Avoidable Loads On Shell Steam Boiler Systems

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Expert Report

The Boiler Company

Careful planning - problem-free operation

Dipl.-Ing. Paul Köberlein, LOOS INTERNATIONAL

Avoidable loads on shell steam boiler systems

Steam boiler systems are subject to various types of following article describes the avoidable loads on boiler
loading which can lead to varying degrees of stress on the systems and provides the reader with an insight into the
boiler body. In addition to inadequate water quality, two proper planning, construction and setting of systems
main factors are of essential importance: the effects of right through to operation of the plants.
design and settings and the effects of consumers. The

Figure 1: LOOS INTERNATIONAL shell boilers in an industrial company

Saturated steam is used today as a heat- as the paper and packaging industry, the often subject to a series of actually
carrying medium in many different chemical industry, pharmaceuticals and avoidable problems which have a major
commercial and industrial companies in many more, steam is essential as a heat influence on the safety and working life
every sector of industry. In the food and medium. of these energy generators. In addition
beverage industry, heating, boiling and to inadequate water quality, two main
cleaning processes are supported, the Most of these steam applications require factors are of essential importance: the
textile industry uses the heat medium saturated steam or slightly superheated effects of design and settings and the
primarily for the further processing and steam with outputs of up to 200 t/h, effects of consumers.
finishing of fabrics, laundries and dry pressures up to 30 bar and steam
cleaners heat up washing machines or temperatures up to 300 °C. For
generating steam, one or more gas- or
use the steam for smoothing and drying
processes. In hospitals, ultra-pure steam oil-fired steam boilers designed as shell
1. Inadequate water quality

is used to sterilise operating equipment, boilers are generally used (Figure 1). In
and steam supplies the adjoining large- comparison to water tube boiler systems Inadequate water quality, resulting in
scale kitchens or is used for these are by far the better alternative, in corrosion or the formation of deposits,
humidification of the air conditioning the relevant performance range, because is top of the list in the damage statistics.
system. The building materials industry they are cheaper to buy and to run. The results of this type of damage are
needs saturated steam for many process, generally known in the industry, and will
heating and drying procedures, such as Operating modern shell steam boiler therefore not be discussed in greater
the autoclaving of sand-limestone systems is regarded as unproblematic detail in this specialist report. "Poor"
bricks. And in many other sectors, such nowadays. Nonetheless, these boilers are water quality is often caused by any or all

Figure 2: Consequences of inadequate hardness monitoring

of the following: (Figure 3). See Specialist Report "LOOS in the case of gas-fired boiler systems
WATER ANALYSER LWA". and long prepurging times.
· insufficient monitoring or testing of
the necessary water parameters Burners create temperatures between
(Figure 2) 2. Effects of design and settings 1,400 and 1.700°C in the furnace.
During the furnace prepurging phase,
· lack of expertise
2.1 Boiler output too high in relation to which is prescribed before each burner
· misinterpretation of measured values the steam output actually needed ignition process, fresh air is taken in
or no reaction in the event of from the boiler house. The low air
This problem is often to be found in temperatures of 20-30°C cause the
systems in which the steam previously hot heating surfaces to cool
To avoid damage resulting from consumption has been dramatically down. After this, the burner ignites and
insufficient water quality, first of all, reduced through the loss of consumers is generally quickly given the signal to
compliance with the water values or the subsequent use of any heat move to the highest load level. In
specified by the boiler manufacturer recovery potential that is available. But extreme low-load phases, it is very often
(according to EN 12953 Part 10) is new systems can also be affected if, switched off again whilst it is still
essential. In addition to using suitable during planning, the simultaneity factors starting up and then - often too soon
water treatment components, attention of the consumers were incorrectly afterwards - prepurged and ignited
must also be paid here to ensuring evaluated or were calculated with again.
sufficient competence in the field of excessively generous output reserves.
water analysis. It is recommended that The consequence of a steam take-off The stress caused by the constant
fully automated analysis devices are that is too low in relation to the boiler temperature changes during heating up
installed, which will record and monitor output is frequent switching on and off and ventilation causes differences in the
all water parameters such as hardness, of the burner. This causes temperature rate of expansion between the furnace
conductivity, pH and condensate purity changes that can be extreme, especially and the boiler shell, which can lead to

Figure 3: Modern LOOS INTERNATIONAL steam boiler system with fully automated water analysis and monitoring
material fatigue over the course of time. · the use of burners with a high If the spread between PBurner.on and PBurner.off
In addition to increasing the system's regulating range is set too low, the consequences will be
susceptibility to damage, this operating as follows:
system also has a negative effect on · the modification of the burner
economic efficiency, since every capacity to actual requirements (i.e. · Frequent switching on and off
preventilation process causes a burner modification or the provision caused by overshooting of the
considerable loss of heat. of a burner with a smaller output pressure and thus to the temperature
range) change stresses described in 2.1, with
For this reason, burner switching cycles their negative consequences
of £ 4 per hour should be aimed at. 2.2 Insufficient pressure difference
between burner switch-on and burner · Mandatory “strict” regulation
To achieve this, the following steps are parameters in the output controller in
recommended order to keep the setpoint value in a
As is already known, the performance tight regulation range. The result, in
· the installation of low-load controls
of the steam boiler is regulated via the addition to excessive wear on the
which delay the immediate adjusting
steam pressure measured in the boiler. If control elements in the burner, is
up after the burner start
the level falls below the adjustable steam premature material fatigue of the
· the use of output controllers which pressure PBurner.on the burner is switched heated walls (see also 2.3)
enable the burner to be left in the low- on if PBurner.off is exceeded, the burner is
Experience has shown that with a set
load position for an unlimited period switched off. spread of 10 to 15% between PBurner.on and
of time
PBurner.off (depending on the burner
regulation and burner operating
pressure) in relation to the boiler
safeguard pressure, this problem can be
reliably avoided.

2.3 Output controller set too "fast”

Modern burner managers are able to

variably specify the burner actuating
time, i.e. the running time between the
burner low load and high load position.
At the same time, the reaction speed of
the burner to setpoint value deviations
can be influenced via the regulation
parameters in the output controller. A
shell boiler, with its high proportion of
material and high water content, is a
comparatively slow reacting system.
Output controller that are set too "fast",
possibly in combination with very short
burner actuating times, lead to a rapidly
rising heat entry in the flame tube. On
the water side, this heat entry is removed
primarily by steam bubbles which form
and rise in the steam area (Figure 4).
However, these steam bubbles form
after a certain time delay. This causes
brief local overheating and additional
Figure 4: Diagram of heat removal at the heating surfaces under load through the formation of
temperature change stresses, which in
the long term speed up the process of mentioned under 2.1, are thus steam, the viable pressure fluctuation
material fatigue in the area of the heated completely superfluous. range can be kept much lower.
boiler walls.
In addition, the effect that the two The following should also be noted:
It is strongly recommended that boilers have on each other is clearly
recognised. Whilst Boiler 1 (red) reduces · steam generators in multiboiler
commissioning is carried out by
its output, Boiler 2 (green) increases systems must be hydraulically
specialist staff, who will then set the
steam production and vice versa, i.e. the separated from each other to prevent
burners and regulating systems.
boilers are working "against each other" them influencing each other (e.g.
and are influencing each other. The using non-return valves)
2.4 Lack of sequence control concept in
· even at the planning stage, it should
multiboiler systems unimpeded transport of heat away from
be borne in mind that secondary
the heating surfaces can no longer be
boilers must be fitted with a floor
If multiboiler systems are not fitted with guaranteed.
heating coil in order to avoid
an automatic sequence control, the
A sequence control concept is therefore temperature layering of the boiler
operating team has a major role to play.
advisable even for boiler systems with water during the heat maintenance
The members of the team must switch
two steam generators and is absolutely phase. See also Point 3.2.
off boilers if the power take-off no
essential if there are three or more
longer justifies the operation of several
boilers in one boiler house.
boilers. If this does not happen, the
consequences are as shown in diagram 1, The type of sequence control (addition 3. Effects of consumers
by way of example. The chart shows and disconnection of boilers as a
that, over the entire period of time, the function of volume or pressure) used 3.1 Frequent start-up from cold state
necessary steam requirement (blue) can will depend firstly on the number of
be covered by Boiler 1 alone (red, with boilers and secondly on what pressure Starting up the system from the cold
an output of 10 t/h). The frequent fluctuations can be accepted on the state represents the greatest mechanical
additions of Boiler 2 (green) with the consumer side. With sequence controls load on the boiler body. (See "Cold
temperature change stresses already that are dependent on the volume of starting of shell boilers") The reason is


Steam volumes in t/h

11:00 11:29 11:59 12:29 12:59
Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Total volume of steam
Nominal output 10 t/h Nominal output 6 t/h

Diagram 1: Record of steam output in a boiler system with 2 steam generators without sequence control concept
the greater temperature difference In the case of very frequent cold starts, load removal as a function of water
between the flame tube and boiler shell these extreme changeover stresses can temperature and pressure so that
at the cold start compared with standard lead to cracking of the material, or, in the stresses are kept to a minimum
operation at operating temperature. The worst case, to complete failure of the
3.2 Long periods on stand-by
flame tube thrust (difference between system.
change in length of the boiler shell and During heat maintenance or stand-by
The following should be noted if the
the flame tube) is higher during the start- operation (e.g. in multiboiler operation,
start-up load is to be reduced:
up process, which leads to considerable if the secondary boiler is not required),
additional strains which the boiler body · start-up from cold state to operating the boiler cannot give off any steam.
has to deal with. This problem is even temperature with the smallest Depending on the control concept,
more acute if, during the start-up possible burner load either the steam removal valve is closed
procedure, steam bubbles cannot form · During the start-up procedure, a or the secondary boiler is run at a lower
or can only form to a limited extent, small quantity of steam should always pressure than the prevailing network
which is the case, for example, if the be able to flow off in order to start pressure. The burners only switch on
steam removal valve is closed. The the natural circulation through sporadically in this operating mode, in
natural circulation that normally exists in pushing up the steam bubbles. order to compensate losses from heat
the steam boiler (Figure 5) does not conduction and radiation. If this state is
occur, resulting in temperature layering · Ideally, the system should be fitted maintained over any length of time (> 3
in the boiler (cold at the bottom, hot at with an automatic start-up switch, days), temperature layering starts to
the top) with additional thermal stresses. which regulates burner operation and occur in the boiler. If bo ilers that are
kept warm in this way are then switched
to normal operation, the high operating
pressure (hot upper area) makes it seem
as if a boiler is available immediately.
The boiler control will then apply a high
burner load to this boiler in a very short
time if there is a corresponding
requirement. As a result of the
temperature layers in the boiler, extreme
thermal stresses will then occur, as
described in 3.1.

This can be prevented by the installation

of heat maintenance coils (Figure 6) in
the floor of the boiler. Steam heating of
this heating coil is from underneath,
which means that harmful temperature
layering in the boiler is reliably avoided.
To ensure that this solution can be
implemented, however, a multiboiler
system or a reliable supply of external
steam is essential.

3.3 Pressure fluctuations caused by

marked output fluctuations

With marked load changes, i.e. if load

changes occur quickly, resulting in
marked pressure fluctuations,
unfavourable flow states can occur in
Figure 5: Diagram of the natural circulation within the boiler the boiler. The steam bubble formation
that is necessary to remove heat from the regulated steam removal valve, in sources of problems can be avoided
heat surfaces can slow down, or lead to order to protect the boiler from at this early stage
many smaller bubbles joining together excessive pressure loss
to form larger steam bubbles, which do · The quality of the boilers, burners
not separate immediately from the and boiler system components used
is of decisive importance if the
heated surfaces and thus encourage local
overheating. For this reason, special
4. Summary
system is to run smoothly and
measures are required for boiler systems without breakdowns
The avoidable causes of boiler problems
which supply consumers with extremely
listed here show that this is a very · The correct installation of the system
fluctuating loads, in order to limit the
complex topic. It stretches from requires a competent plant engineer
pressure fluctuations in the boiler
planning through construction and with a knowledge of the interaction
independently of the consumer units.
setting to the operation of the boiler between the various boiler house
This can be achieved, for example, by:
systems. A conclusive discussion of all components
· Increased boiler safeguarding on the the relevant problems is not possible
· Operation and support by the
pressure side and integration of a within this framework.
operating staff are extremely
reducer station between the boiler
Because of the material complexity of important and have a decisive effect
and the consumers
steam boiler systems, it is vital that the on the working life of the steam
· Integration of a steam accumulator following points are noted: boiler system
for load peaks
· Steam boiler systems should only be · A maintenance and teleservicing
· A pressure maintenance device planned by trained, experienced contract with the boiler manufacturer
downsteam of the boiler, with a specialists, since many possible is always a major advantage

Figure 6: Diagram of a regulated floor heating coil

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