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How many of your children currently attend the Extend-ED program?

1 2 3 4 or more Standard Deviation Responses

10 7 0 0
All Data 4.38 17
(59%) (41%) (0%) (0%)

1 2 3 4 or more

How old is your child/are your children?

Under 5 Between 5 years and 7 years Between 8 years and 11 years Responses

5 11 4
All Data 17
(29%) (65%) (24%)
Does your child attend morning or afternoon sessions?
Mostly morning Mostly afternoon Both sessions Responses

2 10 5
All Data 17
(12%) (59%) (29%)

How often does your child/do your children use the Extend-ED service?
Once More than 3 Frequently i.e. multiple morning Standard
Never Sporadically/infrequently a week sessions a week and afternoon sessions a week Deviation

0 5 5 4 3
All Data 1.85 17
(0%) (29%) (29%) (24%) (18%)

Never Sporadically/infrequently Once a week More than 3 sessions a week Frequently i.e. multiple morning and afternoon sessions a week
Why does your child attend Extend-ED
Work commitments As an after school Requested by Time restraints due to family commitments i.e.
Other Responses
by parents activity children pick ups of siblings

17 2 2 1 0
All Data 17
(100%) (12%) (12%) (6%) (0%)

On a scale from 1 to 10, how effectively do you believe the Extend-ED service meets your
family's expectations and needs?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If 6 or below, please specify any issues Responses

0 0 1 0 0 2 2 4 5 4 3
All Data 17
(0%) (0%) (6%) (0%) (0%) (12%) (12%) (24%) (29%) (24%) (18%)

Text Responses
Extend-ED is a great facility and I would like to use it every week but I only need it for 30-40 minutes after on one the after school activities so can't justify the cost.
The service offered is outstanding however, St. Hilda's is almost one of the only schools in Perth which does not offer the government rebate. I would use this service more if the rebate was
Works for before school sessions, but limited holiday program, especially Dec-Jan. Activities also better suited to younger kids, not older 7+ year olds.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how appropriately do you believe the Extend-ED staff run the program
and support your child/children for your family's needs?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If 6 or below, please specify any issues Responses

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 5 6 2
All Data 17
(0%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (6%) (6%) (24%) (29%) (35%) (12%)

Text Responses
The staff are OUTSTANDING. My child adores them and feels very secure there.
As above
Do you have any comments or suggestions for Extend-ED staff regarding the service and
program offered?
Yes No If yes, please specify Responses

11 7 10
All Data 17
(65%) (41%) (59%)

Text Responses
Yes we would appreciate govt funding and would use the service far more if this was the case
It's a fantastic service, I would just prefer a sliding scale of charges.
The staff are outstanding. It is the school which has put this facility at risk of no enrolments due to being too lazy to implement the proper government rebate which all working families are
entitled to. This has repeatedly been brought to the school administration's attention by families since 2013. We get the same response of oh nobody has ever brought this to our attention! The
teachers at Extend Ed are brilliant but let down by the administration of the school.
Why are we not able to get child care rebate, where as at all other private schools parents are able too?
Dec-Jan longer program and activities tailored to older kids.
It would help a lot if we could access the full child care rebate.
It would be of great benefit if we could access the full child care rebate for this before & after school care program, as competing schools do. At the moment, the rebate we can access is
Perhaps a lower rate for afternoon stays of less than fifteen minutes
very impressed - lovely service and care. maybe have a book to communicate messages regarding homework and let the girls spend morte time on homework. themed afternoons - eg picnics
on a Friday. thank you for making this service so easy.
thank you for a wonderful program i couldnt work without it i would highly recommend

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