy an he developing gs Kepler nth ork tdseveral othe wth the roth of plans ad he oman of ra ‘Thesmin diereoes hat Galen rasan expernetlcxplring highly cumplee organic process where othing wat Inga leat geo merely precy while Kepler waratheoretcan nape by the dns {rometry of mathemstially simple forme. ‘Tht Galea known [ened case of te gens of forms wat cevaed to Kepler 22 ‘vine geometry Secking eft telations ie was only i parclar Inaencsal a physic expen, for example inthe ola at tra chcire to him and nied mathemati an chemical reas, ‘Whacer the sores of thi tem here no qustion of Keplar® stuchmenttotieadjcneomutrn Rocamtecletinerin herent fear page ofthe New Yow’ Gf sly with fern ba mts with esyratinandenime and epestelynoter works Tebeomesone of Tis favourite es when he pases fom the aroma of Stator orm sch ar arty orbit og is tote gees in core of fine oF nl objerin any realm, cosmic terre npn o nog. ere Kepler atc what was to bocome pop aa ners instar pocesc developed: Far between 1630 and 1850 thinkers of many Kind once with vis fom feted tunnel ote irae energy oF proces ad plas of fring power. ‘Repel not sas at thee mst et oe general mathematical cexprnion of which al poceae of te fenerston of vie forma were Specal cs. From the point afew of mathemati physi the er frrmative pre (w ate i ts appropiate comtemporary formultion es fo ws wht fae former was or Caley a convenient tet for some vague principle, ov clas of proeses whee etic ‘intonand tears tar arti ober. For ven 1955 pyc ‘henry door ot inca any gene pines canting ally or ee at, ‘cue ofthe gens of well deed inal forme Ths meu ply the ‘exiteae of + compreheive theory of complex pty-ordeed ses Sowing bow and when they more towards cyulbram sates Tes & KEPLER’S UNSOLVED PROBLEM remarkable tht in x611 Kepler cold segnive a clas f problems in rmhematcal phys which sll suai = general sls, or see Slee "To cif di eT shall toe inet the tory of Kepler’ poten ofthe ‘Kefler esther to publish the rcniion sha the hexagonal orm of soaker pee a intreing scenic olen. But any id to doy afer him Descartes read Kepler's Naw Fors Gift ding ‘he winter of 1629-30 and in bis wn exay “On Meteors (1637) Pinned the hetagonl form as produced by the packing n'a pate of ‘phere water lobules thucadoptingoneot Keplerssuggeione Leer Serwcen Descartes and Gann 1639 sow hat they and probly Menssne aly were comieting the problem. Pam #060 there wat ‘rere iter in sont se sown ir example by BE Baron nov De fare nists (1061) nodD. Rests Le re della ee (1684), Asya 1673 Nathaniel Grew sre the psig flare {orole the prubiom of thsi to the endncy of piowbers to spre ‘aconivly tote he sta univer; an neglect aio ter ‘tatrulewbich cpalieen conted shapes Tc nce oe of the rico, by Hooke and oer ad the interest naomi ies soon ‘reno th sprclatos of Kepler apd Desares made without the microscope ora Beli in tue phys sto "Nope alvanceon he problem of he war acieed unl Heel (of and Bava (089 showed that crn chances feature {ryt ein the law fetal inks) iid tat nly thy ‘nsf ep fr rere ple an eat fers pees fold fotton ay mld spmetey in a lane with espe perpen ‘laren then mca nl poe he ace 23, yan 6. To Kepler “Wyn, mathemati theory bad now ven 2 pri rer yal ita ave rca spmmeey, neal be 4 4yor 6s Kees robin bul ben tataformed. The ue was ow "Une wha ond tos do puriule matral cystine with a Youaton ay for what ‘cs of teri 2 54 and 6 ard why? Thea geeraae tionand harpenng th oF ealquecion whichidecly erat ser ieieaow known hat alow sonpertrer ce epee frm ‘Daring the ne ninetanthcetury became increasing poly aay 1913 no doubt wali the syemerypoperi and rat ‘era wer duet ticedinendonal arrangement of atoms, Kepler {ust col now be fore *Can the erage form of erin ‘owe be expsned a due toa parla stable arrangement af he tnygen and hyp tons? KEPLER’S UNSOLVED PROBLEM 6 In 1935 Beral and Fowler, ng a model ofthe water molecule erie frm experiment, shored a hexagonal lor of ce ena ‘maybe expected tobe mt stable an therefore tobe dona hin Cain ngs fterperstar, pcs, te, Asuming hae ee byron toms remain in fixed postions they found dat the simplest srucure Ising exagoal symmetry wa compel of repeat cll ach cone ‘tning twelve mallee The snfiration of he eri charge the ‘water elocls required each wet to be around by fue ele {Esa eighour atthe corners tetrahedron, with the eal tat the molecules are aranged in hexagon poskered les ‘Keglermighe be sts! with Dh mae in which chemical wads Ip to tase the symmetrical form of te nowake to a reper serngement of ar He would benched tha atom had proved) ingot ut plesed that symmetry layed = fndamentl te, Bt chat inte end fee ory. During bet city ene phys Iaslooked deeper it the mater ad has dled another estar wich Kerler would fave fund cul to accpe ane ery a ie temperature thee an ental ieglary in he arangemet of the yarers sto orn ony ae the hydrogen tos le acneie to tana method of obseraton, but they hve ban shown to bees mobile ad at Shy onermoment iegubly duteyincrstalsa pcm empertures ‘The oan ate ine and ae, bu he aon of he yo storm noni stsicly regula on he average over pero of te "This demands change nthe matured pony of visa eye ‘We must nota "What ie the chractera orm of eractral ede snows?” but “Under she gien contin what pti Bend of Cnr and order mt stable od therefore Sinan” For Srder Few known playable in mabiirng partial kind of via forme at normal emperatres Tt wale he imple for Kepler ike ‘hisiamepeeaton, which nt oly soc, bu toducs dearer into thedivine repuladon of he nivene The vival pce hexagon sae Fsthe progeny of union of ore aed done Kepler might counter. "That only the wel of your Beli in stom he rd comesin with our aomion. Ae Tae yy soo ake egulars there sro vile onder” Bu for ws atoms, wth he sccmpanting url jute hy empl swccem "Yer Kepler might reat: looked fra rational derivation of the sit, How fr ean thes be theoetally peed by pure Ig ad tmavhemisy fom dhe tse nce of ysis they ae kno & KEPLER’S UNSOLVED PROBLEM, Here Kepe woul in pin Forth sx cannot pede fom funda thoy sone 1 cvs pei er wat coins a ‘Slr complex groupings of war nel wil fe al in ead Sut Somiaker oe kane mich more cones thn Kgl who ‘Hpudntad ran cul he lugincyand no oy Yt vss ach ‘Siem all he cburble popes of ch comple gcme Vil Sines a flr too compos be ated heel ‘Ore qeson sl rarer Kepler ake him owe he n= fea eng What do we knw abt tht What sb pret Se tno fe frit “The are ctor rep the pret for of ene or though we Know very ide fo ces pera sda ae ne hg ale td ne sroding oy be ae Nyy Sapte tc wh bide tie hey of mt and ani peer of mmf wtn een fhe eden fet he pyr foo Hutto no tht toes ees ‘Eetonc Atay hry and much ech hasnt en id ot $2 tiny ear the owe eyel on the cmos ‘her which thm regu vl foes ered "Teo pois ne emerge fm thi oe prance nce ingly mal sewers rch mint wl ls eng prow sELsecn encodes lining pote ede Fecyc cc oct geet td enpete e Shlng he shag sd dosed pte of ymca sa fos tone sed ror to Keg ns en ay eng the recon hy which cae fe eee besa he ‘Sowton of mer atin is iat ll acon aed ‘oon if the mca ado mai ae aa et hand hd fers heat an be dipened the egg sons se Sod agp tod te nes in somngemen of lowe fee ‘ry, thos pong high steal per Be ts gre of the orgs mole andthe preci cnt wer wich ma ‘primey onl cring eye roth ae tun a sons thay for cet sis on thin) We eran have yet cae prensa te fo Kepler's formar pls Now Years Gf ade nore, bt defi 3 ew reamof nq fr crate: the mate fhe gee of form, ‘eran hoo i fi thie snd yt to hae tee tat ‘cei oe war mitten: He tony ee stant he trated simpy an person ox ae We knw tat thee Semi exper alk hurl by prs ineracion.Appcet KEPLER’S UNSOLVED PROBLEM 65 evfeson always coczas a slement of ddr which it mic # sare {evaon but play an enol rol in geerting vial form. We bare to ace the donc fe th mpertcion an ieegularty appear be npn ctr in the gene ever of the mt perfect Ene foeme: rege crysis What Kepler woul! have rejected porate ‘hls ee clue tos problem. He sw the ned for mathemati of ‘moypogenesy but no the Kind fells which would rote, "Yet 3 puss rms. or the fc which 20 improned Kepler til contac cage: thee-dintenonal geomet metry ayes Iman rlein eval word and yet its nt clea ows pncrated int univer sepomliy dominate by tam trations and dita encen We sould noe expert comple knowledge of highly comple stom, but is remnoble wo roqre feence a sigleexnnion of Simple servations. Ifthe hexagonal snowflake hghy comple, ‘here no shore ct fom the postltes of psc to our esa bee tlm? Whae inthe ulate ews produc val prs pate? {blank page 1 NOTES 1p aL 4. Wacnte Jlnan Mahi. Wicker von Wackenih, The beso of in beat of Phe Lo ens dre a Gertie ed teen Sees (386 gg who tet sco of "pte vnc o Wacker inh Kart Caco, by. as mtr een Tas ct eh sein af the Bhp of Brea dlgpnie dere Baap AD (085 ‘iit pesca of Lina Wise nm tenn Nah 1950 at Constane fm of he ferme (Gabini) Crh He hw Seonbre at Gener In 575 he ok Iveco Pai pl frame yam weed wal Ta and France Fram 15 1997 be wale wor the Bo of Brio te inp ‘Anion nn oily on lipase > Poa in'gpzhetecmes Caicend email sgn tnkeecenblanl in Lingus Geren oe, hay tes He ied ant ana Jat goth sad cre pics of he Lala wene te rece Dele Part Gomer lire GG, Pras (613, 20598 Incite oe to th serial rs ee feed Sheps ae of he ‘Seon acl sto Hor Oar Tors ewer cps “Zp. San prt ole ms bbb Kepler ence oH vet a Me es et ca He pawn mp0 seca yon aN re ir) Cnc Tae Na foe ifn pay ween fr New Ve’ Dny rod 0 srrothe det pbteton mit geet Ins eter of 6g 6x0 Gears ep res rn Ven king i he eli latina die ese 2. iam ake ant Tis ino ae eke Nig fu me bad ae St alee Bf 0. Archimedes ar 87 dad a. of race Kepe rf ‘eigen ce and lar Se peed echt Band in gg onde elfen wih Latin tao Jee ler, ser « Nores (6913) x65 gh to Ta Met, The Woke Arbieder (ten. "The Senderhnr ened o King Glo of Syracte, r 2687 200 sand comer th Kip Hines Scouts ne) wha he pec UhoSe toe he und eke poe ad a ht ‘Sain cm be david tephra of a te eieie te the oppo tht he wk ph of tel vt oo none fppyeed (ob unc ie anes) cnn 10900 gin Arh ‘Sine lames of thw len 10 ner 8 fy {Me eal fg of und wri ten 009 Mri (wf hoa) fe gun oct Irene myo toto the Bt ode gare he ‘sin he oa of heened Vol he iyo eo The al expel in Idea acon 10 phone wage fae st ea (ros atm was esr ew ool yee ‘Maryn Herp Lata 4: poset. Pt pri, Th esene oP Tie 5 where ‘hte tard wh the ny the ton am) ‘apt more fn the cae of ety the schon a ye Kathaton f urSox A Tap, f Conary ot Plas Tony, ‘uid (oye ponte The wed promi way the ary ete rong stl Ps Clty ei fom he wud ‘Ns Menu 39 oui (pt) oad ered Shlain opt dia eta cane ena erp nin (omy the high pram is mere troy deed Go mop hws tice beth ropa ad mops as Piel sed hoy plo prams cape The we opal and ‘ip og wl it ep eso Spf to-day his ae in bas Thi i expel by ene efits pontunons woth, plied by hun Ladi she Seen see wee Lor (bse pee 8 hate iio fyi eters elms aiat tise orate eto a ein Spee rt tee. (Aang wero gepeey ir ar ion, ‘hte tbe ve ty the es stipe oe he verge or Ted "mn wher wad hy wast opening he in fh wd) Coupee apa wns tat el Kingfthe Winn ge Oyo in Hoes Olay torn Ont wees pa ef ec we AD. Fre, Cia! Feral 1933, 3-4 Oni of Hel hy Sith "Thon, Mate of Falter (1958, C34 (6p te esses, ene bare rp (Rg tes “lit! Sets oann totbsige Singer Seas Serm “oclge Pier, trl ave hem aed) "aan ean ropa car poy bat een geoph et ‘steph an Pe xores o tne i ce Koh poy Ina 5B eae scctsasrpoft nko al tf bee Htc petro ey eg Ta get og ag "Mi glans ehh ether cpl which came of Aten, Thos he th Bey ee ein, ate te Aten abn ft nos pS let fn eel” "Keres ae nid Jobst =F era all te rp way pon dows ncn oe apn he a ‘alge og sur ss poe atc twee sr act ‘Wate sits ‘Trop el ls no Wan samen su Regn? ‘Toe ager ah po bed yd he cw roa ure ne fora ter la en hy ed ‘in forse tt he de ‘Than towne do nt enpi he lao at i Rep may tay a nid the Grek pe of Kt el the Geta otro eh he gore insistence The Gre jd te eof op 7p 44, Gormai,o German The Geman tbr doo det thar 1 German cam, red to by KEW. Wander, Dro Sphere Li Le (70) 5 Yb eh RTD HS: "Duturch ove sad vlige Anise cn Glew leecher moe! man valet ip Geli ke, nd ces Ru lie uumenmagl det kee Hand eo tu beeen a tum nok ih ‘Tope dine its fe Geran crt where he caso rr of “aahet tp? wane

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