QCM Automatic Flight

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 What Flight Director modes are activated by placing

a Flight Director Switch ON while on the ground with

no autopilots engaged?
 V/S and HDG SEL modes
 Takeoff mode
 V/S and HDG HOLD modes

 What occurs when the Autothrottle Switch is moved

to OFF?
 Autothrottle disconnects and cannot be re-engaged
 Autothrottle can be engaged in any mode
 Autothrottle can only be engaged in VNAV mode

 Which modes are affected by the Bank Limit

 Only HDG SEL mode
 Only LOC and APP modes
 All roll modes

 When can the command bars be displayed in the

ADI during preflight?
 Permits A/Ps to be engaged by pushing a CMD switch
 All A/Ps disengage
 When the FD Switch is ON or an Autopilot (A/P) is engaged

 What indicates the FD is not supplying valid

 Flag in the ADI and/or disappearance of command bars
 Aural and/or caution lights
 Amber line through FD annunciation on ADI

 During takeoff, when is the THR HOLD mode

 At lift off
 At 80 kt
 At 60 kt
 At 64 kt

 What does the THR HOLD mode accomplish?

 Moves throttles to hold takeoff thrust
 Moves throttles to hold selected speed
 Removes power from the autothrottle servo system

 What pitch mode is engaged by engaging the first

A/P in Command, with neither FD ON?
 V/S

 When the LEFT A/P is in Command and both FD

switches are ON, what modes will the FD use?
 Both FDs will use the same modes as the engaged A/P
 The LEFT FD will use the same modes as the A/P. The other will use whatever is selected for it
 Whatever modes are selected for them independently

 What factors limit thrust when the autothrottle is in

EPR/N1 mode & climb thrust is selected on the
Thrust Mode Selector Panel (TMSP)?
 Climb Limit EPR/N1, flap placard speeds, and 250 knots airspeed when below 10000 ft
 Climb Limit EPR/N1, flap placard speeds, and VMO/MMO
 Take off limit EPR/N1 and 250 knots airspeed when below 10000 ft

 IN FLCH mode, where is the commanded airspeed

bug displayed?
 Command airspeed cursors
 Reference Airspeed cursors

 When Go-Around (G/A) mode is engaged, the

 Advances the thrust levers to CLB thrust
 Controls thrust to maintain 2000 fpm climb
 Annunciates SPD in the ADI's

 When does the G/A mode arm for the AFDS &
Autothrottle system?
 At 2500 ft RA
 At 50 ft RA
 At Localizer capture
 At glideslope capture or Flaps Not UP
 During a crosswind ILS approach, at what
approximate radio altitude does the autopilot enter
the runway alignment mode?
 80 ft
 50 ft
 1000 ft
 500 ft

 How is the A/P flare engage mode annuniciated to

 FLARE replacing G/S on the LEFT side of the ADI's
 FLARE appearing on the ADI's above G/S
 LAND 3 moving from the LEFT to the RIGHT side of the ADI's

 What is the ADI annunciation indicating the

autothrottle system is retarding the throttles during
the landing flare?

 Which of the following will prevent selection of the

G/A mode?
 Radio altitude greater than decision height
 Flaps not at landing position (25 or 30)
 Either engine in reverse thrust
 Flaps in transit

 What is the ADI mode annunciation for the roll axis

in the G/A mode?
 GA

 Fail-Passive flight control system (LAND 2) : A flight

control system is fail-passive if, in the event of a
failure, there is no significant out-of-trim condition or
deviation of flight path or altitude but the landing is
not completed automatically.
 For a fail-passive automatic flight control system the A/P's assume control of the aircraft after a failure
 For a fail-passive automatic flight control system the A/P's assume control of the aircraft after a single failure
 For a fail-passive automatic flight control system the pilot assumes control of the aircraft after a failure

 What is the ADI mode annunciation for the pitch axis

int he G/A mode?
 G/A

 Above 400 ft RA, which action would deactivate the

G/A mode?
 Select a VOR frequency
 Push either GA switch a second time
 Select different roll and/or pitch mode

 When the G/A mode is deactivated, which A/P will

remain engaged?
 Last in command
 First in command

 During an ILS approach, below which approximate

altitude is the G/A mode inhibited?
 10 feet RA
 5 feet RA
 50 feet RA
 15 feet RA

 Will the autoland flare mode activate with only the

FD turned on?
 Yes
 No

 What minimum number of A/P's must be engaged

before the autoland & rollout modes will activate?
 2 A/P's
 3 A/P's
 1 A/P

 How is rollout mode engagement annunciated?

 ROLLOUT appearing in the upper RIGHT side of the ADI's
 ROLLOUT appearing on the Autoland Status Indicator
 ROLLOUT appearing in the upper LEFT side of the ADI's

 Which controls do the A/P's operate to track the

localizer while in the rollout mode?
 Only nose wheel steering.
 Only rudder
 Rudder & nose wheel steering

 After an automatic landing, rollout guidance

continues until:
 The pilot applies manual braking
 The pilot disengages the A/P's
 The speedbrake lever is placed in the DOWN position
 60 kts

 Which of the following affects does pushing down on

the A/P Disengage Bar have?
 Disengages command modes, but permits A/P operation in CWS
 Disengages A/P's only if a control wheel disengage switch is pushed at the same time
 Disengages A/P's and prevents re-engagement

 After landing, which one of the following is required

to deactivate the operating AFDS mode?
 Disengage all A/P's & turn off both flight directors
 Disengage at least one A/P or turn off at least one flight director
 Turn off at least one flight director

 The takeoff mode is available to which of the

 Autopilot only
 Flight director only
 Autopilot & flight director

 The Flare & rollout modes are available for which of

the following?
 Flight director only
 Multiple A/P's only
 Autopilot & flight director

 Below which radio altitude is disengaging the A/P

and A/T and turning off both FD's, the sole means
for deactivating the G/A mode?
 700 feet
 400 feet
 200 feet
 500 feet

 How is the autothrottle normally disengaged after an

automatic landing?
 A/P mode selection
 Automatically at touchdown (RIGHT main landing gear)
 Automatically at touchdown
 By selecting reverse thrust.

 Airplane will turn in the direction of turning the HDG

SEL knob even if turned more than 180°.
 True
 False.

 In wings-level flight with neither Flight Director ON

which roll mode is engaged by engaging the first
A/P in command?

 A white LNAV annunciation in the ADI indicates:

 LNAV is engaged
 Cannot tell without reference to the LNAV switch
 LNAV is armed

 With LNAV armed, the A/P automatically turns the

aircraft to an intercept heading for the LNAV route.
 True
 False
 With an A/P in CMD, which of the following modes
can be used to turn the aircraft to an LNAV route
intercept heading?

 When LNAV is selected, within which distance from

the active leg does the LNAV mode engage?
 4,2 NM
 Turning radius
 5 NM
 4 NM

 A FD failure in either pitch or roll causes the

respective command bar to disappear. If both axes
become unusable, both command bar disappear.
 False
 True

 Localizer capture cannot occur if the intercept angle

is more than how many degrees?
 150°
 100°
 120°
 140°

 What are the pitch & roll FMA's when the windshear
recovery guidance mode is engaged manually
during takeoff?
 TO & GA
 TO and TO
 GA
 FMA's disappear

 What happens if you engage the ALT HOLD mode

during a climb or a descent ?
 Pitch control brings the airplane back to the altitude at which the mode was engaged
 Pitch control causes the airplane to levell off at the altitude displayed in the ALT window (MCP)
 Nothing, the ALT HOLD mode cannot be engaged during a climb or a descent.
 Pitch control causes the airplane to levell off gradually

 How many A/P's can be engaged when the LOC

mode is engaged?
 Three
 One
 Two

 When the ALT HOLD mode is engaged, which

mode will fly the airplane away from the altitude set
in the ALT window?
 V/S

 You are cleared for ILS approach. You have

selected inbound course. ILS receivers tuned to
appropriate frequencies. What happens when you
push the APP switch on the MCP ? (CENTER A/P is
already engaged)
 G/S & LOC scales appear, G/S is engaged roll mode
 LEFT & RIGHT A/P's engage, G/S is the armed pitch mode & LOC is the armed roll mode.
 Glideslope is engaged pitch mode, LEFT & RIGHT A/P's can be engaged.
 G/S is the armed pitch mode, LOC is the armed roll mode & the LEFT & RIGHT A/P's can be armed

 AUTOLAND self-test finds no fault. LEFT & RIGHT

A/P's engage. ROLLOUT is armed roll mode. What
is annunciated on the ASA's?
 LAND 3
 LAND 2

 You are approaching 33000 ft in FLCH climb mode.

What changes will you see in the FMA's as the
airplane approaches & reaches 33000 ft?
 Pitch changes to ALT CAP then to ALT HOLD and A/T changes to SPD
 Pitch changes to ALT HLD and A/T changes to SPD then to IDLE
 Pitch changes to ALT CAP then to ALT HOLD and roll changes to HDG HLD
 Pitch changes to ALT CAP then roll mode changes to ALT HOLD and A/T changes to SPD

 At 200 ft RA, AC bus tie breakers lock open. What

happens if the 2 Autoland channels fail at this point?
 ASA annunciates NO AUTOLND
 A/P enters GA mode
 Landing continues normally
 ASA annunciates NO LAND3

 Which of the following is not a TMC function?

 Generate signals for the ADI
 Provide minimum & maximum speed protection.
 Engage reverse thrust during autoland
 Generate control signals for the A/T

 Which statement about the TMC is true?

 TMC operates A/T from pilot or FMC commands
 A/T can function with inoperative TMC
 TMC cannot detect A/T failures.
 TMC cannot operate with inoperative FMC

 If EEC mode fails, TMC computes limit EPR/N1 for

associated engine.
 True
 False

 Airplane descending in FLCH mode. You manually

stop throttle retardation. What happens when you
release the throttles?
 Servo disengages; A/T changes to THR HOLD mode
 Servo remains engaged; A/T changes to SPD mode.
 Throttles remain where you set them

 Airplane climbing on derated T/O thrust. A/T is in

THR HOLD. Windshear warning appears at 400 ft.
What is the first action you should take?
 Manually advance the throttles
 Push the go-around switch to cancel derated thrust.
 Push a go-around switch to enable recover guidance commands
 EPR / N1 mode is engaged to start takeoff roll. What
will the A/T do during the takeoff roll?
 Change to SPD mode at rotation.
 Arm GA thrust to be ready fo windshear recovery
 Change to THR HOLD mode at 80 kt
 Change to CLB mode at rotation

 The FLARE mode is a multi A/P mode. It is armed

 LAND 3 is annunciated
 AUTOLND is annunciated
 LAND2 is annunciated
 LAND 2 or LAND 3 is annunciated.

 When the FLARE mode is engaged:

 Between 60 & 40 ft RA (depending on sink rate prior to flare & True airspeed), the rate of descent is
approximately reduced to approximately 300 fpm
 Between 50 & 80 ft RA (depending on sink rate prior to flare), the rate of descent is approximately reduced to
approximately 100 fpm
 Between 50 & 80 ft RA (depending on sink rate prior to flare & True airspeed), the rate of descent is
approximately reduced to approximately 300 fpm
 Between 60 & 40 ft RA (depending on sink rate prior to flare), the rate of descent is approximately reduced to
approximately 100 fpm

 When Flare mode is engaged:

 At 20 ft RA, the A/T starts retarding thrust levers to idle and the A/P's start lowering the nose towards the
runway at 15 ft RA plus 2 seconds
 At 20 ft RA, the A/T starts retarding thrust levers to idle (the A/T annunciation changes from SPD to IDLE) and
the A/P's start lowering the nose towards the runway at 5 ft RA plus 2 seconds
 At 20 ft RA, the A/T starts retarding thrust levers to idle (the A/T annunciation changes from SPD to IDLE) and
the A/P's start lowering smoothly the nose towards the runway at 5 ft RA
 At 50 ft RA, the A/T starts retarding thrust levers to idle and the A/P's start lowering the nose towards the
runway at 5 ft RA plus 2 seconds

 NO AUTOLND indicates :
 Fault conditions exist which result in a single A/P landing
 Fault conditions exist which results in a LAND 2 condition
 Fault conditions exist which preclude the use of the A/P's for an automatic landing
 Validate

 After APP mode is selected, If NO AUTOLND is

displayed, it remains displayed until A/P's are
 False.
 True
 CAT 2 / CAT 3 approaches shall not be attempted
when windshear conditions are reported or may be
suspected to exist.
 Maximum headwing, tailwind and crosswind for an automatic approach are respectively : 35, 15 & 25 kt.
 Maximum headwing, tailwind and crosswind for an automatic approach are respectively : 35, 10 & 25 kt.
 Maximum headwing, tailwind and crosswind for an automatic approach are respectively : 25, 10 & 25 kt.
 Maximum headwing, tailwind and crosswind for an automatic approach are respectively : 25, 15 & 25 kt.

 After LOC and G/S captured (green) APP mode

may only be disengaged under one of the following
actions :
 Engage GA mode or disengage A/P(s) and turn at least one FD OFF
 Engage GA mode or disengage A/P(s) and turn both FD's OFF
 Engage GA mode or disengage A/P(s)

 When LAND 3 or LAND 2 is annunciated and only

than, A/P control of the rudder is active. Note: If the
A/P's are disconnected or disconnect in an
asymmetric thrust condition, the rudder will return to
the trimmed position unless the pilot exerts the
rudder pedal force required to maintain the rudder
 True
 Flase

 Remember below 500 ft RA : the NO LAND 3

annunciation & electrical power transfer are
inhibited, the ASA display cannot change except to
indicate a NO AUTOLND condition & the electrical
system auto power transfer is also inhibited .
 False
 True

 During a crosswind condition on an ILS approach

prior to an automatic landing:
 A/P systems initiate a slip with a maximum bank angle of 2 degrees when the crab ang le exceeds 5 degrees
and wing leveling from the slip is initiated when the rollout mode is engaged
 A/P systems initiate a slip with a maximum bank angle of 2 degrees when the crab ang le exceeds 7 degrees
and wing leveling from the slip is initiated when the rollout mode is engaged
 A/P systems initiate a slip with a maximum bank angle of 4 degrees when the crab ang le exceeds 7 degrees
 A/P systems initiate a slip with a maximum bank angle of 3 degrees when the crab ang le exceeds 5 degrees
and wing leveling from the slip is initiated when the FLARE mode is engaged

 During a CAT2/CAT3 approach, if one generator

fails above 200 feet :
 if APU operating, ASA will change to NO AUTOLND and if APU inoperative, ASA will change to LAND 2
 if APU operating, no ASA change and if APU inoperative, ASA will change to NO AUTOLND
 if APU operating, no ASA change and if APU inoperative, ASA will change to LAND 2

 During a CAT2/CAT3 approach, if one generator

fails below 200 feet :
 ASA will not change due to inhibition of the Bus Tie Breakers. (Loss of system will become apparent when
ROLLOUT mode is engaged.
 ASA will not change (even without APU) due to inhibition of the Bus Tie Breakers. (Loss of system will
become apparent when A/P's are disconnected on ground).
 ASA will not change (even without APU) due to inhibition of the Bus Tie Breakers. (Loss of system will
become apparent when A/P's are disconnected on ground).
 ASA will not change (even without APU) due to inhibition of the Bus Tie Breakers.


becoming amber and flashing ) is operative :
 Below 1000 ft RA when the deviation is respectively 1 dot for the G/S or 1.5 dot for the localizer .
 Below 500 ft RA when the deviation is respectively 1 dot for the G/S or 1.5 dot for the localizer .
 When the deviation is respectively 1 dot for the G/S or 1.5 dot for the localizer .
 Below 2500 ft RA when the deviation is respectively 1 dot for the G/S or 1.5 dot for the localizer .

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