How To Uninstall Specific Windows Updates Via CMD or Batch File in Windows 7 - 8 and Server 2008 - 2012

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How to: Uninstall specific Windows Updates via CMD or batch file in
Windows 7/8 and Server 2008/2012

Ed Grauel
May 30, 2013 1 Minute Read
Spice (25)
Reply (14)
The wusa command allows admins to uninstall specific Windows Updates from a CMD prompt or by use of a
batch file.

I have found this useful to remove IE Cumulative Security Updates that cause compatibility issues with legacy
Java applications, and will use the KB for an IE 8 Cumulative Security Update as an example.

3 Steps total
Step 1: Locate KB number of the patch you wish to
Open Programs and Features from the Control Panel of a system that has the desired update installed and
click "View Installed Updates" and locate the update. The KB number will be listed in parenthesis at the end of
the name.

Step 2: Open CMD Prompt or Notepad

These commands can be run directly from the CMD prompt, or can be saved as a .bat file from notepad for
use on multiple machines. I recommend creating a .bat file and changing the KB number as needed.

This will run the uninstall without any open windows, and will not prompt for a reboot:

@echo off
wusa /uninstall /kb:2744842 /quiet /norestart

If you are manually running the script on a number of computers that you want to reboot after the uninstall,
just change the /norestart switch to /forcestart:

@echo off
wusa /uninstall /kb:2744842 /quiet /forcestart

Step 3: Block the undesired update from installing

on the PC
This will vary based on your patch management. If using WSUS, you will need to block the patch there, or if
each PC is receiving automatic updates, you will need to block the patch by opening Control Panel -->
Windows Updates and checking for updates, then right click the undesired update and choose to hide it.

Microsoft Description of the WUSA Command

Related Discussion Groups:

Windows 7
Windows 8

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Ed Grauel
Ed GrauelNetwork/Systems AdministratorCleveland, OH11 years in IT

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aleksandarblagojevic2 Apr 5, 2015 at 6:31pm

@echo off
wusa /uninstall /kb:/quiet /norestart
Thanks a Lot !!!

danstevenson2 Nov 11, 2015 at 7:23pm

Thanks for the info! Just came across this after the latest updates starting causes crashes for some of our
Outlook users. Here is a simple bat script to check for and uninstall an update that is causing problems, just
replace the KB number with the number of the one you need to uninstall:

Now that Microsoft released a fixed version of KB3097877 uninstalling shouldn't be necessary but I
updated my original script to show how to completely remove the packages left behind so an update
wouldn't automatically get reinstalled after the next boot. The script assumes the current user is
administrator but could be edited for any user. This may come in handy for the next update that MS
botches :-)

@echo off
if exist c:\windows\servicing\packages\package_for_KB3097877* (
echo Found updates that must be removed, please wait...
wusa /uninstall /kb:3097877 /quiet /norestart
takeown /F c:\windows\servicing\packages\*KB3097877*.*
icacls c:\windows\servicing\packages\*KB3097877*.* /grant Administrator:D
del c:\windows\servicing\packages\*KB3097877*.*
shutdown /r /f /t 60 /c "Windows will restart in one minute, save your work and close your files now!"
) ELSE (
echo No updates need to be removed

Danny in San Jose Nov 12, 2015 at 5:35pm

Also found this looking for a way out of the KB3097877 issue. Works great! Dan Stevenson's version gives
your users 1 minute to close everything prior to reboot.
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Lauren7060 Nov 13, 2015 at 11:53am
I am trying to remove KB3097877 using WinPE command line and the wusa /uninstall /kb:3097877. When I
run this I get the error The subsystem needed to supper the image type is not present. Ideas?!?

danstevenson2 Nov 13, 2015 at 12:05pm

I'm not very familiar with WinPE, maybe this thread will help:

TEKinaka Nov 13, 2015 at 3:15pm

danstevenson2 - Thanks for the script! Works beautifully. We ran into the Outlook problem on Windows 7
systems too, mostly on computers that are not checking in with WSUS (remote laptops, etc).

One thing i'd like to add to your script is the PAUSE option at the bottom past the end closing parenthesis.

Not sure if this happens on everyone's systems, but on my test computer if KB3097877 is not installed the
CMD window just closes instantly and users / support staff never see the "No updates need to be
removed". With the PAUSE there you get a press any key to continue message which is end user friendly :-)

danstevenson2 Nov 13, 2015 at 3:27pm

aaronekinaka - Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated :-)

I didn't add a pause to the script because in our environment this script was just being called by our
primary login script and I try to keep user interaction to a minimum. I really only added the "No updates
needed to be removed" for myself so I could see if the script was working. Of course there is no harm in
adding a pause if you like to see the message. :-)

TEKinaka Nov 13, 2015 at 3:54pm

^^^ touche! Logon script would be best for quick removal using a GPO. Thanks again for doing the legwork
on this one, i'll keep this bat file handy for any future KB's that need to be pulled quickly.

Eddie760 May 11, 2016 at 10:51am

with this script from danstevenson2
I get the error that it cannot delete the c:\windows\servicing\packages\...
even I login as Admin full right.

@echo off
if exist c:\windows\servicing\packages\package_for_KB2868116* (
echo Found updates that must be removed, please wait...
wusa /uninstall /kb:KB2868116 /quiet /norestart
takeown /F c:\windows\servicing\packages\*KB2868116*.*
Cookies help us deliver our services. By using /grant
icacls c:\windows\servicing\packages\*KB2868116*.* our services you agree to our use of cookies.
del c:\windows\servicing\packages\*KB2868116*.*
Okclose your files now!"
shutdown /r /f /t 60 /c "Windows will restart in one minute, save your work and
) ELSE (
echo No updates need to be removed

Found updates that must be removed, please wait...

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

"c:\windows\servicing\packages\" now
owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

now owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

"c:\windows\servicing\packages\" now
owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

now owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

"c:\windows\servicing\packages\" now
owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

now owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

"c:\windows\servicing\packages\" now
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SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

now owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

now owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

"c:\windows\servicing\packages\" now
owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".

SUCCESS: The file (or folder):

"c:\windows\servicing\packages\Package_for_KB2868116~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~" now
owned by user "EB\121STU21X2421$".
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Successfully processed 12 files; Failed processing 0 files Ok
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danstevenson2 May 11, 2016 at 11:23am


Try replacing "Administrator" with your user name in the line:

icacls c:\windows\servicing\packages\*KB2868116*.* /grant Administrator:d

When I created the script I was logged in using the built in Administrator account.

Capef3ar Jun 24, 2016 at 11:02am

Thanks for the great write up; helped out a lot!

ITJoeIT Jun 24, 2016 at 1:01pm

What if you need to add it to shared logon scripts and all the users do not have admin privileges? Any way
around that?

danstevenson2 Jun 24, 2016 at 3:13pm


Maybe the post by Lauren7060 in this thread will help:

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ronboswell Jul 19, 2016 at 12:27pm
Computer startup scripts run with local admin rights by default, so I would just run it as a startup script
instead of a login script.

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