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Nama :

1. Dwi Endah Cahyati ( 2620152777 / 14 )

2. Ima Diah Lestari ( 2620152784 / 20 )
Class : 2D

This morning at 09.00 o’clock in Tarra Hospital Mawar Word no 5, nurse will
perform skin test to the patient. She is Endah, 25 years old. She would be taken an
appendectomy. Before surgery, patients have to do a skin test first to determine the
presence of drug allergy or not.

1. Pre – Interaction Phase

(nurse preparation equipments and hand washing)
2. Orientation Phase
Nurse : Good Morning Mrs.
Patient : Good Morning nurse.
Nurse : is your name Ms.Endah?
Patient : yes, My name is Endah.
Nurse : Ok. Can I see your number register in your hand?
Patient : Yes Nurse Of course. Here…..

(Nurse checking number register)

Nurse : How are you today? Did you get any sleep last night?
Patient : very well. Yes, I could sleep well last night
Nusre : Ok. I am nurse Ima and I am nurse here, now I want to do skin test
injection to you. The purpose is to find out if there you have an medicine
allergic or not letter I will injec in your arm, and little pain, but don’t
worry. so please cooperative with me
Patient : yes nurse with pleasure
Nusre : any question Mrs?
Patient : No thanks
Nurse : can I start now
Patient : of course nurse
(Nurse close the door, window and draw the partition and curtain)
3. Fase Kerja
Nurse : Excuse me, I will clean your hand with an alcohol swab and after that I 'll
injection medicine
Patient : I'm afraid nurse . Does’t it hurt?
Nurse : Oh it’s not hurt miss, take a relax,
(nurses already antibiotic medicine injection, put a needle with the hole facing up
and make an angle between 15-20 degree at the surface of the skin test)
(back to conversation, after nurse injecting antiobiotic medicine)
Patient : Nurse, are you done injection me?
Nurse : Yes, it’s done now, do you feel it’s hurt?
Patient : oh it’s just a little pain.
Nurse : Ok mrs I will mark the location of the puncture with pen. And don’t
scratching please. then I 'll waiting 10 minutes whether or not raised red
spots on the circle, if there is allergic to the medicine.
Patient : Ok I’am undestand .
Nurse : Yes mrs
Patient : Thank’s nurse for your information
Nurse : You are welcome

(nurse waiting and return tonthe nurse station)

(after 10 minutes nurse checking to the patient )

Nusre : can I see youre arm Mrs

Patient : of course nurse. Here
Nurse : Okay miss , there's no red spots on your hand and then you are not allergic to
the medicine.
Patient : Yes nurse, thank you.
Nurse : Yaps, you are welcome. I will return to The nurse station. Any question?
Patient : No, Thanks
Nurse : if you need help something, you can press the button beside the bed.
Patient : Alright nurse. Thank You
Nurse : youre welcome. And Get well soon mrs. 

(nursing care of to tools and hand washing. Nurse returned to the nurse station
and perform the nursing documentation in the patient record)

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