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A-1. A rigid body of mass m is moving in a circle of radius r with a constant speed v. The force on the
body is and is directed towards the centre. What is the work done by this force in moving the
body over half the circumference of the circle.
mv 2 mv 2 r 2
a) b) zero c) d)
r 2 r2 mv2
A-2. If the unit of force and length each be increased by four times, then the unit of energy in increased
a) 16 times b) 8 times c) 2 times d) 4 times
A-3. A man pushes wall and fails to displace it. He does
a) negative work b) positive but not maximum work
c) no work at all d) maximum work
A-4. A rigid body moves a distance of 10 m along a straight line under the action of a force of 5 N. If the
work done by this force on the body is 25 joules, the angle which the force makes with the direction
of motion of the body is
a) 0° b) 30° c) 60° d) 90°
A-5. A rigid body mass m kg is lifted uniformly by a man to a height of one metre in 30 sec. Another man
lifts the same mass uniformly to the same height in 60 sec. The work done on the body against
gravitation by them are in ratio
a) 1 : 2 b) 1 : 1 c) 2 : 1 d) 4 : 1
A-6. The work done in slowly pulling up a block of wood weighing 2 kN for a length of 10 m on a smooth
plane inclined at an angle of 15° with the horizontal by a force parallel to the incline is
a) 4.36 kJ b) 5.17 kJ c) 8.91 kJ d) 9.82 kJ
A-7. A 50 kg man with 20 kg load on his head climbs up 20 steps of 0.25 m height each. The work done by
the man on the block during climbing is
a) 5 J b) 350 J c) 1000 J d) 3540 J
 
A-8. A particle moves from position r  3i  2j  6k to position r  14iˆ  13jˆ  9kˆ under the action of
ˆ ˆ
force 4iˆ  ˆj  3kN. The work done by this force will be
a) 100 J b) 50 J c) 200 J d) 75 J
A-9. A ball is released from the top of a tower. The ratio of work done by force of gravity in first, second
and third second of the motion of the ball is
a) 1 : 2 : 3 b) 1 : 4 : 9 c) 1 : 3 : 5 d) 1 : 5 : 3
A-10. A block of mass m is suspended by a light thread from an elevator. The elevator is
accelerating upward with uniform acceleration a. The work done by tension on the
block during t seconds is (u = 0)
m m m
a) (g  a)at 2 b) (g  a)at 2 c) gat 2 d) 0
2 2 2
XIth Class Work, Power & Energy
B-1. A particle moves under the effect of a force
F = Cx from x = 0 to x = x1. The work done in the process is
a) Cx12 b) Cx 2 c) Cx1 d) zero
2 1
B-2. Two springs have their force constant as k1 and k2(k1 > k2). When they are stretched by the same
force up to equilibrium
a) no work is done by this force in case of both the springs
b) equal work is done by this force in case of both the springs
c) more work is done by this force in case of second spring
d) more work is done by this force in case of first spring
B-3. A position dependent force F = 7 – 2x + 3x2 newton acts on a small body of mass 2 kg and displaces
it from x = 0 to x = 5m. The work done in joules is
a) 70 b) 270 c) 35 d) 135
B-4. Two equal masses are attached to the two ends of a spring of spring constant k. The masses are
pulled out symmetrically to stretch the spring by a length x over its natural length. The work done
by the spring on each mass during the above pulling is
1 2 1 1 1
a) kx b)  kx 2 c) kx 2 d)  kx 2
2 2 4 4
B-5. A rigid body is acted upon by a horizontal force which is inversely proportional to the distance
covered ‘s’. The work done by this force will be proportional to
a) s b) s2 c) s d) none of these

B-6. The work done by the frictional force on a surface in drawing a circle of radius r on the surface by
a pencil of negligible mass with a normal pressing force N (coefficient of friction k) is
a) 4 r 2  k N b) 2r 2  k N c) 2rk N d) zero

B-7. A force acting on a particle varies with the displacement x as F = ax – bx2.

Where a = 1 N/m and b = 1 N/m2. The work done by this force for the first one meter (F is newtons,
x is in meters) is
1 2 3
a) J b) J c) J d) none of these
6 6 6
C-1. The kinetic energy of a body of mass 2 kg and momentum of 2 Ns is
a) 1 J b) 2 J c) 3 J d) 4 J
C-2. A particle of mass m at rest is acted upon by a force F for a time t. Its kinetic energy after an
interval t is
F2 t 2 F2 t 2 F2 t 2 Ft
a) b) c) d)
m 2m 3m 2m
C-3. The graph between the resistive force F acting a body and the distance covered
by the body is 25 kg and initial velocity is 2 m/s. When the distance covered by
the body is 4m, its kinetic energy would be
a) 50 J b) 40 J c) 20 J d) 10 J
XIth Class
C-4. A particle of mass 0.1 kg is subjected to a force which varies with distance
as shown in figure. If it starts its journey from rest at x = 0, its velocity
at x = 12 m is
a) 0 m/s b) 20 2 m / s
c) 20 3 m / s d) 40 m/s

C-5. A particle is dropped from a height h. A constant horizontal velocity is given to the particle. Taking
g to be constant every where, kinetic energy E of the particle with respect to time t is correctly
shown in

a) b) c) d)

C-6. A body starts from rest with uniform acceleration and acquires a velocity V in time T. The
instantaneous kinetic energy of the body after any time t is proportional to
a) (V/T)t b) (V2/T)t 2 c) (V2/T2)t d) (V2/T2)t 2
C-7. If v, p and E denote the velocity, momentum and kinetic energy of the particle, then
a) p = dE/dv b) p = dE/dt c) p = dv/dt d) none of these
C-8. A heavy stone is thrown from a cliff of height h with a speed v. The stone will hit the ground with
maximum speed if it is thrown
a) vertically downward b) vertically upward
c) horizontally d) the speed does not depend on the initial direction
C-9. The work done by all the forces (external and internal) on a system equals the change in
a) total energy b) kinetic energy c) potential energy d) none of these
C-10. A body moving at 2 m/s can be stopped over a distance x. If its kinetic energy is doubled, how long
will it go before coming to rest, if the retarding force remains unchanged ?
a) x b) 2x c) 4x d) 8x
C-11. A rod of length 1 m and mass 0.5 kg hinged at one end, is initially hanging vertical. The other end is now
raised slowly until it makes an angle 60° with the vertical. The required work is (use g = 10 m/s)
5 5 17 5 3
a) J b) J c) J d) J
2 4 8 4
C-12. A retarding force is applied to stop a train. The train stops after 80 m. If the speed is doubled, then
the distance travelled when same retarding force is applied is
a) the same b) doubled c) halved d) four times
C-13. A particle moves in a straight line with retardation proportional to its displacement. Its loss of
kinetic energy for any displacement x is proportional to
a) x2 b) e x c) x d) loge x
C-14. A block weighing 10 N travels down a smooth curved track AB joined
to a rough horizontal surface (figure). The rough surface has a friction
coefficient of 0.20 with the block. If the block starts slipping on the
track from a point 1.0 m above the horizontal surface, the distance
it will move on the rough surface is
a) 5.0 m b) 10.0 m
c) 15.0 m d) 20.0 m
XIth Class
C-15. A small mass slides down an inclined plane of inclination  with the horizontal. The co-efficient of
friction is m = 0x where x is the distance through which the mass slides down and 0 a constant.
Then the distance covered by the mass before it stops is
2 4 1 1
a)  tan  b)  tan  c) 2 tan  d)  tan 
0 0 0 0

D-1. A toy car of mass 5 kg starts from rest and moves up a ramp under the influenced of force F(F is
applied in the direction of velocity) plotted against displacement x. The maximum height attained
is given by

a) ymax = 20 m b) ymax = 15 m c) ymax = 11 m d) ymax = 5 m

D-2. The negative of the work done by the conservative internal forces on a system equals the change in
a) total energy b) kinetic energy c) potential energy d) none of these
D-3. ........ of a two particle system depends only on the separation between the two particles. The most
appropriate choice for the blank space in the above sentence is
a) kinetic energy b) total mechanical energy
c) potential energy d) total energy
D-4. A body is dropped from a certain height. When it loses U amount of its energy it acquires a velocity
‘v’. The mass of the body is
a) 2U/v2 b) 2v/U2 c) 2v/U d) U2/2v
D-5. A stone projected vertically up with a velocity u reaches a maximum height h. When it is at a
height of 3h/4 from the ground, the ratio of KE and PE at that point is (consider PE = 0 at the point
of projectory)
a) 1 : 1 b) 1 : 2 c) 1 : 3 d) 3 : 1
D-6. A bob hangs from a rigid support by an inextensible string of length l. If it is displaced through a
distance l (from the lowest position) keeping the string straight and then released. The speed of
the bob at the lowest position is
a) gl b) 3gl

c) 2gl d) 5gl

D-7. Figure shows a particle sliding on a frictionless track which terminates in a straight horizontal
section. If the particle starts slipping from the point A, how far away from the track will the
particle hit the ground ?
a) at a horizontal distance of 1 m from the end of the track.
b) at a horizontal of 2 m from the end of the track.
c) at a horizontal distance of 3 m from the end of the track.
d) insufficient information.
D-8. Two springs A and B (kA = 2kB) are stretched by applying forces of equal magnitudes at the four
ends. If the energy stored in A is E, that in B is
a) E/2 b) 2E c) E d) E/4
XIth Class
D-9. When a spring is stretched by 2 cm, it stores 100 J of energy. If it is stretched further by 2 cm, the
stored energy will be increased by
a) 100 J b) 200 J c) 300 J d) 400 J
D-10. A block of mass m is attached to two unstretched springs of spring constants k1 and k2 as shown in
figure. The block is displaced towards right through a distance x and is released. Find the speed of
the block as it passes through the mean position shown.

k1  k 2 k1  k 2
a) x b) x
m m(k1  k 2 )

k12  k 22 k13  k 22
c) x d) x
m(k12  k 22 ) m(k12  k 22 )
D-11. A spring when stretched by 2 mm its potential energy becomes 4 J. If it is stretched by 10 mm, its
potential energy is equal to
a) 4 J b) 54 J c) 415 J d) 100J
D-12. A spring of spring constant k placed horizontally surface is compressed against a block of mass m
placed on the surface so as to store maximum energy in the spring. If the coefficient of friction
between the block and the surface is , the potential energy stored the spring is
 2m 2g 2 22m2g 2  2m 2g 2 32mg 2
a) b) c) d)
k k 2k k
D-13. A wedge of mass M fitted with a spring of stiffness ‘k’ is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. A rod
of mass m is kept on the wedge as shown in the figure. System is in equilibrium. Assuming that all
surfaces are smooth, the
mg2 tan 2  m2g tan 2 
a) b)
2k 2k
m2g 2 tan 2  m2g 2 tan 2 
c) d)
2k k
D-14. A spring with spring constant k when stretched through 1 cm, the potential energy is U. If is
stretched by 4 cm. The potential energy will be
a) 4 U b) 8 U c) 16 U d) 2 U
D-15. The spring extends by x on loading, then energy stored by the spring is (if T is the tension in
spring and k is spring constant).
T2 T2 2k2 2T2
a) b) 2 c) 2 d)
2k 2k T k
D-16. A body of mass m dropped from a certain height strikes a light vertical fixed spring of stiffness k.
The height of its fall before touching the spring if the maximum compression of the spring is equal
to is
3mg 2mg 3mg mg
a) b) c) d)
2k k 4k 4k
D-17. A running man has half the kinetic energy of that of a boy of half of his mass. The man speeds up by
1 m/s so as to have same kinetic energy as that of the body. The original speed of the man will be
1 1
a) 2 m/s b)  2  1 m/s c) m/s d) m/s
 2  1 2
XIth Class
E-1. A car of mass ‘m’ is driven with acceleration ‘a’ along straight level road against a constant external
resistive force ‘R’. When the velocity of the car is ‘V’, the rate at which the engine of the car is
doing work will be
a) RV b) maV c) (R + ma)V d) (ma – R)V
E-2. The average power required to lift a 100 kg mass through a height of 50 metres in approximately
50 metres in approximately 50 seconds would be
a) 50 J/s b) 5000 J/s c) 100 J/s d) 980 J/s
E-3. A block of mass m is moving with a constant acceleration ‘a’ on a rough horizontal plane. If the
coefficient of friction between the block and plane is . The power delivered by the external agent
at a time t from the beginning is equal to
a) ma2t b)  mgat c) m(a + g)gt d) m(a + g)at
 ˆ m/s under the influence of a constant force
E-4. A particle moves with a velocity v  (5iˆ  3jˆ  6k)

F  (10iˆ  10jˆ  20k)N. The instantaneous power applied to the particle is
a) 200 J/s b) 40 J/s c) 140 J d) 170 J/s
E-5. An electric motor creates a tension of 4500 N in hoisting cable and reels it at the rate of 2 m/s.
What is the power of electric motor ?
a) g W b) 9 KW c) 225 W d) 9000 H.P.
E-6. A man M1 of mass 80 kg runs up a staircase in 15 s. Another man M2 also of mass 80 kg runs up the
stair case in 20 s. The ratio of the power developed by them (P1/P2) will be
a) 1 b) 4/3 c) 16/9 d) 9/16

a b
F-1. The potential energy of a particle in a field is U  2  , where a and b are constant. The value of
r r
r in terms of a and b where force on the particle is zero will be
a b 2a 2b
a) b) c) d)
b a b a
F-2. Potential energy v/s displacement curve of one demesnial conservative field is shown. Force at A
and B is respectively
a) positive, positive b) positive, negative
c) negative, positive d) negative, negative
F-3. The potential energy of a particle u varies with distance x as shown in
the graph. The force acting on the particle is zero at
a) C b) B
c) B and C d) A and D
F-4. The diagrams represent the potential energy U of a function of the inter-atomic distance r. Which
diagram corresponds to stable molecules found in nature.

a) b) c) d)

XIth Class
F-5. For the path PQR in a conservative force field (figure), the amount of work done in carrying a body
from P to Q and from Q to R are 5J and 2J respectively. The workdown in carrying the body from
P to R will be
a) 7 J b) 3 J
c) 21J d) zero

F-6. The potential energy for a force field F is given by U(x, y). The force acting on the particle of mass
 
m at  0,  is
 4
a) 1 b) 2 c) d) 0
F-7. A particle is taken from point A to point B under the influence of a force field. Now it is taken back
from B to A and it is observed that the work done in taking the particle from A to B is not equal to
the work done in taking it from B to A. If Wnc and Wc is the work done by non-conservative forces
and conservative forces present in the system respectively, K is the change in kinetic energy,
a) Wnc  U  k b) Wc  U c) Wnc  Wc  k d) All above correct


G-1. A force F  K(yiˆ  xj)
ˆ where K is a positive constant, acts on a particle moving in the x-y plane.
Starting from the origin, the particle is taken along the positive x-axis to the point (a, 0) and then

parallel to the y-axis to the point (a, a). The total work done by the force F on the particle is
a) –2Ka2 b) 2Ka2 c) –Ka2 d) Ka2
G-2. A pump motor is used to deliver water at a certain rate from a given pipe. To obtain “n” times
water from the same pipe in the same time, the amount by which the power of the motor should be
increased is
a) n2 b) n3 c) n4 d) n1/2
G-3. A wind-powered generator converts wind energy into electrical energy. Assume that the generator
converts a fixed fraction of the wind energy intercepted by its blades into electrical energy. For
wind speed v, the electrical power output will be proportional to
a) v b) v2 c) v3 d) v4
G-4. A particle, which is constrained to move along the x-axis, is subjected to a force in the same direction
which varies with the distance x of the particle from the origin as F(x) = –kx + ax3. Here k and a are
positive constants. For x > 0, the functional form of the potential energy U(x) of the particle is

a) b) c) d)

G-5. An ideal spring with spring-constant k is hung from the ceiling and a block of mass M is attached
to its lower end. The mass is released with the spring initially unstreched. Then the maximum
extension in the spring is
a) 4 Mg/k b) 2 Mg/k c) Mg/k d) Mg/2k
XIth Class
G-6. A particle moves under the influence of a force F = kx in one dimensions (k is a positive constant
and x is the distance of the particle from the origin). Assume that the potential energy of the
particle at the origin is zero, the schematic diagram of the potential energy U as a function of x is
given by

a) b) c) d)

G-7. Stateme nt-1

A block of mass m starts moving on a rough horizontal surface with a velocity v. It stops due to
friction between the block and the surface after moving through a certain distance. The surface is
now tilted to an angle of 30° with the horizontal and the same block is made to go up on the surface
with the same initial velocity v. The decrease in the mechanical energy in the second situation is
smaller than that in the first situation.
Stateme nt-2
The coefficient of friction between the block and the surface decreases with the increase in the
angle of inclination.
a) statement-1 is true, statemetn-2 is true; statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1
b) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true; statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1
c) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false
d) statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true
G-8. A block (B) is attached to two unstretched springs S1 and S2 with spring constants k and 4k,
respectively (see figure I). The other ends are attached to identical supports M1 and M2 not attached
to the walls. The springs and supports have negligible mass. There is no friction anywhere. The
block B is displaced towards wall 1 by a small distance x(figure II) and released. The block returns
and moves a maximum distance y towards wall 2. Displacements x and y are measured with respect
to the equilibrium position of the block B. The ratio y/x is

a) 4 b) 2 c) 1/2 d) 1/4
G-9. A light inextensible string that goes over a smooth fixed pulley as shown in
the figure connects two blocks of masses 0.36 kg and 0.72 kg. Taking g = 10
m/s2, find the work done (in joules) by the string on the block of mass 0.36 kg
during the first second after the system is released from rest.
a) 16 J b) 8 J
c) 24 J d) 4 J

XIth Class
G-10. A block of mass 50 kg is projected horizontally on a rough horizontal floor. The coefficient of friction
between the block and the floor is 0.1. The block strikes a light spring of stiffness
k = 100 N/m with a velocity 2 m/s. The maximum compression of the spring is
a) 1 m b) 2 m c) 3 m d) 4 m
G-11. A car of mass m starts moving so that its velocity varies according to the law v   s, where  is a
constant and s is the distance covered. The total work performed by all the forces which are acting
on the car during the first t seconds after the beginning of motion is
a) m4t2/8 b) m2t4/8 c) m4t2/4 d) m2t4/4
G-12. A block of mass m is placed in side a smooth hollow cylinder of radius R
whose axis is kept horizontally. Initially system was at rest. Now cylinder is
given constant acceleration 2g in the horizontal direction by external agent.
The maximum angular displacement of the block with the vertical is
a) 2 tan–12 b) tan–12 c) tan–11 d) tan–1(1/2)
G-13. A block of mass 250 g is kept on a vertical spring of spring constant 100 N/m fixed from below. The
spring is now compressed to have length 10 cm shorter than its natural length and the system is
released from this position. How high does the block rise ? Take g = 10 m/s2.
a) 20 cm b) 30 cm c) 40 cm d) 50 cm
G-14. In a projectile motion, KE varies with time as in graph

a) b) c) d)

G-15. If W1, W2 and W3 represent the work done in moving a particle from A to B
along three different paths 1, 2, 3 respectively (as shown) in the gravitational
field of a point mass m, find the correct relation between W1, W2 and W3
a) W1 > W2 > W3 b) W1 = W2 = W3
c) W1 < W2 < W3 d) W2 > W1 > W3
G-16. An open knife edge of mass ‘m’ is dropped from a height ‘h’ on a wooden
floor. If the blade penetrates upto depth ‘d’ into the wood, the average
resistance offered by the wood to the knife edge is
 h
a) mg b) mg 1  
 d
 h  h
c) mg 1   d) mg 1  
 d  d
G-17. A body is moved along straight line by a machine delivering constant power. The distance moved
by the body in time t is proportional to (u = 0)
a)t1/2 b) t3/4 c) t3/2 d) t2
G-18. The potential energy of a system is represented in the first figure,
the force acting on the system will be represented by

a) b) c) d)

XIth Class
G-19. Which of the following graphs is correct between kinetic energy (E), potential energy (U) and
height (h) from the ground of the particle (h << RE and U = 0 at h = 0)

a) b) c) d)

G-20. The graph between E and 1/p is (E = kinetic energy and p = momentum)

a) b) c) d)

G-21. The force acting on a body moving along x-axis varies with the position of the particle as shown in
the figure. The body is in stable equilibrium at

a) x = x1 b) x = x2 c) both x1 and x2 d) neither x1 nor x2

G-22. The graph between kinetic energy E and velocity v is

a) b) c) d)

G-23. A 10 kg is pulled in the vertical plane along a frictionless surface in the form of an arc of a circle of
radius 10 m. The applied force is os 200 N as shown in the figure. If the block started from rest at
A, the velocity at B would be

a) 3 m/s b) 10 3 m/s c) 100 3 m/s d) 3 10 m/s

[ 10 ]
A-1. The centre of mass of a body
a) lies always at the geometrical centre b) lies always inside the body
c) lies always outside the body d) lies within or outside the body
A-2. The centre of mass of the shaded portions of the disc is : (The mass is uniformly distributed in the
shaded portion) :
a) to the left of A b) to the left of A
20 12
c) to the right of A d) to the right of A
20 12
A-3. A thin uniform wire is bent to form the two equal sides AB and AC of triangle ABC, where
AB = AC = 5 cm. The third side BC, of length 6 cm, is made from uniform wire of twice the density
of the first. The distance of centre of mass from A is
34 11 34 11
a) cm b) cm c) cm d) cm
11 34 9 45
A-4. A semicircular portion of radius ‘r’ is cut from uniform rectangular plate as shown in figure. The
distance of centre of mass ‘C’ of remaining plate, from point ‘O’ is
2r 3r
a) b)
(3   ) 2(4   )
2r 2r
c) d)
(4   ) 3(4   )
A-5. A uniform solid cone of height 40 cm is shown in figure.
The distance of centre of mass of the cone from
point B (centre of the base) is
a) 20 cm b) 10/3 cm
c) 20/3 cm d) 10 cm
A-6. The centre of mass of a system of particles is at the origin. It follows that
a) the number of particles to the right of the origin is equal to the number of particle to the left
b) the total mass of the particles to the right of the origin is same as the total mass to the left of the origin
c) the number of particles on X-axis may be equal to the number of particles on Y-axis
d) if there is a particle on the positive X-axis, there must be at least one particle on the negative X-axis.
A-7*. A body has its centre of mass at the origin. The x-coordinates of the particles
a) may be all positive
b) may be all negative
c) may be all non-negative
d) may be positive for some particles and negative in other particles
[ 11 ]
XIth Class Centre of Mass & Collision
A-8*. In which of the following cases the centre of mass of a rod is certainly not at its centre ?
a) the density continuously increases from left to right
b) the density continuously decreases from left to right
c) the density decreases from left to right upto the centre and then increases
d) the density increases from left to right upto the centre and then decreases
A-9. A body of mass 1 kg moving in the x-direction, suddenly explodes into two fragments of mass 1/8 kg
and 7/8 kg. An instant later, the smaller fragment is 0.14 m above the x-axis. The position of the
heavier fragment is
a) 0.02 m above x-axis b) 0.02 m below x-axis c) 0.14 m below x-axis d) 0.14 m above x-axis


B-1. Two particles of mass 1 kg and 0.5 kg are moving in the same direction with speed of 2 m/s and 6 m/s
respectively on a smooth horizontal surface. The speed of centre of mass of the system is
10 10 11 12
a) m/s b) m/s c) m/s d) m/s
3 7 2 3
ˆ 1 and 2jms
B-2. Two particles of equal mass have initial velocities 2ims ˆ 1
. First particle has a constant

acceleration  ˆi  ˆj  ms2 while the acceleration of the second particle is always zero. The centre of
mass of the two particles moves in
a) circle b) parabola c) ellipse d) straight line
B-3. Two particle having mass ratio n : 1 are interconnected by a light inextensible string that passes
over a smooth pulley. If the system is released, then the acceleration of the centre of mass of the
system is
2 2
 n 1   n 1   n 1
a) (n – 1)2 g b)   g c)   g d)  g
 n 1   n 1   n 1 
B-4. A bomb travelling in a parabolic path under the effect of gravity, explodes in mid air. The centre of
mass of fragments will
a) move vertically upwards and then downwards
b) move vertically downwards
c) move in irregular path
d) move in the parabolic path which the unexploded bomb would have ravelled
B-5. If a ball is thrown upwards from the surface of earth
a) the earth remains stationary while the ball moves upwards
b) the ball remains stationary while the earth moves downwards
c) the ball and earth both movies towards each other
d) the ball and earth both move away from each other
B-6. Internal forces can change
a) the linear momentum but not the kinetic energy of the system
b) the kinetic energy but not the linear momentum of the system
c) linear momentum as well as kinetic energy of the system
d) neither the linear momentum nor the kinetic energy of the system
B-7*. If the external forces acting on a system have zero resultant, the centre of mass
a) must not move b) must not accelerate
c) may move d) may accelerate
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B-8. Two balls are thrown in air. The acceleration of the centre of mass of the two balls while in air
(neglect air resistance)
a) depends on the direction of the motion of the balls
b) depends on the masses of the two balls
c) depends on the speeds of the two balls
d) is equal to g
B-9. Two blocks of masses 10 kg and 30 kg are placed along a vertical line. The first block is raised
through a height of 7 cm. By what distance should the second mass be moved to raise the centre of
mass by 1 cm ?
a) 1 cm downward b) 2 cm downward c) 3 cm downward d) 4 cm downward
B-10. Mr. Verma (50 kg) and Mr. Mathur (60 kg) are sitting at the two extremes of a 4 m long boat (40 kg)
standing still in water. To discuss a mechanics problem, they comes to the middle of the boat.
Neglecting friction with water, how far does the boat move in the water during the process ?

20 40 80
a) cm b) cm c) cm d) 40 cm
3 3 3

C-1. Two particles A and B initially at rest move towards each other under a mutual force of attraction.
The speed of centre of mass at the instant when the speed of A is v and the speed of B is 2v is
a) v b) zero c) 2 v d) 3v/2
C-2. If the KE of a body becomes four times its initial value, then the new momentum will be more that
its initial momentum by
a) 50% b) 100% c) 125% d) 150%
C-3. A particle of mass 4m which is at rest explodes into three fragments. Two of the fragments each of
mass m are found to move with a speed ‘v’ each in mutually perpendicular directions. The energy
released in the process of explosion is
a) 2/3 mv2 b) 3/2 mv2 c) 4/3 mv2 d) 3/4 mv2
C-4. A 500 kg boat has an initial speed of 10 ms–1 as it passes under a bridge. At that instant a 50 kg man
jumps straight down into the boat from the bridge. The speed of the boat after the man and boat
attain a common speed is
100 10 50 5
a) ms1 b) ms1 c) ms1 d) ms1
11 11 11 11
C-5. A man of mass ‘m’ climbs on a rope of length L suspends below a balloon of mass M. The balloon is
stationary with respect to ground. If the man begins to climb up the rope at a speed vrel (relative to
rope). In what direction and with what speed (relative to ground) will the balloon move ?
mv rel mv rel
a) downwards, b) upwards,
mM mM
mv rel (M  m)v rel
c) downwards, d) upwards,
C-6. A shell is fired from a cannon with a velocity V at an angle  with the horizontal direction. At the
highest point in its path, it explodes into two pieces of equal masses. One of the pieces retraces its
path to the cannon. The speed of the other piece immediately after the explosion is
a) 3V cos b) 2V cos c) 3/2 V cos d) V cos
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D-1. Two blocks of masses m and M are moving with speeds v1 and v2 (v1 > v2) in the same direction on
the frictionless surface respectively, M being ahead of m. An ideal spring of force constant k is
attached to the backside of M (as shown). The maximum compression of the spring when the block
collides is

m M
a) v1 b) v 2
k k

c) (v1  v 2 ) d) none of above is correct
(M  m)K
D-2. Two masses m1 and m2 are connected by a spring of spring constant k and are placed on a frictionless
horizontal surface. Initially the spring is stretched through a distance x0 when the system is released
from rest. Find the distance moved by the two masses before they again come to rest.

2m2x 0 2m1x 0 2m2 x 0 2m1x 0 m2x 0 m1x 0 2m2 x 0 2m1x 0

a) m  m , m  m b) m  m , m  m c) m  m , m  m d) m  m , m  m
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


E-1. A ball of mass 50 gm is dropped from a height h = 10 m. It rebounds losing 75 percent of its kinetic
energy. If it remains in contact with the ground for t = 0.01 sec., the impulse of the impact force is
a) 1.3 N-s b) 1.05 N-s c) 1300 N-s d) 105 N-s
E-2. The area of F-t curve is A, where ‘F’ is the force on the mass due to the other.
If one of the colliding bodies of mass M is at rest initially, its speed just after
the collision is
a) A/M b) M/A c) AM d)
E-3. A bullet of mass m moving vertically upwards with a velocity ‘u’ hits the hanging block of mass ‘m’
and gets embedded in it. The height through which block rises after the collision, assume sufficient
space above block
a) u2/2g b) u2/g c) u2/8g d) u2/4g

E-4. Velocity of a particle of mass 2 kg varies with time t according to the equation v   2tiˆ  4jˆ  m/s . Here
is in seconds. Find the impulse imparted to the particle in the time interval from t = 0 to t = 2 s.

a) 10 iˆ m/s b) 15 iˆ m/s c) 8 iˆ m/s d) 4 iˆ m/s

E-5. A ball of mass 50 g moving at a speed of 2.0 m/s strikes a plane surface at an angle of incidence 60°.
The ball is reflected by the plane at equal angle of reflection with the same speed. Calculate the
magnitude of the change in momentum of the ball.
a) 0.5 kg-m/s b) 0.1 kg-m/s c) 1 kg-m/s d) 2 kg-m/s
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F-1*. In an elastic collision in absence of external force, which of the following is/are correct
a) the linear momentum is conserved
b) the potential energy is conserved in collision
c) the final kinetic energy is less than the initial kinetic energy
d) the final kinetic energy is equal to the initial kinetic energy
F-2*. A body is moving towards a finite body which is initially at rest collides with it. In the absence of
any external impulsive force, it is possible that
a) both the bodies come to rest
b) both the bodies come to rest
c) the moving body comes to rest and the stationary body starts moving
d) the stationary body remains stationary, the moving body changes its velocity
F-3*. A block moving in air explodes in two parts then just after explosion
a) the total momentum must be conserved
b) the total kinetic energy of two parts must be same as that of block before explosion
c) the total momentum must change
d) the total kinetic energy must increase
F-4*. In head on elastic collision of two bodies of equal masses
a) the velocities are interchanged
b) the speeds are interchanged
c) the momenta are interchanged
d) the faster body slows down and the slows body speeds up
F-5. A bullet of mass m = 50 gm strikes a sand bag of mass M = 5 kg hanging from a fixed point, with a

horizontal velocity v p . If bullet sticks to the sand bag then the ratio of final & initial kinetic
energy of the bullet is
a) 10–2 b) 10–3 c) 10–6 d) 10–4
F-6. In the arrangement shown, the pendulum on the left is pulled aside. It is
then released and allowed to collide with other pendulum which is at rest. A
perfectly inelastic collision occurs and the system rises to a height h/4. The
ratio of the masses (m/M) of the pendulum is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
F-7. There are hundred identical sliders equally spaced on a frictionless track as shown in the figure.
Initially all the sliders are at rest. Slider 1 is pushed with velocity v towards slider 2. In a collision
the sliders stick together. The final velocity of the set of hundred stucked sliders will be

a) v/99 b) v/100 c) zero d) v

F-8. A solid iron ball A of radius r collides head on with another stationary solid iron ball B of radius 2r.
The ratio of their speeds just after the collision (e = 0.5) is
a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1
F-9. A particle of mass m moves with velocity v0 = 20 m/sec towards a wall that is
moving with velocity v = 5 m/sec. If the particle collides with the wall elastically,
the speed of the particle just after the collision is
a) 30 m/s b) 20 m/s c) 25 m/s d) 22 m/s
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F-10. Two perfectly elastic balls of same mass m are moving with velocities u1 and u2. They collide
elastically n times. The kinetic energy of the system finally is
1m 2 1m 2 1 1
2n 1
u b)  u  u22 
2 n 1
c) m  u12  u22 
d) mn  u12  u22 
F-11. A super-ball is to bounce elastically back and forth between two rigid walls at a distance d from
each other. Neglecting gravity and assuming the velocity of super-ball to be v0 horizontally, the
average force being exerted by the super-ball on one wall is
1 mv 20 mv20 2mv 20 4mv 20
a) b) c) d)
2 d d d d
F-12. A massive ball moving with speed v collides head-on with a tiny ball at rest having a mass very less
than the mass of the first ball. If the collision is elastic, then immediately after the impact, the
second ball will move with a speed approximately equal to
a) v b) 2v c) v/2 d) 
F-13. A sphere of mass m moving with a constant velocity hits another stationary sphere of the same
mass. If e is the coefficient of restitution, then ratio of speed of the first sphere to the speed of the
second sphere after collision will be
1  e  1  e   e 1   e 1 
a)   b)   c)   d)  
1  e  1  e   e 1   e 1 
F-14. A ball of mass ‘m’, moving with uniform speed, collides elastically with another stationary ball.
The incident ball will lose maximum kinetic energy when the mass of the stationary ball is
a) m b) 2m c) 4m d) infinity
F-15. Three balls A, B and C are placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Given that mA = mC = 4mB. Ball B
collides with ball C with an initial velocity v as shown in figure. Find the total number of collisions
between the balls. All collisions are elastic.
a) 4 b) 2
c) 3 d) 5
F-16. A ball of mass m moving at a speed v makes a head on collision with an identical ball at rest. The
kinetic energy of the balls after the collision is 3/4 of the original kinetic energy. Calculate the
coefficient of restitution.
1 1 3 4
a) b) c) d)
2 2 4 3
F-17. A ball of mass 0.50 kg moving at a speed of 5.0 m/s collides with another ball of mass 1.0 kg. After
the collision the balls stick together and remain motionless. What was the velocity of the 1.0 kg
block before the collision ?
a) 5 m/s b) 10 m/s c) 2.5 m/s d) 2 m/s


G-1. If the force on a rocket which is ejecting gases with a relative velocity of 300 m/s, is 210 N. Then the
rate of combustion of the fuel will be
a) 10.7 kg/sec b) 0.07 kg/sec c) 1.4 kg/sec d) 0.7 kg/sec
G-2. A rocket of mass m = 20 kg has M = 180 kg fuel. The uniform exhaust velocity of the fuel is vr = 1.6 km/s.
Calculate the minimum rate of consumption of fuel so that the rocket may rise from the ground.
a) 5 kg/s b) 10 kg/s c) 1.25 kg/s d) 2.5 kg/s
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H-1. Find the position of centre of mass of the uniform planner sheet shown
in figure with respect to the origin(O)
a) (5a/6, 5a/6) b) (6a/5, 5a/6)
c) (5a/6, 6a/5) d) (5a/3, 6a/4)
H-2. Seven homogeneous bricks, each of length L, are arranged as shown in figure.
Each brick is displaced with respect to the one in contact by L/10. Find the x
coordinate of the centre of mass relative to the origin O shown.
a) 21L/35 b) 22L/35
c) 23L/35 d) 24L/35
H-3. A uniform disc of radius R is put over another uniform disc of radius 2R of the same thickness and
density. The peripheries of the two discs touch each other. Locate the centre of mass of the system
from the centre of large disc.
a) R/4 towards smaller disc b) R/2 towards smaller disc
c) R/5 towards larger disc d) R/5 towards smaller disc
H-4. A square plate of edge d and a circular disc of diameter d are placed touching each other at the
midpoint of an edge of the plate as shown in figure. Locate the centre of mass of the combination
from the contact point, assuming same mass per unit area for the two plates.
d(4   ) d(4   )
a) right of the contact point b) left of the contact point
2(4  ) 2(4  )
d(4  ) d(4  )
c) right of the contact point d) left of the contact point
2(4  ) 2(4  )
H-5. A thin uniform sheet of metal of uniform thickness is cut into the shape
bounded by the line x = a and y =  kx2, as shown. Find the coordinates of the
centre of mass.
a) 3/2 a b) 3/9 a
c) 3/4 a d) 3/5 a
H-6. A uniform chain of mass m and length  hangs on a thread and touches the surface
of a table by its lower end. Find the force exerted by the table on the chain when
half of its length has fallen on the table. The fallen part does not form heap.
a) 3/2 mg b) 3/4 mg
c) 3/5 mg d) 3/9 mg
H-7. A ball moving transitionally collides with another, stationary, ball of the same mass. At the moment
of impact the angle between the straight, line passing through the centres of the balls and the
direction of the initial motion of the striking ball is equal to  = 45º. Assuming the balls to be
smooth, find the fraction  of the kinetic energy of the striking ball that turned into potential
energy at the moment of the maximum deformation.
a) 0.25 b) 0.5 c) 0.6 d) 0.025
H-8. Ball 1 collides head on with an another identical ball 2 at rest. Velocity of second ball after collision
becomes two times that of 1 after collision. The coefficient of restitution between the two balls is:
a) e = 1/3 b) e = 1/2 c) e = 1/4 d) e = 2/3

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H-9. The spacecraft of mass M moves with velocity V in free space at first, then it explodes breaking
into two pieces. If after explosion a piece of mass m comes to rest, the other piece of space craft
will have a velocity:
a) MV/(M–m) b) MV/(M+m) c) mV/(M–m) d) mV/(M+m)
H-10. A bullet of mass m strikes a block of mass M connected to a light spring of stiffness k, with a speed
V0. If the bullet gets embedded in the block then, the maximum compression in the spring is:
1/ 2 1/2
 m 2 v 20   Mmv 20 
a)   b)  
 M  m k   2M  m k 
1/2 1/ 2
 Mv 20   Mv 2 
c)   d)  
 2M  m k   M  m k 
H-11* A ball moving with a velocity v hits a massive wall moving towards the ball with a velocity u. An
elastic impact lasts for a time  t.
mu  v 
a) The average elastic force acting on the ball is
2mu  v 
b) The average elastic force acting on the ball is
c) The kinetic energy of the ball increases by 2mu(u+v)
d) The kinetic energy of the ball remains the same after the collision
H-12. On a frictionless surface, a ball of mass m moving at a speed v makes a head on collision with an
identical ball at rest. The kinetic energy of the balls after the collision is 3/4th of the original. Find
the coefficient of restitution.
1 3 1 4
a) b) c) d)
3 4 2 3
H-13. A ball is moving with velocity 2 m/s towards a heavy wall moving towards
the ball with speed 1m/s as shown in fig. Assuming collision to be elastic,
find the velocity of the ball immediately after the collision.
a) 3 m/s b) 4 m/s c) 6 m/s d) 1 m/s
H-14. A ball is approaching to ground with speed u. If the coefficient of restitution
is e then find out the velocity just after collision.
a) eu b) e 2u
c) u/e d) 2eu
H-15. In the previous question find the impulse exerted by the normal due to ground on the ball.
a) mu(1 – e) b) mu(1 + e) c) mu(2 + e) d) emu
H-16. If the chain is lowered at a constant speed v = 1.2 m/s, determine the normal
reaction exerted on the floor as a function of time. The chain has a mass of 80
kg and a total length of 6 m.
a) (16t + 9.8) N vertically upward
b) (16t + 9.8) N vertically downward
c) (16t + 19.2) N vertically downward
d) (16t + 19.2) N vertically upward
H-17. Find the mass of the rocket as a function of time, if it moves with a constant acceleration a, in
absence of external forces. The gas escaps with a constant velocity u relative to the rocket and its
initial mass was m0.
a) m eat /u b) m et/au c) m 0 e at /u d) m 0 ea/tu

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