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Endah Cahyarini

Perum. Bumi Sani Permai

Blok D6 No.4 Rt 12/14
Ds.Setia Mekar - Tambun Bekasi 17510
Hp: 0819 – 1243 - 2440

Bekasi, 5th December 2013

Dear Sir/Madame;

I would like to apply for the position as Sales Admin.

I am twenty-third years of age, single, in good health, willing to work, fast learning,
communicative and work well with others . I was graduated from academy of Akademi Pimpinan
Perusahaan, Industry Of Ministry in Jakarta on 2011, majoring in Industry Management
programme of marketing management with GPA in 3,27. I am proficient in several software
packages including MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.

Enclosed are my resume and recent photograph. I will appreciate an interview

opportunity where I can convince you that my service will be an asset to your company. I hope
my educational background and capabilities that I have to your consideration.

Thank you for kind attention. I am looking forward to your reply.


Endah Cahyarini

1. Nama : Endah Cahyarini
2. Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Pacitan, 22 Okt 1990
3. Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
4. Agama : Islam
5. Kebangsaan : Indonesia
6. Status Pernikahan : Belum Menikah
7. Nomor Telepon : 0819 1243 2440
8. Email :
9. Alamat : Perum. Bumi Sani Permai Blok D6 No. 4 Rt 12/14
Desa Setia Mekar – Tambun 17510

 SD Negeri Aren Jaya XV Bekasi Tahun 1996 - 2002

 SMP Negeri 11 Bekasi Tahun 2002 – 2005

 SMK Karya Bhakti 1 Bekasi Program Keahlian Akuntansi Tahun 2005 - 2008

 Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan Program Diploma : Manajemen Industri

 Jurusan : Manajemen Pemasaran Tahun 2008 – 2011


Perusahaan : PT. Astalia Millenia Educatindo (EDUCIO)

Bergerak dalam Bidang : Pengadaan laboratorium Bahasa Untuk Fasilitas Sekolah
Masa Kerja : Januari 2012 Hingga Sekarang
Jabatan : Admin Marketing
Lokasi : Kayuringin, Kalimalang – Bekasi

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