The Varangian Guard: Epleland Heavy-Handed Soldiers of Fortune - Open To The Highest Bidder

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“The sunrise is always the color of deep blood. It leaks out of the east and stains the sky red, marking the
clouds with stolen gold. Underneath it all, the road twists up the mountainsides towards the fortress of
Varangia - clusters of sharp towers - black against the wounded heavens. Our sunrise is always red, black
and gold.”

“The colors of our profession!”


Since the opening of Epleland, members of The Varangian Guard have made it their mission to grow and
socialize with a community of intelligent, competitive gamers, role-player’s, and brothers in arms. The
needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few here in our brotherhood. We are dedicated to
establishing a dominant and respected – possibly even hated name on the Epleland server. To ensure
the success of our craft, we seek like-minded, selfless and ambitious members who would embrace our
vision – and our brotherhood. New players to both the game and the server are very welcome here.

Protection of merchants, the sacking of trade runs, keep and castle sieges and defense, assassinations,
counter intelligence, and guild infiltration are just a few of our trades available for those with the coin in
their pocket.

Those of you that have met our members on the battlefield already know us – we are never to be

• As a member of The Varangian Guard you represent our community and wear our guild tag -
Remember this when talking with, and interacting with other clans and guilds. We are not
bandits, cutthroats, or murderers.
• We do not tolerate any forms of racism or insults outside of normal humorous guild banter.
• Despite our multi-national background, we are an English-speaking guild and all communication
must be in English to the best of your ability.
• We earn respect by giving equal respect, there is no divide between the officers, raiding
members or even regular members. Everyone’s input is encouraged.
• Trees are a precious commodity, if you are going to grind skills (carpentry/bowcraft), or build
something not essential to the guard, please build/grind far away on the island to the south, or
CURRENT GUILD CLAIM RADIUS. This pushes tree cutting to the island or over the mountain to
the north. No exceptions. Those that break this rule will be skill killed to zero, and ejected from
the guard.
• Again, do not use the local trees for non-essentials. Never cut apple trees! Do not cut quality
90+ trees anywhere on server 19.
• We are soldiers first. Train to at least your tier 2 armor and weapon set. Stay vigilant, and stay
armed at all times. Every member is expected to heed the call to arms.


• Your main character must have a specialty you intend to work towards. Both in combat and
• You must be prepared to use Discord and be logged into the server whenever you are logged
into the game. We would prefer that you use the voice channel whenever possible. If you
cannot be there, at least be in the general text channel so we can all better communicate.
When we go to battle you MUST be in the voice channel, even if just to listen.
• Interactions with other members outside of the guard in-game will be role played to the best of
your ability. Light to medium RP within the guild is encouraged but not enforced. We have a
separate channel for RP within our discord for those interested.
• The Varangian outpost is a place where everyone hangs out and socializes. Its where we “get
shit done” and as such, with over 20 active members it is imperative that our warehouses,
boxes, crates and barrels do not become garbage dumps. Everything has its place, even if
loosely organized. Please keep this in mind when placing items anywhere.
• Regional resources are not to be combined with normal resources or used for construction
where they are not required.. Regional resources will occasionally be gathered when you get a
board, ore, or other resource – and can be distinguished by its description.
• Warehouses are not storage for “whatever.” They will only contain essential crafting items, high
quality ore, animals/ horses, and the like.
• The horse cart in our possession (another is on its way) will be emptied when you are done with
it, following the “put it in its place rules” above.
• Structures such as the Carpenters shop, the Kitchen, the Smithy, and the Herbalist shop will only
be used for end-game essentials, and only once you have reached 90 in your chosen profession.
• High quality (3 ingredient and up 60+ quality) food will not be used except for power hour. We
have three crates outside the kitchen between two tables for day-to-day eating needs.
• Horses will always go back in the warehouse when you are done with them, we do not log out
with horses, we don’t leave horses out to de-spawn after their 1 hour timer is up. Those that
lose horses on a consistent basis will lose their riding privileges. Horses are delicate creatures,
they cannot swim, they can get stuck in trees, they can get stuck on top of houses – be careful
with them. Horses (and players) can be crushed and killed by the portcullis gate as well. Keep
them away from it by a few tiles when it is opening and closing. Do not get off of a horse on a
claim other than our own without immediately picking it up – you WILL lose it.
• The horse cart is a rickety piece of crap, however it serves a purpose. It can get stuck in ditches,
water, or on large slopes. Once stuck it is nearly impossible to recover. Be careful with it.
• Glitches! We know of a few NASTY glitches. Parking a wheelbarrow or handcart on the same
tile as one another will render one of them un-usable completely. Deleting a fixed structure
will delete EVERYTHING that shares its tiles (crates/barrels etc.) Putting down a fixed structure
will delete everything in the tiles it touches, even in preview mode!
• DO NOT remove loose soil anywhere in the outpost. We use some of those tiles that have dirt
on them for gathering of high quality materials.
• If you do not understand something, please ask for help. For players that are new to the game,
find a mentor! We are all here to help one another progress! The game is massively complex and
intricate, you cannot learn everything by watching youtube, or using the wiki. Oftentimes, much
of the information outside of game is incorrect in relation to the MMO mechanics.
• COMBAT – you must be able to defend yourself, and you must be able to answer a call to arms.
Reach your tier two combat skillset ASAP. We are a combat orientated guild first and foremost,
look and act the part.
• Request armor and weapons in the discord “crafting-requests” channel.
• Our current captains are Gawain, Tenta, Rangvald, Slarar and Hudinn. They are here to help
YOU, not the other way around. They are a great resource to the guard – use them!

If you have questions regarding anything contained herein, please ask for clarification!

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