Responsibilities An Employer Must Impose To His Employees at The Work Place

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Question 3:

a) There are several mitigating steps that should be taken among the employees in the
warehouse section of the factory. First and foremost, ensure that all employees
understand the potential hazards a forklift or other warehouse machines present and
never get too comfortable. Remain cautious and careful when operating any machine.
Always follow the specific instructions provided for the equipment and avoid
situations where a forklift accident is likely. Then, every warehouse employee must
take care of their bodies. Also, always make sure your employees understand the
importance of proper techniques and always watchful of their every steps they make.
Constant mistreatment will lead to pain and injury. Next, proper forklift operator
training is an essential part of using forklifts safely in a warehouse. Before an
employee can operate a forklift in the warehouse, the employer must evaluate the
forklift operator’s performance and determine if the employee can operate the forklift

b) Responsibilities an employer must impose to his employees at the work place:

 Provide a workplace free from serious recognized hazards and comply with standards, rules and
regulations issued under the OSH Act.
 Examine workplace conditions to make sure they conform to applicable Osha Standards.
 Make sure employees have and use safe tools and equipment and properly maintain this
 Use colour codes, posters, labels or signs to warn employees of potential hazards.
 Establish or update operating procedures and communicate them so that employees follow safety
and health requirements.
 Employers must provide safety training in a language and vocabulary workers can understand.
 Employers with hazardous chemicals in the workplace must develop and implement a written
hazard communication program and train employees on the hazards they are exposed to and
proper precautions (and a copy of safety data sheets must be readily available).
 Provide medical examinations and training when required.
 Keep records of work-related injuries and illnesses.

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