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Normans under William
the Conqueror defeated packed shelter at Napa
the English at the Battle Valley College. “You
of Hastings. could hear the engines of
the cars starting. It was
1890 insane. Everyone was
getting out.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Well, not everyone.
34th president of the A handful of savvy lo-
United States, was born cals opted to stay in their
in Denison, Texas. homes and take their
chances rather than leave
1912 with the others, not know-
ing when they’d be al-
Former President Theo- lowed to return and what
dore Roosevelt, cam- they’d find when they did.
paigning for the White “I’m staying for the time
House as the Progressive being, until I feel that
candidate, went ahead there’s a significant threat
with a speech in Milwau- to my safety,” said Dan
kee after being shot and Bush, a 56-year-old gen-
wounded in the chest by eral contractor, standing
New York saloonkeeper outside his historic cot-
John Schrank, declar- tage, built in 1862 by Sam
ing, “It takes more than Brannan, founder of Cal-
one bullet to kill a bull istoga.
moose.” Bush sent his wife and

family to stay with friends
remained in their ornate Fire evacuees Juan Leon, left, with his son Abraham Leon Parada, watch a press briefing about the fires on his phone in
“Winnie-the-Pooh” by little house with his dog, the parking lot at the Napa Valley College emergency evacuation center on Thursday. They evacuated from Calistoga.
A.A. Milne was first his truck backed into his
published by Methuen & driveway and ready to roll back inside to assess my sit- ther, Richard Hayman, Highway Patrol officers in On Friday morning,
Co. of London. at a moment’s notice. uation and when I walked a hairdresser in town, squad cars made sure no Napa fire Chief Barry Bier-

“The problem is that back out, the fire was at the wasn’t buying it. one got into this instant man said that “great prog-
once you leave you can’t bottom of my driveway. It When the mayor stopped ghost town except for me- ress was being made” in
come back,” he explained. had advanced an eighth of a in front of his house, he dia people and emergency containing the deadli-
Civil rights leader “You get no information mile in a matter of minutes. sauntered over and shouted vehicles. est wildfires in Califor-
Martin Luther King Jr. and you don’t know what’s I grabbed my backpack and in mock alarm through the And on forested Mount nia history. But despite
was named winner of happening. I’m not in need my cat, jumped in my car mayor’s rolled down win- St. Helena, high above Cal- their valiant efforts, fire
the Nobel Peace Prize. of assistance and I’m ca- and took off.” dow: “What are you still istoga, weary firefight- crews on Mount St. Hel-
Soviet leader Nikita S. pable of exiting when the doing here, Chris? I can’t ers dug fire breaks and lit ena were unable to prevent
Khrushchev was toppled time comes.” ‘Not heroes’ believe you’re still here. You
backfires, trying to halt the flames from leaping over
from power; he was He was in regular con- While he and the others need to leave. Get the hell advancing holocaust. Every Highway 29 and continu-
succeeded by Leo- tact with several other sheltered in place, a visi- out of here!” now and then, you could ing its destructive ram-
nid Brezhnev as First men who weren’t going to bly upset mayor of Calis- Then he lowered his hear the chop-chop of heli- page. For the people hang-
Secretary and by Alexei leave, either, unless they toga, Chris Canning, was voice and said, in all se- copters dropping fire retar- ing in there in Calistoga, it
Kosygin as Premier. absolutely had to. driving up and down the riousness, that he was in dant, but they were invis- was a relief that the blaze

One was 26-year-old empty streets, trying to touch with friends on the ible in the rising clouds of was burning north and
Marshall Hayman, a bike convince the stragglers to side of town closest to the gray and black smoke. east, away from them. So,
shop mechanic who was come to their senses. fire and that he and his In Santa Rosa alone, the for the time being, they
A 58-hour drama began born and raised in Calis- “One thing you have to family were ready to bail Tubbs Fire had burned an weren’t going anywhere.
in Midland, Texas, as toga. He was at his par- make clear in any news at the first sign of a wind estimated 5 percent of the “Those of us who stayed
18-month-old Jessica ents’ home in town after stories — these people are change that would turn housing stock of the city, have really deep roots
McClure slid 22 feet his rented house several not heroes,” he declared the flames toward them. officials said, leaving only here,” said Calistoga native
down a narrow aban- miles north on Highway after getting out of his “Don’t worry about us, the smoldering husks of Alex Sysock as he loaded
doned well at a private 128 had been one of the SUV. “From this point for- bud, we’re good,” he said. cars and trucks and here some belongings into the
day care center; she first to incinerate when ward we will not commit “When this is all over, I
and there the brick and back of his compact sta-
was rescued on Oct. 16. the Tubbs Fire ignited any resources to life and hope we can laugh about stone chimneys of fire- tion wagon, just in case.
Sunday night. safety for anyone who has it,” the mayor replied, driv-
places in living rooms now “Some of us may be stu-
“I had four minutes to chosen to stay behind.” ing off. reduced to ash. The death pider than others, and
Birthdays get out of the house,” he With that, he got back toll was expected to rise as some of us may have big-
Fashion designer Ralph recalled. “After my land- behind the wheel and Town spared for now emergency workers sifted ger balls than others, but
Lauren is 78. Actor lord called, I walked up my drove off, warning, “The On the perimeter of Cal- through the rubble for I’m not going to give up
Greg Evigan is 64. Actor driveway and saw a big glow fire is coming.” istoga, Oakland police on charred shards of human until the fire’s in my back-
Steve Coogan is 52. on the top of the hill. I went Marshall Hayman’s fa- motorcycles and California bones. yard.”
Singer Usher is 39.

Air “The fires

have been
Star report FROM PAGE 1 devastating to
Stephen Curry “Outside of the active our customers.
LOVES wife’s feet fire areas, air quality will ... Many of our
Ayesha Curry knew
be variable and unpredict- employees also
able,” the air district ad-
right away that she vised. “Air quality may im-
live in the North
was going to get in prove at times or get worse, Bay and have
trouble for this dis-
closure. But, oh well.
very quickly.” been personally
The National Weather impacted by
While co-hosting the Service issued another “red
syndicated daytime flag warning” for North the fires and
talk show “The Real” Bay hills that began at 5 smoke. We want
on Friday, the Food
Network star, found
p.m. Friday and lasts until to do all we can
11 p.m. Saturday. A similar
herself in the situation warning for North Bay val- to support our
of revealing a sexy se- leys lasts from 11 p.m. Fri- community and
cret about her husband,
Golden State Warriors
day until 5 p.m. Saturday. keep people
North to northeast winds
star Stephen Curry. are forecast to increase
It turns out he’s got a once again late Friday and — Mona Babauta, deputy
thing about her feet. MARCIO JOSE SANCHEZ — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS general manager of Golden
become locally strong and
“My husband really gusty Friday night and Sat- Smoke from wildfires fills the morning air in a view of San Francisco through the Golden Gate Transit.
loves my feet,” Ayesha urday, according to the Gate Bridge from the Marin Headlands on Friday.
admitted. “So, when weather service. North to
he says to send nudes, northeast winds of 20 to Sonoma County. Santa Rosa and more than employees also live in the from downtown Santa Rosa
he gets a picture of my 30 mph with gusts of 40 to “Any fires that develop half of the people staying at North Bay and have been to downtown San Rafael
bare feet!” 50 mph with isolated gusts will likely spread rapidly,” the Civic Center are children. personally impacted by the through Sunday.
Ayesha laughed, “He is to 60 mph are possible on the weather service warned. About 50 county employ- fires and smoke. We want Rep. Jared Huffman, D-
going to kill me.” highest ridges and peaks. Humidity is expected to ees and volunteers were to do all we can to support San Rafael, announced Fri-
—Martha Ross, Bay Area The strongest winds are be 25 to 35 percent at night providing food as well as our community and keep day that U.S. Immigration
News Group expected to be at eleva- and 10 to 20 percent during medical services to those people moving, so they can and Customs Enforcement
tions above 1,500 feet in the day. A reading of 100 at the Marin Center. more easily get where they has suspended all non-
the North Bay mountains percent humidity means Meanwhile, Golden Gate need to go, especially in this criminal immigration en-
and East Bay hills on Friday that the air is totally satu- Transit announced Friday difficult time.” forcement operations at
night and Saturday morn- rated with water vapor and it is providing free rides in The free trips are only for wildfire evacuation sites or
LOTTERY ing. Winds are forecast to cannot hold any more. and out of Sonoma County within Sonoma County. shelters.
WINNING NUMBERS decrease by late Saturday, At the Marin Civic Center, to assist those affected by Golden Gate Transit’s So- “That means shelters
Daily 3 Afternoon: 5, the weather service reports. the county counted 330 fire the fires. noma Country trips origi- and food banks and other
7, 2 The hills of Marin around evacuees who stayed over- “We’re part of the fab- nate and terminate at 3225 assistance centers are open
Mount Tamalpais were night Thursday and “sev- ric of this community,” Industrial Way in Santa to everyone, including un-
Daily 3 Evening: 2, 1, 8
among the areas listed by eral hundred” are expected said Mona Babauta, deputy Rosa, at the intersection of documented individuals
Daily 4: 9, 4, 3, 5 the weather service as hav- to stay Friday night, said general manager of Golden Piner Road and Industrial and DACA recipients, with-
Fantasy 5: 10, 29, 34, ing the “highest threat,” Laine Hendricks, a county Gate Transit. “The fires Way. out fear of deportations or
35, 38 along with the Napa County spokeswoman. An infor- have been devastating to The Sonoma-Marin Area other immigration reper-
Daily Derby hills around Mount St. Hel- mal poll showed most of the our customers. Their pain Rail Transit system is pro- cussions,” Huffman said in
ena and the hills of eastern evacuees have come from is our pain. Many of our viding free train service a statement.
1st: 1, Gold Rush
2nd: 10, Solid Gold
3rd: 9, Winning Spirit
“Today we had the Marin Center,” she said. “People a number of (fire-impacted)
Race Time: 1:44.45 Symphony offering a viola can go outside and go into “We’re having facilities in Sonoma and
duet, and the Bay Area Dis- the vans to check out books Zumba (dance Napa, including the Veter-
SUPER LOTTO PLUS FROM PAGE 1 covery Museum giving the or listen to books on tape.” ans Home in Yountville and
Wednesday’s drawing: kids arts and crafts classes,” Garrison said one of the exercise) Sonoma Juvenile in Ken-
17, 32, 33, 38, 43 He said parents may look she said. “We’re having Bread & Roses volunteers classes twice a wood,” said Marian Hubler,
Mega number: 27 to libraries, for example, as Zumba (dance exercise) is San Anselmo teen singer day and the San Bread & Roses communi-
a “safe indoor alternative to classes twice a day and the Caroline Sky, a former com- cations manager. “We are
Today’s estimated
staying at home.” San Rafael Library is offer- petitor on “The Voice” TV Rafael Library thinking of all our friends
jackpot: $22 million is offering
Marin County schools ing bilingual storytimes — show who performed earlier in the North Bay — and
MEGA MILLIONS Superintendent Mary Jane including a magician that this year at the Civic Cen- bilingual we’re glad we can do some-
Friday’s drawing: Burke said county schools they brought in.” ter and in the Marin IJ’s thing to help.”
are tentatively planning to Staffers at the Civic Cen- “Lobby Lounge” series. storytimes — According to Willis,
2, 7, 18, 26, 31
be open on Monday. A final ter have set up a “children’s “We’re just thrilled to including a Marin County Free Library
Mega number: 12
Tuesday’s estimated
decision will be made Sun- room” where the arts and have her back,” Garrison magician that system has the following
day afternoon, she said. crafts and storytime ses- said. “She’s amazing.” they brought in.” hours on Saturday:
jackpot: $43 million At the Civic Center sions are offered, Garrison In addition to Sky, other Civic Center, 10 a.m. to
emergency shelter, mean- said. Bread & Roses volunteer — Libby Garrison, 6 p.m.; Fairfax, noon to 5
while, donations of enter- For older children and performers this weekend spokeswoman for the Marin p.m.; Inverness, 3 to 6 p.m.;
Wednesday’s drawing: County Department of Cultural
1, 3, 13, 19, 69 tainment help are pour- teens, a virtual reality video range from singer-guitar- Services Marin City, noon to 5 p.m.;
ing in, said Libby Garrison, games station was set up ist Kurt Huget, to Arthur Point Reyes, 10 a.m. to 2
Powerball: 23 spokeswoman for the Marin Friday, she said. Javier, Bri Tree, Circus of p.m.; South Novato, noon
Today’s estimated County Department of Cul- “We also have two book- Smiles, Miss Kitty, the Lid- workers Union. to 5 p.m.; Stinson Beach, 10
jackpot: $143 million tural Services. mobiles parked at the Civic dypudlians and the Light- “We bring live music to a.m. to 6 p.m.

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