PractitionerReviewGuideln2012 9

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or other engineering output prepared by the authoring engi- At a minimum, a reviewing engineer should insist that a

neer. Therefore, these reviews should be carried out according contract clearly identify the type of review to be under-
to the guidance provided in Section 6.1.2. However, the stan- taken, the reason for the review, the documents that will be
dard of suitability or correctness in this case is not industry reviewed and the current relationship between the authoring
norms, but rather the willingness of the reviewer’s organiza- engineer and the client. In cases where notification accord-
tion to rely on the work. A practitioner reviewing documents ing to article 77.7.ii, O. Reg. 941 is required, a contract
that the practitioner’s client or employer will rely on has a must obligate the client to inform the authoring engineer a
duty to protect the interest of the client or employer and the review will take place or authorize the reviewing engineer to
review should reflect this duty. make the notification.

6.2 Review Procedures Reviewing engineers should also ensure that clients are
6.2.1 General principles aware of professional responsibilities and ethical obligations
Checking of work must be as thorough as required by described in this guideline; if possible, these responsibilities
the scope and kind of review; in other words, the extent and obligations should be explicitly stated in the contract.
of checking will need to be project specific. The extent
The scope of work should also define how thorough a
of checking is always subject to the reviewer’s reasonable
review is expected to be. The level of detail examination
discretion and dependent on judgments about how best to
and analysis undertaken by reviewers conducting technical
adequately undertake the assignment. The reviewer must
reviews will depend on the nature of the work, although it
always be satisfied the conclusions, whether positive or
should be assumed that performing a technical review will
negative, regarding the quality of the documents or of the
not be as comprehensive or time consuming as performing
authoring engineer’s service are based on proper assessment
the original engineering work. A reviewer must use reason-
of the items under review.
able judgment to assess when a full review is applicable.
Thoroughness of review must be based on the principle of
A contract should clearly specify the deliverables to be sub-
fairness; that is, a review must be thorough enough to provide
mitted to a reviewer by the authoring engineer. It should
the client or employer with sufficient information to resolve
further identify whether the relevant information is to be
outstanding questions and to warrant the opinions made by
submitted directly by the authoring engineer or through the
the reviewer about the quality of the work. If a review is not
client. The information upon which a review is based needs
thorough enough, the reviewer might miss issues that should
to be clearly identified. However, for various reasons, includ-
be brought to the attention of the client or employer. In this
ing the possibility of litigation against the authoring engineer,
case, the reviewer’s service would be inadequate.
a reviewer should not always expect to obtain all available
On the other hand, a review must not be taken to the point information. Obviously, a client can ask an authoring engi-
of criticizing irrelevant, minor issues. A reviewer should neer to turn over to a reviewer all documents that the client
not report on spelling errors, poor grammar, poor drafting has a legal expectation of obtaining from the author.
or other aspects of the form of a document, unless these
However, a client generally does not have a right to all docu-
problems cause a document to be ambiguous, difficult to
ments produced by the authoring engineer during commission
understand, or create the possibility for mistaken application
of the work. In general, a reviewing engineer should expect to
by those relying on the document.
receive only those documents delivered by an authoring engi-
6.2.2 Scope of work neer as the final output of the service to a client.
Professional engineers are asked to review the work of other
In cases where a reviewing engineer is hired by a party other
practitioners for many reasons and under various employ-
than an authoring engineer’s client, the reviewer may have
ment arrangements. Before accepting any assignment,
to work with only publicly available information. Usually,
practitioners should, in consultation with their clients, pre-
this will be an authoring engineer’s final plans or reports,
pare a detailed scope of work and affix this to their contract
but occasionally these may not be available. A review of a
for services.
proposed design or report should not be based on specula-
tion about the data, client instructions or other data an

P r o f e ssi o n a l E n g i n e e r s O nt ar i o 9

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