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Data Visualization

A review

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 1

As you know, Data is the new oil…
Key is how to use it?


Data -> Insights

Data -> automation

Data -> action

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 2

Wait….But, why Visualization?

Cognitive Overload
 Helps us think better

Increasing Business Complexity  Reduces load on working memory

Better Visualization
 Streamline precious Cognition
 Harness the human perception
Are we the new bottleneck?
 Simplifies user experience

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 3

Human Sensory Bandwidth

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal From: Tor Nørretranders

12/27/2017 Replace Cognition with Perception 5
What people use visualizations for?

Goals: Outcomes:

• Map • Insight and analysis

– Extract the information content
• Record
– Make things/coherences visible that are not apparent
• Abstract – Analyze the data by means of the visual representation
• Discover • Communication
• Clarify – Allow the non–expert to understand Present specific information in a way
• Interact that all of us understand
• Communicate – Guide the expert into the right direction
• Inspire/Tell a Story • Exploration
– Interactively control and drive your application
– Use the visual representation to understand the phenomena as soon as

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 6

Visualizing Systems, Solutions

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 7

Visualizing Datasets – More methodical

What – What data the user sees

Why – Why the user intends to use a vis.
How – How should the visualization be constructed

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 8

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 9
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27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 11
Arrange Space

Map Channels

27-Dec-17 AXP Internal 12

12/27/2017 13
Harnessing Human Perception

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Using the Framework

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Bar Charts Scatter plots

Arrange Tabular Data

Streamgraphs Stacked Bar Charts

Arrange Tabular Data

Arrange Tabular Data
Dot/Line Charts
And many more

Scatterplot matrix
Cluster heat maps
Parallel Coordinates

Radial Bar Charts

Polar Area Charts
Pie charts
12/27/2017 20
Possible Customer 360 Visualization ?

Node Link Layout

Bubble tree node-link

Spine radial layout

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Rules of Thumb

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Avoid Unjustified 3D

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Eyes beat memory

• Working Memory is precious

• Animation vs. Side-by-Side Views
• Guide the eyes to change

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Overview first, zoom and filter details on

Function first, form next

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Have a Rich but Cognitively light

Get a great insight!

12/27/2017 Thank you! 29

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