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Copyright C 1982, American Society for Microbiology

Nonstaining (KOH) Method for Determination of Gram

Reactions of Marine Bacteriat
Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida 33577
Received 6 May 1982/Accepted 15 June 1982

A rapid nonstaining (KOH) method for the determination of the Gram reactions
of bacteria is described, and its application to marine isolates is discussed. All
gram-positive and gram-negative results obtained by Gram staining were con-
firmed by the KOH method. Gram-variable bacteria produced equivocal results.

A century ago, Hans Christian Gram devel- from an automatic pipette is adequate. In prac-
oped a staining procedure which enabled the tice, as many as 8 to 10 tests per slide can be
separation of most commonly encountered bac- done conveniently. Using a sterile loop, transfer
teria into two groups: gram positive and gram a visible amount of bacterial growth from an
negative. Today, Gram staining remains the agar culture to the drop of KOH. Mix the cells
most important differential technique applied to and KOH thoroughly on the slide, constantly
bacteria (2); in fact, for 8 of the 19 major stirring over an area about 1.5 cm in diameter. If
groupings of bacteria (1), staining is required as the bacterium-KOH suspension becomes mark-
a primary aid to identification. Although many edly viscid or gels within 5 to 60 s, the isolate is
biochemical features of diagnostic bacteriology gram negative. If no gelling is observed, the
have been adapted for increased time-cost effi- isolate is gram positive. The best way to deter-
ciency, the Gram stain technique is essentially mine viscosity is to raise the loop about 1 cm
the same now as it was in 1884. Premixed stains from the slide. If an obvious stringiness is pres-
can be purchased, but the procedure is still ent, then the culture is gram negative.
relatively time consuming, costly, and often In this study, 400 isolates were tested by both
messy, and reagents must be replaced periodi- the KOH method and conventional staining; for
cally. the latter, a commercial stain kit (Difco Labora-
Approximately 40 years ago, a simple and tories) was used. Bacteria were isolated from
rapid nonstaining (KOH) method for the deter- seawater and a wide variety of fish. All cultures
mination of the Gram reaction appeared in the were streaked to ensure purity and maintained
Japanese literature (3). The method was de- on slants of marine agar (Difco) or tryptic soy
scribed once again and used for 69 strains of agar (Difco). Staining and the KOH procedure
bacteria encountered in veterinary microbiology were performed at the same time with slant
clinics (3). The efficacy of the KOH method was cultures ranging in age from several hours to
confirmed further with 22 bacteria of importance several weeks.
in the brewing industry (6). Quality control for Using the stain procedure on 18- to 24-h
the traditional Gram stain procedure was cultures, I found 81% of the cultures to be gram
achieved with 100 clinical isolates (4), and, to negative, 11% to be gram positive, and 8% to be
keep costs down, the KOH method has been gram variable, i.e., having both purple and pink
suggested for routine use in hospitals (5). In this cells. All gram-positive and gram-negative re-
study, I extended the usefulness of the KOH sults obtained by staining were confirmed by the
technique to the characterization of a large col- KOH technique. Gram-variable bacteria gave
lection of marine bacteria. I hope to remind the equivocal results. In previous studies, only Flu-
teaching and research community of or intro- harty and Packard (3) encountered a bacterium
duce it to the effectiveness of the method. found to be gram variable by staining, and it was
To perform the test, place a drop of 3% found to be gram negative by the KOH proce-
aqueous KOH on a slide. If one prefers, 10 ,ul dure. A total of 30 organisms were found to be
gram variable by staining in the present study;
when tested by the KOH method, 18 (60%) were
t Contribution no. 149 from the University of Connecticut found to be gram negative, and 12 (40%) were
Marine Research Laboratory. found to be gram positive. Six contaminated
t Present address: Department of Marine Sciences and
Marine Sciences Institute, Marine Research Laboratory, The cultures contained initially both gram-positive
University of Connecticut, Noank, CT 06340. and gram-negative bacteria and gelled with
VOL. 44, 1982 NOTES 993

KOH (i.e., responded as gram negative). This gelled weakly (gram-negative reaction). A larger
pattern has been noted earlier (3, 6). collection of gram-variable bacteria should be
In one study (3), the results for young (16- to studied to clarify this anomaly further. It is clear
20-h) and older (2- to 10-month) cultures ob- that pure cultures are required for reliable obser-
tained by staining and the KOH method were vations; the KOH method will not enable the
found to be identical. In the current study, 4- detection of contamination in unknown cultures.
week-old cultures of recently obtained Bacillus, The present study did not include a detailed
Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus isolates parallel comparison of staining results with
held at room temperature never showed any KOH method results for cultures over time;
gelling. These strains remained gram positive by however, no discrepancies among cultures of
the KOH method, whereas staining revealed different ages were noted. There seems to be no
mixtures of pink and purple cells after a few evidence in this report or elsewhere (3) suggest-
days. ing that the KOH technique cannot be used for
The advantages of time, ease, and cost of the cultures up to at least several weeks old.
KOH technique are obvious. In a study in The above results show that the KOH method
progress on the bacteria used in these experi- enabled the accurate determination of the Gram
ments that were isolated from sharks and other reactions of 92% of a large collection of marine
fish, it was necessary to routinely separate bacteria. The procedure can be used to efficient-
gram-negative, oxidase-negative rods from the ly and rapidly characterize a wide variety of
other bacteria for subsequent identification by isolates encountered in both clinical and nonma-
rapid diagnostic tests for members of the Entero- rine environmental material. Early instruction
bacteriaceae. The KOH technique, together should continue to stress the staining procedure
with a wet-mount preparation for observing as it relates to cell chemistry and should intro-
morphology and cytochrome oxidase test strips, duce the KOH technique as an appropriate
provided an efficient and rapid screening proce- example of modern, economically practical mi-
dure. crobiology.
The gel reaction is apparent; generally there is This work was supported by the Mote Marine Laboratory,
no confusion regarding stringiness, although Sarasota, Fla.
some cultures are slow to react, and the reaction I thank William H. Taft, Director, Mote Marine Laboratory,
is not obvious if too few cells are used. Holding for providing space and facilities during a sabbatical leave. I
the slide at an appropriate angle against a dark am grateful to Mary Parks for tracing several literature cita-
background aids observation. The KOH tech-
nique does have some disadvantages. It does not LITERATURE CITED
by itself enable any notation of cell morphology. 1. Buchanan, R. E., and N. E. Gibbons (ed.). 1974. Bergey's
However, additional characteristics necessary manual of determinative bacteriology, 8th ed. The Williams
for eventual identification (e.g., motility) would & Wilkins Co., Baltimore.
furnish this. The culture sample necessary for 2. Doetsch, R. N. 1981. Determinative methods of light mi-
croscopy, p. 21-33. In P. Gerhardt (ed.), Manual of meth-
the KOH test is bigger than that needed for ods for general bacteriology. American Society for Micro-
Gram staining, although a large colony and a biology, Washington, D.C.
small drop of KOH will function if necessary. 3. Fluharty, D. M., and W. L. Packard. 1967. Differentiation
The KOH procedure does not enable the detec- of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria without
staining. Am. J. Vet. Clin. Pathol. 1:31-35.
tion of gram-variable bacteria: as shown above, 4. Kohn, F. S., and S. A. Henneman. 1977. Novel quality
these bacteria are seen as gram positive or gram assurance procedure for the Gram stain. J. Am. Med.
negative. The gram-variable cultures used in this Technol. 39:20-21.
study were members of the coryneform group 5. Kuhn, P. J. 1981. Practical ideas for cost containment in
microbiology. Med. Lab. Observ. 13:73-86.
(Corynebacterium and Arthrobacter). Several 6. Lin, Y. 1980. Use of potassium hydroxide technique for the
isolates of both genera were found to be gram differentiation of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacte-
positive by the KOH method, whereas some ria. Brew. Dig. 55:36-37.

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