Doutoramento e Mestrado em Construção Metálica e Mista: Constança Rigueiro Mcsr@dec -

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Doutoramento e Mestrado

Construção Metálica e Mista

Sustainability and Life Cycle

Assessment of Structures

Constança Rigueiro

Coimbra, September of 2017

Doutoramento e Mestrado em Construção Metálica e Mista Sustentabilidade e ACV de Estruturas 4

 Revision
• Prof.
Axial force due to several load cases
• Objectives
ULS Bending moment diagram (envelope)
• Programme
• Assessment
• References
• Schedule of the classes

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

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Outcomes of the course unit

• Clear understanding of the concepts of Sustainable Development (SD) and

Sustainable Construction (SC);
• To understand the challenge of the application of the principles of SD to the
construction sector;
• To identify the advantages and disadvantages of steel and steel construction in
the context of SC;
• To take advantage of steel structures in the pursuit of SC;
• To provide essential knowledge in relation to methodologies and tools for the
assessment of sustainability;
• To apply these skills in the assessment of steel buildings in the context of SC.

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 PART A – Sustainability of steel and steel structures

 PART B – Thermal Behaviour and Energy efficiency in buildings

 PART C – Acoustic Behaviour

Working Group (WG): Parametric analyisis of a residential building


 Written exam (50%) + WG project (50%)

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• LEED, Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design – LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations v.3. U.S.
GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL,USA, 2009, Manual do software,
• LiderA, Sistema de avaliação da sustentabilidade,
• Gervásio, Sustainable Design and integral life-cycle analyses of bridges, Tese de Doutoramento – Engenharia Civil.
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. 2010
• Agenda 21, On sustainable construction – CIB Report Publication 237. CIB, Rotterdam, 1999.
• BREEAM MANUAL, Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method, Technical manual SD
5073 – 2.0.2011;
• CASBEE, Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency – CASBEE for New
Construction – Technical Manual. Japan, 2010.
• CEEQUAL, The Civil Engineering Environmental Quality Assessment and Award Scheme - Scheme Manual for
Projects Version 3.1, 2012.

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• Farr, D., Sustenaible Urbanism:urban design with nature, Wiley. 2007

• LaGro, J., Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design, Wiley & Sons, Inc.
HoboKen, New Jersy. 2008
• Meadows, D.L.; Meadows,D.L.; Behrene, J.R.W., The limit to growth, MIT Press. 1972.
• ISO_14000, Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use. 2004
• ISO_14001, Environmental labels and declarations - Type I environmental labelling - Principles and procedures.
• ISO_14001, Environmental Management Systems – Specification with Guidance for use. International Organisation
of Standardisation, Geneva, Switzerland. 2004

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PART A – Sustainability of steel and steel structures


a) Sustainable development aspects, key indicators, European directives, international standards;

b) Sustainable construction: basic concepts, assessment tools, life cycle concepts, lifetime analysis.


a) Methodologies and tools for the assessment of sustainability

b) Definition, codes such as ISO standards (functional unit, system boundaries, cradle-to-gate, cradle-to-
grave, cradle-to-cradle), impacts and damages, important steps of the analysis

d) Computational tools


a) Contribution of steel buildings for the sustainability of the construction sector

b) Identifications of main barriers/drawbacks of steel construction

c) Life-cycle inventory (data sources for steel, transport, system boundaries “cradle-to-gate with end-of-life
recycling credits”, comparative illustrative data for steel, concrete and wood)

d) Allocation of recycling materials: How to take the recycling into account (analytical formulation)

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Class #1 Introduction

a) Sustainable development aspects, key indicators, European directives, international


b) Sustainable construction: basic concepts, assessment tools, life cycle concepts,

lifetime analysis.

Class #2 - Sustainability of steel and steel constructions

a) Contribution of steel buildings for the sustainability of the construction sector

b) Identifications of main barriers/drawbacks of steel construction

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Aula #3 and #4 – Sustainability assessment methodologies and tools

a) Methodologies and tools for the assessment of sustainability General methodologies

and tools for the assessment of sustainability (eco-labels and rating systems BREAM,

b) Life Cycle Analysis (Main concepts of life cycle analysis (ISO standards); Standards
for life cycle assessment of buildings (new CEN standards – Sustainability of
construction works).

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Class #5 to #6 – Life Cycle Analysis

a) Definition, codes such as ISO standards (functional unit, system boundaries, cradle-to-
gate, cradle-to-grave, cradle-to-cradle), impacts and damages, important steps of the

b) Life-cycle inventory (data sources for steel, transport, system boundaries “cradle-to-
gate with end-of-life recycling credits”, comparative illustrative data for steel, concrete
and wood)

c) Allocation of recycling materials: How to take the recycling into account (analytical

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Class #6 – Life Cycle Analysis

a) Computational tools for LCA – BEES and SB Steel

Aula #7 and #8 – Life Cycle Analysis

a) Important steps of the analysis - normalization, sensitivity analysis, end-of-life


b) Economic Criteria and Social Criteria

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a) Sustainable development aspects, key indicators, European directives, international standards;

b) Sustainable construction: basic concepts, assessment tools, life cycle concepts, lifetime analysis.


a) Methodologies and tools for the assessment of sustainability

b) Definition, codes such as ISO standards (functional unit, system boundaries, cradle-to-gate, cradle-to-
grave, cradle-to-cradle), impacts and damages, important steps of the analysis

c) Computational tools


a) Contribution of steel buildings for the sustainability of the construction sector

b) Identifications of main barriers/drawbacks of steel construction

c) Life-cycle inventory (data sources for steel, transport, system boundaries “cradle-to-gate with end-of-life
recycling credits”, comparative illustrative data for steel, concrete and wood)

d) Allocation of recycling materials: How to take the recycling into account (analytical formulation)

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Sustainable Development
70% of electricity
60% of the production of solid

17% of the fresh water

25% of the wood

40% of material use. 50% of the generation of CO2


Significant changes are needed to mitigate the environmental impact of buildings

and construction activities.

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Sustainable Development
Our planet is facing great problems, such

 The unbalanced distribution of


 Bad use of resources (energy, water,

materials, etc.)

 Inappropriate techniques for


Emerging to solve this problems, it appears the field of sustainability science.

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What is sustainability?
Sustainability is a complex concept; for this, there is no universally agreed
definition on what sustainability means. There are many different views on what it
should be consider as sustainable and how it can be achieved, but generally, the
idea of sustainability stems from the concept of sustainable development.

What is Sustainable
The first definition of sustainable development was given in 1987 by the
Brundtland Commission:
“…is the development that meets the needs of the
present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.”
How to achieve it?
Through integrating different dimensions in a coherent, holistic,
comprehensive and balanced manner.

Pillars of sustainability

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Sustainable Development Pillars of sustainability

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) approach Four Pillars Model approach

Proposed by the economist René The latest model includes a fourth

Passet in 1979. It relates to the pillar to reflect the importance of
social, economic and culture, institutions and governance
environmental aspects of society.

Management Environment

Social Economic

Economic Social

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Currently, the sustainable development has become an important objective to

accomplish in our communities, however sustainability is a difficult concept to
define in a way that is meaningful and sufficiently practical to allow it to be
operationalized, for this reason in 1994 it was introduced the term
SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION - "the creation and the responsible
management of a healthy built environment based on resource efficient and
ecological principles”.

To promote this idea, many approaches have been developed at three levels:
Administration sector – Laws and Policies.
Building industry sector – Sustainable Assessment Methodologies.
Architectural design sector – Technical methods and conceptual frameworks.

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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)


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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
An indicator is a measure that provides information on the state of a system or
changes in a system.

With the help of indicators information on complex issues as environmental

impacts can be revealed in simplified and comprehensible formats.

Three main functions of indicators are: quantification, simplification and

communication; cause the indicators have to summarize the enormous
complexity of information.

The characteristics of effective indicators are:

• Be relevant;
• Be easy to understand;
• Be reliable
• Be based on accessible data

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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators

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Sustainable Development
Estimates of population evolution between 1950 and
Sustainability Indicators 2050, according to the UN

Earth population

Population size fluctuates at

Millions of people (log)

differing rates in differing

Nonetheless, population
growth is the long-standing
trend on all inhabited
continents, as well as in most
individual states.

During the 20th century, the global population saw its greatest
increase in known history, rising from about 1.6 billion in 1900 to
over 6 billion in 2000.

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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
Earth population

Millions of people

Emerging economies aspire to the living standards of the Western world


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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators

Earth carrying capacity

Sources: UN Human Development Index,

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Sustainable Development
Earth carrying capacity
Sustainability Indicators

 Between 1980 and 2007, global resource extraction grew

significantly, by almost 62%.

 About one half of the forests that once covered the earth
has disappeared.

 In some locations, societies have outstripped the carrying

capacity of the land, resulting in chronic hunger,
environmental degradation and large-scale exodus of
desperate populations.

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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
Human impacts critical to life: human activity is having a significant and
escalating impact on the biodiversity of world ecosystems, reducing both their
resilience and biocapacity

Biocapacity: the capacity

of an area or ecosystem to
generate an ongoing
supply of resources and to
absorb its wastes.

The ecological footprint is

a measure of human
demand on the
Earth's ecosystems.
It represents the amount of
biologically productive
land and sea area
necessary to supply the
resources a
human population consum
es, and to assimilate
associated waste

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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
Emission of greenhouse gases

Global emission of CO2 (millions of ton) due to energy production


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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
Waste creation

Urban waste in kg per capita (2002)


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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
Energy consumption

Energy consumption (ton of equivalent of fossil fuel per capita) (2003)


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Sustainable Development
Sustainability Indicators
Renewable energies

Supply of Renewable energies (million ton. of fossil fuels equivalents per capita) (2003)


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Sustainable Construction

Sustainable Construction results from the application of the principles of

Sustainable Development to the global cycle of construction, from raw
material acquisition, through planning, design, construction and operation,
to final demolition and waste management.

Sustainable Construction is a holistic process that aims to restore and

maintain harmony between the natural environment and the built
environment, creating at the same time, human settlements to enhance
human dignity and encoragem economic equity.

Chrisna du Plessis – Agenda 21 for Sustainable Construction in

Developing Countries

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Sustainable Construction

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Sustainable Construction

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Sustainable Construction
Main factors affecting the sustainability of the construction sector

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Sustainable Construction
Main factors affecting the sustainability of the construction sector

Building materials environmental friendly – Approximately 50% of all materials extracted from the
earth's are transformed into products and materials for construction. When installed in buildings,
and including energy during operation, they represent for 40% of all energy used. Furthermore,
these same materials when processed into solid waste, account for about 50% of all waste
produced prior to recycling or reuse;

Energy effciency – The construction, operation and subsequent demolition of buildings represents
approximately 40% of all energy production and contributes to a similar percentage of greenhouse
gas emissions greenhouse. The potential for reducing the emission of greenhouse effect in existing
or new buildings is greater than in any other sector, thus representing a significant share in the
reduction of emissions in order to reach to the objectives set in Kyoto Protocol.

Waste management of construction and/or demolition – The waste from construction and demolition
are the largest source of solid waste by weight of the European Union. The disposal of this waste is
becoming very difficult in many countries in Europe. It is necessary to reinforce the idea of
minimizing waste and promoting recycling.

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Sustainable Construction
Environmental impacts of construction industry
Energy consumption during the various stages of the building life

(Life) (EE) (REE) (OE)

Embodied Energy (EE) – total energy consumed due to the extraction, production, installation and
demolition of a component (building material) or system (building);
Recurrent Embodied Energy (REE) – total energy consumed due to the rehabilitation and maintenance
of a component (building material) or system (building);
Energy due to the all operations of the building (OE) – total energy consumption for heating, cooling,
etc., during the operation of building.

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Sustainable Construction
AGENDA 21 For Sustainable Construction
(CIB – International Council for research and Innovation in Building and Construction)
Aims for the establishment of a conceptual framework defining the connections
between the concept of sustainable development and the construction sector

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Sustainable Construction
Main Recomendations from the AGENDA 21
 Integrated design approach considering the fundamentals of sustainable

 optimized solutions (aesthetics, cost, service life, maintenance, energy consumption

 Consideration of the environmental qualities of the materials in the design
stage and in the final product
 Focusing the functional design on the use phase (durability and flexibility of
the building)
 Focusing the technical design in the durability of the building components and
in the rehabilitation and deconstructing the of components

 Higher requirements in the selection of spaces, considering the environmental


qualities of the building throughout its lifetime as one of the selection criteria
 Use the buildings in a environmental friendly way

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Sustainable Construction

Materials Eco-Friendly

Main Principles of Sustainable


Flexibility Desconstruction

Reuse Recycling

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• This lecture was prepared for the Edition 2 of SUSCOS (2013/15) by

Helena Gervásio (UC).

• This lecture was improved for SUSCOS (2016/2018) by Constança

Rigueiro (UC)

• This lecture was improved for PhD and Master Course of Steel
Construction (2018/2020) by Constança Rigueiro (UC)

Institute for Sustainability and Innovation in Structural Engineering

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