Gerwia Dam

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TianJin Huakan Group Co.Ltd

North China Engineering Investigation Institute Co.Ltd
December 2012

Authorized By: Yongxin Zhang 张永新

Approved By: Zhenyu Ma 马振宇 Mingtian Dong 董明田
Verified By: Sanxiang Xie 谢三湘 Jingbin Wang 王敬斌
Project Coordinator: Jie Ren 任杰
Examined By: Fei Liu 刘飞 Jie Ren 任杰
Compiled By: Jie Ren 任杰
Menglong Cai 蔡梦龙 Weifeng Jiang 江巍峰
Fei Liu 刘飞 Min Lu 路敏
Tao Qin 秦涛 Qianhui Ma 马千惠
Zhenyu Chang 常振宇 Xiaoning Kang 康晓宁
Xiaolan Wang 王晓兰 Guoli Zhao 赵国丽
Li Zhang 张力 Wenfei Cai 蔡文飞
Ying Liu 刘颖 Wenchao Gao 高文超

TianJin Huakan Group Co.Ltd

North China Engineering Investigation Institute Co.Ltd
December 2012
1 Introduction........................................................................................... 1
2 Hydrology.............................................................................................. 3
2.1 Catchment Overview.........................................................................3
2.2 Meteorology........................................................................................4
2.3 Basic Hydrological Information........................................................4
2.4 Runoff.................................................................................................. 6
2.5 Flood..................................................................................................13
2.6 Sediment........................................................................................... 23
3 Engineering geology.......................................................................... 25
3.1 Overview........................................................................................... 25
3.2 Geological condition of reservoir area......................................... 25
3.3 Geological conditions of key project and its evaluation............ 27
3.4 Engineering geological and evalution of original spillway........ 31
3.5 Natural construction material.........................................................33
3.6 Conclusions and suggestions........................................................36
4 Purpose and Scale of Project.......................................................... 38
4.1 Project task and essentialities....................................................... 38
4.2 Reservoir Sedimentation................................................................ 39
4.3 Scale Classification of Project....................................................... 41
5 Project layout and Structures........................................................... 54
5.1 Design Specifications......................................................................54
5.2 Present condition of the Project.................................................... 55
5.3 Selection of dam site and type, and project layout.................... 56
5.4 Water Retaining Structures............................................................57
5.5 Spillway............................................................................................. 75
5.6 Emptying Tunnel.............................................................................. 80
5.7 Observation Facilities......................................................................82
5.8 Sluice Gate and Hoist..................................................................... 82
5.9 Anti-Treatment of Left Dam Abutment..........................................82
6 Work Quantities and Construction Schedule................................ 84
6.1 Work Quantity...................................................................................84
6.2 Construction Schedule....................................................................86
7 Inundated area and land requisition............................................... 89
7.1 Inundated area.................................................................................89
7.2 Inundation loss.................................................................................89
1 Introduction
The Government of Sudan plans to build numbers of dams all over the
country. El Marwa Dam, as one of them, is mainly to solve shortage of
water supply to local residents and livestock during dry season as well
as giving consideration to flood control after completion.
El Marwa dam, medium scale of water conservancy project, has a total
storage capacity of 19,038,000 m3 and flood control capacity of
12,951,200 m3. and effective storage capacity of 4,091,200 m3. EI
Marwa reservoir, located in border area between Nile State and
Northern State, is about 170 km to the West by North of Atbara. The
dam site is at the col between EI Abraj and Sarjain Mountains. It is
around 10 km from the nearest asphalt road connecting Atbarah and
Merowe. Catchment area of El Marwa Dam covers 1,865.00 km2.
After the analysis of meteorological, hydrological and geological
conditions and field investigation, the Design Report of EI Marwa Dam
was finalized December, 2012. Engineering characteristics of the
reservoir are shown in Table 1-1.

Table1-1 Main engineering indices of EI Marwa Dam

Item Unit Indices

Catchment area km2 1865.00
Mean annual 10,000 m 671.04
25% 10,000 m3 975.72
Annual runoff
50% 10,000 m3 405.20
75% 10,000 m 84.54
20-year (design flood) m3/s 468
Peak discharge
100-year (check flood) m3/s 889
Mean annual sediment runoff 10,000 tons 18.65
Check flood level m 411.18
Design flood level m 410.08
Water Level Flood control level m 408.00
Reservoir- Normal water level m 408.00
Dead water level m 406.00
Total storage capacity 10,000 m3 1903.80

Storage Flood control storage 10,000 m3 1295.12

capacity Effective storage capacity 10,000 m3 409.12
Dead storage capacity 10,000 m3 199.55
Crest elevation m 411.50
Maximum height m 11.92
Dam Crest length(including
m 192.31
Crest width m 4.00
Crest elevation m 408.00
Main structure Spillway Crest width m 60.00
Maximum discharge m /s 565.60
Floor elevation m 406.50
Tunnel dimension (W×H) m 1.8×1.8
tunnel Sluice gate dimension
m 1.8×1.8
Maximum discharge m3/s 17.24

2 Hydrology
2.1 Catchment Overview
EI Marwa reservoir, located in the border area between Nile State and
Northern State, is about 170 km to the west by North of Atbara city. The
reservoir is featured by residual denudation hills in terrain.
The dam site is at the natural col between EI Abraj and Sarjain
Mountains. It is around 10 km from the closest asphalt road connecting
Atbarah and Merowe. The geographic coordinate of dam site is
18°6'20"N, 32°27'13" E. The valley flows from Southeast to Northwest.
Catchment area of El Marwa Dam, about 1,865.00 km2, locates
between 17°39′~18°20′ N and 32°27′~33°3′ E, with ground elevation
varies from 401.00 m to 756.00 m. Scattered trees compose main
vegetation in this area with general water and soil conservation. There
is no water conservancy project within the area at the moment.
River system in the catchment area is indicated in Figure 2-1.

The proposed El
Marwa Dam

Figure 2-1 River system in catchment area of EI Marwa Dam

2.2 Meteorology
EI Marwa reservoir locates in the border area between Nile State and
Northern State.
The annual mean temperature ranges from 26°C to 28°C, with the
lowest temperature of 4.5°C and the highest of 49.5°C.
The mean annual rainfall in this area is 36 mm. After statistical analysis
on data of Shendi, Abu Hamed and Atbara weather stations which are
near to the catchment area. Rainfall distribution within a year is uneven,
with more than 80% of rainfall in a three-month flood season, from July
to September; the rainfall has a large annual variability, with maximum
annual rainfall being 20 times over the minimum one; regional rainfall
distribution, descending from South to North, is also uneven. The
rainfall is usually characterized by large intensity in a short duration.
Mean annual water surface evaporation in this area is 2988.10 mm
from statistical analysis on data of Atbara weather station, with the
maximum amount of 328.80 mm in May and the minimum one of
163.70 mm in December. Maximum total amount of evaporation in four
consecutive months, from April to July, is 1259.80 mm, accounting for
42.2% of annual total evaporation; while the minimum one, from
November to February, is 675.50 mm, accounting only for 22.6%.

2.3 Basic Hydrological Information

Basic information on weather stations with reliable and long-series
observed data are shown in Table 2-1. Locations of these stations are
indicated in Figure 2-2.

Table 2-1 Basic information of weather stations

Name Shendi Abu Hamed Atbara

Type weather station weather station weather station

Observed Rainfall, Evaporation, Rainfall,
items Temperature Evaporation, Temperature

Annual rainfall and Annual rainfall (1941~1989)
Annual rainfall an
Data maximum daily and maximum daily rainfall
maximum daily
rainfall(1960~2010) (1960~1997)

Abu Hamed

EI Marwa Dam


Dam site


Figure 2-2 Locations of weather stations near the EI Marwa dam

2.4 Runoff

2.4.1 Analysis Procedure
There is no control catchment of hydrologic station near the dam site
sharing similar characteristics of rainfall and runoff with that of El
Marwa Dam, so observed rainfall data from Shendi, Abu Hamed, and
Atabra weather stations near the dam are referred for runoff analysis.
The above three stations share similar rainfall characteristics with that
of catchment area. The procedure of analysis is as follows,
(1) Computation of annual rainfall characteristics of above stations
through frequency analysis, followed by concluding the variation
pattern of rainfalls.
(2) Conclude characteristic value of annual rainfall and design annual
runoff under different reliabilities of catchment area.

2.4.2 Frequency analysis of annual rainfall

The statistical data of annual rainfall from Shendi, Abu Hamed, and
Atbara stations are shown in Table 2-2 ~ Table 2-4.

Table 2-2 Annual rainfalls from 1960 to 2010 at Shendi station
Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm)
1960 26.4 1977 36.5 1994 108.0
1961 144.1 1978 130.0 1995 83.1
1962 182.4 1979 184.0 1996 42.7
1963 78.1 1980 42.2 1997 25.2
1964 197.0 1981 56.6 1998 119.0
1965 71.0 1982 7.6 1999 229.4
1966 41.1 1983 32.6 2000 0.8
1967 159.0 1984 3.0 2001 37.3
1968 80.5 1985 19.8 2002 23.1
1969 3.4 1986 34.6 2003 160.3
1970 129.7 1987 72.1 2004 50.6
1971 53.0 1988 205.4 2005 41.7
1972 53.7 1989 15.8 2006 145.8
1973 35.2 1990 41.2 2007 164.3
1974 84.0 1991 29.2 2008 64.2
1975 43.0 1992 86.8 2009 58.7
1976 101.0 1993 5.8 2010 114.8

Table 2-3 Discontinuous annual rainfalls from 1983 to 2010 at Abu Hamed station
Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm)
1983 2.7 1993 1.6 2007 39.3
1985 0.4 1994 20.8 2008 11.4
1986 9.1 1995 1.0 2009 1.0
1987 11.8 1998 2.1 2010 19.4
1988 6.3 1999 15.3
1989 11.3 2002 37.0
1990 0.0 2003 0.4
1991 5.4 2005 2.2
1992 8.4 2006 18.3

Table 2-4 Annual rainfalls from 1941 to 1989 at Atbara station
Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm)
1941 17.7 1958 149.3 1975 92.2
1942 138.7 1959 85.3 1976 68.8
1943 31.7 1960 8.4 1977 111.7
1944 64.4 1961 134.4 1978 91.9
1945 68.8 1962 53.2 1979 105.9
1946 93.9 1963 16.4 1980 63.3
1947 55.7 1964 51.1 1981 27.0
1948 10.6 1965 86.9 1982 18.0
1949 39.4 1966 16.2 1983 15.5
1950 166.1 1967 55.6 1984 1.1
1951 67.3 1968 96.2 1985 33.3
1952 115.0 1969 14.7 1986 41.3
1953 106.6 1970 93.8 1987 71.0
1954 57.3 1971 11.4 1988 239.7
1955 25.9 1972 55.2 1989 50.5
1956 104.0 1973 11.9
1957 41.6 1974 51.0

Fitting the above data to Pearson Type-III distribution shows that the
theoretic frequency curve fits the empirical points well; therefore,
annual rainfall distribution is in line with the Pearson Type-III
distribution on the whole. Rainfall frequency curve of Shendi, Abu
Hamed, and Atbara stations are indicated in Figure 2-3 ~ Figure 2-5.
Thereupon then, the statistical characteristic value of annual rainfall
and design annual rainfall of weather stations under different
reliabilities are obtained, of which are shown in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Frequency analysis results of annual rainfall

Characteristic value Design value in different reliability(mm)

Mean Cv Cs / Cv 25% 50% 75% 90%

Shendi 77.55 0.83 1.7 109.12 62.95 30.27 10.66

Abu Hamed 10.24 1.34 1.7 14.82 5.59 0.75 0

Atbara 65.86 0.83 1.7 92.67 53.46 25.71 9.06

The value of average rainfall and Cv has large difference between Abu
Hamed and other two stations. However, the values of Cs/Cv are all
1.7. Then, the Cs/Cv at the catchment of dam shall be taken as 1.7.
The value of average rainfall and Cv shall be calculated by
interpolation method, on basis of position relationship between
catchment center of dam catchment and three weather stations.
As no correlation between annual runoff and rainfall could be referred,
the runoff coefficient is taken to be 0.10 after analysis of catchment
area characteristics.
The design annual runoff of catchment area of the EI Marwa Dam is
shown in Table 2-6. The annual rainfall of the EI Marwa Dam site is
shown in Figure 2-6.
Table 2-6 Design annual rainfall and runoff at the EI Marwa Dam catchment area
Characteristic value Design value in different reliabilities
mean CV CS/CV 25% 50% 75% 90%

Annual rainfall
35.98 52.32 21.73 4.53 0
1.24 1.7
Design runoff
671.04 975.72 405.20 84.54 0
(10,000 m3)

Figure 2-3 Rainfall frequency curve at Shendi station

Figure 2-4 Rainfall frequency curve at Abu Hamed station

Figure 2-5 Rainfall frequency curve at Atbara station

Figure 2-6 Rainfall frequency curve of El Marwa

2.4.3 Runoff process

The ratio of average monthly rainfalls during the flooding season from
1971~2000 of Atbara station is adopted as the model for the design

annual runoff of the EI Marwa reservoir. The EI Marwa reservoir uses
the same distribution ratio as the model by ratio method. The result is
shown in Table 2-7.
Table 2-7 the design runoff process of the EI Marwa reservoir
Item All year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Average monthly rainfall during
0 0 0 0 0 0 15.10 26.50 8.60 0 0 0 50.20
the major flooding season(10,000m3)
Ratio(%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.30 0.53 0.17 0 0 0 1
Runoff when P=50%(10,000m3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 121.88 213.90 69.42 0 0 0 405.20
Runoff when P=75%(10,000m3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 25.43 44.63 14.48 0 0 0 84.54

2.5 Flood
2.5.1 Computation standard and method
Required by design, the computation of standard project flood shall
consist of such five return periods as 20-year, 30-year, 50-year,
100-year and 300-year.
There is no catchment of hydrologic station near the dam site sharing
similar characteristics of rainfall and runoff, so observed data of annual
maximum daily rainfall from Shendi, Abu Hamed, and Atabra weather
stations are referred. The design flood shall be concluded through
storms as follows,
(1) Computation of annual rainfall characteristics of above stations
through frequency analysis, followed by concluding the variation
pattern of rainfalls; then get characteristic value of maximum daily
rainfall at catchment center of Dam.
(2) Computation of design peak discharge.
(3) Computation of design flood volume.
(4) Get design flood hydrograph.
As no well-redeveloped theoretical research or regional empirical
equation in Sudan could be referred. The computation of design flood

discharge shall employ multi-factor empirical equation from Fengzhen,
Inner Mogolia, where share similar runoff-flood with the catchment
area of El Marwa dam.

2.5.2 Design peak discharge

The observed maximum daily rainfalls at Shendi, Abu Hamed and
Atbara stations are listed in Table 2-8 ~ Table 2-10 ; Figure 2-7 ~
Figure 2-9.
Table 2-8 Maximum daily rainfall at Shendi station (1960~2010)

Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm)

1960 24.2 1977 14.5 1994 23.5

1961 41.5 1978 72.0 1995 27.0
1962 46.2 1979 82.0 1996 12.4
1963 54.4 1980 37.0 1997 11.0
1964 45.0 1981 18.3 1998 119.0
1965 43.0 1982 4.4 1999 62.3
1966 15.0 1983 16.7 2000 0.8
1967 61.0 1984 3.0 2001 15.0
1968 14.0 1985 10.8 2002 13.3
1969 3.4 1986 19.7 2003 37.4
1970 43.0 1987 47.3 2004 12.0
1971 19.7 1988 63.5 2005 12.7
1972 23.0 1989 7.0 2006 64.5
1973 20.0 1990 35.0 2007 37.5
1974 19.0 1991 17.4 2008 15.7
1975 12.0 1992 27.0 2009 28.5
1976 82.0 1993 4.0 2010 28.7

Table 2-9 Maximum daily rainfall of Abu Hamed station (1983~2010)

Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm)

1983 2.7 1993 1.1 2007 14.0

1985 0.4 1994 8.0 2008 7.0
1986 7.8 1995 1.0 2009 1.0
1987 11.7 1997 3.5 2010 7.0
1988 2.7 1998 1.4
1989 7.2 1999 15.3
1990 0 2002 37.0
1991 3.8 2003 0.4
1992 7.0 2006 12.0

Table 2-10 Maximum daily rainfall of Atbara station (1960~1997)

Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm) Year Rainfall(mm)

1960 4.0 1973 3.3 1986 15.3

1961 92.1 1974 16.8 1987 39.0
1962 15.9 1975 49.3 1988 64.0
1963 9.0 1976 49.0 1989 23.5
1964 10.0 1977 31.0 1990 0
1965 63.1 1978 52.0 1991 7.8
1966 13.1 1979 47.2 1992 13.4
1967 24.9 1980 28.6 1993 21.5
1968 58.8 1981 12.3 1994 42.0
1969 6.3 1982 18.0 1995 40.0
1970 84.2 1983 8.3 1996 30.0
1971 4.7 1984 1.1 1997 46.4
1972 18.0 1985 14.3

Figure 2-7 Maximum daily rainfall frequency curve at Shendi station(1960~2010)

Figure 2-8 Maximum daily rainfall frequency curve at Abu Hamed station (1983~2010)

Figure 2-9 Maximum daily rainfall frequency curve at Atbara station (1960~1997)

The characteristic values of annual maximum daily rainfall at Shendi,

Abu Hamed and Atbara stations and dam catchment are listed in Table
2-11 and the frequency curve of the annual maximum daily rainfall is
shown in Figure 2-10.
Table 2-11 Characteristic value of maximum daily rainfalls

The characteristic values

H24(mm) CV CS/CV

Shendi 33.81 0.88 2.1

Abu Hamed 7.6 1.51 2.1

Atbara 32.05 0.88 2.1

EI Marwa dam 25.64 1.22 2.1

Figure 2-10 Maximum daily rainfall frequency curve of EI Marwa dam

The empirical equation, including factors of catchment area,

mainstream gradient, basin shape coefficient, and 24-hour rainfall, in
Inner Mongolian Hydrology Manual is employed for computation of
peak discharge , which are shown as follows,
Qm = CH24J1/3f1/3 F0.7
Qm - annual mean peak discharge, m3/s;
C - empirical factor relating to physical geography of basin;
H24 - mean 24-hour rainfall in catchment of upstream of project
Section, mm;
J - mean gradient of main stream at designed Section;
f - basin shape factor, f =F/L2;
F - catchment area, km2;

L - mainstream length, km.
Factors in the equation are confirmed as follows,
① mainstream length, mean mainstream gradient, catchment area,

and catchment shape index.

Contour map of the area is not available. Catchment map provided by
the employer is referred for measurement and computation of
mainstream length, mean mainstream gradient, and basin shape index,
of which results are shown in table 2-12.
Table 2-12 Characteristic value of of EI Marwa Dam catchment area
Catchment Mainstream Mainstream Basin shape
area (km2) length (km) Gradient (‰) index (f)
EI Marwa Dam 1865.00 65.08 1.94 0.44

② Empirical parameter related with physical geography features of

catchment (C).
The catchment area is featured by plains and low hills. The parameter
at Fengzhen, Inner Mongolia, where has similar landform and
underlying surface, is adopted, therefore, the empirical parameter is
taken as 0.252.
③ Annual mean maximum 24-hour rainfall

Get annual maximum 24-hour storm by annual mean maximum daily

rainfall of catchment area multiplying empirical conversion factor (1.1);
and then get annual maximum 24-hour point rainfall as 28.20 mm
through Person Type-III frequency curve; as reduction factor between
point-area rainfalls is 0.91, the annual maximum areal rainfall shall be
25.64 mm.
④ Design peak discharge

Substitute the above parameters into the equation to calculate mean

peak discharge. Referring to Inner Mongolian Hydrology Manual, take

Cv as 1.5 and Cs/Cv as 2.5. The design peak discharge in different
return periods are shown in Table 2-13 and Figure 2-11.
Table 2-13 The design peak discharge of EI Marwa dam
Return period 10-year 20-year 50-year 100-year 300-year

The design peak

119.31 468 569 702 889 1198
discharge (m3/s)

Figure 2-11 frequency curve of the design flood peak discharge

2.5.3 Design flood volume

Inner Mongolian Hydrology Manual is adopted to compute the design
flood volume as follows,
W24=CW F0.79
W24P=KP W24
W24 - mean 24-hour flood volume (10,000 m³);
F - catchment area (km2);
CW - flood volume parameter;
W24P - 24-hour flood volume under different frequencies (10,000
Kp - modulus ratio under different frequency.
Take the parameter from Fengzhen, Inner Mogolia, where share
similar landform and underlying surface; thereof upon, the value of Cw
is 1.87. W24 is calculated as 7,172,600 m³. As Cv is 1.3, and Cs/Cv is
2.5, the design flood volume is calculated and shown in Table 2-14 and
Figure 2-12.
Table 2-14 Design flood volume of catchment area of EI Marwa Dam

Return period 10- year 20 -year 50- year 100 -year 300 -year

Flood amount
3 717.26 1779.60 2572.86 3694.27 4579.43 6026.37
(10,000 m )

Figure 2-12 frequency curve of the design flood peak discharge

2.5.4 Design flood hydrograph

Simplified flood hydrograph shall be calculated by the method in Inner
Mongolian Hydrology Manual. As per the partition coefficient of the
simplified flood hydrograph, peak discharge, and flood volume, the
design flood hydrograph under different frequencies are obtained and
shown in Table 2-15 and Figure 2-13.

Table 2-15 Design flood hydrograph of EI Marwa Dam (unit: m3/s)
10-year 50-year 100-year 300-year
Time (h) return return return return
return period
period period period period

0 0 0 0 0 0
1 55 84 126 160 216
3 120 183 274 347 467
4 187 285 428 542 731
6 249 379 568 720 971
7 307 468 702 889 1198
8 279 426 638 809 1090
10 252 384 575 729 983
13 197 299 449 569 767
16 154 234 351 444 599
18 117 178 267 338 455
23 77 117 175 222 300
30 46 70 105 133 180
35 25 37 56 71 96
42 9 14 21 27 36
49 0 0 0 0 0

Design flood hydrograph

20-year return year
1200 flood hydrograph
1000 30-year return year
discharge(m 3/s)

flood hydrograph
800 50-year return year
600 flood hydrograph
100-year return year
400 flood hydrograph
200 300-year return year
flood hydrograph
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 2-13 Design flood hydrograph of EI Marwa Dam

2.6 Sediment
Observed sediment data around EI Marwa Dam are unavailable. The
underlying surface in the catchment area shows a low coverage of
vegetation, mainly weeds and scattered trees. Referring to Catchment
Erosion Modulus Zoning Map, the annual average erosion modulus
shall be taken as 100 t/km2·a. Consequently, the mean annual
sediment discharge at design section of EI Marwa Dam is estimated to
be about 186,500 tons.

3 Engineering geology
3.1 Overview
Based on the general agreement for earth rock-fill dam, North China
Engineering Investigation Institute undertook the geological
investigation in February, 2012. The main works are the exploration of
hydro-geological conditions to definite the depth, lithology, categories,
status and ground water level of each stratum; on the basis of those
explorations, to provide the physical mechanical properties and
permeability of each stratum. Besides, the investigation to natural
construction materials is carried out.
In these works, 7 boreholes drilling for 81.85 m and 13 times SPT were
accomplished, 3 double ring permeability tests and 6 percolation tests
in borehole, 12 trail pits were dug in the reservoir areas and 29 groups
of specimens were taken, etc.

3.2 Geological condition of reservoir area

3.2.1 Landform and landscape
EI Marwa reservoir locates in the boundary region between Nile state
and Northern state, 170 km to the northwest of Atbarah city. The dam
site is at the mountain pass between EI Abraj and Sarjain. The dam
site has a trend of decreasing altitude from northwest to southeast.
Surface around the dam site is covered with thick quandary fluvial soil,
with exposed bedrock in part of residual hills.

3.2.2 Introduction to areal geology

El Marwa reservoir is located in a relatively stable region. No structural
movement was observed since late Pleistocene. According to earth
quake records of Sudan, earthquake density in Sudan is less than 6

degree. Geological structure of dam site area is stable.
Based on geological map of Sudan (2004, scale: 1:2,000,000) and site
investigation data, the surface stratum in reservoir area is mainly
quaternary fluvial layer with underlying bedrock. Bedrock is mainly
series of intrusive metamorphic rock, which is composed of silica shale,
granitic porphyry, granite, quartz and quartz sand stone with laminated
strikes of country rock of silica shale, intruded inhomogeneously in
metamorphic rock, formed by sedimentary rock (shale and sandstone)
after going through regional metamorphisms, contact metamorphism
and hydrothermal liquid intrusion.
Based on this investigation, no malicious geological structure such as
significant fault etc is observed.

3.2.3 Hydro-geological conditions

Featured by flat topography, rare vegetation cover and a feel desert
bushes, El Marwa reservoir is situated in low mountain pass area with
the lowest elevation of around 400.80 m.
Water resources of El Marwa reservoir are mainly supplied by naturally
collected rainfall in the valley in rainy season. The river is seasonal
river flowing basically from southeast to the northwest. During the
period of investigation, river channel is dry.
This area is drought-ridden area where the groundwater, which exists
only in limited quantity, changes in level as the changing of seasons.
No groundwater is observed during investigation. Based on
investigations, ground water level is around 20 m.

3.2.4 Reservoir seepage

Based on site survey and disclosed information by test pits, strata of
reservoir area is mainly composed of quaternary alluvial-proluvial layer
and denudated residual slope deposit, inhomogeneous distributed,
with inhomogeneous thickness of layer, partly with bigger thickness.
Based on the field investigation, the surface layer of quaternary
alluvial-proluvial soil layer is medium-strong impervious to water,
identified as pervious layer. Based on test pits excavated, surface soil
is loose but deep layers of soil have relative density, identified as weak
pervious layer. Underlying bedrock below the residual slope deposit
soil, has poor permeability, identified as relative confining bed.
According to Sudan geological map, no significant fault exists,
therefore no serious water seepage will happen after impounding of

3.2.5 Stability evaluation of the reservoir area

Based on information of geological investigation, no obvious fault is
observed within the reservoir area, no malicious geological
phenomenon is observed within disclosed depth; at the same time, no
landslide, collapse etc. affecting the stability of the reservoir banks
exist, stability of the reservoir area is good.

3.3 Geological conditions of key project and its evaluation

3.3.1 Strata of dam site
Based on information disclosed by drilling of boreholes, depth of
bedrock on dam axis closed to dam shoulders is small, while the
middle part of the dam is covered with thick layer of soil. Bed rock is
not disclosed by borehole. It is estimated that it is formed by ancient
river washout which cut down the ground into V shape valley and come
into being after quaternary alluvial-proluvial deposit. According to age
of strata, type of forming reasons, lithology and physic mechanical
characteristics, foundation soil layers within investigated depth are
classified as following:

① Layer of man-made soil: yellow brown, inhomogeneous of soil,
mainly composed of silty sand, with medium to coarse sand, partly with
silty clay, with high content of silt and clay particles. This layer is filling
of original dam, with thickness of 2.75 - 8.05 m, elevation of bottom
layer of 406.80 - 401.41 m as disclosed in borehole 01, 02 and 03.
② Layer of fine sand: yellow brown, dry – slightly moist, loose –
medium dense, mainly composed of particles of quartz and feldspar,
with minor mica, poor separation, with some clay, inhomogeneous soil
layer, with thin layer of silty sand and gravel sand. Thickness of this
layer is 0.80 - 3.05 m, elevation of layer bottom is 402.15 - 400.07 m,
disclosed in all boreholes with exception of borehole 01.
②-1 Layer of silty clay: yellow brown, partly dark grey, with plasticity,
no obvious shaking reaction, low toughness, medium dry strength,
inhomogeneous, with intercalation of thin layer of silt. This layer is
disclosed only in borehole 04, in form of lens, disclosed depth of 1.45
②-2 Silty sand: yellow brown, slightly moist, loose, mainly composed
of particles of quartz, feldspar etc, with about 10% of clay, partly with
silty clay clump. This layer is disclosed in borehole 04, in the form of
lens, in depth of 0.80 m.
③ Silty sand: yellow brown, slightly moist, slightly - medium dense,
mainly composed of particles of quartz, feldspar etc, poor separation,
well graded, with medium to coarse sand and fine round gravel, with
high content of clay and silt, cores are in soil column, with high dry
strength, partly with calcium cementation, inhomogeneous of sand,
partly with high content of medium to coarse sand. Undisturbed
sample can not be taken. Based on engineering experiences, cohesive
strength value is recommended as 12.0 Kpa, friction angle is 27.0°.
This layer is disclosed in borehole 03, 06 and 07 in main river channel,
with elevation of top layer of 400.07 - 398.94 m, partly disclosed,
maximum disclosed depth of 7.40 m.
③-1 Medium sand: yellow brown, moist, dense, mainly composed of
particles of quartz, feldspar etc, well separated, pure sand texture, with
minor clay, with intercalation of thin layer of sand. This layer is
disclosed in downstream borehole 06, with maximum disclosed
thickness of 3.30 m.
③-2 Fine sand: yellow brown, moist, dense, mainly composed of
particles of quartz, feldspar, and minor mica, inhomogeneous layer of
soil, with intercalation of thin layer of silty sand, with some clay, partly
with high content of clay, with trace of fine round gravel. This layer is
disclosed in downstream borehole 06, with maximum disclosed depth
of 3.30 m.
④ Highly weathered granite porphyry: grey red, with main mineral of
quartz, feldspar etc, porphyritic texture, well jointed, cores are in forms
of fragments – short columns, joint surface with iron stained, soft. This
layer is disclosed in borehole 01 and 02 on right dam shoulder with
layer depth of 0.70 - 1.20 m, elevation of layer bottom of 405.60 -
397.66 m.
④-1 Highly weathered quartz: grey red, mainly composed of minerals
of quartz and a little feldspar etc, crystalloblastic texture, block
structure, well jointed, cores are in forms of fragment - short columns,
joint surfaces are mostly iron-stained, hard,. This layer, 0.25 - 2.70 m
thick, with a layer bottom elevation of 397.22 - 396.66 m, is disclosed
in borehole 04 and 05 on left dam abutment.
⑤ Moderately weathered granitic porphyry: grey red, mainly composed
of minerals of quartz, feldspar etc, porphyritic texture, porphyritic
crystal is feldspar, lumpy structure, slightly jointed, cores are in forms
of short - long columns, part of joint surface is stained with iron, hard,
knock by hammer make clear sound. This layer is partly disclosed in
borehole 01 and 02, with maximum disclosed depth of 5.15 m.
⑤-1 Moderately weathered quartz stone: grey red, mainly composed
of minerals of quartz, and a little feldspar, porphyritic texture, lumpy
structure, well jointed, cores are in forms of short to long column, joint
surfaces normally are closed, part of joint surfaces are iron-stained,
hard, knock by hammer make a clear sound. This layer is partly
disclosed in borehole 04 and 05 with maximum disclosed depth of 5.00

3.3.2 Standard values of foundation bearing capacity

According to lithology, physical mechanical indexes of the stratum and
in-situ tests, standard values of foundation bearing capacity are listed
in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Standard foundation bearing capacity of each layer
fak(KPa)feature value of
No. of layer Rock Name
bearing capacity

① Man-made fill -

② Fine sand 100

②-1 Silty clay 90

②-2 Silty sand 100

③ Siltty sand 240

③-1 Medium sand 260

③-2 Fine sand 250

④ Highly weathered granitic porphyry 400

④-1 Highly weathered quartz 500

⑤ Moderately weathered granitic porphyry 1000

⑤-1 Moderately weathered quartz 1000

3.3.3 Permeability of foundation soil
During the process of investigation, in order to find out the permeability
of dam site soil, falling head permeability test in boreholes on dam axis
was performed. The permeability coefficients of each layer are listed in
Table 3-2.
Table3-2 Permeability coefficient of each layer

Layer No Name of rock Recommended permeability(cm/s)

① Man-made soil 4.6E-05

② Fine sand 1.2E-03

②-1 Silty clay 1.0E-05

②-2 Silty sand 5.0E-05

③ Silty sand 1.5E-06

③-1 Medium sand 5.0E-05

③-2 Fine sand 2.0E-05

3.4 Engineering geological and evalution of original spillway

3.4.1 Strata of spillway
Located 1 km to the east of the dam site, spillway is another narrow
mountain pass (about 100 m wide) of this mountain series. During
construction of the original dam, a 20 m wide flood discharge trench
was excavated, leaving the excavated material on both sides of the
trench. Strata disclosed by excavation from the reservoir area to 150 m
downstream are mainly quaternary alluvial-proluvial deposit soil, strata
disclosed by the rest sections of trench are quaternary alluvial-proluvial
soil layer and completely – highly weathered rock. To find out the strata
situation of the spillway section, a test pit is excavated manually to a
depth where further excavation by pickaxe is difficult on original trench
axis and inside the narrow mountain passes. Based on information
disclosed by above said test pits and features of soil strata, foundation
soil within investigated depth is classified as:
②-3 Layer of coarse sand: yellow brown, dry, loose, mainly composed
of particles of quartz and feldspar, with minor mica, poor separation,
with a little clay. This layer is 0.50 m thick, with bottom layer elevation
of 408.54 m.
②-5 Silty sand: yellow brown, dry, slightly dense, mainly composed of
quartz, feldspar, poor separation, with a little coarse sand and fine
round gravel, with high content of clay and silt particles, good verticality
of soil body, with high dry strength. This layer has a maximum
thickness of 1.30 m, bottom elevation of 407.24 – 406.87 m.
③ Silty sand: yellow brown, slightly moist, slightly to medium dense,
mainly composed of particles of quartz, feldspar etc, poorly separated,
well graded, with coarse sand and fine round gravel, partly with
calcium cementation, inhomogeneous sand, partly with high content of
medium coarse sand. Undisturbed can not be taken in this layer.
Based on engineering experiences, the recommended cohesive
strength value is 12.0 KPa, friction angle is 27.0°. This layer is not
completely disclosed with maximum disclosed thickness of 0.60 m.
③-3 Medium sand: white, dry, dense, mainly composed of particles of
quartz, feldspar and calcium carbonate etc, poor separation, with
coarse sand and fine round gravel, calcium cementation, with strong
reaction with hydrochloric acid, excavation by pickaxe is difficult. This
layer is not completely disclosed, with maximum disclosed depth of
0.20 m.

3.4.2 The bearing capacity of foundation soil

Based on physic mechanical parameters and in-situ test result of
similar strata of the dam axis, bearing capacities of each layer of soil

(fak)are given in Table 3-3.
Table3-3 Feature value of each layer of soil
Layer No. Name of rock Feature value of bearing capacity fak(KPa)

②-3 Coarse sand 100

②-5 Silty sand 150

③ Silty sand 240

③-3 Medium sand 280

3.5 Natural construction material

3.5.1 Soil quarry
Located on the south side of the dam site (GPS coordinate: 442305,
2001675), with a straight distance of about 350 m to the dam site, main
soil borrow area has an estimated storage of above 100,000 m³ with a
generally flat topography, and good transportation conditions where
heavy duty truck is accessible during dry season. In order to guarantee
sufficient soil materials so as to satisfy the designed quantity, a
sub-borrow area located 1 km to the east of the dam site is
investigated (GPS coordinate: 443308,2002163) with a estimated total
storage of about 50,000 m³.
Based on site inspection and test pits excavation, main borrow area is
silt of low liquid limit, yellow brown, slightly dense, unobvious shaking
reaction, with layer thickness of 1.0 – 2.5 m, widely distributed, only
removal of surface thin layer of Aeolian sand is required before
excavation, easy for exploitation. The sub-borrow area is silty sand,
yellow brown, slightly dense, with fine soil content more than 30%, with
thickness of about 1.0 m, with wide distribution, removal of sand soil
about 0.7 m thick is required before exaction, condition of exploitation
is relatively bad.
Based on civil engineering test results, average free swelling rate of
soil materials of main borrow area δef = 10.0% , which proves that this
material is not swelling soil. Permeability coefficient after compaction is
2.57E-06 cm/s, slightly pervious, average maximum dry density ρdmax =
1.91 g/cm3 , average optimum water content ωop = 11.97%, average
organic matter content is 1.69%, average cohesive strength by straight
& fast shearing is 25.6 KPa, average friction angle is 28.3°, suitable for
dam construction material. Soil from sub-borrow area, average free
swelling rate δef = 11.5%, is not swelling soil, permeability coefficient
after compaction is 2.32E-06 cm/s, slightly pervious, average
maximum dry density ρdmax = 2.00 g/cm3 , average optimum water
content ωop = 10.2%, average organic matter content is 1.24%,
suitable for dam construction material.
In accordance with locations of borrow areas, storage and civil
engineering test results, soil material of main borrow area is better than
that of the sub-borrow area. Priority shall be given to main borrow area
during construction of dam. Surface Aeolian sand shall be removed
before excavation of soil material so as to guarantee the quality of soil

3.5.2 Sand quarry

Located on the right side of the dam site (GPS coordinate: 442384,
2001865), sand borrow area has a total storage of more than 10,000
m³ and a short transportation distance of about 150 m to the dam site.
In order to guarantee sufficient sand material and satisfy the designed
quantity in need, a sub-borrow area (GPS coordinate: 442224 ,
2002161), on right side down stream of the main river channel is
investigated with a total storage of sand material of about 20,000 m³.
Based on site investigation and site excavation, sand is mainly of
medium to coarse sand, mainly composed of quartz and feldspar etc,
rounded lozenge shaped, well graded, dry, loose - slightly dense. Sand
material in main borrow area has an average clay content of 6.1%,
more than 1.0 m thick, deposited in strips on right side of main river
channel upstream of dam site, easy for exploitation; sand material in
sub-borrow area has an average clay content of 10.8%, about 0.5 m
thick, deposited in strips on right side of the main river channel
downstream of dam site, easy for exploitation. It is not in accordance
with the specifications due to high content of clay. As a construction
material for dam, overmuch clay and silt shall be removed by sieving
before use.
Based on locations storage, and civil engineering test results of borrow
areas, sand material of main borrow area is better than that of
sub-borrow area. Priority shall be given to the main borrow area during
construction of dam.

3.5.3 Gravel quarry

Located to the northeast of the dam site (GPS coordinate:
442867,2002632), gravel borrow area has an estimated storage of
around 10,000 m³ (enough for designed quantity) and a short
transportation distance of 1 km to the dam site where is accessible to
the heavy duty truck. Gravel material is weathered angular gravel,
dispersed at the foot of the mountain slope, deposited mainly on
surface, which can be collected by sieving after collected firstly by
loader. In case the collection of gravel is inconvenient, block stones
can be crushed into crushed stones which can be used as coarse
aggregate for concrete.
Gravel material mainly is angular gravel of weathered quartz, including
minerals of mainly quartz, feldspar, mica etc, hard, weathering &
corrode-resistant, suitable for dam construction material.

3.5.4 Block stone quarry
Located on residual hills to southeast of the dam site (GPS coordinate:
442516,2001633), 600 m from the dam site (short transportation
distance). Block stones are large blocks of granites, can be used as
construction block stones after being broken, estimated storage of
20,000 m³, sufficient for designed quantity.
Block stones are granite, granitic structure, block tectonic, with
average dry density of > 2.4 t/m³, saturated average uniaxial
compressive strength of 81.2 MPa, suitable for dam construction. Part
of the block stones has a weak surface due to long term weathering
process, which should be removed before being broken.

3.6 Conclusions and suggestions

(1) No saturated silt and sand above the depth of 20 m, identified as
non-liquefied field.
(2) Based on local geology and information disclosed by this
investigation activity, no significant faults run through the dam site; no
malicious geological phenomenon such as landslide, collapse etc is
observed within the disclosed depth of investigation, stability within the
reservoir area is good.
(3) The reservoir area is covered by loose quaternary alluvial-proluvial
deposit and residual slope deposit, highly pervious, but deep soil and
underlying bedrock have a low permeability, identified as relative
impervious layer, duet to absence of significant fault fractured zone, no
serious seepage problems will happen after impounding of reservoir.
(4) No cultivated area around the reservoir area, and only several local
family living around, which means that little influence will be caused to
the local environment.

(5) Based on geological information of the dam site, it is suggested that
the residual part of original dam be removed by excavation, the
quaternary alluvial-proluvial deposit be removed at dam sections
where underlying bedrock is deep. Bed rock ④ highly weathered
granitic porphyry, ④-1 highly weathered quartz, ⑤ moderately
weathered granitic porphyry and ⑤-1 moderately weathered quartz is
suggested to be used as the bearing course of the dam foundation.
Due to the deep underlying bedrock at the middle section of the dam,
③ silty sand is proposed to be the bearing course. Considering the fact
that bearing course of the dam is composed of different strata, uneven
settlement of the dam is possible to occur, it is recommended to adopt
suitable dam type and dam body structure or other effective measures
approved by testing research or engineering practices.
(6) Based on strata situation of spillway, it is recommended to excavate
above original spillway foundation, taking ③ silty sand as the bearing
(7) It was dry season during investigation when there was no upland
water, no groundwater was discovered within investigated depth.
Based on local experiences, stable groundwater level is around 20 m
deep, therefore construction during dry season can proceed without
considering the influences of groundwater to the excavation of
foundation pit.
(8) Natural construction material resources i.e. soil, sand and crushed
stone borrow area and block stone quarry have abundant storage of
material which can meet the need of dam construction in respect of
quality and quantity.
(9) After excavation of foundation pit, inspection shall be carried out so
as to deal with any problem might be encountered.
4 Purpose and Scale of Project
4.1 Project task and essentialities
4.1.1 Project essentialities
Northern State locates in the middle north of Sudan. Local residents
here are mostly engaged in farming such as millet, sorghum, sesame,
cotton, fruits, vegetable and also in cultivating cattle, sheep and goats,
etc. It is rich in rainfalls but mainly during rainy season (July -
September). So the rain slips away due to lack of necessary converge
projects, making the area lack in water. As a result, water supply to
people and livestock in Northern is extremely in shortage.
For that, government of Sudan has implemented an integrated
planning for water harvesting to particularly relief the short of water
supply to people and livestock in such area as Northern. Such a
number of converge projects are planned to build as reservoirs, dams
for harvesting and storing rainfalls.

4.1.2 Project task and standard Project essentialities
EI Marwa reservoir is mainly to supply potable water to residents and
livestock from surrounding villages, and to improve flood control at
downstream by regulation of flood. Standard of reservoir
EI Marwa reservoir, medium-scale water conservancy project, has a
total storage capacity of 19,038,000m3. According to GB50201-1994
(Standard of Flood Control) and SL252-2000 (Standard for
Classification and Flood Control of Water Resources and Hydroelectric
Project), as the project locates at plains, it is classified as Rank Ⅲ.
Concerning the storage capacity and water-retaining height of the dam,

design flood control standard is determined to be 20-year return period
while check flood control standard to be 100-year return period.
According to SL310-2004 (Water Conservancy Engineering in
Countries and Towns), reliability of water supply for residents and
animals in villages varies between 90% and 95%. Taking into
consideration target group of water supply, water resources conditions,
and economic development in the area, the reliability of water supply is
determined to be 75%.

4.2 Reservoir Sedimentation

As erosion by flood to soil in drainage basin, sediment transported by
the upstream river system is deposited into the reservoir. On basis
hydrology analysis, annual average sediment discharge is 186,500
tons, so that the estimated sedimentation in the reservoir shall reach
up to 3,730,000 tons after 20-year operation of the dam. Assuming the
unit weight is 1.35 t/m3, the deposited storage capacity of the reservoir
would be 2,763,000 m3. In this way, the elevation of sediment shall
reach up to 406.45 m should all of them are deposited into the
Relationship among water level-storage ~ capacity-area for EI Marwa
reservoir is shown in Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1.

Table 4-1 Relations among water level-storage~capacity-area for EI Marwa reservoir

Water level (m) Area(km2) Storage capacity(10,000m3)

401 0.0020 0.10

402 0.0189 1.04

403 0.1710 9.60

404 0.6107 40.13

405 1.1555 97.90

406 2.0330 199.55

407 3.4121 370.16

408 4.7703 608.68

409 6.2626 921.81

410 7.8758 1315.59

411 9.6963 1800.41

412 11.6730 2384.06

413 13.8928 3078.70

Figure 4-1 water level-storage capacity-area curve of EI Marwa reservoir

4.3 Scale Classification of Project
4.3.1 Selecting characteristic water levels
(1) Dead storage level
Dead storage level refers to the minimum level of water drawdown
under normal operation of reservoir. Dead storage level should be
determined after comprehensive analysis on requirements from water
authorities and sedimentation in reservoir. The project is mainly for
supply of potable water for local inhabitants and livestock. Hence,
sedimentation shall be the main concern to determine dead storage
It is estimated that elevation of sediments in front of embankment shall
reach up to 406.45 m. Limited by topography, the total storage capacity
is small. If allow for dead storage capacity according to sediments, the
active storage capacity and water supply benefit shall decrease. For
this reason, it is planned to take non-structual measures, such as
adequate discharging of sediment through emptying tunnel at the
beginning of flood. In addition, artifical desilting should be carried out to
restore active storage and increase reservoir benefit. So the dead
storage level after comprehensive analysis shall be determined at
406.00 m with corresponding storage capacity of 1,995,500 m3.
(2) Normal water level
Normal water level refers to the level which water should be stored at
beginning of water supply period. The storage capacity between
normal water level and dead storage level is called effective storage.
Determination of normal water level shall take into consideration the
inundation area, social economy, and environment affect.
EI Marwa reservoir is mainly for supply of potable water for local
inhabitants and livestock. Higher normal water level means larger

effective storage capacity, more water supplies, and more
socioeconomic benefit; but also means larger inundation area and
higher cost. For this reason, on basis of site topography, runoff in
catchment area, and water storage level of original reservoir, it is
determined to take runoff at 50% reliability as active storage capacity
so as to maximize storaged water but without too large storage
Accordingly the normal water level shall be at 408.00 m with
corresponding storage capacity of 6,086,800 m3 including dead
storage of 1,995,500 m3 and effective storage of 4,091,200 m3.

4.3.2 Regulation of active storage capacity Operation principles
The water storage shall adopt Initial-Start approach. The storage shall
commence upon there is water surplus during storage period. Surplus
water, if any, shall be discharged after active storage capacity is full.
Regulation is carried out within effective storage capacity of reservoir. Computation of reservoir regulation
The empty reservoir stores water when the inflow surpasses the water
need, then it is filled full after a while. Once the inflow is less than the
water need, the reservoir discharges water and gets empty. This time
duration of emptying - storing - emptying cycle is called regulation
period. And the regulation period can be divided into several time
periods and calculated respectively. When the reservoir regulates the
inflow to meet the water need, there are water loses.
When calculating the water loses, the water balance equation for a
certain period of time is as follow,
∆V = (Q − qc − ql − qs )∆t = Wi − Wc −Wl −Ws

△V - the water storage difference between the beginning and
the end of the time period(10,000 m3)

△t - time duration(s)

Q - reservoir inflow amount(m3/s)

qc - water consumption(m3/s)

ql - water lose of the reservoir(m3/s)

qs - surplus water of the reservoir(m3/s)
Wi - reservoir inflow amount(10,000 m3);
Wc - water consumption(10,000 m3);
Ws - surplus water of the reservoir(10,000 m3);
Wl - water lose of the reservoir ( 10,000 m3 ), including the
reservoir water surface evaporation We and reservoir
seepage lose Ws. Computation procedure
(1) Inflow
Water consumptions at upstream of reservoir is negligible; therefore,
natural inflow at different reliability shall be considered as the inflow
(2) Evaporation loss (We)
Evaporation loss refers to the net loss from water surface evaporation
in reservoir after dam completion, namely,
We = (Ew-P)·F
F - water surface area (km2);
Ew - water surface evaporation from evaporation pan (mm);
P - Received rainfall within a corresponding period in reservoir
Ew and P is analyzed and computed by the evaporation and rainfall

data from Abu Hamed station, of which results are shown in table 4-2.
Table 4-2 Monthly Evaporation (Ew-P)
factor Water
between surface Rainfall Ew-P
Month of PICHE Days
PICHE and evaporation P (mm) (mm)
large Ew (mm)
meter (mm)
1 13.5 31 0.40 167.4 0 167.4
2 15.0 28 0.40 168.0 0 168.0
3 18.1 31 0.50 280.6 0 280.6
4 20.1 30 0.52 313.6 0 313.6
5 20.4 31 0.52 328.8 0 328.8
6 20.7 30 0.52 322.9 0 322.9
7 19.0 31 0.50 294.5 1.4 293.1
8 18.0 31 0.50 279.0 2.4 276.6
9 18.5 30 0.50 277.5 0.8 276.7
10 17.4 31 0.40 215.8 0 215.8
11 14.7 30 0.40 176.4 0 176.4
12 13.2 31 0.40 163.7 0 163.7
year 365 2988.1 4.5 2983.6

(3) Reservoir seepage (Ws)

Seepage loss refers to seepage at dam body, foundation, abutment,
reservoir area and banks. It is subject to geology of reservoir, dam site,
dam, and construction quality. For lack of observed data, referring to
study on existing dams, the monthly seepage loss factor (α) shall be
3% after analysis on empirical relationship between monthly seepage
and water storage. Then, seepage loss shall be obtained by monthly
water storage multiplying seepage loss factor (α).
(4) Computation to active storage regulation
Typical year method is adopted for computation. Taking monthly
natural inflow as reservoir inflow, the consuming water of residents and
animals from nearby villages and towns as water consumption, water
supply reliability as 50% and 75% respectively, by the year of 2032, the

storage capacity under 50% or 75% respectively is computed and
shown below in Table 4-3 and Table 4-4.

Table 4-3 Computation result of beneficial regulation in reliability of 50%
Storage Storage
capacity capacity The
Runoffs Water
at the at the average Water
into the supply Evaporation Water storage
beginning end of monthly surface Evaporation Seepage Total Surplus water
Month reservoir amount depth changes
of the the storage area (10,000m3) (10,000m3) loses (10,000m3)
(10,000 (10,000 (mm) (10,000m3)
month month (10,000 (km2)
(10,000 (10,000 m3) m 3)
m3) m3)
7 0 75.99 37.99 121.88 10 293.1 1.17 34.40 1.50 35.90 0.00 75.99
8 75.99 209.10 142.54 213.90 10 276.6 2.42 67.07 3.72 70.79 0.00 133.11
9 209.10 200.81 204.95 69.42 10 276.7 2.32 64.18 3.53 67.71 0.00 -8.29
10 200.81 148.89 174.85 0 10 215.8 1.82 39.30 2.63 41.92 0.00 -51.92
11 148.89 111.67 130.28 0 10 176.4 1.43 25.27 1.95 27.22 0.00 -37.22
12 111.67 81.77 96.72 0 10 163.7 1.13 18.47 1.43 19.89 0.00 -29.89
1 81.77 55.79 68.78 0 10 167.4 0.89 14.94 1.05 15.99 0.00 -25.99
2 55.79 34.08 44.93 0 10 168.0 0.66 11.03 0.68 11.71 0.00 -21.71
3 34.08 13.52 23.80 0 10 280.6 0.36 10.21 0.35 10.56 0.00 -20.56
4 13.52 0.00 6.76 0 9.5 313.6 0.12 3.91 0.11 4.02 0.00 -13.52
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 328.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 322.9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
All 405.20 99.50 2983.6 288.77 16.92 305.69 0.00

Table 4-4 Computation result of beneficial regulation in reliability of 75%
Storage Storage
capacity capacity The
Runoffs Water
at the at the average Water
into the supply Evaporation Water storage
beginning end of monthly surface Evaporation Seepage Total Surplus water
Month reservoir amount depth changes
of the the storage area (10,000m3) (10,000m3) loses (10,000m3)
(10,000 (10,000 (mm) (10,000m3)
month month (10,000 (km2)
(10,000 (10,000 m 3) m3)
m3) m3)
7 0 13.32 6.66 25.43 2.41 293.1 0.32 9.40 0.30 9.70 0.00 13.32

8 13.32 36.15 24.73 44.63 2.41 276.6 0.68 18.68 0.71 19.39 0.00 22.83
9 36.15 30.20 33.18 14.48 2.41 276.7 0.63 17.39 0.63 18.02 0.00 -5.94
10 30.20 18.94 24.57 0 2.41 215.8 0.39 8.48 0.38 8.85 0.00 -11.26
11 18.94 11.65 15.30 0 2.41 176.4 0.26 4.64 0.24 4.88 0.00 -7.29
12 11.65 6.44 9.05 0 2.41 163.7 0.16 2.66 0.14 2.79 0.00 -5.20
1 6.44 2.46 4.45 0 2.41 167.4 0.09 1.49 0.08 1.57 0.00 -3.98
2 2.46 0.00 1.23 0 2.15 168.0 0.02 0.30 0.02 0.32 0.00 -2.47
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 280.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 313.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 328.8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 322.9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

All 84.54 19.02 2983.6 63.05 2.48 65.52 0.00

From the Table 4-3 and 4-4, the year water supply in reliability of 50%
is 995,000 m3 and the supply period is 10 months. The year water
supply in reliability of 75% is 190,200 m3 and the supply period is 8
months. The higher the reliability is, the less water could be supplied. Analysis to water supply
The data of the residents and livestock around the EI Marwa reservoir
area are unknown. The monthly water supply in reliability of 50% is
around 100,000 m3 and the supply period is 10 months. The monthly
water supply in reliability of 75% is 24,100 m3 and the supply period is
8 months.
The EI Marwa reservoir supplys water to the residents and livestock
near the area. In line with the water-consumption quota and the growth
rate of men and livestock in Sudan from the report 《Alragaba Alzarga
Water Harvesting Project Environment & Socioeconomy Study》, it is
synthetically determined that the water-consumption quota of men,
donkeys, cattle and sheep would be 27.42 L/day, 16.71 L/day, 27.46
L/day and 13.25 L/day respectively; and the growth rate is 1.5% for
population, 1% for donkeys, 2.8% for cattle and 4.3% for sheep. When
the water supply in reliability of 50% and the supply period is 10
months (July - April), there shall be enough water for 16,689 people,
3,485 donkeys, 36,011 cattle and 28,751 sheep after 20 years, shown
in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5 Predicted water consumption of EI Marwa reservoir after 20 years in reliability of
After Water Monthly Annual
Present Quantity 20 consumption water water
Rate Years
situation (No.) Years quota Consumption Consumption
(No.) (L/D) (10000 m3) (10000 m3)
Man 16689 1.5 20 22477 27.42 1.87 22.48

Donkey 3485 1 20 4252 16.71 0.22 2.59

Cattle 36011 2.8 20 62560 27.46 5.22 62.67

Sheep 28751 4.3 20 66732 13.25 2.69 32.26

Total 10.00 120.00

When the water supply in reliability of 75% and the supply period is 8
months (July - February), there shall be enough water for 4,022 people,
840 donkeys, 8,679 cattle and 6,929 sheep after 20 years, shown in
Table 4-6.
Table 4-6 Predicted water consumption of EI Marwa reservoir after 20 years in reliability of
After Water Monthly Annual
Present Quantity 20 consumption water water
Rate Years
situation (No.) Years quota Consumption Consumption
(No.) (L/D) (10000 m3) (10000 m3)
Man 4022 1.5 20 5417 27.42 0.45 5.42

Donkey 840 1 20 1025 16.71 0.05 0.63

Cattle 8679 2.8 20 15077 27.46 1.26 15.10

Sheep 6929 4.3 20 16082 13.25 0.65 7.77

Total 2.41 28.92

4.3.3 Reservoir capacity for flood control Flood control standard
EI Marwa reservoir, medium-scale water conservancy project, has a
total storage capacity of 19,038,000m3. According to GB50201-1994
(Standard of Flood Control) and SL252-2000 (Standard for
Classification and Flood Control of Water Resources and Hydroelectric
Project), as the project locates at plains, it is classified as Rank Ⅲ.
Concerning the storage capacity and water-retaining height of the dam,
design flood control standard is determined to be 20-year return period
while check flood control standard to be 100-year return period. Flood control principle
The flood control is under the principle of water balance and dynamic
balance. The water balance is shown in the water balance equation
while the dynamic balance is shown in the reservoir’s storage and
discharge equation. From the beginning of the water level , the flood
control calculation is to continuously solve the equations.
The water balance equation indicates the variable storage of the
reservoir which is the inflow minus the outflow. The equation is as
Q1 + Q2 q + q2
∆t − 1 ∆t = V1 − V2
2 2
Q1、Q2 - reservoir inflow amount at the beginning and the end of

the time period(m3/s)
q1、q2 - reservoir outflow amount at the beginning and the end of

the time period(m3/s)
V1 、V2 - water storage of the reservoir at the beginning and the
end of the time period(m3)

∆t - time period (s). Flood control calculation
Computation of reservoir capacity for flood control is mainly to analyze
highest flood level and maximum discharge at different standard, and
to provide basic reference for project design.
(1) Discharge capacity of spillway
Alternatives with different spillway width are studied on basis of

topography, geology, and inundation area, of which are shown in table
Table 4-7 main technical indexes of the spillway
Crest elevation (m) Crest width(m)

408 60

(2) Flood control level and its operation

The open channel spillway of El Marwa reservoir is ungated. The
empty tunnel, with little discharge capacity, is mainly for desilting, so
flood control limited level is determined to be at 408.00 m.
The operation of flood control is as follows,
(1) Flood control level is 408.00 m;
(2) Upon water level is higher than weir elevation of 408.00 m, the
discharging at spillway shall commence.
The relations of reservoir water level and discharge are shown in Table
4-8 and Figure 4-2.
Table 4-8 Relations among water level-discharge of the spillway
water level (m) discharge (m3/s)
408 0.0
408.5 35.2
409 99.7
409.5 183.1
410 281.9
410.5 394.0
411 517.9
411.5 652.6
412 797.3
412.5 951.4
413 1114.3
413.5 1285.5
414 1464.7

Relations of water level and discharge



Water level(m)





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Discharge(m /s)

Figure 4-2 water level-discharge curve of the spillway

(3) Computation of flood control storage

According to the proposed flood control operation, results of the design
and check flood of the final solution are shown in Table 4-9.
Table 4-9 Results of the design and check flood of the reservoir
Crest elevation(m) 408

Crest width(m) 60

Flood standard 20-year 30-year 100-year

Max. water level(m) 410.08 410.36 411.18

Storage capacity 1353.44 1489.20 1903.80
Discharge(m3/s) 299.40 362.10 565.60

When the spillway width is 60 m, the 20-year design flood level is

410.08 m and the 100-year check flood level is 411.18 m.

4.3.4 Characteristic indexes of reservoir

The main characteristic indexes of EI Marwa reservoir are:
Total storage capacity: 19,038,000m3;
Flood control storage capacity: 12,951,200 m3;
Effective storage capacity: 4,091,200 m3;
Dead storage capacity: 1,995,500 m3;
Dead water level: 406.00 m;
Normal water level: 408.00 m;
Limit water level in flood season: 408.00 m;
Design flood level: 410.08 m;
Check flood level: 411.18 m.

5 Project layout and Structures
5.1 Design Specifications
5.1.1 Rank of Projects and Grade of Structure
The total storage capacity of El Marwa reservoir is 19,038,000 m3. In
accordance with SL252-2000 (Standard for Classification and Flood
Control of Water Resources and Hydroelectric Project), the
engineering scale of hydroproject is ranked as Ⅲ, with main structure
as Grade 3 and secondary structure as Grade 4.
As per specifications of flood control in plains, the flood standard is
20-year return period for design flood and 100-year return period for
check flood.

5.1.2 Basic design index

EI Marwa reservoir, mainly for water storage, is a medium-scale project,
with normal water level at 408.00 m, design flood level at 410.08 m,
and check flood level at 411.18 m.
Fine sand and silty sand are distributed in the river channel at dam site.
Physical mechanic parameters are listed in Table 5-1.
Table 5-1 physical and mechanical parameters of strata
Permeability Saturated quick
Quick shear
coefficient shear
Strata Name k Cs Φs Cq Φq

(cm/s) KPa º KPa º

silt for dam body 2.57×10-6 20.6 25.3 25.6 28.3

①dam foundation(fine
②dam foundation(silty
1.5×10-6 7.0 24.0 12.0 27.0

The dam filling material is silt. As per geotechnical test results, the

permeability coefficient after compaction is 2.57×10-6 cm/s, which is
low permeability; mean maximum dry density is 1.91 g/cm3 and mean
optimum water content is 11.97%.
The safety factor of stability against sliding (Swedish Circle Method) is
1.30 under normal operation condition, 1.20 under abnormal operation
condition I, and 1.15 under abnormal operation condition II.
According to the seismic records in Sudan since 1931, the maximum
seismic intensity is less than 6 degree.
No saturated silt and sand above the depth of 20 m, identified as
non-liquefied field.

5.2 Present condition of the Project

The original dam sits at col between EI Abraj and Sarjain. It has a
trapezoid section. The upstream slope is 1:4.0 and the downstream
one is 1:2.5. The dam crest is 6.0m in width and 190 m in length. The
original spillway with a rectangle section, 1 km away to the east of dam
site, is 20 m in width, 2.5 m in depth and 1.2 km in length, with a
rectangle section. According to the site investigation and analysis, the
causes of failure are as follows,
(1) The dam is on the fine sand layer and has no seepage-proofing
process. So the dam foundation leakage exists.
Original dam sit on overburden of fine sand layer, and no treatment is
taken, which cause leakage at dam foundation.
(2) Poor dam filling quality, unconsolidated compaction.
(3) No treatment is taken at contact between massif and left dam
(4) Low discharge capacity at chute of spillway.
As above problems, contacting sections, about 90 m in length,

between dam body and spillway is destroyed by flushing during flood
season in 2008.

5.3 Selection of dam site and type, and project layout

5.3.1 Dam site selection
According to the site investigation and topographic survey, the area at
upstream of original dam sits is broad. The original dam sits at col
between EI Abraj and Sarjain Mountains. The riverbed at dam site is
narrow. Uplands on river banks are relatively stable. There is no more
favorable site neither at upstream nor at downstream. It is designed to
demolish destroyed original project and make new engineer layout at
original site.

5.3.2 Dam type

The selection of dam type should take the availability of building
materials at site into consideration.
The nearest rock quarry is about 0.6 km from dam site and plenty of silt
is found 0.35 km to the south of dam site. Because of difficult
exploration of rock materials and low level of mechanization of stone
pitching, and easy access for exploration and transportation of soil
materials as well as higher level of mechanization and between quality
control, earth filled dam is recommended for El Marwa Project.

5.3.3 General Layout of Project

The EI Marwa reservoir mainly composes of water retaining dam,
spillway and emptying tunnel.
The dam, with crest elevation of 411.50 m, maximum height of 11.92 m,
and crest width of 4.0 m, is 192.31 m in length, including spillway from
station 0+007.04 to 0+067.04. The slope of upstream is 1:3.0, while
that of downstream is 1:2.5. Top elevation of wave wall is 412.70 m.
The river-channel spillway is 60 m in width, from station 0+007.04 to
0+067.04, with crest elevation of 408.00 m. It mainly consists of
entrance section, control structure, energy dissipation and
anti-scouring section
Emptying tunnel is set up at station 0+068.94, composing of entrance,
sluice culvert, outlet connecting chute of spillway. Elevation of sluice
floor slab at entrance is 406.50 m. The dimension of sluice gate is 1.8
m in width and 1.8 m in height. Allowance shall be made for
maintenance gate slot in front of service gate.

5.4 Water Retaining Structures

5.4.1 Dam body structure
(1) Structure of dam crest
The dam body is homogeneous earth filled dam. According to
SL274-2001 (Design Code for Rolled Earth-Rock Filled Dam) and
SL189-1996 (Design Guide for Rolled Earth-Rock Fill Dams in Small
Size Resources and Hydroelectric Engineering), considering the scale
of project and traffic requirement of the dam crest, the width of dam
crest is taken as 4.0 m. Cement laid stone masonry wave wall is
designed at upstream of dam crest, of which dimension is shown in
attached design drawings. Curb of cement laid stone masonry is
designed at downstream of dam crest, of which section is 0.4 m in
width and 0.8 m in length. Dam crest is covered by 300 mm pavement
of plain concrete.
(2) Slope design
The slope at upstream and downstream is 1:3.0 and 1:2.5 respectively.
Slop at upstream and downstream are protected by dry laid stone
masonry, composing of, from top to bottom, 400 mm thick dry stone

pitching, 150 mm thick crushed stone cushion, 150 mm thick coarse
sand filter.

5.4.2 Computation
(1) Freeboard
Specified by SL274-2001 (Design Code for Rolled Earth-Rock Filled
Dam), dam crest elevation is computed as follows,
A.Mean wave height, period, and length
Adopt equation at Putian experimental station as follows,

⎧ 0 . 45 ⎫
⎪ ⎛ gD ⎞ ⎪
⎡ 0 .7
⎤ ⎪ 0 . 0018 ⎜ 2 ⎟
gh m ⎛ gH m ⎞ ⎝ w ⎠ ⎪
= 0 . 13 th ⎢ 0 . 7 ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ th ⎨ ⎬
w2 ⎣⎢ ⎝ w2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎪ ⎡ ⎛ gH m ⎞
0 .7
⎪ 0 . 13 th ⎢ 0 . 7 ⎜⎝ w 2 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎪
⎩ ⎢
⎣ ⎦⎥ ⎭
0 .5
T m = 4 .438 h m

gT m ⎛ 2π H ⎞
Lm = th ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
2π ⎝ Lm ⎠
hm - mean wave height, m;
Tm - mean wave period, s;
w - wind speed, take it as 1.5 times of mean annual maximum
wind speed at design flood level, and take it as mean
annual maximum wind speed at check flood level.
D - fetch length;
Hm - average water depth, m;
g - acceleration of gravity, take it as 9.81 m/s2;
Lm - mean wave length, m;
H - water depth at upstream of dam, m;

B.Wave run-up
when, m=1.5~5.0

K∆ Kw
Rm = 2
hm Lm
1+ m
Rm - mean wave run-up, m;
KΔ - roughness permeability coefficient of dry stone pitching,
take it as 0.75;
Kw - empirical coefficient;
m - gradient of one slope, take it as 3.0;
Design wave run-up depends on engineering rank. El Marwa dam is
Rank Ⅲ, so the wave run-up shall adopt the value when accumulative
frequency is 1% (RP).
C.Height of wind backwater

kw 2 D
e = cos β
2 gH m
e - Height of wind backwater, m。
k - coefficient of friction resistance, take it as 3.6 ×10-6;
β - intersection angle between wind direction and normal of dam
axis, take it as 0°;
D - fetch length;
D.Safety heightening
As per design specifications, when project is Rank Ⅲ, the safety
heightening shall be 0.70 m at design flood level and 0.50 m at check
flood level.

E.Free broad
Freeboard shall be computed as following equation,
Y - freeboard height above static water level, m;
R - run-up of highest wave, m;
E - maximum wind backwater height, m;
A - safety heightening, m;
The computation results are shown in the Table 5-2.
Table 5-2 Computation results of dam crest elevation
Wind Design
Design Safety Free Static Calculat
Operation backwater elevation of
run-up heightening board level e value
Condition height dam crest
R(m) A(m) Y(m) h(m) (m)
e(m) (m)

1.684 0.061 0.7 2.445 408.00 410.445
water level
1.705 0.047 0.7 2.452 410.08 412.532 411.50
flood level
Check flood
0.996 0.019 0.5 1.515 411.18 412.695

Take designed dam crest elevation as 411.50 m. Set up wave wall at

upstream of dam crest, with height of 1.20 m and top elevation of
412.70 m.
(2) Seepage flow computation
1) Section of computation
According to dam structure and foundation condition, take section of
maximum dam height for computation.

2) Operation condition of computation
① Steady flow, Normal water level of 408.00 m, and no water at
② Steady flow, Design flood level of 410.08 m, with corresponding
water level at downstream.
③ Steady flow, Check flood level of 411.18 m, with corresponding
water level at downstream.
④ Unsteady flow, rapid drawdown from check flood level of 411.18 m
to normal water level of 408.00 m.
3) Items of Computation
① Find out seepage line of dam body;
② Find out seepage discharge at dam body and foundation.
③ Find out seepage gradient and exit gradient of dam body and
foundation; evaluate its seepage stability.
4) Computation method
LIZHENG program is adopted to calculate and analyze the seepage
5) Physical mechanic indexes of filling materials for dam body and
foundation soil
Seepage stability computation and election of physical mechanic
indexes of filling materials for dam body and foundation soil refer the
engineering geological investigation report. Silt shall be dam filling
materials, with permeability coefficient of 2.57×10-6 cm/s, cohesion as
25.6 KPa and internal friction angle as 28.3°. Physical mechanic
parameters of foundation soil shall refer similar projects.
6) Allowable hydraulic slope
As silt is dam filling material, the seepage failure shall be in the form of

soil flow.
If it is soil flow, critical hydraulic slope shall be computed by following
J cr = (G s − 1)(1 − n )
Jcr - critical hydraulic slope of soil;
Gs- specific gravity of soil;
n - porosity ratio of soil (%).
Referring to the geological report, porosity ratio of soil (n) is taken as
30%, and specific gravity (Gs) as 2.7.
Take safety factor as 2, and then divide critical hydraulic slope, get
allowable hydraulic slope as 0.6.
7) Results of computation
Seepage lines of dam body are shown in Figure 5-2 ~ Figure 5-5.
Computation result of seepage flow is shown in Table 5-3.
Table 5-3 Result of seepage computation

Allowabl Meet the

Unit e
Cases Water levels (m) gradie requireme
seepage exit
nt nt or not

upstream downstream m3/d

Normal 408.00 No water 1.50×10-2 0.14 0.6 S
Design 410.08 403.50 2.18×10-2 0.22 0.6 S
Check flood 411.18 403.90 2.52×10-2 0.29 0.6 S
Check flood 411.18-408.0 403.9-no
drawdown 0 water

(3) Stability computation
1) Section for computation
According to dam structure and foundation condition, maximum height
section shall design section.
2) Operation condition of computation
Normal operation condition
① Upstream and downstream slope at normal water level
② Upstream and downstream slope at design flood level
③ Upstream and downstream slope at check flood level
Abnormal operation condition
①Upstream and downstream slope during construction
②Rapid drawdown from check flood level to normal water level
3) Stability computation
Swedish Circle Method is adopted for stability computation. Besides,
the safety factor of stability against sliding shall be computed by the
method of Total Stress in periods of water level drawdown and during
construction; the period of steady seepage shall be computed in the
method of effective stress.
4) Results of computation
The safety factor of slope and allowable safety factor under specific
operation condition are shown in Table 5-4. The most dangerous
location of slip circle at upstream and downstream slope under specific
operation conditions are shown in Figure 5-6 ~ Figure 5-10.

Table 5-4 Computation results of seepage stability

Operation Computation case Slope Computed K

Upstream 2.01 1.30

Normal water level
Downstream 1.76 1.30
Upstream 2.02 1.30
Design flood level
Downstream 1.55 1.30
Upstream 2.00 1.20
Check flood level
Downstream 1.53 1.20
Upstream 2.37 1.20
Construction period
Abnormal –I Downstream 2.21 1.20

Rapid drawdown to
normal water level from Upstream 1.80 1.20
design flood level

From the stability computation of dam slope, the safety factor of

stability against sliding of sections under different operation conditions
meets the requirements of standard.

(4) Dam settlement computation
The computation of total settlement of dam body and foundation
adopts the method of Layer-wise Summation Method , shown below,
Total settlement shall be calculated through layer-wise summation
method in accordance with following equation,
e 0 i − ei
S =∑ hi
i =1 1 + e0i
S - total settlement (m);
n - numbers of layers;
e0i - initial porosity ratio of Layer i;
ei - porosity ratio of Layer i with upper load;
hi - thickness of Layer i (m).
By calculation, total settlement of dam body and foundation is 0.10 m.
Consequently, dam filling height should allow for total settlement
during construction to satisfy settlement requirements.

5.5 Spillway
5.5.1 Layout
The original spillway, 1 km to the East of dam site, locates at another
col of EI Abraj & Sarjain Mountains. The spillway with rectangular
section is about 20 m wide, 2.5 m deep and 1.2 km long.
To save construction cost, the new spillway shall sit on the main dam.
The original spillway shall be standby during flood discharging for
safety reason. Sections where has favorable geology at original
spillway shall be backfilled to ensure water storage. The backfilling
shall reach up to the same elevation of existing ground. The crest width
of backfilling section is 20 m. Upstream slope is 1:3.0 at the sections,

while that of downstream is 1:2.5. Upstream slope shall protected by
dry stone pitching, from top to bottom includes 400 mm dry stone
pitching, 150 mm crushed stone cushion, 150 mm coarse sand filter.
The spillway is set on the main dam with the crest elevation as 408.00
m and width as 60 m. The surface of new spillway foundation consists
layers of fine sand, silty clay and silt.
The spillway mainly consists of entrance section, control structure,
energy dissipation and anti-scouring section. And the energy
dissipation and anti-scouring section consists of chute, stilling basin,
riprap and anti-scour trench.
Entrance channel shall be 15.0 m long. Splayed cement laid stone
masonry retaining wall will be fixed at the import, with the angle of 12°.
Control structure is the broad crested weir with crest elevation of
408.00 m, net width of 60 m, and length of 4.0 m downstream. Weir
crest is paved by 0.4 m thick reinforced concrete (C25 W4).
Chute is 38.0 m in horizontal length, with a longitudinal slope of 1:4.0.
It is connected at the end by a stilling basin. The stilling basin is 18.0 m
wide and 2.0 m deep. The bottom elevation is 398.50. It is 0.6 m thick
and made of C25W4 reinforced concrete.
At the end of stilling basin, it is followed by a 15 m long masonry riprap.
There are upright masonry retaining walls on both sides. Anti-scour
trenching, following the apron, is 10 m long and is filled by rock blocks.

5.5.2 Computation
A) Discharge capacity
The discharge capacity of broad crested spillway shall be calculated
according to the equation below,

Q = mεB 2 g H 0

Q - discharge capacity(m3/s)
B - clear weir width(m), here B is 60.0 m;
m - discharge coefficient, here m is 0.375;
g - acceleration of gravity (m/s2);
H0 - total weir head including velocity head (m);
ε - side contraction coefficient, here ε is1;
By calculation, the discharge shall be 299.40 m3/s at design flood level
of 410.08 m, and 565.60 m3/s at check flood level of 411.18 m.
B) Energy dissipation and erosion control
① Equation for calculation of stilling basin depth
d = σ 0 hc − ht − ∆Z

'' hc ⎛⎜ 8aq 2 ⎞⎛ b1 ⎞0.25

hc = 1+ − 1⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
2 ⎜⎝ ghc
3 ⎟⎝ b2 ⎠

3 2 aq 2
hc − T0 hc + 2
2 gϕ
aq2 aq2
∆Z = 2
− ''2
2 gϕ 2 ht 2 ghc
d - Depth of stilling basin (m);
σ 0 - Submergence factor of hydraulic jump, take 1.05;
hc - Water depth after hydraulic jump (m);

ht - Water depth at river bed after stilling basin basin (m);

∆Z - Drop after basin (m);

hc - Drawback water depth (m);

b1 - width of head end of stilling basin (m);

b2 - width of tail end of stilling basin (m);

T0 - Total potential energy from surface of stilling basin floor

plate (m);
a - correction coefficient of kinetic energy, take 1.05;
ϕ - efflux coefficient of orifice flow, take 0.95;
q - Unit discharge (m3/s/m);
② Equation for calculation of stilling basin length:

L = Ls + βL1
L1 = 6.9( hc − hc )
L - Length of stilling basin (m);
Ls - Length of horizontal plan against slope of stilling basin (m);

L1 - Length of hydraulic jump (m);

β - Correction factor of the hydraulic jump length, take 0.8;

③ Equation for thickness of base plate:

The thickness shall be computed as per requirements of anti-scour
and anti-floating. The maximum value shall be adopted.

t = k1 q ∆H '

U − W ± Pm
t = k2
Anti floating γb


t - head end thickness of the base plate(m)
∆H ' - head drop between water level at upstream and

downstream during orifice flow(m)
k1 - computation coefficient of stilling basin base plate, take 0.15;
k2 - safety coefficient of stilling basin base plate, take 1.2;
U - uplift pressure on bottom surface of stilling basin base plate
W - water weight on top surface of stilling basin base plate
Pm - fluctuation pressure on stilling basin base plate (Kpa);
γ b - saturated weight of stilling basin base plate(kN/m3)

By computation, the stilling basin is 17.29 m long, 1.89 m deep and

0.58 m thick. Taking structure layout into consideration, the designed
spillway shall be 18 m long, 2.0 deep, and 0.6 m thick.
C)Stability Computation
The load and its combinations are shown in Table 5-5.
Table 5-5 Load combinations of the side wall stability of chute

Load Dead Hydrostatic Uplift Hydrodynamic Soil

combination weight pressure pressure pressure pressure
Construction √ √
Basic Design flood √ √ √ √ √

No discharge √ √ √ √

Specific Check flood √ √ √ √ √

Equation for calculation of stability against sliding of side wall is as


f ∑G
Kc =
Kc - Safety factor of stability against sliding;
∑G - Total vertical load against the wall (kN);
∑H - Total horizontal load against wall (kN);
f - Friction factor between foundation surface of wall and
foundation soil;
The calculated results are shown in Table 5-6.
Table 5-6 Results of stability of chute sidewall
Safety factor of stability against sliding
Calculated value Allowable value
Construction completion 1.38 1.05
Normal water level 1.29 1.05
Design flood level 1.20 1.05
Check flood level 1.16 1.00

D) The thickness of the chute baseboard

According to the Article 4.4.1 in SL253-2000 (Design code for spillway),
the thickness of the chute baseboard should be no less than 0.3 m.
Considering the anti-scouring and temperature stress requirements,
the thickness is as chosen 0.4 m.

5.6 Emptying Tunnel

Considering reservoir emptying and sand sluicing, emptying tunnel is
set up at station 0+068.94. The emptying tunnel is controlled by a
sluice gate with a size of 1.8 m × 1.8 m. For easy access, allow for
maintenance gate slot is allowed in front of service gate. Inlet shares
the right side wall with spillway. Outlet is connected with chute of
Discharge of emptying tunnel shall be computed as per following

Q = Bσ ' µhs 2 gH 0

'ξ ' he
µ = ϕξ 1 −
ξ' =
⎡ ⎛ he ⎞ 2 ⎤
1 + λ ⎢1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ H ⎠ ⎥⎦
λ= r
Q - discharge(m3/s);
B - the net width of overflow weir(m),B=1.8 m;

σ ' - submergence factor of sluice flow;

ξ ' - vertical contraction factor of sluice flow;

he - the elevation of the hole(m);

ϕ - velocity factor of sluice flow;
µ - discharge factor of sluice flow;
g - acceleration of gravity(m/s2);
H0 - the total weir water head including velocity head(m);
H - velocity head(m);

r – the arc radius of the breast wall(m)
When the design flood level is 410.08 m, the discharge of emptying
tunnel is computed to be 14.15 m3/s. When the check flood level is
411.18 m, the discharge of emptying tunnel is computed to be 17.24

5.7 Observation Facilities

5.7.1 Design principle
(1) Layout of monitoring instrument and facilities should reflect
comprehensive operation condition of the project.
(2) The monitoring instrument and facilities should be reliable,
economic, and practical and advanced as much as possible.
(3) Observation should be in good performance under harsh weather.

5.7.2 Observation Design

Layout of observation points are shown in attached drawings.

5.8 Sluice Gate and Hoist

Service gate with specification of PGZ 1.8 × 1.8 (width and height) is
set up to control emptying tunnel. As auxiliary to the gate, there is a
hand screw hoist. Main indexes of sluice gate are shown in Table 5-7
(Only for reference, specifications shall subject to final product).
Table 5-7 Main specification of the gate
Dimensions Gate weight(kg) Designed specification of hoist
80kN 40kN
PGZ1.8×1.8 950 1431
(lifting force) (Closing force)

5.9 Anti-Treatment of Left Dam Abutment

It is found during the field investigation that free surface of the left
massif of the col where dam site is located, and that hollow is found
locally, both of which are not satisfied under the requirement of
minimum gradient between dam body and bank slopes. It is planned to
place plain concrete for slope after clearance of free surface on the left
massif so as to endure gradient up to permissible value of specification;

and then to lay anchor and install steels.

6 Work Quantities and Construction Schedule
6.1 Work Quantity
The total main working quantities of the project are as follows,
Earthwork excavation, 50899.66 m³,
Rock excavation, 3606.80 m³,
Dam filling, 67920.67 m³,
Backfilling of earthworks, 3006.15 m³,
Dry stone pitching, 3801.64 m³,
Crushed stones, 2159.70 m³;
Course sand, 1892.82 m³;
Masonry stone works, 3708.10 m³,
Concrete works, 5175.55 m³;
Steel bars supply and setting up,239.26 t;
Template works, 4034.78 m2
Detailed work quantity is shown in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 Work Quantity of El Marwa Project
NO. Item Quantity
1 Dam
The original dam demolished m 17974.60
Remove masonry m3 1433.18
Dam foundation excavation m 18175.18
The highly weathered rock excavation m 569.12
Filling of dam body m 49569.26
Backfilling of foundation m 1843.59
Dry rock pitching of slope protection m 3719.95
Crushed stones cushion m 1394.98
Coarse sand cushion m 1394.98
M10 Masonry wave protection wall m 153.68
M10 Masonry curb protection m 45.55
M10 Masonry toe protection m 163.82

C15 N.R.C Road surface(300mm thick) m 126.73
Asphalt slab m 42.17
Dam foundation cleaning m2 16323.40
Dam slope cut m 9213.94
2 The treatment of the left dam abutment
Rock surface cleaning m³ 273.00
Fabrication and installation of reinforced bars t 0.50
C25 N.R.C key wall m 38.59
C25 N.R.C slope m 350.00
Template m 298.55
3 Spillway
Earthwork excavation of foundation m 14487.38
Backfilling of foundation m 1162.56
The highly weathered rock excavation m 1604.50
Filling of dam body m 16784.60
Foundation cleaning m 6861.75
Dam slope cut m 4042.78
C25W4 R.C Floor m 2971.43
C25W4 R.C retaining wall m 555.18
M10 Masonry stones bottom protection m3 985.36
M10 Masonry stones retaining wall m 2047.37
C10 N.R.C cushion m 844.45
Crushed stones cushion m 741.41
Coarse sand cushion m 474.11
Fabrication and installation of reinforced bars t 227.90
Template m 3239.29
Asphalt slab m 1577.31
Copper waterstop m 1030.61
PVC Drain hole (DN75mm) m 118.69
Riprap m 840.74
4 Backfill of original spillway
Earthwork excavation of foundation m3 262.50
Filling of dam body m 1566.81
Dry rock pitching of slope protection m 81.69
Crushed stones cushion m 23.31
Coarse sand cushion m 23.73
5 Emptying Tunnel

C25 R.C Floor m 23.46
C25 R.C Side pier m 38.99
C25 R.C Roof m3 17.11
C25 R.C Overhaul board m 2.26
C25 R.C Hoist platform and Bent m 2.81
C25 N.R.C key wall m 96.22
C25 R.C Spillway sidewall m 104.39
M10 Masonry stones m 312.31
C10 N.R.C cushion m 3.95
Fabrication and installation of reinforced bars t 10.86
Template m 496.95
Safety rail m 9.00
Steel ladder NO. 1.00
Asphalt slab m 29.93
PGZ 1.8*1.8m NO. 1.00
QL80KN Manual screw hoist NO. 1.00
6 Observation equipment
Checking datum point NO. 2.00
General observation point NO. 9.00
7 Temporary engineering
Construction road m 27000.00
Construction encampment NO. 1

6.2 Construction Schedule

As per project scale, the planned construction schedule is about 8
The construction includes phases of preparation, main works, and
Construction preparation shall take about 1 month, including access
road, leveling and grading of construction site, temporary facilities and
the like.
The main works shall take about 6 months, including demolishing
original spillway, foundation excavation, dam body filling, stone
pitching at spillway, concrete work, anti-treatment at left dam abutment,

and slope protection works and the like.
The completion period shall take about 1 month, including finishing of
project, acceptance for completion, site clearance and the like.
Construction Schedule is shown in Figure 6-1 of Bar Charts.

The first The second The third The fourth The fifth The sixth The seventh The eighth
month month month month month month month month
Phase Items
10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30 10 20 30
Prepare- Water, power
actions Borrow
Earthwork and
Masonry work
Concrete work

Rock rip-rap
Earthwork and
Dam Dam filling
Anti-Treatm Rock work
ent of Left
Abutment Concrete work

Concrete work
tunnel Masonry work
Site cleaning
period Final
Figure 6-1 Project schedule

7 Inundated area and land requisition
7.1 Inundated area
The reservoir area, mainly slope land, is not found with any other
ground attachments.
Inundation area falls into temporary and permanent flooded land.
Elevation of temporary flooded land is from 408.00 m to 411.18 m and
that of permanent flooded land is 408.00 m and below.

7.2 Inundation loss

Site survey shows the inundated area, mainly barren land, covers
about 10.05 km2.


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