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Tyler Ryan Cincurak Date Printed: December 23, 2017

563 Mornington Ave.
Apt. 905 Student ID: 0599233
London ON N5Y 4T8


Program: BRT1 Broadcasting - Television

Status: Graduated

Program: TVN1 Broadcast Journalism Television News

Status: Withdrawn

Program: BFN4 Business - Finance

Status: Active

Course Course Title Grade Credit Units Grade Points

2011 Fall

FLDP-1009 Field Placement 1 P

MKTG-1052 Media, Sales, Marketing & Promotion 1 A 3.0 12.0
PSYC-1068 Human Relations A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-1059 Production Theory & Techniques A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-1063 Studio Operations & Production A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-1065 Non-Linear Editing & Graphics A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-1074 Understanding Media 1 A 3.0 12.0
WRIT-1030 Reason & Writing 1 P

Term GPA: 4.13 Term Totals: 24.0 74.4

Term Academic Standing: In Good Standing

Program: BRT1 - Broadcasting - Television

Awards/Honors: Dean's Honour Roll

2012 Winter

COMM-3029 Communications for Media & Art A 3.0 12.0

FLDP-3004 Field Placement 2 P
MKTG-3031 Media, Sales, Marketing, Promotion 2 A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-1068 Studio & Field Production 1 A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-1069 Production Development 1 A 3.0 12.0
TVSN-1070 Non-Linear Editing & Graphics 2 A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-3016 Understanding Media 2 A+ 3.0 12.6

Term GPA: 4.13 Term Totals: 21.0 74.4

Term Academic Standing: In Good Standing

Program: BRT1 - Broadcasting - Television

Awards/Honors: Dean's Honour Roll

2012 Fall

FILM-1001 Film Criticism 1 A+ 3.0 12.6

FILM-1004 Film Genres-Epic Films A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-1071 Broadcast Operations 1 A 3.0 12.0
TVSN-3014 Studio & Field Production 2 A 6.0 24.0
TVSN-3015 Non-Linear Editing & Graphics 3 A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-3017 Entrepreneurship for Media Communication A+ 3.0 12.6

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Tyler Ryan Cincurak Date Printed: December 23, 2017

563 Mornington Ave.
Apt. 905 Student ID: 0599233
London ON N5Y 4T8

Course Course Title Grade Credit Units Grade Points

Term GPA: 4.11 Term Totals: 21.0 86.4

Term Academic Standing: In Good Standing

Program: BRT1 - Broadcasting - Television

Awards/Honors: Dean's Honour Roll

2013 Winter

TVSN-5002 Studio & Field Production 3 A+ 3.0 12.6

TVSN-5005 Career Development A+ 5.4 22.7
TVSN-5006 Non-Linear Editing & Graphics 4 A+ 3.0 12.6
TVSN-5007 Production Development 2 A 3.0 12.0
TVSN-5009 Broadcast Operations 2 A+ 3.0 12.6

Term GPA: 4.17 Term Totals: 17.4 72.5

Term Academic Standing: Recommended for Graduation

Program: BRT1 - Broadcasting - Television

Awards/Honors: Dean's Honour Roll


Program: Broadcasting - Television

Degree: Ontario College Diploma Awarded April 26, 2013
Program GPA: 4.14 Program Totals: 83.40
President's Honour Roll

2013 Fall

NEWS-6010 TV News Presentation 1 W

NEWS-6011 TV News Reporting 1 W
NEWS-6012 TV News Production 1 W
NEWS-6018 TV News Field Placement 1 W
NEWS-6021 TV News Editing W
NEWS-6022 TV News Videography W

Fall 2017

ACCT-1100 Principles of Accounting 1 -

BUSI-1005 Introduction to Business Processes -
BUSI-1060 Strategies for Success -
MATH-1052 Business Math -
MKTG-1012 Principles of Marketing 1 -

Winter 2018

ECON-1019 Contemporary Issues in Economics -

FINA-1024 Financial Planning -
FINA-1025 Individual Taxation -
FINA-1040 Consumer Credit -
FINA-1053 Mutual Funds in Canada -
MATH-1057 Mathematics of Finance-Accounting -

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