Sharpy Manual

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www claypakyit Past logge INDEX Page | Contents 2._| Safety information 3._| Unpacking and preparation 4 | Installation and start-up 5. | Control pane! 7 | Menu setting 14 | Maintenance 22 | Optional accessories 23 | Technical information 23 | Cause and solution of problems 24 Channel functions Congratulations on choosing a Clay Paky product! We thank you for your custom. Please note that this product, as all the others in the rich Clay Paky range, has been designed and made with total quality to ensure excellent performance and best meet your expectations and requirements Carefully read this instruction manual in its entirety and keep it safe for future reference. It is essential to know the information ‘and comply with the instructions given in this manual to ensure the fitting is installed, used and serviced correctly and safely. CLAY PAKY SpA. disclaims all liability for damage to the fiting ‘to other property or persons deriving from installation, use and maintenance that have not been carried out in conformity with this instruction manual, which must always accompany the fitting CLAY PAKY SpA. reserves the right to. modify the characteristics stated in this instruction manual at any time and without prior notice vow L.2.mb Vv t.40°C P20 1, 100°C A Cede] A firepod Pb Risk Gro + ce ‘sHaRPY SAFETY INFORMATION + Installation Make sure all parts for fixing the projector are in a good state of repair. Make sure the point of anchorage is stable before postioning the projector. “The salety chain must be properly hooked onto the fiting and secured to the framework, so that, i the primary support system falls, the fiting falls as litle as possible. Ifthe safety chain gets used, itneeds to be replaced witha genuine spare, + MINIMUM DISTANCE OF ILLUMINATED OBJECTS ‘The projector needs to be positioned so that the objects hitby the beam of light are atleast +12 metres (39'4") from the lens ofthe projector. * Minimum distance from flammable materials ‘The projactor must be positioned co that any flammable matarials are at least 0.20 metres (8) from ‘every point on the surface ofthe fing ‘Mounting surfaces Itis permissible to mount the fiting on normally flammable surfaces. ‘Maximum ambient temperature Do not operate the fixture if the ambient temperature (Ta) exceeds 40° C (104° F) +1P20 protection rating ‘The fitingis protected against penetration by sold bodies of over 12mm (0.47") in diameter (fist ( Reversal of the display - Fig. © To activate this function, press UP @) and DOWN © keys simultaneously wile the display is inthe rest mode. Ths status will be memorised end maintained even forthe next time it vil be switched on, To retum to the inal state, repeat the operation ll over again. Setting the projector starting address On each projector, the starting address must be set forthe contrl signal (adresses from 1 to 512) The adress can also be set wih the projector switched of, Setting the address: see pag. 8, Setting the projector Fixture ID On each projector, the Fixture ID address must be set for an easy ientiicaton of the fatures in an instalation (1D from 1 to 255). ‘The Fature ID address can be set wth the projector switche oft Setting the Fixture ID: see pag. 8 Functions of the buttons - Using the menu GR) Canfs the cislayed value, or activates the csplayed function, or enters the successive | menu. C4 > © Decreases the value displayed (with auto-repettions) or passes to the next item inthe menu © Increases the value displayed (with auto-repetitions) or passes to the previous item in a menu, LY ® unworn at D com rom ts, es acd nt Ae’, and Clr’ USING THE MENU: ) Press @ once — ‘Main Menu" appears on the display 2) Use the UP @ and DOWN ©) keys to select the menu to be used! + Setup (Setup Menu): To set the seting options, + Option (Option Menu}: To set the operating options + Injomnatons (Informations Menu): To read the counters, sofware version and other infomation “+ Manval Control (Manual contol Menu): To tigger the test and manual conta functions. + Test (Test Menu): To check the proper functioning of effects + Advanced (Advanced Menu): Acoess tothe “Advanced menu is recommended fora trained technical personnel To enable the “Advanced! see pag.13 3)Press ©) to display the frstitem inthe selected menu. !) Use the UP @ and DOWN @) keys to select the MENU items. | | | | | | | i { | | | | i i { | | | | | i i | | | a Setting addresses and options withthe projector disconnected “he project's DMX adress, as wel as other possble operating options, can also be st when the appanceis disconnected rom he eecily supply Althatis needed iso press & to momentary activate the capey and thus access the setings, Once the recited operations have been cared ou, the display wil sitch of agin alter a wait ime of 90 saconds. ‘sHaRPY 6 MENU SETTING MAIN MENU ste EEE coon Ey = ‘Salty ! Fue | ainck Ou i Hous se | inet | ‘ane i : ue Pan Hous | tet | | ome ve = | i ‘System | 3 Boa i Privemng) | ede Digtostc i ThHime || : i = i Fare i Meni | : it 1 Monitor i | i Se On Eror Devley Datu i Pest || i | User i reoet 2 | User i | | ii con i : = = Ups o ; 1H i famero || i i ' i i | Charl a : / Soup | ios || I i] a | | NOTE: On grey the default options haat ‘sHaRPY Value ce Repeal on ux SET UP MENU DMX ADDRESS: NOTE: without the DMX signal the Address (XXX) flashing ‘Allows you to select the OMX ADDRESS. 1) Press @ -the current DMX Adress appear on the display 2) Use the UP © and DOWN @, RIGHT @ keys to plan the DMX Address. 8) Press © toconfim the selection or LEFT @ tokeep current settings. CHANNEL MODE ‘Allows you to select a channel arrangement from the two avaliable. 1) Press €) - the current setings appear onthe display (Standard or Vector) 2) Use the UP @ and DOWN © keys to select one of the following sotings: + Standard Vector £3) Press © toconfim the selection or LEFT @ tokeep current songs. FIXTURE 1D ‘Allows you to selet the FIXTURE ID. 1) Press @ - the current Fixture ID appear on the display. 2) Use the UP @), DOWN @, RIGHT (®) keys to plan the Fixture ID, 3) Press @ to confi the selection or LEFT @ to keep current settings. ETHERNET INTERFACE itlets you set the Ethernet eating to be atrbuted to the projector 1) Promore @. 2) Use the UP © and DOWN © keys to select the “Ethernet Interface” pions to set Control Protocol It lets you select the “Control Protocf" Arne to assign according tothe conto unit used 4) Press 6 the curtent setting appears on the display. 2) Use te UP @) and DOWN @) keys o select one of he following setings: = Disabled + Artnet on IP 2 = Are-net on IP 10 3) Press @ toconiimn the selection or LEFT @ tokeep the curent sting Repeat on DMX Itlets you enable the transmission ofthe Ethemet protocol by DMX signal to all the connected projectors. 1) Press €) the curent seting appears on the display. 2) Use te UP and DOWN @) keys io select one ofthe falloning stings: - Disabled: DMX transmission disabled. - Enabled on primary: DMX transmission enabled 3) Press @) toconfim the selection or LEFT @ to keep the curent sting, Universe It lets you assign the “Universe” number to be assigned to a series of projectors 1) Press @ ~ the curent Universe address appears onthe display 2) Use the UP ©), DOWN ©, RIGHT © keys to set the Universe acess. '3) Press €) to confirm the selection or LEFT @ to keep the cunent setting. Tt Pan Tove in we Panis Panis [ered | BT Wing OPTIONS MENU LAMP OMX. Used fr enabling lamp remote conto channel 1) Press @ - the current settings appear on the display (On or Off) 2} Use the UP ) and DOWN © keys to enable (On) or disable (Off) the lamp remote contol channel 3} Press & to confirm the selection or LEFT @ to keep current stings ‘SAFETY BLACK OUT This allows the Dimmers automatic lock option to be activated after 3 ‘seconds with no incoming DMX signal 1) Press 6) the current satin (On or Of) appears on the display 2} Use the UP @), DOWN @ keys to enable (ON) or disable (Of the Dimmers lock option after 3 seconds with no incoming DMX signal 8) Press @) to confim the selacton or LEFT @ to keep the curent setting. PAN TILT Invert pan Used for reversing Pan movement 1) Press @ =the curent stings appear on the ispay (On or Of 2} Use the UP @) and DOWN @ keys to enable (On) or disable (Off) PAN iverson 3} Press & to confirm he selection or LEFT @ to keep current stings Invert it Used for reversing tit movement 1) Press @ - th curent satings appear on the display (On or Of. 2} Use the UP @) and DOWN @) keys to enable (On) or disable (Of) Ti inerson '3} Press €9 to confirm the selection or LEFT @ to keep current settings. ‘Swap Pan-Tilt Used for swapping Pan and Tit channels (as well as Pan fine and Tit fine), 1) Press @} - the curent settings appear on the splay (On or Of, 2) Use the UP @ and DOWN © keys to enable (On) or disable (Off) Pan and Tit channel swap. 3) Press &) to confirm the selection or LEFT @ to keep current settings Encoder Pan-Tit Used for enabling the Pan Tit encoders, 1) Press @ -the cunent setings appear onthe display (On or Of. 2} Use the UP @) and DOWN (@) keys to enable (On) or disable (OM) Pan /Tit encoders. 3) Press 3 to confirm the selection or LEFT @ to keep current settings. P/T Homing Mode Lets you set the inital projector Reset mode. 1) Press @, the cutent setting appears on the display. 2) Use the UP @) and DOWN @ keys to select one of the folowing sotings: Standard: Pen & Tit are simutanecusly reset Sequenced: Titi reset fist flowed by Pan. '3} Press @ to confirm the selection or LEFT @ to keep the current seting, Pan Home Det Pos Lets you assign the Pan channel home" positon at the end of Reset, wihout a DMX input signal 1) Press @, the cunt seting appears onthe display 2} Use the UP @ and DOWN ( keys to select one of the flowing settings: O degree 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees (default) 3} Press @) to confim the selection or LEFT @ to keep the curent setting ont es | Tilt Home Def Pos et Pos Lets you assign the Tit channel “home” postion at the end of Reset, without a DMX input signal 41) Press ©, the current setting appears on the display, 2) Use the UP ©) and DOWN ©) keys to select one of the following settings 0% 125% 25% 50% (default) 78% 875% 100% 8) Press @ to confim the selection or LEFT @ to keep the current seting ee oe) 2 Fmd wil ar Cane eee tetas tamremed 1) Press 68 the curent settings appear on the display (On or Off). 2) Use the UP @) and DOWN () keys to enable (On} or disable (Off) Soames '3) Press @8 to confirm the selection, or LEFT @ to keep current settings, = oO Linear Movement worn [Lem ienabes the linear moveren ofthe colour whee 1) Press 68 the cunt stings appear on the dspla (Ono Of. 2) Use the UP @ and DOWN @) keys to enable (On) or disable (Of) the linear movement ofthe lau wheel {3 Press @ to confim the selection, or LEFT @ to keep curent setings. sue || See = ee Used for automatically closing the stoplstobe inthe event of Part pesion ont. 1) Press @ - the current settings appear on the display (On or Off), 2) Use the UP @ and DOWN €) keys to enable (On) or disable (Off) ‘automatic stop’strobe closing in the event of ParyTitt position error. 3) Press €8) to confirm the selection, or LEFT @ to keep curtent settings. om == DISPLAY {cay Used for automaticaly reduce bighiness onthe deplay afer about 30 {a} seconds Inde. 41) Press 68 - the current settings appear on the display (On or Off), 2) Use the UP @) and DOWN @) keys to enable (On) or disable (Of he decreasing of dspay bighiness. 3) Press @¥ to confi the selection or LEFT @ to keep current settings. sermine Las Used o save 3 diferent sengs ofthe ems a the options menu and tlatve submenus 1) Press @8 - "Default preset” appears on the display. 2) Use the UP @ and DOWN © keys to select one of he folowing “configurations: ~ Default preset (") —_ User preset Pet User preset 2 aca 1 User Preset 3 7 mi 8) Press @} - “Load preset X* appears on the display. Ae 4) Use the UP @) and DOWN @) keys to select: = Load preset Xto real a previously stored contguaion — “save to preset Xt sore the current coniguraton —|_ Pa ‘a confimation message (Are you sue?) appears onthe display. 5) Select YES to confi the selection or NO Yo kaep the cue sting oe and tur tothe nex higher level Prose Preset 3 (}) DEFAULT PRESET By pressing the RIGHT () key and the LEFT @ key simultaneously an once entered inthe "main menu” itis possible to qUEKl (short cut) Preset 3 reset the default settings (DEFAULT PRESET). 10 = Fine ‘ane ties ‘sHaRPY Tol Pari ox 1x ox 1x xx Past se eset, " Used for estering dtu value on ll options menu tems and relevant eubmenus 1) Press @ , a confimaton message (Are you sue?) appears onthe display 2) Select YES to confirm the selction or NO to keep current seting, OPTION DEFAULT Lamp DN On Salty Black Out of invert Pan of Invert of Swap Pen-Tit of Encoder Pan-Tit On IT Homing Mode Standard Pan Home Det Pos 270 degrees Tit Home Def Pos 50% Fixed Whoo! Sroneut On Linear Movement of Shuter on enor ofr Display on INFORMATION MENU SYSTEM ERRORS Shows a ist of wamings and messages relevant to errors occurred sins the fitures svithing-on 1) Pressing €) you are allowed to reset the SYSTEM ERRORS ist ‘A confimation message (Are you sure you want to clear error ist 2) ‘appears on the display. 2) Select YES to reset thelist or NO to go back, FIXTURE HOURS Used for eisplaying preacior operating hours (otal and pari). 4) Press @ - Hours total and partial appears on the display. Total counter Counts the number of projector working lie hous (rom manuacture to at), Partial counter Counts the number of partial projector working life hous since the last reset to date 2) Press @ to reset paral projector working hours a confimation message (Are you sure?) appears on the display. 9) Select YES to reset partal projectors count or NO to keep the cuent seting and tun to the top menu level. Lau HOURS Used for cisplaying te lamp woking hours (tal and paral. 1) Press @) - Hous total and paial appears on tha dpa Total counter Counts the number of projector working hours with the lamp on rom manufactur to dat) Partial counter ‘Count the number of amp working hours since the last reset to date, 2) Press @ to reset pata lamp wotkng hours, @conmation message (Bre you sue 7) appears onthe display. 3) Select YES to reset partial counter or NO to keep the current setting and retum tothe top menu level LAMP STRIKES Used for cspaying the nunber cf imes the lamp was tuned on (total and pata 1) Press €) =the number of times the lamp was tumed on (total and pata) appears on the display Total counter Counts the rumor of mes the lamp was tured on (rom manufacture to dat) Partial counter Counts the numberof times the lamp was tumed on since the last reset to date 2) Press 6) to reset partial amp strikes hours, a confimation messege (Are you sure ?) appears onthe display 3) Select YES to reset partial counter or NO to keep the current setting and retum tothe top meni level ‘sHaRPY Spier elon Fre err paras Lene ose ean eo rt Beas (PU ted opie 180% acer oer 6G Lame an Saln Pats Ne Fis em 900 900 Soeoa RM) oox ox 00K ROK 2 ‘SYSTEM VERSION Used for displaying the software and hardware version of each board installed in the projector. (GPU brd (CPU board) (0: PT-3f (Pan / Ti board) 4: 8-Ch (8 channel board) BOARD DIAGNOSTIC Used for csplaying the status error of each board installed in the projector 0: PT-3f (Pan / Tit board) 1: 8h (@ channel board) DMX MONITOR Used for displaying the projector DMX channel level in bit (Val) and in percentage (Perc) FANS MONITOR Used for displaying the speed of each fan installed in the projector: Lamp (Lamp Fan) Ball IN (Ballast IN Fan) PurSp (Power Supply Fan) NETWORK PARAMS ‘Allows the "Network" parameters of the projector to be displayed or: IP address: Intemet Protocol address (two projectors must not have the same IP address) IP mask: Mac address: Media Access Contra: the projector's Ethemet Address MANUAL CONTROL LAMP: Used fo turing lamp on and off fom the projector contl panel 1) Press @)- the cuent setings appear onthe display (On or Of) 2) Use the UP © and DOWN @ keys to turn the lamp on {On} or off (Off) 3}, Press @ to confim the selection or LEFT @ to keep cunt setings and retum tothe top lvel. RESET Used ior resting the projector, 1) Press @) 10 reset the projectors, a confirmation message (Are you sure 2) appears on the display 2). Select YES to starting reset the fixture ox NO to keep the curent seting and retum tothe top manu level, (CHANNEL Used for seting channel levels from the projector contral panel. 1) Press @ - the frst channel appears onthe display. 2) Use the UP ©) and DOWN © keys to select the required channek 3) Press @ and use the UP @) and DOWN © keys to select the required DMX level (value between 0 and 255) 4) Press LEFT @ to retumto the top menu level TEST MENU Test ‘Allows you to check the proper functioning of eects 1) Press @ to etumto the top menu level 2) Use the UP @ and DOWN © keys to select the required test. 83) Press €) to confim the selecion or LEFT © tokeop current setings, Test sequence Pan Tltefects (Pan & Tit) Colour effects (Colour whee!) Beam effects (Stopper-Sttobe / Dimmer Prism / Frost) Gobo ofcts (Static gobo) Alletfects ‘sHaRPY oe ue Upead Fuse canton “arse he rae ena Ite comecios res? Weyousue? vee ‘hangig wa wong model my darage eat ayousue? 13 ADVANCED MENU To enable the ‘Advanced Menu’ setup the "Access code" (1294) using the UP @, DOWN @, FIGHT @ keys Press @ - ‘Menu advanced" appears on the display UP LOAD FIRMWARE ‘Allows you to transfer the fimware rom 1 fixture to al the connected fitures, 1) Press @) a confirmation message appears on the display, 2) Select YES to stat the fimware loading or NO to keep the current set ting and retum tothe top menu level ‘SETUP MODEL ‘Allows you to change the default model of projector. 1) Press @ a confirmation message appears on the display. 2) Select YES to define the model of projector or NO to keep the current setting and retum tothe top menu level CALIBRATION ‘Allows you to adjust effect fom the control panel to obtain perfect uifor rity between the projectors. 1) Press - “channels appears onthe display. 2) Using the UP @) and DOWN © keys, select the effect you wish to regulate. 8) Press @ and use the RIGHT (, UP @ and DOWN © butions to make the adjustment by setting a value between 0 and 255, 4) Press @ to confirm the selection or LEFT @ to keep current set- tings and retum tothe top level FACTORY DEFAULT ‘Allows you o restore default values ofall channels (128) 1) Press @ ~ a confirmation message appears on the display (Reset calibration to factory default) 2) Select YES to reset calibration to factory default or NO to keep the current setting and retum tothe top menu level pening and closing lamp compartment - Fig, 12 Lamp change - Fig 13, Take the new lamp out of ts package and insert inthe fiting WARNING: do not touch the lamp's envelope with bare hands. Should this happen, clean the bulb with a cloth soaked in alcohol and dry it with a clean, dry cloth, Lamp regulation - Fig. 14 To centre the lamp, tum the adjusting screw as shown inthe gure. WARNING: The lamp must be adjusted with the projector switched off. After adjusting, close the effects covers, switch on the projector and check that the adjustment has been correctly made. f necessary, switch off the projector, remove the effects covers and repeat lamp adjustment. NOTE: To adjust the lamp vertically (wth regard to the Y axis) alter having replaced i it may be necessary to operate the Calibration in the Menu ‘Advanced on the Fixed Gobo Wheel channel CAUTION. Fast lamp ON-OFF cycles (for example 10 minutes ON / 10 minutes OFF) will reduce the lamp ie ‘sHaRPY 6 ‘and lamp replacement, we recommend you pay close attention to correct anti IR/UY filer support ti. Incorrect tit com: fixed gobos wheel - Fig. 16 \RNING: Before using personalised gobos wheel contact Clay Paky. Replacing wal Lower Side Lower Side Periodical cleaning- Fig. 17 To eneure optimal operation and performance for a long time itis essential to periodically clean the pars subject to dust and grease deposits. The ‘frequency with which the following operations are to be catied out depends on various factors, such as the amount of the effects and the quality of the working environment (air humidiy, presence of dus, salinity, et). Use a soft cloth dampened with ary detergent liquid for cleaning glass to remove the dit fom the reflectors and filers. Its recommended thatthe projector undergoes an annual service by a qualified technician for spacial maintenance involving atleast the folowing operations: * General cleaning of intemal parts, + Restoring lubrication of al parts subject to friction, using lubricants specifically supplied by Clay Paky. + General visual check ofthe internal componer + Electrical, photometric and functional checks; eventual repairs. Extraction of the effect modules: Preliminary operations -Fig. 18 Insert jon of the effect modules - Fig. 19 IMPORTANT: Grasp the modules using the support structure and Fi jon ofthe eff 2 effect modules: Repeat ‘operations indicated in not the details which could get damaged, ig. 17 and 18 n reverse order. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Lower Side 61190 Heat screen filter - Fig. 21 An optional fiter Kit is also available when the SHARPY projector is used in environments that do not meet the minimum allowed distance of 12 ‘metres from iluminated objects; when ths kit is assembled, the projactor can be used ata minimum distance of & metres from iluminated objects. J Lower Side (061190 accessory can be placed inside the projector when not in use - Fig. 22 ‘sHaRPY 2 ats (1240 f PN Max 8000 lumens Lamp: Lam system witha short are bum in a rellector Phils MSD Platnum SR (10103) = Output Lamp power: 1830 = Colour temperature 2000 K * Luminous fax 7950 “Average ile 20005 Ary working poston (Osram Situs HRI 190+ (LAMO02) Output Lamp power: 1801" + Colour temperature £200 K ~ Luminous fax 81008n + Average fe 3000h Ary working poston Motors: 13.stepper motors, operating with mirosteps, totally microprocessor controle. Channels: Max 20 contol channols Inputs: DMX 512 Ethemet Movable body: ‘+ Movement by means of two stepper motors, controled by microprocessor + Automatic repositioning of PAN and TILT after accidental movement not contolled by contol unt TILT = 252° + Maximum speeds: PAN = 245 sec TECHNICAL INFORMATION Power suppios available + Resalution 1 15@290V SOIGOHe PAN =2.11° “PAN FINE = 0.008" Input power: TILT = 0.98" ‘50VA a 2200 SoH TILT FINE = 0.004° + Aooutacy Total output Resolution =0,15* (Range 0.) 120 protection rating + Protect against the enty of solid bodies largor than 12mm (047%. + No protection against the enty of quid. (CE Marking: Comps with the flloning European Directives 2006/95/EC (LVD) 2004/1088 (EMG) 2OTTIESIEU (RoHS). Safety Devices: + Bipolar cuit breaker with thermal protection, + Automatic break in power supply in case of ‘overtreating o fale operation of cooing system, Cooling Froed ventlation with axa fans. Body: + Aluminium stucture vith de-cat plastic cover. + Two side handles for transportation, * Device locking PAN and TILT mechanisms for ‘transportation and maintanance, Working position Functioning in any poston, Weights: about 19 Kg (4tbs 1302s), ‘CAUSE AND SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS THE PROVEGTOA WAL NOT SWITCHON ELECTRONICS NON OPER PROBLEMS DEFECTIVE PAOIEGTION REDUCED LUMINOSITY POSSIBLE CAUSES ‘CHECKS AND REMEDIES 2 Te rane ey Cis Ts pone Sp WHE 0] [fe Cem exsused orca, ace ths ao, (See steko) e ‘Sigal vanrissin ctl aul of ssn epic he cabs. e noose acessng Chek acereses (a raiveiors) e aul te elecone oe Cal an avborisd wonnian, fo | [Lenses or atetor broken Cal an auPotso wean fe [| bus or cease depos Clan (soa nsmctons 2

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