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n fa;"*varderJ m€ssa6e;

From : "Jcyse Le i d ig" <ie irl ig til rquieg,I*i.>

Daie: januar.y i6,2gi7 at Li;04;37 Atu4 CST

Tc; "Jc'yce Letdlg" <ll rt.!ji;Sj--{rrlIi:j" .l i>

Subject: Enci cf Firsi vVeei,r Legisiature Repori

85th Leg i5 CCNVEittD

BO BTU F. i\J T R R U RA LI 55 U E 5CO N 5 U LTI N G

Vcss, TX eeii text 325 669 1-71-7 Austln, TX

The reguiar session of ihe 85*:Texas LegEslature iS CONVEni€D" +s yau

lvcuic expe ct -thei'e $rere LOTS of foiks rniiiing ai'ound in ihe ha!is *
chambers - and leglslator's cffices during this opening wee k. One of
thcse persons * of c*urse - was i-Re. I had the *pBortunit";,'to wateh the
House members be sworn in -and to cbserve their initiai activities.
Amcng thcse cpening daV aCtiviiies *'vr.,'as the chocsing of Speae<ei'ef
the Texas House, AS i EXFICTEE - Speaker ioe Sti-aus - San Anionlo -
was eieesed to begin hls Str,r*2-year ierm, Speak,e, +fln€ Texes H+use is
a most impcrtant position. Howevei'- AS I DiD NO il EXpECT * he was
chosen ijitapirn6usiy bir a vCIte cf the 15fi House members. i knew ihei'e
an unciere i.lrrent whlch has voiced cpposition to the Speaker - arrd

expected at least a tcken speeker carididate. This graLrp dces not

approve af Straus' inciuslve approae h or his stvle of leadership" I assure
y#u that this isnot an endorsement *f Speakei" Straus - but was
pr-imarii'.u done to prev'ent falling *n their cv-t''n sw*i'ei.

S S f &n E-,*g&s *xa {an s"e ${ *gnx$* x- ${*srui c*ffi * "$-'*s.$s L*:gisEm d.u s"rr

Sinee both House and 5e nate mel-nbers wei'e sworii in at l-2 ncron - it
was not possible foi'me io actually see the Sei"iaiors sworn in. Hawever
* *f their pcnip and c€rerncny. ! dici get tc cbserve
i did see a portie n
thei:" selectian cf Senatcr K*i Seiiger * Arnariilo * as President Pro-tem
af the Senate. ! have known anu warkeej with Senator Seliger - fsr a

number of years and believe this u'siil prelve to be a go*d m*ve fcr
Senate leadership.

Ivisited a nurnber of member offices - both House anci Senaie - anci

met quiie a fe\.v new staff pecpie. ! reaiize ihe press and stress of rhe
day's actlvities made !t a trr*lng daV for those iiew members and their
siew stafi memhers. !t wii! now be importani to reirace rnosi if nct aii
- of ihose oBening e!av- sieBs. !i is reaiiy impoi'tant to knorv these new
ihose fsr wironr ! work" These are the relaticnships that eount mcst' !t
$ras a cay af office apening da,y receptions and open hcuse actltrlties'
Ra,u Tipt#n Rcbei"t Pci"ter
! was so FLIASID i* have **niei Hutscn -
eapitai fcr tne
Do;:na Wllhelm anc! Eettie la'yman -"nvlth me at the
spe iling eie V" ,.;Ve aii speftT iois af iirr-re in botii Senaior
*uckinghaffi ails F.epresentative Fdike Lang's cfflces' The"'and
staff rnade us fee i verv rnr"leh at hcme' i !**k fcrwarC :c v+crking
them, as ihey reBresent us eiuring the iegisiative session'

\Ve *f th* l+bbv e !'esJ * u-'h+ re3]res€nt rura! pe+Ple and their eonee!'ns
- had ,rui' flrsi ir ceei!i"rg fci- ihe 85tn i-egisiaiii'e session' fin
ea'-.rr-rcii iT*ci
foiio,rving the cnening da'; ectivities the Texas Agr"icuirurai
af thls
i-net, As yau knaw - ! ha,=;e lcng b*e* part *i the ieadership
Si.oijp. Richiei d iiyde - [xeeuiiv* ilii=e ctr:i"
far TC[Q' present*d his vie ws;i"aITexassl-iiii;l#expect=Ehisevei.i;iewwasbasedon
gr"*uB - 6s tn€
the fedei'ai ievel. Frfruch speCuiaiicii was voiceci bV ihe
;tew leadership take s ihe reins cf the naiion's e nvircnmentai

i"iext u;ee k - t ,*iii re invcivec in tne Texas + and il'Ji Extens!cn Service's
Texas Agi !cuiti;r'a! i-ifetii^r-re Leaciei'siripiTALLi aciii;iiies in A'ustin"

in,.,oivemeni is bcih as an Adr,lscrr/ eommitiee member - ai'ld

1epresenti*g ser;erai agrie',;itural *:'ganizeti*ns who help hosi
- wili
sporisc' tneir activiiies. This - added to the L.isual lobbV aetivities
me afi a VtfrY busv we ek ai the Capiio! tcr me '

i have bee* very tevorabiy ii'npressed - thus far - v'iith musi cf the
incoming iegisiatars. i am iooking iorward to a produetive even
ihe ugh financlal!5, stressed end cheiienging - iegisietive sessicn
the upea:'ning 5 me nths" As ! have said before - etrpointment cf
cc;-nn-riiiee rnei-nbers - is one of the rnosi imporiani aciiviiies
ihai wiii
take piaee this first few weeks of the session" Spe*k'er Straus in"ili


prcbabi',; name *e*bers to the House eommittees by ihe second weeK

!n Febr*ai",", Ke€p i;r i:iind - there \{jei'€ ve iv- few changes oi- nelv
;-nembers in the Senate. Tirerefore - their cui"rent ccmmiitee structures
*,'iii probably see:-iery iittie change.

l-tere we gc on another wilci ancj probabiy scary rlrje * as tRe

iegisiaiure geis organized aneJ r"unetionai. The issue of iooking ai
iegisiative biils - as the rnembers file tnem - beeomes most important
c!uring this early phase of the sessiern. ! wil! be tr'/ing tc ke *B yot-;
infor"med in addition to aciuaily working foi- iTau - and represe nting
ye Lir ee iicerns and inie resis. Your lnput is verrl imptrtant. if iTou see
issues that raise reei fl*gs - please bring thenr tc my attentiern. l*{any
e..t'€S har;e a widei" "fieid *i irision" - and Gre moi'e eapabie tc s*e

cna!ie ng€s : than mine alone.

it is ciifricuit to ciecide which is the better: "Tc be a ccnservative ii*erai

- OR * to be a iiberai conservative". Bui - it ls a fact that the gcverning
is accomniished in the area where the two overlap. Of one thing - I am
pasitir-'* - csle iegislatoi'aiane cail accompllsh v€r5r little - if an"rthing' it
is mandatory that these members build relationshlps and the trust of
cther legislat*r's * CR they have nc hope cf representing iheir
LL'I !5 LI T UU' !LY"
Fi'om : joyce Leiciig ii::.+r[q;er:ij!]igee]]f Llslii
Seni: Mcnciay, February 05, Ztll-7 5:23 ,An4
To: Joyce Leiclig
Sui:*iect: Legisi=ture Repcrt at tsegiirnirq af 5+"h Week of Sessicn

; i-,

85ih Legisiature-Begins 5'" week

BCB TURI\*ER RURAi- i55LjE5 e oNSULTil,! G

\/ncs TY cell text *?25 659 17t7 Ar retin TY

i-ile have i6
Time fiies when vcu ers enjc-\'in-€ u"'hat -VcLj ai'e ci*i1rg. As CIf t3e eV -
rrore weeks ciuriirg tire Bsii' reguiar iegisiative sessisn" The Senate Firrance
ccmi:riitee is wel! lntc their prcposed stEi€ buiget. Since t!-":ere lvei'e nCI chGn€es
iri fammitiee ril€mbershiB - ti-iis is iiilderstanriabie' However - the

Apprapriatians eomi-nittee niak€ up is stili unannoL!need. The chairman:

ihis vear,
Chair - as weil as ai ieasi ofi€ ffi€Frlber did not i"etLji"n to the leglsiaiui'e
The Chair and nlenibership cf this nr*si !rnscrtani cornmiitee*v'Yiii requii"e
sou1 seai-ching an ihe pari of Speaker"Sii"aus. Seilaie coillilliiiee
*:: fiied !egisiation is progressing fuii sBeed ahead - while ti"ie i-i*'.,:se has y*t t*
begiir ih* i*gisiativ* bi!i hearing pi'oe€ss'
anci membei'ship is
cnee ihe r,ioi;se Appi.apriaiions committee leacjei-ship
* in seriar"ls' Keep !n
ann**!ieed : the i'**i issu* +f bue!get p'ep*reticn w!ii begln
minei thai ihis sessiein of ihe !egislatiire - ii:e senaie
B*dgei Biil wlii be the cne
* and !
that aetuaillr gces fon+erd io the Gsi,*rncr. Thei"e is nruch specuiat!**
and vice chair of
mighi add - LOTS of ruR:ors foncerning who will be fiBit-ied chair
th* i-j cuse ApP :'cP i'iatict"ts Comn"l ittee'
Gev*i-ne r A'sbaii - i;: hi; 5taie af ilre Siaie addi"es-:; - to a ee mbine# sessicn *f the
pi'ici'ii.v issues ihai
Seiraie,tidD nouse iisted what ire eoi'rsidei's ro be ihe higiiesi
siate gotu_,€i-nffi€r-,t i-ni;st take aciie-:n Lipcir. These 4 pri-crii,v* issues
were: 1- 5e lving
Sanctuar-v e ities in
ii-re serir:iis issue of eiriiei Fr'oieeiive Serviees - - -2- orrtiaiirring
+r.-^ r$+*.-- - ----3 - Iihie-; ref,:rn: and ---4- eoi-ivention ef ihe States - dealing
You r-n!ght
uiitir ereating a !'€nile in,,virieh tire U 5 eonstltritiot-r m-ay be an'rencieci'
H!s numbei- 2 issue is
n,*:te tnat ii* did nct i*rie iiiie n i-t-Gov-Faii"icks baihi'ae m bi!!.
a!readuu, beirrg seaii wiih - Senaror e hal=ies Fel^ry's SE -
4 deaiing wiih the issue of
afie r an alnrosi ai!; cities was passed cn to the fuli senaie for de bate -
hione cf
night nearing this past weer.:, it is se heeir-iiecj for" Serrai-e aebate Tuestiai;'
ihe ainer 3 Br-ioi-ii.v issues w!ii be s* q,-,ieki'; dealt'"-viifr. i*ete ihai
piibiie ediieaiioi-i
ir_inaing nr-rr schcoi enoii-.e afic vouehers were i'ioi oi'r
iire Gci'iei'nor's prici'iiit iisi'
* anci 852
As of Saturr5ay - Februa''v 4tn there have been 1,887 i-iouse uiiis f!ied
is iirat the
senaie liiiis fiieei. These numbers soun,j huge. Tne reai fact, nciiuever -
There are a
niimber is vei'ysimiiarto previous Yea!'s aithis point *f the session'
gru$the: +t bi!!s deaiing i'q;itli ti=re
r-.urr:bes'cf beth r**En biiis fiie,j - aii:r-rg lryltir a
cai'i'ying of hanci' guns
that war-lid soh'e the
H+weryer - nct sG - \n,hen !t ccmes t+ pl'cpcsed legi=clation
eve i- ehagEe ngii:g issue of an eqi;itabie ffi€ans cf fiiiaricifig
pu*iie sch**is ii-r Texas.
Flcr are ther.e gcbs af bi!ls which r,n,i!! beycnd the shad+w af a
d+ubt * =cc!r're the
Kee p !n mii:d that ihe
evei- gi-cl,ving hichwa"y'and pubiic iranspart*iFoi: e ha!lerige '
!eg!sl=ture hes been tr..;ing a r,^;ide arrsY of means to dea! ''-'llith
these *TALLY
ser!cus issues - f*i" riecades. it stancis ic r€asCIi-r that deaiir:g with singie
issue iteru:s
the majcr issues
- a;-:d hoi buit*n issues - is MLieH simpiei" ihan actuali'y' sciving
u-'hieh ecntinue tc chalienge Texans"
!-et m* *e!d - thai ii quite cusiomary for- House c*mmitises and fhairs ta be
nemed by the Speaker * during the seee nd week af February" Se * it is rny
predietiaii that these appcintn:ents wiii be made by ihis mid-week. Ke*,*
in m!r:d *
I heve ;:* inside kr':*wledge an this t*pic * and * I pr"obably shculd s.rot be
s* b:.ash
as to *v.en makc this speeuiatian.
Fre*^t; -]oyr-:e L*iCig
Sent: lVednesdaY, Februar'r' 22,2*I7 9:1i AM
Te: j+Yce Leieiig
suA:ei*: Aeeeption line*iing wiU 5 Senair:i' Eebbie Stabenav;
iiris aft*rn*ct:. - ?exas Farm Eureau end Tc;{a-*;1$ Ccrinei! liosted a flind
the firr:cti*n at the Ar":stin
ree,eFtioii irr U S Senat*r l)*bbie Siaben**lv. \4/e h*sted
Ci*b. Seiiat*r Stabcnor.v !s ihe ranking *rin*ri$' t:iemi:er *f ihe
U S S*'tate
sncrr iielns as : need
Agri*uitnre c*mmirtee" w.-e haci the opporiuniry tc visit*--ai:*ui
Texas trade with Mexiec
fcr a ,,worka"btre,, Ag r,r,cr"kcr prograffi ---- i*ntigration
"..vali and talkr *f
ife*as #2- tiaciirrg [urt r**-----l*pact cf the admi.*istrati*n's prop*sed Secreiatl'
impixt tariff-s etc--:------AN-D -- prni:ai:ilitiss *f the shoise cl the
af Agri*ultiire"
deai r'-'ith s
]{em$iribsi - {*}SDA {and L:cih th* Senat* and H*use Ag C*rnn:itte*si
is a ma-jar
wiC*:,ariet), +l pr*giams and issues. !Ve feel that, Senator Sta-benow
visir rvith her this
piayer in th* flliure *f rural rexas and the u s. Therefare CIur
t'"'as a gr€at
aiternocn rvas time weli spent - alld that ffi,v cwn sinail c*niributisn
investmenL - lbr ALL

Bcb i'urner
i'lurai lssues Consuiiing
Ceii text 325-669-17i7
Begin irrwarded message;

F ro rn : " j cy ce Le i ri i g' <lSj$-Ut,E q-gj."t]g*.qq!t

Eate: i"larch 12,zAlV at t5:13;05 PM ivlDT
Te: "Jo;,rs ! eiC!g" <l,ejgltg@egnlqx,nel>
Subjectr t-eg-*ePt-Mar-33-1?

Leg- Re pt-lv'l a r-12- i7

Vess, TX eei! text 325 659 17!75 Austin, TX

Oire of il're majoi" issu€s tliat i have i:een nioniiot'ing ihis past w€ek
deali with the n:ajor wild-fi:=es in ihe Texas Fanhancile and Pieins ai'eas.
Thei-e ir ere severai ,rf these iarge fir es - where an apprFxinlaie
iotai of
i,vere burne d'
500,0SS c€res *f raneh and fai^nr !and in a 5 ee uiiit.r* ai"eA
Sevei-ai iruman iives have i.reen iost. Tirei"e irave been iruneirecis
of catiie
l*si as weii as a ilumber of horses and wildlife' Quite a few dwellings
- anLi rane h faeiiities ciestroveci. iviiles and miies of fenees were
destroved as well - far a huge rnonetarv lass. i nranitcred the dailv
conferenee caiis conciuctecj by Texas A,nimai iieaith Commission -
rieaiing witir sue h issues as providing ha'y and feed stuff for
approximateiy 10,CI00 head of caitie - who survirveei ihe fire, but were
ieft witnout an.r,.,thlng to eat. lndi*-,!dua!s harye ccntributed hundreds cf
round baies of hay - and cielivered !t by t!'uek to serrerai specifieo
centre! sites !n the panhandie ar^ea.
A number *f state and federai agencies ere perticipeting irr ui'cvi#ing as
Fci"est Scrvice
niilch cilsaster- assistairce arid i-e li*f e s possih!e. The fexas
: in spiic of exti,erneiv high v;inds "*"'hich slcwed fiving - perfcrrned
an'3 El'CUpS
;reur]iGii sci'viceS. Ail ct 'ihe ;i:i:'::a! agriiUltU;''l ;:SScclalicns
piaVeei extrenielV impartanl rcies in ihis iisaster, as 'c;eii'
e k - Ft] LLOwtE
Thls catastraphic i+ss l.:earjed r-r"tv iist c'f Cl:ncerfiS th!s we
e Lils[tY bv ihe aeiivlties of the iegisiaiure ar
tire siate eapiioi" Friciav
i\.oiarei: l-'ilti'- at cicse *f C*iiV busiRess - wes th* last
hs:ur far iiiing
pieees cf
iegisiation. l-hat iast eiav - lhere were 847 seBarate biiis ior-
during ti'ris
tegisl*ti,-:rri fiied. This broug!"':'i tire tctai nun:bei- of niiis filecj
iegisiatir:e session to over 7,LlU0, This is ine seesnci highesi
number ever
f!ied dur"ing e singie s*ss!an'
i suggest that V*il nrighi rr';ish i* go cn iine to: "Texas Legisiaiurc
Line ge **i'ai ;'ep+rts" TFjti:i gc tc "'senerai Repcris - Texas
- wfte,^e,icu cen see *nCl even i'eas eacn biii fiiec. seiie-'ie rne-inis

p;"oviCe rns1e beej-iinie i'eading than YCi-i ever ciesii'ee ' A reassui-ing
ii thrcugi":
ti-rcught - cniy a th*usand *i"s* af rhes* biiis wiil evei' rr"rake
the ieglsiaiive prscess anc Seccm* iew. Q.uite a few of ihese 7,*-$t3
biiis are 1e peatS, ci CcurSe. A situaticn vvnei-e tvv'o fiie ffisei's -'*;ithout
cGnsuiting wlti"r ai-lvci-ie *ise - fiie,j the identieai *r aimcst
-* ideniicai
scme ci
biii. Tne lienate and i-{cusc have begi.jn Conductiilg nearin8s *n
the biSis that have bee rr referi"ed te iheir cst'fit'illtte* cu,"!rig this Past
vseek, These csirrrniitee hearings.,i,,'i!i beccn'le far nici'e freqr*ent -

rrruch ie ngihier in naiur'e -'+;iih scme ecing weii it-:te ttre iate night

ea ;"ly rnt:i'Ring hau rs.

be of
iriow io the reai woriei: i am waieiring icr ihose issues which rnight
na* fenser+Uenee to tnDse +f us in ruraiTex:as. i ean LiSe i'.'oLli- assistance
see soffreihirig
as i sorr thror-rgh tnese 70Ci0 pieees af iegisiatian. if vou
il-:ar catcneS.VoLJr eye * *r raises a recJ fieg piease iet me knor'r""

biiSs vaprl in natitr"e from Sanetuarv eities - tCI fonrniieaieci

iax biiis - to
trAnSBot"tat!cn iSSues - es '-n;eii as r-r-1TS sf uo.'atgt" r'eiateej
speed ahead n-rode"' The
\41e are quickly getting geared up into "the full
this point on until the first
chaiienges and paee of the legistature: fronr
forwar"d to so mueh' I assure
af -tune - is what l enjay nnost - and loak
proposals -AND- sonie
yor.l that I hear sorne unique legisiative lteet some
ve!.y unlque peopie. There has been - ancj
wiii cantinue ts be -
single day. This is
sort of dernonstration at the capitol each anci every
,*,efy unilk"ewhat Lr.e are aeeustomed to !n "RLA!- wcRLD Texas"'

r5 COi{SULTii''iG-fV
SOg TUR'i'{f F. RURAL iSSU 4-141 A.rrctin Ltt !/
* uJi!
l rl ce !l/tc:<t="?25-€53- ; i :L i raur "r

A bit difficr-:lt t+ fathcrn - but liJe e!'e +pprsximete!'; U3 of the welt

thr**gh the i4-,J dai,,.s5rL Legisiatui"e"s i-egulai'sessi*i''r. A.s
+f tcdav -
- - as nf
there ar.e 4ti mCIre davs remalning. A.n interesting sice-note
n-ra'Je tl-ie
",;este'rdar,; afier.r:con - Re:t a singie pieee cf reai !egis!atic'n has
rrekio be Biaeerj on i'i-re Governr:rs eiesk" Sorne resoiuiion ivrre issules
have -,nade the eircuit - but n*i a reai iegisiative niii' [ve;-r
5ancti;ai"v' ciiies -
Gave rnor, afid Li. GOVei"iror's ;:riorii-1i issures - such as
sath:-*ur-r-- irili* etc - have sti'uei.: snegs iir the i-{*use. At
ihis ti:t"ic * it
d*es eppearthat the "i.ic iexting i,-,hiie *:'iving" bili cces fineii"'stend
* rhis is'i""*\e
cfi*flice af b*c*ming i=w di:i'ii-:g this se:sian. Keep in n:in'r
tc'-irth tirne this biii has beegr atte:-r":pte'd'

Th* 5e nate finanee biii was apprcveff on Ehe Senaie flccr - ancl
f*rw*i-de ij ia th* l-!cilse. As exp*ci*# -- ih* H*use simpi"; Silper-
ii^irpose d the ir cwn v*rsion af the budg*t atoi: the senate
biii' Then *
*fier-e n':*rarh*n sessicn * tire iie use *ppr':ved tireir
i*'8r-si*il +f the

eons*i!daied nr-reget biii - whie n vuii! be knaw* as Senate *cii 1 iSB-1i'

Tileie are arrijaiilo gsr'!r rrf aiffe,*ilees iii ti:e biicig*t i!-:at ii:e iic'Lise
reeei.reei rrom the senate - anci the cne ihey reiui"r"reri iar
tire Serrate ta
-.,-- ^ iJlLlq;i
\-iil -; "--J.- --

irie iueied
Oi'ie iviA-i*R .jiffei'ence 'was ihe faci rhai ii"re n*sus* o*i5ieii-
",R.Gi!"ii,; Da'r' 5un*"
* {saviligs account}'
u-q::.T H 53.5 *illi+i-'t +f t!'le Stete"s
.fes ihai is 'r,vith a "8", l-icuse ieadei'ship i"aiicnallzed ihat ihe Rain't'
Day pancl - \^.taS C!'eated in the 1980 era - fa1 the pr-trpase cf
* and if
an ebiiit..y ta deai tinanciaii'; with catasti"cphic sh+rt-faiis when
they arose" The iej*oiogv of the House was thai ehiid Pt'ctectirve service
-. aicng v,,;iih Teaeiiei" heeltii eai"e e+ijst!tuted ihis
ievei af di'r'e nee'j' it
r-lsed - ihe
shcuicj be kept in miRrj - even if this 52'5 tsiiiion were to be
iialiii'!Ce Hl LnC r3{n,v ilay iunil WGU'C: !-t)g;liii iO d- ievei {f,i .}d}-Ur
i i i r!-, ! i .=:--:.= 1-= .-!: <4al --,-

iiY'Iiie L-*:.-",t.--
if tiiiLli"i
!-,.51*^ *.f rL^ .--..r
uH.U,i!it!!i:H t-i! !*=...=="i+---'.-{
-*9-..-.J--.,-^---y"=di. tl;
l-tle ilex!- Ldlelludl 5l-rlL= Lj! n
sorfiewhmi si+wer- *,;GitsinV - iir* raiiiV ciay* funef f *iliii-i'rj*ii'y* gi-cws :: at
r r=nirl rt*c Tlrir ic r.rimrrii'r *n ih.+ {+nt trtuL t',r.!ryl*1",J qn!lrr'+!L ,:{
L:i i uijii.i i dLi::. :;iiJ ii +Ja iair€ii rry dr:r,
ijLji- LU t-,id; :ur,L fh'ri if'c
tL i Fre !rr!ui f Jvvr ui

ir {o.-.*. f"!i!
ii iiLiiii -r.,-{ €=r
\r"ii Ciiiij {fci-} t.-,r;*r=i'i.-*
JEVCtfiiiLC' f:vc<
l€ir-rCJ," !; n-.lsht
iiiiEiiL =r{r{ th=t
eidu Liiaii th.=

(pn-ato'c nr.nnn{c!-{ hrrdc'r.t rJirl nnt fhp raini/ ria\r

=r-{r"lnr*:te nsin!'i '-"-'-'tnr!
- - i ft

I his wii! nrc+n:c anc ef the i-ca! "n'-iri"s i,incler tne bianket" - ni nranr; *f
the most cCInservatlrre eiernent of tne iegisiature. Tneir phiiosophy
aBpears tr: ire iirai tiris sai,'ings aer-ioirnt/emergeitr:v i'-.rirc * is not ia ne
, !! !
a{.tuaily useu.
ii!i;- i^.-*:.,
^*,-U (JeCLJiv *^*i.'r^.--a+l
LJd(.1\lUF,,gg(J i^ -i,*-+.-.+. f:vsl -..ase-"i++,1.-.
^i!^-!'ri y LLJllllltll-LEE -. ira-'*i*t-,.- .-,
.fili5 cjl lll cjlllll,J>L - olrv<]ILlllE G
ileAfiili5,. JeVeidi L.,*i-^l
a*,,^..-i L:ia^ ^.,,-i&:*-;^
fi UiiUieU Lji;is ciVUciiLiiiH iii -*,.^-^i -^s!€i*9*n+
scvcicii Ll-iiiiiiiLlccs -
surri JS;n iire WaVs encj iv'icans i'Jr' ta;tes ccmmitteei. i'ilar:-y'Ji thes€
tgiiiJ ::drrnr-=tr:
nii-,r'rnr iho
i-C -iLiiCi Liig
gliiiiiiiCLiUii inn :- nr
Lii drrsr-ir
tiiuJLiv rerrirrriinn !rl
iCL6u-vLi'v'ii iii thEr

rl-.+^.-.'''',- i^.', - i ^ ^. ; gSij5e

f L.3'.E ; i.'!-tli!tE.3*\ - r:!t it citL;i!5l; Lc.1'.. J€vc!gI, l;ri!ili-:i--:': Lji t:!t

lp;r-Jpr\!rii_r tp;rri,_4rirnr.d ihri th!S S+it Ci le,j,-tCiiAn in StAie rerJeni_Je

.---.-l-! ii.-i
iii,-B! !^:.--
i-! -,iin r-
rr-'- l^ !----t ?ii+ .---!-:.4:.'=*.-,-:-i *^-J-,-E !-!t
i !{,jijc LU i\a.}
uL i-fii1i;!-#!-i
! r_wlca,Lu -
i,.-r {i iiiti+i^?
"*rr-' - -''-
4F Tii-i=i-:t-i;i -GG,rq
"vuijiLj -i*.-**---
{ I tt""
.\i dt t--
:i &rn';e'"lfarRtns
i it"it - u \,vas
tnat r".l!th the siate"s i"ev'€fiiJe e!r€afiv
;;iiE\iiiH.diiiit l4--
its\1 i+
ii i!1.*\ A +.-.-.t;-L-..-.'^.|,:r--
iiiiti!.>!! *-- *rrr*r':ne rttrt^,li c+r*r:
r* i i :=-
- lrci!LLa!fr {r_,r !! !!!g! E_lJ: !+:! *LgLg

ii iLUi iiL, UF r-friirdd3
- iir!':-
")1- i-i itJ !niF{
'CVCaJ irr
l{ r iiierrii
y rv nf nceris, nt
u. ciir-h !Ccitpq
JuLi, lJiu'-r Higiipi-
=S i rrt-r rsi

Fr,i r rr==iinn *- i-hiiei

LULiLULiUii !?iiitu Frntortirrr:
t iuLi*LL!9L t*r..,rirec
JLi 9r\.LJ :nri TQQ's
qrrv ..r.i J is:=rhsr'
L-Lrr reiircanntxni

iviii';i; 5IJer*uiai-inr; iq lr+,irii, iirii: eoj - LUtiLeru]irig iite Lri,;i:*i:it:

, {" }! -,-_--!-
t-€C UiremCili iCi- A SpetiAi iegiSiAT;V* SeSSiCn - IU T!na'!V CUE
,---..J----+ ,J:t4-=-* J^=,- ctEiJ vV!Llt
,'i+k tjii€ --, *t-*
,=*-- Liri
UljtiXtrt Lii!idi€iit-,*"3, i! ",;--!+-^--:J
\flstLttj cl - .S---..,
i€VV ii.J,V5 !"r*,- *i'=1
Lii€.:iiliE, i.iiliCa -
i--t.!- !:=--!!.--^= =r::! . = !t= .-:! !a f,=."-,=------.= -!-l-l-
3 rllL
i.iiti'i iii;iii-'i--i
-: *-'
-iiiUif Uii - rij Liit] ijUVt:!iitJi di!Li i L. :-a1t.,-:rr:a!f
LrLrVUi !itii. i !iii
+nntla111-r.l hnc
+len uLLii
h,:rrr. g-r hrrcc'slf
UUufiLL cf.-ffer fas
itUiiLt iVi
JLE'*l ur nf
'*': 4r!r

r"nren*vnll-.rr LJir ** mc..rrnc jjT,,r-*r !i lxr;'r:r!ri nnt n!:tn i v'i

nn i G=
UVlritgLiv!l*iJr =Jrrlrn
I IIJ uv96!L Lv trlL svuJ lvrltul '
- VU'\iui'\; i iUL iJiUi

June cr.!u!y vaeat!+n - if ! \'\,iere 1-,cu". L+bb,v la!k als* m*nt!+ns -a

rnarini cacrinn rnr*iri ha -rllari in nn r*frnmr.ri o'nrinrittt" in n:re e ihneo
** -' _ * t
l* - l- -'-- -

issues tnat tne Lt. Gcrvernor anrl Gove''nor nas espoused - as we

pr-t€'rpd ihiq. ipcisl=liris sp(einn
rr vri:ieh i
we are now eieepiy into ihe poriion af ihe iegisiaiive scssie
are rapidiy
enjov the mast. The hours are getting l'rng'ar-rd the feelings
geiiing rutor-e "segsitive", ilRe n+ie - si*ee iire upecn-*ie-ig Weekend is
Easter - the:.e wili be less ihan usual accontplished until
next fl4cnday
i'nu'!th ihe
afte;-nccn and Tueseiay. This ieaves evcri iess daYs ia deai
tremendcus p!le of se riaus lssues that face +ut state.

on a much happler" note - Mana and I wish eash or you a wondertui

Easte:" and urge remenrbranfe and celebl'ation
- - far beyond the usual
visitation anci easter egg hunt.
Apr"il 7C, 2Ct7


l-71? .1 ii\iii! lF
i v;,-- .- .-
i "a' il*!i text 3l:5-G5*' f,tU*'I :! !-'

Lct= af
i:,s ri-rai aii*e af ih* s*sci*,1 *'w*ig*:i:ings sre ir*pi,e;-i:;rg'
questicnable biiis ai'e being pi'esented now -as arnendments
tc biiis
..vhieh *r* i.:''?*!,ii,':g, L*:t n!ghtthe *.,:a::s*'.,v=5 *i: th* f!**r unt!! w+!!
g Pfvi. Most ar ihe dair 6x the flooi" was spent debatirtg HE 21*rruhich is
Thi-c biil pronoses using a Hrrbertl,'5 schnoi ftnance hii!.
"*jistriets - as
pOi-tior: af the state's iainy da'y fund ia assis** ir:e ai sci:oai
greater financial
weli as Brevide othei' pubiic edueational needs witir
assistance,Tiiis biii tiiiriii'y'pas:;*# witli a i3;i"ii: i'ii vi:rc'
Thcs* i*;:*'';
58 - 1 - which
votes were !:asically the same 16 whc had voteeJ against
contended that needs of this magnitude were what Texas
cie*ieii tiii: ':l=L=:;viiiS: lr'i i'-iu;;t" iui '

.irfl;-;-;iJ;;i,rr;n=;t.--ii ihe u;i-i;l;c h;li;- i-i;n;:riilr:C: liilglil CC;::f''-'lillC

begun earl';
hearings - ot, resun'led ccmmittee hearings which had
n:u!t!tr-rde nf
m+i*i*g. Th* H*:-:se lJetr:r'*! R*s*ul"c* C*ry-rm!tt+e heard a
at iirese
i:ilis- which eovereci a vai'iety cf water reiated issues' Mast
wei-e l,:cai in seope anc naiiire. One partieuiar biii was worrisome
me . it eaileei rcr piacing itr;s individuai -ioeai Gr*ur-rd
preview" !
Consei-vation districts LlnCei'iiie state's Sunset Comrnission's
pci-s*naily fee! ihat tiiis seis a c*sti',, preee#+nee Tcr *iE +;'*i:y
- ef
these !cca! distt'icts.

The House state Affairs Commi'ttee haC a iengthy iist oi


iegisiati*n. Tne at:e which esns-':n-leei R-lesr *f tile light was:F*ilE

debatii^rg wiiat has becorr^re knowi'i as the "Baih- i'oom"
Bill' The authoi',
ili:p R=l 5i,^,',ln-rcl::, i;iJ ih* b;ii CU; in:h; .cu:= =i;bc*t 1i'3'C Pi;4
hear"ing on it was carnpleted just befere 4:50 A'[il this morning'
iL*r.actually' heai'd moi'e than 60'oviinesses testif'v'againsi the
cvei"i - dur"ing this 5 he ur
{mcst af ,;;h+m =a:d the s3*'}s thing cvei' and
marathon. About 300 pius - actr-railir i'egistered cn the bili. The
eppositre i-l was huge.

* lrUge ai''i":*Ui':i *f t:mC *:":

ii l'=pi"i!.r. i:ee,-;riti*S E,ilirareirii!-i;:t'r*e
persCInai in nature'
issues that most eitizens assume cr either loeal -or
This is +ft+n d*n* i- !!eu +f t=-4!ng t+ th+ rnajci'and 3r"e:sing
neecis of the state. This is most worrisome to rne

wc are eompieiing the l-0i'si the i-4teja-ri session. As af iast nigirt

eiay af
there stiii was rrst a singie "real" pieee of iegislaiioir'3n ihe goi'ei'nor's
desk. rJn!y Ficuse arud Senate resc'luti*ns hai'e e+*:pi*tcd the

thus far.. This te!!s me that the pressure will be turned Up nei':t'**''eek tc
a 1*.vv iiigi-:. A;"i. iwisiing i:,; i**rjership wi!l reaei^: t:ew ies;eis' The
fei!0,,t," camaraier"ie is wearing thin - members-staffers anci iabbT ists
aiike ar* fe*!ir':g rir* sir*ss. vt*ulei ile eliffieirii is expiain whv - bui this
is what bi"ings on mv "second wind". I realize this is "veird - but
i.yle a eei-t;;n Ceg:.e + Cf "W*i;'dl' i5 ;iCC€S:a:".; tc Siii-vive rn t{:i:
Frorn : Jcyce Leidig [roe:"1'i'g.lgq1rs&qellex'xe!j
Seni; Ti'rirscia'.. Jutre Li8' liiiT 'i:ilE Fi"i
Tu: joyce Leiciig
Subject: Special Session-Leg Report


Voss, Texas cell text 325-669-1717 Austin, Texas

No sooner ciicj the Texas Legisiaiure's 85th reguiar session ring

oui-sine-Die--than the
cfficleiilvr ealled *
scv*rr:*r caiicd e s.pecl*i sess;Gfi, T*eseia.y - iune 6ih Gcvci'nci -b3cEt
special sessicn - to begin cn Tuesday July 18th'
give Senate and Hsuse Members an
Hopefuilv - this brief interim Beriod between sessions will
n-is;t of y*u iiave seei'i the
+pp*:-tunii.g t+ co*i their heated differeilc€s, ifeei cei.taii-r that
to me that several of
reports of the last few days of the regular session. lt is a bit bothersome
the icgisiatOrs i:vere ar,,..rred * open Carr'\,t -- during those very slre Ssfui hourS'
The rreed fOr
each oiher begins to
expe'ienced - ccole ; heads must intei'vene -'"vhen pushing and shovlng
eliinamite cn the kitehen
+cc!ji'i:n the Hci-is* Flcci', This remlnds m+ a' bii cf h6'ving a stic'k cf
range. lt eouid be an expicsian awaiting a'eisnaiian'
Potty-Bill in the 140
It seems a bit odd that if legislators did not agree on the Lt. Governor's
in this 3* cjav speciai
day sessian - ocj,is are probabii, iiot icc g,:cd tiiat ihis'*;iii happen
same i40 ciays on a change in
session either. Likewise - ii no agreement was reached in that
ijrs-periv tax i;'.,v:'**,iii iite rrierni:=r: suseie iiiy eoitre *;aek
ii':i* ses;i*;-; wiii.i a feeiii;g *r
the case' This special
tcgetire'ness and sr-idcfen agreement? ! seriously doubt that this wi!! be
session has a!l the makings of a very vo!atilc sltuation - especlally
for legislator"s who rvere iust
heve a*iy 5 months state
s\r.rcrn in: on januar-y iOth cf this year. l'viany ef ihese members
governing exPerience.
that the 5un 5et
Licv*rnci- Abbctt's caliivas:t*i*d in a :"ather *nusi;ai i"ianR€r. His com*:€i'lt
biiis - which covered'sevei-ai staie agencies is lris inltial purpose for
the call. There were severai
be :-r*ted - the Lt.
af thcse S.,ln Set bi!is th*t did n*t p+ss dr:ring the regiliar sessi+',',. lt r"*ight
pending the House approval af his
Governor stated that he wouid holci these sun-set bilis up -
avoided' The Governor
rest roomlpotty bill. This legislative failure could well have been
.was done wcuiei he add his 19 athei'issue s te
firi-thei- stated - that iv,,hen - ar nei uniir this -
the caii, Speeuiaiion is that these issues woilio inciucie - Senaior Betiencourt's
Pi.cpe rtvTa:.1 relief f*r hcri":e *i-'.$ers - - - ihC bilh;-+ec"'ii
b:l: + 1,*+* ** *r:;':**i:th *av:'eis*s
forteachers---eiirninatingcltyccdes-,-materna! mortaiit'1---unionejues---anci
lt seems to me
the issue of a eallfoi.Texas'to approve cailing a U 5 Constitutionai Ccnverriion'
thai:,.;cn is:ue*r. as eiirninaiing eitir e+ies caui* *e anether eese +f ""i:rJei'-reech"
*f i*ca!
itemize - nor
aurihorities- - by state government. However- note that the Governor did not
itei-i* *"r"vnai rh*se iG triirer specif;c iiiteiesis af hir i*igiri be. it aii se*i---'= ic ot: d iuLrt:i-
to the specia!
thougir pacri,; ecn.eaied- - list cf pcssibie/pr"cbable issues ti",Rich he r:right add

ffi;r:^li*u.,seenanvindicaironihatpubiicschoci finaiice-suchascliairRlarr iii;bei-ty-s

l-iB-21-,*ould be given,any consieleration. it might also be noted that issues -- dealing
*ui fuiure watei"---- .=-.iii<.i pui:iie ti;*sprli'ration r-iei:,js have il*i **el"i ;'i-:=nt:ci':ed - - €ue i-; *5
iasi rniiruie after thoughts'
cn= {ri,11€'z=i rh* i*ad*r,:hip ;"*i* b*i'"0;*=:'i the G*v*:"ne r *i:d ii:*
!'.t. G*'.;*:ri-:';l'w+:
j r-- rt-
a _-

apparenrly respcnsibie fcr tire neecj far a speeial session. Then - ccupie this rviih
- - be dealt with on a
Straus, insistenee that the major issues - such as public education finance ani highest pr!*ritl; basis. The iiai:se feitthat s+fi"i€ +iihese !+"*rer pri*:'!i';=-
clrvisive an#
time consuming issues - should have been dealt with later in the regular session. The never
* wiii rie eir-i'-ir:i
eririi*g d*L:at* gve v{}i-ji-ii+r-s - i,ir+viciing, s{:aie i,-iri.5ii'rg fi:ia i:iiiv*i€ scircois *tc
arise Curing this speclaIsessicn, as weli. The Se nate strongl'y supports vouchers icr
ch*ice - as the,y refe r ta it )- whlle the !-{o+se vcteC turice against a verLeher bil!'
Keep iii i-nirrci ihai this speciai sessiair - deaiing with scme highi'y ccnii'oversiai issi;es -
wiil i:e
coming just a br-ief periad before legislative members will be jocke'r'ing - and
filing fcr re-
tiqi-iinn. Fv'i.n Lliciigh i-iiei"+'frif; iiianv iinkili-ii,vns - ai'.-,vi: ili'elfiai+ ir-;i titis ine isl sp*cr*l

session of the g5th Texas Legisiaiure - one thing is VERt' ciear. This is noi ihe iirne
iq run -
Se r;C*S ii3:'Jfc .=f th* is;uss th:i u-;e W!ii bC CC;iing
r,la.i,.- !iri:r+
;-,:. lbe
vt !'!'r L rhC
V'C y

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