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Spice Oleo Resins – curcumin plantation & Extraction

Tusker Pharma India Pvt Limited Turmeric has been used in ancient Ayurvedic medicine as well. Indians used it as an antiseptic for cuts and burns, a remedy for gastrointestinal discomfort and respiratory conditions and more.2 But
+91 40 66512309 / 66512305 what makes turmeric such a valued spice? Through advancements in
technology, modern medicine has discovered that turmeric contains a
special compound called curcumin, a naturally
occurring antioxidant that is the source of its various benefits.

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Spice Oleoresins
Spice oleoresins represent the complete flavour profile of the spice. It contains the volatile as well as non volatile constituents of spices.
Oleoresins can be defined as the true essence of the spices and can replace whole/ground spices without impairing any flavour and
aroma characteristic. Oleoresins are obtained from spices by extraction with a non-aqueous solvent followed by removal of the solvent
by evaporation. Spice oleoresins guarantee superior quality of flavour and aroma. They are complete and balanced, consistent and

Spice oleoresins are the most concentrated viscous liquid form of the spice and reproduce the character of the respective spice and
spice oil fully. They are obtained by the solvent extraction of the powdered dried spices with subsequent removal of solvent. The
oleoresins are used mainly as a flavouring agent in the food processing industry. They are more economical to use, are easier to
control for quality and are cleaner than the equivalent ground spices. Their distinct advantage over the equivalent essential oils is that
they are more stable when heated.

The main products in a spice oleoresin plant are oleoresins of chilli, pepper, ginger and turmeric. The co-products are corresponding
spice oils, which are widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries. Spent meals of spice powders after oleoresin extraction are by-
products and are devoid of essential oils, pungent principles, fixed oils and resinous matter for which the spices are valued. This may
be considered for incorporation in animal feed formulations, as spent meal is rich in carbohydrate and cellulose.

USA, Canada and West Europe are the major markets to where about 80% of the total world production is exported. As per the
International, survey, the estimated demand of spice oleoresins except paprika is about 1800 MT. India has a share of roughly 50% in
this. In global terms, consumption of oleoresins rose fastest during the period 1965-75, slowed down considerably thereafter and today
continues to rise slowly but steadily.

Spice oils are the volatile components present in most spices and provide the characteristic aroma of the spices. Spice oil is normally
extracted by steam distillation. Spice oils have the major advantages such as standardisation, consistency and hygiene. The standard
of quality expected in spice oil will differ depending on its end uses. Therefore, these oils are custom-made to meet the exact
requirement of the user.

Curcumin in turmeric and Carotenoids in chillies are the natural colour components extracted for use as natural colours. The natural
colours or their blends have wide applications from food sector to pharmaceuticals, dyes and cosmetics. India is a large producer of
turmeric, and Indian Oleoresin Industry is one of the largest supply sources of a wide range of turmeric extracts in liquid and dry form.

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Behind the increasing growth of curcumin in global market is that it has some functions in medicines to help against inflammatory,
oxidation and maybe help against cancer. Besides, the support of government is also another reason for curcumin demands.At
present, the main producer of curcumin is India. It holds up to 78% of the global market share. We provide an comprehensive market
analysis of curcumin based on the application range and regions. (See table: Global Curcumin Market Growth)

The use of curcumin in pharmaceutical sector is about 52%.It can bring effective results for some diseases, like alzheimer, which will
be the biggest push for curcumin application in pharmaceutical market. Besides, the application of curcumin in cosmetics, food and
beverages also drives the continuous growth of curcumin demands

REGIONS - The demand of curcumin is keeping rising in Germany. From the eyes of the world, Europe, the United State and China
will witness fastest growing of curcumin. It is estimated that the growth of Europe is 13%, US will be 7.5%. Unquestionably, there is
great demand for curcumin in the global markets. So, how to seize this opportunity to set up your own business? The best solution is to
make premium quality curcumin that meets international standards. Here, we provide you the best machinery and advanced methods
to obtain premium quality curcumin extract

Market Analysis of Curcumin

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Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

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Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) (Family: Zingiberaceae) is used as condiment, dye, drug and cosmetic in addition to its use in religious
ceremonies. India is a leading producer and exporter of turmeric in the world. Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Karnataka, West
Bengal, Gujarat, Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Assam are some of the important states cultivating turmeric, of which, Andhra Pradesh
alone occupies 38.0% of area and 58.5% of production. During 2013-2014, the country produced 12.29 lakh tonnes of turmeric from an
area of 2.34 lakh ha. A number of cultivars are available in India and are known mostly by the name of locality where they are
cultivated. Some of the popular cultivars are Duggirala, Tekkurpet, Sugandham, Amalapuram, Erode local, Salem, Alleppey,
Moovattupuzha and Lakdong. The best varieties of turmeric released from ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode. The
specifications of the varieties are as follows:

ICAR-Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kozhikode

Variety Mean Crop Dry Curcumin Oleoresin Essential
yield duration recovery (%) (%) oil
(fresh) (days) (%) (%)
Suvarna 17 200 20 4 14 7
Suguna 29 190 12 7 14 6
Sudarsana 29 190 12 5 15 7
IISR Prabha 38 195 20 7 15 7
IISR Prathibha 39 188 19 6 16 6
IISR Alleppey Supreme 35.4 38 210 19 6 16 4
IISR Kedaram 35 210 19 6 14 3

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Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore
Variety Mean Crop Dry Curcumin Oleoresin Essential
yield duration recovery (%) (%) oil
(fresh) (days) (%) (%)
Co 1 30 285 19.5 3.2 6.7 3.2
BSR 1 30.7 285 20.5 4.2 4 3.7
BSR 2 32.7 245 20 3.8

High Altitude Research Station, OUAT, Pottangi, Odhisa

Variety Mean Crop Dry Curcumin Oleoresin Essential
yield duration recovery (%) (%) oil
(fresh) (days) (%) (%)
Roma 20.7 250 31 6.1 13.2 4.2
Suroma 20 255 26 6.1 13.1 4.4
Ranga 29 250 24.8 6.3 13.5 4.4
Rasmi 31.3 240 23 6.4 13.4 4.4
Surangi 23.4 180-200 28 4.5-6.5 12.7 4.6

Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur

Variety Mean Crop Dry Curcumin Oleoresin Essential
yield duration recovery (%) (%) oil
(fresh) (days) (%) (%)
Kanti 37.7 240-270 20.2 7.2 8.3 5.2
Sohba 35.9 240-270 19.4 7.4 9.7 4.2
Sona 21.3 240-270 18.9 7.1 10.3 4.2
Varna 21.9 240-270 19.1 7.9 10.8 4.6

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Cultivation Technique of Curcuma longa

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Preparation of land

The land is prepared with the receipt of early monsoon showers. The soil is brought to a fine tilth by giving about four deep ploughings.
Hydrated lime @ 500 - 1000 kg/ha has to be applied for laterite soils based on the soil pH and thoroughly ploughed. Immediately with
the receipt of pre-monsoon showers, beds of 1.0 m width, 30 cm height and of convenient length are prepared with spacing of 50 cm
between beds. Planting is also done by forming ridges and furrows.

Seed material

Whole or split mother and finger rhizomes are used for planting and well developed healthy and disease free rhizomes are to be
selected. The seed rhizomes are treated with mancozeb 0.3% (3 g/L of water) for 30 minutes, shade dried for 3-4 hours and planted. A
seed rate of 2,500 kg of rhizomes is required for planting one hectare of turmeric.


Though transplanting in turmeric is not conventional, it is found profitable. A transplanting technique in turmeric by using single bud
sprouts (about 5 g) has been standardized to produce good quality planting material with reduced cost. The technology has been
standardized at Horticulture College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The
technique involves raising transplants from single sprout seed rhizomes in the pro-tray and planted in the field after 30-40 days. The
advantages of this technology are production of healthy planting materials and reduction in seed rhizome quantity and eventually
reduced cost on seeds.


 Select healthy turmeric rhizomes for seed purpose

 Treat the selected rhizomes with mancozeb (0.3%) and quinalphos (0.075%) for 30 min and store in well ventilated place

 One month before planting, the seed rhizomes are cut into single buds with small piece of rhizomes weighing 5-7 g.

 Treat the single bud sprouts (mancozeb 0.3%) for 30 min before planting

 Fill the pro-trays (98 well) with nursery medium containing partially decomposed coir pith and vermicompost (75:25), enriched
with PGPR/Trichoderma 10g/kg of mixture

 Plant the turmeric bud sprouts in pro-trays

 Maintain the pro-trays under shade net house (50%)

 Adopt need based irrigation with rose can or by using suitable sprinklers

 Seedlings will be ready within 30-35 days for transplanting


In Kerala and other West Coast areas where the rainfall begins early, the crop can be planted during April-May with the receipt of pre-
monsoon showers. Small pits are made with a hand hoe on the beds with a spacing of 25 cm x 30 cm. Pits are filled with well
decomposed cattle manure or compost, seed rhizomes are placed over it then covered with soil. The optimum spacing in furrows and
ridges is 45-60 cm between the rows and 25 cm between the plants.

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Manuring and fertilizer application

 Farmyard manure (FYM) or compost @ 30-40 t/ha is applied by broadcasting and ploughing at the time of preparation of land
or as basal dressing by spreading over the beds or in to the pits at the time of planting. Organic manures like oil cakes can
also be applied @ 2 t/ha. In such case, the dosage of FYM can be reduced. Recommended blanket nutrient dosage for
turmeric for Kerala is 60 kg N, 50 kg P2O5 and 120 kg K2O per hectare. Integrated application of coir compost (@ 2.5 t/ha)
combined with FYM, biofertilizer (Azospirillum) and half recommended dose of NPK is also recommended.

 As the soil fertility will be varying with the soil type, agro ecological conditions or management systems, site specific nutrient
management based on the soil test results for major nutrient is advocated. The recommended dose of nutrients for varying soil
test values of N, P and K is given in table 2. The fertilizers are to be applied in 2 - 3 split doses. Full dose of phosphorus is
applied as basal at the time of planting. Equal split doses of N and K is top dressed at 45, 90 (and 120) DAP.

 In zinc deficient soils, basal application of zinc fertilizer up to 5 kg zinc/ha (25 kg of zinc sulphate/ha) gives good yield.

Fertilizer recommendations for fresh rhizome yield target levels

Soil test value for Fertilizer nutrient recommended

available nutrients (kg/ha) (kg/ha) for yield targets

30 t/ha 40 t/ha

< 150 120 170
150-250 95 125
250-400 50 90
>400 - 25
Phosphorus (P2O5)
< 10 60 90
10-30 18 50
30-50 - -
>50 - -
Potassium (K2O)
< 110 275 325
110-300 230 300
300-500 150 235
>500 - 140

micronutrient mixture specific to turmeric is also recommended (dosage @ 5 g/L) twice, 60 and 90 DAP, for higher yield.


The crop is to be mulched immediately after planting with green leaves @ 12-15 t/ha. Mulching may be repeated @ 7.5 t/ha at 40 and
90 days after planting after weeding, application of fertilizers and earthling up.

Weeding and irrigation

Weeding has to be done thrice at 60, 90 and 120 days after planting depending upon weed intensity. In the case of irrigated crop,
depending upon the weather and the soil conditions, about 15 to 23 irrigations are to be given in clayey soils and 40 irrigations in sandy

Mixed cropping

Turmeric can be grown as an intercrop in coconut and arecanut plantations. It can also be raised as a mixed crop with chillies,
colocasia, onion, brinjal and cereals like maize, ragi, etc.

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Plant protection - Diseases

Leaf blotch
Leaf blotch is caused by Taphrina maculans and appears as small, oval, rectangular or irregular brown spots on either side of the
leaves which soon become dirty yellow or dark brown. The leaves also turn yellow. In severe cases the plants present a scorched
appearance and the rhizome yield is reduced. The disease can be controlled by spraying mancozeb 0.2%.

Leaf spot
Leaf spot is caused by Colletotrichum capsici and appears as brown spots of various sizes on the upper surface of the young leaves.
The spots are irregular in shape and white or grey in the centre. Later, two or more spots may coalesce and form an irregular patch
covering almost the whole leaf. The affected leaves eventually dry up. The rhizomes do not develop well. The disease can be
controlled by spraying carbendazim (0.5 kg/ha) or mancozeb (0.2 %) or copper oxychloride (0.2%).

Leaf blight
Leaf blight is caused by Rhizoctonia solani. The disease is characterized by the appearance of necrotic patches with papery white
centre of varying sizes on the lamina which spread on the whole surface leaving a blighted appearance. The disease occurs during the
post monsoon season. The disease can be controlled by spraying Bavistin 0.2% or Bordeaux mixture 1% with the initiation of infection.

Rhizome rot
The disease is caused by Pythium aphanidermatum. The lower leaves of the infected pseudostem show yellowing, collar region of the
pseudo stem becomes soft and water soaked, resulting in collapse of the plant and decay of rhizomes. Treating the seed rhizomes with
mancozeb 0.3% for 30 minutes prior to storage and at the time of sowing prevents the disease. When the disease is noticed in the
field, the beds should be drenched with COC 0.2% or Metalaxyl -mancozeb 0.125%.

Nematode pests
Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) and burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) are the two important nematodes causing
damage to turmeric. Root lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) are of common occurrence in Andhra Pradesh. In places where
nematode problems are common, use only healthy, nematode-free planting material. Increasing the organic content of the soil also
checks the multiplication of nematodes. Pochonia chlamydosporia can be applied to the beds at the time of sowing @ 20 g/bed (106
cfu/g) for management of nematode problems.

Insect pests - Shoot borer

The shoot borer (Conogethes punctiferalis) is the most serious pest of turmeric. The larvae bore into pseudo stems and feed on
internal tissues. The presence of a bore-hole on the pseudo stem through which frass is extruded and the withered central shoot is a
characteristic symptom of pest infestation. The adult is a medium sized moth with a wingspan of about 20 mm; the wings are orange-
yellow with minute black spots. Fully-grown larvae are light brown with sparse hairs.
Spray malathion (0.1%) or lamda-cyhalothrin (0.0125%) at 21 days intervals during July to October. Initiate spraying when the first
symptom of pest attack is seen on the inner most leaf.
Rhizome scale
The rhizome scale (Aspidiella hartii) infests rhizomes in the field (at later stages of the crop) and in storage. Adult (female) scales are
circular (about 1mm diameter) and light brown to grey and appear as encrustations on the rhizomes. They feed on sap and when the
rhizomes are severely infested, they become shrivelled and desiccated affecting its germination.
 Adapt timely harvest of rhizomes
 Before storage, discard severely infested rhizomes
 Treat seed material with quinalphos (0.075%) (for 20-30 minutes) before storage and also before sowing in case the
infestation persists. Store rhizomes in sawdust along with dried leaves of Strychnos nux-vomica
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Minor pests
Adults and larvae of leaf feeding beetles such as Lema spp. feed on leaves especially during the monsoon season and form elongated
parallel feeding marks on them. Spraying of malathion (0.1%) undertaken for the management of shoot borer is sufficient to manage
this pest. The lacewing bug (Stephanitis typicus) infests the foliage causing them to turn pale and dry up. The pest infestation is more
common during the post monsoon period especially in drier regions of the country. Spraying dimethoate (0.05%) is effective in
managing the pest.

The turmeric thrips (Panchaetothrips indicus) infests the leaves causing them to roll, turn pale and gradually dry up. The pest
infestation is more common during the post monsoon period especially in drier regions of the country. Spraying dimethoate (0.05%) is
effective for the management of the pest.

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Organic production

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Technique of organic production

For certified organic production, at least 18 months the crop should be under organic management i.e. only the second crop of turmeric
can be sold as organic. The conversion period may be relaxed if the organic farm is being established on a land where chemicals were
not previously used, provided sufficient proof of history of the area is available. It is desirable that organic method of production is
followed in the entire farm; but in the case of large extent of area, the transition can be done in a phased manner for which a
conversion plan has to be prepared.

Turmeric as a best component crop in agri-horti and silvi-horti systems, recycling of farm waste can be effectively done when grown
with coconut, arecanut, mango, Leucaena, rubber etc. As a mixed crop it can also be grown or rotated with green manure/ legumes
crops or trap crops enabling effective nutrient built up and pest or disease control. When grown in a mixed cultivation system, it is
essential that all the crops in the field are also subjected to organic methods of production.

In order to avoid contamination of organically cultivated plots from neighbouring non-organic farms, a suitable buffer zone with definite
border is to be maintained. Crop grown on this isolation belt cannot be treated as organic. In sloppy lands adequate precaution should
be taken to avoid the entry of run off water and chemical drift from the neighbouring farms. Proper soil and water conservation
measures by making conservation pits in the interspaces of beds across the slope have to be followed to minimize the erosion and
runoff. Water stagnation has to be avoided in the low lying fields by taking deep trenches for drainage.

Management practices
For organic production, traditional varieties adapted to the local soil and climatic conditions that are resistant or tolerant to diseases,
pests and nematode infection should be used. All crop residues and farm wastes like green loppings, crop residues, grasses, cow dung
slurry, poultry droppings etc. available on the farm can be recycled through composting, including vermicomposting so that soil fertility
is maintained at high level. No synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides or fungicides are allowed under organic system. Farmyard
manure may be applied @ 40 t/ ha along with vermi compost @ 5-10 t/ha and mulching with green leaves @ 12-15 t ha-1 at 45 days
intervals. Based on soil test, application of lime/ dolomite, rock phosphate and wood ash has to be done to get required quantity of
phosphorus and potassium. When the deficient conditions of trace elements become yield limiting, restricted use of mineral/chemical
sources of micronutrients by soil application or foliar spray are allowed as per the limits of standard setting or certifying organizations.
Further, supplementation of oil cakes like neem cake (2 t/ha), composted coir pith (5 t/ha) and suitable microbial cultures of
Azospirillum and phosphate solubilizing bacteria will improve the fertility and yield.

Use of botanicals, biocontrol agents, cultural and phytosanitary measures for the management of insect pests and diseases forms the
main strategy under organic system. Spraying Neemgold 0.5% or neemoil 0.5% during July-October (at 21 day intervals) is effective
against the shoot borer.

Selection of healthy rhizomes, soil solarization and incorporation of Trichoderma, seed treatment and soil application of biocontrol
agents like Trichoderma or Pseudomonas multiplied in suitable carrier media such as coir pith compost, well rotten cow dung or quality
neem cake may be done at the time of sowing and at regular intervals to keep the rhizome rot disease in check. To control other foliar
diseases spraying of Bordeaux mixture 1% may be done restricting the quantity to 8 kg copper per hectare per annum. Application of
quality neem cake mentioned earlier along with the bioagents Pochonia chlamydosporia will be useful to check the nematode

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Under organic farming, processing methods also should be based
on mechanized, physical and biological processes to maintain the
vital quality of organic ingredient throughout each step of its
processing. All the ingredients and additives used in processing
should be of agriculture origin and certified organic. In cases
where an ingredient of organic agriculture origin is not available in
sufficient quality or quantity, the certification programme
authorizes use of non organic raw materials subject to periodic re-

Labelling should clearly indicate the organic status of the product

as “produce of organic agriculture” or a similar description when
the standards requirements are fulfilled. Moreover organic and
non-organic products should not be stored and transported
together except when labelled or physically separated.

Certification and labelling is usually done by an independent body to provide a guarantee that the production standards are met. Govt.
of India has taken steps to have indigenous certification system to help small and marginal growers and to issue valid organic
certificates through certifying agencies accredited by APEDA and Spices Board. The inspectors appointed by the certification agencies
will carry out inspection of the farm operations through records maintained and by periodic site inspections. Documentation of farm
activities is must for acquiring certification especially when both conventional and organic crops are raised. Group certification
programmes are also available for organized group of producers and processors with similar production systems located in
geographical proximity.

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Harvesting and processing

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Harvesting and processing
Well managed turmeric crop is ready for harvest in seven to nine months depending on the variety and time of sowing. The crop is
generally harvested during January to March. On maturity, the leaves turn dry and are light brown to yellowish in colour. In Kerala,
turmeric is grown in raised beds and harvesting is done either manually or by using a tractor. In case of manual harvesting, the land is
ploughed, the clumps are carefully lifted with spade and the rhizomes are gathered by hand picking. Harvesting with a tractor attached
to a turmeric harvester is followed when the raised beds are taken using a tractor. The harvested rhizomes are collected manually and
all the extraneous matter adhering to them is cleared.

Preservation of seed rhizomes

Rhizomes for seed purpose are generally stored by heaping in well ventilated rooms and covered with turmeric leaves. The seed
rhizomes can also be stored in pits with saw dust, sand along with leaves of Stychnos nux-vomica (Kanjiram). The pits are to be
covered with wooden planks with one or two openings for aeration. The rhizomes are to be dipped in quinalphos (0.075%) solution for
20-30 minutes if scale infestations are observed and in mancozeb (0.3%) to avoid storage losses due to fungi.

Post harvest processing

The harvested turmeric rhizomes before entering into the market is converted into a stable commodity through a number of post
harvest processing operations like boiling, drying and polishing. Boiling of turmeric is taken up within 3 or 4 days after harvest. The
fingers and bulbs (or mother rhizomes) are separated and are cured separately, since the latter take a little longer to cook. The dry
recovery of the different turmeric varieties vary widely ranging from 19 to 23%.

Boiling is the first post harvest operation to be performed at the
farm level which involves cooking of fresh rhizomes in water until
soft before drying. Boiling destroys the vitality of fresh rhizomes,
avoids the raw odour, reduces the drying time and yields uniformly
coloured product.

In the traditional method, a vessel made of galvanized iron sheet is

used for turmeric boiling. Boiling of turmeric rhizomes is carried out
till froth forms and white fumes come out of the pan with a characteristic odour. Boiling is considered complete by pressing a pointed
stick in to the rhizomes with slight pressure. The other indications of the completion of boiling process are softness and easy breaking
of rhizomes when pressed between the fore finger and thumb and a yellow interior instead of red one. An effective cooking time of 45
to 60 minutes for fingers and 90 minutes for mother rhizomes is considered essential. Overcooking and under cooking are found to
affect the quality of the rhizome.

Improved turmeric boiler using steam boiling technique is followed when large quantities of turmeric are to be cured. The TNAU model
of improved steam boiler for turmeric consists of a trough, inner perforated drums and lid. The outer drum is made of 18 SWG thick
mild steel to a size of 122 x 122 x 55 cm. A lid is provided with hooks for easy lifting and also provided with an inspection door. For
easy draining and cleaning, an outlet is placed at the bottom of the drum. Four numbers of inner drums of 48 x 48 x 45 cm size are
provided in the outer drum. The capacity of four inner drum is 100 kg. The inner drums are provided with a leg for a height of 10 cm, so
that the rhizomes will not come in contact with water filled for about 6-8 cm depth in the outer drum. The outer drum is placed with more
than half of its depth below the ground level by digging a pit, which serves as a furnace. This furnace is provided with two openings,
one for feeding the fuel and the other one for removing the ash and unburnt.

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After placing the turmeric boiler in the furnace, about 75 litres of water is added (6-8 cm depth). About 55 - 70 kg of well washed
rhizome is taken in each inner drum and placed in the boiler and the lid is placed in position. Using the available agricultural waste
materials, mostly, the turmeric leaves, fire is put in the furnace. During the boiling process, it takes about 25 minutes to produce steam
and boil the initial batch of rhizomes and 10 - 15 minutes for the subsequent batches. Through the inspection door, the stage of boiling
of the rhizome is assessed by pressing the rhizomes with a hard pin / needle.

Using a long pole, the lid is removed and the inner drums are lifted one by one. For the next batch, about 20 litres of water is added to
the outer drum, depending on the water lost by evaporation. The next batch of rhizomes is loaded in all the drums and heating is
continued. At the end of the boiling process, all the drums need to be cleaned free of mud and soil to avoid damage and enhance the
life of the gadget. The capacity of the boiler is about 100 kg per batch and the fuel requirement is 70 – 75 kg of agricultural waste

The cooked fingers are dried in the sun by spreading in 5-7 cm
thick layers on the drying floor. A thin layer is not desirable, as the
colour of the dried product may be adversely affected. During night
time, the material should be heaped or covered. It may take 10-15
days for the rhizome to become completely dry. The bulbs and
fingers are dried separately, the former takes more time to dry.
Turmeric should be dried on clean surface to ensure that the
product does not get contaminated by extraneous matter. Care
should be taken to avoid mould growth on the rhizomes. Rhizomes are turned intermittently to ensure uniformity in drying.

Solar tunnel driers covered by UV stabilized semi-transparent polyfilm sheet of 200 microns thickness can also be used for drying of
turmeric. The solar radiation is transmitted through plastic sheet, which has a transmissivity of 90%. The UV sheet is transparent to the
short wave radiations and opaque to long wave radiations. During the sunshine hours the short wave radiations are entrapped through
the UV sheet, heated by the black absorber at the bottom and is converted into long wave radiation. This conversion of short wave
radiation to long wave radiation causes an increase in the temperature inside the drier. Heat is transferred from the absorber to the air
above the absorber. The heated air from the bottom while passing over the products absorbs the moisture. Solar radiation which
passes through the transparent cover of the drier, also heats the products in the drier. This enhances the temperature and drying rate
of the produce inside the drier than in the ambient condition.

The yield of the dry product varies from 20-25% depending upon the variety and the location where the crop is grown. The starch
gelatinized during boiling shrink and during the drying process intercellular spaces increase, enhancing water diffusion and reducing
the drying time.

Polishing and colouring

Dried turmeric has poor appearance and rough dull outer surface with
scales and root bits. The appearance is improved by smoothening and
polishing the outer surface by manual or mechanical rubbing. Polishing is
done till the recommended polish of 7-8% is achieved. Usually 5 to 8% of
the weight of turmeric is the polishing wastage during full polishing and 2
to 3% during half polishing. Polishing of dried turmeric also helps in
removing the wrinkles.

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Manual polishing consists of rubbing the dried turmeric fingers on a hard surface. Manual polishing gives rough appearance and dull
colour to the dried rhizome. Sometimes, undesirable colouring materials are added during polishing to improve the colour and
appearance. But this is not recommended. In an improved method, polishing is done by using hand operated barrel or drum mounted
on a central axis, the sides of which are made of expanded metal screen. When the drum filled with turmeric is rotated, polishing is
effected by abrasion of the surface against each other as they roll inside the drum. The turmeric is also polished in power operated

Large scale polishing units with capacity to polish 500 to 1000 kg per batch is used for polishing turmeric rhizomes at commercial units.
It takes about 45-60 minutes per batch and about 4% is wasted as dust.

The colour of the processed turmeric influences the price of the produce. Hence, to obtain attractive product, turmeric powder is
sprinkled during the last phase of polishing.

Cleaning, grading, packing and Storage

Turmeric of commerce is described in three ways:
(a) Fingers: These are the lateral branches or secondary „daughter‟ rhizomes which are detached from the central rhizome
before curing. Fingers usually range in size from 2.5 to 7.5 cm in length and may be over 1 cm in diameter.
(b) Bulbs: These are central „mother‟ rhizomes, which are ovate in shape and are of shorter length and having larger diameter
than the fingers.
(c) Splits: Splits are the bulbs that have been split into halves or quarters to facilitate curing and subsequent drying.

Turmeric being a natural produce, is bound to gather contaminants during various stages of processing. The spice is also cleaned to
remove such foreign materials. A sifter, destoner, and an air screen separator will help remove materials such as stones, dead insects,
excreta, and other extraneous matter. Cleaned and graded material is packed generally in new double burlap gunny bags and stored
over wooden pallets in a cool, dry place protected from light. The stores should be clean and free from infestation of pests and
harborage of rodents. It is not recommended to apply pesticides on the dried/polished turmeric to prevent storage pests.

Preservation of seed
Rhizomes for seed are generally heaped under the shade of trees or in well-ventilated sheds and covered with turmeric leaves.
Sometimes, the heap is plastered over with earth mixed with cow dung. The seed rhizomes can also be stored in pits with sawdust.
The pits can be covered with wooden planks with one or two holes for aeration.
The yield of pure crop varies from 8000 to 10000 kg per acre. Under exceptionally favourable conditions, viz. abundant manuring and
copious irrigation it may be as high as 12000 kg per acre.
Sale price
The farm gate price of cured turmeric has been considered at Rs.25/kg.
Cost of cultivation
The cost of cultivation for 1.0 acre organic turmeric cultivation is Rs 34800/- per acre.
The percentage of margin / down payment to cost of development prescribed is 5, 10 and 15% for small, medium and large farmers
respectively. The rest of the cost of development will be provided as bank loan. Margin considered in the present model is 10%.The net
income from organic cultivation and curing of turmeric is Rs. 23900/-. The activity is technically feasible, financially viable and

Principal equipment:

Principal plant and equipments: Pulverizes, steam distillation unit, driers, batch wise solvent extraction units, miscella collection tanks,
solvent distillation unit, pulverization unit etc. Auxiliary equipments: boiler, weighing scales, solvent storage tank etc.

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Technological process of curcumin extraction plant
 The raw material of curcumin should be pre-treated into powder or small pieces. Then, pre-treated material will be loaded into
the extraction pot.

 Pour the solvent into extraction pot for counter current extraction

 Liquid extract from extraction pot is pumped into evaporation system

 Connect intake ports of extraction pot and compressor, and the residual solvent within residual material is gasifying, then

come into compressor. Through compressing, liquefaction and condensation, the solvent is saved for recycling. And the

extraction slag is discharged out from the sub-critical solvent system.

 Liquid extract goes into evaporation system, and the solvent is separated from extract through vacuum evaporation.

 Solvent will be recycled after compression and liquefaction. And, the extract is discharged from evaporation system.

 Stripping: Higher vacuum in the system assures the process at a low temperature and this is the step where the maximum
care is required to specifically attain the standard specifications and norms. Techniques of extractive distillation principles help
us in attaining lower values in Residual solvents.
 Finishing and Blending: The crude Oleoresins have to go through different blending to attain the specifications. Our
homogenizing equipments are world class and this ensures a homogenized blend. Packing is always in UN approved food
grade materials.
 Food safety: Our food safety programme includes control and elimination of possible Physical, Chemical and Biological
Hazards. Use all possible tools of food safety management systems like HACCP, GAP, Quality supplier Programme Etc.

 Capacity: To process 2 Tons raw materials / day (pepper/ginger/chilli/turmeric) Working – 300 days / annum

To set up a flexible extraction facility with large continuous extraction plants that can process up to 2 metric tons of raw material per
day, Food safe solvents like Hexane, Acetone, Ethanol, Methanol, Ethyl Acetate are only to be employed and water for extraction. The
plant is designed to follow all the food safety norms. There are clearly specified routes for movement of man, materials, finished
products and waste to avoid cross contamination at all stages

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Brief project economics

Estimate of for a model unit:


a. Land and land development – 5000 Sq. M 150000 2308

b. Building and civil construction - 600 Sq. M 1800000 27692

c. Plant and machinery for distillation 12500000 192308

d. Auxiliary items - Vessels, Motors, Material handling 1250000 19231

e. Other Fixed Assets - Utilities- Steam, Water, Power etc 800000 12308
f. Pre-operative and Preliminary expense 1500000 23077
g. Harvesting Vehicles etc 2500000
h Storage / Boiling / Drying 7500000
I Working capital margin 2500000 38462
Total project cost 30500000 315385

(a) This plant can process 2 tons of Raw material per day = 600 MT per anum
(b) 1 Acre of Land would normally yield 10000 Kg per anum out of which the DRY RECOVERY would be around 20%
(c) The yields of various products would be :

Average Yield per Dry

Hectare Crop duration recovery Curcumin Oleoresin Essential Oil
Curcuma longa 37.70 Tons 240-270 days 20.20% 7.20% 8.30% 5.20%

(d) Prices of Curcumin derivatives in the following pages

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Curcumin & Extracts Export PRICES

Port of Value Per Unit

date Description Destination Unit Quantity
Loading (INR) (INR)
EXTRACT) BATCH United Banglore
Nov222016 NOS.J160359 - 550KG, States Air Cargo KGS 550 45,19,655 8,218
Nov222016 NOS.J160359 - 175KG Australia Air Cargo KGS 175 14,38,087 8,218
Nov222016 NOS.J160359 - 230 Australia Air Cargo KGS 230 18,90,140 8,218
IN80 X 25 KG United Cochin
Nov222016 CARBOUYS States Sea KGS 2,000 1,36,61,560 6,831
95% (CURCUMIN Cochin
Nov222016 POWDER)- 14 DRUMS Peru Sea KGS 350 25,74,896 7,357
Nov222016 SCHEME (MEIS)) Germany Cochin KGS 176 12,77,763 7,260
Nov222016 SCHEME (MEIS)) Germany Cochin KGS 374 27,15,247 7,260
Nov222016 SCHEME (MEIS)) Germany Cochin KGS 110 7,98,602 7,260
Nov212016 DNSPDR 20%/EU-802 Germany Air Cargo KGS 40 5,14,541 12,864
PACKING : IN 22.68
Nov212016 BAGS States Sea KGS 25,016 32,46,795 130

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Nov212016 CURCUMIN 95% Iran Sheva Sea KGS 200 10,54,000 5,270
Nov192016 EXPORTS FROM INDIA States Coimbatore KGS 275 19,59,984 7,127
IN160 X 25KG
Nov192016 CARBOUYS Denmark Cochin Sea KGS 4,000 2,70,24,600 6,756
Nov192016 JAPAN SPEC. Japan Air Cargo KGS 550 42,41,277 7,711
CURCUMIN 95% Bombay
Nov182016 POWDER Brazil Air Cargo KGS 25 1,72,576 6,903
Nov182016 CURCUMIN 1.7-1.9% Taiwan Air Cargo KGS 1,005 1,29,386 129
Nov182016 50 LITRES States Cochin Sea KGS 150 11,82,576 7,900
Nov182016 CLK6298 Israel Cargo KGS 250 9,44,996 3,780
Nov172016 SCHEME (MEIS) Vietnam - Irugur ICD KGS 50 3,83,413 7,668
Nov172016 CURCUMA LONGA) Argentina Sheva Sea KGS 2,500 2,82,765 113

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Port of Per Unit
Date Description Destination Unit Quantity Value (INR)
Loading (INR)
CURCUMIN 95% Bombay
Nov182016 POWDER Brazil Air Cargo KGS 25 1,72,576 6,903
Nov182016 CLK6298 Israel Cargo KGS 250 9,44,996 3,780
BE/CUR/G/16030 (WE
Nov052016 SCHEME UNDER MEIS) Norway Air Cargo KGS 100 6,75,480 6,755
Nov052016 UNDER (MEIS) States Sea KGS 1,000 65,82,751 6,583
Nov032016 95% Germany Cochin KGS 20 1,58,400 7,920
Nov012016 95% (NB) States Cochin KGS 25 2,67,785 10,711
BE/CUR/G/16027 (WE
Oct252016 SCHEME UNDER MEIS) Norway Air Cargo KGS 100 6,75,480 6,755

95%) [FDA REG. Bombay
Oct212016 NO.:12476436198] France Air Cargo KGS 400 28,95,200 7,238
Oct192016 EXT.95%,DRY POWDER Hungary Cargo KGS 10 55,118 5,512
BY HPLC PURE Hyderabad
Oct192016 NATURAL) Vietnam Air Cargo KGS 100 7,03,974 7,040
Oct172016 95% Australia Air Cargo KGS 0 1,219 4,064
Oct172016 95% Australia Air Cargo KGS 0 429 2,978
Oct142016 CURCUMIN 95% Austria Air Cargo KGS 50 2,73,305 5,466
Oct142016 95%) Republic Air Cargo KGS 50 2,50,156 5,003
95% ( BATCH NO : Banglore
Oct102016 BE/CUR/P/16022-50KGS) Japan Air Cargo KGS 50 4,60,750 9,215
95% ( BATCH NO : Banglore
Oct102016 BE/CUR/P/16021) Japan Air Cargo KGS 25 2,27,081 9,083
95% (DC) BATCH
MFRG SEPT 2016 United Banglore
Oct042016 EXPDT:SEP 2019 Kingdom Air Cargo KGS 50 3,29,949 6,599

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Benefits of Curcumin

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Anti-Inflammatory Digestive Health

Research has discovered that turmeric may inhibit the activity and Curcumin may have a positive effect on helping maintain digestive
synthesis of cyclooxygenase and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX), which are health.
enzymes related to inflammation.4
In a study that involved five people affected with inflammatory
In one study conducted on rats, researchers discovered that curcumin bowel disease, researchers found out that curcumin helped improve
profoundly helped reduce joint inflammation.5 the symptoms of the participants.6

Eye Health Post-Surgical Recovery

In a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, patients Those who have just undergone surgery may experience pain and
affected with chronic anterior uveitis (inflammation of the uvea, or the tenderness at the site of operation, a problem that curcumin may
middle layer of the eye) were given 375 milligrams of curcumin three help with.
times a day for 12 days.
In one study, patients who received 400 milligrams of curcumin
Within two weeks, the participants experienced an improvement in three times a day for six days, as part of their postoperative
symptoms, with no reported side effects.7 treatments, experience an 84.2 percent decrease in pain intensity.8

Brain Health Lowered Cancer Risk

Recent research has explored the potential neuroprotective benefits of Interestingly, curcumin may help lower your risk of various types of
curcumin. cancers because of how it modulates genetic activity and
expression. Specifically, it has been found to help:
In one such study, researchers suggested that it may be effective
against Parkinson‟s disease, a neurodegenerative disease that causes •Inhibit the synthesis of a protein believed to play a role in the
your brain to gradually produce lower levels of dopamine, negatively formation of tumors.
affecting movement over time.
•Impede the transformation of cells from normal to tumor.
In vivo and in vitro experiments have found that curcumin targets multiple
degenerative pathways, mitochondrial dysfunction and protein •Destroy mutated cancer cells to prevent them from spreading
aggregation to restore striatal dopamine levels.9 throughout your body.

•Induce anti-angiogenesis, which is the prevention of producing

additional blood necessary for cancer cell growth.

Mental Health Skin Health

Aside from keeping your brain healthy, curcumin may help promote the Applying a curcumin-based cream on your skin may help keep it
healthy functioning of various mental aspects, such as emotional and healthy and prevent the development of skin diseases.
psychological wellbeing.
In a study that involved 10 subjects affected with vitiligo,
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study, 123 participants researchers subjected them to a procedure that combined UVB
diagnosed with major depressive disorder were given a placebo, a therapy and curcumin cream, which resulted in significant
curcumin-saffron mixture, a low-dose curcumin extract and a high-dose repigmentation.11
In another study, patients suffering from psoriasis were provided a
Results from the study indicate that those who took the curcumin and 450-gram curcumin supplement per day for 12 weeks. After the
curcumin-saffron combination exhibited improvements in symptoms study, two participants reported an 83 to 88 percent improvement of
compared to the placebo group.10 symptoms.12

Lowered Risk of Diabetes Cardiovascular Function

According to a study published in Diabetes Care, consuming curcumin Curcumin may help maintain normal heart function, according to
regularly may help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. several studies.

Over the course of nine months, researchers monitored 240 prediabetics In one example, researchers demonstrated that curcuminoids can
who were given either a placebo or a curcumin supplement. help decrease myocardial infarction in people who received
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).14
Results indicated that 16.4 percent of the group who were provided a
placebo had developed diabetes, whereas the curcumin group did not.13 In another study, researchers suggested that curcumin canPage help | 27
lower total cholesterol level, as well as LDL (bad) cholesterol

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