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“Understand, ye brutish among
the people: and ye fools, when will
ye be wise?” (Psalm 94:8).

November 2003


OF EVOLUTION by Henry M. Morris*
ICR began publishing its popular free torical interest as the forerunner of our
newsletter Acts & Facts in June 1972, popular Impact articles (the first of which
over 31 years ago. The first two issues was published in the first 1973 issue), but
were 6-page, single-column, fold-over also because it still seems to show in a
tract-like papers, black-and-white—not very simple way that evolution is impos-
very impressive in appearance. sible—no one, to my knowledge, has ever
Issue No. 1 contained only news items tried to refute it.
describing some of our early campus The third issue of Acts & Facts re-
meetings. Specially featured was the ported on the first ICR-sponsored expe-
meeting held by Dr. Duane Gish on the dition to Mount Ararat in search of
Davis campus of the University of Cali- Noah’s Ark, led by John Morris. The first
fornia. This was the meeting that involved Impact article, however, was published
an unscheduled 2½ hour debate with in the January/February 1973 issue on the
world-famous evolutionist, G. Ledyard subject, “Evolution, Creation, and the
Stebbins. A favorable response from the Public Schools,” urging that concerned
large student attendance and a very posi- citizens should use an educational and
tive write-up in the student paper even- persuasion approach, rather than legisla-
tually led to Dr. Gish’s famous cartoon tion or litigation, in trying to get a bal-
booklet, Have You Been Brainwashed? anced approach to origins teaching ac-
which has been greatly used by the Lord cepted in the public schools.
in the past three decades, being distrib- In spite of this advice, however, many
uted in the millions all over the world. well-meaning creationists have tried—
That issue also announced the publi- always unsuccessfully—to try to force
cation of Dr. Gish’s first book, Evolution: this issue. We still recommend education
The Fossils Say No! which has been used and persuasion as the best policy.
widely and has won many evolutionists Anyway, an Impact article on sig-
to accept the truth of special creation. nificant scientific or apologetics topics
Issue No. 2 also was mostly news, but has been published every month since
it did contain a semi-technical article on that first 1973 Acts & Facts. The fore-
“The Mathematical Impossibility of Evo- runner of all these, still quite valid, I
lution” which is being reproduced herein believe, is reproduced with a few modi-
as a matter of interest—not only of his- fications below:
*Dr. Henry Morris is Founder and President Emeritus of ICR.
The Mathematical Impossibility since it is far easier for a complex sys-
tem to break down than to build itself up.
of Evolution A four-component integrated system can
According to the most-widely accepted more easily “mutate” (that is, somehow
theory of evolution today, the sole suddenly change) into a three-component
mechanism for producing evolution is system (or even a four-component non-
that of random mutation combined with functioning system) than into a five-com-
natural selection. Mutations are random ponent integrated system. If, at any step
changes in genetic systems. Natural se- in the chain, the system mutates “down-
lection is considered by evolutionists to ward,” then it is either destroyed alto-
be a sort of sieve, which retains the gether or else moves backward, in an evo-
“good” mutations and allows the others lutionary sense.
to pass away. Therefore, the successful production
Since random changes in ordered sys- of a 200-component functioning organ-
tems almost always will decrease the ism requires, at least, 200 successive,
amount of order in those systems, nearly successful such “mutations,” each of
all mutations are harmful to the organ- which is highly unlikely. Even evolution-
isms which experience them. Neverthe- ists recognize that true mutations are very
less, the evolutionist insists that each rare, and beneficial mutations are ex-
complex organism in the world today has tremely rare—not more than one out of a
arisen by a long string of gradually accu- thousand mutations are beneficial, at the
mulated good mutations preserved by very most.
natural selection. No one has ever actu- But let us give the evolutionist the
ally observed a genuine mutation occur- benefit of every consideration. Assume
ring in the natural environment which was that, at each mutational step, there is
beneficial (that is, adding useful genetic equally as much chance for it to be good
information to an existing genetic code), as bad. Thus, the probability for the suc-
and therefore, retained by the selection cess of each mutation is assumed to be
process. For some reason, however, the one out of two, or one-half. Elementary
idea has a certain persuasive quality about statistical theory shows that the prob-
it and seems eminently reasonable to ability of 200 successive mutations be-
many people—until it is examined quan- ing successful is then (½) 200, or one
titatively, that is! chance out of 1060. The number 1060, if
For example, consider a very simple written out, would be “one” followed by
putative organism composed of only 200 sixty “zeros.” In other words, the chance
integrated and functioning parts, and the that a 200-component organism could be
problem of deriving that organism by this formed by mutation and natural selec-
type of process. The system presumably tion is less than one chance out of a tril-
must have started with only one part and lion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion!
then gradually built itself up over many Lest anyone think that a 200-part sys-
generations into its 200-part organization. tem is unreasonably complex, it should
The developing organism, at each succes- be noted that even a one-celled plant or
sive stage, must itself be integrated and animal may have millions of molecular
functioning in its environment in order “parts.”
to survive until the next stage. Each suc- The evolutionist might react by say-
cessive stage, of course, becomes statis- ing that even though any one such mu-
tically less likely than the preceding one, tating organism might not be successful,
surely some around the world would be, Science and Creation, Master Books,
especially in the 10 billion years (or 1018 pp. 161–201).
seconds) of assumed earth history. There- The first such book, so far as I know,
fore, let us imagine that every one of the to use mathematics and probability in
earth’s 1014 square feet of surface harbors refuting evolution was written by a pas-
a billion (i.e., 109) mutating systems and tor, W. A. Williams, way back in 1928.
that each mutation requires one-half sec- Entitled, Evolution Disproved, it made a
ond (actually it would take far more time great impression on me when I first read
than this). Each system can thus go it about 1943, at a time when I myself
through its 200 mutations in 100 seconds was still struggling with evolution.
and then, if it is unsuccessful, start over In fact, evolutionists themselves have
for a new try. In 1018 seconds, there can, attacked traditional Darwinism on the
therefore, be 1018/102, or 1016, trials by same basis (see the Wistar Institute Sym-
each mutating system. Multiplying all posium, Mathematical Challenges to the
these numbers together, there would be a Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolu-
total possible number of attempts to de- tion, 1967, 140 pp.). While these scien-
velop a 200-component system equal to tists did not reject evolution itself, they
1014 (109) (1016), or 1039 attempts. Since did insist that the Darwinian randomness
the probability against the success of any postulate would never work.
one of them is 1060, it is obvious that the Furthermore, since the law of increas-
probability that just one of these 1039 at- ing entropy, or the second law of thermo-
tempts might be successful is only one dynamics, is essentially a statement of
out of 1060/1039, or 1021. probabilities, many writers have also used
All this means that the chance that any that law itself to show that evolution on
kind of a 200-component integrated func- any significant scale is essentially impos-
tioning organism could be developed by sible. Evolutionists have usually ignored
mutation and natural selection just once, the arguments or else used vacuous argu-
anywhere in the world, in all the assumed ments against them (“Anything can hap-
expanse of geologic time, is less than one pen given enough time”; “The earth is an
chance out of a billion trillion. What pos- open system, so the second law doesn’t
sible conclusion, therefore, can we de- apply”; “Order can arise out of chaos
rive from such considerations as this ex- through dissipative structures”; etc.).
cept that evolution by mutation and In the real world of scientific obser-
natural selection is mathematically and vation, as opposed to metaphysical
logically indefensible! speculation, however, no more complex
Discussion system can ever “evolve” out of a less
There have been many other ways in complex system, so the probability of the
which creationist writers have used naturalistic origin of even the simplest
probability arguments to refute evolu- imaginary form of life is zero.
tionism, especially the idea of random The existence of complexity of any
changes preserved, if beneficial, by kind is evidence of God and creation. “Lift
natural selection. James Coppedge de- up your eyes on high, and behold who hath
voted almost an entire book, Evolution: created these things, that bringeth out their
Possible or Impossible (Zondervan, host by number: He calleth them all by
1973, 276 pp.), to this type of approach. names by the greatness of His might, for
I have also used other probability-type that He is strong in power; not one faileth”
arguments to the same end (see, e.g., (Isaiah 40:26).
TOWER FORM? by John D. Morris, Ph.D.
Visitors often marvel at the beautiful col- A persistent scientific objection to the
umns of rock standing at places like Biblical doctrine of the young earth has
Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. There a arisen over this issue, however, claiming
mountain of rock rises from the ground that the necessary cooling time for such
in a series of regular, multi-sided col- immense volumes of basalt would take far
umns, extending scores of feet into the longer than mere thousands of years. Once
air. Columns at the Giant’s Causeway in again, good scientific research provides an
Ireland and elsewhere seem so precise answer, and it has to do with water.
that fanciful legends have grown up While much heat is removed by
around them. simple conduction from the lava to the
These huge columns consist of once- surrounding rock or air, a surprising
molten igneous rock which was intruded amount of heat is removed by water.
into other sediments, or de- Water is present in any lava
posited and later covered flow or intrusion, and as
with other sediments. As this superheated water
hot, molten lava cools and flashes to steam and exits
solidifies, it shrinks in vol- the lava, it carries much
ume and fractures along heat away with it. Further-
vertical planes, with geo- more, as rain or surface
metric considerations often water penetrates to the hot
orienting the fractures into layer, it too heats, turns to
five or six-sided polygons. steam and leaves, cooling
Hardened basalt is usually the lava. Experiments and
much harder than surround- observations have shown
ing sediments whose ero- this convection of heat to
sion often exposes spec- be the key. Measured rates
tacular walls of columns. of cooling from the surface
Vertical columns 40' high at
Elsewhere, such hori- to the interior exceed sev-
Giant’s Causeway in Ireland.
zontal layers of vertical col- eral feet per month. The
umns cover extensive areas, far larger then vertical joints which form the distinctive
similar layers which have formed in his- columns facilitate the migration of water
toric times. This seems to speak eloquently in and steam out of the rock.
of past volcanic processes being regionally The next time you notice these inter-
catastrophic, proceeding at rates, scales, and esting vertical columns, just think of the
intensities far exceeding the ones we ob- great Flood of Noah’s day. Think of cata-
serve today. Surely Earth’s geologic past strophic events, on a large scale and at a
was different from its present, particularly rapid pace. And put it all in its “Back to
during the great flood of Noah’s day. Evi- Genesis” perspective.
dence of catastrophic processes operating See more on the formation of basaltic
on a regional scale—that’s what we would columns at:
expect to find as results of the Flood.
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