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1.1 Background of The Study

Lately, the need of translation is increasing in a globalized world.

Translation takes an important role in the globalization of many aspects, and at the

same time globalization makes translation activities to become a part of

globalization process. The globalization also relates to the human communication.

The scope of human communication is expanding in the globalization era. Many

kinds of media and forms are available and used for human communication. The

expanding of the communication makes translation is expanding as well, for

example several years ago we were introduced to Skype, one of the famous

communication technologies used by people in a daily basis today. It has a

translation tool in it, so the translation tool helps people to be able to

communicate in the easiest way even though they speak different languages. Thus,

the example shows that translation can be used as a media of global

communication. Newmark claimed “No Global Communication without

Translation” (Rogers, 2003). It means that in this globalization era translation has

occurred in all aspects including communication. In addition, in a multicultural

society like in Indonesia where people from every part of the world can live, work

and study together, translation helps them to communicate in the best and most

professional way.
The important of global communications become more evident everyday.

The need to share informations, raise awareness to contribute to a larger

standardization of communication. Business is one of the fields which grow

rapidly in the globalization era. Because of the reason, it is necessary to master in

business field because almost all business takes place at the global level now.

Even the items which are sold at our local markets may have been made, sourced,

or shipped from another part of the country. Talking about learning business, it

can’t be separated from business communication and business term.

In the globalized world, English becomes a global language. It is used as

the language of technology, science, literature and also business. Basically, two

fields are completely inserted into global communication system: scientific

research on one side and economy on the other side. In many countries such as in

Sweden, the curricula of scientific disciplines are in English and not in Sweden

anymore (Hult, 2012). In similar way, the business schools around the world build

their tuition on English program because business has to be done internationally

through English language. International trade is done in English, the exchange

market operation requires the use of English, even shipping product from two

different countries whose first language is not English, will rely on specific

business terms and abbreviation for example C.A.D ( Cash against Document).

That is why business terms are written in English.

In Indonesia where English is not the native language, it is important to

develop Indonesian terms in various fields especially business because the

richness of Indonesian vocabulary can cause misunderstanding. The translation of

English text is expected to help people who are difficult to understand English

text. Sometimes, there is no Indonesian equivalent for translating the business

terms. Translators have a serious problem to translate the business terms into

Indonesian terms. Therefore, there are some strategies that can be used by the

translators to find the equivalent word in translating business terms. Due to the

reason, the writer is interested to conduct a study about the strategies used by

translators in translating business terms. The aim of this study is to find out the

strategies used in translating business terms because sometimes there is no

Indonesian equivalent for the terms.

In fact, there are some studies that have been conducted before relate to

business terms. The first is a study conducted by Juwita (2009). The study was

about finding the strategies used in translating business management terms taken

from various glossaries. She found that the most commonly strategy used in

translating business management terms is direct translation. The other study was

conducted by Srijono (2016) about describing translation strategies in research

terms. He found out that there are four strategies used in translating research


In order to find the most appropriate equivalent from English to

Indonesian translation for business terms, it is needed to use the right strategies to

translate them. It is not easy for the translators especially the beginner translators.

They may find difficulties in choosing the strategies. There are some theories

from the expert of translation about translation strategies. The first theory comes

from Peter Newmark. According to Newmark, the most important of the

procedures is literal translation. The others are transference, naturalisation,

cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, descriptive equivalent, synonymy,

through-translation, shifts/transpositions, modulation, recognised translation,

translation label, compensation, componential analysis, reduction and expansion,

paraphrase, notes, additions and glosses, and deletion (Newmark, 1988). Another

theory of translation procedures is from Vinay and Darbelnet. They divided

translation procedures into two categories namely Direct Translation and Oblique

Translation. Direct or Literal translation covers Borrowing, Calque, and Literal

Translation while Oblique translation covers four procedures they are

transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation (Munday, 2001). In this

study, the writer applied the theory of Baker about translation strategies used by

professional translators. According to Baker (2011) there are eight strategies

which can be used by the translators to deal with non-equivalence at word level.

This study focuses on the translation strategies used in translating business

terms in the Glossary found in the Investments and Portofolio Management

textbook. The textbook is used by the students of Magister Manajemen at

Universitas Airlangga.

1.2 Statement of The Problems

Based on the background of the study, the writer formulates the problems

as follows:

1. What strategies are used in translating the business terms?

2. Which strategy is most frequently used in translating the business terms?


1.3 Objective of The Study

Concerning the statement of the problems, the purposes of this study are

stated as follows:

1. To identify the strategies used in translating the business terms.

2. To find out the most frequent translation strategy used in translating the

business terms and the reasons of using the strategy.

1.4 Significance of The Study

Theoretically, this study is expected to give a contribution to the field of

translation research, especially related to translation strategies. The result of this

study is expected to provide more knowledge about translation strategies used in

translating business terms. In addition, this study is expected to be useful to

inspire and help the next researchers who want to conduct similar studies.

Practically, the result of this study is expected to be useful for the translators to

determine the appropriate strategies for translating the Business Terms.

1.5 Definition of Key terms

 Globalization : a widely and somwhat loosely used term,

intended to describe the recent and rapid

process of intercontinental economic, social

and political integration (Gary J. Wells,

Robert Shuey, Ray Kiely, 2001)

 Business Term : a basic word or word pharse in English or

another natural Language that workers

recognize and share in the business (Ross,


 Business Term Glossary : a list of terms and abbreviations used in

the business, and a definition of each those

terms (Brackett, 2012)

 Global Communication : refers to cultural, economic, political,

social, and technical analysis of

communication and media patterns and

effects across and between nation-states

(McPhail, 2014)

 Translation Strategies : the steps taken for translating sentences

and the smaller units of language

(Newmark, A textbook of Translation,


 Source Language : the original verbal language (Munday,

2001). In this study, the Source Language is


 Target Language : a different verbal language which has been

translated (Munday, 2001)

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