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Gondwana Research 26 (2014) 1–4

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Tectonics and metallogeny of mainland SE Asia: Preface

Mainland Southeast Asia is a part of the ASEAN (Association of development (Asia Today, June/July 2013). At the same time, recent ir-
Southeast Asian Nations) sub-region of Asia, consisting of the countries revocable political openings and reforms in Myanmar and reconciliation
Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, part with ethnic groups will facilitate cross-border geological studies for a
of Yunnan (China) and Sumatra (Indonesia) that are geographically huge tract of land in Kayin, Shan and Kachin states enabling further re-
south and southwest of China, east of India, and north of Australia. search for new crustal blocks and terranes in the region. Even with these
The region lies on the intersection of a number of tectonic plates and opportunities, there are challenges in mainland SE Asia such as income
is one of the most seismically and volcanically active regions in the inequalities, environmental degradation and geohazards including
world. The region has a diverse social, political, cultural and geographic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. In particular, energy
landscape with a tropical rain forest belt. The rain forest in SE Asia is the and mineral resources are to be studied and managed for the benefit
second largest on earth (with the Amazon being the largest). In addition of people in the region. These countries therefore need investment in
to the tropical climate, mountainous areas in the northern region with human capital research, training and development in geosciences.
higher altitudes lead to milder temperatures and a drier landscape. Currently, mining and exploration in Southeast Asia is expanding
Along with this social, economic, geographic and climatic diversity, very rapidly due to the growing demands for mineral commodities in
the region also has vast and diverse geological settings, mineral deposit nearby China, Korea, Japan, India and the ASEAN area itself. Mining
types and commodities. However, mining and geological studies in and exploration will continue to thrive in the region and will attract
these countries have been impeded by political instability, raging wars, mining companies, global investors, financiers and strategic service pro-
poor infrastructure and accessibility. Countries such as Laos, Cambodia viders. It is clear that mining companies, straining to meet soaring de-
and Myanmar have lagged behind the other ASEAN countries such as mand, are keen to invest heavily in the region and governments in
Indonesia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Official estimates put these countries want them to come, due to recent successful discoveries
the value of the Philippines' mineral reserves at $840 billion in 2002—al- and mining of several world-class copper–gold and gold deposits such
most double the country's GDP, and a conservative figure given today's in- as Sepon and Phu Kham Mines in Laos and the Chatree Mine in Thailand.
flated prices. Similarly, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea received and In this special issue of Gondwana Research, we have assembled a wide
enjoyed a high percentage of mining investments and earnings in the range of new data on geochronology (e.g., U–Pb zircon and monazite dat-
last two decades. Other developing SE Asian neighbors would also be ing), geochemistry (whole rock, mineral and isotope), structural geology,
earning billions if they could exploit their vast, untapped reserves of ores. sedimentology, paleontology, and mineral deposit setting and types of de-
Mainland SE Asia connects the northeast, south and southeast re- posits in mainland SE Asia. Khin Zaw et al. (2014–in this issue-a) first in-
gions of Asia, accounting for more than three billion people and troduces major tectonic belts and elements of mainland SE Asia,
consisting of a sub-regional market of more than 350 million con- summarizing historical and current SE Asian geological research and ore
sumers. It is one of the dynamic regions in the world and will rise as a deposit studies and provides a new Phanerozoic tectonic and
major economic force in the 21st century, the so-called Asian Century, metallogenic model including the formation of a diverse range of mineral
along with India, China, Japan and Korea. The area has the resources deposit types, notably porphyry-related skarn, epithermal and sediment-
that would enable it to alleviate poverty and increase per-capita income hosted/orogenic gold deposits. They indicate that the genesis of these de-
and become similar to today's Europe by 2050. In 2008, ASEAN– posits was associated with a long and complex tectonic history of the
Australia two-way trade was $88.9 billion, more than China, Japan or Gondwana supercontinent break-up, arc magmatism, and backarc basin
USA. In 2010, ASEAN–Australia–New Zealand Free Trade was development, together with arc–continent and continent–continent colli-
Australia's largest FTA with access to a dynamic market of 600 million sions that created the present-day mainland SE Asia. They conclude that
people with a combined GDP of A$3.1 trillion. In addition, the Greater incipient arc/backarc basin magmatism is the key to the formation of
Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Project currently being implemented by many important ore deposits in the Truong Son and Loei fold belts, the
the Asian Development Bank encompasses Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, two major metallogenic belts in mainland SE Asia. They also consider
Cambodia, and the Guangxi and Yunnan Provinces in South China, and that Triassic to Cenozoic arc–continent and continent–continent collision
is moving ahead with considerable speed. The objectives of the GMS and accretion have led to the formation of many sediment-hosted/
program launched in 1992 are to promote economic integration by im- orogenic gold deposits in the Sukhothai and the Sibumasu terranes and
proving connectivity, competitiveness, and community in GMS coun- that the majority of these deposits are largely confined to fold belts
tries. As of November 2010, the GMS program had implemented 59 (e.g., the Sepon deposit in the Truong Son Fold Belt) and in or near suture
investment projects, with a total cost of about US$15 billion, involving zones (e.g., the Selinsing, Tersang, and Penjom deposits). Oblique Creta-
sub-regional roads, airport and railway improvements, hydropower ceous to Recent subduction along the Andaman–Sunda trench was re-
projects for cross-border power supply, and tourism infrastructure sponsible for gold and copper–gold–molybdenum porphyry and

1342-937X/$ – see front matter © 2014 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 Editorial

epithermal mineralization along the Kawlin–Wutho–Mt. Popa arc in development of the great Yarlung-Tsangpo River in Tibet. Through an ex-
Myanmar in the north and the Sumatran volcanic arc in the south (Khin tensive U–Pb and Hf-isotope detrital zircon study, the authors conclude
Zaw et al., 2014–in this issue-a). The authors anticipate that the present that the Yarlung-Tsangpo may have drained the Irrawaddy River in Cen-
emphasis on exploring for shallower level epithermal deposits will in- tral Myanmar during the Middle- to Late Eocene, but may have later
creasingly lead to exploration for deeper level porphyry- and porphyry- reorganized and disconnected with it during the Early Miocene, due to
related skarn systems in the coming decades. the combined effects of the increased eastern syntaxis deformation and
Burrett et al. (2014–in this issue) have compared U–Pb dated detrital the headward Brahmaputra tributary erosion.
zircons from Palaeozoic to Mesozoic sedimentary rocks collected in Khin Zaw et al. (2014–in this issue-b) investigated the Middle Eo-
Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and China. Their results cene Ponduang Formation in Central Myanmar, which hosts the richest
suggest that detrital zircons from the Tarutao Formation (Thailand) terrestrial mammal fossil deposits in SE Asia. With U–Pb detrital zircon
and from quartzite and granite clasts in Permian glaciomarine mud- dating, they constrained the maximum deposition age of the Ponduang
stones (Kaeng Krachan Group, Sibumasu) have age spectra in common Formation to be ca. 40 Ma, slightly older than the magnetostratigraphic
with terranes of western and northern Australia, particularly the Meso- ages on anthropoid-bearing strata from Egypt (ca. 37 Ma; Seiffert et al.,
Neoproterozoic-age Pinjarra–East Antarctic–Eastern Ghats Orogen and 2008) and Libya (ca. 38 Ma; Jaeger et al., 2010). This provides support
the northern Australian area affected by the ca. 1850 Ma Barramundi for an Asian origin for the anthropoids.
Orogeny. A characteristic widespread assemblage of zircons previously Oliver et al. (2014–in this issue) conducted detailed U–Pb zircon geo-
recognized along the length of the Himalayas by Myrow et al. (2010), chronology on Permian to Middle Triassic granitoids from Singapore and
with a dominant peak at 950 Ma, and other peaks at 600 Ma (Pan neighboring Johor, Malaysia and revised the model for tectonic evolution
African Orogeny), 1200–1000 Ma (Grenvillian Orogeny) and 2500 Ma of the Singapore region suggesting an Early Permian to Middle Triassic
are also found in the peri-Gondwana Terranes of Truong Son, South subduction zone in the Palaeotethys Ocean dipping eastwards under
China, Qiangtang, Lhasa and Sibumasu and suggest a common distal Eastern Malaysia producing a north–south trending, tin-bearing, I-type,
source region in the Pinjarra–East Antarctic–Eastern Ghats Orogen. magmatic arc along the western margin of Indochina (present day coor-
Lai et al. (2014–in this issue-a) investigated the various Paleozoic– dinates). Subduction zone roll-back caused the locus of magmatism to
Early Mesozoic magmatic units in the western Ailaoshan (WAL) Fold migrate from the east to the west across the Eastern and Central Belts
Belt. Their study reveals that the magmatic units were formed by (1) of Peninsular Malaysia. Through this time a slice of continental litho-
L. Carboniferous–earliest M. Permian (ca. 300–270 Ma) incipient sphere (Sibumasu) rifted off Pangea and drifted across the Palaeotethys.
backarc basin magmatism; (2) M. Permian (ca. 265 Ma) island arc/ma- In the Late Triassic, Sibumasu collided with Indochina and overthrusted
ture backarc basin magmatism; (3) early L. Permian (ca. 260–255 Ma) the Malaysian Central Belt along the Bentong–Raub Suture: during this
WAL–Indochina arc–continent collision and the associated syn- Indosinian Orogeny, subduction zone magmatism shut down causing
collisional granitic magmatism, as well as subsequent (4) E. Triassic thickened continental crust, melting of the lower crust and production
(ca. 250–245 Ma) post-collisional magmatism. Regional geological com- of tin-bearing S-type magmatism in the Eastern Belt.
parison indicates that post-L. Carboniferous WAL tectonic evolution was Tran et al. (2014–in this issue) investigated the complex internal
closely related to the Eastern Indochina Block. structural features of the Tam Ky–Phuoc Son Shear Zone (TKPSSZ) in cen-
Lai et al. (2014–in this issue-b) also studied the Central Ailaoshan tral Vietnam which is one of the most pronounced crustal structures in
(CAL) ophiolite, which represents an important tectonic component of mainland SE Asia. The TKPSSZ juxtaposes high-grade rocks of the Kontum
the Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan–Song Ma suture zone separating the South Massif against lower grade rocks of the Truong Son Fold Belt. They docu-
China and Indochina blocks in mainland SE Asia. The CAL ophiolite occurs mented five deformational events using field structural investigations to-
as a complex tectonic mélange, and preserves the history of the opening gether with precise LA–ICP-MS U–Pb dating of zircon and monazite from
and closure of the once vast Jinshajiang–Ailaoshan–Song Ma branch of D1 associated with regional high-grade schistosity and mylonitization,
the Paleotethys. Their study indicates that the CAL ophiolite contains through D2 that generated regional northwest–southeast trending fold
magmatic rocks generated by: (1) L. Devonian–E. Carboniferous (ca. arrays and brittle–ductile shear zones, D3 of northeast-trending folds to
380–330 Ma) volcanic passive margin-breakup development in the NW the D4–D5 brittle event. Their U–Pb dating of zircon and monazite sug-
Gondwana margin; (2) L. Permian (ca. 258 Ma) Emeishan large igneous gests that D1 involved metamorphism and felsic magmatism at ca.
province-related continental rift magmatism, together with (and intrud- 430 Ma, recording part of a regional collisional orogeny. They demonstrat-
ed by) (3) earliest M. Triassic (ca. 244 Ma) continent–continent syn- ed that the D1 structure likely represents part of a paleosuture zone,
collisional S-type granitoids. The Devono-Carboniferous suites of the marking the closure of an ancient ocean basin through terrane assembly
CAL ophiolite are highly comparable with many continental margin- in the Early Paleozoic, whereas monazite and titanite growth at ca.
type Alpine Tethyan ophiolites. In addition, the various CAL magmatic 250–240 Ma in basement rocks is synchronous with widespread syn- to
suites have strong South China block-affinities with coeval magmatism post-D2 magmatism between ca. 260 and 245 Ma suggesting a second
particularly in the western South China block, Jinshajiang-, Song Ma-, major collisional event during the Indosinian Orogeny. They emphasized
and Song Da terranes. that the development of D1 shear zones therefore played an important
Kyi Khin et al. (2014–in this issue) investigated the sedimentary re- role in ore-forming and localization processes causing secondary sulfide
sponse to the India–Asia collision in the Arakan–Bengal basins west of mineralization by remobilization of pre-existing gold and sulfides along
the Indo-Myanmar Range. Their regional stratigraphic and paleontologi- local fracture zones during the second deformational event at ca.
cal correlations show that prior to the arrival of India, the Arakan–Bengal 260–240 Ma. The Re–Os molybdenite age of ca. 240 Ma records this (re)
basins were in deep marine slope and shelf settings. During the Early Mio- crystallization event and provides a lower limit for ore formation and/or
cene, east-verging underthrusting of the India Plate under Eurasia, along mobilization. They argued that this age is substantially older than previ-
Western Myanmar, is supported by the forced-regressive sedimentation ous estimates of the timing of gold mineralization at ca. 200 Ma (Quynh
in the slope and shelf systems. Subsequent rapid sea level fall led by hin- et al., 2004) or ca. 113 Ma (Borisenko et al., 2006). Their new geological
terland uplifting during the early Middle Miocene was manifested evidence demonstrates that the TKPSSZ has a long deformation history
through slope bypassing, soft-sediment slumping and deep-marine chan- extending from the Ordovician to the Cenozoic. Gold mineralization was
nel infilling. Eventually, during the late Middle Miocene/Late Miocene, upgraded in various episodes throughout the tectonic evolution of the
erosional off-loading with foreland uplifting may have formed transverse shear zones, making the zone one of the most important metallogenic
rivers and further developed into the paleo-Brahmaputra fluvial system. corridors in eastern Indochina.
On the other hand, Robinson et al. (2014–in this issue) focus on the in- Kamvong et al. (2014–in this issue), for the first time, reported the
fluence of tectonic and riverine erosion on the paleogeographic occurrence of adakitic magmatism in mainland SE Asia associated
Editorial 3

with major porphyry related Cu–Au deposits at Phu Kham, Laos (Truong other pyrite types. Based on these results, they suggest a two-stage
Son Fold Belt) and PUT1, northern Thailand (Loei Fold Belt). They indi- model for the formation of the gold deposit at Selinsing. Stage 1 consists
cated that LA–ICP-MS U–Pb zircon dating reveals that the Phu Kham of early enrichment of the elements Au, V, As, Mo, Se, Te, Ni, Ag, and Zn
adakites in the Truong Son Belt were emplaced during the Late Carbon- in framboidal pyrite in the sediments, whereas Stage 2 is characterized
iferous (ca. 306 to 304 Ma), whereas the Puthep 1 (PUT 1) adakites in by multiple post-diagenetic deformation and metamorphic processes,
the Loei Fold Belt were formed during the Middle Triassic (ca. 244 to favoring the development of fluid pathways and Au remobilization
241 Ma). These rock formation ages are largely coeval with Re–Os mo- into later pyrites. Regionally, the Selinsing gold deposit shares geologi-
lybdenite ages of mineralization (Phu Kham: ca. 304 Ma; PUT 1: ca. cal similarities (in term of host rocks, ore mineralogy and geochemistry)
246 Ma), suggesting close temporal links between adakite formation with many other sediment-hosted, orogenic gold deposits in mainland
and copper–gold mineralization. Although genetic links between SE Asia such as the Sepon gold deposit (Laos), Langu gold deposit
adakites and copper–gold mineralizing processes are still debated, this (Thailand), Modi Taung and Meyon gold deposits (Myanmar), and
discovery of adakites and close temporal relations with the copper– Phuoc Son gold deposit (central Vietnam). Similarly the TKPSSZ,
gold mineralization suggest strong genetic links between the two in which hosts important orogenic gold deposits, comprises five major de-
the mainland SE Asia region and the results are useful for regional mag- formation phases (D1–D5). D1 shear zones act as the controlling struc-
matic–hydrothermal ore deposit exploration and research. ture for most major gold–sulfide mineralization zones along the
In the highly mineralized Truong Son and Loei Fold Belts of SE Asia, suture. Our data support the hypothesis that economic gold deposits
Manaka et al. (2014–in this issue) and Salam et al. (2014–in this issue) doc- along the TKPSSZ first formed during the regional Silurian (D1) orogenic
umented mineralization and metallogenic evolution of the Ban Houayxai event. The continental margin sediments (e.g., black shale) may have
and Chatree epithermal gold deposits. Manaka et al. (2014–in this issue) served as an important gold source. Mineralized later-stage structures,
indicated that the Ban Houayxai Au–Ag deposit in northern Lao PDR is including molybdenite-bearing veins, support an Early- to Middle Trias-
hosted within an Early Permian volcanosedimentary unit which is a part sic (ca. 250–240 Ma) metal remobilization and reconcentration, contem-
of a Late Carboniferous–Early Permian (310–270 Ma) volcanic–plutonic se- poraneously with D2–D3 tectonic events (Tran et al., 2014–in this issue).
quence of the Truong Son Fold Belt. Their geochronological studies from There is now a growing body of data on the geological, tectonic and
LA–ICP-MS zircon U–Pb and adularia Ar–Ar and K–Ar dating identified paleotectonic settings in mainland SE Asia that show that the region
Early Permian, Cretaceous and Eocene ages. The Early Permian age is relat- was the most active geodynamic region during the Phanerozoic history
ed to the emplacement of the mineralized volcanic arc sequence, whereas of the earth. It evolved by rifting, subduction, accretion and collision of
the Cretaceous and Eocene ages represent resetting related to Yanshanian India–Asia resulting in active continental margin geodynamics with cat-
and/or Himalayan Orogenies. They indicated that the Au–Ag epithermal astrophic uplifting, erosion and sedimentation and paleogeographic de-
deposit at Ban Houayxai formed as a result of southward subduction of velopment of gigantic and diverse river systems such as the great
an oceanic crust attached to the South China Terrane beneath the Indochi- Yarlung-Tsangpo in Tibet, Brahmaputra in India and Irrawaddy River
na Terrane during the Early Permian and recognition of the old epithermal system in central Myanmar as described by Robinson et al. (2014–in
system at Ban Houayxai implies that the Truong Son Fold Belt possesses this issue) in this special issue. Burrett et al. (2014–in this issue) also
high potential for the presence of deeper magmatic-related deposits such suggest that widespread derivation of zircons may have been supplied
as porphyry and porphyry related skarn deposits. to the peri-Gondwana terranes in SE Asia by a combination of large riv-
The Chatree deposit is the largest epithermal Au deposit in mainland ers and huge alluvial fans (bajada) and also in part by submarine fans.
SE Asia and hosted in Late Permian to Early Triassic volcaniclastic and Due to the rapid and massive uplift and erosion in the India–
volcanogenic sedimentary rocks in central Thailand. Salam et al. Himalaya–Asia region, facilitated by pulses or cycles of oxygenation of
(2014–in this issue) clearly indicated from detailed field mapping, U– the earth's atmosphere, accumulation of gold occurred together with
Pb zircon dating, geochemistry and stratigraphy that the host volcanic other redox sensitive trace elements such as Mo, Ni, As, and V trapped
sequence can be divided into two compositionally distinct suites and in organic muds in continental-derived sediments such as black shales
suggested that both suites 1 and 2 have been emplaced in an island arc or carbonaceous shales at the margin of terranes such as Sibumasu
setting and the magma source may have evolved through time accompa- (Fig. 1A). Increased oxygenation leads to more active continental erosion
nying an increasing input of fertile magma source. The Chatree Au- and increased supply of gold to the oceans, consequently producing
mineralization (ca. 250 Ma) may have occurred during this transition. higher levels of gold pre-concentration in the carbonaceous shale source
McCarroll et al. (2014–in this issue) have conducted the first de- rocks (Large et al., 2011). This first stage involves pre-concentration of
tailed study of the Ojolali epithermal gold–silver prospect. This prospect gold in diagenetic pyrites in continental basin margins, with subsequent
represents one of the many important epithermal Au deposits in Suma- drifting and subduction of the terranes associated with repeated and
tra, and is hosted by Eocene–Miocene andesitic–dacitic Sunda Arc volca- widespread metamorphic–magmatic processes and collision–accretion
nics. Through detailed field, petrological and geochemical investigation, associated with structural deformation that released gold–arsenic-rich
the authors present a complete paragenetic history for the epithermal metamorphic fluids in favorable structural sites to form sediment-hosted
prospect, together with its geochemical relations with the host volcanic or orogenic Au deposits such as Selinsing, Tersang, Penjom, Phuoc Son,
rocks. They suggested that the Bukit Jambi and Tambang deposits are Bong Mieu and Modi Taung (Fig. 1B). We suggest that this two-stage
part of the same mineralizing system which developed in a basalt- model may have important implications for mineral exploration and future
floored small rift basinal setting related to movement along the Sumatra research on sediment-hosted/orogenic gold deposits in SE Asia.
Fault. We hope that this special issue will provide a broader awareness of
Makoundi et al. (2014–in this issue) investigated the Selinsing gold the mineral potential of the region and offer a timely contribution to
deposit which is one of the major economic deposits in central Malaysia the current status of tectonics and metallogeny of mainland SE Asia.
hosted by (meta)-sedimentary units. Their laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb Hopefully it will also stimulate further research, as well as exploration
zircon dating of the host rocks indicates a Carboniferous (ca. and mining activity in this emerging region.
331–300 Ma) maximum depositional age and their detailed textural
and geochemical studies revealed five distinctive pyrite types, sub- Acknowledgements
rounded framboidal pyrite (Pyrite 1), rounded recrystallized pyrite (Py-
rite 2), anhedral inclusion-rich pyrite (Pyrite 3), anhedral to subhedral We express our most sincere and profound gratitude to the follow-
clean pyrite (Pyrite 4) and coarse euhedral clean pyrite (Pyrite 5). ing reviewers: T. Barber (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK);
Laser ablation ICP-MS trace element analysis of the framboidal pyrite R.L. Brathwaite (GNS Science, New Zealand); P. Chaodumrong (Depart-
indicates enrichment in V, As, Mo, Ni, Se, Te, Ag, and Zn relative to the ment of Mineral Resources, Thailand); P. Charusiri (Chulalakorn
4 Editorial

Jaeger, J.-J., Beard, C., Chaimanee, Y., Salem, M., Benammi, M., Hlal, O., Coster, P., Bilal, A.A.,
A Duringer, P., Schuster, M., Valentin, X., Marandar, B., Marivaux, L., Metais, E.,
Hammuda, O., Brunet, M., 2010. Late middle Eocene epoch of Libya yields earliest
known radiation of African anthropoids. Nature 467, 1095–1098.
Kamvong, T., Khin Zaw, Meffre, S., Maas, R., Stein, H., Lai, C.K., 2014. Adakites in the
Truong Son and Loei fold belts, Thailand and Laos: genesis and implications for
geodynamics and metallogeny. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 165–184 (this issue).
Shan-Thai Khin Zaw, Meffre, S., Lai, C.K., Santosh, M., Burrett, F.C., Graham, I.T., Manaka, T., Salam, A.,
(SIBUMASU) Au Kamvong, T., Cromie, P., 2014a. Tectonics and metallogeny of mainland Southeast Asia
Au — A review and contribution. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 5–30 (this issue).
Au Khin Zaw, Meffre, S., Takai, M., Suzuki, H., Burrett, C., Htike, Thaung, Maung Maung Thein,
Au Au
Zin, Tsubamotoe, T., Egib, N., Maung, Maung, 2014b. The oldest anthropoid primates
in SE Asia: evidence from LA ICP-MS U–Pb zircon age in the Late Middle Eocene
Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 122–131 (this issue).
Kyi Khin, Sakai, T., Khin Zaw, 2014. Neogene syn-tectonic sedimentation in the eastern
margin of Arakan–Bengal basins, and its implications on for the Indian–Asian colli-
sion in western Myanmar. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 89–111 (this issue).
Lai, C.K., Meffre, S., Crawford, A.J., Khin Zaw, Halpin, J., Xue, C.D., Salam, A., 2014a. The Cen-
tral Ailaoshan Ophiolite and modern analogs. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 75–88 (this
Lai, C.K., Meffre, S., Crawford, A.J., Khin Zaw, Xue, C.D., Halpin, J., 2014b. The Western
Accreted Terrane Ailaoshan volcanic belts and their SE Asia connection: a new tectonic model for the East-
ern Indochina Block. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 52–74 (this issue).
Suture Zone Large, R.R., Bull, S.W., Maslennikov, V.V., 2011. A carbonaceous sedimentary source-rock
model for Carlin-type and orogenic gold deposits. Economic Geology 106, 331–358.
Makoundi, C., Khin Zaw, Large, R.R., Meffre, S., Lai, C.K., Hoe, T.G., 2014. Geology, geochem-
istry and metallogenesis of the Selinsing gold deposit, Central Malaysia. Gondwana
Au Research 26 (1), 241–261 (this issue).
B Au Manaka, T., Khin Zaw, Meffre, S., Vasconcelos, P., Golding, S., Cairns, C., 2014. Geology, geo-
chronology and geochemistry of the Ban Houayxai epithermal Au–Ag deposit in the
Northern Lao PDR: relationship to the Early Permian magmatism of the Truong Son
Fold Belt. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 185–197 (this issue).
McCarroll, R.J., Graham, I.T., Fountain, R., Privat, K., Woodhead, J., 2014. The Ojolali region,
Sumatra, Indonesia: Epithermal gold–silver mineralisation within the Sunda Arc.
Gondwana Research 26 (1), 218–240 (this issue).
Myrow, P.M., Hughes, N.C., Goodge, J.W., Fanning, C.M., Williams, I.S., Peng, S., Bhargava,
O.M., Parcha, S.K., Pogue, K., 2010. Extraordinary transport and mixing of sediment
across Himalayas during the Cambrian–Ordovician. Geological Society of America
Bulletin 122, 1660–1670.
Oliver, G., Khin Zaw, Hotson, M., Meffre, S., Manaka, T., 2014. U–Pb zircon geochronology of
Early Permian to Late Triassic rocks from Singapore and Johor: A plate tectonic reinter-
pretation. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 132–143 (this issue).
Quynh, N.N., Murfitt, R.H., Sirinawin, T., Shywolup, W., 2004. The BongMieu Gold Project,
Fig. 1. Cartoon showing two-stage model for formation of sediment hosted/orogenic gold de- Phuoc Son–Tam Ky Suture, Central Vietnam. Proceedings of PacRim 2004, 347–358.
posits in mainland SE Asia. A. Accumulation of gold occurs together with other redox sensi- Robinson, R.A.J., Brezina, C.A., Parrish, R.R., Horstwood, M.S.A., Win Oo, Nay, Bird, M.I.,
tive trace elements such as Mo, Ni, As, V trapped in organic muds in continental-derived Thein, Myint, Walters, A.S., Oliver, G.J.H., Khin Zaw, 2014. Large rivers and orogens:
sediments such as black shale or carbonaceous shale at the margin of terranes such as the evolution of the Yarlung Tsangpo–Irrawaddy system and the eastern Himalayan
Sibumasu. B. Subsequent remobilization and reconcentration along accreted terranes. syntaxis. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 112–121 (this issue).
Salam, A., Khin Zaw, Meffre, S., McPhie, J., Lai, C.K., 2014. Geochemistry and geochronolo-
gy of the Chatree epithermal gold–silver deposit: Implications for the tectonic setting
University, Thailand); H.Y. Chen (Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, of the Loei Fold Belt, central Thailand. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 198–217 (this
China); Y.J. Chen (Peking University, China); P. Clift (Louisiana State Seiffert, E.R., Bown, T.M., Clyde, W.C., Simons, E., 2008. Geology, paleoenvironment and
University, USA); N.J. Cook (University of Adelaide, Australia); M. age of Birket Qarun Locality 2 (BQ-2), Fayum Depression, Egypt. In: Fleagle, J.G.,
Crow (former British Geological Survey); D. Curnoe (University of Gilbert, C.C. (Eds.), Elwyn Simons: A Search for Origins. Springer, Berlin, pp. 71–86.
Tran, H.T., Khin Zaw, Halpin, J., Manaka, T., Meffre, S., Lai, C.K., Lee, Y.J., Le, V.H., Dinh, S., 2014.
New South Wales, Australia); W.M. Fan (Guangzhou Institute of Geo-
The Tam Ky–Phuoc Son Shear Zone in Central Vietnam: tectonic and metallogenic impli-
chemistry, China); C. Fergusson (University of Wollongong, Australia); cations. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 144–164 (this issue).
P. Emsbo (USGS, USA); A.A. Ghani (University of Malaya, Malaysia); R.
Hall (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK); D.L. Huston (Geosci- Khin Zaw
ence Australia, Australia); J.-J. Jaeger (Université de Poitiers, France); Guest Editor
R.R. Large (University of Tasmania, Australia); D. Lentz (University of CODES ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania,
New Brunswick, Canada); D. Marshall (Simon Fraser University, Hobart, TAS 7001, Australia
Canada); I. Metcalfe (University of New England, Australia); T. Mizuta Corresponding author.
(Akita University, Japan); Y. Najman (Lancaster University, UK); S. Pe- E-mail address:
ters (USGS, USA); I. Sevastjanova (Royal Holloway, University of
London, UK); X.Y. Song (State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochem- M. Santosh
istry (Guiyang), China); Tran Trong Hoa (Vietnamese Academy of Sci- Guest Editor
ence and Technology, Vietnam); S. Turner (Newmont, Australia); and China University of Geosciences, No. 29 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District,
T.F. Yui (Academia Sinica, Taiwan). Beijing 100083, China

I.T. Graham
Borisenko, A.S., Hoa, T.T., Izokh, A.E., Phuong, N.T., Anh, T.T., Nien, B.A., Travin, A.V., 2006. Guest Editor
Stages of formation of gold mineralisation in central Vietnam. Journal of Geology Se- School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences,
ries B 28, 71–82.
Burrett, C., Khin Zaw, Meffre, S., Lai, C.K., Khositanont, S., Chaodumrong, P., Udchachon,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
M., Ekins, S., Halpin, J., 2014. The configuration of Greater Gondwana — evidence
from LA ICPMS, U–Pb geochronology of detrital zircons from the Palaeozoic and Me-
sozoic of Southeast Asia and China. Gondwana Research 26 (1), 31–51 (this issue).

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