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Assessment Report

Course Name: EMBA/OG/Semester-2/MDSO802D-Fundamentals of Petroleum Exploration/Jan2015-Assignment 2

Login Code(User Name): 500036519 (Sandeep PareshbhaiShah)

Assessment Name: EMBA/OG/Semester-2/MDSO802D-Fundamentals of Petroleum Exploration/Jan2015-Assignment 2

S.No. QuestionText Type Level Marks Obtained

1 A suitable reservoir rock must be --------------- to Multiple Choice 1 1.00
make it economically feasible forText:
Question the operating
A suitable reservoir rock must be --------------- to make it economically feasible for the operating company to drill for and prod
company to drill for and produce them.a. Porousb.
Porousb. Permeablec. Contain enough hydrocarbonsd. All of above
Permeablec. Contain enough hydrocarbonsd. All of

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


2 Lower permeabilities may be used for -------. Multiple Choice 1 1.00

Question Text: Lower permeabilities may be used for -------.

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Liqued Production

Solid Production

Gas production

None of these


3 The hydrocarbon fuel in oil shale isa. petroleumb. Multiple Choice 1 1.00
kerogenc. natural gasd. methane
Question Text: The hydrocarbon fuel in oil shale isa. petroleumb. kerogenc. natural gasd. methane

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

Assessment Report

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


4 Platts is known for its expertise in price assessment Multiple Response 3 3.00
energy sector. It has earned a unique
Question place is
Text: Platts forknown
itself for its expertise in price assessment energy sector. It has earned a unique place for itself by meeting the need
by meeting the need for : -
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Setting up the official
price of crude oil
Impartial Information

Market Price
Real Time News


5 The roof (rocks) forms:a. A sealb. A barrierc. Multiple Choice 1 1.00

Conditions for a poold.Question
All of above
Text: The roof (rocks) forms:a. A sealb. A barrierc. Conditions for a poold. All of above

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d

Assessment Report

6 The ------------- material must have a lower Multiple Choice 1 1.00

permeability than the existing rock material though
which the hydrocarbons are flowing.a. Trap b.
Organicc. Inorganicd. None of these

Question Text: The ------------- material must have a lower permeability than the existing rock material though which the hydrocarbons are fl
Organicc. Inorganicd. None of these

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


7 The underlying principles in the Official Selling Price Multiple Response 3 3.00
system are:

Question Text: The underlying principles in the Official Selling Price system are:

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: It is a declared price (or
posted price) by the
seller, setting
uniformlythe price,
the sellers to
applicable usually
all themake
buyers price
price has region.
in level
the been
in line
with the in advance.
spot price
There is no room for in
the itrespective
is a monthly
negotiation. Buyers
destination of the daily
have little choice with
assessment, the price
regard to price.
gets moderated by the
law of average.
Assessment Report


8 Reservoirs may be created in river valleys by the True and False 1 1.00
construction of a dam or may be built by excavation
in the ground or by conventional construction
techniques such as brickwork or cast concrete.

Question Text: Reservoirs may be created in river valleys by the construction of a dam or may be built by excavation in the ground or by conv
construction techniques such as brickwork or cast concrete.
Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: True



9 2D data can often be distorted with diffractions and Multiple Choice 2 2.00
events produced from:a. Offline geologic
structuresb. Making accuratec. Interpretations
difficultd. All of these

Question Text: 2D data can often be distorted with diffractions and events produced from:a. Offline geologic structuresb. Making accuratec. In
difficultd. All of these
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


10 Traps associated with salt domes may form ------ Multiple Response 4 4.00

Question Text: Traps associated with salt domes may form ------
Assessment Report

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: In the strata overlying
the salt dome
In the top of the salt
In the strata that curve
upward against the salt
Due to stratigraphic
pinch-out of strata
Correct around the salt dome

11 The acquisition and processing of reflection seismic Fill in the Answers 2 2.00
data usually result in a _________ image of acoustic
impedance interfaces.

Question Text: The acquisition and processing of reflection seismic data usually result in a _________ image of acoustic impedance interfaces

Blanks Text User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Seismic seismic


12 The size of the accumulation depends only upon the True and False 1 1.00
amount of available petroleum source materials.

Question Text: The size of the accumulation depends only upon the amount of available petroleum source materials.

Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: True



13 The ------------- of a rock is a measure of its ability Multiple Choice 1 1.00

to hold a fluid.a. Porousityb. Permeablityc.
hydrocarbonsd. All of above
Assessment Report

Question Text: The ------------- of a rock is a measure of its ability to hold a fluid.a. Porousityb. Permeablityc. hydrocarbonsd. All of above

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


14 The term �reservoir� may be used to describe Multiple Choice 1 1.00

naturally occurring underground reservoirs such as
those beneath:a. Oil or waterb. Gas and Oilc. Gas
and Waterd. Oil, Gas and Water

Question Text: The term �reservoir� may be used to describe naturally occurring underground reservoirs such as those beneath:a. Oil or wa
Gas and Waterd. Oil, Gas and Water
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


15 The distance that oil and gas move from the source Multiple Choice 1 1.00
area to the ------- depends on the proximity of a
trap or barrier to the source area.

Question Text: The distance that oil and gas move from the source area to the ------- depends on the proximity of a trap or barrier to the sou

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Grass Area
Assessment Report

Land Area

Top area

Trap area


16 Porosity can bea. Original Intergranular Porosityb. Multiple Choice 1 1.00

Solution Porosityc. Fracture Porosityd. All of above

Question Text: Porosity can bea. Original Intergranular Porosityb. Solution Porosityc. Fracture Porosityd. All of above

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


17 George Geologist says that he found a sandstone in Multiple Choice 1 1.00

a road cut. Therefore, the rock ------------a. must
contain quartzb. contains sand-sized grainsc. is
mineralogically matured. is texturally mature

Question Text: George Geologist says that he found a sandstone in a road cut. Therefore, the rock ------------a. must contain quartzb. contain
grainsc. is mineralogically matured. is texturally mature
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report


18 Which of the following statement is most correct Multiple Choice 4 4.00

with respect to combination traps?

Question Text: Which of the following statement is most correct with respect to combination traps?

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: The traps, which are
formed due to a
combined effect of
structural, stratigraphic
and seals in varying

The traps, which are

formed due to a
combined effect of
membrane seal,
hydraulic seal and fluid
The traps, which are
barriers in varying
formed due to a
combined effect of
membrane seal,
hydraulic seal in varying
The traps, which are
formed due to a
combined effect of
structural, stratigraphic
and fluid barriers in
varying proportion


19 The proven oil reserves of North America in 2011, as Multiple Choice 1 0.00
a percentage of the global proven reserves, was
Question Text: The proven oil reserves of North America in 2011, as a percentage of the global proven reserves, was about:a) 5 percentb) 10
about:a) 5 percentb) 10 percentc) 15 percentd)
percentd) 20
20 percent
percent Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
Assessment Report

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d

Only a

20 The Middle East is a global importance today Multiple Choice 2 2.00

because it-----

Question Text: The Middle East is a global importance today because it-----

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Has become a model of
economic and political
Allows major European
powers to retain their
spheres ofmuch of the
petroleum used by
industrial nations

Remains a primary
source of uranium

21 The accuracy of electrical survey is largely Multiple Choice 3 3.00

dependent on the geological conditions like:a.
Presence of highly resistant bedsb. Persistence of
their composition and thicknessc. Resistivity of
underground watersd. Reflection of underground

Question Text: The accuracy of electrical survey is largely dependent on the geological conditions like:a. Presence of highly resistant bedsb. P
composition and thicknessc. Resistivity of underground watersd. Reflection of underground waters
Assessment Report

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


22 Can a mineralogically mature sedimentary rock be True and False 1 1.00


Question Text: Can a mineralogically mature sedimentary rock be immature?

Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: True



23 This type of trap is a results from some catalysmic Multiple Choice 1 1.00
geologic event that creates a barrier and prevents
further migration.a. Structural Trapsb. Stratigraphic
Trapsc. Unstructural Trapsd. Unstratigraphic Traps

Question Text: This type of trap is a results from some catalysmic geologic event that creates a barrier and prevents further migration.a. Stru
Stratigraphic Trapsc. Unstructural Trapsd. Unstratigraphic Traps

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report


24 Seismic exploration is the primary method of Multiple Response 3 3.00

exploring for hydrocarbon deposits, on land, under
the sea and in the transition zone (the interface area
between the sea and land).

Question Text: Seismic exploration is the primary method of exploring for hydrocarbon deposits, on land, under the sea and in the transition z
area between the sea and land).
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


25 Downhole methods are especially useful for Multiple Choice 2 2.00

------------------ determining seismic wave velocities,
since the distance of equipment down the hole is a
known value.

Question Text: Downhole methods are especially useful for ------------------ determining seismic wave velocities, since the distance of equipm
a known value.
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Accurately



None of these


26 Porosity of a rock is a measure of its ability to hold a Multiple Choice 1 1.00

Assessment Report

Question Text: Porosity of a rock is a measure of its ability to hold a -------.

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Fluid





27 A ------- consists of an impervious stratum that Multiple Choice 1 1.00

overlies the reservoir rock thereby
Question prohibiting
Text: A ------- consists of an impervious stratum that overlies the reservoir rock thereby prohibiting hydrocarbons from escaping upw
hydrocarbons from escaping upward and laterally.
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Rock



All of these


28 The cusps (points) of oscillation ripple marks Multiple Choice 1 1.00

point:a. up - toward the younger
Question materialb.
Text: up -(points) of oscillation ripple marks point:a. up - toward the younger materialb. up - towards the older materialc. dow
The cusps
towards the older materialc. downd. None of these
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


29 Optimal acquisition varies according to Multiple Choice 2 2.00

---------------- conditions and involves employing the
appropriate source (both type and intensity),
optimal configurationof receivers, and orientation of
receiver lines with respect to geological features.a.
Local b. Global c. Bothd. None of these
Assessment Report

Question Text: Optimal acquisition varies according to ---------------- conditions and involves employing the appropriate source (both type and
configurationof receivers, and orientation of receiver lines with respect to geological features.a. Local b. Global c. Bothd. None
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


30 The petroleum�s image, its promises and Multiple Choice 4 4.00

positioning, its name and package,
Question Text:the company
The petroleum�s image, its promises and positioning, its name and package, the company that makes it, the stores that sell
that makes it, the stores that sell it�all
of become
the totalapetroleum product. What is one thing they do not try to sell?
part of the total petroleum product. What is one
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
thing they do not try to sell? Attachment
FeedBack: Lifestyle


Service-profit Chain



31 Porosity creates the space to hold --------------.a. Multiple Choice 1 1.00

Oilb. Gasc. Waterd. OilQuestion
and Gas Text: Porosity creates the space to hold --------------.a. Oilb. Gasc. Waterd. Oil and Gas

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


32 The surface expression of a migration pathway, Fill in the Answers 2 2.00

along which petroleum is currently flowing is known
as _________
Assessment Report

Question Text: The surface expression of a migration pathway, along which petroleum is currently flowing is known as _________

Blanks Text User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Seep Seep


33 Mathematically, porosity is the open space in a rock Multiple Choice 1 1.00

divided by the -------------.a.
QuestionTotal rock
Text: areab. Total porosity is the open space in a rock divided by the -------------.a. Total rock areab. Total rock volume (solid an
rock volume (solid and space)c. Total desityd.
rock desityd.
Total rock (Solid only)
Total rock (Solid only) Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


34 Oil migrates :a. In any directionb. Covers great Multiple Choice 1 1.00
distances c. It follows Question
the path of leastOilresistance
Text: migrates to
:a. In any directionb. Covers great distances c. It follows the path of least resistance to the point where it either e
the point where it either escapes or goes no
farther.d. All of these
farther.d. All of these Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


35 This impervious stratum is called:a. Roof rockb. Spill Multiple Choice 1 1.00
pointc. Vertical closureQuestion
d. Areal Text:
This impervious stratum is called:a. Roof rockb. Spill pointc. Vertical closure d. Areal closure

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a
Assessment Report

Only b

Only c

Only d


36 The most established market in _________ sensing Fill in the Answers 2 2.00
is in the area of natural resources
Question in exploration
Text: of
The most established market in _________ sensing is in the area of natural resources in exploration of oil, gas, and �minerals
oil, gas, and�minerals
Blanks Text User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Remote remote


37 A crosshole survey measures the seismic responses Multiple Choice 2 2.00

of geophones in -------------
Text: Atocrosshole
a source survey
in measures the seismic responses of geophones in ------------- borehole to a source in another borehole.
another borehole.
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: One





38 A reservoir is a natural or artificial lake, storage pond Multiple Choice 1 1.00

or impoundment from Question
a dam which is used to store
Text: A reservoir is a natural or artificial lake, storage pond or impoundment from a dam which is used to store ----------a. Oilb. Wat
----------a. Oilb. Waterc. Gasd. Crude Oil
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report


39 Do conventional oils need more treatment than Multiple Choice 1 1.00

unconventional oils?a. Question
Yesb. Noc. Some
Text: Dotimed. None oils need more treatment than unconventional oils?a. Yesb. Noc. Some timed. None of these
of these
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


40 Oil and gas exploration activities for large areas Multiple Choice 2 2.00
require ----------- or ------------- surveys
Question Text: to facilitate
Oil and gas exploration activities for large areas require ----------- or ------------- surveys to facilitate detailed geological interp
detailed geological interpretations for subsurface
subsurface features.a. Airborne magnetic, Ground magneticb. Airborne magnetic, Ground gravityc. Airborne gravity, Ground m
features.a. Airborne magnetic, GroundOption
gravity, Question Options
Ground gravity User Response Correct Answer
Airborne magnetic, Ground gravityc. Airborne
gravity, Ground magneticd.FeedBack:
Airborne gravity, Ground Only a
Only b

Only c

Only d


41 The Seismic _________ techniques are the most Fill in the Answers 2 2.00
widely used geophysical technique
Question in hydrocarbon
Text: The Seismic _________ techniques are the most widely used geophysical technique in hydrocarbon exploration
Blanks Text User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Reflection reflection


42 A reservoir is a natural or artificial lake, storage pond True and False 1 1.00
or impoundment from Question
a dam whichText:is Aused to store
reservoir is a natural or artificial lake, storage pond or impoundment from a dam which is used to store oil.
Assessment Report

Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: True



43 Secondary stratigraphic traps result from ------- Multiple Choice 4 4.00

Question Text: Secondary stratigraphic traps result from -------

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Variations that
developed after
Variations that
developed before
Variations that
developed during
Variations in facies


44 The _________ Seismic Profile surveying involves Fill in the Answers 2 2.00
recording the responses of geophones
Question in a_________
Text: The borehole Seismic Profile surveying involves recording the responses of geophones in a borehole or well for sources at th
or well for sources at the earth�s surface.
Blanks Text User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Vertical Vertical


45 By selecting good�-------------, seismic data quality Multiple Choice 2 2.00

can improve and by selecting good access to seismic
Question Text: By selecting good�-------------, seismic data quality can improve and by selecting good access to seismic lines, environmenta
lines, environmental impact and safety risks
risks areareminimized.a. Offset locations, Seismic qualityb. Sourceoffset locations, Seismic data qualityc. source locations, data q
minimized.a. Offset locations, SeismicOption
these Question Options User Response Correct Answer
Sourceoffset locations, Seismic data qualityc.
Attachment source
locations, data qualityd. None of these Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report


46 Oil migrating from ------------- moves upward Multiple Choice 1 1.00

through various permeable strata
Question andOil
Text: eventually
migrating from ------------- moves upward through various permeable strata and eventually becomes trapped under the ro
becomes trapped under the roof.a. Source rock rockc.
Reservoir b. Cap rockd. Top rock
Reservoir rockc. Cap rockd. Top rock Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


47 Many companies are moving to a new level in Multiple Choice 4 4.00

creating value for theirQuestion
customers. They
Text: arecompanies are moving to a new level in creating value for their customers. They are developing and delivering total cust
developing and delivering total customer
Whereas products are tangible and services are intangible, experiences are-----
experiences. Whereas products are tangible
Optionand Question Options User Response Correct Answer
services are intangible, experiences are-----
FeedBack: Product Quality


Unsought Product

Internal Marketing


48 The worst oil spill in United States waters was thea. Multiple Choice 1 1.00
Santa Barbara spillb. Amoco Cadiz
Question spillc.
Text: TheExxon
worst oil spill in United States waters was thea. Santa Barbara spillb. Amoco Cadiz spillc. Exxon Valdez spilld. Torrey Canyo
Valdez spilld. Torrey Canyon spill
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report


49 The upper hull of Submersible Rigs contains:a. The Multiple Choice 2 2.00
living quarters for the Question
crewb. The actual
Text: Thedrilling
upper hull of Submersible Rigs contains:a. The living quarters for the crewb. The actual drilling platformc. a and bd. None
platformc. a and bd. None of these
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


50 Oil production by the Middle East countries in 2011, Multiple Choice 1 1.00
as a percentage of global production,
Question wasproduction
Text: Oil about: a) by the Middle East countries in 2011, as a percentage of global production, was about: a) 20 percentb) 31 perce
20 percentb) 31 percentc) 42 percentd)54 54 percent
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


51 Which of the following sandstones would have the Multiple Choice 1 1.00
highest mineralogical maturity?a. quartz
Question Text: areniteb.
Which of the following sandstones would have the highest mineralogical maturity?a. quartz areniteb. arkosec. litharenited. Can
arkosec. litharenited. Can't tell
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report


52 Property of Structural traps:a. Most Commonb. Most Multiple Choice 1 1.00

easily foundc. In this trap at least
Question 80 percent
Text: Propertyofofthe
Structural traps:a. Most Commonb. Most easily foundc. In this trap at least 80 percent of the world's oil and gas ha
world's oil and gas has been discovered.d. All of
discovered.d. All of above
above Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


53 The ------- of oil and gas is movement within the Multiple Choice 1 1.00
fine-grained portion ofQuestion
the mature source
Text: rock. of oil and gas is movement within the fine-grained portion of the mature source rock.
The -------

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Secondry Migration

Primary migration


None of these


54 Which of the following is practiced chiefly in working Multiple Choice 2 2.00

out the geology of petroleum
Question deposits?`
Text: Which of the following is practiced chiefly in working out the geology of petroleum deposits?`

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Picking

Geological Cross-
Subsurface mapping

Remote sensing
Assessment Report


55 Near surface studies indicate that the geothermal Multiple Choice 1 1.00
gradient is about 30 o Question
C per kilometer. If the
Text: Near radiusstudies indicate that the geothermal gradient is about 30 o C per kilometer. If the radius of the Earth is about 6,0
of the Earth is about 6,000 kilometersiswhat is the
the expected temperature at the center (in o C)?a. 1,800 degrees Cb. 18,000 degrees Cc. 180,000 degrees Cd. None of the
expected temperature at the center (in o C)?a.
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
1,800 degrees Cb. 18,000 degrees Cc.Attachment
degrees Cd. None of theseFeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


56 Permeability allows the oil and gas to flow ---------- Multiple Choice 1 1.00
of the rock.a. Inb. Outc. Bothd. Text:
Question None Permeability
of these allows the oil and gas to flow ---------- of the rock.a. Inb. Outc. Bothd. None of these

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


57 Which of the following statements are true?a) The Multiple Choice 1 1.00
reserves of shale gas are about Text:
Question the same
Whichas of
the the following statements are true?a) The reserves of shale gas are about the same as the proven reserves of natural
proven reserves of natural gas.b) Combustion is an
is an endothermic reaction.c) The combustion of methane produces water vapour and carbon dioxide. d) The combustion of 10
endothermic reaction.c) The combustion of methane
releases about 36 kgQuestion
of carbon Options
dioxide. e) CoalUser Response
is pulverised Correctbefore
into a fine powder Answerit is burned in a combustion chamber.
produces water vapour and carbon dioxide. d) The
combustion of 10 kg of carbon releases about 36 kg Only a
of carbon dioxide. e) Coal is pulverised into a fine
powder before it is burned in a combustion chamber. Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report

Only e


58 A trap is basically �geometry� of the reservoir True and False 1 1.00

rock. Question Text: A trap is basically �geometry� of the reservoir rock.

Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: True



59 The upper temperature of a gas turbine is typicallya) Multiple Choice 1 1.00

100 degree centigradeb) 350 degree
Question Text: centigradec)
The upper temperature of a gas turbine is typicallya) 100 degree centigradeb) 350 degree centigradec) 600 degree centigrade
600 degree centigraded) 1000 degreecentigradee)
centigradee)1300 degree centigrade
1300 degree centigrade Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d

Only e


60 What are needed for production of oil and gas.a. Multiple Choice 1 1.00
Porosityb. Permeabilityc. Both d. None of these
Question Text: What are needed for production of oil and gas.a. Porosityb. Permeabilityc. Both d. None of these

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d
Assessment Report


61 Migration is the process of the oil and gas moving Multiple Choice 1 1.00
away from the -------. Question Text: Migration is the process of the oil and gas moving away from the -------.

Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: Earth


Source rock

None of these


62 This types of trap is a natural development of the Multiple Choice 1 1.00

oil-bearing strata.a. Structural
QuestionTrapsb. Stratigraphic
Text: This types of trap is a natural development of the oil-bearing strata.a. Structural Trapsb. Stratigraphic Trapsc. Unstructural Trap
Trapsc. Unstructural Trapsd. Unstratigraphic
Traps Traps
Option Question Options User Response Correct Answer
FeedBack: Only a

Only b

Only c

Only d


63 Much oil and gas moves away or migrates from the True and False 1 1.00
source rock. Question Text: Much oil and gas moves away or migrates from the source rock.

Question Options User Response Correct Answer

FeedBack: True



Total Questions: 63
Assessment Report

Marks Obtained: 99.00 out of 100.00

ent 2

ent 2

Marks Obtained
e for the operating company to drill for and produce them.a.


ed a unique place for itself by meeting the need for : -


k material though which the hydrocarbons are flowing.a. Trap b.


be built by excavation in the ground or by conventional


Offline geologic structuresb. Making accuratec. Interpretations


_______ image of acoustic impedance interfaces.


eum source materials.

b. Permeablityc. hydrocarbonsd. All of above


nd reservoirs such as those beneath:a. Oil or waterb. Gas and Oilc.


s on the proximity of a trap or barrier to the source area.


Porosityd. All of above


rock ------------a. must contain quartzb. contains sand-sized



al proven reserves, was about:a) 5 percentb) 10 percentc) 15


ons like:a. Presence of highly resistant bedsb. Persistence of their

underground waters


a barrier and prevents further migration.a. Structural Trapsb.


ts, on land, under the sea and in the transition zone (the interface


mic wave velocities, since the distance of equipment down the hole is

eby prohibiting hydrocarbons from escaping upward and laterally.

materialb. up - towards the older materialc. downd. None of these

employing the appropriate source (both type and intensity), optimal
ogical features.a. Local b. Global c. Bothd. None of these

the company that makes it, the stores that sell it �all become a part


ntly flowing is known as _________

.a. Total rock areab. Total rock volume (solid and space)c. Total rock

of least resistance to the point where it either escapes or goes no

Areal closure
sources in exploration of oil, gas, and �minerals

-- borehole to a source in another borehole.

dam which is used to store ----------a. Oilb. Waterc. Gasd. Crude Oil
oc. Some timed. None of these

--- surveys to facilitate detailed geological interpretations for
tic, Ground gravityc. Airborne gravity, Ground magneticd. Airborne

nique in hydrocarbon exploration

dam which is used to store oil.

geophones in a borehole or well for sources at the earth �s surface.

ting good access to seismic lines, environmental impact and safety
s, Seismic data qualityc. source locations, data qualityd. None of
a and eventually becomes trapped under the roof.a. Source rock b.

s. They are developing and delivering total customer experiences.

co Cadiz spillc. Exxon Valdez spilld. Torrey Canyon spill
b. The actual drilling platformc. a and bd. None of these

production, was about: a) 20 percentb) 31 percentc) 42 percentd)

ty?a. quartz areniteb. arkosec. litharenited. Can't tell
at least 80 percent of the world's oil and gas has been

ature source rock.

um deposits?`
kilometer. If the radius of the Earth is about 6,000 kilometers what
0 degrees Cc. 180,000 degrees Cd. None of these

othd. None of these

out the same as the proven reserves of natural gas.b) Combustion
our and carbon dioxide. d) The combustion of 10 kg of carbon
r before it is burned in a combustion chamber.

350 degree centigradec) 600 degree centigraded) 1000 degree

h d. None of these

al Trapsb. Stratigraphic Trapsc. Unstructural Trapsd. Unstratigraphic


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